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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  December 14, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PST

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this is cnn breaking news. we have breaking news, and working through the details on this, but we are learning that four people have been arrested on terrorism offenses following an operation by danish intelligence. we are going right over to alex marquardt who has much more on this. alex, tell us what you are learning. >> well, kate, we are getting statements now from both the danish intelligence and security services as well as the israelis, and there is a discrepancy of how many are arrested.
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israelis are saying seven, and danish are saying seven of them, three in denmark, and four in netherlands, but even is agreeing that they were arrested in connection with the terror plot. the fbi and the fbi equivalent is saying that they were plotting to kill civilians on european soil, and the people were acting on behalf of the hamas terrorist organization. the statement from the danish security services going on to say that the three arrested have been charged with terrorism offenses. so of course, this is far away from this war. w wait, and of course, we have
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fact in gaza has led to a huge amount of anger across the arab and muslim world, and it was a concern that we could start to see a new spike in terrorist attacks. this plot was stopped thankfully before it was carried out. there was a series of raids in denmark resulting in the arrests that israel is saying that was targeting european citizens on european op asians let's reiterate the important points here as there is clearly more detail to be worked out with some of the details on this. what we are talking about under arrest that we are learning that the officials are trying to act
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on behalf of hamas to carry out some operation on european soil. now, talk to me more about this fear that we have been hearing about for quite some time since october 7th, and what october 7th, and the reaction and going might be looking at expanding beyond gaza. >> yes, and those arrested were acting on behalf of the gaza organization. in the meantime, israel is vowing to douch rnlg and maybe the plit wall which has been
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going on for twomons now would inspim them to take up -- this would indicate that this is a real evolution to their ambitions. certainly since october 7th that israel is trying to step up the game, and get the operations to the level that they could carry out operations, and terrorists around the world. until now, hamas has not been like al qaeda or isis where we have seen countless attacks by members of their own
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organizations or lone wolves carrying out attacks in europe or elsewhere. the leaders of isis, and al qaeda calling for attacks around the world. that is not something that we have seen from israel. n now, we see that the seven people arrested today are acting on behalf of hamas and trying to expand their operations beyond israel today. kate. >> this is a very important and definite evolution of people beyond hamas to the organization, and in terms of what we are learning more on this. thank you, alex marquardt. sara? now, back to the hill, where the congress has voted to
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continue impeachment investigation into joe biden. manu raju, you are on the steps trying to talk to congressman jim jordan who has defied the congressional subpoena, and now they are going after jim johnson. >> yes, i asked him about that, and he has held coming before infiery, and president and how could you go forward with this given your own personal history. he said that he is taking issue of "defying the. e "because it called for peck
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and the like, and he is walking with the u.s. assistant attorney who is retired and try to establish a conconnections with the president, but many republicans flatly deny that is, and according to the conservative members, they believe there should be a impeach of regardless of anything, and that going down the impeachment routes it? >> no, if we do, then i think
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that we should just make our own problems. >> do you think that the president should be impeached now? >> it does not help anything with the political discourse that we have right now, but fuel the fire. >> reporter: the last context is what will happen next, and if this continues into next year, does it show that the president is charged with high crimes and misdemeanor, and does he have the votes, because not everybody agrees with mark green, and they don't believe it is politically.
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>> there are so many questions, and so many wanting joe biden impeached, and the speak of the house can key decisions to be made as they wrapped up the session moments ago. >> evidence is key, and so far they have not been able to show that. and manu raju, thank you for all of the reporting. john? with me is gregory meeks, the ranking member of the house relations committee. and now, in regard to this vote, one said, it is to for mallize t to what extent do you buy that impeachment is inevitable.
