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tv   The Amanpour Hour  CNN  December 2, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PST

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liberal, are refusing to marry across the aisle and so that is causing -- >> the political aisle. >> the political aisle. and that is causing an absolute crisis in the matrimonial prospects of this country, and that has, as you can imagine, created a bit of kerfuffle on the left, who, a wonderful article in slate, asked why, why should young liberal women be sort of lowering their standards. so i have to tell you, this made me think a lot about this country. we talked about the american dream. and i wanted to end on an optimistic note saying all should come together. >> all right. thank for coming here and spending some time us with. we'll see you right back here next week. hello, everyone.
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i'm i'm christiane amanpour in london. we will ask the tough question, tackle the big problems and let history be our guide. here is where we're headed this week. up first, after the slaughter, what happens when the dust finally settles in israel and gaza? i ask two women for a road map to peace, security, and rights for all. also ahead. >> we will forget about this. the camera will not let it happen. >> the only journalist to witness the fall of mariopol at the start of putin's brutal war. he warns the west not to forget ukraine with his powerful new documentary. then, from the archive, back to 1990, there's no place like home, for rural romanians who rebuilt their lost way of life
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after the iron curtain fell. >> and finally -- ♪ >> from harmonies to international stardom, the many voices of musical rod ji jacob caldwell. >> everybody has a voice and everyone is different and that's beautiful. welcome to the program, everyone. i'm christiane amanpour in london. for israelis and palestinians, what happens the day after tomorrow? this horrifying cycle of blood letting has left some 1200 dead in israel, on october 7th, according to the government, and more than 12,000 palestinians dead in gaza, according to the palestinian authority, ministry of health in ramallah. so if and when this current violence ends, what can be done to stop it from happening all over again? more and more of israel's friends and neighbors are making it clear, even now, that a two-state solution is the only solution to this endless war. >> i can't tell you how long it
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is going to last, but i can tell you, i don't think it all ends until there is a to two-state decision. >> the vision since 1993, when the oslo accords provided a framework for peace, but is that the only way? joining me to discuss this is may funda, an israeli human rights lawyer, and chief executive of the peace organization called a land for all. her father took part in the oslo peace accord negotiation, and now, she has a dream for what she calls two-state solution 2.0. and also with us, rahna salman, co director of combatants for peace who shares that dream, and she is joining us from bethlehem, in the occupied west bank. now, our colleagues of "the new york times" first told their story, and now we want to learn more. so welcome to the program. your organization is called got ants for peace, and you're working, i think, with people who actually were actual
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combatants and who now want to do things in a different way. >> yes, so i work with the combatants for peace, which is actually started in 2006 from ex combatants, so israelis who served in the israeli army, and palestinian fighters who spent time in israeli jails, for many years, and they both recognize that there is no military solution for the conflict. they both decided to lay down their weapons and join their forces to have a front against occupation and oppression, on the owe pppressive system. and the fighters have experienced conflict for many years, so they know there is no solution afterwards. and because of this experience, we have been looking at the nonviolence principle of the main dna of the organization, the sea change, for resisting occupation, for many years. >> and may, your father, as we
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said, was one of the negotiators in the oslo peace accord. what did you learn from him about occupation, i.e., palestinian rights, and what would make israel safe and secure as well? >> yes, well you know, we see now that there really is no military solution to this conflict. i mean there's no military solution that will ensure israeli security and definitely not palestinian security, so i think that's one of the realizations, and i hope that everyone understands, since october 7th, there will not be a military solution. and also after investing billions of dollars of a huge wall and putting all of the idf technology in, they still haven't gained security for israel. so i think that we learn a few things from that. a, we won't have security and safety or any viable future if we don't choose, right now, a political solution, and that the
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netanyahu government has invested in hamas as an asset, instead of investing in peace and negotiation, i hope that is number one that we learn, and the other one is that, you know, even if you separate and build a huge wall between israel and palestine, the palestinians don't have security, if they don't have security and safety, and their interests met, of course, side by side, with israel, having their safety and security, safety and interests met, we won't have security together. we are tied together in this homeland, which is one. we are two people, but this land is very, very small and in interconnected and inter dependent and that's what we need to understand and realize and thinking about my father, what i have learned is that i treasure, i treasure my values, i treasure my jewish tradition and history, but with the values of equality and justice, with being committed to my people, and my own liberation, i know that that is dependent on my
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partner liberation and peace and security. i know those two have to go together. and if we disintegrate those two, if we punch a hole in this boat, we will all sink together. >> it is incredible to hear you, as a jewish israeli talking about your own liberation, and how dependent that is on your neighbor. >> yes, well, i think that first of all, i hope the one other thing that we've learned on october 7th is that there is no shrinking this conflict, there is no managing this conflict, we can't normalize this conflict, and the only maybe silver lining is that conflict can and should be solved, and i think the international community has also been a part of not solving this conflict, not understanding that it has to come to an end. but the palestinians behind a big wall and not take into consideration their interests and of course israel and jewish interests, that just won't cut it. we have to think together. we have to co-create. and come together. to build the sustainable, viable future that we all deserve. >> so ronna, from your
