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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 9, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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tonight, federal law enforcement on high alert. a suspicious mail is sent to election offices around the country, some of it potentially laced with fentanyl which could be lethal. washington, oregon, nevada, california and georgia among the states where that mail was sent. georgia's secretary of state brad raffensperger speaking out about the letters. >> if they don't condemn this, they're not worthy for the office they're running for. this is domestic terrorism, and it needs to be condemned by anyone that holds elected office and anyone what wants to hold elected office. >> it was received in kings county, washington, home to seattle. that letter arriving as officials counted ballots from this week's elections. it prompted an evacuation of some 150 workers.
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thank you so much for joining us tonight. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. first it was the i.t. guy. now members of the mar-a-lago household staff might also end up testifying against the boss. that's what multiple people familiar with special counsel jack smith's classified documents investigation are telling us, and it's a cnn exclusive. they say federal prosecutors may call as witnesses a plumber, a maid who cleaned the former president's bedroom, a chauffeur, and a woodworker. people who might not get a lot of attention on a trump property, but who see and hear a lot on the job. people who cnn has also learn have had already been talking in detail to investigators. they're now likely witnesses. so are secret service agents, sources tell us, and others who are in the room when the president was captured on multiple recordings, apparently showing off a classified military document about bombing iran. . >> let's see here.
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isn't that amazing? this totally wins my case, you know. >> uh-huh. >> except it is highly controversial. see, as president i could have declassified it. now i can't. >> now we have a problem. >> isn't that interesting? >> yeah. >> look, we -- and you probably almost didn't believe me, but now you believe me. >> no, i believed you. >> it's incredible, right? bring some cokes in, please? >> we don't know who brought the coax. remember walt nauta who still working for him is a co-defendant in the documents case. joining us now sharing a biline on the exclusive, kaitlan pol polantz. who might be called to testify? >> it may very belle well be the person who brought cokes. we don't know who it is. what we do know is there is a long list of potential witnesses in this case that we've been able to cobble together, and
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they are people that are notable people around donald trump during his presidency, after his presidency, at his club. but there are also people who are moving in and out of the club, who might not have been that noticed by the club visitors, who were there or even trump himself. but they were people who noticed things. and the things that they noticed we heard about a woodworker, for instance, someone who was installing crown molding in trump's bedroom, and that person noticed a stack of documents that looked rather suspicious, so suspicious to him, that he thought they were movie props. looked like classified records of some sort. that person we were told doesn't actually know what he saw, but this is the sort of person who could be called to testify at this trial in florida to provide the picture of what it was like around mar-a-lago where all of these images that we've seen in photographs exist of documents and boxes. and there were real people there
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in these spaces moving about, a maid, a plumber, a chauffeur as well, knowing that something was off and thinking about that, and then relaying that to investigators. >> reporter: have prosecutors laid out why they think these individuals would be good witnesses? >> they haven't, anderson. and we don't know whether they will for sure be called to testify in this case. they might not be. but our understanding is they are people that spoke to investigators, some of them multiple times. some of them testified before a grand jury in this case. and when you look at them on the whole, it appears that they are the people who provide this picture of what it was like at mar-a-lago after the trump presidency, how trump himself was functioning, how he was behaving, and where these classified documents may have gone, how they had moved, who may have touched them, and who may have been around them on a day-to-day basis. >> and what is the former president's reaction? >> one of the things we heard as paula reid and i were reporting
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out this story is that he has been quite protective of his fief dom. so mar-a-lago in florida, this club he spends so much time at. when he heard the maid who cleans his bedroom suites is someone who investigators wanted to talk to and who could be a potential witness in this case, when he heard about that, he went ballistic, we are told, and he has been quite unhappy whenever he has learned about the people being approached by investigators. but the other thing important to note is how his lawyers are responding to this case an what's happening right now, anderson, is that they trying to get this trial pushed after the election next year. we're waiting to see what the judge does right now. it is set for may. she has said she is going to tell us if that date will hold, if there will be other dates that we're moving, and that's a really important thing because there is a difference here between these people that live in south florida, that work around donald trump, that worked at the club. are they going to tell their stories publicly before the election or not? >> by the way, do we know, do they still work at the club? >> some of them do.
