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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  December 1, 2023 3:00am-4:01am PST

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cleared u ssusc freshman bronny james to return. the son of lebron james expected to resume practice next week and then will return to games soon after that. lebron told reporters that he will be at bronny's first game no matter what saying family over everything. he would miss a lakers game to do it. but great news there after that scary moment over the summer that bronny will be back on the court for a game soon. >> you love to see it. i'm so glad that he is healthy. i'm sure lebron is as well. tiger woods, man, that shot out of the caribbean brush, yikes. >> scary when you see tiger having to lean and use that angle. but hey, he said he felt pretty good health-wise. >> yeah. that is great as well. andy, thanks very much. have a wonderful weekend. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. i hope you also have a wonderful week. don't go anywhere, "cnn this morning" starts right now.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good morning, everyone. glad you're with us. i'm poppy harlow with phil mattingly in new york. the truce between israel and hamas is over. once again, explosions are rocking gaza and giant plumes of smoke are rising over that skyline. the fighting started just minutes after the seven-day truce expired at midnight eastern time. israel accused hamas of breaking the deal by firing a rocket. the hamas-controlled ministry of health in gaza says today's strikes have already killed at least 32 people. this is the aftermath of a strike in southern gaza this morning. >> so, what happens now? qatar's ministry of foreign affairs, the key intermediary says negotiations are under way to pause the fighting again. the stakes could not be higher? israel says 137 hostages are still mrooefd to be in gaza.
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a senior u.s. official says before the truce fell apart in the final hours last night, hamas is claiming it did not have any more women or children hostages to exchange. israel says that is not true at all. the same official tells me hamas did not even submit a list of potential hostages for release last night. so, what happens to the civilians in gaza? the biden administration is pressuring israel to help protect palestinians. the secretary on state on the ground yesterday talking about exactly that. orren lieberman starts us off. the idf is dropping leaflets in southern gaza. what do we know about the scale of the operations under way right now? >> reporter: phil, israel and hamas indicated they were ready to restart fighting if negotiations fell apart. that's what happened around 7:00 this morning. we have seen the skyline of gaza, we have heard the strikes the idf is carrying out in gaza. the war is back on as israel and hamas promised.
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we have seen israel carrying out strikes in southern gaza, where they said they would focus the second phase of their operation. according to health officials in gaza, 32 palestinians have been killed in gaza in the first hours of the resumption of fighting. israel has dropped leaflets in parts of southern gaza. interestingly, they have a qr code that brings you to a map with gaza broken up into very tiny parcels. it seems as if israel is trying to evacuate these parts in an attempt to avoid civilian casualties as the fighting resumes at pace. secretary of state blinken was just here. he said israel had to have a concrete plan to protect civilians before they launched the second phase of their operation. that is now here. he also said israel needed a plan for more humanitarian assistance and aid trucks outside of gaza, which have already been inspected by israel, have not gone in since this morning. phil, it is very much a question of whether that humanitarian aid
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has been cut off with the fighting resumed. >> what about negotiations, are they ongoing at the pace they were to extend this from four days to seven days or have they stopped as well? >>. >> reporter: poppy, negotiations are ongoing, according to qatari and u.s. officials. the effort is very much there. it's worth remembering we got to the truce through negotiations during fighting. why did they break down? israel believes there are enough women and children held by hamas in gaza to continue for at least a day longer. hamas not clear they agree with that sentiment. they blamed israel for a breakdown in negotiations saying they were ready to begin talks on the other groups, elderly women and soldiers, women and men, to continue the truce and release more of the hostages. they're looking for a bigger deal here. that's what the international community is pushing for as well. but with no list handed to israel of women and children that could be released, the fighting has once again started.
