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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  December 26, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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can't rerestock. ac 360 startrts next.
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with israeli officials saying there's no timetable for slowing the pounding of gaza, a cabinet member comes to washington where pressure is growing and it soon. also, does he think it's festivals? the former president airs his grievances, makes a list and tells the people on it what to do and where to do it plus alexei navalny fear death, he resurfaces bringing a christmas message of courage, hope, and yes, good cheer from one of the coldest corners. good evening, everyone. we begin with u.s. officials trying to steer israel toward a less intensive, less destructive phase of its campaign in gaza and israeli
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officials signaling they are in no hurry. one of the officials is in washington tonight, we will have the latest on those meetings which wrapped up about six minutes ago. first, though, the fighting itself, which included more than 100 airstrikes today on hamas targets in gaza according to the idf, and 241 killed on the ground according to unverified claims by the hamas -controlled health ministry. >> the terrifying sound of ongoing bombardment, israeli shells hitting targets. closer and closer to this un run school in central gaza, for thousand sheltering here, it's time to move, again. families forced to flee for their lives, and this is not the first or even second time for many. once again, they carry the war torn pieces of their lives in
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pursuit of elusive safety. just days earlier, many vowed they would never move again, never. a valve they are willing to break only because they know their children's lives are at stake. >> there's no safety in the school, we are looking for a safer place. i'm leaving because the intensity of the airstrikes and the suffering. >> everywhere else is crowded, no guarantee you'll find a spot but what else can they do? even if they have nowhere else to go, they can't stay here. they don't want to die here. the scene, a grim reminder of what their parents and grandparents indoors, in 1948 when zionist militias force them out of their home towns. in the cold winter, lincolnton mattresses are precious commodities. cars and the fuel that run them are scarce, those who can't afford it hire donkey carts, for the rest, it's a long track on foot. it's very tough back
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there, he says, bombs are falling on people everywhere. we don't know where we are heading, everywhere is under threat. we are just moving with the rest of the people. the destination for many, relatives homes, a roof over their heads even though they are in neighborhoods. street battles raging across gaza. turning areas north and south of the strip into ghost towns. the scars of battle. >> we are in a multi-arena war, we are being attacked, gaza, lebanon, syria and mario, iraq, yemen and iran. anyone who act against us is a potential target. there is no immunity for anyone.
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>> iran's allies engaging in low-level hostilities in response they say to israel's war in gaza, yemen, attacking ships. turning the red sea into a dangerous route for world trade. iran's vow to avenge the killing of a leader concerns of expanding the conflict. artillery fire with hezbollah, keeping both countries on edge since october 8th. in gaza, a race for survivor between a routine of airstrikes , rushing to hospitals and burials in the ongoing search for food and water, and a pursuit of shelter, for close to 2 million people, displaced. >> well, what is the prime minister saying currently about the war?
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>> you said it'll be a very long fight ahead after making his second visit to the northern part of the gaza strip and meeting with troops there. he said they will have to sacrifice more. he wrote an op-ed where he talks about the de- radicalization of the palestinian people,hamas and he said those are the requisites for peace. that's a lofty goal and something that will take quite a long time especially considering the fact that now you have a lot of the displaced populations 2 million people or so, most of the impact into central and southern gaza which is exactly where they are focusing their military operations. >> thank you for your reporting. now the visit to washington by one of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's closest confidence, the former ambassador to the united states. priscilla alvarez is at the white house where talks with administration officials just
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wrapped up. what can you tell us? >> reporter: this was an hours long meeting that ended moments ago and it came at a critical time. what is the next phase look like, especially, the ground operation that israel is engaged in in gaza, as you mentioned, ron dermer is a close confidant to the israeli prime minister , he's a member of the war cabinet and he was israel's ambassador to the u.s. under benjamin netanyahu as well, now, israel, up to this point has assured the u.s. that it plans to move toward a low intensity war, that means more precise military operations targeting hamas leadership. they haven't offered a timeline as to what that looks like and when. officials have said they have anticipated that localized operations would happen
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sometime in january but publicly, u.s. officials have not been able to offer much more in detail beyond that so going into these meetings, officials including the secretary of state and national security advisor sullivan, they were going into this, wanting to see results. what does it look like, especially as the death toll rose in gaza. over the course of the day, senior israeli officials expressed confidence that the conversations between the u.s. and israel have been good and there is no daylight because they are both on the same side. >> that's how they went in, any sense of how they went out? >> i'm waiting on a readout from the sources but the question going into this again, was when the war transitions to this low intensity phase and now we wait to see if the u.s. got the answers that they
