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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 29, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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tonight legendary coach
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hip-hop artists big bad josie mans laura coates and from the ringer and laker king charles starts now. >> going in going in. >> king charles starts now. welcome welcome! >> i'm so excited, great work by the crew. >> thank you so much for joining us. this is king charles iii, brand-new show on cnn. just seeing the two of us should tell you there this is going to be something a little different wouldn't you agree? >> that's an understatement, but it's gonna be fun. >> how so? >> well, because we are going to have fun, gonna be opinionated, i'm already a little ray charles i went to the dentist today and i was leaving and said gale said i'm really excited about your king charles show with charles barkley, first of all i just
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want to think the nobodies column itself king charles's gayle king and charles barkley. the method to our madness wearing to talk about some of the biggest stories on the world where a show of what we find interesting some of it will be very serious some of it will be serious some of will be both because frankly we think that sort of life. >> it should be fine but sometimes we get to be serious we know how to do that this show will be a place for people who caribou caribou in the world but also for people who need a bit of a break and taken we only to break these days. >> we definitely need a break from life today, because the world is nuts. and the show by the way isn't a one-way street. we want to hear from you. so we are asking you this, please leave us a voice mail, ask us anything and charles we have our own number what. is it >> 18553 for three for king. >> i cannot tell what the
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people what that number means. i don't >> i don't know what the 855 is. three for 34 is my number from phoenix in philadelphia and from my special friend king. how old were you in that sixers uniform we'll probably 20 6:27 and how already there. >> 32. that's called the good old days tonight nba head coach of the golden state warrior join us to talk about how the loss of his father to an active terror shipshape's worldview. let's will talk about a georgia trial out of this is talking about this is got huge implications that does not talk about the former president and the two people who say they're the best jobs in media right now are here >> yes we are. >> besides a, something we do have one of the best jobs in media, beyoncé in taylor swift's new national this. >> there is people of sorts of
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shy steep backgrounds and all of a sudden very magdalena the d states congress are we to now assume that one is no longer innocent until proven guilty and they are fact guilty until proven innocent? or are we to now simply assume worried about george santos, they're worried about what they're paying for gas, toward about but the bank for. eggs >> and we said the leadership team, or law for people to vote by the conscience, and concealing appropriate thing to do. we know whipped the vote and we wouldn't. i trust the people will make that decision thoughtfully and in good faith. i personally have real reservations about doing this. >> okay, trips to atlantic city, casinos and hampton, shopping at hermes, botox and purchases on onlyfans. >> charles you want to share about your onlyfans? account >> i don't have one of those. i don't have one of. those >> according to a house ethics committee report, that's just a day in the life of congressman george santos.
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where to begin on all of those? rebound of the ringers higher learning podcast and host of laura coates live. hello laura. laura is gonna help us sort it all out. so there's a third attempt to dispel the congressman santos right now. you kick it off. >> this makes me sick to my stomach first of all. it shouldn't take three attempts. gail there is no job in the world where you can lie that much and keep your job, there's not a normal person watching this show who wouldn't -- . i don't understand my would take three times. this shows you how broken our political system is that you can lie that much and keep your job. >> people say you are innocent until proven guilty. >> if the ethics report. the receipts those talks.
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>> farah ghana, is it the idea, academy or hair mess every single time? you also have the only fans. everything about, he is defiant. when you see that much put up or shut up might say down the line might have some allegation towards you it's a slippery slope. >> it makes me think guys that there's no shame. >> there's no. that's where we are in america. i love him. let's be. honest >> it love george santos? >> i did and then i found out that he spent about 400,000 on onlyfans odesa that's me. that's like my guy. >> a man's man! >> we think that we are barack obama, super educated, polished guy who never says anything wrong. but really, america's george santos. we are the only fans freak who is going to casinos and doing all of the stuff.