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>> i believe that i want to fes will their own witnesses they have had, and dom, and they are trying to come up with evidence of any kind to investigate joe biden. they want to continue with the witch hunt and not do any work on behalf of the people. so, they are playing politic, and i think that they are trying to be to seek revenge for donald trump, and they are doing donald trump's work in this regard, because this is what he said that he would and being led by the maga republicans, and led by the same makes them one in the
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same. the hearings have it should be nothing but a positive measure but to pass the motion. and now, when steve bannon came and did not testify, you held him in contempt. now, what if hunter biden does not testify? >> they want to get him behind the scenes to testify with he is
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doing to. >> just to be clear. just to be clear. donald trump jr., did appear? >> well, donald trump already sflrp and i think that if he had said that he wanted to testify in a public for rum. i would they that donald trump jr. would not want to testify in a public for um, and it is important for the public to see what has taken place in that regard. and donald trump jr. did not necessarily want the public to hear or and biden fw
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>> you have been ardent for new funding for ukraine, and right now on the senate to that funding. what new measures on asylum would you am september for new aid? >> i am absolutely locked in and very disappointed that we are breaking for the holidays and not coming back until january 9th without additional ukraine funding, without additional israel funding, without humanitary we didn't do any of that work. i will comply with the values as
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americans, but if he continues to speak with snofrmt and most people agree that we have to do something with the border, and ultimately comprehension legislation will do that, and the president has indicated he is happy to do something about the border, but it cannot be hr-22. >> and congressman meeks, congratulations on the break, and i know that you are not happy for it to come today. >> and we are following breaking news. prosecutors in germany and denmark are saying that suspected members of hamas were
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planning terror talks in ge germany. the feds are decided to leave the interest rates alone. does that mean we have avoided a recessioion in we wiwilltalk net
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32 days to iowa, and them it is off to the races for the presidential primary season. polls are pointing to the
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eventual election rematch of 2020 between joe biden and donald trump, and yes, we have a long way to that, but how could legal and political troubles right now impact both of their campaigns. president biden is against the plet cal pane and donald trump is facing 91 federal and state charges, but his team is celebrating after the federal interference case was maced on push and e knee la -- elena, it seemed that donald trump went out of his way to go after nikki haley.
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>> yes, and i go to nearly all of the attacks, but he focusing all of the attack, against and he went after things that are important to him. >> and so they are talking about the nikki haley surge, but they don't want to talk about the trump surge. they say she is surging against hem, but they don't talk about me. >> and now, nikki haley is surging, and in new hampshire she had the big endorsement from the new hampshire governor chris
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sununu, and when you talk to the campaign, they know that she is a threat, and they say, well, he is doing very well, and it is true that he is serving a commanding lead, but she could be a problem for him particularly in new hampshire, and one thing to keep in mind that donald trump's team does not want him to win in iowa and new hampshire, but they need to have a good showing, and there is because there is a ll of expectation to be building, but they want to build the momentum to car him and other opponents out of the race. that is a growing concern. and if i can, kate, another point that donald trump is making last night, he is increasingly going after joe biden, and making primaries not just about the opponents, but joe biden.
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he is really trying to go after joe biden's unpopularities to try to val va niz and so, he is still going after joe biden, and there are those concerns. >> and the inevidently of him winning the priorly and leave that. sara? >> joining me is nancy cook, senior political adviser. and thank you for coming in. you heard alayna treene talk about the attacks on nikki haley, ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. and so, you are out there saying that this is the election that
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and three. t >> they really do want him, and he faces a significant challenger with the donors. but on the flipside, they are really concerned that jim nathan is openk wor about his and there a new ed is and this is a drive
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on the trump campaign. and former speaker of the house paul ryan has come out to say he is an authoritarian narcissist, and we have not heard from him with all of the shenanigans going on, and are the republicans like paul ryan going to be there or is this really going to be a blowout like donald trump wants to see? >> the, and so what the trump campaign is facing the
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challengers in and up to early march. and most of these pundits like politicians of paul ryan, that is a part of the message. >> i would like to play this where donald trump invoked ronald reagan's line speaking to the crowd. >> were you better off four years ago or today? >> it is the economy, stupid. but is that where the voters are today? so, it is really something more than the just the supporters? >> well, there are people who like to go to the rallies, and i have met people who have been to 60 rallies. that is part of the community
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appeal. i think that the advisers will continue to show that he has the disproportionate support, and the voters trust him to go to the economy and trust biden and this is and ongoing message as the caucuses get going in january. >> and so we will see what happens going forward. thank you, nancy cook, for coming in. and we have breaking news, with arrests being made of suspected terrorist, and the israeli terrorist investigators claim m they arare sususpected.