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wanted, especially as the pressure grows on president biden domestically and on the world stage over the growing death toll. >> priscilla alvarez, working late, priscilla, thank you very much. in iraq south of baghdad, the funeral for a local hezbollah fighter killed in the airstrikes overnight, central command says they hit three facilities used by the group and others and the government on to please causing the strikes hostile act. we learned the u.s. navy warships have once again been busy intercepting anti-ship missiles and drones in the red sea. let's start with the strikes in the red sea and what they mean, or. this is a barrage of missiles and drones that was intercepted by u.s. forces. carrying out these shootouts and interceptions of what was a launch that was carried out over a period of 10 hours from early this morning into the early afternoon. the u.s. navy said they intercepted 12 one-way attack drones, three ballistic missiles and two cruise missiles. an incredible display of power,
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spokesperson for houthi said they were firing at a ship that didn't respond to naval forces as well as carrying out attacks in solidarity with the palestinian people but you get the sense of why the u.s. set up a coalition in the red sea to try and fight back or push against these houthi attacks , one of the most critical waterways in the world and yet you see major shipping companies avoiding the red sea. the u.s. has tried to keep the conflict focused on gaza without having it spread to the rest of the region. and even if we haven't seen a regional war, we've seen conflict in many places that
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stems back from gaza even as the u.s. is trying to avoid exactly that. >> no matter there are companies trying to avoid the red sea. talk to us about the strike in iraq, may be a more significant piece of military action we've seen from the u.s., what are you learning? >> reporter: we will draw the connection, the houthi, they are in yemen and hezbollah, an iranian proxy in iraq that the u.s. targeted. the u.s. said they struck a one- way attack drones president joe biden was briefed about the attack and given options for how to respond. you are seeing the results of the u.s. response, attacks on three facilities that the groups are using, for carrying out and operating its drones. the u.s. trying to send a forceful message, calibrating the message with the strikes to try to avoid a regional conflict or a localized explanation. the u.s. generally
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doesn't carry out strikes in iraq. normally just in syria and that's because the u.s. has good relations with the iraqi government. still here, the iraqi government responding angrily calling these hostile acts that infringe upon iraq's sovereignty and it's worth noting, you are central command said there were no civilians affected by the strikes. the iraqi government says there were civilians who were injured in the attacks. the u.s., trying to keep everything as stable as it can. >> please keep us posted. survey perspective from barack ravid. you were the first to report on the visit to the white house and the state department, what have you learned about those meetings?
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>> minister durmer was meeting with jake sullivan and with the secretary of state, earlier today, and this is interesting for several reasons. first, because durmer, i think is bbs last confident, from his entire government, he is the only person that he entirely trusts and therefore he is the person that benjamin netanyahu sends messages with him, to washington. and i think he had three interesting messages. first about the day after in gaza, second, about the next phase in the ground operation in gaza and another interesting message, the israeli concerned by the amount of munitions the idf still has. >> on the issue of the day after military operations in gaza, you have reported on this new vocabulary that apparently is being used about a reformed palestinian authority. what does that mean and why is that important?
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>> you know, that's sort of a funny story because benjamin netanyahu in public said he doesn't want the palestinian authority to have any role in the governance of gaza in a post-hamas reality while durmer in private started talking talking about reforming palestinian authority, you pick how you want to use this, so when u.s. officials said, well if that's the case, then you do agree to the palestinian authority having a role in gaza so the israelis say, maybe, this is where israel is right now, and it's interesting because, there's a big gap between what benjamin netanyahu says in public and what he says in private because he's concerned if he starts talking in public about them having a role in gaza, he will lose the
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right flank of his coalition which could make the government collapse and lead to a new election. >> that maybe represents something of a shift. is there any ground shifting when it comes to how israel is conducting the war and whether it might approaching some kind of day. >> i think what is really's -- israelis realize is that the day after is not six months or a year from now, it is 4 to 6 weeks from now, when this operation will be scaled down from this high intensity phase we are into a low intensity phase. the idf will pull out from the center of gaza city and the question will come, okay, who's running things in gaza now, when hamas is in the bunkers. are we allowing hamas to come back or israel will have to find another entity that can
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run gaza, and there are no answers to this question at the moment. >> so there are proposals out there being discussed amongst some neighboring nations including one from egypt. what is known about what egypt is proposing and how viable a possibility it is? >> i think the egyptians are trying to look at it in some sort of holistic way, trying to get some sort of a package that would include a cease-fire or release of hostages or some sort of post-hamas government in gaza. this is an interesting idea. the only problem is at the moment other than egypt, nobody is buying it. israelis don't like it, hamas doesn't like it, so at the moment it's dead on arrival. >> why?
