tv Mc Million CNN December 2, 2023 8:45pm-10:01pm PST
8:46 pm
- - i don't knknow how to dese jerry jacobson. jerry had a way about him. they're either gonna love him, or they're gonna hate him. there's no in-between. he couldld snap inin a millisecocond anand you don't even know why he snapped. my kids s did not get alalong with h him. he laid hands on 'em more times than i knew about. [dramatic c music] - jejerry jacobson was actually my stepfather. you know, he was prone to have a short, short, fuse and a a pretty badad temper. ♪ ththe most vivid memory y i hav: we werere in the b basement. i i can't rememember what the i issue was.. seememed insigninificant to me atat the time.e. and jerrrry justst kind of l lost it. he pickeked my brother up by the h head and wawas, li, bouncicing his heaead off the e. and d i was in t the room juju.
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kikind of more scared and hopig it didn't turn towards me 'cauause i didn'n't understatat at the timime. - i i stepped inin between t m and d i told micichael, my oldesest one, to r run out thehe front do. and i remember yelling out the front wiwindow, "j"just run, m michael, ruru" and michaeael was, likike, ninene at the time. that wasas the reason we s split up. [crickets s chirping]] we d didn't commmmunicate after r we split u up. i i was still l a cop, but he would show up on my police calls. alall of a sududden i looked d and there he is. nobobody knew how he kneww wherere my police calls were. he was j just there.e. [ominous music] he made pepeople afraiaid of hi. he h had a .45, , 'cause thahs what we cacarried in h holly, anand was tradading gun pap. and d he told meme this hims:
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bebecause he w was gonna s shoe anand then put his gugun back together so that if they ran ballistics on it, it w wouldn't show that the bullet came from that gun. ♪ - he's a bad man, okay? and i knew what he had my husband do. my husband pointed a shotgun at somebody's head by the order of jerome jacobson toto collect s some money, and that's notot the firstst t. hehe is not sosome sweet littlele old man s sick. he's a a fricking g gangster. ♪ gangster.. anand i'm not t afraid if f het a bulletet with my n name on . we all g gotta go sometime. [crashing, glass s shattering] ♪ - there was a rumor going around that it could've been a possible hit that it could've been a possible hit to get my brother out of the situation. - coululd it have e been? - - i don't knknow.
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covered d in blood.. i reremember looooking this sy and ththere was a a policemn and d a fireman n right the. and d i said, "give e me frankieie, my so" jerry hahad just takaken frane out ofof the car s seat so he could lalay down to take a a nap becacause he wasas getting c c. and ththey said, "mrs. colombo,o, stay stili. we gotta c cut you outut withth the jaws s of life."" i sasaid, "that't's my son" [indistincnct polilice radio c chatter] and sosoon as theyey cut me ot anand took me e out, the painin just wentnt... [w[whooshes] all l through mymy body, and i justst screamed.d. and i could look over, and i saw my son sucking a lollipop, so i knew he was okay. jerry actutually crawlwled out t of the carar with no o blood on h him.
8:51 pm
- ththe telephonone rings. "oh, h hey, jerry.y. how are " "oh, i'm o okay. wewe got into o an acciden. we're all l being airlrlifted to the hosospital." i i said, "arere you suree you'u're all rigight?" he s said, "yeahah, i'm fin" like notothing at all was wron. - i got t the call a at wok and d raced up t there toto the hospipital. he wasas in icu, anand they hadad him hookekp to all thehese machinenes. anand robin hahad, i thinknk, five to six stitcheses on top of her head. - shshe had cut t her h. franankie's arm m was brokn and d he had, i i think, a bump o on his nosese. - yeahah, and thatat was i. most of ththe force ofof the k hit ththe passengeger door, but t they seememed like he was gononna be okayay, which was s kind of ododd becacause he's i in icu. [i[indistinct t chatter] mymy brother s said that h he h- i think k it was $15,000 0 to $20,00000 in thehe glove boxox and d then a cououple of hunud ththousand dolollars in a a sue in r robin's momom and dad's's e inin jacksonviville and totold me to t take cae of thihis one, takeke care of t that one. soso we went t to the junknky, and there e was nothining inin there.
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eveverything w was gone. anand the moneney in the h hous. disasappeared. evereryone claimims that i it was nevever there. jerry woululd not tellll me that he hahad money atat the e if he e didn't havave money at the h house. so then n i took it t upon mf toto go to hisis house. - - he made a a little detetr wiwithout anyoyone knowing. - i i made a litittle detourur withouout anyone k knowing, and i madede some thihings disappppear, becaususe i knew t things werere getting r really ugly. i gogot a couplele of itemss out t of his frereezer. he had a about fourr or fivive tickets.s. not surere if robin n knew they were e in there o or n, but i i didn't wanant robin tote acaccess to ththose ticketets. i wawas not surere if the acct was an accccident. was it a setup? we didn't know. ♪ - it could've been a hit. i really believe that. i don'n't have anyny proof of t,
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but i'm m thinking somethining went wrorong. and i was s feeling itit and i i got that i impressio. because e jerry wawas getting g a little.... on edgdge 'cause t the pressue was onon him from m someone, you knknow what i i mean? somemething was s different. [monitoror beeping]] - bebeing a big g guy, whenen they put t him in thehe , ththey didn't t realize he hadad internal l damage, so they y were treatating him for hihis broken l leg and d they didn'n't catch te ininternal damamage that h h. [mononitors beepeping] and byby the timee theyey caught itit, they r realized his lulung had colollapsed, his ribsbs were brokoken. - - up to thatat time, it was j joking. it wasas lightheararted. he didid not seem m like he w was in shocock. even tilill this d, i'm m just astononis- astonisheded that the n wawas activelyly d. [ventilatotor hissing]g] - he was i in and outt of c consciousneness. he hadad a ventilalator, so he wasnsn't able toto ta.
