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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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that looks cheap on the sum of the parts. >> karen. >> yes, as much as i love netflix and they have won the streaming wars for sure, i have to sell upside calls. >> dan. >> software, i would be a little cautious. >> tnkhas for watching "fast." "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. >> hey i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to cramer. i'm just trying to make money. my job. not just enter stain entertain but put it in perspective. i get up 3:30. some to do work.
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most important a lot is for the top ten things to watch memo i write every day for investing club members. that's where i highlight what the big shots are working. it's that mountain of research that matters. you see the season won't get going until friday. i like multiple upgrades and price target hikes. right now in the absence of earnings they often determine the absence of days like today. so many other days lately most of the big calls were about the same stocks we talk about all the time. the apples, lilies, they are all positive. you know what? i don't know if you can really understand this. this -- most of the time these recommendations are working. they have the intended effect. they are moving stocks higher.
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the endless buy recommendations are the major reason why we keep getting the new records in the market and the individual stocks. it's a chief reason why the tech is doing so great so many days of the week. the cheerleading. the stocks, they continue to roar. so let's review just one day. one day so you know why stocks just keep working their way hard. it is been a couple days since nvidia had any champions but today a full court press against any remaining skeptics. and key bank races price target talking about how the demand is extraordinary. by that i mean insane. it's the blackwell formulation. the chips and their company systems have turned out to be even more popular than we expected when they first rolled them out at the gtc conference. the fair i went to where i couldn't have been more bullish
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i wasn't bullish enough. plenty wonder if blackwell could cause a major problem. if the new chips so strong why would you go buy the current ones when you just wait for them to shop them in the fall? just as the amazing cfo told us, there are no transition worries. the current ones work well with blackwell. positive, demand for blackwell which allows ai to be fed not just text but video is so strong that you have to wonder if it'll be stronger than first thought. it doesn't hurt that blackwell is a software platform. they make the chip and the eco system. you know what that means? higher gross margins. they are talking about 200 billion dollars in data center sales for 2025 which is 60 billion-dollar monday the consensus people are looking for. data center investment is
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accelerating. champion morgan put out a -- get this. microsoft is taking 28%. 14%. amazon, each taking 10%. google 7%. with customers like that they can turn upwards of $35,000. ben has been right the whole way. said money matters under wait the company stock. they need to buy more if they want to more accurately mirror the sp500. do you think you want to see investors. one of the greatest preforming stocks of all time? they have the rest of the year to do buying before clients find out. i think that finally working through the churn that came from the 10 for 1 stock split. that can take longer than i thought. if it were just nvidia i would talk about something else. i saw bank of america had a map on the apple app store. the fabulous -- i recognize we were petting a solid reason to
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feel optimism even up here for apple. the f1 movie a block buster could be the first to move the needle for apple tv plus streaming services. a lock buster and it costs less than going to the theater too take apple plus. i think it's going to mean something. meta and google needed good news. gold map sach's gave it to us saying things are looking up for their digital advertising. digital advertising is very strong and will benefit from comparisons from last year. goldman likes what it sees with the use of ai across the digital advertising space. that's what the research department is doing. last time we got -- i don't know if you caught it he was worried about the government breaking up amazon. i don't think that's likely. right on time we have a note from jeffreys giving us the sum
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of the parts. its been 18% more now than if they broke it up. web services and amazon advertising and no the stock won't be hit by all the stock we learned later tonight. jeff bezos so. that's something that people do. jeffrey points out their cloud business is going gang busters. accelerating previous quarters. he said advertising is a stable 20% with option from prime video. the massive -- for the pandemic is behind them. he note that amazon keeps getting in market share. getting prodetect to -- you know how quickly it comes down. the stock selling at a 20% discount to its ten year average. 235. stocks under $200. incredible. phil was busy. he played out the survey of 40 investment officers. they must be more fun than a barrel of monkeys. cloud spending is biased to a