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>> because part of the ideas for them to give up much of the powers in gaza and they are not interested to do this especially not to the palestinian authority which is their biggest political rival, which they ousted in a military coup and kicked the palestinian authority from gaza so they have no willingness, at least at the moment to turn back the clock on this one. >> your reporting is always on the leading edge. thank you for your time. next, why hallmark will be using the former presidents profane christmas wishes anytime soon and what it says about the current political season.
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the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book!
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who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. the former president -- >> we had to defend the words merry christmas, we won't defend it anymore. >> so whether he or anyone ever had to do that is debatable at best, that's putting it mildly, whether he has outdone it with his new seasons greeting is not debatable, this has three words and they are not peace on
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earth. the message begins with merry christmas to all including crooked joe biden's only hope deranged jack smith and it ends with me they "rot in hell", again, merry christmas, that is the 45th and possibly the 47th president of the united states telling the 46th president to "rot in hell". coming days after another immunity claim by his lawyers. kristin holmes is in washington for us tonight. what else does the former president have to say this christmas and i imagine it's not, walking in a winter wonderland. >> it's not spreading so much christmas cheer but it's not really former president trump's style, he continued his ranting against the special counsel even today after christmas, essentially playing off the last message saying biden's flunky arranged jack smith should go to . it's a preview
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of what the next year will look like as he tries to win back the white house particularly if he's the republican nominee and yes he could be the 47th president and right now he is leading the gop primary field and the reason that is notable is because we have seen an amp up his rhetoric it's not just these attacks on joe biden and jack smith, it is the aggressive anti-immigration language, it is going after the judges in the colorado supreme court for ruling against him. and we are unlikely to see any sort of toning it down and the reason being, when i talked to his advisors and his allies, they believe what he is doing is working and they say they
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have the proof to back it up by showing the polls particularly out of iowa, as we have seen him ramp up this language and rhetoric, he has gained points in the state. a ballot has not been cast and we will wait to see what happens in the first caucuses but right now, he feels like what he is doing is working and he has these poles that he's looking at that say that it is. >> what about the latest immunity claim? >> so right now, the ball is in jack smith's court. over the weekend we saw trump's team argue that one an appeals court to rule that trump cannot be criminally prosecuted because he has immunity and now smith's team has until midnight saturday to respond. we expect that he will respond at any moment. the thing to keep in mind is that he is coming off of a relatively big loss, which was bringing the immunity claim, asking for expedited process to the supreme court and essentially saying no, it has to go through the appeals court. this could not be a more significant win for donald trump. when i talked to his legal team
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and his advisors, the one case that they were sure was not going to be pushed back until after the election was the january 6th insurrection case excuse me, the election interference case. they believe that was going to be a hard line starting in march, but not get pushed back after the election. right now, there is a chance that this could get pushed back, because the judge in the case has basically paused all proceedings until the ruling is done in this immunity case which means that even if the appeals court which will hear it in early january even if they hear this right away, it'll still be pushing all of the processes back, making it or and more likely that that important date will be moved. that is a big win for donald trump. >> great to see you, happy holidays. for more on the politics and social media linguist it's
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working, president trump has said these things, he's calling these adversaries quote, vermin, he said immigrants will poison the blood of the u.s., echoing nazi rhetoric. what does he get out of saying this? >> john, you know, i'm often looking for the strategy behind the former presidents tactical moves but i don't see a great one here. i think the best strategy may be that people are tuned out over christmas but i looked at polling leading up to christmas and polling shows at least for a brief window, americans really want to be happy and uplifted. this poll shows eight out of 10 americans said they would be on santa's nice list and nine out of 10 americans want to listen to christmas music. so this is not a conventional approach to the christmas
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season, and i think it does raise new concerns about normalizing this kind of language, hoping your adversaries or people you see as your adversaries rot in hell at the presidential level. i don't know if it will hurt him, i don't see how it would help him. i think it does show how very focused he is on two people right now, jack smith, the prosecutor, and joe biden. >> it turns out that rot in hell is not one of the 12 days of christmas. joe walsh, i think you have a different take on this. let me show you this before you weigh in. this is something that donald trump reposted on his social media, it's a word cloud that was put in the british newspaper and inside the word cloud, describing donald trump it has words associated with him including revenge, and