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they hadad him on alall ththese differerent machinin. robin n literally y came a couple o of times toto visi, and d that was p pretty much. the only t thing robinin was alwaways worrieded about wa, "i"i gotta getet to the hoh. i gotta geget to the h hous" mymy sister-inin-law didn't givive a rat's s ass abouout my brothther whwhile he wasas in the hohospi. [melanchcholic music] ♪ - one of t the reasons why ron didndn't come araround, thou, also, there was a fight. jerry's s mother basasically, you knknow, "you did t this on pururpose. you did ththis." and her r swearing u up and , "i"i didn't dodo it on pururp. i didn't s set this upup. i i didn't do o this." - ifif it was inin fact and it w was-- if t there was a any proof thatat she was i involved with that.t... - she woululdn't be he right t n. - i can guguarantee yoyou she wouldn't be e here rightht . - - i will guauarantee . ♪ - the lastst few days,s, it w was me, my y brother, mymy mom and d dad. and ththe last worords that h he said,
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he mouththed them toto my mom: "happy motother's day,y," 'c'cause it wawas mother's's . ♪ and d once that t happened,, hihis body jusust started d sg down l little by l little. there e was nothining anyoyone could d do. and the lalast couple e of hour, everyone w was inin the waititing room. but i i was like, , "i'm not gonna leavave my brothther's sie anand leave hihim in thehe room by h himself." so i stood there.. i sat nenext to him.m. i keptpt talking to him, kept t talking to o him. till this day,y, i mean, i don't know if h he heard meme or not, but i held his h hand, and d i stayed t there ununtil the..... until ththe last mononitor wentnt down. anand... till this s day, i dodon't regret it, because e he didn't t die by himself. i mamade sure that i was t ther. i'm sorry.y. [sniffles]
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[sniffleles] i'm sorry. [e[exhales deeeeply and snsniff] usually i don't cry.y. jujust... i couldn't't let him sit there e by himselflf. i couldndn't do it,, so i stayeyed there wiwith him. hardest thing i'veve ever donene in my lifife but ththe best thing i've e ever done i in my life.e. he alwayays wanted his soson, francesesco, to be in karate and this and that and all this kind of stuff. and i promomised him i i ws gonna helplp take carere of . i sasaid, "i'm g gonna look over r your son.. i'i'm gonna mamake sure he grows up to be a good kid." and i promised him that he'd be okay. i said, yoyou know, "it's okokay," you k know, "i'll l take care e of him. i'll watatch over hihim." anand if he wawas hearing g , i i just wanteted him to k knot the onone thing ththat he rereally careded about wasas hi. uh.... and that w was it. i i just wanteted to be e sure that t he knew.
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♪ [sniniffles] ♪ - his heart stopped because he didn't react to the medicatioion. - no, i wasn't actually at the hosospital because i was... i really didn't think he was gonna die. you don't think it. it was early in the morning. my mother got the call, and she told me, and i just lost it. yeah. it was so horrific. ♪ [sniniffles] and that w was that. so i hadad the guiltlt of driv, the e guilt of l losing my h hd
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- my namame is francesco o gennaro cocolom, named d after gennnnaro colom, and d that was m my dad, jere, who, youou know, is s being-- everybodody's kind o of talklking about t him now, you knowow, 'cause i in the '9, he's one o of the guysys who n the mcdodonald's mononopoly sc. soso... i'm m his son. [chuckleles] - giveve daddy a p punch. give daddydy a karate e kick. - hihiy! - - ow! - we g got in the e accidet three e days beforore my birt. i was twtwo. i i was in thehe back seata. and d one thingg thatat's always s stood out te isis, my mom s said that m md took me e out of thehe car s. sure enonough, minututes late, we gotot in the acaccident and ththat car seaeat was crus. so if theyey wouldn't't have donene that, then i i wouldn'tt be herere right now. my grandndma, my nononna, she shshowed me a a picture of thehe accident.t. i believeve i was, l like, nine or teten. and ththat traumatatized m.
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it's notot somethingng that a a kid shoululd see, espepecially thahat that's the car r that theirir dad wasn anand that's w why he's's not here e anymore. ♪ there yoyou go. [chuckles]s] [d[dog barks]] - wewell, hello.o. - there yoyou go. alall right. mwah. uh-oh. - uh-oh. - [chuckckles] uh-ohoh. my wholele life, i've alwlways knownn thatat there wasas somemething emptpty, you kn? therere was alwaways sosomething mimissing. and i i always felelt that that was m my dad. and thenen the momenent ththat she camame into my y l, it was i instantly f fille. since i i didn't knonow him, i felt likike he didn'n't know. but now ththat i have e a ki, i understatand that, y you kn, so mucuch has happppened inin this firsrst year. want to o dance withth this o? you lilike this onone? [musicic playing]] - [gigiggles] - i'm m sitting ththere plplaying withth her, and d . every day,y, i thinink about mymy dad. - owow! take care e of his sonon, frfrancesco.