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i think he's a perfect mascot for political dysfunction. >> can, do you think political scandal is where we are at this is normalized. >> never be normalized never been sensationalized this degree. evolve aside gary hart. it wasn't considered normal back then this is more normalized but i think we watched lost our ways a little bit. >> first of all if george santos lies like easy american, unless not bmo check my passport again it's not a normal thing what he's doing. >> there's a couple of things i do think you are right reason other politicians don't condemn him, they don't want us looking into what they are doing on the side that's what i truly believe, there's no i all that stuff they i was looking into bank accounts my biggest problem goes back to he shouldn't have you can't get elected blind like that that's
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my problem with the whole thing everybody else will get fired from the job we're not talking of the stuff you are talking about he lied about where he went to college. he didn't work there >> unite about worry where. >> once again i'm not making excuses for george santos i think that's kind of normal but if you look at people they lie on a resume's. i may have lied about my weight on my driver sea but does everybody lion air resume. >> maybe they might talk about all the things they have done through the course of a 48 hour week to gain experience says first-timers jewish when he talked about his mother being
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and stuff and 9/11 did did not happen that didn't happen he also said his money is not his money, it was campaign related money. it belong to the campaign. it was donors that are now being spent on his forehead, and his botox. >> some people embellish and resume, but i don't think that the extent of his lies, is the issue. they're doubling down that they're not going anywhere. >> let me be serious, for a second. with the campaign finance irregularities i, do think that there is a part of this that there is a quirkiness of george santos, and a political target. there is so much rampant lying, and misinformation, and misleading of the american people, that he is being scapegoated, in a way. >> in fairness, most people lie after they get the job. they don't like to get the job. he lied to get the job, and he continues to lie. post quality
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shuns, they've become course after they hit the job. that's my problem with this whole fiasco. >> i think you're on to something, charles, when you say that people, some of his fellow colleagues are on criticizing them, because they don't want it looking. they want them to look at what they're doing. it was not going around alone. they've already so that the other day. >> they were very clear about that threat. of course, there are skeletons in the closet of many members of congress, and ensure we can find that. the reason here is that people have criticize the media. the fact that we are finding out this stuff through the ethics report, that after the election it was local newspapers are flourishing in a different time, and everyone was turning to television for all their news, all of the time. but, you have vetting. you have the opposition research that would have found the stuff out. in fact, his own campaign found out a lot of this stuff but, they still allowed him to get their. it is people of history
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there, slipping, but it's probably gonna get back once he gets into office. >> the vote to expose gravitate places week. would you vote to expel? >> yes. >> yes. >> man, -- >> i guess. i don't do anything in congress, i might as well be entertained. >> okay, just ahead. but i would definitely vote to expel. we are talking about a trial with wide ranging implications for american culture. that, as we said earlier, it does not involve the former president. should a rappers lyrics be used as evidence? we shall see. we're talking about that, right after the break. you are watching king charles.
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we welcome you back to our did you. joel can the people backing. charles >> welcome the king. charles >> was so glad to be here. subordinate to play something for you right now music for our. and we are asking you to please keep an eye on the lyrics at the bottom of the screen. people are calling them evidence.
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[rapping] grammy nominated artist was that it and racketeering and gang conspiracy charges the wrapper is facing. judge says this, the prosecutors are allowed to use these in trial. that has a lot of people talking back. with us to break it all doubt are for bar, or so glad laura coates decided to stay. laura coats is about us, she happens to be, cnn chief legal correspondent can be a near later tonight appleby her, and grammy nominated hip pop artist author and entrepreneur is here. >> thanks for having me. >> we want to start with you because you behind the push to stop this kind of prosecution what's your reaction when you see that he's on trial accused
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and it is lyrics can now be loosest against in his trial. >> that's horrible, a travesty. i have been wrapping professionally for 30 years, i glide it almost 95% of my songs. lied. i write like i feel that day i am just being creative. you could probably, you couldn't build a jail enough for the lyrics i've set on songs, which are all untrue. what i am as a family man, person gives back to my community all the time, opening businesses in my community. so the music whenever amount to the actual person joseph carter fat joe. what's even more horrible is that the district attorney's, they know those lyrics ain't rule. they know that creativity, but if it helps the case they're using it but these guys in jail here we're having a fun show about it but it is caution but there really is something sixth
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offense in atlanta who might spend their life in jail for something that's totally not true. >> you're saying this is not a laughing matter this is serious. >> this is very serious. it destroys families. i would say those guys got at least 100 people that are employed by them that they pay their bills will thanksgiving for them mill thanksgiving for the hundred employees. and you know, this case right here sets such a president in american, because they've used this before in up incoming aspiring artists. they never took a guy off the stage in the arena, number one artist that my daughter and all of the kids look up to and say no you are going on trial for this. it's nasty work, it's really nasty. work >> but you know let me play devils advocate aka prosecutor. because you know the prosecutor everything you say can be used in a court of law. we know that for lauren order. but more directly they are
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being charged with this we go charges, this is you have a criminal enterprise again. what you are wrapping about is not a light. what they are saying is that it's not a line we want to use it that way. now you know embellishment happens all the time but obviously his argument is, i'm just saying these things because itself, not cause i actually did it. but you only have to prove in his type of cases that you actually ordered them to do it, that you had this enterprise was around and they carried things at. so maybe they're trying to deter people from using and away to incentivize other people from thinking it's real. >> let me play devil's advocate with you. if i was your client and you were the defense attorney, would you think that this is right using those lyrics? >> you know what i would do if i was a defense attorney what they are down. saying he is just an artist, i can alondra charge him as if you could say i can in a charge picasso because he didn't accurately depict the with the dimensions of a face should actually look.