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we'll see if possible and how long it might take to get to another point where there is another pause. >> orren lieberman in tel aviv, thank you. let's bring in retired air force colonel cedric leighton. israel is now dropping leaflets on khan yunis is located south of the line that is before where all the residents were told to evacuate from the north to the south. so, now they're dropping leaflets in khan yunis saying this is a fighting zone, evacuate immediately. what do you believe the idf is about to do? >> good morning, poppy. what we're seeing are movements down to the south. khan yunis is right down here. what that does is it shows they are trying to move everybody into this area. if you look at this map right here, this is the damage map
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that we've seen with the previous strikes, right in this area. that's where most of the damage has occurred in the northern part of gaza. there is some damage in the central part. but khan yunis and the area around rafah, they've had minimal damage. they're trying to move everybody into the southern areas. so, along this -- these evacuation routes right here, the coastal road right here, waw wadi gaza is the dividing line. now they're moving into the southern part. we believe they're going to try to have some areas right in here that are areas where they're going to bring the civilian population into them. but having said that, they are also going to be moving their military forces in this area. the idf will be doing that probably as next phase of their operations. >> we have spoken over the last couple days about the intensive
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behind-the-scenes talks. u.s. he fishls trying to pressure israeli counterparts to scope, shape, be precise about operations in the south. why are they targeting the south? >> the reason they're targeting the south, phil, is that right in this area they believe that all of the hamas fighters rz basically moving in here. there are some that will stay in the north, although it's extremely damaged. in the south they're expecting them to be there. what the iz reallies are doing is basically called shaping operations. these shaping operations are designed to move people in certain directions. there are two types of people the israelis are worried about here. the refugees, the civilian population, but for them, more importantly from a military perspective, the hamas fighters. and they believe those fighters will be moving in these areas as well, to blend into the civilian population and avoid being struck. >> we appreciate it. 21-year-old mia shem was one
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of the final hostages released in the last hours of the truce. >> that's her being reunited at an air force base in southern israel. this is before and this is her exiting a car being handed over to the red cross to be taken back home. that's her mother the moment she found out about her release. mia attended the music festival where she was kidnapped. she appeared in the first hostage video released by hamas. her arm severely wounded and bandaged now. she is back home. this morning we are getting new reporting about the biden administration's attempt to shape israel's next offensive in
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gaza, a phase under way now that those talks to extend the pause have fallen apart. secretary of state antony blinken made three hard requests while on the ground in israel yesterday. you see him there speaking with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. also met behind closed doors with netanyahu and his war cabinet. the first of those three critical elements continue to expand the current surge -- current and expand the current surge of humanitarian aid. there's been a major surge during the pause in hostilities. second trying to find new ways to have humanitarian aid. third, a clear and unambiguous plan to minimize casualties in the south. they tell me why israelis -- they have proved more amenable this time around and made clear a plan, one that would include,
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perhaps, several safe zones is in the work. joining us so discuss is david sanger. i want to start with that last point because this has been dual track to some degree. there have been the intensive discussions and negotiations trying to extend the pause that had been in place, the hostage swaps, and then a second track of u.s. officials working with, talking to, impressing israeli counterparts what this operation in the south will look like. how much leverage do they have here? >> good morning, phil. the main weapon is u.s. has weapons and going to congress -- or the administration is going to congress for an additional $14 billion in aid. one of the debates under way in congress right now is would there be conditions placed on that aid? something you write in the law could be a lot clunkier than
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something that the secretary of state can negotiate out with the israelis. if you just back this up over, say, the past seven weeks or so, we've gone from the president saying i'm unambiguously behind israel to the president saying, do not make the mistakes we made, the excesses we made after 9/11, to the secretary of state in his visit saying, there are far too many palestinians being called, to now the state department saying, here are three specific conditions. they are trying to put the squeeze on the israelis, in farther, by making public exactly what these demands are. >> and what if israel does not abide by them, david, then what? >> that's a great question. president biden is under growing pressure. much of it within his own party. certainly from the progressive
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wing of his own party, but not only from the progressive wing to try to rein in what took place here. between pauses took place, we were between 12,000 and 14,000 palestinian dead, and we don't even know how quite accurate those numbers are because most come from the health service run by hamas. american officials i talk to think they're roughly in the ballpark correct. the 39 recognizes the u.s. is in a very difficult spot if it is seen around the world and at home providing the weaponry for that kind of killing. the additional problem they've run into is that at the beginning of this operation, the israelis asked everybody in the north to move to the south. so, it's now far more crowded and far more stressed than it ever was before.
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>> it's a critical point and also the context of where there's been such a push from the administration. david, stay with us. we have a lot more to discuss throughout the hour. to the u.s. politics, the future of congressman george san dose hangs in the balance. his last-minute message to republicans before they vote on whether to expel him from office. and east versus west. red versus blue. progressive versus conservative. it was a debate between governors ron desantis and gavin newsom and exposed a lot of critical differences. newsom says there is one clear similarity. >> there's one thing, in closing, we have in common, is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024.
