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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  December 27, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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still on the ballot, the michigan supreme court rejecting an effort to remove former president donald trump from the states 2024 primary ballot. the justices legal reasoning and what it could mean for future supreme court cases. right now, top u.s. officials are in mexico encouraging counterparts to take action on border crossings. the latest of those talks amidst a migrant surge. >> talks of a wider war in the middle east reaching a new level as the u.s. barrages drones and missiles from yemen, we are following the stories are coming in right here on cnn new central peer a major constitutional debate is heating up as michigan becomes the latest state to keep donald trump on its ballot
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. >> michigan supreme court agreed with three other states in rejecting efforts to remove the former president from the ballot based on the 14th amendment insurrectionist band. it comes after a week of colorado justices ruling the opposite allowing trump to be kicked off next year's primary ballot in that state. cnn's paula reid joins us with the details, why are we seeing these decisions? >> the u.s. constitution means different things to different judges, that's why we have the supreme court on the final word, we are not there quite yet, we have this question of ballot eligibility litigated through several different states, here in michigan, this is a more procedural decision than how they came to two decide he can remain on the ballot for the primaries but last week, the colorado supreme court surprised a lot of people when they said he could be removed. that was a surprise because lower courts had ruled look, even though we had a trail that he did engage in an insurrection. this portion of the 13th
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amendment we are talking about does not specifically say this applies to presidents. that's why the colorado decision was a surprise, that's the big question. it's a constitutional question, the 14th amendment says officials who engage an insurrection should be banned from holding office going forward. it lists specific offices but omits the president or the president's seat, the former president is expected to appeal the colorado decision to the supreme court and if they don't weigh in, it's practical we see that issue bubble up again on michigan or minnesota, we've already excited, we litigate all this again in general election, we also wait for a decision on this issue in states like oregon and maine, we saw the former president's legal team to weigh in trying to get the former secretary of state of maine, unique for many amazing reasons. probably my favorite state, the
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secretary of state is the first person to hear arguments, it's a little late stage to make this request, they only recently found comments made about january 6th, it is unclear what will happen. >> more coming on that, let's talk about the federal election interference case in d.c., jack smith made a new filing, tell us more. >> it's been busy, this case is officially on vacation until appeals are heard at some of the larger constitutional questions on this. the special counsel to continue to make arguments that filed things they need. they hope they will make it successful on appeal and can proceed with this trial in the spring. they continue to make this filing here, they are arguing against any prospective defenses that trump might make, arguing they do not him -- want him to make arguments that he's the victim of political persecution, they don't want him to say that he's being prosecuted because of biden
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wanting him to be prosecuted. they do not want to use this as a form to her political grievances that influences the jury as opposed to the facts of this case. >> we will see how this plays out, potentially filings until new year's eve. paula reid, thank you so much. >> let's go on that michigan ruling and what it means, we -- thank you for being with us. unlike in colorado, this lawsuit never went to trial, and he missed -- dismissed early. how much do you think this is based on preference of individual judges versus a difference in state law? >> great question, it's pretty much based on how you are looking on this issue. no one ever considered this
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issue, we never had a president accused of engaging in insurrection before, it is a unique situation, an issue of what they would call first impressions for these judges. you had the judge say this is a political question. there is actually a doctrine where courts can say hey, if this is political, this is best left for political branches. they can pond, that's what the lower court judge did here. that's why we had that position in michigan, i would not be surprised if the united states supreme court does something similar. >> how much of this could be a preview of what we see from the supreme court? >> in colorado, you mentioned there was a decision by the supreme court. all seven of those justices were appointed by democrats, here in the united states supreme court, you have nine justices and i think rather
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famously not only six of them appointed, but three of them are appointed by donald trump himself. i would be surprised if the supreme court ultimately affirms the colorado decision not based on merits necessarily but just because i suspect those judges may look at this as a political issue we try to find an offramp or a way out from making a decision which is what the judge in michigan donato while -- did as well. >> they could remove trump from the general election ballot, they did not hear a case for the gop primary ballot. what is the difference in that lawsuit? >> it will be interesting to see whether or not there is a different result, it depends on what judges it is in front of, they put out to establish to engage in insurrection which it was established in colorado.