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double digit increase with ai being a material driver. get this. microsoft's azure is edging out amazon web services. remember when amazon was at -- the bull to itself. this is incredible. these are the stock that dominate the market. today i heard someone say that this is just like a concentration of companies that led the market in the year 200 which of course means -- this is one time i'm happy be a grizzled veteran. i will tell you that unlike the leaders of bubble these are insanely comparable companies that i'm talking about and they keep innovating. they are rational reasons. sure i don't want people to pay more for the same business over and over. that's called multiple expansion. don't like it. these companies pivoting, giving you real reasons to boost price. that wasn't the case but at all
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back in 2000. then they just issued disappointment after disappointment after disappointment. they were the opposite of these businesses. the bottom line. there are many things you can call these mega cap companies. unlike 2000 over valued, ain't one of them. danny in california. dan. >> thank you very, very much for everything you do for the little guy. >> thank you. thank you. >> my question is regarding celsius and it has dropped in the last 45 days. the only thing that i can find out is that one of the people who owns 10% of the company sold $25 million worth of his stock. that's all i know and i don't understand why it's dropped some more. >> there had been a decline in
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the growth rate. very subtle in the last few -- in the last few weeks and also a story about how their stuff was discounted at the club stocks, the -- at the cosco kind of thing. the numbers that came out this morning were more missive. i'm not giving up on them. i think it's a very interesting story. thank you for the works. let's go to mark in washington. mark. >> hey jim, thank you for taking my call. >> of course. >> i have been holding onto edon for two years and watched a great run up. is it time to sell for go longer? >> no. you want to own etan. we have a nice position on for that and he with have been telling people look. when you hear data center growth they should be one of the ways you played it. i know its stalled here. remember it's not going be one and at same it's a great industrial that i think has a very good next couple of years.
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barbara in new york. >> hi. >> barbara. >> i would like to know what you think of constellation. >> i like them very much. that's nuclear. it's clean. i will give you two for. the chapl trust, constellation brands. we had to trim because we didn't like the kept the wine and the spirits. there you go. all right. now, look. this there's a lot you can call these but over priced, no. ain't one of them. mad money. test the shares. i know you care about that. electric -- but could the rally continue? then i'm going bargin hunting. it's time to circle back to two stocks that i really like and i'm not going to mention their names and roller coaster of prophets. what the merger between seafair and section flags means for you. stay with cramer.
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[busy hospital background sounds] this healthcare network uses crowdstrike to defend against cyber attacks and protect patient information. but what if they didn't? [ominous background sounds] this is what it feels like when cyber criminals breach your network. don't risk the health of your business. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. - [narrator] we're coming together for our yearly service project don't risk the health of your business. and running a t-shirt fundraiser through custom ink to help the cause. plus, their design services team helped us get a design we love. come together for a cause. get started today at
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate.
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"soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. in case you missed it tesla is on fire again. in the past four weeks this stock rallied 54% with companies march -- from fiber and $44 billion. a lot of people -- to north of $836 billion. that is staggering. with today's 3.7% gain it's now
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up for ten straight sessions, people. in fact when the stock bottomed in april it was down 44%. it felt like everybody -- on the market ev industry. after its run tesla is up more than 5% for the year. those who -- they have been crushed. what happened to get them behaving like that again and can the stock main tin it's momentum? tesla -- elon musk the pay package last month. there was a real feel that musk might loose the vote and then -- let's just say if he lost it a lot of investors very worried that he might end of devoting much less time to the company. that's a threat that was averted. no matter how you feel about musk if you are a share holder you want him working petroleum time. it got rid of a major source of uncertainty. that kicked off the monster run. second we know the electric vehicle business is doing great
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for anyone including tesla. musk got his investors to go past the current state of the core business. he directed his focus to their future. especially robo tax is. he was doing this back in april when tesla reported first quarter results. the stocks soared in responses. he talked about these new technologies-- that's just too along the way there have been incredible wins but they are small but they are big that make the future seem more plaus ib le. when tesla wanted approval to -- its system in chain a i thought that was significant. so musk got the investors to focus on what's to come rather than what's happening right now. that contributed to the first portion of the stock's huge move. that brings me to it th started to stabilize.