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perspective, palestinian perspective, what is your vision for how you can implement what you're both talking about? >> i think it is coming along now basically that a two-state solution might be basically impossible to implement. because of how long the occupation has been going through. and the facts on the ground that have been created, especially about when we talk about the west bank, there are over 500,000 israeli settlers in the west bank. so politically now, i think realistically we have to talk beyond the two-state solution and discuss new strategies and come up with an alternative and a solution that would guarantee that all people will live in peace, security, and dignity, and civility. and actually of the conflict, and the occupation. >> so i know that may has talked about kind of a confederation. what is a confederation, what
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does it mean? >> so i think that maybe the best way, to try to imagine the impossible, which i know is really difficult to imagine right now, but i think it is really important to imagine a different future. i would go to the european union, and i would, if you would ever imagine france and germany being an open border, i don't think anyone 80 years ago, would be able to imagine that. what we started by saying, you know, there are two people, but we all have a very, very strong commitment and sentiment to this homeland. and that's the beginning. and what we're talking about is what we call two states, one homeland, so yes, two independent sovereign states, but mutual recognition, and a mutual infrastructure, in a way similar to the eu, and with the heavy bombs happening, so i'm a little distracted by the bombing -- >> are you all right? are you okay? >> yeah, yeah, i mean we're safe and okay, just, it is just, you
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know, intense days, and we're so lucky to be here and safe right now. as opposed to other people. so we're talking about a shared infrastructure, so mechanisms for taking care of things that we have to share, like human rights. like resources. like jerusalem. like in a way, even security. so it is very important for us to convey this message now. the day after is now. >> do you also, do the people who you talked to, the palestinians in your circle, understand that israel also needs its security and that it does feel like it is under threat? do you all have to understand the story of the other in order to make this happen for the future? >> yes, i work where there is a joint community, we are a community, a group of palestinian and israeli activists, working together, and coexisting together, because what may talked about, also, the collective liberation, we also
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want the israelis to be free from the fear and to have their sense of security. but as long as this keeps happening, neither a palestinian or an israeli will have a sense of security at all. definitely within the pain of the other, we see the other. and we work together. our lives are inter-playing. so definitely, the people are, the knowledge of thousands of palestinians, actually work inside israel, but since the war, they have been deprived like to continue their work. so there is already like some mixed cities within israel, so people already have been living together in a way, but the problem is with the system itself, the oppressive system, and the discrimination that is happening between the palestinians and israelis. >> it is really amazing to hear from you both. it really is incredible to hear your optimism and your realism.
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thank you both for being with us. now, while this war rages, ukraine's grinding fight for freedom continues as well. when we come back, the only journalist left in mariupol to witness the start of putin's full-scale invasion, and the obliteration of an entire city. >> the russians have been through the city. the war has begun. we have to tell the story.
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as we watch for what some analysts describe as a score wered earth policy in gaza, my next guest reminds that you is exactly what vladimir putin is doing in ukraine. pulitzer prize winning ukrainian journalist witnessed the dawn of
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russia's full scale invasion from the first city to be destroyed, mariupol. he remained there with a small team as the only eyewitnesses. here is a clip of the new film, "20 days in mariupol." >> this is painful to watch. but it must be painful to watch. >> the documentary is taking film festivals by storm and it is developing some major oscar buzz, as ukraine has officially entered it for the academy awards. welcome to the program. in some of the voice-over, you
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say, because the film obviously focuses, like many of our work, on civilians, and on the distress caused to civilians, you say note to editors, graphic content, this is painful, this is painful to watch, but it must be painful to watch. >> that's the nature. if we don't report everything as it is, if we don't show to people across the world, to our viewers, to our audience, the reality of war, it becomes acceptable. it is a big danger in not exposing the war for all of its absurd -- and if it is polished, if it is sanitized, then it is acceptable, and that shouldn't be the case. >> there was an information/disinformation, and the russians may say these are actors, these are ukrainians shooting themselves and blowing
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themselves up. how did you deal with that? did you even know that was happening? >> when i saw this horror that happened in the maternity hospital after the bombing, i knew that there would be such an important story, and i already knew that there was going to be contested, questioned, and i knew as journalists, we shouldn't try to fight any of that, we just keep working. that's the only way. >> let me put, you know, one of the kits, it is the kit around the world of the woman carried out of the maternity hospital. let's watch this for a moment.