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- - but there e was a lott of t things backck then ththat happenened. ththere was a a fight over cusustody of frfrances. - - my family,y, they dididn't want u us to be anany part ofof francescoco's life whwhats. we werere both devevastate. - lalast i heardrd, he's hd a bababy and so o forth and d. i wishsh him the b best. if anyththing else c comest of this,s, i want hihim tow that w we desperately did try to b be part of f his lif. - yeyeah. [melancholic music] - my dad--honestly, i don't have physical memories of him. but t i have a l lot of memos frfrom seeing g home video. - say, "hihi, i'm franankie." - i'm franankie. - lalaugh. - - [laughs] - oh, , say--franknk, say, "i"i don't feeeel good." bebe sad. - - aww. - - aww. - thatat's who i r remembe. you u know, i don't t see his momobster gy who did d all these e things. i justst see my dadad. ♪
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- before i i knew it,, he w was gone. i justst didn't eveven know what to o think anymymore. i mean, , i wasn't t thinking about the e money. i was jujust thinkining, "oh, my y god, whwhat am i gogoing to do?? what a am i gonna a do?" i i don't haveve anyone to talalk to. i dodon't have a anyone to g go. it's just t me. - - after my b brother passed a away, a week a and a half f afterward, evererything wasas gone inin his housese-- all l of the antntiques, alall of the f furniture.. he had m mickey mantntle card, babe rututh cards. he had s so many thihings inin that housuse. everythihing disappepeared. ♪ and robibin claimed d that, "oh, we gogot robbed while we w were in thehe hospit" rereally? - mm. - i thinink robin as welell as frienends of hs stole e everythingng from m my brother.r. all his jejewelry, gonone. alall his furnrniture, gon.
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- - there was s nothing. - they robobbed him blblind. ♪ - yeah.. - yeah, yeyeah. - yeah.. i had--- there e was a buncnch of, lik- we had a a casino. and theyey got alall our slotot machines.. - yeah. - i don't t know. i dodon't kn. i didndn't care. whenen you lose.e... you don'n't think ababout-- you don't t give a shihit. i i didn't givive a shit about thatat stuff at all.. he wasn't t messing wiwith the momost savory y kind of pep, yoyou know? um...[.[scoffs]
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i don't knknow. i don't t know. [s[sniffles] - my grarandparentss did d point blamame at my m, anand that's n not cool. she lolost her hususband, you knowow? shshe lost herer soul matet. i 100%0% don't belelieve thatat was sometething thatat she did o on purpose. i dodon't--not a at all. - robin had lived the lavish lifestyle when she w was marrieded to j. she hahad the moneney. she e had the cacar. she hahad the big g house. she had d everythingng. oncece jerry pasassed , that m mon, thatat cash cow,w, you mamay call it,t, is gone. so now a at this poio, rorobin's hungngry for thahat , so she lititerally wowould do anynything at a l to h have the momoney. - the whwheel of jusustice. let's s spin the w wheel and sesee who it l lands on this week.k. looks likeke we're gononna comp on ms.s. colombo.. she's bebeen on the e wheel a a couple of f weeks.
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- okay, rorobin colombmbs wawanted for g grand theftft . - - if you knonow where shss oror any of ththe suspects on t the wheel,, pleasese call crimime stopper. that numbeber is (866)6) 845-. offificer hartleley, thank y yo. - - always a p pleas. [dramatitic music] - so she started doing check fraud. she would get checks that were unworthy and no mononey to backck them and shshe would write ththem out andnd cash th, and shshe got caugught for t. i remember francesco actually explaining this, as youngng as he wasas, ababout how hehe would gogo into a ststore and his s mom would d tell m to pick k up a a $200, $30000 pocketboook and d just carryry it out because ththe securityty woululdn't stop p a child. - - or if theyey did, it w was, "oh,h, put that t down, frananc" - yeahah. - "t"that's not t yours." - - yeah, "thahat's not yo" she was s training h him at a a very younung age 'cauause she neeeeded that m m. ♪ - i wentnt to prisonon. i wawas trying to keeeep up the l lifestyle. uncle jejerry nevever even contacted me after r jerry, my y husband, d.
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nope.. i dodon't--yeah.h. - - i mean, i'i'll admit,, the first coupuple of daysys, i had tickckets in my y hand. i'm m like, "whohoa. should i i take overer his busisiness now?"?" yoyou know, 'cause i c could've eaeasily... - - he could'v'. - i could'd've easily y went to u uncle jerryry and said, , "hey, you u know, lelet's contininue this."" i could'd've easilyy kept i it going, but t i didn't,, 'cauause i didn'n't want to look k over my shshoulder. i i thought ththey had it t stod when m my brother r passed aw, so i wasn'n't gonna ususe the. i wasnsn't gonna g give thm to anynybody. i i wasn't gononna try to sell l them, whatat have . i i just destrtroyed them, hohoping that t it was never gogonna be fouound out. thatat was my gogoal. like i've e always saiaid my whohole life, "if f you can geget away wiwith somethihing over a and over anand over, you only g gotta be cacaught on" - once. - you geget caught o once, you'u're done. [birdsds singing]]
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- - at this popoint, operation n final answswer was s moving fasast. evererything wasas on the tat. [phone rinings] it's kind d of like a a fact. i mean, , everybody'y's work. evererybody's wrwriting. they're e reviewing g tape. i meanan, it's a w whole elaborate e team efforort pro. ♪ in o order to dodo this scam, jerry jajacobson neeeeded what we rerefer to as s middl. one of t the early m middlemn was jerrrry colombo,o, who passeded away, didied in a cacar accidentn. okayay, now whatat? the one ththing that w was ststill out ththere was, rereally how m mechanicallly is j jerry jacobobson doing g ? and d that was, , you know, , kf this nagagging queststion mar. - wewe were justst buildingg the e puzzle from a all the pieieces, and d there werere so many y different t pieces ththat we werere putting t tog. ♪ - we werere working g a lot with thehe atlanta d divisi, who had a a surveillanance t.