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however, you get that rickard. >> what about freedom of speech? >> that's not who they are talking about here. they are releasing you are free to say what you are saying, but you are going to be liable for what you said. i wod hired some as a hit man, i had the freedom of speech to say it, but i can be prosecuted for having asked that person. >> don't have to ask to hire a hitman for someone to die? >> that's the thing about r.i.c.o.. i don't have to actually have to carry out the the crime. >> most of the times week was used for the mob. >> well it started that way. there's always an excuse to go after a lot. it starts with the mob and then it comes down to the latino community and they slip -- >> there's also in a r.i.c.o. case. >> absolutely. this is why, not only because it represents the reasons you're talking about joe, and that really is the crux of this case as we are talking about it. also because it's the same crime that donald trump was
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charged with, it's the same d.a. fani willis who is looking at this case. everyone said how she can try this one. but it's different. because it's like there are states like or new york, that you shouldn't have use wrap lives to get someone in prison. that's the artistry. >> if that's true martin score says he should be in jail for 10 million years. if arnold short seiko was the governor, he should be in jail for 10,000 years. >> why should arnold be in jail? >> because this guy killed 10,000 people in movies. i'm telling you i idolized and used 30 years of my life in music just telling stories. how can be charged for your imagination? >> one of the things prosecutors say to joe and help me with this, they say the things that he wrapped about have actually happened. that's one of the arguments. >> if you're a gangster rap, whatever wrapping about happens in every intercity and if you
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can make it close, nothing you can use that to your advantage. the truth is, if you really want to put these gentlemen in jail and they are really criminals, use real evidence, he's real facts. >> but they are saying they could've read about a doesn't mean i did it. >> exactly. >> so compromise. >> no, because minds don't add up. minds don't add up. but this definitely puts vulnerability once again to all wrappers all around the world, i've been coming, and not only that, the one thing i agree with you laura as you are very intelligent, and we believe that freedom of speech is on trial on in america right now. when using the face of a rapper, but this is freedom of speech on trial. >> do you feel that is just the rap community that is under fire? because there have been other genres if who have talked about violence. >> i shot the sheriff.
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mama just killed a nine. there are just so many songs, but it always targets the rap community, so that's why we have to be very, very careful with the youth. they have to take notice of what's going on with this trial, because once again this is been used against artists before that's artist joe schmo. they went and took the number one artist in america put him on a r.i.c.o. trial. this is unheard of. and they are doing this because i'm watching the trial every day on youtube. this is on tv. >> it's not just the lyrics though. some of it -- there talking why he's being a subset of the bloods, and they're using body language. they are talking about is it the wiped the nose motion, they're talking about different words that are being used to say that you will have some representation that tells me you are one of them. so they're adding that to the lyric, saying that he invented one of the sedans, i'm not saying he's guilty, because the
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presumption of innocence. but it's not just the lyrics, it's not just an isolated in a vacuum, it is the cumulation, it is years worth. do you really think he is the joe schmo rapper? because he is really somebody -- >> i don't know how he is the number one rubber in america and run a criminal enterprise. i don't know how that works. discuss on tour, discuss making music, he's hiring people, he's shooting videos, this guy is doing an award show. but to say he is john gotti. because that is what we are saying. i can't see it in that way. now i don't know this young man beyond the issue of freedom of speech. so i can't tell you what evidence they do or they don't have. but i do know that r.i.c.o. itself as the easiest case to convict in the world, and then you've got the lyric wrap lennox the fix is in. it's a walk in the. park >> so you are very worried
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about? this >> yeah, it's an ugly case. it's an ugly case. atlanta is a tight-knit community so everybody knows everybody. even though it's a big city, everybody knows everybody over there and the fact that you have to always keep in mind is the human factor. there's jealousy, there's hatred. i've seen it myself. >> racism. >> racism. i've been in places where i've watched police officers look at me like why is he eating steak and lobster in here? why is he drinking champagne? that brings some type of energy and jealousy to it. >> this trial is just getting started and all eyes on. joel thank you so much for coming. i'll >> i love the bubble come. think >> magenta.
