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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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>> well, the white house will keep its x account. but the reason for this small move is something significant. musk explicitly endorsed an anti-semitic conspiracy theory on his platform, and others have taken a strong stance. major advertisers, including apple, disney, and cnn's parent company warner brothers discovery, have pulled spots from the platform. musk and x. the white house's decision to join threads gives the mark zuckerberg controlled platform -- also been created on threads. we will have a special report tomorrow on the u.s. government's relationship with elon musk and his companies. like the pentagon's $70 million deal with spacex for star shield, which is a communication system based on the starlink system of satellites that's been so crucial in ukraine. so, should the administration be putting their money where their mouth is?
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that's a special report coming up tomorrow. up tomorrow. it's time now for "ac 360." -- captions by vitac -- tonight on "360," israeli hostage families in angry confrontations with the government that some of them say is putting killing the enemy ahead of saving israelis. also, with their client on the attack, lawyers for donald trump today trying to convince an appeals court that what he is saying about special counsel jack smith and the january 6th case ginagainst him -- and it's lot -- is protected by the first amendment. plus the literally earth shaking -- iceland that could be getting ready to blow. john berman here in for anderson. we begin with israel's war on hamas. the many pieces of it now in play. and the one question that six weeks of fighting has yet to answer, namely how a sometimes divided democracy should fight a ruthless enemy, which hides
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among palestinian non-combatants and holds hundreds of israeli non-combatants captain. troops reached the heart of gaza city much earlier than hamas expected and are engaging hamas gunmen elsewhere in northern gaza. john kirby said negotiators are, quote, getting close to the end, unquote, in talks on freeing a number of hostages. he did not specify, though, what that number might be. nor would he comment on this cctv video, which is rereleased, reportedly showing hostages being moved through gaza city's al shifa hospital on october 7th. separately the world health organization organization today gave an update on the neonatal batys from al shifa who have been evacuated to egypt. according to the w.h.o., 28 are now in egypt. three others were reunited with families and remain inside gaza. and two others died in gaza over the weekend. also today in israel, hostage
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families did what some have been wanting to do for weeks now, namely, asking top members of their government top questions with the lives of their loved ones at stake. let's get more on that now from cnn's orrin liebermann. >> reporter: this man waited 45 days for this moment. his sister has been a hostage in gaza since october 7th. and this is the first chance for the families of the hostages to meet with the war cabinet. >> i do expect them to be transparent as much as possible about what can be done, okay? we all want to see everybody back today. >> reporter: frustration boiling over after six weeks and two days of questions. >> translator: it's something very hard, very embarrassing, that i have to stand here facing so many cameras and i have to go to a meeting in order to hear answers. >> reporter: but as the meeting was set to start, not all of the families were allowed in. >> translator: in gaza, there is enough room for the 240 who were
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kidnapped. and in the defense ministry, there isn't room for 130 families? >> reporter: for weeks, some families have slept outside the defense ministry to remind the war cabinet inside that they will not leave and they will not let up. from hostages square in tel aviv, they march to jerusalem, picking up thousands of supporters around the five-day march to the prime minister's office, a public pressure campaign to force a meeting with israel's leadership. this woman's mornlther-in-law i hostage in gaza. >> we don't have time. we don't have one hour more. we don't know if she is alive. >> reporter: the military says at least two hostages were found dea dead. trying to push a death penalty of terrorists, which the families say endangers their
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loved ones in captivity. >> translator: maybe instead of talking about the dead, talk about the living. stop talking about killing arabs. talk about saving jews. this is your job. >> and orrin liebermann joins us now. orrin, did the families give you any sense of whether they think the idf military campaign is helping or hurting their chances of getting their loved ones back? >> reporter: well, the families who met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other members of the war cabinet had several hours with them. but one of whom we spoke with said he left disappointed, very disappointed. they were looking for new information and they didn't get it. one of the things they heard, according to this member, was they wanted to press the government on whether bringing the hostages back was their number one priority. and they simply didn't hear that. they wanted to hear that above
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all else, the government was focused on making an exchange, a deal, an arrangement to bring back israeli hostages. instead they heard although it's important, it's not more important, necessarily, than defeating hamas. that's what worries them, especially as the idf says israeli hostages have already been found dead in gaza. >> orrin liebermann for us tonight in tel aviv. orrin, thank you very much. more now on the hostage talks and how the biden administration sees them progressing. mj lee is at the white house tonight. what are you hearing about the negotiations? >> reporter: we are sensing a new level of optimism that an agreement may be near and may even be days away from being announced. we have been covering these negotiations for weeks now and we have heard at various other points that a deal may be close to being announced. the recording for myself and my colleague, alex marquardt, is according to a draft of a