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kikind of likeke in the m movies, youou know, guysys parked inin cars are follllowing withth, yoyou know, binocuculars and c cameras, you know, painting t the pictue of thihis guy, hisis backgroud and, you know, who he was. undercover tapes and the video were coming in. conversations on the wiretap were coming in. lot of movoving parts.s. - jejerry was paparanoid. he's b been talkining ababout his phphone being g d ever sinince we werere in flo. he would a always say,y, "don't s say that. our phonones might b be tappe. "somebebody be lisistening. you nenever know who's gogonna hear y you." and onone day, we were jujust chitchahattin, and d i said somomething. i didn't t think itit was a bigig deal. and he s said, "watctch ou. don't say y it like ththat" soso in a few w minutes, i finanally said, , "hey, je, whwhen did youou tell leoo to go o kill the p president" and hehe hung up o on me. [chuckles]s] i'm thininking to mymyself, "why d do you thinink someboy would d find you s so interestg that they y would wantnt to tapap your phonones?" [line e rings]
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- jejerry jacobsbson's contrtg all the e pieces at t that po, soso he neededed to r replace cololombo as quickly as possible. identification of sources that he could use of recruiters becameme his full-l-time job. - one e of the mididdlemen, aj glolomb, came on n the radar r scren fairly e early. afteter colombo o died, glomomb had a nunumber ofof telephoninic conversasats with j jerry jacobobson, and d you followow-- you know, , follow where the e evidence l leads y.
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♪ - mymy name is a andrew glo. i i go by aj.. one day, a a friend ofof mine called me e up and he e said, "i have e somethingg you mimight be intnterested i. "wririte down ththis numberr anand go to a a phone bootoh and d call me."" i said, , "oh, no, n no." [c[chuckles] i saysys, "i had e enough of tt in m my life. i-i-- comeme on, i jusust got offf probatation a coupuple years a" i had jujust finishehed up a a drug sentetence, anand i didn't't want anytyg to happen.n.
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- actutually, thatat's, like, onone of the b best partss of t the whole s story. [smoototh music] firsrst time i ever d did any kinind of ds was withth harold rorobbin, the writiter, and d we were inin monte cara. ♪ and d he had a b bunch of girls w with him. anand so we'rere talking a an, and i i says, "i"in your booooks, whenever t they were h having, they alwlways did amamyl nite befofore they hahad an orgas" [chuckckles] soso i says, " "harold, do you h have anany amyl nititrate?" he said, " "oh, yeah, , yeah, y. you wawant some?"" i said, , "yeah." i dididn't know w what i wasas . so i'm s sitting thehere, and ththis girl sasays, "let's danance." so i getet up. ♪ i said, , "oh, my gogod, oh, mymy god, oh, , my god." everybodody said, "what's s wrong? whahat's wron" i saysys, "i don't't know." so i calalled my fririend. i said, , "steve, get me o out of herere.
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get meme out of hehere." so t that was mymy first thig withth drugs. so how i i got ininto sellingng them-- i had a a cousin. anand he says,s, "can you u e some quaalaludes?" i i said, "letet me ask one ofof my buddieies." i sasaid, "steveve, can yoyou get quaaaaludes?" he said,d, "yeah,h, how many y you want" i saysys, "i don't't know." i says, , "how much h are the" he said,d, "well, hohow much do you wanant to make?e?" i sasaid, "h"how much isis there to o m" so t that's how w i got intoto . anand then in n 1982, i hahad sent somome drugs out to a f friend of m mine, a customerer of mine.. theyey were selllling toto somebodyy who was s on the hooook to the , and theyey followed d him to the airirport. [pop musicic] nenext thing y you know, b b. [lauaughs] dea comemes out of e everywhe. so i gotot 12 yearss for six ouounces of cococain.
