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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 16, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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tonight on three 60, new video from israel, they say proves hamas use gaza's largest hospital as a command and control center. we will have the latest on the, war and the body of an israeli hostage recovered today.
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plus, a cnn exclusive on the hunter biden investigation. we now know the second grand jury in the probe, and a biden family member, the president's brother, has already been subpoenaed. also, the george santos house ethics report, released today. details are devastating. and now, he says he won't seek reelection. good evening, we begin with israel's war on hamas. what you see here, that we are about to show you was the first visual evidence israel's military has produced, to try and support its assertion, echoed by the white house, that there was a command and control center, along with a tunnel system, operated by hamas at the al-shifa hospital complex. the only thing the idf has shown is one tunnel shaft. you can see an entrance there, of what appears to be concrete reinforcement, exposed pipes, and cabling can be seen close to the surface. the video has been geolocated by cnn, but we cannot independently confirm any of israel's claims about the nature of this site. now late today, hamas called israel's claims, quote, baseless lies. israel today, also announced they found a body of a hostage in a structure a day shunt to
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the hospital. -- it's 65 years old, she was a grandmother. she was abducted from the kibbutz be'eri on october 7th, her husband was killed during the terror attack. israel today said that their surge at the al-shifa hospital may take, in their, words a few days or a few weeks to finish. also, israel dropped more leaflets today in parts of southern gaza, telling residents to move. this suggests that a possible expansion of his rose operation against hamas. jeremy diamond is in israel tonight, with more on that new idf video. >> a hamas tunnel below gaza's largest hospital. that's what the israeli military says this video shows. nearly 48 hours after israeli forces raided al-shifa hospital, these are the first images of what the israeli military says is an operational tunnel shaft on the grounds of the hospital complex. cnn cannot independently verify those claims, but using this frame, cnn has geolocated this video to the al-shifa complex.
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about 30 meters away from one of the hospitals main buildings. >> it is here at al-shifa hospital, the command and control centers are located. >> israeli officials have laid the groundwork for an operation targeting shifa hospital. claiming hamas operates a massive underground complex below it. and in recent days, the u.s. has also backed out those allegations. >> one thing has been established is that hamas does have headquarters, weapons, material below this hospital. >> as israeli special forces continue searching the hospital complex, they're also uncovering weapons and ammunition. >> there is an ak-47, there are cartridges and ammo. and there are grenades in here. >> which the israeli military cold concrete evidence that hamas used garza's largest hospital to wage war. near the hospital, israeli
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officials also say they found the body of 65-year-old yehudit weiss who was among those about did on october 7th. israel's decision to send troops into hospital has drawn fierce criticism. with that you in a chief saying he is appalled by the raid. president biden standing by israel's actions. >> it's not like they are rushing into a hospital, knocking down doors, you know, pulling people aside and shooting people indiscriminately. [crowd chanting] >> amid the --, the families of hostages held by hamas ramping up the pressure. >> this whole, huge march of families up to jerusalem comes to make a very clear stand for our government that they need to take any deal they have, pay any price for these people, for other citizens, pretty much. >> as negotiations drag on over a deal that could see hamas free dozens of women and children, in exchange for a multi day cease-fire -- >> this is my sister-in-law and this is my niece. she is 12 years old. >> their families are racked with anxiety. >> it's been nerve-racking, to tell you the truth. because, again, we don't know who to believe. we are trying to scrape that last remnants of faith and trust in our government, that
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when the relevant deal comes to the table, that will take it. >> for now, they march and wait. >> and jeremy diamond joins us now. is there any update on the hostage negotiations? >> well anderson, those negotiations are certainly ongoing at this hour. we know that not only are u. s. officials in the, region those negotiations -- media by qatar and hamas are ongoing. there appears to be a very very fairly specific deal on the table, perhaps 50 hostages and
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women and children exchange for a 3 to 5-day cease-fire by israel. but clearly, there has yet to be a deal. and we have watched of course, of the last several weeks as deals appear to have gotten close, and then talks have fallen apart again. and for the families of those who are missing like zohar -- who i spoke with today, it's just nerve-racking, as he said. and, they simply don't know which reports to believe about what they are seeing. and, they also aren't confident entirely that the israeli prime minister and his war cabinet will agree to the kind of deal that they would agree. two i asked so hard, do you agree -- believe that the israeli prime minister's priorities are where your parties. are any said he wasn't sure, but he said they better be. he said that it is the prime minister who works for him. >> it is the idf standing by their claim of a command and control center under the hospital? which, it seems to be backed up by u.s. intelligence, although i assume u.s. intelligence is largely using intelligence from israel, because i don't think the u.s. has a lot of assets on the ground in gaza? >> the israelis are standing by, it the israelis are standing by it. you heard president biden just yesterday, continuing to really put a snack other, perhaps even further than he needed to, in order to backup his claim about hamas's command and control center. hamas, for its part though, is
