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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  July 26, 2024 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters. i'm frank holland and here is your "five@5." wall street on track for a multiweek losing streak as the rotation out of tech is alive and well. and the market moving report before the opening bell. we get pce. former fed vice chair roger ferguson is here weighing in. too little too late. blasts southwest for the shakeup and headline making plans to end open seating.
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and president trump is ready to give the keynote address at the crypto conference of the year. millions of dollars and red tape is on the line. we are live in nashville with the preview. why the new a.i. assistant is more like a pc than an assistant. it's friday, july 26th, 2024. you're watching "worldwide exchange" right here on cnbc. ♪ good morning and welcome to "worldwide exchange." thank you so much for being here with us. let's get you ready for the trading day ahead. we check the u.s. stock futures. take a look. in the green across the board. the dow up 45 points. the dow would open up more than 200 points higher. the nasdaq also more than 200 points higher. basically a 1% gain in the pre-market. this looks as wall street is closing out a wild week on trading with the dow sllooking snap a three-day win streak.
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the nasdaq down 3% week to date. the s&p down 2% week to date. after another 1.2% gain yesterday, it is the small caps, russell 2000 on pace for the third positive week in a row. we are checking the bond market. that includes personal income and consumer spending and consumer s consumer spending and pce. the benchmark is 4.25%. remember, 20 basis points lower than the start of the third quarter. that is the money set up. let's see how asia and europe are looking with carolin roth. good morning. >> good morning, frank. you talked about the rough session yesterday for the asian trading session. that was the worst session since
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april. today, asian markets have recovered. hang seng is up 1%. the nikkei 225. what a wild ride this week. down a whopping 6%. we have seen the yen strength coming through with the carry trades unwound heavily going into the boj meeting next week. my previous guest on the show said that a rate hike by the boj is now off the table. i also want to show you what europe is up to. it was a choppy week of trading. we are closing out the week with a couple of gains. the cac 40 is up 0.9%. bouncing back after the luxury weakness. we'll get to that in a second. the dax is up on 0.2%. we are on the two-month lows for the european equity losses despite the bounce back today. we have been watching some earnings out of the luxury sector today. i want to show you exxotica.
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they had a jump in the second quarter. the ray ban company saying meta is considering a stake in the company. meta post ed a 13% rise in the second quarter as ail regions grew by double bdigits. hermes blowing it out of the waters in terms of the share price. back over to you. >> carolin, thank you. carolin roth in the london new newsroom. we turn back to the u.s. and the investors prepare for the latest read on inflation before the fed meeting next week. core pce is expected to remain unchanged after inflation falling for the first time in four years. traders now believe there is a 90% chance the fed cuts rates in september. you see it is up from 56% chance last month. joining me to discuss the market
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impact is degas wright of decatur capital. degas, good morning. always good to see you. >> frank, it's great to be on with you. >> we were just talking about the odds of the fed cut in september. we have pce today. there is whispers of a july meeting. with a fed cut coming up, what do you see the market implications snk. >> the market implications, once we get into the easing trend, we will see stocks do very well. this is the time to look for those opportunities in the markets. one of the ways we do that is we look for those companies with shorter cash conversion cycles. the time it takes for firms to convert to cash. this will allow the company to have higher profit margins. >> you didn't answer the one question. what do you think about the timing of rate cuts? is the july meeting possible if the pce comes in line or lower?