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last does company reported -- and they surprised to the upside. nearly four and 44,000 who have reached wall street was looking for -- a list. that's not a big number. it represents the 5% decline year over year. everything is relative in this business. the number was -- it was the improvement from the previous quarter. in fact when you look at the quarter to quarter comparisons they were up 15%. at the same time the second quarter vehicle production number was 410,000 -- 410831 vehicles and that was way below deliveries. positive because it means that tesla won't have any inventory problem. you need to start discounting the product. tesla does the discount. that's off the table. there was one more item in this second quarter update. tesla deployed 9.4gigawatts of products in the quarter. that's something morgan stanley called a show stealer.
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he was expecting barely more than half that. remember we have endless demand for power from all the ai powered data centers and companies want to use renewables. wind and solar aren't reliable without storage. finally there's one more reason tesla has been roaring. i'm less excited about this one. retail investors have fallen in love with the stock again. we have seen the meme stock coho rt try to make a come back. they tried to bring back game stop. roaring kitty tried to bull up kitty and that didn't last a day. many of the memestars have returned to tesla. you can see it when you look at the have the i'm. that's where the action is. the most aggressive home gamers have found their way to options over the past couple of years. especially short term options that expire in a day or less. earlier last week we went in to
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the options trader to be the most bullish that they have been in three years. just yesterday jason noted that the options volume was double the ten day average. that's a big insight most people missed. that's helped push the stock up from behind the scenes. that is -- how we got here. what comes next? who knows. the bulls are certainly in charge and given the way it's been training i think anyone tries to short tesla. ly send out some funeral invitations beforehand to those who want to short it. just so they have more on hand. when i see what's been driving this rally, got to worry. ten straight days up? tesla has two big cows coming. the full second quarter earnings and then that big robotaxi event. while we know tesla beat the estimates we only found out how they pulled it off when it had the complete results. i don't -- dropping average
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selling prices which will mean it was only able to hit its targets with heavy discount. the conference calls a wild card. who knows what musk will say. he got more kind of rational lately. even with a drop in average selling prices he could say the cyber truck is selling great. as long as the -- base is on board the guy is pull a rabbit out of a hat. david blaine. given that wall street is less concerned about the current core business. i think the robotaxi showcase may be the more important event. how tesla can -- in a world where full self driving highly regulated could only become big especially in china. in the end it's a big event this could go either way. if it fails to impressive expect the stock to get hit. i'm focused on self driving and china which i think will be very big. it's nice to see t esla
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running. i worry about how long the rally can last. i say we defer judgment. let's wait until we see the full quarter in a couple of weeks and then the big robo tax event in a month. until then i'm not ready to endorse them. the new much higher levels especially when i said i liked much lower the, not that long ago. mad money is back after the break.
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with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? does big wireless really believe that these things actually work? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) this one will never see the light of day. all right.