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completely continuing to deny that with the israelis are saying. in a statement tonight, the hamas-run government organization says they are baseless, lies they say they are fabricated narratives, fabricated narratives, false scenarios, distorted information. and he says that it is part of israel's efforts to try to avoid accountability for a raid on a hospital. of course, under international law, if you use a hospital for military purposes, and you are actively losing it. and that hospital does indeed lose its protections, and that's why israel says that targeting its hospital with its rate is legitimate. hamas of course maintains that it is not actually using the, hospital and therefore it says israel's actions are legal, anderson. >> jeremy diamond, thank you. joining us now is -- former chief of the hostages at -- mossad. also, retired general wesley clark, cnn military analyst and nato supreme allied commander. -- the idf said they were confident recent days that there was a commanding control center in al-shifa.
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they have shown this tunnel shaft, that he said they have found. are you confident there is more? >> yes. the idf has, it is not really rating the hospital. as you can see, there is not a lot of fighting in the hospital. because, they are delicate -- and they don't kitley go through the, hospital in through its basement. and, they are trying to repeal the tunnels which are underneath this hospital. what does strengthen the claim that -- first of all, there was a problem of one of the hostages, and there was -- in the gaza strip. after the 7th of october, in an adjacent building too -- . and also they have what your
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correspondent has not said, that they also said that they have taken several bodies that are thought to be hostages, two -- and israel's right to verified, as they are if they are -- you have seen the pictures, they have found arms, and they have found all kinds of weaponry in the hospital. and it seems at the rest of the day, we will see -- just find the claim. it's not really that important. for us, at the end of the day, hamas is underneath the gaza strip. hamas has thousands of fighters, which are now hiding. nobody is above ground, and they are waiting to, they come out during -- [interpreter] a fight guerrilla warfare, and try to shoot forces. these have been little, and they have been moving them one by one. >> general clark, how confident are you in the idea that there is a command and control center
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here? >> well, i haven't seen, i don't have the security clearances to see what the president and his advisers are seeing. but i am very comfortable, we know that this has been talked about for a long time, we have seen the maps. it is very consistent with the way hamas operates. i am listening to the rhetoric hamas is using, it is clearly over the top. they are clearly trying to deceive the public, on top of this massive media blitz that they've had against israel. and when i see the entrance to the tunnel, yeah, that looks like the entrance to an underground chamber. now, the next thing to do is to put the camera down. -- show us, and i am sure israel will move into this. because, israel understands just as well as any of us do, that they've got to use this information to swayed the local opinion. global opinion has been swayed by a bunch of lies promoted by hamas. it is time to set the record straight, and i think this is beginning to set the record straight.
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>> -- do you have any sense of how most hostages would be held in gaza? i mean, i individuals be alone? would it be, at what i would assume would be small roofs of people. and obviously i mean, according to reports, hamas doesn't necessarily have all of them in its custody, there's also islamic jihad, which has some, and also perhaps criminal gangs as well. >> hamas has claimed at the beginning of this, that they have -- taken that the jihad has sent -- and the rest are kept by criminal families that have come with the -- forces into israel, and abducted for personal gains, here and there, all kinds of people on their way.
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altogether, 240, more or less the hostages. we found out that some of them, but yesterday with this lady that was found in the adjacent building to the hospital, some had been already murdered. they are probably, they are probably fleeing together with the hamas -- in to southern gaza. this is why you are seeing these flyers being, being put around -- area, in order for the israeli forces to prepare for the next step. we do not want to harm any non-combatant citizens in the gaza strip. and, we are trying to, as you know, we are trying, and we will be successful, in eradicating the hamas. and the only way to eradicate the hamas is slowly go through the gaza strip, and find each and every one of them, as we have been doing up to now, until at the end of the day, that might take months, we will see no hamas in the gaza strip. >> -- you are saying this hostage had been murdered. i hadn't seen a cause of death.