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some of them have left. as we were reporting out the story, i was learning more and more about people who left, and actually, one person who was initially having a lawyer from the trump legal fold and got a new lawyer and cut a cooperation agreement with the prosecutors in this case to become a key witness, that person's name is usil tavares. he was still working at the club in recent months and left because the start of the season was coming around, and he felt it was time for him to leave working at mar-a-lago. he put in his resignation letter, and then trump was very unhappy that he had actually stayed on as an employee at the club after he had been sharing information that was damaging to the former president with prosecutors. >> katelyn polantz, thanks. with me elie honig, kaitlan collins, host of "the source" coming up at 9:00. elie, how important could this source be? >> this is a dream scenario for prosecutors. ordinarily in the federal
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system, when you're a prosecutor, you build your case on a cooperator, who is now your witness. what happens? the defense lawyers stand up in closing and they say folks, you're going convict my client based on the word of a criminal? and then we prosecutors stand up and say to the jury, look, we'd love to call honest, hard-working people to come in and tell you about a crime, but that type of person inside on the inside of a crime. here they're literally on the inside of a crime. these are honest, hard-working, regular folks, had nothing to do with the crime. even if they can't give the whole story a to z, they can give important details. they saw a box here or there, overheard a conversation. if i'm a prosecutor, this is the best case scenario. >> is it clear what trump world thinks of all this? >> they've kind of known that a lot of these people have been called in to speak to investigatorers. usill tavares, he is not really there during the summer, he starts this time of year, these are just regular people working
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these day jobs. some of them have now been ensnared in this. one is named as a codefendant. usil was still working when he offered his resignation later. we were told it wasn't because trump found out, but they kind of happened around the same time as one another. what katelyn said about the maid there -- >> do they have an h.r. department there. >> can you be fired -- >> if you're a witness in the investigation. i don't think they have any liaisons to help them that i have found out about. but the maid part that trump went ballistic that the maid was asked to speak with investigators. part of it was a maid who often went into melania trump's suite and cleaned that. anything legal dealing with trump that involves melania, it irritates him because then he is the one getting in trouble with her. >> elie, cross-examining employees, will they be tried to
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be painted as anti-trump somehow? >> the smartt way to do is point out they have limited knowledge. okay, maybe you saw a box in this closet, but you don't know how it got there, you didn't hear conversations around it. you try to limit the impact. what i think trump's team is likely to do is just that is claim they're anti-trump, claim they have an agenda. i think the former is the more effective way to go here, but i wouldn't bet on them doing that. >> but a lot of these people like trump. they worked for him. they don't see him in the view of a political lens. yes, he was the president, but also he is their boss. he is the one who employees them at the club. with carlos, named in a superseding indictment, that's an important thing to keep in mind, because these are people who are pretty loyal to him in that sense. but they're not wealthy. they don't have a ton of resource, and they've been called before investigators. they can't exactly go out and just hire their own attorneys. a lot of them have trump provided attorneys. i think that raises another question here as well. >> this makes them even better
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witnesses. if they don't have an ax to grind with trump. i also love looking at this from a prosecutor's point of view, that they're not sidney powell, they're not mark meadows. they're just regular folks. and ultimately who you have to appeal in a jury trial are the jurors who are going to have the same kind of jobs as these people have and see them as relatable. and to the lawyer point that kaitlan made, this is a time-tested trump tactic. pays for his own lawyers, of course, but pays for lawyers for everyone around him. it's not illegal to do that. it's common. but it naturally has the everything of deterring potential cooperation. but these folks, they get subpoenas, they understand they have to tell the truth, and at least some of them have done just that. >> and what about the secret service agents? >> this is a really interesting question. this actually came up in the clinton investigation by ken starr in '98. ken starr wanted to talk to some of bill clinton's secret service agents. it was litigated. the court said they can testify. there is not some special privilege or protection.