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>> well, we're seeing we don't believe there's going to be a rate cut easing in july. we know a lot of people are looking at september. we are looking at later than september even to cut rates. we see that the line of fed measures the sticky cpi. that is still at 4.2%. typically, you want that down to 2.5%. we are seeing a later easing cycle and we're definitely not seeing it happen in july. >> not seeing it happen in july. i want to talk about the gdp report yesterday. a lot of people think that is a bullish significaal for the bro market. are there certain areas or sectors you may be allocating more cash to and the economy is stronger than first thought when the report came out? >> one area we are looking at is reits and those as expects that
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impact the real estate market. that would be the home builders. those are the areas we're looking at. >> you gave us two picks. ticker ohi on the health scare space. when you are looking at it, this is a stock for the dividend or is there some other play in mind? >> there are two plays. one is the dividend yield at 7.4%. this company is benefitting from the aging demographics. two things. the dividend and business model and focus on increasing profits. >> all right. another pick is the parent company of ryan homes. degas wright, thank you. >> great being on with you. >> for more on the trading day ahead, head to cnbc pro at time for the check on the
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top corporate stories and crowdstrike still not back at 100% after last week's outage. silvana henao is here. hard to believe it was a week ago. >> that's right, frank. ceo george kurtz says 97% of the company systems linked to the i.t. global outage and botched software rollout are now back online. the days long disruption is estimated to cost fortune 500 companies excluding microsoft $4.5 billion. crowdstrike lost a quarter of the value. it is slightly higher in the pre-market. investor turned shareholder elliott management calling out the southwest shakeup calling it too little too late. in a statement, elliott adds the
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failed leadership team is an obvious attempt at self preservation and not credible. and jpmorgan is reportedly rolling out home grown a.i. products to employees as an a.i. based research analyst. the product jpmorgan called llm suite is currently in the hands of its asset and wealth management division helping with writing and idea generation and summarizing documents, frank. >> it is an interesting trend as we talk about the use cases for a.i. still haven't figured it out. still trying to figure it out and make the business interesting and impacting wall street. >> i'm sure there is more to come. >> silvana, thank you. we turn to a news alert in the 2024 presidential race. former president barack obama
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and former first lady michelle obama giving endorsement to vice president kamala harris. he wat s waiting because he did not want to overshadow president biden's oval address. this comes about 100 days until the election. we also have breaking news in paris. french authorities say several quote coordinated criminal and malicious acts happened overnight on a number of high-speed train lines and causing travel disruption ahead of the opening ceremony today. the investigation is under way into the quote massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed network. the country says 800,000 travelers will be affected. coming up on "worldwide exchange," we have more to come, including the one word investors have to know today, but first, the election and u.s. energy policy. we layout what a harris or trump
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white house would mean more prices and oil producers sitting on the sidelines. former president trump is getting ready for a keynote address at the largest bitcoin conference of the year in nashville. and ahead of the pce report today, the former vice chair roger ferguson is weighi ingn. we have a very busy hour when "worldwide exchange" returns.
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exchange." turning back to the race for the white house. vice president kamala harris has a more progressive record on energy than president biden. she has been critical of the oil and gas industry. as a candidate in 2020, she called for an end to fracking. if she secures the democratic nomination, it is still unclear if her views shifted. let's bring in helima croft at rbc capital markets and cnbc contributor. helima, good morning. great to you have here. >> good morning, frank. as you mentioned, we are looking at a stark contrast with drill, baby, drill and the candidates and vice president kamala harris who, when she campaigned in the democratic primary, she was to the left of biden on issues like fracking and the size of the issue to combat climate change. the carbon tax. her record as attorney general.
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she sued the obama interior department to prevent fracking off the california coastline. she will probably stay in the biden sphere because pennsylvania is a must-win state for democrats. >> i want to start off with what we know. we know under the biden administration, oil production in the u.s. climbed to a record level. 13 million barrels a day. does that change under a harris administration or a trump administration? >> what i think is really important about the biden administration is how they had to pivot when faced with inflationary concerns and a war involving the largest commodity producer. you had the biden administration essentially saying we will accelerate the energy transition and questions about the role of natural gas in the transition and yet, when they were faced with higher energy prices, all of a sudden, the biden administration became focused on keeping the oil market well
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supplied. like president trump, they asked opec for more oil and u.s. producers to put the money in the ground and produce more in terms of shale supply. when faced with economic realities, they pivoted. again, i'm not expecting at this stage to have a sharp reversal of the biden policy with a harris administration. we could see her highlight her climate credentials to win back progressives. >> let's assume she will win the democratic nomination. it will be a hotly contested election. pennsylvania is a key battleground state. her policies when it comes to oil shale, pennsylvania is a shale producing state. how will that have to change? obviously, the policies previously on fracking. is that going to raise an eyebrow when it comes to voters? >> pennsylvania is the most important state for democrats because it is the moust-win
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state. the biden administration, frank, issued a pause on lng permitting. that was seen in part to repeal the young voters and progressive voters concerned about climate issues. it was seemingly hurting democrats in the all-important shale gas producing state. the really interesting question as she hits the campaign trail is what is her message on fracking. she certainly pivoted four years ago when she became vice president and joined the ticket. it will be interesting to see what the conversation looks like on gas and lng because pennsylvania is a very important shale gas state. >> helima croft, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me, frank. coming up on "worldwide exchange," the stock set to lose nearly landfhalf the value this morning. that name and e hebithotr g money movers coming up right after this break.