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do you know that for a fact, that she was murdered? i mean, the only other alternative would be in some sort of a rocket strike, was injured. >> she was taken out, she was taken alive from pictures, that, any information that was gathered by the israeli intelligence. she's dead, and the israeli army spokesman has said that she was murdered in the gaza strip. i don't think that hamas will take bodies, they have 240 hostages. they did not need more bodie s in order to -- they have enough hostages to use as strategic tools, this is what they are doing. they are using the hostages as strategic tools, to stop the israelis, or to get the israeli army into a cease-fire situation, and you see the
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negotiations going. on >> general clark, in terms of those negotiations. you know, there are reports of negotiations over pauses, maybe several days depending on how many hostages may be released. from a military standpoint, what does a pause in the fighting i allow hamas to do? >> well it allows hamas to replenish, reorganize, and re-arm its people, redeploy, gain intelligence information, planned strikes, obscure evidence, clean out the remaining arms of these other hospitals, and trying to clean up the record. it's a big break in the military momentum. the israeli attacks have been very systematic, they have been very deliberate, they are using -- they are using high tech technology. they are doing everything they can to prevent civilian casualties. but they are keeping the pressure on hamas. a three or four-day pause that's all of that pressure go, and then the issue will be, and you might say, well --
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don't get started again, don't start, don't start. so, it's very hard. if i were the israeli military commander, i'll be dead set against that pause. because once you do that pause trying to get the political momentum, and everything that has gone on during the pause. it is exactly what ronny was saying about the strategic use of the hostages. if israel wants to really eliminates the problem of hamas, it has got to press forward. now, it's got to protect its information flank. so the information of these hospitals was underground, and so far it's very very important, the fact that this woman may have been murdered, after she was taken hostage, that's very important for people in the world to understand. so, israel has to come forward with the information that lets this become understandable, to the world population. let's take out this way,
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anderson this is, gaza wasn't a group of terrorist, this is a state. hamas was the government, and they attacked another state. and now, they are hiding behind their own population. we didn't let not see germany do that. we won't let hamas do that, in my prediction. we thank >> you so much, still to come tonight, a temporary legal victory for the former president, it's silverado. and, a cnn exclusive, a recent move by the special counsel and the hundred biden suggesting suggesting the evidence is expanding, or the investigation is expanding. also tonight, the new george santos ethics of what was going to be bad, but the details are really. bad the allegations he stole from his campaign to pay for botox and onlyfans. the details, plus his future, next.
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>> in three different federal legal matters involving the former president as well as president biden. first, an appeals court judge has temporarily lifted a gag order imposed on the former president's lawyers by the judge in the new york civil fraud trial. last hour, former president posted his first true social message since the order was lifted attacking many involved in the case including the judge and the judges clerk. also tonight, sources tell cnn that no charges are expected in special counsel investigation into president biden's handling of classified material. however, a cnn exclusive sources say the special counsel investigating his son hunter biden is now also using a grand jury in california in addition to washington d. c.. it's already produced his subpoena for a key member of the biden family, presidents bug brother and chief --
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paul rejoins us. now what more are you learning, paula? >> anderson, we've learned that prosecutors argued using a grand jury in california to gather evidence connected to the presidents son. it appears that this investigation is focused on his alleged failure to pay taxes during several specific years. this was something that was supposed to be resolved with a plea deal earlier this year. that fell apart. these alleged tax crime occurred in california, but also where hunter lives, which is likely why they are using a grand jury in that state. we've learned that multiple witnesses have been subpoenaed for testimony and documents. one of those witnesses is president biden's brother, james biden. he's also a onetime business associates of hunters. we know that hunter biden has previously been charged by the special counsel with gun charges in delaware. the fact that they're now using a grand jury in california, signals there could be more charges coming for the
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president. sun >> and terms of the investigation of president biden's handling of classified documents. we mentioned special counsel is not a fear that the bring charges. what do you tell us? >> that's right. multiple sources tell us that they do not expect anyone will be charged as a result of the special counsel investigation. robert hurd, who's been overseeing this probe, is expected to deliver a detailed report explaining exactly how they carried out in this probe. this report is also expected to be critical. president biden and his associates for how to handle the sensitive materials. they expect to have all this wrapped up by the end of the year, but i'm told that could slide a little bit into next year. some trump allies are trying to draw comparisons in the biden document probe and the trump document investigation, which is of course going to be a criminal trial next spring. three key differences. volume, dissemination of this information and cooperation. we are talking about dozens of documents what biden, hundreds with trump which trump did not -- biden did.