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ultimately that move was basically the judge is trying to say as little as possible, in other words the question of whether or not you should be on the general election ballot was not before them, they don't want to rule on that question or issue in advance before there he did -- they did before the court. i want to talk about the other issue we talked about which is this new filing from spencer -- special cancer -- counsel jack smith. putting parameters around his president and team to not allow these forums in which he propagates era relevant disinformation. it is very specific, what is your reaction to this filing? >> when it comes to the federal rules of evidence, he's right. all that information and allegations, all those opinions would be totally irrelevant and should not be allowed. that said, prosecutors keep key
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defense attorneys from saying things that are inappropriate in trial and defense attorneys find ways to say them anyway. it will beavers -- interesting to see how that plays out, my suspicion is that the judge will try very hard to shut down these irrelevant arguments, they have nothing to do with the facts of the case specifically whether or not he's guilty as charged. it will be harder for her to actually rein in the defense counsel, they will push against her and get her out. even if it means they draw the ire of the judge. it will be quite good for us involved, we appreciate it, we have some new video just in as two of the president's top advisers meet with the president of mexico with what today promise will be a robust conversation about the migrant
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search. the homeland security secretary, they are expected to ask the mexican president for more help in easing the influx, they are going to ask mexico to move migrant south to control the railways and offer incentives not to travel including visas. the number of border apprehensions has skyrocketed, in early december, there were 10,000 in the same day. they are in eagle pass, texas on the front lines of the conflict. it helps give context around this, if you are at 5 feet, going down to 3 inches. it is lower but your house is still flooded, it is a good way to help people understand the
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situation now. that is exactly what is happening on the u.s. southern border, even though there is this dip, temporary dip still very large, 7000 in one day, it's a very large number. i want to set the scene for you, if you look closely behind me, this is telling you what's going on. you will see a bridge to my left, if you're an american who wants to cross back and forth, traffic is snarled. when you look on the other side on the right, migrants wait in the backup, you can see it is empty who crossed illegally, border patrol is moving these individuals out there being transported for processing.
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this is border protection, they are monitoring the situation in southern mexico, the caravan we talk about the had thousands of individuals. the agency warning that usually, these large groups splinter before they get here to the u.s. southern border, that is exactly what we are seeing, that was about 3000 people, and 11,000 migrants are in camps and, -- in american cities, though shelter directors tell me many of those tell me they want to do it the right way, they want to do it legally by the biden administration, some are losing patience as they decided to enter the u.s. illegally, the numbers of apprehensions have dropped the border patrol is still stretched very thin and american trade and travel is still being impacted. the biden administration has put closed several ports of entry.
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impacting americans, impacting trade and travel. i likened it to one resident that said politicians should talk and make concessions, then fix it. take a listen. >> in order to appease everybody, there are repeat concessions but reasonable. concessions that are not cruel, state and federal should work together, it will be each organization going after the immigrants, it should not be and it should work to gather. jessica, jesse fuentes, the man talking says it is great that the biden administration is talking to mexico, what about the biden administration talking to texas that there needs to meet more conversation the federal government, texas governor abbott has taken the immigration issue into his hands
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based on legislation first of all in the state of texas and employing controversial buoys who is just on the waiver -- river. the fight between the biden administration and state of texas regarding border issues continue. >> rosa floras in texas, thank you for reporting. let's expand the conversation with republican congressman tony gonzalez, he spans a large portion of the southern border including eagle pass, thank you for sharing part of your day, for u.s. officials in mexico, they are seeking help to slow down the flow of migrants, they were asking for a number of things, what can mexico do to stop that caravan we are seeing, what would you like to see come out of the meeting? >> thank you for having me derek it is promising to see secretary blinken go to mexico. there needs to be more of that,
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it can't just be talk, talk is cheap, there has to be action. one specific action i would love to see come out of that meeting is mexico reducing the number of humanitarian and tourist visas they are giving out, we quickly walked through it, you're seeing people from central america come from the united states, you see people all over the world, mexico is giving tourist visas to people of china and asia. we are not coming to mexico to visit mexico city, they are using that visa to travel through mexico legally then ultimately entering the country. i like the mexican government and i recently have asked mexican officials to help to crack down on that, to make sure the humanitarian visas and tourist visas are indeed for that perp is, not to encourage illegal immigration.