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stay with us. hi. i'm gina. i was really upset at the way i had let myself go. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it's important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it's really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn't jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy. give golo a shot you won't be sorry. what is cirkul? cirkul is
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what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here.
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not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! back into play and... -oh no, it's in the water. wait a minute. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. welcome back to "worldwide exchange." time for the big money movers. the good, bad and ugly edition. deckers outdoor are up 11%. revenue grew 22% thanks to robust demand for ugg and hoka. consumers are still buying
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products at full price. then, the bad. shares of boston beer are lower after second quarter results came in lower. thewholesalers are selling less to retailers. we have the dexcom shares plunging on weak guidance. the decrease in the customer base and lower revenue per users weighed on performance. more customers use rebates to buy glucose monitors. shares down 36%. turning attention now to cryptocurrency and what has been a big week for the sector with the public market debut of the first ether etf. now the attention turning to nashville with the bitcoin event. former president trump on the stage tomorrow with the crypto policy front and center and millions of dollars in support
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on the line. we have mackenzie sigalos joining us from nashville. mac, what's the latest. >> reporter: frank, bitcoin is up 4.5% as the conference is happening at music city center behind me. this is not just trying out a new location from miami beach to nashville, but trying its hand in politics. a half a dozen of lawmakers are taking the stage. mostly republicans like senator hagerty from tennessee, but also ro khanna will appear as well as former president trump. the institutional players are here insist the technology can thrive regardless of politics. >> i think the biggest thing that we've seen in 2024 is this not only is being viewed as a
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more legitimate and important issue, but that transformation has become bipartisan in nature. >> reporter: as much as wall street wants crypto to remain neutral, the issue is some are here to back trump. both sides of the aisle recognize how close this election in november could be. the last one came down to 10 million votes. the ones who care about crypto policy. >> mac, this is interesting. if you are a crypto investor, i get what you get with a friend in the white house. genuinely, what does trump get out of it? >> reporter: trump is looking to raise money. he has a fund-raiser tomorrow and still some seats left at the top-tier level shy of $8$850,00. photo ops with the former president sold out within
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minutes. also, remember, crypto has deep ties with the silicon valley with the elites putting money behind trump. one pledging a significant amount of money to him. the winklevoss twins maxed out how much they can give trump under election laws. that is not to penmention the sr pacs looking at candidates up and down the ballot. it has raised $200 million most of which can be traced to some crypto companies. and just last month, one in mar-a-lago, promised to raise $1 mil 00 million for trump. >> bitcoin is up 4% right now. mackenzie sigalos live in nashville. thank you. as we head to break, we are watching shares of ford after
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the worst single the day drop after the warranty hit and ongoing ev troubles. shares up just about 1%. we're back heron "rlide wodwe exchange" after this break. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry.
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ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. it is just about 5:30 a.m. in the new york city area. there's still more ahead here on "worldwide exchange." here what's on deck. 9 s&p and nasdaq looking to close out a second straight week of losses. futures are working to end on a
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positive note. top the agenda, the latest look at inflation with former vice chair roger ferguson is here to look at the pce report. and vice president kamala harris looks to ramp up her campaign and the potential big shift a harris white house could bring to your tax bills. it is friday, july 26th, 2024. you are watching "worldwide exchange" here on cnbc. welcome back to "worldwide exchange." i'm frank holland. let's get you ready for the trading day ahead. we pick up with the check of the stock futures. in the green across the board. the dow would open up just under or around 180 points. off the highs of earlier today. up .50%. the s&p up .75%. the nasdaq up just over 1%.
