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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  December 20, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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i love. their therapeutic for me. >> and important to hear him. saying he learned a lot and he is back. >> and players around the league are supportive. lebron james congratulating him. hopefully on the right path. >> thanks for being with us. "cnn news central" is now. this morning donald trump is vowing to fight an in-precedented ruling that kicked him off the primary ballot in came colorado. barring him from running saying that he incited and was enfwaenfwgaged in the insurrection.
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>> but back on the trial. why he is declaring that he never red "mein kampf." >> and flooding affects tens of thousands of people in maine, and temperatures there dip to below freezing. this is "cnn news central." >> donald trump vowing to fight this huge ruling out of colorado by the colorado supreme court court which removed him from the comele coal ballot dealing him ineligible to run for president. last night the court disqualified trump because he, quote, engaged in insurrection. >> majority opinion wrote, trump
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did not merely in-scite the insurrection and it was fully under way, he continued to support it by completely demanding that mike pence refuse to perform his constitutional duty and by calling senators to persuade them to stop the countingeelectric orrial votes. so while trump himself has not commented publicly, his campaign saying that it is a completely flawed decision and they plan to swiftly file an appeal and take this extraordinary case all the way to the supreme court. it is important to note that this ban only affects the colorado primary. but the political and legal fallout is far reaching. let's read it off with marshall cohen in washington, d.c.
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this is a big ruling an getting a lot of reactions. how are the sides responding? >> reporter: challengers are taking a well earned victory lap and donald trump is bashing the courts and vowing to appeal. so this was a historic moment last night when the colorado supreme court ruled in a 4-3 decision that january 6 was an insurrection, donald trump engaged in the insurrection, and that he is no longer eligible to hold office because of the 14th amendment's ban on insurrectionists serving in our government. that is just a breathtaking level of accountability for january 6. of course though it may not be the final word. you've already talked about the supreme court appeals. but let me read you a quote from the ruling. she said that president trump's
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direct and express efforts exhorting his supporters to march to the capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized as alleged fraud were overt and voluntary. he took overt actions to support this insurrection and that is why he is disqualified. so that is what the court said. the challenger from the legal advocacy group that filed the lawsuit and can claim for the moment they got trump off the ballot. >> in 2020, voters had a chance to decide if they wanted donald trump to be president. they decided that they didn't. and what happened after that is donald trump refused to accept that result and incited a violent insurrection to try to keep himself in power despite having lost. simple will i know reason to think that somehow we can do this way and it will come out differently. i am confident that other states
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will be looking at this, but taking it one step at a time. >> reporter: on she ao they are saying a lawful and constitutional remedy to deal from the problem of a president who engaged in insurrection. of course donald trump says this is a ridiculous attempt to twist the courts in a way to take him office because democrats are of a phrase that they can't beat him at the polls. >> the supreme court is getting a heck of a lot of cases when it comes to donald trump and the proba probablied presidency. >> reporter: and january 5 is the state sded line it certify the list of names for the republican primary. so quick action is needed. however, that may or may not
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that. it is up to trump how quickly he does or doesn't file the people and then up to the supreme court. but they are probably looking around the country and realizing that there are now different outcomes in different states. this is not the first place where this type of litigation was pursued. it was previously filed and rejected in major cases in michigan, minute macnesota and where he was kept on the ballot and now he is off in colorado. the supreme court has a duty to weigh in and resolve the matter. >> no surprise if the supreme court jumped on this case quickly. thank you so much. >> and lucy kafanov is in colorado. what are you hearing there especially from republicans? >> reporter: that's right. we had a chance to talk to some voters late last night after the decision was issued. and what we've been hearing is
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that republican ones at least feel like the court is taking away their rights, the ability to vote for their preferred candidate. and also local officials, chair of the colorado republican party vowing to take matters in to his own hands. take a listen. >> if need be, we'll withdraw from the primary and go to a strict caucus process. donald trump has never been charged nor convicted of insurrection. and furthermore section 3 of the 14th amendment is not self executing. it is very clear that congress has a role in this, frl prosecutors have a role in this. >> reporter: and in terms of arts against the ruling, the chief justice brian boatright wrote that the election law was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection and he would have dismissed this challenge to
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trump's eligibility. and he wrote in absence of a insurrection-related conviction, i would hold that this is not a proper youcause of action. attorneys for trump argued had the lower court judge made errors including by finding that trump engaged in an insurrection. his public comments his lawyers argue are protected by the free speech amendment. and so one day before the primary ballot will be certified. >> oobd leand let's bring in ge fer rogers who is with us today. and a lot of legal scholars looking at this.