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lastly, former president trump is on tape appearing to share classified information, sensitive information people who do not have clearances. there is no such evidence for president biden. >> paula reid, thank you very much. perspective on the case from cnn senior legal analyst former u.s. attorney. cnn political commentator -- in the biden white house. >> how significant, elie, during the? says >> it's bad news for biden. he's placed -- he already has a pending indictment in the federal court in delaware for the firearm charges. now, he potentially is looking at a second indictment out of california. if we think about the potential attack charges, it's important to keep in mind, when hunter biden into court a couple months ago with doj, they have a deal that he was going to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax offenses. they agreed, doj and hunter biden agreed that he failed to pay over $1 million in income taxes that he owes. so, assuming which is a fair something that the og has
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evidence of that, that feels like the minimum charges he made. it may get worse, but it's important to understand the fact that there's a ground jury does not ensure that there will be an indictment. but, it certainly makes it more lightly, and that's a problem. >> is this a problem both this grand jury, could this ground jury both politically and personally be a problem for the president? >> i think to some extent we did know this was coming. david always said when the plea agreement fell apart that he intended to bring charges. so, it's not entirely shocking. i think in terms of the political ramifications, this is about hunter biden. it's not about joe biden. it's not about president biden. we've seen time and again republicans have tried to make political hay out of this. they've tried to make this a problem for joe biden. it has not been. that is in part because hunter has been very forthcoming about his own personal struggles, his own addictions, what he was going throughout the time that some of this was ongoing. joe biden has been very clear that he had no involvement in his son's business dealings. so, i think for republicans to try and make this political opportunity, i think it's a
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miscalculation on their part. >> i assume you would be advise -ing the president did not really say anything to just kind of remain silent on this? >> absolutely, i think when the president has been asked about this he has said that he is proud of his son, he has talked about his personal relationship with the sun and the thing hunter went through. but, he has been very quiet about this specific hearing. he should continue to be. he should continue to be. this is a legal matter that hunter is dealing with. most voters across the country want to hear from joe biden about what he is going to do to make their lives better, and that with the presidents focus should stay. >> certainly, on the special counsel regarding the handling of classified documents, that certainly good news for the administration. >> for sure. it's got to be a relief. special counsel has now been added for about ten or 11 months. so, while there was no public into the keyshawn that joe biden had criminal intent or criminal knowledge, you never know. this is an aggressive prosecutor, the special counsel, i'm sure the siren relief coming from the white house. what remains to be seen as in the report. it will be a report, we
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remember the multiple report. will it say that even though there's not a crime, there was some bad conduct, or will it completely exonerate joe biden? either way, good news for joe biden. >> if, assuming that no charges, if there is criticism about the way the president has handled classified documents, how damaging is that for the president? especially, juxtapose to the former president who obviously we know the issues with his handling of classified documents. >> that's the key, right, anderson. any discussion of this in the political arena is going to be juxtaposed with trump. with trump's wrongdoing here. there is a dramatic difference between the way the biden white house and president biden handled this, and the way donald trump has handled the inquiry into his handling of classified documents. biden has been incredibly forthcoming, said from the outset. he would cooperate with doj, would provide anything that they wanted. we have seen that has been the case. we've seen reporting that has
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shown for example that his attorney was very clear with doj that they could have any access they wanted. that is strikingly different than president trump who has intentionally withheld documents and we can talk forever about the ways in which he has mishandled classified documents with intention. so, i think any discussion of this in the political arena is going to be juxtaposed with trump strong doing, that contrast. i think it's a good one for biden. but, at the end of the day, i would go back to what voters want to hear is how the president is going to help their lives and so any discussion of this for republicans is taken away from an opportunity to talk about that went through to help voters. >> on the gag order on the former president in the new york civil fraud trial, is that's gone for good? >> it is on hold because a court of appeal has said we want to take a look at this. i actually think this guy quarter is narrow and appropriate. i was never a fan of gag orders are, never asked for one, but let's remember, this gag order it simply says, hands off, no comments about my staff, that's
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it. trump's free under the gag order to criticize the judge, the prosecutors, the a. g., the case. the only thing he can do within the gag order is attacked the clerk. the courtroom staff. to me, that should be upheld, that's a narrow gag order, but it's pending right now, the court of appeal is going to roll out soon. >> elie honig, thanks so much. kate bedingfield, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> next, a new damning -- george santos question is will he be expelled, the latest from capitol hill, next.