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make up your own colors. >> thank you i, really appreciate it magenta. certainly have a lot more to come tonight including a rare interview is nba head coach he. got a really unique connection to what is unfolding in the middle east. we'll talk with him right after the break.
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welcome back. we are excited about our next guest. one of the great people in the nba, he's won five championships as a player, or as a head coach. when he reached the pinnacle to be the first guest on the king charles show. welcome, steve kerr.
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>> steve, welcome. that's nine championships, is that more than you, charles? >> nine more than me. >> steve, we are happy to say, joining us from the chase center in san francisco. steve, i have to say, full disclosure, one of my favorite players, on my favorite teams, shout out to steph curry. really love the team, and a world view. first, we have all been watching hostages, reunited with their families after the terror attack in israel, and the war that has followed. we thought that steve kerr, with the unique perspective on this. it was some that is all about this, and was born in lebanon. his dad was malcolm kerr, a professor there, and the president of the university of bray route. here he is in the 1983 cnn interview. >> now, of course, a political controversy clouds many things. i would say, the main reason that lebanese, syrians, palestinians, egyptians, and
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others still want to keep in touch with the united states, and still believe in contact is believed they know that we have things like this in our culture, and in our society that are, really, fundamental. education, medical care, research, open doors. >> three months later, in 1984, when steve a freshman in college, his father was assassinated by terrorists. steve, you bring a unique perspective to this conversation. a big sigh, just looking at your dad on the tape. you know what it is like to lose a family a family member to an act of terror. i'm wondering what your thoughts are as you watch what is unfolding in israel and gaza? >> it's devastating. as it's happening, it reminds me, and my family, of what happened to my dad. we understand the loss that so many people are feeling. both in israel, and the gaza strip. it's devastating, the atrocities of
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the attack itself. followed by 11,000 palestinian civilians being killed. no way around it, it's just total devastation for everybody involved. it brings up a lot of terrible memories for my family and me. >> i was wondering about that. you get the news about your dad? you are a freshman in college. how do you get that news? >> we have a phone call in the middle of the night from some of his colleagues for american university. at about three a. m., and basically, hysterically, crying, and not knowing what to do. it was what i don't wish on anybody. for me, it gave me a perspective on life. anytime i hear about someone dying from gun violence, i think about my
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own experience and the shock, and the pain as well. it was really taken on the gun violence prevention issue, as well as a pet project, something that i devoted a lot of time too. >> steve, number one, i was going to say, i wanted to thank you personally. we had a lot of great coaches, talking about george floyd. you spoke about police brutality. but, to piggyback on your point about the gun violence, what do you think, really, needs to be done? you seem to be having these conversations every week, every month, every year. so, what do, we really, need to do to address gun violence? >> well, unfortunately, our democracy is not working right now, charles. if you are look at the data, 80% of americans, 80 to 90% of americans want universal background checks. regardless if you're republican,
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or democrat. 70% of americans think that weapons of military background, ar-15s semi-automatic rifles, 70% of us that don't believe that american citizens should have their hands on weapons. but, our policies don't reflect that. our policies that the government has the power to put in place don't reflect peoples wishes. so, it is yet another issue of american society that is tied up in politics. so, frankly, what we actually need is some republican candidates to be able to run on a policy for gun violence prevention, and not be kicked out of the party. if they can actually run, and win elections with the idea of protecting american
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families. now, our democracy will work. we are to tied up in political turmoil for that to happen right now. >> i'm thinking about a political turmoil in the middle east, and but this war, in particular, seems to be so hard to talk about. whatever your position. whatever your position, you're going to offend someone. do you have any guidance on how to navigate that? it was believing in peace in the middle east, and could see the prospect of peace in the middle east. >> that was his area of expertise. he grew up in lebanon and, he spoke fluent arabic. we that's all i heard at the dinner table, the arab israeli peace possibilities. it was with 1979, and when carter, and others stood on the white house lawn. camp david accords wer e signed,