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i imagine the supreme court should weigh in on this. >> yeah, 100%. not only a ruling from the colorado supreme court kicking him off, but other states are looking at this. >> and advocates looking at this, advocates for the 14th amendment, they are pillars also in the conservative legal movement. one of whom michael luddig weighed in help listen to what he said. >> their person is unsalable under the objective law of section 3 of the 14th amendment, the supreme of the united states ought to affirm this decision today. >> most striking thing he says is that the supreme court ought to affirm colorado's supreme
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court's decision today. but donald trump has not been convicted of insurrection. nor have any of the people who have gone through the system. they have been convicted of the conviction is sedition. so what do you think. >> >> it is hard to argue with judge luttig and the findings. when you look at the section, it appears to apply to him. but hard to agree that the supreme court will say that single state can kick someone off the ballot. think about what would happen if certain states does, certain states didn't. so whether a federalism issue, a political question, i feel like the supreme court will overturn it. >> and so let's also look at the
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dissents. people are saying that there is no precedent. some say that what is said in the 14th amendment, that presidential yi leelectors shou be able to hold any office. but it doesn't mention the pres presidency. so why so? >> that is why the lower court said it didn't apply to trump because the presidency is not taken. the president's oath is a little different than the oath for the offices enumerated in section 3, so that is one of the big legal questions, does it actually apply to the presidency itself as an office. that is the basis understand which it was determined in colorado. certainly the supreme court will decide that. >> and bringing up so many issues and the supreme court will be extremely busy as they pick up these cases.
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jennifer rodgers, thank you so much about. >> thanks. and coming up for us, the court in colorado as spoken and now we'll go to iowa, iowa caucusgoers getting to have their first say in the election. so what are they thinking about this ruling overnight? and ron desantis just weighed in. we'll hear what he has to say. also there are new warnings about the volcano in iceland, why experts say that it is hard to tell what is coming next. and israel and hamas back in negotiations over a potential week long ceasefire in exchange for dozens of hostages. details on where the talks stand.
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former president trump's ally supporters and even rivals are weighing in this morning.
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the colorado supreme court booted him from the 2024 ballot. and jeff zeleny is in iowa as trump's competition is going through the state today trying to get voters to go their way ahead of the caucuses which are happening in the next 20 or 10 days. what are you hearing from knows who are up against him in the presidential election? in particular i think we're getting something from ron desantis now? >> reporter: we're 26 days before voters here in iowa begin the republican presidential nominating contest. the time when rivals begin drawing discontinues. and last night all of donald trump's republican rivals were circling the wagons and defending him. and you are right, ron desantis said that he believes that the u.s. supreme court will reverse this decision by the colorado state supreme court. so this is something that we're seeing, we have seen it
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throughout the year with every indictment and every criminal charge leveled against the former president. and this of course a different type of case, but the reaction is very similar. republicans are saying that judges should not make the decisions. but take a listen to just a sampling of what the republican rivals have been saying about this ruling. >> i think he should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters. >> we don't need judges making the decisions, we need voters making the decisions. so i want to see this in the hands of voters. we'll win it the right way. >> reporter: so as of now, a lion's share of republican voters at least suggest that donald trump would be the nominee. we'll see what happens. no one has voted in this race, but he has a commanding lead without question and time is running out for his rivals to make their case. but they are indeed making their cases as they campaign throughout the state and we're also keeping an eye on a new ad
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that is being released by the super pac supporting nicky hailing. noting she is the only one who can beat him and joe biden . >> always interesting. and here we go. thank you so much. joining us now is our political analyst jackie kuc kucinich. what do you think of the reaction from the other republican candidates so far? what does it say and what does it tell folks about where the other candidates thinks republican voters are? >> i think that they are listening to voters and some of the hesitation about you are having a court decide whether or
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not someone can be on a ballot. and i think that hesitation is not only among republicans, i think that you are hearing it from other corners as well. but this is the crowd with the exception of chris christie, though on this one is he is in line with everyone else, who has not gone after the former president. which is perhaps why he is so far add of them. >> and i have not seen the biden campaign comment on this yet. res at first you'd think they would be one of the first to react, but then again, it seems that maybe it is a bit of a mine field for the biden campaign to weigh in. >> they have been cautious on weighing in on matters of the judiciary. while republicans voters believe that these are political prosecutions, biden doesn't want to give them a reason to attach