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>> congressman george santos says he will not to run for reelection next year, following the release of damning ethics committee report today. santos condemned the investigation and the report. cnn's manu raju who has many exchanged with the congressman has details. >> georgetown does is a fraud. he should not be in congress. >> george santos serious ris k
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of being removed from congress. support grows for his expulsion. following devastating report from the bipartisan ethics committee, saying he to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit. the panel found that santos blatantly still from his campaign, including for travel and botox. even making a payment to onlyfans. an online subscription service that primarily has adult content. also allegedly he reported fictitious loans, sustained all through a constant series of lies. >> i think the people of his district need representation, they're not getting that right now. >> the report concluded that he knowingly filed false reports with the fcc of maine willful violations in financial disclosures with the house. >> the chair work of the ethics committee, planning to file a resolution to make santos a six house member in u.s. history to be expelled. -- >> that will be enough for members to make a decision after whether or not it will proper to expel representative santos.
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>> in an interview with cnn, he acknowledged making mistakes in his filings. >> they said you made up your income, that could be a problem for ethics, what happened, you do not list your income properly? >> all i could say is, first, you know that is not true, second were there mistakes made on those, now i know there were, where they malicious, no, i didn't understand how that worked, of a new candidate, i'm sorry that mistakes were made. denied making fake loans to his campaign. >> one of the things that they say is there was a 500,000 dollar loan that you made. >> oh, i made the 500,000 dollar loan. you >> had $8,000 in your bank account they say there is no evidence. >> i can guarantee you that i made these loans, i can pay them on the record. >> today santos blasted a committee calling the report bias, and disgusting politicizes smear.
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and announcing that he would not see a second term next year, saying his family deserves better. a reversal from just two weeks ago. >> they may expel you, they put someone else in the sea, you're gonna run in 2024? >> absolutely. >> the chairman of the house plans to begin the process tomorrow to expel george santos, filing a resolution with the house. a vote would be expected at the end of the month. it would require two thirds of the house to get there. by our calculations, that would require 53 republicans who had previously opposed expulsion to join with democrats who are expected to kick him out. right now, they're about a dozen votes republicans have switch position will now support expulsion. anderson, the republican leadership is still silent on this, including the speaker of the house mike johnson who issued a statement through a spokesperson calling it troubling with some membership keep in mind that the institution they serve as they cast a potential vote in the days ahead here.