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and it is that timime againn the campmpaign trailil.
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let's get back to the break news this hour. the israelis mossad says that the plot that was to be carried out in europe was foiled, and what more are you picking up about this? >> well, kate, we have multiple arrests in multiple european
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country, and we are trying to figure out how many arrests have taken place, but it is arrests in denmark and netherlands and germany. the danish police said that those arrested were preparing a terrorist plot, and it was foiled. the european countries were getting thank os from the israeli prime minister's office and mossad and they said that the people who were arrested today after the arrest by the danes were acting on behalf of the hamas terrorist organization, and that the plot was to kill civilians on european soil. israel tonight is alleging that hamas is essentially expanding the operations to kill civilians in europe. of course, hamas has been
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focused on carrying out terror attacks inside of israel, but now israel is saying that they are trying to do the same in europe against what they are calling the jewish-israeli, and western targets. we have statement saying that the protection of jews is the top priority, and we use the constitutional means to protect the jews against those who threaten jews and the israeli state. so those arrested were acting on behalf of the hamas organization, and the prosecutors say they were hamas members. so this is, kate, a major concern as a fallout from this war that there could be terror attacks or essentially impacted
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by this wa r and now here we see a multiple-nation terrorist plot that has been foiled. >> and it is a plot that was carried out by hamas to be carried out on foreign soil. john? >> thank you, kate. brace yourself for good news. this is a live look at the stock market. a lot of green after hitting the record highs today. this is what they have done this year, and big gains this year, as we have new and then gas prices down 23 cents from
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november, and the lowest level in nearly a year. with me is jared burnstein from the white house council of economic advisers and there is a lot of good news, and i promise you that there is a but coming, but with the positive data, everyone has to agree a good sign. >> absolutely. to see the retail sales beat expectations is what you would hope forgiven that the job market is remaining extremely strong, and unemployment under 4% for 22 months in a row is a 50-year record, and along with easing inflation, down two-third off of the peak, it is driving the real wedges, and wages found the national average from aaa to
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be below $3.14 and i found it to be $3.10. >> so i will make that correction, but i promised you a but. and we despite that data, i asked the poll of how would you describe the economic conditions right now, and 70% rated it poor. >> >> well, while there are prices coming down on eggs, toys, important this time of year, gas, that we are talking about, there are ther prices that are highly elevated, so for this but
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that you raised, are we moving in the right direction, and is this president getting the kinds of lower costs to households that they need. we are starting to see really positive movement in that direction whether it is the junk fees that president biden has taken action against or whether it is the using bully pulpit to communicate to corporations that if your profit margins are highly inflated and you are not passing savings on to consumers, he expects you to do so, and so we are showing it. and even some of the things that you are citing are not as bad as you have cited. >> again, i want to put up these green and near record highs here. and despite all of the pztive number, and the political scene,
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you are hearing things like this from donald trump. >> during this holiday season, families all across america, families are struggling under bidenomics, and it means a lot of bad things. >> so as we are watching the stock market rise, what do you think about this, jared? >> well, let me speak to policy proposals that we have heard or haven't heard. you have a president who has manage to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, reduction health care, and the places where middle income interact. i have not heard one proposal from republicans. what we have heard from donald trump is massie tax cuts for
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millionaires, and billionaires, and and making it easier for millionaires and billionaires to evade their taxes at the irs, and that is and giving americans breathing room, and breathing room that is starting to take traction. >> thank you, jared. and now, experts say this could be the busiest travel holiday traveling season, but. and this is a big but, could this be the most disastrous travel season ever? we will talk about it.