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you don't want to create a situation where secret service agents are trying to distance themselves so they don't hear something. that could be dangerous. yes, if necessary, you can get testimony from secret service agents. >> this may not even go to trial before the election. >> yeah. >> she's hinted that she could very well push it baas the election, judge cannon has. >> i think it's fairly likely she does that. we're looking at a may trial date. we have a march day on the federal january 6th trial. i think what this judge is doesn't want to make trump go to two trials consecutively. >> elie honig, thanks. kaitlan collins, we'll see you at 9:00. kaitlan is going to be interviewing the former trump attorney jim trusty, since resigning from the legal team. we'll see that at 9:00. last night's presidential debate. chris christie, as you might know a former u.s. attorney governor. good to see you. a plumber, a maid, a chauffeur and a woodworker are among mar-a-lago staffers and contractors who federal
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prosecutors may call to testify against former president trump and his two co-defendants at the classified documents trial. does that indicate anything to you about the depth of the prosecution's case? >> the breadth and the depth. of the prosecution's case, anderson. as you know, i did this for seven years as the u.s. attorney in the fifth largest office in the country. we did over 130 political corruption cases without a defeat. what you want to see in a witness list is a broad and deep witness list that can cover every potential contingency, every potential exit ramp that the defendant may have to try to justify his or her conduct that you believe based upon your evidence is criminal. and so i think that you're seeing is just how thorough jack smith's investigation has been, and there is no one who has seen or heard anything at mar-a-lago regarding these documents who is going to be immune from testifying if they believe they have relevant information. >> cnn is also reporting that prosecutors may call to testify
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people who were in the room at the former president's new jersey golf club when he discussed, allegedly shared the plan to attack iran. how important would it be for jurors to hear from those witnesses? >> very important, because as you know, donald trump has said that he showing around some news clips and not anything like that, even though his words were contrary to that. so i think you're going to need something to corroborate the tape, and the corroboration, best corroboration will be the people that were actually at the table and can say exactly what they saw he was flashing around and showing them. so i think it makes sense to do that. and if their evidence is as the prosecution has alleged, that's going to be a real problem for donald trump. >> there is as much talked about "new york times" poll from over the weekend shows as you know that trump leading biden in five out of six key swing states. the poll also indicates about 6% of voters potentially determinative margin which switched their support in the
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states from trump to biden if the former president was convicted, sentenced in a trial. if trump is found guilty some time next year before the nominating convention, do you think the party would possibly change horses midstream? is that even possible? >> sure. because the process will not be over at that point, anderson, and that's why i'm saying i'm in this for the long haul. i'm in this to the convention. because circumstances are going to change and change significantly. and not only because of the trial that starts on the day before super tuesday, but there is going to be testimony coming out all through that period of time that's going to be extraordinarily damning of the president. my guess is, my first witness would be mark meadows, not some rogue democrat prosecutor, not some product of the two-tiered system of justice that donald trump talks about, but a founder of the freedom caucus from north carolina who served as his final chief of staff has immunity. and anderson, he is going to be sitting 20 feet from donald trump in the federal courthouse
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in washington, d.c. and telling a jury under oath that donald trump committed crimes right before his eyes to try to overturn the 2020 election. that is determining type of evidence. and i believe, and i've said this, the walls are closing in. he will be convicted. you will see people change their votes and run from him in droves, not only when the conviction happens, but as that evidence begins to develop and people hear it from folks like mark meadows under oath. >> he didn't show up to the debate last night, but in a new interview with univision, the former president reiterated his willingness to use the department of justice to go after his political opponents if he wins back the white house, saying, and i quote, if i happen to be president and i see somebody who is doing well and beating me very badly, i say go down and indict them, end quote, according to a transcript released by univision. it's unclear to me who he thinks he would be running against if he wins another presidential term. being constitutionally barred from running a third time.