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potential agreement, what would happen is that hamas would release 50 hostages in exchange for israel pausing the fighting for four to five days. now, the gaps between the parties, we are told, are beginning to close, though there have been deliberations, ongoing deliberations, about how exactly such a deal might be implemented, and some questions about the humanitarian aid that hamas has been demanding from the beginning by the hundreds of truck loads. this is something that is continuing to be deliberated, we are told. now, we have seen and the white house has said that they are really working around the clock to try to get to an agreement. we've seen, for example, brett mcgirk, who is the white house middle east coordinator, really hopscotching the region in the last couple of days. cia director bill burns has also been closely engaged. i think, john, all parties would agree there isn't a deal until a deal is announced and until these hostages are physically out of gaza. >> mj, i know you pressed john
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kirby the of the national security council about the americans being held hostage. what did he tell you? >> reporter: the white house has been saying for a number of weeks now that they do believe americans are among the hostages in gaza. officials have been very clear all along that ascertaining any kind of information about the hostages, their condition, their whereabouts, has been incredibly challenging. and the information i tried to get from john irkirby today was whether, if there is such a deal announced in the coming daying, what that might mean for the americans that are missing. here's that exchange. >> on the hostages, if women and children end up being released first, which is what it sounds like the situation is probably heading toward, does the u.s. have any sense of how many in that mix might be american citizens? >> i don't want to get ahead of where we are, mj. and, i mean, i know that everybody's interested in the
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numbers and who they're going to be. we're working that through literally in realtime with both sides. so, i think it's better if i just don't speculate about what that pool is going to look like. obviously we are laser focused on the american citizens that we know are being held hostage, and we want them out, all of them. everybody should be out now. but here we are in a negotiation. and we're getting closer to the end, we believe, of that negotiation. so, again, i'm going to be careful. >> are any of the potential american hostages, is there confidence that they are alive? i know that you addressed the lack of proof of life, the videos and such in the past. >> i would say we have no indication otherwise. >> reporter: and john, just in terms of how tenuous these negotiations have been, sources told me and alex that in recent days hamas had gone dark and put the negotiations on hold. one of their many objections was israel's raid of al shifa hospital. obviously the negotiations did
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eventually resume. but just an illustration of how incredibly challenging it has been to negotiate with hamas about these hostages. john? >> mj lee at the white house. thank you very much. with me tonight, michael orrin, ambassador to the united states. the deal they're discussing, the parameters seem to be a four or five-day pause in the fighting for the release of hostages. >> you don't have an agreement with hamas and even if you have an agreement, you don't have an agroemt. they don't negotiate in in good faith. they'll say, we want another ceasefire. they've broken every ceasefire in the past. they've never kept a ceasefire. it's very difficult to negotiate with someone who's moving that football constantly. these are a bunch of -- these are violent thugs. and meanwhile you're going to get bodies showing up, like these two women who were
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executed, according tour friends at "scientist." they were executed. they didn't die in caput tift. they were shot. my sources tell me hamas won't release women who have been raped raped. . a great number have been raped. you're going to have the equivalent of a mafia, sending a poos of a kidnapped person back in order to ramp up all the time, the pressure, for a prolonged and open ended ceasefire because that's what they want. it gets a ceasefire, that means hamas wins. it gets away with murder. >> even four or five days? >> they're going to rearm, reequip, booby trap everything so that when the army starts -- >> rearm from where? >> oh, they have plenty of arms. they have to bring it from different places. and we're going to cost us in terms of our soldiers' lives. we're talking about middle eastern history. in history i don't know a decision as difficult as this one that can be made by any government ever. you have to take a hostage life
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versus a soldier's life. many cases they're the same age. then you're going to get to questions of, okay, 50 hostages get out out. the families of the hostages that didn't get out are going to start increasing pressure on the israeli government for a ceasefire. it's always going to be about the ceasefire because that's what hamas needs in order to survive. >> i had the opportunity to sit next to you while we were watching orrin liebermann's piece of those frustrated, hurt, devastated families. >> soul crushing. 240 people. children. these are old people. these are infirm people. >> they say the israeli government is not doing enough. >> i think there's an impossible situation here. what does enough mean? if you put pressure on hamas -- notice hamas wasn't willing to negotiate at all before israel went on the ground. now that israel is getting closer, then hamas says, oh, well, maybe we're willing to talk. as this gets closer and closer and closes that noose on hamas, the terms will get better. keep in mind, these are people