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[dramatitic music] i was susupposed to o repot to montgomomery, alababama. and they g gave me, lilike, 3030 days or 60 days to rerepo. anand so i jusust didn't r re. i wawaited till,l, like, almost thehe last day.y. and d then i tooook off for new w york for 1 16 month. i was s a fugitiveve. [mozart's s serenade n number 1] you u were alwayays worrie, lookoking over y your shoulr every titime you seeee two o guys with h suits on.. you think k it's over.r. it's like,e, this c could be your lasast day before y you go to j jail, so just lilive it to the f fullest. it's's like a momovie. you're liviving a movivie. but ththen i boughght a a ferrari inin germany and i i shipped itit to l long beach.h. anyway, , i got arrerested inin a doughnunut shop in san d diego. [belell rings, h handcuffs c c] [metetal clanks]s]
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[phonene rings] when i g got out of f prison, my fririend don hahart called m me and saidid ththat he had d somethingg thatat i might b be interests, this monopopoly game.. i was s very skeptptical, anand i told h him, i said, , you know, , "don," i i said, "i just gogot off of p parole" and i sasaid, "nah,, i dodon't think k i want to w anything a about it."" and d then probabably two or threeee days lateter, i sa, "you know,w, let's meeeet and d we'll talklk about it." don was onone of my bebest frs for,r, oh, jeez,z, 40-some y . very w wealthy. he wasas very wellll-respecte. and hehe had a fririend that had a access to t ticket. i said,, "why w would the g guy give y, of all p people in t the worl, a tickcket like ththis?" he says, " "'cause he e knows i'i'm not gonnnna screw hihm out t of anythining." anand it made e sense. i said, "e"eh, you're e right" he saiaid, "y"you know, t they need w wi"
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and hehe says, "i i have on- "a ticicket that y you coud cash i in for $1 m million anand we'll shshare it." somebobody offers s you $1$1 million,, you're gononna take itit. [chuhuckles] unless youou gotta kilill someb, and ththen you migight not-- you knknow, you mimight not be intererested, but t i start ththinking abobo. i said, "e"eh, i betttter not do o this mysele" i didndn't want to go baback to prisison. so i had a a friend in san d diego. soso i got a p plane, and d w to san d diego the n next d. and thenen i ran it t by him, totold him howow it workedd and evererything. and wewe were gonnnna split t three e ways: meme, don hartrt, and stana, who i was s giving the tickcket to. anand i remembmber he toldlde the manageger said, "oh, youou know, the lastst time somemebody wo, ththey gave ththe ticket to st.t. jude." [chuckckles] stananley says, , "well, it's not h happening t this ti" [l[laughs]
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"it't's not goining to a anybody excxcept me." and soso that was s it. so h he mailed i it in, and then i i would-- afteter that, i i made seveveral trips s out to calalia to g get the mononey from hi. after stananley was richard d sokolsky, , i belie. victor m marchitellolo was ththe third peperson i gave a a ticket toto. i met t him in pririson inin west virgrginia. the next w was stan wawarwick in chicagogo. 1999. stan was a heart transplant recipient. these newswscasters sasaid, "why is a a guy withth a heart t transplantt eatiting mcdonalald's?" [laughs]s] - free fooood. - we havave free fooood. - anand another r free sandwd. - yeah, ththere you gogo. - i'm totoo nervo. i can't t do th. [lauaughter] - i don'n't think i i met jery until probobably halfwfway thrh all ththese peoplele.
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it must't've been inin '99 atat don's pararty. - nothining. i dididn't thinknk nothing o o. he was sorort of nondedescrip. ththen eventuaually don didn't't want to b be involve. he says,s, "i d don't want t no money.. i i don't wantnt anything. i'm m out of thihis." it w was just meme and jery trying to o get other peopople involveved. but i nenever-- i cacan honestlyly say i nevevd a close rerelationshipip with . - turned o out, andrewew glob was a largrge recruiteter, had prprovided quiuite a few i - had d enriched h himself anand uncle jejerry. hehe had kind d of a wide e nete of indndividuals who werere willing t to particie inin this frauaud scheme.. [line ringngs] ♪ so when wewe were on the p phones, we needed to be on the recruiters, and that's where we were focusing our investigation.
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- back then, everybody got a bill every month with a all the lonong-distae calllls that youou made, anand i remembmber looking at t the toll rerecords. on onene part of t the ledger isis all your r winners and their r phone numbmbers. ththen on the e other endd of t the ledger,r, jerry jaca. and ofof the hundrdreds of cas that e each made,, there wowould be, "wow, , they're boboth callig a commonon number. look at t that." we havave, "this w winner has calllled aj glomb. soso has jerryry jacobson.n" but t that--yeahah, thatat's how we e started finding otother middleleme. so t then you ststart looking at dwiwight baker.r. ♪ they'r're all $1/2/2 million or betteter, $450,000 a and up. i owned d all this p property on the lefeft at one t time. i was s gonna put t a little golf coursrse in here.e.
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i'i'm dwight b baker, deveve. i got a a real estatate brokes license e and buildeder's licene and develoloped quite e a numr of projejects. probably o over 1,4000 of dififferent acrcres inin south carolina. i met jerrrry when i i sold jerrrry a piece of proroperty in a a subdivisn and endeded up bubuilding a h house and a a . anand i sold h him a cocouple of lolots in anothther subdivivision. right bebelow that s sign th, the twtwo lots that jacacobson ownened. right herere. i i think itit's this prproperty here. i i don't knowow if there'e's s on 'em n now or not.t. my famamily, they'y're probaby not t gonna be h happy with me sisitting herere... [c[chuckles] and d telling ththis story.. [choraral music] we werere all lds,s, which s latterer-day saintnt famil. anand i had a a high profie inin the commumunity.
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yoyou try to l live a goodod. yoyou try to d do what's r ri. prprobably onene of my y biggest reregrets, being ininvolved in this mcdonald's t thing. yeah. i shouldldn't have b been involved in itit. um... yep.p. you know, at that titime i was so s successful,l, but t one day, i jumpmped on a momotor grar and had d an accidenent. i i was backining up the h hl when it ststalled out.t. [engine slslows and shshuts ] [rock k crunching]g] put t me in the e hospital ten dadays. anand that's w when jerry yd first let t me know whwhat he, and itit was quitete interestit. [phone r rings] he called d me whilile i was rerecuperatig
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from t the accidenent anand asked meme if i wantd to r ride up thehe mountai. i sasaid, "you'l'll have to pull l up to the e door, 'causese, you knowow, i got t a walker."." he saiaid, "okay."." so he pulllls up toto the back k door, and wewe go ridingng up the m mountain. he said ththat he wass reprpresenting m mcdonald'ss in thehe distributution of the gamame pieces.. he knew i i was goingg througugh a tough h time, so h he offered d me a game e e if i had $ $100,000. i didn't't have $10000,000, so he saidid, "lisisten, if yoyou want one, it's's $100,000.0. it's thehe only wayy you'u're gonna g get one." he s said, "i hahave ththe responsisibility "of f distributiting; they tell l me where t to go. so i if you wantnt a game pip, thisis is how itit's done."" this is ththe subdivisision that we wewere in. tradeded game piececes. i gave himim money. it was j just a-- it was a a secluded d place, y. just a a secluded d place. i knewew he was seselling the gameme pieces.