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>> so i see you watching, and essentially, you're back there. >> yeah. i don't even have to watch. i remember the moment. every drop of blood. i want to say that's exactly why we need these document ris. first, it adds very, very necessary context of a part of news which are very short form, and the context give viewers, and the audience, the possibility to make the wrong judgments, and also, with all of the horrifying, and very important tragedies that are happening, when we are bombarded by them every day, these important stories are just watched, so the only way to preserve a memory of the arena, of galena, of ilya, of all of the children, they have died, it is to make a film about it. so to be sure that the memory is
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there. >> did she survive? >> no. the child also died. >> so what do you want to leave the world with? particularly as the world appears to be taking its eye off ukraine? >> look, i have a feeling, i have a feeling that when i'm on the ground in ukraine, and this is russian news as well, and for ukraine and the world news, i frequently come to the u.s. and europe, to just speak to audiences, one thing, one thing i started to notice, first of all, everything is connected. and although very different conflicts, israel, gaza, and russia attacking ukraine, there are the universal stories, that contextually, they are different and complex, all again connected. but also, i have a feeling that
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there are people who don't really realize what -- how russia sees the west, and this whole war right now. you see, russia is building its policy, its ideology, right now, since the full-scale invasion, as they are at war with the u.s. and with europe, so imagine this. the russian government, and the majority of russian people, right now, are at war with europe and the u.s. they're fighting the ukrainians, but the core ideology they have is they are at war. and i feel that that's not really coming through. and it's very dangerous. >> so do you find this is resonating with the audiences? what does the audience say to you at festivals, and i know there is a big oscar push as
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well? >> surprisingly, i thought ukraine is going to be less, in the last several months, as a big and dramatic conflict, and the middle east is raging, but actually, especially a story of mariupol, because of its symbolism, because of its visual and the dramatic similarity to what is happening right now, actually it gains in more meaning now. so people realize more and more that the world around them changed, and they have to react. the worst thing that people do now is to be indifferent. >> this certainly, certainly is not a film that you could be indifferent about. thank you very much, director of "20 days in mariupol," it is a really powerful, it is one of the best war films that i've ever seen. congratulations. and the film is available
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online now, there's more from ukraine, later in our program, when we have a special report on the 10-year anniversary of the pro-democracy uprising which set putin off on the bloody chain of events invading, and annexing and culminating in this, his full-scale war of today. my next guest knows all about the unifying power of people speaking as one. ♪ >> the audience choirs, up next on the show, my conversation with the teen sensation, catapulted to international fame, jacob.
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welcome back to the program. a letter from london this week is the story of a home-grown
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hero. the five-time grammy-winning musician, jacob collier, became a star with his virtual arms, namesake ledges like quincy jones and herby hancock, the prodigious and complex style sees him layer sound upon sound, including his own voice to create cathedrals of sound in music. just take a listen to one of his latest singles. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> remember that is all him, and now he is set to release the fourth and final installment of his djesse album. i have been speaking to jacob
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about making the whole world his instrument. jacob collier, welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. >> your latest album is called djesse. >> that's correct. >> and it is a spin on your initials, jc. >> my friends would call me jc when i was a kid. >> you have sean mendez. that is called "witness me" ♪ >> i'm with you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the thing that i think is really fascinating for me is that this is one you say is about the human voice. the others are r&b, jazz, folk, et cetera, this is about the human voice. and that is your thing, right? that's how you started. >> i've been reflecting a lot on how i began my journey as a musician, and the first instrument i ever really played with, the voice, and the thing about the voice, everyone has one and everyone is different and that is beautiful and to me, that is so important.
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i started my journey as a musician heavily layered aq capella, with many voices at once defined my fascination in the early days and more recently, i have become obsessed with the idea of the scale, and i have been toying on the concepts and talking to other people, and the thing that i find in all situations that really hits the spot for me, and really feels like the center piece of what this album is about, and what, maybe what i'm here to do at this time is to really give people a voice. >> and i'm going to play and then we will play it from "isn't she lovely" one you did very early which dem vats what you mean. >> okay, sure. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i see you rocking to it.