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not negotiating in good faith. they'll always break the ceasefire and they'll break the terms. >> i want to ask you about the cctv video the idf released over the last several days, which israel shows two hostages inside the al shifa hospital. if this video shows what israel says it shows, two hostages there, how many people do you think must have known that they were there between hospital staff, doctors, the security who had access to the cctv video before presumably israel did, perhaps international organizations that operate in and around al shifa. >> it's not that israel claims -- it's a palestinian video. it's the palestinian. it's a hospital video. and of course if you see in the video, just walking around watching this hostage being taken in. and there's guns and rockets throughout the hospital. there's a huge shaft under the hospital. to say that nobody in the hospital knew what was going on is ludacris. of course they knew was going
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on. hamas kills palestinians too. the head of hamas, yahya sinwar, got his fame by killing what he called collaborators. they live in fear. we can understand that. but you can't reasonably assume they did not know what was going on in that hospital. >> the idf, over the weekend, said they will continue their operations into south. southern gaza is where israel has told people to go inside gaza. so, what happens to the tens of thousands of people who have gone where israel has told them to go, if the idf moves in there? >> which is why hamas is moving to the south too. one sees the population as a human shield wherever it goes. remember, it wants a ceasefire? how does it get a ceasefire? by getting israel to kill, inadvertently, palestinians. that increases international pressure on israel. so, israel to make the ceasefire. israel is going to do its yut most to limit that number in order to keep fighting hamas. you see how difficult this
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dynamic is. israel will continue to do its best to warn palestinian populations if there's going to be an imminent attack, sending text messages, and other methods to try to get them to move. and as they move, hamas is going to keep on using them as shields. >> isn't that awful? this is the horrible reality of this war. it's not just a story. i'm a dad and a grandad. and it's just heartbreaking. the whole thing. >> ambassador michael warren, we appreciate you being here tonight. have a happy thanksgiving. the gag order aimed at keeping the former president from attacking the court and intimidating witnesses against him versus the first amendment rights we all enjoy. what his lawyers and jack smith's team said about it today and what a federal appeals court made of it and all the politics surrounding it. later what voters in the key swing state of michigan make about president biden and the impact it could make a year from now at the polls.
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no offers yet tonight from the former president. today in an appeal almost certainly headed for the supreme court, his lawyers argued that the gag order -- january 6th case infringes on his first amendment rights and by extension his campaign. the d.c. circuit appeals court
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judges, one biden and two obama appointees, were skeptical. >> criminal speech obviously is subject to the descriptions. political speech -- core political speech that's part of campaign speech -- >> i don't -- i think that kind of labelling it core political speech begs the question of whether it is in fact political speech or whether it is political speech aimed at derailing or corrupting the criminal justice process? >> perspective now from cnn legal analyst karen freeman agnifilo. counselor, let me start with you. the appeals court signalled that they're considering narrowing this gag order some to allow trump to talk some about the special counsel jack smith and his legal team. i want to play a little bit more of what they said. >> -- while everyone else is throwing targets at him.
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>> well, it can't be that he can't mention mr. smith. surely he has thick enough skin. he's on this team. >> all right. so, why include jack smith in the permissible attack column? >> well, i think they think it's fair game because this is a political campaign, where one of the fair things that the o opponents will say is the fact that he's being prosecuted, he's accused of these things. so, he should be able to respond to that, so he says, and call this political prosecution. but i think death threats, which is what happens when he says things about jack smith or jack smith's family, et cetera, i think that takes it a bridge too far. and that's what was going on today with the appeals court was, do we have to wait for something to happen before we limit it? or can we limit it in advance because there have been so many threats to anyone who he targets
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and puts out there? and there's so much evidence of that in the record? >> do you think it would be a mistake to allow jack smith to be one of those people he can go after? >> look, again, having death threats and having people come and threaten you is terrifying, whether you're a prosecutor or not. so, if it was just speech, i think, yeah, jack smith has thick skin. they can take it. he's not going to do anything differently. but when people show up at your house or you're getting phone calls or things happen to your kids or your family, i think that's a bridge too far. >> congressman, you dealt with donald trump in different ways for a long time, to what extent is this something of a win/win for him? either he is permitted to say more things, in which case, you know he will. or the court imposes some kind of gag order, in which case he'll say he's being silenced here and send out campaign finance notes, which he already is.