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>> congressman, what would be the incentive for mexico to comply with that or they want to deacon just the border and move the migrant south or crackdown on transportation on railways? how do you proceed with something like that to get him on your side on issues like this? >> now you're getting to the root of the issue, either visited mexico city. one of the issues is this oftentimes in diplomatic conversations, your amazing. we would like to cut through that noise in one of the things i have been told from mexican officials, in reality, the first step to encouraging mexico to do more is the united states doing more. you get cases heard in days not
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years, if you do not qualify for asylum, nine out of 10 people do not because they are fleeing economic persecution that you return them back to your country of origin via deportation flights, you do that just like president trump, just like president obama, president bush, president clinton. every president the last several decades have done, you do that and that alleviates stress and signals to mexico, america is taking things serious. >> let's drone down on details when it comes to the deal the senate was discussing, you know them well, it's seeks to expand deportation such as you are suggesting to limit asylum- seekers to raise the standard of fear. members of the conference in-house, they do not go far enough but what measures you think speaker johnson would back that the white house would agree to?
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>> i have daily conversations, my district is nearly half of the southern border hit the hardest i would argue. all of america is impacted by this crisis. i want this crisis to end, the republican side next week, i will be hosting speaker johnson and i say at least 50% of my colleagues, it's the largest border delegation that's ever traveled to visit, i think once again it cannot be a visit. there has to be some things out of there. yes we passed hr two and there's a lot of border security measures. let's come back for the rest when we went to 2025 over the next election, the key is america deserves to be safe in their own country, there are threats along the border that are there. not only people coming on the terrorist watch list, our lies are told upside
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down. some things we do think makes sense, raising the credible fear standard, increasing deportation flights. adding border control agents, this is all positive. on the ground in eagle pass with the speaker. equivalent to sp for and similar laws, they are controversial, many of them give law enforcement arresting people they suspect being undocumented. we saw something like that play out in arizona, there were multiple incidents where police mistakingly arrest u.s. citizens. are you afraid this law might backfire, we might see seemingly racist incidents? >> this is the difficulty with this open border, it creates this rhetoric and anger among people that live along the border throughout the country.
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it's already a difficult topic, i was a proponent of legal immigration, work visas and finding solutions. it also creates an opportunity for those that want to spew rhetoric. there is no doubt that the state of texas and arizona, the state should not be performing, it would not work. this boils down to biden administration, forcing laws on the books. an orderly process, but what's happening is neither humane or orderly. you work through some things american public going forward. >> tony gonzalez, we have to leave the conversation there. we look forward to continuing it in the future. >> attacks are escalating over the red sea as the u.s. navy
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said it intercepted a barrage of drones and miss, we will tell you what the pentagon is saying about those attacks plus the reaction to israeli officials saying the war against hamas in gaza will last for many more months, that is still ahead on cnn new central.
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today, one of the largest
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shipping firms says shipping in the red sea is too dangerous. it will continue moving ships around good hope, after the u.s. navy intercepted johnson missiles from houthi rebels in yemen on tuesday. orrin lieberman is joining us now, what are you learning about these attacks, how significant isn't -- is it for shipping operations? >> we will have to see which way shipping companies decide to go, one of the largest shipping companies in the world announced they were once again resuming going through the red sea. this is not a unanimous decision, we will have to see if they pull companies with them through the red sea. if companies want to go the long way around africa, that can have a tremendous effect on supply chains and cross that ripples across the economy.