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and d i asked hihim, i sasaid, "jerryry, whatat happens i if mcdonals fifinds out ababout it?" he said,d, "they're e not gona do anynything abouout it." i said, "w"why is thatat?" he saiaid, "bececause thesese game piecs "increasase their sasales by % out ofof 26,000 ststores. "f"factoring i in a $1 m million gamame piece "on thatat kind of m money, "$8989 million, , $100 millil? "they didndn't care. "they jujust--if somomebody got, "they y didn't carare if it t went in ththe trash. ththey didn't t care aboutut. itit was factotored in." ththat was hisis story. i bougught it. i did d not believeve ththat there w was anythinine otheher than we were e cheating i in a gam. i don't t know if itit was ththe oxycontitin from the- yoyou know, ththe accident, but t i took himim up on i, 'c'cause i dididn't know if i i was ever g gonna walk k , let alone e work againin. i said, "y"you know, i don't t have $100,0,000, but i mimight know somebodydy that doeses."
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a bottle of don julio, 1942, delivered. delivered with drizly. gifting without the guessing. drizly. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. - breakfast, lunch, or dinner, there's always a line. - a bibig mac combmbo, please.e. - serving g over 13 mimillion mcdonaldld's customemers each yeaear in the u u.s., double thahat globallyly. soso you can i imagine how rarere it is to o see thi. [cheerers and applplause]
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george chahandler of w walhala just w won $1 millllion inin the hatchch, match & &n game rightht here in w west u, and chanandler was a all smi. - wewe, you knowow, bobought our b breakfast and i gogot, you knonow, mymy hash browowns, coffffee, whatevever, and... i pepeeled it ofoff, and d there it w was. ♪ o b beautiful for spacacious skieses ♪ ♪ for amber w waves of grgran [cows moo]o] ♪ for purplple mountainin majeststies ♪ come on n over here,e, girls! ♪ acrcross the frfruited plan ♪ ameririca cocome on! ♪ america ♪ g god shed hihis grace onon te [chuckleles] jujust like ththat. see, thehey like it.t. ♪ from sesea to shinining sea
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we s should've b brought somome feed, shououldn't we, , girl? hmm? i'm a pretetty lucky g guy. it's n not withinn my perersonal capapacity toto have achihieved a a lot of thehe things i'veve been ablele to do in n . i don't t know--you u know, they s say god looooks after fools anand childrenen. i dodon't know w which categey i i fall into,o, but itit's one of f 'em. [c[chuckles] all righght, wherere do we gogo from here? [sofoft music] i'i'm george c chandler. i i grew up inin abject popo. i was raraised mormomon, one of e eight kids.s. and we g grew up in n here in rl ococonee countnty, south c car. and we werere poor. i i didn't havave running g wr until 198686. so i mean,n, we're notot talkg about anancient histstory her. we're tatalking abouout 1986. momost people e have runniningr at that t point in t time. wewe were stilill using a a w. - whatat do you ththink?
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- dwdwight was v very succesess. he had a f family. he had f five kids.. i i became fririends with h h, and whwhen i was a about 1, i leftft home, and dwigight baker w was a fosr fatherer to me foror a time. - wellll, george a and i--i me, origiginally we e went toto church totogether--fafami. so we tookok him in. we became foster parents for george. and he grew up with our kids. - you know, being in such a big family and beining poor espspeciall, why wowould i not t want to m move in witith dwight?? you knowow, he droveve a bw and, youou know, hahad those susuccessful characteteristics ththat i wan. - - george hasas always ben highghly specialal. i memean, he wananted jujust to absosorb knowleded. absorbed a anything you cocould teach h him. he knew, if he was gonna get out, he needed to work hahard.
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- whwhen i was 1 15 years ol, i ququit school.l. i had grown a mustache to make me look older anand told somome local ememplos that i w was 18, and i i immediatelely wentnt to work.. i woworked 16 hohours a dayy insteaead of 8. that proveved to work k for m, and i bebecame an enentreprenr and got in a lot of different things: communications company, septic system installers, securirity companyny, memedical alararm monitoriri, indudustrial prorogramming,, resisidential rerentals, commercicial rentalsls. i totold him i w wanted to be a mimillionairee by the timime i was 2525. so w when dwightht came to me wiwith the ticicket, he k knew that i i was in a positition that i i-- yoyou know, ththat i had s soh to worork with. i mean, ththis is a $1 milillion winnining tic. and he's g got it in a ziplolock sandwicich bag that's notot even zipppped. and he layays it down n on my d, and d i take it t out, look k . i mean, , it just sasays, "$1 millllion winnerer. callll 1-800"--w-whatever.