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facts to that belief. so they have been as all of thieves indictments, plural, that is the world we live in, as some of these court cases have gone through, they have been very, very careful to stay far away and just focus on some of the other things that the former president has said. >> and especially when a court ruling has to do with whether or not donald trump can be on the ballot. that seems to be -- that even raises it probably more to the level we won't touch it with a 10 foot pool. but when looking at the response from the republican candidates, some of the response we've heard from voters, do you think that this could -- forget the legal argument, but the political fallout of this legal conversation about donald trump being removed at least for now from the ballot, this could serve to rally republican voters more around trump? even voters that don't like trump and are leaning towards
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another republican candidate, they may not like trump and definitely don't like being told what to do. >> all you need to know is trump started fund raising all of this after the ruling came down. every time we've seen these court cases go against the former president, you have seen republicans really rally around him, come closer to him, and because they believe that he is a victim in all of this. now, there is a sect that don't want to vote for him, but it doesn't mean that they like that he is in this this llegal jeopa. this could backfire and close ranks against him and make him a stronger force in the republican primary. >> interest ing to see what the fallout and tale of this will be. jeff zeleny mentioned a new ad
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from the haley super pac. seeming to respond to trump's new focus and attacks on her. i want to play a piece of it for even. >> why is trump only attacking nickykki haley? want an 80-year-old name from the past or a new generation of conservative leadership? >> what does it say what they think the race in new hampshire specifically is coming down to? >> still behind the former president, but compared to where they were even a month ago, haley is within striking distance. and there is a piece that says if you squint, this actually in new hampshire is starting to look like a republican primary.
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instead of a runaway which is what you are seeing. frankly in places like iowa and the reason nikki haley is being attacked is because he's already gone through ron desantis. he spent so much time attacking ron desantis but now haley is rising. so she is the most formidable candidate against donald trump. at least in new hampshire which is a critical early primary state. >> great to see you, jackie, thank you. still ahead, what donald trump actually used as a big rallying point at his iowa event overnight. hint, nothing to do with the colorado decision. also burst of mlava and gas exp exploding into the air. the volcano reeruption that forced an entire attorney to evacuate.
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look at new pictures out of iceland where experts are saying that the volcano is putting toxic gas into the air. and new concerns that the gases could reach as far as reykjavik. and you can see people dangerously close to the volcano. and fred pleitgen has more from iceland for us. >> reporter: hi there.
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the authorities are saying that the volcanic activity a subside as bit but the danger ser not over. in the initial hours after the first erums, we saw the massive wall of magma. and hlava is being spewed into the air. and the flows moving laterally into the immediate area. at first they thought there were five vents still spewing. now they say three. but still a lot of activity going on. and they say that there could be new vent and new fissures opening up across the vault line going on. of course the magna tunnel that goes all the way to the atlantic ocean. so the authorities here definitely still very much on high alert. they have core doned off the immediate area. and then you have the town of grindavik which has been so
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faes affected. it was evacuated and residents have been told that they can't go back until christmas which is not surprising considering the gates of hell have opened up in their backyard. but as of now, luckily no one injured. and authorities do say this they have the situation under control. >> still amazing pictures as they continue to monitor the volcano still erupting. frederick plight ken, thank you. and just hours after colorado supreme court removed him in the ballot, donald trump ignored it and double down on his language targeting immigrants. trump acknowledged there was an uproar over his comment and he
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is hes has never read "mein kampf." and this is what hitler wrote, all great cultures of the past parished only because the original creative race died out from blood poisoning. ellana traieen is following thi from washington, d.c. this has stifrrred a lot. and do i think we'll hear comments from him about colorado? >> reporter: yeah, donald trump defend theed the comments me at that rally over the weekend. likening imgranltss to poisoning the blood of the country. and critics quick to condemn and arguing that it parrots the language of hitler. and donald trump argued had he never head the manifesto. and take a listen to what he told people in iowa last night.