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nevertheless, do you have any doubt that that's what a second term of a trump administration would be, a retribution, four years of retribution? >> no. he has said i will be your retribution. i think about how different for all the folks out there who are undecided about what to do in this election, think about how different donald trump is in 2023 than he was in 2016. in 2016 at the convention, he said "i am your voice." now he is saying "i am your retribution." this is outrageous. and think about it. you had good folks like bill barr who were keeping him on the rails and stopping him from doing stuff like this at the justice department. nobody as good and decent and honest as bill barr is going to agree to be donald trump's attorney general if he ever became president again. that's another thing voters have to think about. the fact is that 40 of his 44 cabinet level officials have said not only wouldn't they work for him again, they wouldn't support him to be president at all again. this is incredibly damning from people who worked with him every
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day as president, anderson. >> yeah. >> and so the end of the day, you will see him try to do things like that. it's only going to be the country that can stop him. when we have to stop him is right now. we can't let him get the nomination or get in front of these folks. you mentioned him not being on the debate stage last night. it's the third time in a row. it's disgraceful. i think he doesn't want to be there because he knows i'm going to be there because i've been holding him to account since the minute i got into the race. anybody out there who wants me to be on the stage, go to chris donate a and keep me on the debate stage. i'll be there when donald trump shows up and you know i'll hold him to account. well take a quick break. later, new video just in of american airstrikes on iranian targets in syria, plus an up close report on the fighting in northern gaza from our oren liebermann who is embedded with israeli troops.
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back with presidential candidate chris christie. i want to focus on the debate and the campaign trial ahead and the iowa caucuses getting closer. you called the former president a coward for skipping yet another debate last night. clearly the strategy is not hurting him with republican voters. isn't it smart for him not to show up? >> i don't care whether it's smart or not, it's wrong. it's wrong, anderson. he's asking for the republican nomination for president, yet he won't discuss his record? and i understand why he doesn't want to. if i were out on bail in four
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different jurisdictions, i wouldn't want to have to explain it. if i had promised to build a wall and have mexico pay for it and now call the people who believed it dumb for believing it, i wouldn't want to explain that. i wouldn't want to explain $7.8 trillion in debt when i sid i was going to balance the budget. i understand you don't want to, but you have an obligation to the voters to be able to do it. and i know the polls show right now that it's not hurting him, but i believe it will as people start to get closer to this. they're going to make their decision to vote. and i bet you in january he'll be at one of these debates in either iowa or new hampshire because the polls will force him to. >> you're heading to israel tomorrow. on the debate stage last night, you said the fact that israel and their intelligence agency failed to protect israeli citizens from the october 7th attacks you were referring, what do you want to see the israeli government do about that failure? because benjamin netanyahu has not accepted any level of blame at this point. chiefs of intelligence services of the military over there have. he has not.
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obviously there is going to be some sort of a reckoning once the fighting has stopped. what do you think he should do, or they should do? >> well, look, his first obligation, anderson, is to win the war. and that's his first obligation is to protect the territorial integrity of israel, to make sure he protects the safety and security of his citizens, and to degrade hamas so they can never do this again. those are his obligations. we're going to have plenty of time for an after action report afterwards to figure out how high up in the chain the responsibility goes and whether it includes the prime minister or not. but in the end, we know that it was a failure, because there is no way that hamas should have been able to do that on october 7th if the intelligence community was on top of their game. so we know mistakes were made, but the reckoning will come later on. first and foremost is to protect the territorial integrity of israel, protect the safety and security of its citizens, and degrade hamas. and what i also hope the
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government does is keep their eye on the ball while they're doing this. continue to the isolation of iran is the greatest security move that israel can make. and that means continuing to make smart, fair agreements with other arab countries in the middle east so iran and its desire to wipe israel off the map gets more and more isolated in the middle east. >> do you think israel should push toward some sort of a two-state solution? they've been like playing with the tax revenues going to the palestinian authority in the west bank, which seems an odd thing to both be going after hamas and weaken the palestinian authority so that they can't pay their bills and can't pay their security people. >> look, conversations of two-state solution, anderson, had to have stopped definitively when a terrorist group in the gaza strip winds up attacking you and killing 1,400 of your
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citizens. and so there was a ceasefire that everybody is talking about now before october 7th. >> hamas violated it. >> it was hamas that violated it, right? so, look, i think there can't be any discussion right now about a two-state solution until you dispose with hamas'ability to be able to bring that kind of terrorist attack again. then we can have more conversations about ultimate solution. but right now haumgs has ended those conversations by taking the terrorist actions they took. >> you've been critical of republicans aligning too closely with the former president. glenn youngkin ran on a 15-week abortion ban. do you think that issue could cost the gop the white house or the control of the house next year? >> it depends on who the president is for president of united states, anderson. but i've made it very clear that my view is that dobbs was decided correctly, and each state should be able to make its own judgment. and the people of that state should be able to participate in