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there are few things more frustrating that missing on a major run in a stock that you liked but didn't buy because you were too gun shy to pull the trigger. people tend to panic when they start coming down and -- they are going lower for a good reason. that's why i always stress that sell offs in high quality stocks are incredible buying opportunities even if it doesn't feel that way. we are getting a couple of the entry points and stores and i don't want to you miss it. first there's best buy. the electronics retailer has been a nice winner for my
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trust. most of the gains came at the end of may when the stock jumped more than 13% at the best buy, a fantastic quarter. they continue to work through mid-june but it's pulled back and though the stocks started to rebound you know what? i think it's still a good entry point. there was a lot to like in that quarter. though seattle came in lighter than expected the company earned $1.20 per share. they are generating more high market and service revenue which was enough to off set any concerns in lagging hardware sales. they even though the company had weaker numbers. they had great services and laptops which make up more of the business. on the call the co explained -- and i will quote here. we have seen early signs of immigrant prove as comparable
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sales turned slightly positive in the fourth quarter that trend continued in q1. why should we expect this trend to continue? best buy is confident that this pc upgrade cycle fueled by new models with built in ai technology will lure in tons of traffic. sure you can buy a computer online like anything else but these new pc's are big ticket items. when you spend a thousand dollars or more ru more like think to go to a store for hands on testing and maybe unput from sales associates. when it comes to the new ai powered pc's 40% of them will be offered at best buy. very smart move because unique items will bring people in to the store. all that said there were some concerns regarding the health of the consumer to purchase such expensive products. the manager didn't shy away and acknowledged the space is suffered in the years since the pandemic because so much demand was pulled forward since covid. when there is innovation they
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are -- when they launch the line of i-pads with the new m ford ships management said that -- they saw these devices pretty much immediately stimulate some really interesting demand. these new i-pads are boosting their sales. how about the guidance? they left the forecast unchanged and did mention the third adjusted operating profit. should come in toward the upper end of the projected range. to me that sounds like a guide up. best buy reported the end of may. all the way to 93 and change. since then the stock has been hit. it fell to $81 last tuesday. we told members of the investing club to buy more and i bought stock from a trust. clearly the market agrees because best buy rebounded to 86 and change. that's a solid discount. it remains a strong buying opportunity. i pitch them up. we want to get in ahead of the expected inflexes.
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as we wait for the cycle to turn. i'm a big believer. it doesn't hurt that the shares paying a heavy approximate 3á .5% dividend while we wait. next up in the last couple weeks we have seen a big pull back in dick's sporting goods, another retailer that had a great quart america may. substantial earnings beat. great guide. so what if the stock jumped 16% the next day. lots of impressive aspects to the quarter. they put up 5.3%. roughly half that from higher transactions and half from higher prices. matt is doing a great job and they don't have a problem spending big as long as it relates to a healthy and active lifestyle. that seems to be the area that people still spend on. dick's has a great house of sport concept. these are mega sized. i don't know if you have been one. have you to go to one.
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mega sized locations. i love the one i go to. it is a lot easier to figure out what bat your kid needs when there is a batting cage on site. also have a golf kicker. let's not forget something that i wish i had. this game changer app. this is a state-of-the-art live streaming scheduling score keeping, communications platform for am sure sports. this gives parents the ability to keep track of their kid's sporting event even when they can't be there in person. i wish i had this when my daughter was little. i was a work alcoholic and missed too many games. it this is a hidden very smart asset. in some tapes, that are more for giving, you know i think it could ipo this product for a billion dollars. whatever the reason may be it's hard to put a price on them. easy to see parents prioritize that kind of spending t seems like game changers a real hit. the app is over 5 million unique user who spend roughly
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30 minutes a day on the platform. that is unbelievable. this thing is for real. going forward they sounded pretty darn excited about the new products. they can -- available in the nbc universal family of network. peacock or the network. by -- i should say they are on the network and on peacock. there have a lot of companies rolling outbreak through products. including the nike. maybe that will help them or i don't know. either way it's good news for dick's. management raised their four year outlook for same store sales and raised their earning -- by 50-cents at the midpoint. very encouraging. i love to see a company raise guidance only the first quarter. business is going much better than anyone expected. even three months before. all right. what about the stock? now dick's stock initially jumped from $195 to $226.