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this could be one much the last mornings that new york u.s. congressman george santos. lawmakers fiercely debated whether they should remove him after a scathing ethics report claims he stole from his own campaign. he spent money on credit card debt, on onlyfans. the push to oust him has shown a sharp divide amongst republicans. it is historic, it is historic,
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right, because you've seen charges brought but you haven't seen that whole process carried through. but this ethics report a couple of weeks ago was damning. how is this going to shake out? >> good morning, guys. a big day here on capitol hill. no one really knows what the outcome is going to be. that's in part because gop leaders are not whipping this vote, which means formally counting the vote and seeing where members stand. i've had top republicans reach out to me to ask me what my private whip count is. this could be close. expulsion is a high bar. it takes two-thirds majority to succeed. that means they need 80 republicans assuming all democrats back this effort. there is a divide in the gop. there are dozens of republicans at this moment who say that house ethics committee report is enough for them and santos, it's time for him to go. there are plenty of republicans, including speaker mike johnson, house majority leader steve scalise say they are concerned about an idea of expelling a
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member without being convicted in a court of law. and privately, there is concern about reducing their already razor-thin majority. there's a lot at stake here, a lot of practical implications, and political implications but we should learn in a couple of hours the fate of congressman santos. >> i would trust your whip count. i would be reaching out to you as well. thank you. keep us posted. new reporting that israel knew about hamas' plans for a terror attack a year ago. why they were dismissed. we'll have it. conspiracy theories and homophobic slurs, cnn uncovers the unfounded claims house speaker mike johnson made and embraced in a book he wrote the forewoword to releleased just t year.
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you're looking at live pictures of smoke rising over northern gaza as israel continues its military offensive against hamas after that hostage deal fell apart, was not extended. last night talks ongoing. no idea whether or not they'll produce anything. also notable, the war threatens to erupt in these moments beyond gaza. hamas says it's behind a deadly
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shooting attack at a bus stop in jerusalem that killed four people yesterday. surveillance video shows the attackers jump out of a car and shoot at people. and israeli military aids targeting palestinians in the west bank have killed more than 240 people according to palestinian ministry of health. cnn international correspondent ivan watson is live for us where the terror group hezbollah has been threatening to join the conflict. if there's been anything from this pause, more prbroadly, it' concerns about a regional escalation seemed to ratchet down to a simmer instead of boiling over where they had been for the weeks prior. does the restarting of these operations threaten to bring it back to that point? >> yeah, i think that's the real concern right now. if you look at the country of jo jordan, which is a u.s. ally with relations with israel, it put out a statement strongly
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condemning what it characterized as the resumption of israeli aggression on gaza. it is calling for the international community to put a stop to the resumption of hostilities there. meanwhile, here in lebanon, a senior official in hezbollah has put out a different kind of statement claiming a legend from this war, quote, has been america's war against the palestinian people, and claiming that america is not just a partner but a decision-maker in this matter. and calling for the resistance, which is kind of a broad term for iranian-backed militias not only here in lebanon but in other countries like syria and in yemen, saying they will not stand for the ongoing conflict in gaza. why is this important? well, while the gaza fighting was taking place for a month and a half, you also had essentially arti artillery duels across the border with lebanon that went
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on. they kind of died down over the course of the seven-day truce. there were still incidents like yesterday, for example, the israeli military said it shot down some kind of a projectile with its iron dome air defenses fired from lebanon last weekend. the u.n. peacekeepers say israeli military open fire and hit one of the u.n. peacekeepers' vehicles, not hurting anybody, but the concern here is that that conflict could ramp up now that the fighting has resumed in gaza. phil? >> ivan, before you go, let's talk about the west bank because there's been a dramatic increase in violence against palestinians in the west bank. since october 7th, more than 240 palestinians killed there by israeli troops and settlers. president biden has condemned the rise of violence. does this resumption of fighting between israel and hamas, do you believe it will affect that violence in the west bank? >> reporter: well, the truce in
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gaza never really stopped the violence, the simmering violence in the west bank. so, there was a 21-year-old palestinian who was shot down yesterday -- shot dead by israeli military thursday morning around a prisoner release. and then, of course, hamas claiming responsibility for a deadly attack on a bus station in jerusalem that killed at least three people and wounded seven more. as you mentioned, the palestinian ministry of health saying more than 240 palestinians were killed since october 7th in the west bank alone by ongoing israeli operations. so, just anticipate that that deadly violence will continue as the fighting resumes. >> inn watson, thank you. new questions about the status of the hostages that remain as this war resumes between israel and hamas. we'll be joined by one reunited family and find out what life is like for them now. a possible preview of the
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2028 election. gavin newsom and ron desantis facing off in a debate pitting red versus blue. first, we're tracking heavy rain moving across the country. what are you seeing? >> phil, we've got a series of substantial atmospheric river events that will bring heavy mountain snow measured in feet for the cascades and intermountain west. it's not only the pacific northwest, an eastern third of the country. substantial system bringing rain from chicago to atlanta to new orleans. that's moving to the northeast. we'll see rain for new york and d.c. later tonight and into saturday morning. we do recognize for snow lovers, new york city you're in the midst of a drought. it's been 654 days since you received 1 inch of snow or more. you need to head to the highest elevations of hawaii to see the snow that's fallen over the past day. "cnn this morning" will be right back.