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is this a win/win? >> look, he's a professional victim. he's the best at being a victim of anybody i've ever met. from being the most powerful man in the world at one point, he was the victim of everything that ever came his way. on the political side of things, if he truly is a victim, maybe he's not the strongest person to be president of the united states. yeah, i do think it's a win/win. i also agree with karen. the difference here is this. donald trump has a tendency -- he's very good at saying things in a way that, like, when people hear it, they know he kind of means something else but he can get away with not saying. i'm not saying to go attack them, right? you know. so, this is, kind of, the danger in it. i can tell you from being in congress and having my conversations with people, through all the years of donald trump, peel back the curtain a little bit. when he says something -- so, if he goes after jack smith or says something personal, whatever it is -- that gives license to every other member of congress, every other political leader to then turn around and do the same
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thing. so, it's not donald trump putting something on his fake twitter. it's something -- it now gives credit and permission to every other republican to say the same thing. and when -- as you saw with dr. anthony fauci, for instance, right, people disagreed with his covid policies. fine. you can disagree with them. but he's gotten a lot of death threats. and donald trump may have never called out and said, go after dr. fauci physically, but his words have that impact on millions of people. >> karen, if a gag order goes back in place, which it seems likely some kind of gag order will go in place, what does judge tanya chutkan do, the judge overseeing the case, if he violates it? what can she do? >> she can do lots of different things. there can be fines. but if there's going to be some kind of put him in jail as a consequence, which can be that way. in federal court they'd have to bring a new action that would trigger a whole new trial, if you will, on whether or not he actually did violate it.
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so, she can do lots of things. she can fine him. she can sanction him. she can admonish him. but ultimately, she won't do this, i think, at first. but if he keeps continuously violating it, potentially there would be this new contempt action. >> thanks to both of you. have a great thanksgiving. >> you bet. next, why the former president had reason to celebrate his 81st birthday today. in fact, why the current president had reason to celebrate his 81st birthday today, and the joke he just made about it. although new polling shows it's not so funny. and what some key swing state voters think of it. and later, iceland on edge after numerous earthquakes signal h sisignal a posossibility o of a volcano ereruption. ouour fred pleleitgen is t ther the latetest.
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president biden turned 81 today. he made a few jokes about his age during the annual thanksgiving turkey pardon. and late tonight, this picture was posted on the president's instagram account. it's a birthday cake ablaze with candles. thanks for the birthday well wishes. turns out on your 146th birthday, you run out of space for candles. the white house tonight leaning into what is considered one of biden's biggest political liabilities, his age. right now he is showing poorly in the polls, particularly among younger voters. they backed him in 2020 by about 20 points. polls show the support collapsing. a new one from nbc shows the former president, donald trump, leading president biden 46-42%
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among 18 to 34 year olds. 70% of young voters disapprove of biden's handling of the israel-hamas war. the white house press secretary was asked about that disapproval today by our mj lee. this is what she said. >> what i'll be very clear about is we're going to -- not going to govern by polls here. we're going to -- or poll numbers. we're going to focus on delivering for the american people. that's going to be our focus. >> the war and young voters are the focus of john king's latest installment of the series for "360" all over the map. through the eyes and experiences of voters who live in key battleground states. tonight, michigan. john king joins me now. >> managen you're back in college. 81 seems pretty old. they think he doesn't understand their issues, even though he's tried to do some things on college debt. age was an issue anyway with the
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bedrock piece of the coalition. now you see the protests about the israel-hamas war on both sides. people raise questions about how the president's handling it. >> midterms are done, finals just ahead. there is a rhythm to life on campus. and this fall, a raw divide. >> i am a jewish israeli american. >> reporter: maya say sophomore at wayne state in michigan, studying social work. >> there's a police officer down the hall. that's not normal. >> it is now. >> reporter: seeingman travelled to washington last week to join thousands in support of israel, now back on a campus divided. >> the division is very clear. the tension on campus is very high. >> reporter: dwayne state spans 200 acres in downtown detroit. abraham is one of the 24,000 students. >> i'm muslim, i'm american, i'm palestinian. >> reporter: he calls
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anti-semitism horrible and disgusting. >> do you feel the flip side of it? >> is there more islamophobia? are people just saying hurtful things? >> i think it's disgusting that standing up for children dying and women dying and civilian infrastructure being destroyed is being compared to supporting hamas. i mean, holding up a palestinian flag does not support hamas. hamas has their own flag. nobody's carrying their flag. >> reporter: this coffee shop is in deer born, where about half of the residents are of arab ancestry. a president they supported in 20 to is now green lighting an israeli response they see as indiscriminate. >> i don't think our country should fund that type of reaction. >> do you feel this way? >> to an extent, yes. i feel as though president biden doesn't value my life, as a muslim american, as much as he values other lives.