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that judgment. you saw it happen in ohio on tuesday night. the fact is that folks should be able to make their own judgment on this issue. that's the way the founders set up every issue that was not covered by the constitution reverts to the states. and i don't think that the federal government should be involved in the middle of this in any way. and as far as the losses in virginia, i absolutely believe that donald trump played a role in that as well. the fact is that he is the front-runner in this party. he is seen as one of the faces of this party, if not the face of the party until we replace him. and you saw what happened in kentucky, anderson. daniel cameron sold his soul, completely embraced donald trump, and in one of the red estates in this country, he lost to governor beshear. this is unacceptable stuff, and i saw it in my own home state of new jersey where the state -- the republicans in my state lost five seats in the state legislature in the lower house
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and one in the senate, and a lot of the campaign was geared towards going after donald trump. he is political poison. he is electoral poison for anybody down the ticket. ask mehmet oz in pennsylvania. ask herschel walkner georgia. ask kari lake in arizona. these are all people, blake masters in arizona. they're all people who went the trump way and are now not in office. we need to move away from him. he is the person. he is the poison. >> chris christie, thank you for your time. >> anderson, always great to be on. love to come and talk to you after i get back from israel. >> yeah, i'd like that. thank you. up next, more on israel's war with hamas. a look at what gaza has become with israeli troops on the ground. that plus new effoforts to gete civilianans out of h harm's way just a ahead.
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take it. join the team at contra costa college. start today at a short time ago, the pentagon released new video showing u.s. air strikes against an iranian facility in syria that took place on wednesday. a senior military official says the facility was likely housing weapons used against u.s. forces in the region. in israel and gaza, this is new video that just came to us, explosions over northern gaza more than a month after hamas slaughtered more than 1400 people, mostly civilians, and after a military response has claimed 35 military soldiers according to the idf and more than 10,000 palestinians according to the palestinian health ministry. the white house has agreed to formal pauses. the windows are to allow for aid
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to enter and civilians to leave. in a moment, we'll be taken inside gaza but our oren liebermann. we should note the journalists embedded with the idf operator under the israeli commanders in the field. they're not permitted to move unaccompanied in the strip as a condition to enter under escort. outlets have to submit all materials and footage to the israeli military prior to publication. cnn has agreed to these terms in order to provide a limited window into israel's operations in gaza. here is oren's report. >> reporter: through the breach, we enter northern gaza at the erez border crossing. the land here, once fertile farmland, is barren. and the trees that might have provided enemy cover destroyed. in the distance, smoke from an israeli air strike is a stark reminder that this is day 34 of a war that may struch much longer. on thursday, the idf chief of staff and the head of the country's internal security
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entered gaza and promised strength through cooperation. "everyone is doing everything" said the general just so you can be as strong as possible. along our path in northern gaza, the signs of civilian life have given way to the constant hum of drones and the distant echoes of artillery. our time with the idf began at the coordination base for the border crossing, the first international media to visit the site. the terror attack on october 7 hit hard here. the scars of machine gun fire and rpgs still visible. the idf says nine soldiers were killed here and three kidnapped. it took 12 hours for israel to regain control of the base. now it's one of the main gates to gaza. we stop at an overlook near the town of jabalya. one of the things uncovered here on this hill near jabalya is a
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meeting point of three different tunnels, and you can see if you take a look, that's one, two, three. they came together here, and it let hamas move underground quickly below the feet and out of sight. colonel tal, the tank commander says there were many explosives here, many trenches. there were a lot of weapons and ammunition. we found a storage site with explosives against tanks, rpgs. even from a distance, the scale of the destruction is stunning. apartment buildings, homes, neighborhoods decimated. colonel tal says the area is almost completely evacuated. "we don't see civilians in our eyes. we see sometimes terrorists, but the majority of civilians haven't been here in a while. they've all gone south in the direction of the heart of the strip." as we talk, we hear rocket fire and see the trails of the launches triggering red aler s
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in ashdod. after 90 minutes we make our way out. even here we stop briefly so the dust clears and we can make sure the way ahead is safe. in the distance once again, the smoke from another strike. israel has said that it has effectively encircled gaza city as israeli troops make their way towards the center of gaza city. the idf spokesperson said earlier today they are deepening their operation around gaza. anderson, a lot of that focus now trying to get at hamas's tunnel infrastructure underneath the city as they close in on what they see as the government and functioning military center for hamas in gaza city. >> oren liebermann, thank you so much. from brock ravid, foreign policy reporter at axios. what is your impression about the military base that was attacked on october 7th and three tunnels converging there and the weapons storage near jabalya? >> hi, anderson. you know, the irony is that this