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dictatorship, and again, trump reposted this, indicating that he is leaning into this, embracing it, rather than running away from it, why do you think that is? >> because he loves it, john. he's proud of it. donald trump wants to be a dictator but to what margaret said, this isn't the story, right? trump is a bad guy, horrible guy, he's a bully, he's a jerk, the story for america in 2024 is that this is what republican voters want. donald trump wants to be a dictator. he wants to have unlimited power, but the scary thing, is republican voters want him to be a dictator. they want him to have unlimited power. they want revenge. this is what, in 2024, america has to wake up to. this is way, way bigger than donald trump and i actually think, he's going to lean into this because i think this plays with people beyond his base,
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and i think biden and democrats better wake up to that. >> you think this is a feature if not the feature of his messaging? >> i think he's going to run on this, john, i think donald trump is going to tell all of america, i'm going to be a freaking dictator and sure, his base will eat that up but there's a lot of voters in america, john, who want a president to do something about the border and do something about the crime and they won't say it publicly, but they don't care if he has to be a strong man to do it. i think trump and his people believe, this is a very sellable message, sadly. >> elliott, let's talk about the legal issues here. let's start with the filing from the trump team saturday night. they asked the court of appeals to throw out the entire election subversion case. anything in that filing? >> i think what's most striking is the idea of an official act
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and his entire argument is based on the fact that everything he did was an official act of the presidency. he said because these were official act, he can't be prosecuted. they say even setting up alternate slates of electors or even calling state officials to pressure them to overturn the results of the election, they are official act, that is their argument, and they cannot win if the court does not buy that argument. so it's a little bit of a stretch, to be perfectly candid, the idea that anything a president does can fall under this umbrella of being an official act. we will see what the court does with that. but that's sort of what they've got here. and what they are basing their entire case on. >> in courts, civil and criminal, they have weighed in on that and they've said no, they are not official acts and
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we will see with the appeals court says. the more interesting question might be, when we hear what the appeals court says here. they're going to hear arguments on january ninth, but this still could go quickly, right? >> it still could go relatively quickly. i don't want to get anyone excited but in the grand scheme of federal appeals, getting a case brief and argued by january 9th is breakneck speed. the appeals court could rule on the case within a matter of days or weeks and then it's up to the supreme court to decide for one, if they even want to take the case in the first place. remember, the supreme court does not have to take a case and they could let it go and let the lower opinions stand. the supreme court could rule quickly or as people know, it could take months and months.
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so it really is an open question as to when the trial does proceed, whether it is march, that's probably not likely or sometime thereafter or even the on the election. but it is moving quickly in the grand scheme of cases and we ought to just sit tight for at least this next week and see when the filings come in. >> care to venture a guess? >> they might expedite it. they certainly may put it on faster than a one year calendar. but in terms of resulting in a couple of days, that may not happen. >> obviously donald trump has leaned into his legal issues. it may have been the thing that boosted his campaign over the last 12 months. does that continue to be the case through next november? at what point might that be a
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strategy that could backfire? >> well it certainly appears to be the strategy that would prevail through primary season. you could argue there isn't a primary season, the outcome is known but it's not known until it happens. so we need to get through iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, but clearly, he's going to lead into it when the votes he's competing for are the republican base plus, movable independent voters who are able to vote in the republican primary. so, to elliott's point, sometime around march between march and june, we will know whether this thing is going to happen this year or not, and at that point, donald trump has two considerations one is legal and the other is political. when he's competing in the general election, it is going to become a question of, can he actually appeal to voters who don't think of themselves as publicans based on a grievance message. but i think that it's much too early to look now and say, what's going to work for him in
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august, what will work for him between january and february, this is his strategy and he's going to run it all the way. >> a conviction if that were to happen, would that help or hurt trump? >> i think it is a wash. what a terrible answer. look, he's going to lean into it. he's going to look at all of these people trying to prevent me from getting elected. he will lead into his legal staff as well. >> thank you one at all. more on what kristin holmes mentioned earlier, his language about the colorado supreme court disqualifying trump from the states primary ballot.t. now w law enforcrcement offific are signgnaling thatat the j ju safefety could b be on the line.