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, so i am not trying to induce panic attacks here, but it is 11 days to christmas day, and so with that countdown comes a countdown to busy travel period. traaa is saying that it is goin to be the busiest day at airports. how are the airlines preparing to handle that? joining us is the executive president for american airlines. you are preparing this to be the busiest period for united. so what are you seeing in terms of reservations?
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>> we know that the planes are going to be full, but we are prepared better than ever. using the united app is the cheat code for a smooth travel time. we have been staffing up to handle the large loads. we have had a great time through the fall, and the thanksgiving holiday of strong operational moment stum, and we are happy to get going. >> i am still traumatized about last christmas, and it was weather-induced and something like 3,000 flights canceled, and weather is the wild card no matter how prepared you are, but what have you done and are you going to mitigate the wild card as best you can?
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>> we operate in some of the coldest hubs in the country, chicago, denver, and then here in new york city, and the hub in newark, so there is a lot of training that takes place, and we have hundreds of de-icing fleets to take place in inclement weather, and for customers using the united app is the best way. we have been tapping the power of ai to give our customers more insight, and giving them more transparency in what is happening in the travel journey the situations around and the rare travel situations that it has been interrupted. >> and now you have the air traffic controllers where there is a shortage, and it is happening, but it is real. i think that scott kirby said that you are still 3,000 air traffic controllers short, and what does it do to your operations? >> the impact, is when there are
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air traffic controllers like here in newark, when you fewer controllers at the ready, particularly in bad situations, they can handle fewer planes, which means less throughput when you are anticipating the bad weather, and trying to get people back on their way. we have been in contact with the around air traffic controlling, and here is the problem with this, you can't just hire them off of the street. it takes years and years to get competent ones. >> and just real quick, and talking about congress, and i
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won't ask you the weigh into politics, but do you miss politics? >> well, i follow it, but i will tell you that the industry is fascinating. i love my job at united and i am fortunate to be doing it, but like every other american, i want the politics to work better. >> uh-huh, and good to see you. >> thank you, kate. john? two teenagers are free after decades in murder that they did not commit.
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take a look at those faces behind me.
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all four of those men exonerated in just the past three days. these cases are causing new conversations about a troubling trend for the legal system wrongful convictions. the latest two california men accuse as teenagers are free after being in prison for murders they did not commit. cnn's security force josh kavrp bell has more details from los angeles. there's a theme here in all four of these exonerations. tell us more about that. >> faulty witness testimony, that's the through line in all four cases. there's a danger when police and prosecutors get tunnel vision and exclude other potential evidence. one of these cases in los angeles, he was in prison 25 years ago. police now say authorities that it was a botched photo line up that led to his incarceration. another case, a 14-year-old was arrested. he said he wasn't at the scene
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of the crime, and years later, the da brought in the fbi take another look. have a listen to what they found. >> he has always been claiming had his innocence and stating he was at home with his family at the time of the shooting. new analysis of his cell phone records by the fbi shows his phone was not at or near the location of the shooting. >> i was innocent at the time. it was the process and the system that put me in there. it's definite ly a change. >> so even though a witness said he was a the scene, forensic evidence showed had he was nowhere near the scene of that crime. but in prison for nearly 17 years. it's important to note that none of these cases came to light because of the work in law enforcement. it was the work of advocates, public defenders, these nonprofits who are essentially ensuring that people in custody are not being held unjustly. i was in law enforcement. i put a lot of people in jail. law enforcement officers are not infallible. that's why it's so important
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these groups are out there essentially checking the work of the police to make sure people aren't in prison for crimes they didn't commit. >> you make a really good point. putting these men in prison for no reason at all. we have to do better. josh, thank you so much for that story. that was really fascinating. >> just the astounding grace of those men. thank you all for joining us.. "insnside polititics" is up p n.
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