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base, and i heard the trump people who served people who served there for years, this base is not only the entry point and the exit point from gaza, but it is also the headquarters of the government coordination office, which is the unit that is in charge of helping palestinians to get out of gaza for, you know, medical appointments and it runs all the workers from gaza that enter israel. and this was one of the targets that hamas attacked during on october 7th. >> it's now pretty clear based on all the intelligence that hamas had about the inner works of the kibbutz all along the board they're at least some of the workers from gaza who were working in those kibbutzim, whether it was years or months or whatever, they were gathering
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information. >> yeah, that's definitely one of the -- one of the things that are being investigated, and i guess will be part of this huge investigation that we will see after the war. although i have to tell you something. this issue came up in one of the meetings of the israeli security cabinet. and the ultranationalist minister said israel should not allow 4,000 workers in gaza who got stuck in israel after the war started, they shouldn't let them go back because maybe they were spice. and the head of the shin bet security services told him, listen, we vetted all of those people to the bone, and we don't think that they were involved in any way in the attack. so i think it is still unclear how much those people were really involved in gathering intelligence on the villages around the border. >> that's interesting. because the people on the kibbutzim certainly believe that -- i mean, they knew where
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the weapons storage were. they knew who was on the security details, how big each security detail was, in kafir azan and other places. the humanitarian pauses, or these pauses that israel now has, what are you hearing about the behind-the-scenes of how those were agreed to? that's clearly something antony blinken went to israel with. >> yes. you know, this wouldn't have happened without let's say significant pressure from the biden administration. i think the discussion, the serious discussion about it started when blinken was in the region last week. and the israelis were concerned that when they heard the word "pause" from blinken, they thought that what he really means is a ceasefire. and it took several days of talks between the israelis and the biden administration for the biden administration to tell them listen, we're not talking about a ceasefire. we're not trying to stop you.
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when we say pause, we mean pause. we mean several hours. we mean for humanitarian aid. we mean for safe passage. we don't want a ceasefire. and only after the israelis got convinced, they started a serious effort to draft a plan to do it, and they actually started doing it today. it was the first day. they did it in two neighborhoods in northern gaza. they announced the pause of four hours that allowed people to get out of their houses, buy food, get water, get medicine, which is something that did not happen for a month. i'll tell you another interesting thing. if you ask the israeli government about it, prime minister netanyahu, minister of defense gallant, they will tell you that nothing happened. there is nothing new, because they don't want to brag about those humanitarian pauses because it is a very political sensitive issue inside israel, because israeli public opinion
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is very much against them. >> in terms of what happens if success. as the idf defines it, as the israeli government defines it, if hamas is defeated, are there active discussions about what a post-hamas gaza looks like? i know netanyahu said that there would be overall security -- israel would need to be in control of security for some time. but who is going to be the mayor of gaza? who is going to be running gaza? >> well, that's a very good question. and several ministers, or even the majority of ministers in the israeli government, when you ask them that question, oh, we have no intention of bringing back the palestinian authority. okay, if not the palestinian authority, do you have any other ideas? i think the israelis are still toying in all the fantasies of bringing the egyptians, bringing
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the saudis, the emiratis, all of those countries have no intention of setting foot in gaza or paying one dime in gaza if it's not under the palestinian authority. and i think that when we'll get closer to the day after, this is going to be a serious point of contention. >> just quickly, you and i talked a while ago about the israelis were holding up the tax revenues for the palestinian authority in the west bank. are they still doing that? >> they're still doing that. and the palestinian authority told them, if you're not giving us all of our money, we don't even -- we're not even going to take half of it, which is what the israelis were willing to give them. i'll tell you something i heard from several u.s. officials, that they say we made the mistake because when the israelis even started talking about this thing we should have told them this is a red line. you are not going to do it. and the u.s. did not put its foot in the sand, did not say it
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was red line, and the israelis did it. >> brock ravid, thank you. appreciate. just ahead, the former president's legal troubles. there are also troubles mounting for those who supported the 2020 election. arizona's attorney general spoke about her alleged investigation into the alleged fake elector s. kyung lah has an exclusive investigation next. also tonight, los angeles police investigating a fight between pro-israeli and pro-palestinian reporters outside the museum of tolerance after the screening of a film that showed footage that was taken by hamas gunmen on october 7th during the attack.