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still some questions about whether santos can survive this. >> manu raju, thanks so. much kin buff from colorado with here in, our house from caucus and part of him growing numbers of law makers and support. following the release of this report. congressman, thanks for being with us. what specifically in the ethics committee report to you conclude that seattle should be expelled? >> anderson, i did not vote for his expulsion the first time that we had a vote. i changed my opinion after this. he did not receive due process the first time. he had not been convicted of a crime, the exit ethics committee had not investigated. now they've addressed a given and drawn some troubling conclusions. it did not even look at the most serious allegations because it doesn't want to interfere with the criminal cases. when the ethics committee says that he, george santos, has
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brought congress into his reputation into disrepute, i think that's fairly significant. it is hard to bring an institution that only has an 11% approval rating in the district but evidently georgetown's can do. that >> speaker johnson called a troubling, but stopped short of falling first downs of his expulsion or resignation. do you think emotion to expel would succeed if and when it's put to a vote? >> i think it'll get more momentum as individuals are home for the thanksgiving break. i think when we come back, you'll see that motion to expel. i think you will see more and more members voting for that. it might be a close vote, but i think he will be expelled if he does not resign. i hope you are zayante for we get to that point. >> obviously, if founders expelled that would give republicans even slimmer majority in the house. you think it's an important factor for your colleagues to consider when voting? >> i do not. i think his conduct is the most important fact. we actually get a member retired from utah. we will get that seat back. before the expulsion will take place. it'll happen around the same
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time and we'll have the same number of republicans in the house with and after the expulsion. >> you're a former high-ranking federal prosecutor, doing the criminal case against handles a strong? >> i've not seen the evidence. i've seen the allegations. the allegations are serious allegations. they are allegations that would warrant a prison term if he is convicted of those allegations. >> he says he's no longer running for reelection to protect his family from unwanted media protection. do you think it's an attempt to stay off an expulsion? >> i do not think it'll work. it may be an attempt. i don't think it will work. i think congress at some point, we've had a number of ugly incidences this past week which certainly had a lot of name-calling before that. i think tensions are high right now. i think that george santos has shown that he does not have the character to serve in congress. i think that he is likely to be expelled. i think it is going to happen in the next couple of weeks. >> we talk about incidences. his alleged physical altercation between mccarthy and santos. he said mccarthy about him in the back. senator markwayne mullin almost
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got into a fistfight with a witness at the hearing. given your experience, what is going on? does it seem crazier than usual? what do you attribute this to? >> i do think it's greater than normal. i think that we have been here for a number of weeks, about ten weeks in a row. we've had a weekend and other things, but it isn't always easy to get back to a lot of the districts over the weekends. people have been in d. c. away from their families. i think tensions are getting high. i think fans are also getting high because we're not passing the appropriations bills and moving forward. that is a difficult sign. we've had some difficult votes like the continuing resolutions and so i think this thanksgiving break is really necessary this time. i hope that people come back with a better attitude. >> congressman, ken buck, thank you so much. appreciated.
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>> thank you. >> new poll out of new hampshire e comes as t the formr presesident outltlines extrereme agagenda in hihis bid to r retuo the whwhite house.e. we w will be rigight back.
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>>, -- radical policies within hours of taking the oath, vowing to purge the federal workforce. >> they won, i will reissue my 2020 executive order restoring presidents authority to tell rogue and corrupt. your fired. >> you to justice department to target political adversaries. >> day one of my new administration, i will direct the doj to investigate every radical district attorney and attorney general in america, for their illegal racist in reverse and for smith of the law. >> as for the second day and beyond, trump analyses -- executive branch and decorative ways. >> in 2024, we're going to put america first like never before. with a focus on revenge, telling univision this month -- >> if i happen to be president and i see someone who's doing well and beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. >> i was in his first term, trump and his policies are
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expected to prompt legal challenges. >> this is what democracy looks like! >> political opposition. >> people, united, will never be divided! >> he took a constraint of political process, they don't seem to apply to him. there's not a lot of law to deal with a president who just does not care about the law. >> this time, to avoid delays, trump groups are laying the groundwork in advance. >> this is for conservatives to help the next under ready day one. >> paul don overseas project 2025, a transition team run by conservative think tank the heritage foundation. >> we're 70 at the meeting conservative organizations, essentially joining our forces to bring great people into the fold, to put our ideas and people into the bloodstream and the next administration. >> these efforts are welcome to a point, two of trump's senior campaign advisers tell cnn, quote, none of these groups were individuals speak for
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president trump or his campaign. [crowd chanting] one priority in a second term, a crackdown on illegal immigration. that would go beyond the hard-line proposals that fueled trump's first run for office. this includes mass deportation and detention camps. >> we will use all necessary state local federal and military resources to carry out largest domestic deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. some people will not like that, we have no choice. >> mister president. >> the former president has also promised to expand his travel ban for muslim countries. [crowd chanting] joe biden rescinded after taking office. >> when i return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger and much stronger than
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before. >> anderson, one thing to reiterate here is that this is not just rhetoric or a musings about a potential second term. he is surrounding himself with a like-minded ideologically aligned people who are trying to figure out how to actually implement this. to be clear, it's not just these two lawyers, in some cases it's constitutional experts. the big difference between 2016 and now is that donald trump knows exactly what he wants to implement going into office, meaning he can screen people ahead of time, making sure the people who are surrounding him are people who also want to see that through. anderson. >> kristen holmes, thank. you ahead, the fbi director is warning about antisemitism in this country. new reporting on how bigots are using a. i. to spread their message. also, the full out for elon musk after he agreed with antisemitic post on his social
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media sites, x.