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>> announcer: "cnn this morning" brought to you by florida and key west.
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there's a coastal battle playing out on the debate stage in georgia. some wonder if it could be a preview of 2028. >> governor desantis faced off against california's democratic governor gavin newsom. this was a debate fox dubbed
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great red state versus blue state debate. watch. >> there's one thing in closing that we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> you have $6 or $7 gas. how do they afford that? these are blue collar people. you force them to buy electric vehicles. >> i don't like the way you demean people. i don't like the way you demean lgbtq community. i don't like the way you demean people you don't like. >> you have the ability to defecate in public in california, pitch a tent, create a homeless encampment under the freeway and light it on fire, the freedom to have an open air drug market and use drugs. >> cnn political analyst natasha is here, and cnn political analyst leah wright. it's great to have you. wow. just a little bit of it if you
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weren't up watching it last night. let's begin with what they gained. what do you think each gained and what did the country gain? >> those are three really different things. i'm not so sure the country gained a lot. in theory the idea of two governors really duking it out to talk about policy issues and significant ideological issues is something the american people have been missing for a really long time. i'm not sure that's what we had last night. instead, i think what we saw were two candidates who were really just pitching to their own audiences. newsom said a lot about wanting to speak to fox news viewers and introduce himself -- >> he did that red state tour. >> right. he did the tour. he also has gone on hannity before. it's also true with someone who is a communicator like newsom it looks like a highlight reel. this is perfect for later on as he is trying out for various positions, trying to raise his
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national profile. i actually think the person who needed this most is ron desantis. his campaign is falling apart, flailing, all over the place. this was actually a different ron desantis than we've seen before. it wasn't terrific but it was a lot more energetic and feistier than we've seen him in the past. for him, that's good enough. >> a win for him. >> to that point, the campaign needed it. it needs something. i guess my question is, is this that something in the sense, can anything turn it around? can anything change the narrative or trajectory narrative? was last night it? >> clearly watching the debate last night, you're left thinking to yourself, what are we really doing here? we have governor newsom, up and coming great communicator for the democrats, debates ron desantis, who is right now in third place. obviously, nikki haley and governor desantis are far behind president trump in the polls. he's clearly trying to step out and gain traction.
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and doesn't add to the speculation with governor newsom, what are we actually doing? are we waiting in the wings for a potential shakeup? even president biden said it himself that he could have his job, he's great. so it certainly triggers thoughts about what is to come? he certainly needs a boost. >> i hear both weighing in on the biden/harris economy. >> he thinks biden and harris has done a great job. he thinks the economy is working and policies are working for americans and it's not. what california represents is biden/harris economics on steroids. >> this guy just celebrated bidennomics, which chips just came into your state. i'm proud of the work biden and harris have done. >> it's so interesting, despite
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what the data shows, we just saw the economy grew more than expected, people just aren't feeling it at home. so what do you make of how they address the economy? >> i thought this was a powerful moment for newsom to be sort of the cheerleader that biden and harris can't be. the way they've tried to articulate what they're doing with bidenomics and what they've done in the administration. it seems newsom was able to bring to the message. i'm already seeing the clips, as you said, leah, they're circulating, right, people saying gavin newsom handed it to ron desantis. i think a lot of democrats feel like they don't have a strong voice. they believe in the message, they believe in what the administration has accomplished, but the people who are out front, biden and harris, aren't doing the best job of messaging. so, gavin newsom, i do believe he was talking to democrats. he was trying to show democrats
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in a strong moment with republicans, because i wondered, why would he agree to do this, but now it makes sense. >> is it a president and vice president communication issue or a surrogate issue? the biden team doesn't have the wide array like the obama folks or clinton folks of powerful surrogates always out touting. newsom was trying to be that last night. to some degree was. is that an issue they have not in the campaign or in the white house but around them to some degree with democrats? >> i see surrogates out there. i see the people who are doing interviews with the grio, for example, but there's a passion that's missing. i think there's an excitement that's missing. i think people when they think about 2024, particularly young people, they feel it's more of the same. even if you have the surrogates with the talking points, i think there's something about a
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charisma, the intangible aspect of political leadership that gavin newsom was able to inject into our political conversation last night. so, yeah, i think that's something you can't really explain. you just either have it or you don't. and i think he brought it last night. >> do you think gavin newsom overshadowed president biden or highlighted the work of president biden? >> i think that's a way to sidestep the question. gavin newsom was able to do both. so, at one point, you know, sean hannity says, are you just a surrogate for president biden? am i on stage with the president right now or is this somebody else? i think his job was to be a surrogate but also introduce the nation to gavin newsom and remind them that he is polished, he can communicate, he looked very presidential or vice presidential up on that stage. and i think he is readying himself not just for war, but also for the chance and the
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opportunity, if it opens, to take the limelight. >> thank you all very much. we appreciate it. good to have you. there are new reports that suggests israel knew about the attack hamas was planning for more than a year. specifics as well. what this means for israel's response now. a harsh wisht winter ahead in ukraine. why western officials are e worrrried about the counteroffensive by russia.