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- i sasaid, "george, a a friend ofof mine got ththis $1 millllion game e from mcdononald's." and i i said, "he'e's going througugh a divorcrce." i saidid, "h"he offered d to sell itit " he s said, "by t the time i split t it with heher anand pay the e taxes and all ththat?" sasaid, "i'll l sell it for $10000,000." - bebecause he's's going through a a divorce and he d doesn't thihink the tit should be e considereded maritatal propertyty. bubut dwight's's friend, i i didn't knonow this guy fromom adam. you u know, nevever met hi. but t i had alreready gone t h a very b bitter divovorce mys, so i felelt like it was a l legitimate e conce. i mean,, he wasas already s separated. it wasasn't like h he had ths while e he was hapappily marri. - well, bebecause... i didndn't want hihim to know i was ininvolved in n it, you k, inin somethingng that wasnsn- ththat wasn't t real,
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that h had a tint t of... i knew jererry was s doing something wrong, and it just probably didn't feel like it was the right thing to o do for me to be involved in it, you know, , but yeah, , i didt out of e expediency,y, maybe. and i just tried to protect him from the truth of itit. because, you know, if it did backfire and it wasn'n't going--- you knknow, it wasasn't righ, i memean, he dididn't need t te any knowleledge of anynythin, you knknow? i meanan, i took t that all on my shshoulders, s so... - - he basicalally asked m , you u know, would i be intererested in buying g the ticketet from m and ththen redeemiming it? i mean, , everybody y was collectingng the tickekets. they're buying and selling these tickets on the internet, not $1 milillion winneners bubut certainlnly prizize-winning g tickets and d ones that t match up like boaoardwalk andnd park pl. i toldld dwight, i i said, "y"you know, i i'd probablby do $ $100,000.""
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you win $5$50,000 a yeyear fofor 20 yearsrs. course, , now, i hadad to payay taxes on n this mone, so i hadad to figurere that in my mindnd, bubut i felt l like somewhwhe along abouout the thirird yea, i would d start-- i woululd gain somomething. itit wasn't a a tremendousuy immedidiately beneneficial thih. it w wasn't likeke i was jususta get thisis, you knowow, huge pilile of moneyey. but it wasas nonetheleless still l a good bususiness decic, a gogood businesess deal, so i didid it. - wewe were up on dwighght's phone, anand then we e start to figure e out, "o"okay, is ththere anythihing h this persoson george c chandler" "y"yeah. therere might be sometething therere." - - many timeses, we felt, "well, howow much bigggger cacan this getet?" and it w would get b bigge. "how much h further baback cocould it go?o?" and it wouould go backck furthe. i hahad never seseen anything likeke that and d still havev. [d[dramatic mumusic] ♪ - whatat jerry didid withth other peoeople
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fafar as the m money goes, i dodon't know.. ♪ best of f my knowlededge, all ofof mine, i b believe, were $5050,000. i meanan, if y you go downwn this list, i hahad one, twowo, three, f , eieight, nine,e, ten winnene. out ofof giving awaway $10 mili, i madede $614,000,0, soso how stupipid am i? [chuckles]s] ♪ thenen we come t to michael l h. august 2 2001. michael l hoover wasas one of the mosost generousus peope you ever m met, just a great, great friend, just real easygoing. nothing bothered him. he sold a lot of drugsgs. [chuhuckles]
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that's h how we becacame friend. i usused to go o out to vegas baback in the e '70s, anand mike wasas a dealer.. ♪ i calleded him, i sasays, "you know,w, i got somomethg that y you might be intnterested inin." i pickcked up the e ticket from jererry in atlalanta. anand so i wenent up there and gagave him thehe ticke. ♪ he claimimed the ticicket, and they d did the fililmig with the c commercial.l. - thisis is where e i lost my "peoplele" magazinene. glad t that after r the beac, i ststopped and pickeded up anotheher on. - i reremember himim calllling me, sasaying, "thihis productition compay thatat did the c commercial" he saiaid, "t"this girl i is really h h. she prprobably-- i think k she reallyly liked m" i i said, "oh,h, great." i didn't't think notothing of . - - in the wirire room, we're liststening to s somef those phphone calls s to hoo. and ofof course, g glomb was s on the othther side, i i , going, "rereally? what does s she look l like?"
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- i i think all l of the winis ththought i rereally likeded . you u know, ththat's the k kind of pererson. yoyou know, i i was intervrvig them like e a friend,, so it was s my job to o make se that t they felt c comfortabl. [lauaughter] - she e was sick t to her sto. that was h her reactioion. she gogoes, "what?t? how could he ever get that vibe?" - [l[laughs] i guesess she wasnsn't. - i guguess i'm a a better acts thanan i thoughtht i was, yoyou? like.....[laughs]]
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ththe neighbororliness and all l that are as g good as thehey are her. ♪ you rereally find d out who your f friends arere when y you're downwn, anand i've nevever hahad the oppoportunity withth some of t those peope toto give themem the entirire. [i[indistinct t country mumuc playing] ♪ - good j job, gary!! - ninice job, gagary, nice j . - toto tell themem exactly why i'i'm innocentnt. this is s the mcdonanald's where it a all happenened. ththere was a a press confnfe and a paparty, and real r ronald mcdodonad was here.. it was kinind of surrereal. - saidid, "ma, i won $1$1 millio" i said, "pooooey, georgege. po" hehe said, "mamama, it's r"
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- i dididn't thinknk he was s serious. i was lilike... i was likeke, "you'r're not seririous." - - as a singlgle father to eigight-year-olold russe, geororge chandleler says he'll ususe his winnnnings to h help raise e his son. he'll geget $50,000 0 a yer for the e next 20 yeyears. - - it wasn'tt an i immediate t thing. ultimatelyly it done a lot t more harm m than go. i already run a business in town, and i was surrounded by this s notion that i i was a milillionaire n. i didndn't need toto work. i i didn't neeeed any y new customomers. i memean, i had d to put ot $10000,000 of mymy own mone, yoyou know, fofor this thihi. and i hadd no queuestion whatatsoever about ththe authentiticity oror legitimacacy of the t tit or the oririgination o of it. you know,, nothining ever occccurred to . we'r're talkingg about t dwight bakaker. - i dididn't take e any cut out of thehe money, okokay? it was allll jerry's.. i totold him, i i said, "george, listen."