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>> more on anti says something is on the rise. elon musk facing criticism for agreeing with an antisemitic post on his social media platform, x, endorsing the claim that jewish communities push hatreds against whites, writing in response, quote, you have said the actual truth.
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also tonight, ibm has suspended its advertising on x after one out appeared alongside pro-content. the ceo of x, linda yaccarino, wrote in a post this afternoon, quote, access point of view has always been very clear that the discrimination by everyone should stop across the board. on wednesday, fbi director told the homeland security that the bureau has seen threats rise significantly after october seven, mostly against the jewish community. tonight, cnn donating -- how hate groups in the u.s. are trying to go into antisemitism. some of the images you're about to see our offensive. -- covers. >> go, hamas. go, hamas. >> these are not typical palestine promoters protesting outside the white house. >> [bleep] holocaust. >> they're part of an antisemitic group founded by white supremacists.
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>> some of the same people -- in charlottesville virginia. >> [inaudible] >> they're one of multiple hate groups in the united states using israel hamas conflict to push an agenda of antisemitism. extremists are not just showing up at pro-palestinian protests, they're dumping antisemitic flowers in neighborhoods across the country. it's happening 35 states so far. >> i can't believe the hate that exists. towards the jewish people. i totally despise ththis. >> some of the flyers are the work of the fence the. antisemitic extremists were also linked to the destruction of a city council meeting across the country. they call into spew hate. >> it is always the jewish people. >> a few weeks ago in calabasas, a new tactic using artificial intelligence. >> hi, i am john green black, and i am the ceo of
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anti-defamation league. >> that may sound like jonathan greenblatt the head of the apl top organization that combats hates. >> they track antisemitic incidents. >> it was not him, it was actually a fake voice created using a. i.. >> we're finally admitting the truth about the flyers at ctv flyers are calm. >> the french league celebrated them making it sound like the adl was endorsing the hate groups antisemitic flyers. > we simply cannot debunk them. they are true. >> this is just an attempt by individuals to disrupt and the mean and shock people and to get a response that affects others. >> the head of the group is currently serving a 30 day jail sentence in florida for littering charges related to the antisemitic flyers. >> communities on sharing active footage from hamas, celebrating the deaths of jewish people. >> he leads a threat analysis company that tracks online hate. he says there's been a massive spike in support for hamas by
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american extremists, much of it on 4chan, a notorious hate filled site. extremists are taking a step further, using a. i. not only to imitates, but also to actually create antisemitic and hateful images. >> there is this weird fusion that began to occur in which actual hamas propaganda started to aesthetically blend with antisemitic tropes in means that have been unfortunate for years. >> the threats are serious and drawing the attention of law enforcement. this document obtained by cnn, the department of homeland security, warns that u.s. heat groups continue to call for violence, and they could use the hamas attacks as an inspiration to fight. [crowd chanting] go home, not seize! >> pro palestine protesters made it clear to us they don't want anything to do with these hate groups. >> these hate groups trying to demonstrations like this, how does that make you feel? >> i think it is horrible. i think it fully the rails the entire movement. >> white supremacist opportunist who are using the
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palestinian cause as a vehicle for the predators are not welcome. the palestinian freedom movement stands against all forms of hatred, against anti jewish hatred, just like we stand against racism. >> donie joins us. going to election year, of these fake voices and fake images, it is going to be a mess. >> a real mess. you remember a few months ago we had a bit of fun using voice generation a. i. tool making it sound like i was you. these things can be used for fun, but i really think the combination of elon musk and you saw what he said yesterday, his position at x and the mess that that platform is, meta the past few days have announced it's a merge they're going to take money, they're going to allow ads of campaign saying the 2020 election was rigged. the lead up to 2024 have all this a. i. stuff. it really does feel like we are
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on the precipice going into 2024 of just a misinformation. miss >> donie o'sullivan, thank you. we will bebe right bacack.
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but sisince for us.