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eventually peaking at $244 and change. just three weeks ago. since then listen to this. it's stock has sold off -- back to just under 201 today. you are get that amazing last quarter for free. even if you missed the initial run you are getting another chance to buy this one at a great price. here is the bottom line. best buy. both reported much better. they expected quarters this past spring but best buy is down from its post 30 highs and dick has swung 14%. i don't know. it looks like great opportunities. let's go to juan in florida. >> hi. thank you for taking my call. >> of course. >> thank you for -- everything you do for us. >> thank you. you thank you. that is the essence of what we try to do. i'm sorry. didn't mean to interrupt. >> i watch your show every day. you have been very helpful. >> thank you. >> i have a question on cisco. i have a position at $15 per
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share and the stock is not showing any signs of life. what do you recommend? buy, hold or sell? >> look. i think that you have to hold it. we do need to see a big quarter. we have to see a big quarter. the reason why i say hold is because you have 3.5% yield and that still works pretty good. its been a tough run. i want chuck roberts to come on. i can't account and then sell the stock with a 3.5% yield. let's go to john in connecticut. >> yes. hi. i own intel and it's not novembered in many years now. should i keep it or dump it? >> i think intel had a nice move. i want you to sell half tomorrow and let the rest run in case we -- there is a relief rally. i don't think you should be in the stock because it's bouncing. it is what i call a dead cat
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bounce. no offense. my daughter is a cat sitter better can expected and that's something like a real buying opportunity. bring it in. much more mad money. two amusement and the investors of the news -- for a wild ride and buckle your seatbelts cowboy. cramer. then in -- helen of troy was considered the cause of the tro ja n war but the stock looks anything but beautiful today. what a 27% drop means and all your calls in the edition of the lightning round. stay with cramr.
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with fidelity income planning, a dedicated advisor can help you grow and protect your wealth. they'll help you create a flexible strategy designed to balance growth and guaranteed income so you can enjoy the life you've created. that's the planning effect.
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if you were planning to hit up the amusement park last week it would have weeks cedar fairs with cedar fairs old ticker. fun. this deal was announced -- i really never gave the deal a chance. i wasn't sure it would happen. i just didn't see the deal getting past the biden administration's strict anti trust regulations which -- all mergers anti competitive. given they were in the same line of business i thought it would be blocked but apart from a standard request for more information they didn't lift a finger and the merger closed very connectly. it as wall done by july one and shares of the new company started trading a week ago.
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clearly wall street wasn't that optimistic about the deal getting past the regulators. both stocks did next to nothing for months after the announcement. then that caught fire last month as we realized this merger will happen. six flag was trading in the mid- 30ss. now it's at 55 and i wouldn't be surprise fire department if it has more room to run. wow. what makes me feel so confident? let walk you through it. while there is no thing as a true merger of equals this is about as close as it gets. all stock transaction wherein vest officers got 51% of the combined company. key management rolls were set up like this. ceo became executive chairman of the combined company with richard zimmerman keep that position for the new six flags many. the cfo of cedar fair is now
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the cfo of the combined business. the new board is 12 members. six from cedar fair and six from six flags. the combined business has 42 properties. north american, 27amusement parks. seven campgrounds, two animal experiences, two sports facilities, three marinasa topped to some of the large effort properties. the reason i like this deal is that the old one was too focused in the midwest. the old six flags wan in the south. the combined -- gets no more than 30% of its business from any single region. this is one great deal. when you look at it -- closely. you see the businesses -- while six flags had more properties, cedar fair had higher attendance and revenue. both had almost the same cash flow. six flag had better profit margins. of the two cedar fair had the better balance sheet. the combined businesses were stronger than some of the parts. i believe them. they say the combined business can offer a more diverse experience with the music
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parks, resorts, campgrounds and safa ris all in the mix. this industry loves to sell season passes and the merger should give them a major boost. season pass holder also have access to -- especially as the company plans to offer a loyalty program on a more basic level it means that six flags can combine their best practices elm on the technology front resulting in a better guest experience all round. that is why i'm thrilled that the ceo came from, credit edar fair because they were -- better operator of the two. on the other hand six flags brings to the combined business great property rights including peanuts and dc comics. they can roll out batman the ride everywhere now. how about the financials? at the same time both companies said they would expect it to be added to eastern otherrings in the first 12 months. they identity it realize with in the first two years, they