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>> reporter: young voters were a -- part of the 2020 coalition, and this urban campus tilts deep blue. >> if it's biden/trump next november, you would -- >> i'd go biden. >> reporter: summer is 18, a theater major, and an lgbtq voter who wishes president biden would yield to someone younger. >> i think the weird generational gap is something that is very, very hard for young people. when there's certain things that we want to be heard as young people, you know, with not only the conflict with israeli and palestine people, but we also have student loan forgiveness and all these different financial problems that aren't being handled when they're very much capable of being handled. >> it feels like a weird throw away vote. >> reporter: right now he favors the socialist party. in 2020, fischer was just 17. but he helped the ac llu voters.
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>> so, you helped joe biden get elected? >> yes. >> and -- >> i will not vote for president biden in 2024. >> you say genocide. >> yes. >> the prime minister of israel, the president of the united states, would say response to terrorism. >> absolutely. it's absolutely essential that we call it for what it is, a genocide, and also say that it doesn't start on october 7th. it started with the creation of the state of israel. >> some students say talk like that are stoking a rise in anti-semitism. >> i wish it wasn't like this, but this is what we live right now. >> reporter: 50,000 students in ann arbor and interest in the college democrats is up. >> we've had 50, 40, 30, consistently for the meetings. >> and in the past it has been closer to 10, 15, 20. >> reporter: these seniors
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helped generate big turnout here in 2020 and again in 2022. they have weekly meetings now to plan 2024. >> should we have somebody younger? does that come up much? >> absolutely it comes up. i think, you know, it's a real point to make. it's a real conversation to be had. >> reporter: the immediate challenge is seeing students who agree on things like abortion rights and defending democracy at odds over the israel-hamas crisis and president biden's response. >> mr. president, i've seen you take key humanitarian steps, but i think the next step is a ceasefire. and i think that that would go a long way with voters. >> we don't know what's going to happen next week or next month, but if the election were tomorrow, do you think it is more likely some of your members would sit out or look for another option, third party, because they're mad at the president about this? >> some of them, yes, they have shared with us, this is making them reconsider. >> is it fair to say you're glad the election is not tomorrow?
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>> yes. >> john, we saw in the latest poll where former president donald trump is now ahead of president biden with younger voters. where does that fit with the data you're seeing? >> we didn't see, john, either at wayne state, a blue campus, or ann arbor, a rush to trump. but you do see a lot of hesitation about the president. you see the michigan map here from 2020. here's the new national poll you talked about. one key distinction, nbc polled voters ages 18 to 34. in the exit polls it's 18 to 29. as voters start to get older, they're more like -- not rushing to republicans but more likely. if you look at this and look nationally at 2016 versus 2020. president trump got 36 october of 18 to 29, 36% again in 2020. so, if he's above 40, that's a big gain for president trump. so, what is the issue? look at president biden. he got 60% in 2020 to 55% hillary clinton. it was a key piece of the biden coalition. john, when you ask voters on campus, number one, the age. they see the president, they
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don't see him enough. so, they think, wow, he doesn't understand us. he doesn't get us. those college democrat presidents, they were trying to deal with that issue. you're not just voting for the president. you're voting for who he puts on the supreme court. you're voting for abortion rights. you're voting to protect democracy. they were just starting that conversation on campus, and then october 7th happened. you see this divide on campus where the jewish students feel afraid. they say if he doesn't call for a ceasefire, they might not vote at all or they might go third party. if you look at how close michigan is, that would be a problem. >> that will be interesting to see how they address it over the coming weeks and months. john king, great to have you. thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, the latest twists in elon musk's endorsement of that anti-semitic post on his network. that and a grad taking on musk after finding himself at the center of a far right conspiracy theory that he says musk amplified.