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i said, "you just give me a navigator and a laptop and we'll be happy," you know? didn't want george to think bad of me... [laughs] fofor-- [c[chuckles] fofor actuallyly having a littlele larceny i in my hea, you knowow? i dididn't want t a whole lo. i i just wanteted a littlele lp and a navivigator. [chuckles]s] ththen i went t to ronnie e y and offefered it to o him. wellll, that's h how my greed kickcked in. ronnnnie was jusust a high r . and ronnie was going through a divorce, and he said, "i'll take two or three of those." [laughs] ♪ that w was probablbly the reala. where i i really stepped ovevr the e boundary wawas when rononnie said,, you knknow, "i'll tatake one or r two oror three of f them." and i i knew he cocould. [c[chuckles] ohoh, and i reremember jerey telllling me, hehe said, "you're gegetting a little g greedy, ainin't yo? yeah.
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♪ each time was a little different. jejerry, he brbrought me fries s and a drinink anand it had t the game pips onon it, you k know? anand i'd pay y him inin a brown m mcdonald's s , hahad just thehe cash, givivem the mcdonanald's bag m money. ♪ - never asasked him. you knowow, jerry y used to sasay all the e, "t"this is gononna be the last o one. this is gogonna be the last o one." and then o one time, h he sai, "there's's gonna bee a $5 m million pririze "that t they're gogonna give. "you t take that o one," and d i don't knknow how w we were gogonna split t, but t he said, " "then that't'. we'll riride into ththe sunst and forgetet it." you know, , so...
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- jejerry was--h-he was very pririvate, veryry secre. i mean, hehe never talalked abt anythihing with ananybody els. i knewew he could d sell me game p pieces, but i dididn't knoww to w what degreeee. jerry y told me, he said,d, "listen,, "there was a $1/2 million game piece where e mcdonald's's issued one $5$500,000 cheheck, cas" yoyou wouldn't't have toto wait $50,0,000 a yeara. and d i wanted i it. anand so... i made a arrangementnts wiwith my wifefe's sister,r, , and i saidid, "cash ththat chec, and d we'll splilit it." i ththought it w would've bn a totough sell, , you know? but...itit wasn't. we c created an n address fofor inin ashevillele, north cacaro.
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shshe turned i in the gameme pi. we didn'n't talk foror a whil, but t time had l lapsed. there was s no reason n for hr to have e not been p paid on thehe game pie. i saidid, "i'm gononna go p to ashsheville anand see whatat's going o o" and d i went up p there, andn. the dadamn fedex t thing hahad been opepened and fallenen on the flfloo, and... i said, "she's g got the damamn money" [tenense music]] brendada decided t that she was gogonna keep a all the m, run withth the moneyey. that scared the shit out of me because i i knew jerryry wouldndn't be veryry damn hap. jerrrry told mee if thehere's a proroblem, i'd get a a visit from hisis cousin guguido. and d i took thahat prettyty serious.. ♪ went to o my wife, a and i s, "shehe's runningng with t the money."." and ththat's what t really hooked h her in. that's whehere shshe got a prproblem,
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'cause s she looked d at it as her mononey. [engine tuturning overer] - yeahah. [indistitinct arguining] ♪ wifife could nont stay o off the telelephone. ♪ - - dwight bakaker made a phonone call to o brenda ps and fofor whateverer reason dit ququite discononnect the p pho. [chuhuckles] whicich we weree stilill monitoriring. and itit was likee haviving a bug i in their c. - so insnside the wiwire ro, we're e hearing how w brenda phehenis was runnining around the indiananapolis airirpot and d dwight wasas looking to bury y her somewhwhere. - they're e saying, yoyou kno, he's follolowing her to the a airport. hehe says he's's gonna kilill. therere was a lolot of concen on thahat. - whwhat are we e gonna do
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if t they are inin fact really gononna harm heher? wewe obviouslyly have to intervevene, bubut that wouould have seriouous consequeuences for the ininvestigatioion. one littlele slipup, y you k, could d shut it dodown. [suspepenseful mususic] ♪ it jusust did not t occur to e that he e would do someththing like t that. ♪ if you can't be trusted, what do you have? - okayay, george.. [c[crowd shoututing "georgrg] - let't's have funun, y'all. [countryry music plalaying] - ♪ shehe got runnened over by a damn n ♪ [crowd s singing alolong] - - yeah, yeahah, yeah! ♪ and so i'i'll hang araround ♪ as s long as yoyou will letete ♪ oh, that s sounds goodod. ♪ andnd i never m minded
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♪ standining in the r rain ♪ no,o, oh, yeahh - becacause it's a an airpor, everythihing is moninitored liv. it's a p public placace, and we hadad people onon sce there wawatching thehe camer, agentsts who just t could blen in the crorowd at the e airp, ready y to take acaction. [sususpenseful m music] ♪ you u know, in a a lot of ca, really badad things hahappe. thingsgs go wrong.g. they alwlways do. [countntry music]] - ♪ called meme by my namame ♪ whoo!
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