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there was finally peace between israel and egypt, my dad was flying high. this was her whole career, based on the pursuit of peace in the middle east. so, as i watch it right now, i wish he were still alive to explain the nuances. my thought is, it is all about the nuance. unfortunately, in our society today, we don't all want to recognize nuance. they want black, or white. the side, that side. my advice to people, read tom friedman in the new york times. tom friedman, the foremost expert on the middle east peace. he's been studing this issue his entire life, and all of these articles in these last few weeks. really, examining the nuance, and the fact that israeli people, who are desperately trying to help people in the gaza strip. they were palestinian people, desperately, trying to
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desperately help israelis on that awful day of october 7th get to safety. humanity does exist. that is the search. we need to find the humanity within all this. given the atrocities, given the state of the world today, social media, and how these are growing as well. >> you are spot on about that. >> steve, number one, i didn't know a lot about your dad. if you speak about this, you watch that 32nd clip we have shown, you had to be happy what's going on that time. between him, phil jackson, and gregg popovich, you're talking about three of the most amazing men, it sounds like, being blessed to have in your life. with all of those influencing you. >> great question, charles. i think about all three, all of the time. especially my father, of course. but the opportunity to play for phil, and for dad,
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what a gift. what i think about is the curiosity. not only of basketball, but the world, having interest helps fill, an d for pop. the perspective that they provided for our teams, the idea that there is way more going on for this game. really, it helped me become a better player, and a better person, a better teammate. i try to impart some of that wisdom from those three figures, my dad, phil, and pop. we imparted that on some of our players, and it was an incredibly blessed father. and, as well, some incredible coaches. >> then you carry on that legacy of being an incredible
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coach. many people play under you, and it is going to go with it. putting in last night, he recalled something they said about the warrior game last night? >> they are old. so they're going to help it out. this is nothing personal. or, the amount of success that they have ever had. draymond, klay, steph, people don't understand. the nba playoffs is like a two month marathon. they have so much success, and everybody gets older, when you have a lot of success. two years ago, they have to come down to the young guys on the warriors. and they let one of them, wiseman go. >> didn't you make a comment about the warriors last, night and they make opposed formulas night? >> let me tell you something, to see that steve? can you see that?
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>> i'm okay with it. i've used it. i've use these comments. >> the read everything you read on the internet. me and gayle, apparently, hate each other. >> there is a story, yes, but is untrue. >> i also remember, charles -- sorry, i was going to say, i also remember you claimed were misquoted in your own autobiography. i remember, that as well. >> first of all, i said, i didn't remember one thing. steve, steve, stop messing up this interview, we are having a great interview! >> you go on, you go on. >> steve kerr, thank you so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> you made it, steve! the first guest on our first show! you have made it! >> i am honored. i miss working with you, charles. great to see you. great to be with you, gayle. thank you. >> thank you. cheering you on, always. how is this for a dream job? the reason you here while
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wildest dreams by taylor swift, when you hear right there, is because taylor swift, and beyoncé, now have their own, official, beat reporters. what is your favorite taylor swift song? >> i don't know, but i'm gonna warn taylor swift one thing. travis kelce is a good friend of mine. if she writes a bad song about kelly travis? i'm coming for her. that's not a threat, it is a promise, taylor. >> taylor is afraid, i'm sure. they will make their television debut in the studio with us, next.
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>> that is beyond says you one of the world. her and taylor swift. listen to this, together taylor and beyoncé won 44 grammy awards released 19 number one hits headlined 15 concert tours and so hundreds of millions of records, two of the most iconic artists of all time. earlier this year the largest newspaper hired the first ever taylor swift and beyoncé beat reporters, is that a dream job? some people say yes. brian knows taylor swift all too well. did you see what i did there? when it comes to reporting on beyoncé, they are irreplaceable. you see what i did there? you know those are two songs, right? ? >> i googled them. >> we want to keep him current.