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>> it is crazy what is going on. they are ruining our country. and it is true. they are sare destroying the blf our country. they don't like it when i said -- and i never red "mein kampf." they said hitler said that. in a much different way. >> reporter: and i mean, pretty remarkable for a former president to be defending such comments. and from my conversations with donald trump's team, they have continued to push back on the comparisons between his language and the former president's language and adolf hitler and again arguing similar things that donald trump said that this is a very different type of scenario. i want to point out we know that donald trump has leaned in to very violent anti-immigration rhetoric in the past and the lead up in his 35spast campaign he tried to invoke 2350fear in voters.
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and it was a strategy that his team believed worked well and doing that again now except it has become even darker and more violent. and i think that it is also important to just point out how the broad are reer republican p is responding. some republicans like susan collins and mike rounds reject what donald trump said. but others deflected and some argued that donald trump was right. like jd advance who argued that what donald trump had been saying was accurate. and so, you know, would e're se out greater republican party is responding but donald trump is doubling down on the comments. >> alayna treene, thank you so much. and joining us now is the democratic senator from delaware. chris coons. you were hearing that conversation about what donald trump is saying which is very
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much in line what what he has said in the trail and while in office. the same rhetoric he used successfully in 2016 and he hasn't changed since. how do you think democrats -- republicans, democrats, whoom ever and others should address this going forward when it does not seem to be showing signs of really turns republican voters off? >> well, to reasons that i find hard to understand, former president trump has been successful campaigns on argument that immigrants are poisons the blood of our country. and i believe immigrants are the life blood of our country that legal immigration has brought wonderful positive contributions to our society and our economy. we need to draw a clear and sharp contrast between a legal safe and humane migration and immigration process which is what democrats have been trying to accomplish, and a hateful and
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anti-immigrant rhetoric by former president trump. here in the senate, there are negotiations still going on about how we can improve border security and how we can take up and pass the critical supplemental package that president biden asked us to passion now many, many weeks ago. it would fund assistance to ukraine and put $14 billion into border security. it would fund, excuse me, badly needed humanitarian assistance and support our indo-pacific partners. a critical package. and when we confront a former president whose rhetoric is way outside the boundaries of normal discourse about race and immigration and national identity, we need to show clarity, forcefulness and purpose. president biden has been committed to improving the security of our border and
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ensuring that we have a legal and humane immigration process. he called for it in his state of the union speech last january. he is the only leader who has put forward the kind of robust invest littlements to secure ou border. and my hope is that after another week of intense negotiations will be primed to come back early in january and take up and pass that supplemental appropriations request. >> and on the politics of that, though, it has gone no why even though you say negotiations continue. explain how you think it gets easier to vote on this when you come back this january you as you are hard up against deadlines that have been kicked down the road?
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>> deadline is january 19 and we are a new speaker of the house. and also george santos ejected. so, yes, you are right the politics get harder in january. but there has been a real commitment by senate minority leader mcconnell, by the negotiators that include senator langford. and what i'm hearing from the small room, that they are making steady progress. they are dare drafting the lang that we would take up and pass. and politics -- >> they are drafting language? >> yes, they are. >> so i'll take that as progress because that is not what i've heard as we haven't seen
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anything, we can't -- and when it comes to immigration policy, it is all about the language and details no matter what broad agreement is that there is a crisis on the border. let me get your reaction to the news out of colorado, donald trump removed from 2the 2024 ballot for now. what is your reaction? >> a striking ruling. a plain reading of the text of the 14th amendment. and i'll remind you the provision was written to prevent those who were part of the confederacy who took up arms against the united states in our civil war from returning to federal elected office. but there was a finding by the court in colorado looking at the evidence, that former president trump participated in an insurrection. i was here on general 6. january 6. weed that the impeachment trial. and i think that it is undeny only that he participated.weed .