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so, elon musk defended himself this weekend without addressing the cause of his latest controversy, agreeing with an anti-semitic post on his social media platform, x. last week, musk endorsed the claim that jewish communities pushed, quote, hatred against whites. writing in response, quote, you have said the actual truth. his statement prompted several large companies to pull ads from the platform. that includes disney, comcast,
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and cnn's parent, warner brothers discovery. on sunday musk did not directly address what he posted. rather he wrote, there are hundreds of bogus stories claiming he is anti-semitic and that, quote, nothing could be further from the truth. he is suing a progressive watchdog group over analysis highlighting what they say is anti-semitic content on x, once known as twitter. musk is facing a different battle and he's facing a lawsuit that you may not have heard about. it centers on a 22-year-old named ben brodie, who says his life was turned upside-down by a conspiracy theory amplified by musk on twitter, which is what it was called at the time. brodie has never told his story on camera until he agreed to talk with our donie o'sullivan. this is the exclusive report. >> i was just, oh, my god. is this for real? >> reporter: 22-year-old ben brodie was at home in riverside,
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california, when -- >> i started getting these text messages from my feds. you're accused of being a neo-nazi fed. look at all this stuff that's being said about you. it was just a prank. >> reporter: but it wasn't a prank. 1,000 miles away near portland, oregon, two far right extremist groups had gotten into a fight while protesting in an event. ben brodie was not involved, but online trials found random photos of ben online. >> they said, oh this person looks like him. he has to be this person. you know, there's no way it's not him. it was just, like, an assumption that just went wrong. >> reporter: the person in the video resembled ben, but even though it definitely was not him, the trolls thought they had found their man. they pulled information from ben's fraternity page which said after graduation he plans to work for the government and turned that into a lie that he was a federal agent who was
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infiltrating the extremist group to make them look bad, a so-called false flag operation. >> my name is ben brodie, and i wanted to address the false accusations against me. >> reporter: desperate to clear his name, ben made this video. he even posted time stamp surveillance footage showing him at a store in california at the same time the brawl was happening near portland. but the false claims about ben's involvement continued to spread. even the owner of twitter, now x, elon musk weighed in, posting to his millions of followers, looks like one is a college student who wants to join the government and another is maybe an antifa member. but nonetheless, a probable false flag situation. >> i knew that this was snowballing. but once elon musk commented, i was, like, boom. that's the final nail in the coffin. >> and how much did it intensify then after musk's involvement? >> it massively intensifies it. this guy dm'd me on instagram, now even elon musk thinks you're
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a fed. and what was really scary too is that these people were threatening to tell my school. and i was scared that i wasn't going to graduate. >> reporter: ben's friends and others tweeted at musk, telling him the person in the video was not ben. >> in this case at its core is about elon musk being reckless and making an accusation about this young man. >> reporter: mark bang ston is ben brodie's attorney. >> ben published a video online to try to clear his name. it didn't work. so, there's this incredible feeling of helplessness. there's millions out there, millions, who think that ben was involved in neo-nazi activities. >> and that is how i know you lied to me. >> reporter: bankston is best known as the lawyer who successfully sued alex jones for the lies he spread about the sandy hook elementary shooting. now he wants to hold elon musk accountable, writing musk made these false and damaging accusations against ben brodie, and it has led to severe
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personal harassment and permanent damage to his reputation. >> how did we get to a place where somebody so powerful can make that kind of accusation based on something so flimsy from just anonymous people on the internet? >> reporter: his home address was posted online, and he worries his name will forever be associated with neo-naziism. >> someone posted saying, a klansman lives here, and they gave the address with a picture of my house. and i was terrified. >> reporter: ben, who was jewish, says being called a neo-nazi has been especially painful. >> did you think your life was ruined? >> yeah, completely. if you just put in my name into the search bar, you know, neo-nazi fed, ben brodie. >> reporter: ben is seeking damages of $1 million, but it's about a lot more than money. >> we have to change how we deal with information, how we spread information, and how we attempt to influence others. >> the fact that this is
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happening to private people, that's just terrifying. and it's going to happen again unless someone stands up to this guy. >> and donie is here with me now. so, has elon musk commented on this? >> elon musk's lawyer this evening tells us that they expect this case to be dismissed. they have until the 5th of january to make that case essentially to the court where this is filed in texas. look, what is in this lawsuit is page after page after page of ben brodie's lawyer making the case, essentially, that elon musk has this tendency to engage and praise and amplify racists and often times anti-semitic conspiracy theories or engage with accounts that push those tropes as well. obviously that is something we expect that musk's lawyers will contest in court. but as you can see there, ben brodie's life, just as he was about to graduate, was really turned upside-down.