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>> i haven't heard that for years. >> and you're so young. how old were you there? >> 17, 18 when i made that video. that was the very, very early days. what i was interested in is how can my voice be many different voices? you know how can i be the bass singer and the top singer. and tell a story that feels compelling, authentic. i was so interested in chords. the magic that happens when you put multiple notes together. and musical disharmony. >> i'm looking down and i see you wearing crocks, you have a pair of yellow crocs on, the ukrainian flag, and you put that up there. and so everybody can see that. yellow. okay. for you, one of your sessions, and i think you call it logic session, layer upon layer upon layer upon layer, you show a spectrogram of a croc and it produces a sound and it is a sound that i can't describe and you can barely -- >> yes. like this. >> yes. so explain that. the croc, the sound, the layers.
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>> i've always been interested in how how far you can stretch certain concepts and one of the things, one the tools you use as a musician is you start playing music, it is a speck trogram, a graph, high frequencies at the top and low frequencies at the bottom and every sound in the song exists on this graph, and it will go like this, right and there will be other terms as well, so i basically put this on my computer screen, and then i played it to see how it would be, and i found some kind of converter, where i put the image in and out came this crazy sound and i kind of like that and i will put it in my song. >> that's like double dutch for me. but i'm sure there are a lot of people who understand. and i appreciate the finished product. >> thanks. >> yes. >> it is difficult to understand it for a lay person. >> yeah. >> are you self-taught. >> i would say fundamentally, yes. i have many teachers along the way, mostly my heroes, who are my teachers, people i listen, to
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my mother is an incredible teacher to me. >> tell me about her mother. she is a musician. >> yes, she is a phenomenal force of nature. she is a conductor, a violinist, and one of the greatest stages i've ever seen, growing up in the world, as any child, you look up at the world and you see stheegs people, these elders and you think this is how life can be and my first instrumental is my mother conducting an ork strarks and she would go like this and the music would start. that is like casting a spell. wow, that is what music can do. it is not always the riot or the wrong notes, that doesn't matter, it is about how does it feel and bringing yourself to it. and her ability to get magic out of people. it is a phenomenal gift and something i'm so grateful for having been in the life for so long. >> do you feel this has a bridge building? is it something healing? or something, you know metaphysical that you can get, even in the worst of times? >> i think it is a question many of us are asking at the moment. all of us who observe the world
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in our various ways, i think it is easy first to feel overwhelmed, because there are a lot of problems that don't have clear solutions, and in situations like that, i think artists, musicians, and creators, though it may seem trite, they come into their own, because they are the master al chemists at transforming any amount of, any amount of hardship, struggle and questions and also joy and connection and then hope and all of this stuff, and alchemist, into something, that means something and allows people to feel, in a space to feel and music is one of the most beautiful languages even beyond saying, showing how connected the world can be when we realize we're all the same and we realize that we have so much in common, and so much to celebrate. >> jacob collier, thank you very much indeed. >> thanks a lot. coming up next on the show, a story of human patience, perseverance, and more, from my archive, the rural romanians who reclaimed their lost lives, when
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communism in europe classed.
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welcome back. now, we know that many palestinians keep keys to the properties they lost when they fled or were forced from their homes during israel's 1948 war of independence. on one of my first-ever reports as a foreign correspondent, i saw this deep attachment to home firsthand. as the iron curtain collapsed across europe. romania's brutal communist dictatorship was the last domino to fall, and within a few months, rural folk were reclaiming homes and properties that they had been forcibly moved out of, in the name of some great socialist collective
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experiment, entire villages were razed to the ground. the stories i discovered in the countryside stayed with me. and with this current brutal phase of the israeli plin wran wa -- palestinian war, i wanted to revisit this deep human belonging and i wanted to look at the report. the complete terminology at the time. >> horse-drawn carts as they go about their usual spring business. they are also riding a new wave of hope, that this spring, their land means marking it out into personal plots and staking a claim to once was theres before it was razed in the name of systemization. one of the first acts was to give the residents back their land and those who can't afford the wheat price are rebuilding. block by block, the houses are going up exactly where they used
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to stand this. 59-year-old woman lived here with her family for 32 years before she lost her home five years ago and had to move into a new apartment, but she would come back every day to look at her land and weep. >>. >> translator: every time i passed this land, i asked where is my house, where is my house? i cried all the time. i suffered a lot. >> reporter: now her suffering is almost over. and because her family has some money, she says the house should be ready by winter. a few hundred yards away, these people are not so lucky and managed to plot out their land for holes and they used up a all of their money on the foundations alone and have to scavenge whatever materials they have and still they are determined no matter what it takes. >> i will spend all of my salary and cut down on what i spend on food. >> his wife remembers the terrible day they were told to leave, with barely any notice
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zb. >> reporter: while we were taking our belongings out of the house, they already started demolishing it. they dug a big hole and then bulldozers just pushed the house into it. it was hiroshima. >> although many ethnic minorities were the target of the destructive scheme, in most cases, there was no method to the madness. we're told this village was razed because it happened to lie along the route he took to his summer home and didn't like the site of it. it was about removing any trace of private property. 7,000 villagers were ordered destroys and tens of thousands of peasants were moved off their land and into grim apartment complexes. so grim, that people didn't want to live in them. often no lasher tos and heating and many displaced residents moved in with relatives or homes and now they can move home again and one they plan to hang on, to and because they are not just
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rebuilding houses, they are rebuilding a removed way of life. romania. >> a successful member of the eu and nato, so crucial to european success, and yet, as it borders ukraine, all too aware of the fragility of freedom and democracy. up next, on the show, it was the trigger point that led to putin's full-scale invasion. a decade after ukrainians rose up against the government, many of these same people find themselves fighting and dying for freedom.