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also believe the improvements of the guest experience will increase earnings before -- by additional $80 million with in three years of closing. that is not that much but it's still better than nothing. i was hoping that was the one line i felt should have by hooner. the combined business should have only $3.4 billion in revenue. 1.2billion in adjusted and -- over $8 million in free cash flow t will have a cleaner balance sheet. you can get a -- ratio there 3.7 to three with in the next few years. we don't know what the dividend will look like as management said it's prioritizing down debt but hopefully difference in buy become will be added to the mix down the line. given those numbers the stock doesn't seem too expensive. looking for six flags entertainment $3.17. according to $3.90. that means the share sells for 17 -- roughly 14 times next
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year. that is so much below the average stock in the s and p. i like that. plus i think it works the -- in this market. we know spending on travel hasn't gonna way. sunday was the biggest number ever according to the tsa. many consumers more value focused going for bargin cases. six flags fits in there. it's a trade down theme park play. the place to go if you don't want to sell out for a flight to disney world or the higher prices for rides. last tuesdaya after the deal closed they raised their price target for six flags. saying they think cedar fair -- out of six flags and the old cedar fair part of the business had a strong start to the season pass selling and so far we have had nice summer weather. all six that cover the stock have a buy or -- rating on it. average price 61, up more than 10% from where it's trading.
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what you can say? when it its right its right. bottom line. add me to the list of six flags entertainment bulls. like i said i'm pretty surprised -- that the regulars wowed this one throw. they are skeptical of all -- now that they have let it happen i think you have a great investment. sure the stock runs over the past month but i bet it's got more upside. mad money is back after the break. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. - custom ink helps us motivate our students with custom gear. we love how custom ink takes care of everything we need, so we can focus on the kids. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at [crowd chanting] they ignored your potential, and mocked your ambition. but it's not the critic who counts. with every swing and block, your game plan never changed. ♪♪ some still call it luck. let them. because you know what it's always been. inevitable. ♪♪ ♪♪
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it is time. it is time for the lightning round. play the sound. then the lightning round is over. are you ready? bill in massachusetts. bill. >> hey. how are you this evening? >> i'm having a dynamite time. i got my buddies on the floor. we're enjoying ourselves. what's going on? hallelujah! >> i was going to ask you. i trim midmeta and my eli lilly. i'm looking to strength enemy position my position in -- i'm thinking about morgan stanley. >> no. we don't want to buy more. the only one i would count is wells fargo with charlie short. that will be the stock to buy.
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now we will go to mo in new jersey. mo. >> jim. >> thank you. >> jersey. how you doing? >> i'm doing okay. how about you? >> good. good. so i just started investing a little on my own and i -- i'm interested in what you think about reddit. >> i want to buy reddit. i will throw it and pinterest in. people don't realize. when you are going up -- just 3, 6 and 10, suddenly 29 starts to play. 29 gets has start and gets extra money. this is like the new channels. they are new channels that are working. let's go to frank in new york. frank. >> yeah. jim. thank you. thank you for taking my call and thank you for -- and integrity. >> i'm doing my best. that's what matters. thank you. >> over the last year uranium has come into its own. a lot of -- you know nuclear --
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a lot more popular. when the uranium comes out of the ground it has take be enriched before you can use it and one of the few companies is -- maybe the only company which would put it in the cat bird seat is centrus energy. >> i'm so pro nuclear that i'm willing to speculate. that is one that i'm fine with speculating. i think it's good. i understand it's a long term situation. i think that it is good. now we will go to sean in california. sean. >> hey, jim, how you doing? you bike your stakes in the eagles in. >> i have been trying to figure out if i should keep my 10% stake. that means 10% cheese steak that i bought at ginos. okay? >> that's a good one. i'm calling about a company that's growing on top and bott
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bottom. it's super group. sghc. >> i like super group. when it started. i kept thinking that, you know it's a great entertainment and gambling company. i won't back away. it's done nothing. i don't understand the dividend. yeah. i mean that was one we had our crew men on. i think that -- eric is a guy i revere, great integrity. i think that's a smart move by you. let's go to david in florida. david. >> what's shaking partner? >> -- even though they showed stellar earnings. they are packed. when is the cream of the crop, time to buy? what do you think? >> i think it is but i have to tell you. anything connected to chain a whether it be nike, starbucks, wynn they are considered to be losers and i can't change that perception so the we are is yes i want to buy it, no, i don't think you will make a lot of money in the near term.