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right now, we take a look at the biggest gainers on the nasdaq 100. asml up 3.5%. followed by baker huhughes up 3. and advanced micro up 2.75%. we looking at data out today, including the pce. much more on that. the yield at 4.24. rising in recent days, but still down 20 basis points from where we started the quarter. we turn attention to the materials sector. it is lagging so far up 5% making it the third weakest from the sectors in 2024. dom chu has more with opportunities. he is here with this month's "sectornomics." >> materials have been a sector
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that has been not focused on with the weighting, but we have people specializing in the materials and metals. the s&p 500 has been up 14% so far this year. up 5% just for the materials sector etf. if you take a look at some of the leaders with regard to the out performing side of that particular trade. it has been international f flavors up 22%. international paper up 20%. those are the best in the sector. the laggards leading the under h performance is llg and ablemarle which is down 37%. keep an eye on the materials sector and trade. frank, back over to you. >> thank you very much, dom. investors are preparing for the latest look at inflation with the federal reserve pce
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report. it is expected to show a 2% rise from a year ago. down slightly from may. the core at 2.6% which is unchanged from the previous reading. this comes ahead of the latest policy meeting next week and the fed is expected to cut rates in september, but the fed has not committed to the timeline to do so. let's bring in former vice chair roger f roger ferguson. >> good morning, frank. >> looking at pce. the estimate of 2.5%. a lot of chatter about this at the new york stock exchange. does that make the july meeting one we could see a move? >> i don't think that it will make the july meeting a live one where you will see a move. the fed has said many times it needs to have increased confidence. what will likely happen in july
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is they will signal they are achieving confidence, thereby cementing the september cut. i think it is a transitional meeting where the communication matters rather than the move in the fed fund rate. >> a lot of spirited discussion about the gdp report stronger than expected. i want to ask how the fed reads that and how do they read the chain weighted price index which came in lower than expected? >> look, i think they read the gdp as a good signal. the economy is clearly strong and withstanding the higher rates. it also is a signal that they don't have to move precipitously to cut. that goes to your second question. there are signs of weakness that are starting to emerge and chain weighted numbers and the labor market is clearly getting back in the balance and moving a little bit to weakness. i think they put this all in the mix that says we are achieving
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hopefully a soft landing. we can wait until september to cut. if the gdp came in dramatically weaker, that might have put july on the table. i think that number simply gives them the confidence and they can wait for more data and move, as most people are expecting in september. >> you say they can wait for more data. the consensus is the cut is coming up in september as we mentioned earlier. in your mind, is there a risk that september is too late and the cooling of the economy is going too far and we just missed that so-called soft landing in. >> this is why the gdp reading is important. that suggests the economy is holding up well as we see the labor market getting in balance and the other risks starting to emerge to the dual mandate. many of us are expecting to cut don't see that in july, but do see it in september. they are not, in fact, confronting an economy falling
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precipitously and what we hope is a soft landing. >> roger, the elephant in the room with the huge changes with the election. is that weighing in on their decisions? >> i doubt it. you know, they have an obligation to focus legally in the dual mandate. the history of the fed shows when the fed starts to become overly involved in politics, they end up making the wrong decision. arthur burns is not well regarded because he gave into pressure from the nixon white house. i think at this stage, the fed wants to stay completely above the fray and justify the actions with the incoming data and changed outlook and not leave open the possibility that anyone thinks they are driven by politics in this particular year. >> roger ferguson, great to have you here for your insight. thank you again. >> thank you. we are following breaking news from paris this morning.
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french authorities say several quote coordinated and malicious attacks happened overnight on the number of high-speed train lines and causing disruption ahead of the opening ceremonies for the olympics later today. the special is under way into the quote massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed net work. 800,000 travelers will be affected. we will continue to watch the story and bring you the latest throughout the morning. coming up on "worldwide exchange," laying out the possibility of the harris presidency and the implications for your taxes. kamala harris is making major moves on social media. the vice president officially joining tiktok and gaining more than 1 million followers within hours of debut. her first video, she acknowledges her popularity as users celebrate her campaign through memes and other videos. "deadpool & wolverine" is
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expected to bring in the highest opening debut for an r rated film. and general motors leaving the competition in the dust. unveiling the chevy corvette with more than 1,000 horsepower. it is the fastest and most powerful chevy ever produced. looks pretty good, too. more "worldwide exchange" coming up after this break. >> announcer: "sectornomics" is sponsored by sector spdr etfs. welcome to the now way to network... they switched to juniper's ai-native network. now everyone's so productive, they're operating at a higher gear... now their network is self-configuring, self-detecting and self-healing. so their it team deals with up to 90% fewer network trouble tickets. (sonic boom) whoa, what was that? just the sound barrier.
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energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels.