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a new report from "the new york times" and threats on about what israel knew about hamas's plans prior to the october 7th terror attacks, citing documents, emails, extensive interviews. they say israelis had hamas's october 7th battle plan but they didn't act on it because they didn't think they were capable of pulling it off. >> quote, hamas followed to precision, drones to knack out security cameras and automated machine guns along the border and gunmen to pour into israel on paragliders and on foot. all that happened on october 7th. back with us, david sanger and cnn military analyst retired colonel cedric leighton. it's stunning to read both your colleague's report last night, the scale of the reporting that went into "the times" piece. u.s. officials also underestimated, in part because
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they share intelligence with the israelis, the capabilities of hamas. is that at the core of all of this, to some degree? >> well, the core is what the israelis believe. this report done by my colleagues is truly stunning. you know what it reminds you of, phil, of all the reports we began to get a few weeks and months after 9/11, when we realized that, you know, the fbi knew a group of people who became the hijackers were in the country and they knew about airplane training and so forth but they hadn't put it all together. what's difference in this case is this report, which the israelis called jericho wall did put it all together and put it together last year. they just didn't believe hamas was capable of pulling off something of this nature. we don't know whether it got briefed up to prime minister netanyahu. we don't know how high those
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briefings got. but the plan they this is clearly the plan that was executed. and it then raises the question, had israel responded differently, had it moved troops down, had it reinforced these areas and the technology that hamas was able to take out, the censor systems, the automated weapons and so forth, had they done that, they might have been able to prevent this entire thing from starting. thus, prevent the war and the retribution from happening. >> colonel leighton also detailed in this reporting from "the new york times," three months before the attacks. so, in july there was a veteran analyst with unit 8200, israel's signals intelligence agency, that said, look, hamas is carrying out an exercise. it is almost an identical blueprint to what is mapped out here and what they had prior written down. but that warning was completely brushed off by a colonel in the gaza division. yes, we don't know how high this
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went up, but the fact it apparently went to a colonel who completely dismissed it, what does that tell you about how now they are operating in this offensive? >> yeah, poppy, that's one of the things that's critical here. you have to be careful about middle management in all of these situations. when it comes to disregarding these kinds of warnings, it's always a bit of a black eye for the intelligence community president the collection worked beautifully. the problem you have is the analytical part. it was a failure of imagination, in essence, what people tend to do is mirror image what they themselves are thinking or feeling or believing is possible onto the adversary. in this particular case, that can have fatal consequences. as far as what's happening right now, it makes the israeli intelligence services work doubly hard to get things right. but they still have to be very
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careful not to mirror image the kinds of things they expect hamas to do. they have to make sure they understand what is possible, even aspirational, and act as the aspirational might even become reality. >> i want to swing back to the huge news of the morning, which is there no agreement reached to extend the pause for the hostage swaps, military operations have restarted. in talking to u.s. officials overnight and early this morning, i was told there was no official hamas proposal actually even made last night and hamas has claimed they don't have the number of women and children to continue these structures. i'm trying to say, why i enjoy having you on the show, where i have gaps in my reporting, you can fill them in. is the explanation we're getting right now in terms of the dynamics accurate, if there are a couple dozen women and children still unaccounted for but hamas says they don't have
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access to them, where are they? >> yeah, i wish we had the reporting to fill in this gap. we don't. and/or at least i don't. and i think the reason is, people are quite uncertain. we knew there were somewhere just south of 240 hostages, some said 220 taken. we now think that number has been reduced by a little under 100. but we don't know entirely who's got them. we don't know where they are. we don't know whether during the pauses that took place so far when the israelis could not have surveillance up there, whether some of the hostages were moved. you have to assume some were. so, there's a huge number of unknowns in here. presumably there is some intelligence now from the hostages who have been released that can help the israelis piece together who the other hostages are, if they were in the same
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room, if they saw them, and so forth. that is still going to be a little patch worked. i think the bigger issue here is, we had secretary of state blinken there, you know, all of yesterday and yet the israelis still could not be talked off of starting this up again, even while negotiations were under way. >> it underscores how intense the negotiations are. we appreciate you. thank you. a worldwide warning. the globe nearing a dangerous temperature threshold and a new report reveals what countries contribute most to the climate crisis nexext.