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and i think that it is undeny only that he participated. i think he should be not in the federal office. whether they take it up will be a clear role. and i'm confident joe biden will be elected regardless of which reince prie republican is on the ballot. >> do you think that there could be -- i don't know, a risk of blowback amongst voters? chris christie saying essentially the same thing which is -- especially saying that i don't want donald trump to be present but i want voters to prevent him from being president, not some court. >> well, that is an interesting take. governor christie has also publicly said that donald trump is not fit to hold office. so whether it is a court that
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determines he is unfit to hold office because he took up force against our constitution or mobilized mob against our constitution, or because the electorate throws him out, i don't think that it really matters. if he is unfit to hold office, we should all be encouraged by any action that makes it less likely that he will return to the presidency. >> senator chris coons, thanks for coming in. and still ahead, israel back in the negotiating table. new details on a proposal that would because fighting but only if release of incidence of f do hostages. we're live in tel aviv next.
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a source says there is a proposal for a pause in fighting in exchange for more hostages. the discussion is just the beginning of course of negotiations once again. and that deal is not imminent. and will ripley is live in tel aviv for us with the very latest. how has made mass responded to this proposal by israel? >> so we haven't heard any new response to this latest israeli offer, but we know what they have been saying in the past which is slis essentially theres to be a permanent ceasefire. you have half the population believed to be satarving. you have the uptick in civilian
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casualties which is putting the pressure on hamas and israel. you have the accidental shooting death of israeli hostages. so coming back to the table now, will hamas also shift in position. one thing that they are asking for sf there is any sort of prisoner swap is for heavy huhurt hurts meaning potentially men charged with a crime as opposed to women and teenagers handed over during the last round of hostage release. and that deal didn't happen quickly. one of the top leaders of hamas supposedly in egypt getting the message relayed to him. and these negotiations, this type of deal won't happen quickly. people would love to see it
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happen as soon as possible. certainly the families of those israeli hostages and frankly families on the palestinian side as well would love to be reunited with their loves one, but it is take time and two sides remain far apart. but at least they are talking and there could be the possibility of a badly needed pause in fighting. and offering potentially a week pause for starters and potentially even two weeks 12k3e7bdi depending on the number of hostages. 121 still believed to be alive. >> all right. will ripley, thank you. coming up, floodwaters still remain as certainly continues for two people missing.
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the river that has been flooded, it has been receding in the past hour since we've been out here. you can see there's a dumpster that we could not see before. the other good news, kate, as you noted and earlier in the morning it was 280,000 people across the state of maine who did not have power and as you noted 260,000 people who don't have power. that number trending in the right direction. woo are still in a state of emergency and it's because of this persistent flooding that public authorities are urging
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caution around. we're in august, and this is the kennebec river. the good news is this river crested overnight as did many other rivers that have had flooding concerns and look at this current, kate, it is still so, so fierce. 50 miles west of here, in fact, in mexico, maine, that's where authorities are searching for two people who went missing after their car was swept away. it is a very serious situation. public officials are urging caution. i wspoke to a resident whose 97-year-old mother-in-law still does not have power. >> my mother-in-law lives out on route 3, by herself, big old farm house, 97 and she didn't want to come into town and she was going to stay and tough it out and i have to check on her to see if she's warm. she has a wood stove and her cat. that's it. >> hoping she is okay. the one thing i'll note is that thankfully, it's dry out today. there is no rain today,
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scheduled tomorrow and that's helping this cleanup, but it is cold out here. many school districts are closed out of an abundance of caution and we'll get an update coming up at 12:30. one good piece of news as you said, danny, there is a lot of work to do for everybody there. thank you very much for the update. coming up for us still, donald trump's campaign vowing to move quickly to appeal the colorado supreme court's decision removing him from the state's primary ballot. the timing of what happens next now as we follow this fallout from this historic ruling. >> and a new gauge about how consumers are feeling about the u.s. economy. the data, when we come back.
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