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it's one thing to have trolls, anonymous trolls, pushing this about you. but to have it, kind of, be engaged in some way by one of the world's richest men and the person who runs x, it's a whole different story. >> unreal. donie o'sullivan, terrific report. thank you very much. next, a live report from near a volcano in iceland that could be on the brink of a major eruption.
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high alert. officials warning there is a high probability of a volcanic eruption. stoking fears eruption may be imminent. cnn's fred pleitgen is near an evacuated town close to the mountain in question. fred, scientists are obviously watching the situation very closely. what's the latest they're saying about when an eruption might happen? >> reporter: well, they think
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that it certainly could be imminent. you mentioned that number of 700 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. the interesting thing about that, john, is that is fewer earthquakes than we have seen over the past couple of days. sunday, it was 2,000 earthquakes in a single day. the scientists say that could be a sign of an imminent eruption because they believe that magma is rising to the top, toward the earth's crust quickly, and that's why there's fewer earthquakes. but that magma could burst through at any time. >> reporter: it's a race against time. residents only have a few minutes to gather items, then they have to get out fast. the town in southwestern iceland is right in the path of a possible volcanic eruption. >> you had to leave quickly? >> yeah. friday night. >> what was that like? >> it was horrible. >> reporter: the brute force of steam from a massive underground magma stream already bursting through the streets and homes here, causing massive damage.
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those rushing out understand their homes, their town, their community, might soon be gone for good. >> are you hopeful about the situation that maybe the town will be spared if the big eruption happens? >> our house, no not really. the lava is very close to our house, so we are expecting to lose everything if it will erupt. >> i'm not sure about the town. it looks -- it's very hard to go there and see everything. >> reporter: iceland is in what's called a hot spot, where magma often breaks through the earth's crust and can result in massive eruptions. and what happens here can affect large parts of the globe. in 2010, ash spewed into this atmosphere by a volcano in iceland, brought trans atlantic air travel for a virtual standstill for weeks. iceland's government says this time around, the effects could
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also be devastating, with a geothermal power plant that supplies energy to the main airport in harm's way. the authorities here are highly concerned about the town that has been evacuated a few days ago, but also about the geothermal power plant here in this area. and they are working 24/7 to try and dig a trench to redirect the lava if it comes to the surface. government experts acknowledge they're not certain the barrier would prevent lava from damaging the power plant. a geophysics team from the university of iceland is flying research missions with drones inside the danger zone. this eruption won't necessarily be the biggest, but one of the most dangerous professor -- tells me. >> the eruption might break out somewhat to the north and reach the town in a day, two or three, four days. and this is a scenario that we have to take seriously.
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>> reporter: so, they are taking this very seriously. and of course the icelanders who deal with situations of volcanic eruptions frequently, they have contingency plans going on. they're all predicated on one thing. that is that humans are no match for nature. they understand if this thing blows up, they might lose the town. that's why the whole area has been evacuated on a grand scale. they also understand they wouldn't be able to hold up the lava, as far as the geothermal power plant is concerned. that's why they're trying to divert it. an eruption could take place in a matter of days. >> fred, stay safe. just ahead, a look at the ceremonies honoring the life of former first lady rosalynn carter carter, who died over the weekend at the age of 96.
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next week, the nation will pay tribute to rosalynn carter, the former first lady and wife of 77 years to former president jimmy carter died over the weekend at 96. a week from today there will be a wreath laying ceremony at georgia southwestern state