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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this morning a dire warning from the united nations. the world is on the brink of a collapse. >> the meteorological organization says 2023 is on track to be about 2.5 degrees fahrenheit warmer than preindustrial times. that is just under the threshold that could pose a risk to human life. that's why you hear the number so often. it kicked off the u.n. climate
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summit in dubai, where king charles just spoke this morning. >> some important progress has been made, but it worries me greatly that we remain so dreadfully far off track. >> cnn chief climate correspondent joins us. that 2.5 degrees, we hear it all the time. it's crucial, explain why, and what countries have the most work to do? >> once we reach a point, say we take it to 3 degrees, it means the ends of coral reefs, bad stuff. keeping 1.5 alive at this point may not be practical because we've been flirting with it this year. it comes down to the biggest 20 countries responsible for 80% of the population. the big kahuna is china, the united states and india are the three. this is a bit deceiving because
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china is expected to peak, while they are putting new coal plants and tons of solar plants in the gobi desert, they are expected to bend the curve within the next couple of years or so. the united states has already done it by getting off coal shifting to better but bad gas, methane. india is expected to keep going up because they're struggling with poverty. the hope is they can leap frog fossil fuels, they are expected to go up here as well. it's not just what's happening now, it's historic we have to think about, too. >> to that question, it's historic, you also talk about the smaller countries that expect help from the larger countries. help that's promised but never delivered. when you look at historic prec precedent, what's the fair way to address this? >> this is going back to 1850, the beginning of the steam engine, the beginning of industrialization, right? here is the -- i have to touch
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this guy. sorry. where's john king when i need him? >> seriously. >> this is most of the world going back. the mountain range they have built over time out of carbon emis emissions. guys, here we go. there we go. here we go. russia is coming in there and then the eu. europe has a huge carbon footprint going back. some of the early adapters. india begins to catch up. the united states historically the most going back. and then china's mountain comes in right here. if you're part of the world, 80% of the world only contributing this mountain to the big problem and looking at these two big mountains, these guys need to step up. if you did it according to fairness, the european union would have to cut their emissions by 90% by 2030. the united states needs to do almost 70%. that's just what's fair right now. yesterday there was a big move on loss and damages, a fund to pay these countries to help them
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with this problem. the estimate is they need $100 billion a year. yesterday the pledges 6r7 $100 million from germany, $100 million from the uae, just over $17 million from the united states. some say that's embarrassing. it has to do with politics in the united states because republicans don't want to pay for climate reparations, as they frame it. >> you're more zen than john king ever was. he would have broken this thing -- >> fblg bill weir is zen. >> it's his ferrari and i got to drive it. >> we appreciate you. "cnn this morning" continues right now. the israeli-hamas truce has expired. >> they returned to fighting in the gaza strip. >> hostage negotiations are still ongoing despite resumed fighting. >> seven days of these extraordinary hostage exchanges. >> that is the same hamas. we are once back again out to destroy them.
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congressman george santos could be out of a job, threatening to take down his own colleagues. if expelled. there is a divide within the gop. >> if we have an opportunity to start a new precedent, i'm pretty confident the american people would applaud that. governors gavin newsom and ron desantis tackling all matters of policy in an often heated debate. >> gavin newsom did exactly what a surrogate is supposed to do. >> you almost have to try to mess california up. >> i don't think it gets you much with republican primary voters. >> neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. good friday morning, everyone. we are following breaking news this morning. >> the truce between israel and hamas is now over. this is a live look at gaza this morning. we have been seeing huge plumes of dark smoke after the


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