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a week after the colorado supreme court's unprecedented decision kicking former president trump off the state presidential primary ballot, the fbi is joining forces with colorado law enforcement after reports of violent threats against the justices . john miller is here with us now. what do we know about what exactly the fbi is looking into. >> what they are doing
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primarily right now, is assisting local law enforcement, because otherwise, they have to find a federal violation. under colorado law, making a threat against a judge or elected member of the assembly is considered an act of retaliation. it's a class vi felony but it also spells out that it has to be a critical -- credible threat. here's the difficulty, first identify these people with their handles and screenings, that can be done. the fbi is good at that. second during the threat assessment, is this real, is what they said, a real threat? but the hard part is, what we learned again and again, you can pick your case, judge salas, whose son was murdered at their home in new jersey who passed a law to protect judges. the nancy pelosi case with the home invasion where her husband was assaulted from an individual who said he intended to wait for her and kidnap her. it's not always the people making the threats in these
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message boards and these chat rooms, who are the one to ask. sometimes they are the lurkers who decide i don't have much of a voice but i'm going to go out and actually do something. so a lot of this has been about increasing protection. >> these threats are somewhat similar to other violent posts that we've seen when donald trump has faced indictments or other legal issues. so, how concerned is law enforcement about this repeat type performance? >> to the extent that they've seen this before and most of it is blowing off steam, we saw this with the first criminal indictment, the threats against the district attorney where they had to increase security, threats against the judge but now we see the threats against the judge in the civil case of the threats against the judge in the washington, d.c. january 6th election interference case, but not so much the judge in miami, where, you know, he's -- you know the point is, he has
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the ability to pour gasoline on this environment by making distinct, specific, very personal attacks and saying, you know, we can't stand for this and that gets the followers going in these chat rooms. >> when the rhetoric does get to a dangerous perhaps criminal level, how hard is it for law enforcement to track the people down who are making the threats? >> that can be done and the intelligence bureau, when i was there, we had a threat assessment unit, a very the team. and we did a couple of things. we will issue preservation orders, legal process to say, we need that ip address and we need to address it to a person, and they can do that but the more difficult part is going up there and sitting them down and getting them to talk about it and assessing, can we say this person is a real threat or not a real threat? is this a person in need of
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medical help? is this a person who we need to do a search warrant on for weapons? did the threat rise to the level of breaking the law and this is a complicated process. prosecutors in the first amendment-based society are pretty wary about taking on a case where they think the threat is either not specific enough or not credible enough, and of course, as we were talking about before, you never know if they will be the actor. just ahead, take a look at this. ukraine today, carrying out another major strike against russian forces in whatat could its thirird such success in les than a week. we have details, heaead.
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with the ground war in ukraine as frozen as the battlefield, there is progress for kyiv to report on the air and water. most recently, the airstrike that officials say destroyed a russian navy landing ship in crimea, ukraine also claims to have downed five russian combat aircraft since friday but as we mentioned with the war nearing the two year mark, they have struggled fighting on the ground. general, thanks for being with us. how significant is this ukrainian strike on the russian warship? >> any strike that can decrease the amount of capability and
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capacity to conduct offensive operations that the ukrainians could do against the russians is a plus, it goes into the plus side of the column. the challenge is its amphibious, it's significant, you can see from the explosion it was loaded with ammunition. the ship is out of commission now, obviously, that's a good thing. russia still has the law of large numbers. they can continue to bring capacity to the fight where the ukrainians have limited capacity to do that. >> is this in some way compensating, a spectacle and it's very visual, and it is a spectacular demonstration of what ukraine is capable of but they struggle, on the ground. >> well, they have, absolutely. morale is incredibly important. if you were to list the top three factors in combat, morale
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would be at the top. if you feel good about it, you can accomplish it. if you trust your leadership of the individual to your right and left, there's almost any obstacle that you can overcome. the russians on the other hand have a limited capacity to resist this coming from ukraine, yet russia can take a blow like this, and can continue to show up. that doesn't mean they are very effective or have good leadership. what that means is they can keep bringing good money after bad things. more young men can come forward and they can have a fight like this. >> what about the warplanes, the aircraft that ukraine says they've been able to shoot down five russian fighter jets in just three days. >> that's significant because those aircraft can put themselves in a pattern over the black sea, essentially out of the range of air defense, and they can launch cruise missiles to go after precise targets. that's a significant blow against the russians but here