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welcome back to "worldwide exchange." apple to adopt a.i. safety rules credited by the biden administration according to a report. apple shares up just over 1%. turning attention now to the 2024 election. news breaking this hour. former president obama and first lady michelle obama are endorsing kamala harris. this is critical as she rapmps p her campaign. emily wilkins is joining us now with a closer look at one key area of interest. taxes. emily, good morning. >> reporter: frank, good morning. if harris wins the white house in november, she's automatically going to become a key player in the tax battle that's set for
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next year as major provisions of the 2017 tax law will expire. harris is more progressive on taxes than biden. as a senator, she introduced a bill for low and middle income families up to $6,000 per year in tax credit. she proposed a tax credit for renters. plus, on the campaign trail in 2020, she proposed a corporate tax of 35%. that is, of course, above the 28% that biden backs. she also proposed a financial transaction tax on certain wall street trades. harris could wind up adopting a stance closer to biden's. a lot of her proposals win over democrats in the primary and now she has to win over independents and republicans in a general election. the partner in miller's tax department said with 101 days left, harris may not have time
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to develop her own in-depth tax plan. >> given the short period of time and focus on the other issues, understandably, it may be in fact that she inherits the biden budget proposal and inherits the $400,000 threshold and inherits the proposal of 28% corporate rate opposed to something higher. >> reporter: harris has called for a full repeal of the 2017 tax law, but letting it expire would lead to higher income taxes for most americans. democratic lawmakers are geared up for negotiations over what goes and what stays. democrats say they are planning to focus on areas like increasing taxes for corporations and wealthy as well as bringing back tax credits for parents and assistance for housing, child care and paid leave. frank, this is a preview of something i expect will be
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taking up the bandwidth on capitol hill regardless of who wins in november. >> it will take up a lot of policy. today, former president obama and former first lady michelle obama endorsed harris. does that change when it comes to her policy? >> reporter: for her policies, probably not so much. in terms of having support of the party behind her is huge for obama to come out. the fact he hadn't endorsed harris yet was conspicuous. the rollout of endorsements with senate leader chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and now obama coming out today. i don't think that necessarily has a policy change, but i think it is a signal to democrats that she has biden's support.
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we see polls still seeing harris and trump neck and neck. any endorsement, the harris camp will count as a win. >> emily, thank you very much. coming up on "worldwide exchange," one word in healthcare and the rotation out of tech stocks. universal health is among the winners in the pivot. the company's ceo lays out the areas helping to fuel the solid results. that's when we come back. stay with us.
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energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels.
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welcome back to "worldwide exchange." shares of universal health services hitting a 52 week high after the strong second quarter beat. revenue in the two main segments growing by 6% and 11%. uhs operating 27 hospitals and 300 behavior health facilities in 39 states and washington, d.c. and puerto rico. joining me is mark miller. good morning. thank you for joining "worldwide exchange." >> good morning, frank. how are you? >> mark, we will get to the quarter in a minute and the stock hitting a 52-week high. the changes we have seen in the presidential election, how does it impact your business and you are headquartered in pennsylvania, a battleground state. >> obviously, there are some
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differences between the parties. we're in a pretty good situation no matter who wins. what we are focused on like all others and it really doesn't matter to us. there are pros and cons with each party. we will do fine no matter who is in the white house. >> i want to ask the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro is a candidate for the vp position. does that benefit your state or company? >> i don't know about our company. i haven't thought about it in those terms. he's a good governor. i hope he stays as our governor. i think it is always good to have someone local in the national position like that. i'm not sure how much of a benefit that would be. >> let's get to the quarter. strong revenue growth. what were the drivers here? why did you see increases in both of these areas? >> honestly, we have a very strong operation.
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the company is as strong as we have ever been. one of the things that differentiates us, we are strong on both sectors. we are the largest behavior center in the united states and we have a strong acute care center. we rely on one another. by having both sectors, we help each other. our patient volumes were strong this quarter. patients are choosing to come to our hospitals. you stated in the opening we're in 39 states and we're also in the uk. all of our segments have seen a strong performance not just in this quarter, but in 2024 in the first half. we're excited about what we are seeing thus far. i think one other thing besides the volumes was the payment structure. we did see improved medicaid
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payments which were deserved and making up for very low payments we have seen over time. we're starting to catch up and being paid fairly. >> let's talk more about the business and labor market when it comes to the health care space. you did something a lot of other companies would like to do. increased revenues at the same time devoted to salary declined year over year. what does that tell you about the healthcare space? >> two things for our company. overall, first, in the macro sense, the labor market is getting stronger in healthcare. since covid, there were troubles the first couple years, but we're past that now. as you will see across the whole sector, patient labor and labor rates, everything is increasing. we're able to acquire more lab o labor. our operating have done a
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fabulous job in finding talent and retaining talent. we're finding more people and also keeping more staff that already exists. that has been a huge plus for us. >> uhs shares at a 52-week high. thank you, marc. >> thank you, frank. i appreciate it. coming up on "worldwide exchange," investors are set to close out a tough week as stocks get knocked down. our next guest says she is finding protection in isth turbulence. we'll be right back after this break. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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welcome back to "worldwide exchange." time for the "wex wrap-up." shares of dexcom tumbling with the company dealing with a decline of new patients. crowdstrike says 97% is back online after the global tech out a aoutage. well ayotte management says the plans to boost revenue for southwest is not credible. the $2 billion stake in southwest is push for changes to the board. jpmorgan is embracing a.i.