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i could use a little help. yeah, there's a lot of risk out there. huh ♪♪ hey, is this thing hard to learn? nah, it's easy. huh. you know, i think i'm going to ride it home. good thing you chose u.s. bank to manage and grow your money. with our 24/7 support at least you're not taking chances with your finances. yeah, i think i'm gonna need a chair. oh, ohhhh.
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we noted in our top story tonight that some of the possible witnesses against the former president in his classified documents trial are people whose names you may not know, but who were certainly in his orbit. that is also the case in another investigation, this time in arizona involving the alleged fake elector scheme to overturn the 2020 election. the state's democratic attorney general just spoke to cnn about the investigation about which little is known, only that it follows in the path of similar prosecutions in michigan and georgia. our kyung lah also tried to speak to some of the people who claimed to actually be electors for arizona back in 2020. i want to show you how that went. here is kyung lah's report. ♪ american woman ♪ >> reporter: at a rally for the
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2024 u.s. senate race, arizona candidate kari lake. >> i'm not going to let a guy who is trying to imprison his political opponent call me or you a threat to democracy. >> reporter: one of the country's top spreader of lies about the 2020 election results -- >> god bless state 48. >> reporter: we find in her crowd arizona state senator anthony kern. >> hello, mr. kern. kyung lah from cnn. you may not recognize kern at first glance, but this is him here at the signing, a video tweeted by the arizona republican party on december 14th, 2020 when 11 fake electors gathered weeks after the 2020 election to sign this document claiming to be duly elected and qualified to cast 11 of arizona's electoral votes for -- >> donald j. trump, state of florida, number of votes above 11. >> reporter: but trump lost arizona in 2020. >> we're taking it very seriously. >> reporter: arizona attorney general chris mays wants to know
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more about these fake elects or the. >> we are in the middle of our investigation. we have multiple investigators and attorneys assigned to it, and we're going to do a professional job. >> reporter: it sounds fairly robust. >> it's robust. it's a serious matter. >> reporter: back to anthony kern, who signed the fake elector document. can you tell me a little bit about you signing that? >> yeah, we can probably talk, some day. >> reporter: not now? at every major turn of arizona's 2020 election lie you spot him. the guy back there? that's kern. this is a so-called election integrity hearing held by state republicans on november 30th, 2020. fashioned to look like an official hearing. it's not. >> hell, yeah, get on the ground! >> reporter: weeks later on january 6th, kern travelled to the u.s. capitol. in d.c. supporting trump, he sweeted, where he was pictured in a restricted area of the capitol steps during the riot. there is no indication he was
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violent or entered the capitol, and he has not been charged in connection with january 6th. later in 2021, as arizona's most populous county, maricopa hand-counted all of its 2020 ballots in a partisan-led failed attempt to overturn the state election results, anthony kern was there again, counting ballots. we wanted to ask state senator kern about how all this began. >> can we talk about whether you knew that was a lie? that document? >> why do you think it's a lie? >> reporter: so do you believe that trump still won in 2020 then? >> why would you think alternate electors are a lie? >> reporter: arizona was among seven key swing states that saw fake electors sign documents to subvert the electoral college process. prosecutors have filed charges against some of their fake electors in two states, michigan and georgia. prosecutors, arizona's says she is speaking with. >> i have been in communication with both of those offices, and i'm note going to say any more than that.