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this in mind. look at the overall inventory and you realize ukraine must continue to maintain a pace or pick up the pace, to really start to turn the table in terms of what the potential outcome looks like. you said it. frozen terrain, this becomes very difficult unless you can turn the tide on this. >> and where it's not frozen there are setbacks including in the eastern city after months of fighting there, russia has retaken that city or taken that city from ukraine. how significant is that if ukraine is actually losing territory? >> these are significant to the commanders that are on the ground. i would never overestimate the sense of loss when you lose a tactical fight. in the aggregate, what does it mean operationally, in terms of
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the risk to the ukrainians in terms of their objectives, and in terms of what russia is trying to achieve. i would suggest, russia loses more greatly if they do not include connecting those tactical fights. if ukraine can hold, this is a significant victory for them even though it's a tactical loss. >> which may depend on what happens in congress next month. great to see you, happy holidays. >> thank you. the latest at times it's been a desperate search for alexei navalny who >> reporter: one of president putin's most famous adversaries, relieved, exhausted, but most importantly, alive. >> we filed a 680 request in different russian prisons trying
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to locate alexi. >> reporter: for weeks, alexi's whereabouts were unknown. his team located him at a remote penal colony after a journey that took almost three weeks. they brought me here on saturday night, messages posted on social media by his aides say. i didn't expect anyone to find me here before mid january. his team raised the alarm weeks ago after he failed to show for recent court hearings. at the time, the kremlin stated it had neither the capacity for willingness to monitor prisoners' whereabouts. >> after the prisoner is transferred to another colony, they have to notify relatives. we know very well there's no law that applies to alexi as they will never notify anyone about his whereabouts. >> reporter: in a statement monday, the director of the anti corruption foundation said the colony in northwest siberia,
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known as the polar wolf colony, is infamous for its remote location and harsh conditions. he was found guilty of extremism related charges which he and his legal representatives have consistently denied. this in addition to a previous 11 1/2 year sentence for fraud and other crimes. known for organizing anti-government spreetreet prot and exposing alleged corruption, navalny posed a threat to putin. his disappearance coming to light days after putin announced he would run for re-election in march 2024. >> it's no coincidence that navalny disappeared when the sham presidential elections were announce and putin announced he
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will run again for -- i lost count which term. >> reporter: it brought some reassurance since they found him. according to a local government media outlet in siberia, the focus at this colony is reeducation through occupational therapy. the conditions there are, of course, said to be harsh. there's concern over what alexi navalny may face during his time in detention. his legal time and his supporters have consistently denied the charges laid against him. they say they believe this is a politically motivated attempt to stifle criticism of president putin. still to come, apple taking it on the chin and customers on the wrist. why their latest, greatest and priciest smart watches have been
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banned from import into the united states.
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the latest, greatest versions of the most popular smart watches made by america's most iconic tech company are banned from entering the united states. apple appealed the decision today after the white house refused to overturn the ban. in october, the international trade commission said apple violated a patent of a medical tech company. so as of this morning, in apple stores across the country, you cannot find the latest version of the apple watch nor any version of its pricier cousin the apple watch ultra. once websites like amazon are sold out, that's it. no more until a solution is reached. we have much more. >> so sad. >> how popular are the apple watches? >> look, they sold nearly 50 million of them. there you go right there. nearly 50 million of them last year. i think people, to give you a baseline understanding, swiss export the most watches historically speaking. they exported a third of that
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number in 2022. 60 million across all swiss watchmakers. there are a lot of lower brands as well. the apple watch is top of the line. >> for people who don't know, what magical powers do they have? >> most importantly, it does tell time. i want to note it tells time. it doesn't only tell time. you can get your email, text on there. most importantly, you can keep track of your sleeping patterns, your fitness patterns. that's one of the things going on in terms of the infringement was the idea that some of the fitness stuff might not have been on the level. the apple watch can do a lot. it's almost like a real world dick tracy watch. my father loved dick tracy. perhaps i could recreate it if i get an apple watch, which you have right over there. >> i will let you look at mine.
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not touch it. without apple watches, are kids going to be able to tell time? >> this is one of the more interesting things. there have been studies done. you know how many kids can actually tell time from an analog watch? only about 75% of them can actually tell time from an analog watch, adults under the age of 30. 25% actually struggle on this question. the fact is, i think this could be a good tlhing. it might force the kids to learn how to tell time. >> dhoes anybody really know wht time it is? does anybody care? >> it's hammer time. the news continues. "the source" starts right now. tonight, straight from the source, the clock ticking for donald trump to appeal the colorado sme