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it released an inhouse chatbot. video actors have gone on strike. it has been negotiating for more than a year with electronic arts over the use of artificial intelligence in that industry. we are checking on shares of lineage after rising 5% in the debut yesterday. the cold storage raised $5 billion making it the biggest everything on of the year. we are watching core pce and pce prices and consumer spending and sentiment. earnings are slowing down as we close out the week before the busy earnings next week and before the opening bell is 3m reporting. back to the markets and another check of the futures. in the green across the board. we did see the futures decline from the highs earlier, but rising back up right now. take a look. the s&p up 43 points. the dow would open similar.
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that's what it translates into. all of this as wall street is clo closing out a wild week of trading. the nasdaq down more than 3% this week. however, after another 1.2% gain yesterday, it is the russell 2000 keeping the win streak alive up 2% this week and on pace for a three-week win streak. let's bring in chief market strategist katharine rooney-vera. >> good morning, frank. >> you think the rate cuts are coming up. we had a strong gdp report. all bullish signs for the economy. right now, you are saying it is time to hedge. what is your "wex" word of the day? >> it is a form of life insurance policy, frank. we hope we never have to use it, but one day we will. it is the best time to put on
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the protective hedges with the options on the technology sector. the best time to do so is when markets are strong. you don't want to be looking at this protective options when you are in a free fall. >> what do you make of the action we have seen with the rotation of the small caps having a run and other areas like bio-tech out pp performinge market? >> the trump trade is probably part of that. the trump trade favors the small-cap value stocks. i think there is some legs to that. what i'm recommends is to consider the counter argument which is that the craziness we have seen in the market and teflon reaction in the s&p 500 which continues to move higher
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doesn't have too much longer to last and the upward trajectory could see down side. we have seen consumer sentiment and spending rollover. i like putting on those defensive sectors such as utilities and the puts options and steepeners. >> pce is coming up later today. what do you think the market impact will be? >> our in-house models put us at 0.2% month on month which is in line with consensus expectations. i think it will be another risk-on day because the market is discounting the first rate cut in september. everyone is talking about the rule. i think that is going to trigger in the next couple of months. it doesn't necessitate a recession. that is another reason we need to be positioned defensively at the moment. >> you have a pick for us today,
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but your pick is an area you say you should stay away from. i'm looking at the smh below the moving day average. why are you down on chips right now? >> i think under either election outcome. especially on the trump outcome, we will have more protectionist policies on china and there is a risk there. policy is my view for protectionism. i think we need to be positioned accordingly. that is a risk that is coming up in the next three-to-six months. i think, again, it is important to consider the under appreciated and under priced risks in the mark right now. >> if you are not bullish on chips, do you have questions about the a.i. trade? they seem closely linked. >> sure. the a.i. trade is long in the tooth with valuations extended across the board in a.i. and broader s&p. i think you are probably going to see a little bit of a
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correction over the course of the next three-to-six months which is reason addition for that protection. >> thank you very much. >> my pleasure. one more look at futures in the green across the board. the s&p is up 40 points. positive in the pre-market. the dow looks to open up 200 points higher. similar story for the nasdaq. "squawk box" starts right now. good morning. stocks failed to hold on to most of the gains in yesterday's session. futures this morning pointing to a significantly higher open. ahead of a key inflation report. breaking overnight. a series of coordinated arson attacks are disrupting train traffic in france ahead of today's opening ceremonies for the olympics. andrew is there with the details and high-profile interviews. and earnings from dow component 3m are due this hour. we will bring you the numbers
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and reaction on wall street. it's friday, july 26th, 2024. "squawk box" begins right now. ♪ good morning, everybody. welcome to "squawk box" here on cnbc. we are live from the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm becky quick along with joe kernen. andrew is live in paris for the olympic games. here we go. this is the biggie. we are finally kicking things off. andrew, what do you have coming up for us today? >> it is the big kickoff. today is the day. we are sitting, joe and becky, on monday. tonight's the night with the opening ceremony set to begin in awe a few hours. 10,000 agthletes on the seine.


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