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>> reporter: with the department of justice? are you in communication with the department of justice? >> same answer. we have communicated with those offices, and i'm note going to say any more than that. >> reporter: have you spoken to the department of justice or the state attorney general in the investigation? >> the only one i've spoken to is cnn. >> reporter: we contacted all of arizona's 11 alternate electors. lorraine pell grown know, secretary of the fake elects or the. >> hi. are you lorraine? >> yes. >> hi, lorraine. my name is kyung lah. that's why i'm holding a microphone. i'm a reporter from cnn. >> okay, thank you. >> reporter: i was hoping we could talk. she did not want to talk. you don't want to answer anything about the alternate electors? ma'am? tyler bower, the coo of turning point u.s. ignored our calls and texts. >> tyler? >> reporter: yeah. >> he is not here today. >> reporter: he is not in the office. but his spokesman immediately called us after we went
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to the office to say he has not spoken to the a.g. office. the list of the 11 did not return our calls. >> hello, leave a voice mail. >> we did reach samuel morehead, republican party leader. >> how are you doing today, sir? >> oh, i'm fine. but i also know that i am in a position where it's not very prudent to talk to any member of the media for anything. good-bye. >> oh, okay. >> reporter: arizona attorney general mayes, a democrat, says while she can't share too many details of her investigation, she said, it is far reaching. >> does your investigation potentially reach to donald trump? >> so, i'm not going to comment on that because that's, sort of, a part of the investigation. i'm not going to provide any, sort of, midstream updates on that. we will see where the facts lead
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us. >> and kyung lah joins us now. how closely are arizona officials following the electoral case in georgia? >> az a.g. chris kris mays didn't get too specific. you have ken chesebro, who is the architect of the fake electors plot. he pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy connected to the pot. and you have former trump attorney jenna ellis who also pleaded guilty. she pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting false statements about the election to georgia's senate. that is a felony. whether or not that has a nexus or a connection to arizona, at this point we simply don't know because they are in the middle of their investigation in arizona. we just have to see what the attorney general decides. >> kyung lah, thank you. appreciate it. next, intolerance on display at the museum of tolerance. we'll tell you about the latest eruption of violenence i in thi
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cocountry y over thehe octctobe massacrere and the w war in gaz.
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police in los angeles are investigating violence last night outside, of all places, the city's museum of tolerance. >> reporter: clashes at l.a. museum of tolerance over a documentary screened inside. the end to a night of intense emotion. >> i couldn't watch all of it. it's difficult. >> reporter: the film, called "bearing witness" features more than 40 minutes of actual footage of the october 7th hamas attacks after gal gadot, who is from israel and has been outspoken since the attacks, was involved the bringing the film to l.a. she was not in attendance. most of the roughly 200 attendees had left the event by the time this brawl broke out
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between pro-israel and pro-palestinian demonstration. a palestinian demonstration formed outside the theater, as lapd officers screened vehicles and circled the museum. some of the attendees say they felt compelled to see the atrocities with their own eyes. >> we need to fight against terrorism. and in order to see it, in order to fight it, you have to see it and believe it and feel it. >> we say from generation to generation. and people should know. and i can't know exactly what it was unless i watch it. >> reporter: the hollywood reporter, which was inside the screening, reports that the protests were audible through the wall of the theater, prompting an israel defense forces spokesperson, who introduced the film, to tell the audience they believe some are trying to cast doubt on the hamas attacks. saying, quote, i believe we are hearing some of it right now outside. the lapd said the event concluded with no which yous but that one hour later, a small
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group of demonstrators returned, leading to the brawl. violence outside that attendees say won't overshadow the atrocities they saw inside on screen. >> i will carry it will me to pass that story on to the next generation and the next generation. >> and lapd did say that they took two reports for battery. they continue to investigate this. at this point, they don't have any suspects in custody. the los angeles mayor, karen bass, coming out calling the violence unacceptable and calling on people here to really just calm down and stand together, as angelenos, in the face of what we're seeing worldwide, anderson. >> thanks. we'll be right back.
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