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alex in louisiana. alex. >> hey. as we all know -- cybersecurity is important for the national security. >> yes. >> and businesses. especially in this ai driven era. my question concerns sentinel one. they face tough competition, known for strong leadership and brand recognition offering extensive network. i believe signal one is trading at a significant discount. this is but it deserves the discount because it's missed the quarterly estimates. that's what makes me worried about it. i'm not going to say that's wrong. i will say that is correctly priced and that conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, don't touch that dial. cramer has more on this market you won't want to miss next.
6:53 pm
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6:55 pm
6:56 pm
when a stock declines nearly 28% in a single session, you have the to take notice. when it at company like helen of troy with its shirt brands, kitchen products, appliances and osprey outdoor gear you know there is something very, very wrong. i want to put aside the company's issues to focus on the big take aways from their earnings. i have liked this stock for being consistent and constant efforts to upgrade it's po rt folio brands. they have only missed earnings -- so extraordinary.
6:57 pm
what gives? i want to -- put the ceo from her conference call. first she said the macro environment and the health of the consumers has gotten worse. consumers more financially stretched are further prioritizing essentials over discretionary iteming. she explains that there has been an unexpected slow down in the outdoor category and more pressure on the speciality beauty channel and mass beauty channel especially in contributely tools under $100. then get this. more discretionary household items like dry food storage continue to go down. we heard that traffic is slower throughout the country and promotional pressure is increasing. ouch. now it's true that helen of troy's brands aren't the best in its category. it's telling me we had a weaker spring. you don't need to buy anything that they make.
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you can put it all off. in every category they would indicate that's what's happened. for the past months i have been telling about brown shoots. we saw bruins shoots in lower steel and lumber, in the pool court which is -- we saw declining sells at nike and it's starbucks, companies that rise prices. we saw it in weaker dining out including quick serve and we know the consumer panel that raised are on a pivot. they don't want to cut price. they may have no choice. big retailers like wal-mart and cosco will do it for them. those two companies had that kind of power. they can drop your product or go against it with the house bridge. cosco kirkland is the unique premium house brand and cosco will use it against you if you don't lower prices for goods in the stores. that or they will eliminate the wear entirely. they are the greatist inflation
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fight her of our generation. his testimony was considered to be -- maybe he saw the slow down and made the grand workers -- news like the short fall are in your face mornings that the consumer isn't just being frugal. they are choosing to defer or avoid buying anything nonessential. rights now the market is handling helen of troy. spending money on haircare, hiking, and kitchen products but on hotel rooms. that is one way to look at it, but we have to start wondering, if the decline of the consumer is accelerating, maybe it turns out to be weaker than we thought, maybe this is not a dark side of the soft landing. one thing we do not want is some situation where we need to start foaming the runway before
7:00 pm
the airplane lands. i have been in one of those landings. we all got out in one piece but i don't want to experience another one, if it can be avoided. as long as things keep deteriorating, jay powell has the wiggle room to engineer a soft landing and it looks like he is going to have to start in september. the promised i would find it for you here on mad money."last call" starts right now. right now on "last call", the turmoil around president biden's future takes an unexpected turn. hold my beer. the nonalcoholic boone threatens to tap out some of the year's biggest brands. plus, a $150,000 dog. really. what makes these pups worth the price tag? all that and more over the next hour. "last call" is up right now.


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