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you guys beat out hundreds of people for this job, you start us off brian. >> this is something i couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams knowing that we can actually be reporters -- >> you read an ad and said i want that job and you went for it? >> i was at crossfit and someone said your dream job just became available, i left news to focus on sobriety, and i said the only thing that could bring me back as if i could report on taylor. >> and that's what you're doing. >> do you travel to every concert? >> i would love that. if we could put a word into do that -- that be great. but just like any fan i've been watching the live streams until my place was ready, and following the news and having sources. what i love about the spaces i have fans that are in argentina, brazil who are reporting from the concert and letting me know. >> how did you get the job? >> i saw it online, immediately
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i started praying because -- >> praying? >> praying! because it just felt so, like, meant for me. once i got the first round of interviews i got a call back and i was so emotional -- >> what questions do they ask you? >> we went through so many rounds they asked us our relationship with beyoncé, our background as journalists, we had to do writing tests, video we had our fair share of round. >> how many times have you seen beyoncé? >> i've only seen renaissance -- >> that was your first concert? >> yes. >> that's when you went to? >> yes, in july. the big news in beyoncé right now is tina knowles. the clapback of all clapback. people were coming for her after looking at her at the premiere of the renaissance film saying she was trying to look light. it is so outrageous, pina nowels took on the haters.
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what do you think about that? >> i think she said it the best, to reach that level of stardom and success it's very unfortunate that racism, sexism still exists, and like any mother i think tina tunnels clapping back was protecting her daughter. i thought that it was ridiculous -- >> tina said every time e does something and she works her [bleep] off, it's a result of her talent, here you haters come out with your sexism, and she calls them clowns, bozos. i appreciated that she took a stand and said beyoncé will be piston me for doing this but i'm speaking up. >> i'm happy she did, i couldn't agree more with everything she said. >> i'm going to warn you, if your girl wrote a bad song about my boy travis there will be furniture moving around here. it's out a real deal?
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>> i have a very strict rule on minding my own business. i don't have the courage to ask travis is it real, i'm hoping it's real because he's a good guy. i've made both of these ladies and they are so amazingly talented. i hope it's true, because travis is a great dude. >> what i would say with that is that they are the hit couple, they are the fairytale that is pulling out, a love story. it's a stark contract with the last relationship. it was very much for six years let's keep our private life private. here we have travis and her being public. she supports him at the games, she is changing the lyrics to her songs. i think fans love seeing something happy. i think it's possible she is singing that song to him while he is there in the crowd. >> what is it like for you
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between pr and report -- i'm interested in dating high-profile people. there's a report of you dating a high-profile singer? >> it's nerve-racking. you never get any peace and quiet. you never get peace and quiet you have to worry about paparazzi all the time and it's sucks. >> and her name was? >> stop it, gail. >> i love you gayle, we will fight on the first night. >> no we won't. it's a great story, like i said, thank you guys and congratulations we will be taking your calls and answering your questions here on king charles. moments away we have our very first voice mail from, charles, we already have a mystery friend of the show. >> we have a friend? >> yes, we have. one we will be right back.
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as we have been saying throughout the show, we want to hear from you. we have a special number just for you. i love our number, charles. >> 18553 for 34. >> we think we are being clever because we took the three for 34 from your number, as an homage to you. as well, the producers are there as well. >> they came up as one good idea. >> leave us a message, we may play it for you on the air, and answer your question. just like this, here's call number one.
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>> hi gail, it's shaq from atlanta. i'm just wondering how a smart, sophisticated woman like yourself would agree to sit beside a dummy like chuck for an hour, every week. anyways, love you, bye bye. >> love you too, shaq. i think that's his way of saying, congratulations to you, chuck. and that he has great love for you, and as wishing you well. isn't that what you took away? >> love you too, big. that's what that meant. that was cool of him to take the time. i mean, it's not like he's doing anything. we only work one day a week. that was cool, though. love the big fella. i have a lot of love for him. we have a lot of fun at work. this is my new gig, now. >> i feel that way to. i'm glad
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we get the opportunity because, you should know, america, neither of us were looking for another job. what attracted me to this was you. >> same thing. saying, i was only going to do this with you, gale. listen, shout out to our crew, it's our first show, we hope people like to show, we will do our best, that is all we can do. we have a great cast around us. >> if all goes according to plan? guess what. king charles will -- i know we will be back, next wednesday. question is, will you be back next wednesday? >> i'll be here. we'll be here a special time next week. >> there's a special thing called the debate, but we will be on on wednesday, 9:00. this next time only. after that, it will be 10:00. so, here is a little note. shameless plug it. you can catch us on cbs mornings at seven a. m.. i am leaving here, and going right about. where you're going? >> i'm not going to bed. i'm not going to bed. >> should i stop asking your questions? >> yes, we should. >> abby phillip will be here, tomorrow night, at 10:00. abby, we love you to, but don't go anywhere, laura coates live, earlier today, starting right now.