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welcome back. now, with what is happening in ukraine, it can be traced back to one single event in recent history, many would say that moment is the maydon uprising of 2013, a huge popular revolt, triggered when ukraine's president, victori yanukovych, pressured by putin, turned his country away from the eu and toward russia, against the will of the apartment and the people. anna has the story of the cry for freedom that led to ten years and counting of russian aggression, invasion, and war. >> amid the maple and oak trees, now almost bare, is one of kyiv's oldest sentries. a soldier arrives back from the battlefield. he is here to visit his son. and see the monument that stands over his grave. >> it is what my son wanted.
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it must be a cross. simple and ordinary. and traditional. >> his son was one of ukraine's most prominent activists. what ignited in the 16-year-old was the madon revolution. >> i think that he was this person all this >> on the 21st of november, 2013, a few hundred people gathered at maidan to protest the government's decision not to sign an agreement with the european union. the then president had ditched closer ties with europe and pivoted towards russian president vladimir putin. within weeks, the protest swelled as thousands of people took over maidan.
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police violence intensified over the next three months until riot police, using live rounds, opened fire, killing more than 100 protesters. >> translator: the youngest was 17, the oldest was 82. there were people from all over ukraine with different professions and different education. they all died for the same values. >> in the following months, putin would occupy crimea and pervertly back separatists in ukraine. these events would reshape ukraine and alter the course of history. what began here in kyiv ten years ago was the start of ukraine's fight to join the european union. all that struggle continues to this day, but the takes are higher as this country fights
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for its mere existence. >> the future that the maidan fought for has finally come. >> when the russians launched their full-scale invasion of ukraine, a 24-year-old roman immediately signed up for the mill t military. first fighting in defense of kyiv, he joined the brigade stationed in the east. his father and brother also enlisted, but were located where else . roman would tell his family all was fine, but they knew everything was far from okay. on the 8th of june last year, roman was killed during a reconnaissance mission. two weeks before his death he wrote his will and testament stating what he wanted for his
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funeral, the ceremony, the music, the monument. even in death, he continues to inspire young ukrainians and remains a beacon of hope for a father full of sorrow. he sondesounded like such an incredible young man, a future leader of this country. >> yes, exactly. his time was really short. >> but in that short time, roman always knew what he was fighting for. >> translator: for me, all that was not in vain. i see a huge number of positive changes in this country, and they happen only thanks to
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maidan. when we come back, i'll answer this week's question.
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first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility.
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i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. welcome back. in our complicated world, clarity is more important than ever. that's why i'm taking your questions about the events today that shape tomorrow. let's find out what's on your mind this week. >> my question is, how can a.i. change the ways of reporting such as war zones for correspondents' safety?
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>> this whole topic is front and center with all the palace intrigue with sam altman and o opena.i. it can help with trans scriptions and translations. it can help with research. but in my opinion and as i've spoken to the pentagon's main a.i. liaison, there always has to be a human in the loop. we cannot do without humans in the loop. for journalists, it might make some of our work easier, but we do not want to be responsible for deep fakes, for people or machines impersonating us, my voice, my face, my look. you know, they're trying in some places to do that, in india, for instance, but it's not a safe proposition. if this starts happening in war zones where literally the truth
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and what matters can be the difference between life and death, then it's very, very dangerous. we have to make sure this is finally regulated and modulated. hopefully it will bring more opportunities than challenges, but we have to be on our guard. that's all we have time for mow. if you want to ask me a question, scan the qr code on your screen or e-mail askamanpour i'm christiane amanpour in london. thanks for watching. i'll see you again next week. ♪ hi, everyone. thanks for joining me. i'm jessica dean


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