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because companies have continued to avoid the red sea, because of the barrage we saw yesterday in yemen. that barrage included 12 one- way attack drones, three anti- ship to list it missiles and two land attack cruise missiles that they shot down by u.s. destroyer, and usf 18 fighter jet. a spokesman for the houthi forces says they were targeting a ship not responsive and carrying it out with solitary of iranian people. the u.s. sees this, houthi are a proxy in yemen. the spokesperson said iranian support has enabled the houthi to launch attacks against israel and maritime targets. it's often deferred operational decision-making authority to houthi. it was not long ago, that iran was providing support even
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before. it was iranian support that largely allowed these to happen. we just saw an iranian one-way attack drone attack a ship in the indian ocean, they tried to calibrate their response to continue to try to keep the gaza war from spreading. >> orrin lieberman with that update, thanks so much. >> let's talk about this with senior recorder -- reporter steve paulson. he wrote a piece on called fears arising of a wide middle east war, u.s. troops are in the firing line. >> let's talk a little bit about how israel's refusal to scale down intensity. potentially leading to or for ending a wider conflict of the region. >> the longer this goes on, the greater the threat simmering tensions orrin was talking about there, they start
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building up and the lid blows off and creates escalation into the wider war that the biden administration has been trying to prevent which would be a really disastrous scenario for everyone. you can see why some of the pressure on israel is to take down intensity of its operations in gaza because this is giving an incentive to pro- iran groups -- but on the united states as well to forge divisions between the united states and allies. this is one of the things, the barrages of shipping on the red sea is all about, to increase the cost of the united states the west, economically and supporting israel. >> initially after october 7th when israel first launches offensive. you saw it firing with hezbollah
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, up until recently. why is it now there's a greater concern of escalation? >> you are right, that great fear out of october when the israeli forces were in gaza. with has bola positions in lebanon drying in the united states, that can spread conflict. that did not happen and there were signs that iran did not want a direct conflict with the united states, this is a lower intensity of warfare. iran has spent years in the region, like syria, iraq, lebanon, and yemen with proxy groups they can use to push forward foreign policy goals. increase pressure and pain for united states and israel, this is a war that can expand in the way it is right now without a great deal of cost to iran. the big dilemma is we saw a
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raid. has bola forces that were carried out by the united states , where you draw the line between deterrence and taking act in the situation causing the widening of the war. >> it's a very fine line to walk, you write the situation for the u.s. and iraq, it is especially dangerous. the easy race -- reach. the troops are there, it's a surprise that there still american troops in iraq and syria. after the big posts took their place, we have anti-terrorism operations to keep the lid on. we are really vulnerable not just to iranian proxy groups, but state actors who wish to do
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them. >> quickly, what are the political risks for president biden handling the broader situation? it's another precrisis he does not want. in 2024, the danger trying u.s. troops that have caused casualties. in creating the impression they were the last presidents have tried to extract washington. and a sense that the world is spinning out of control. that plays right into republican narratives. that he's weak, it does not care about the united states, as he's going into primary season. stephen collinson, thank you for your analysis, coming up, a star from the hit film parasite was found dead in his car, what we are hurting -- he was being
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blackmailed rumored allegations. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> one of the stars from the oscar-winning parasite, the body of actor lee sun-kyun who played the head of a wealthy family of the film was caught found in his car by south korean police. >> the 48-year-old was being investigated. his cause of death is presumed to be suicide. cnn's hannah montgomery is here with details. >> locked in home and abroad shocked his fans around the world. the 48-year-old actor loaned globally for starring in the oscar-winning movie "parasite" was found dead in his car on wednesday. he died by suicide. police had been investigating
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lee sun-kyun since october 4 drug use. he was tricked into taking drugs than blackmailed. the ledger blackmail her. according to south korean police. he was filed three times over a legend drug use. 19 hours. he was released on christmas eve, these drug tests repeatedly came back negative. on social media, fans have been paying tribute to the star whose career spans two decades. in the united states, news of this death was a top trending topic on the social media platform acts formally known as twitter. since 2019, the father of the wealthy family and parasite. the film went down in hollywood history becoming the first non- english language film to take
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home an oscar for best picture. it also won three other categories. a funeral for lee will be held quietly according to local media with bereaved family members and colleagues in attendance. hannah montgomery, cnn hong kong. >> thank you so much for that, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health issues, please call or text the suicide crisis lifeline at 988. there is help out there, we will be right back.
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>> welcome back to sia noon news central. a man accused of is now charged with a hate crime with other felonies including attempted murder. one of the victims suffering a collapse, another stabbed in the thigh. the suspect has a dozen prior
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arrest. against bryan kohlberger, the man accused of stabbing four university of iowa students. they denied the defense to throw out charges against bryan kohlberger. the prosecution is proposing that trial start midsummer. i nearly perfect holiday vacation turned into a nightmare for central cruise pastors after their return flight. they were scheduling to take a flight from barbados to manchester. freak turbulence forced the flight to make emergency landings at an airport in bermuda, the passengers suffered minor injuries and were not able to fly home until the day after christmas. they have apologized in a statement saying we are very sorry for this disruption, we worked around the clock but the airline and hotels took care of
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guest to make sure they got home as soon as possible. while parts of the u.s. dig out from this snowstorm, china is witnessing a historic wave of frigid temperature setting records in beijing. marc stewart's. >> china has been shivering through better and biting cold. >> i think it is the coldest winter in the past 20 years. >> for two weeks, the chinese capital has seen subzero attempts, the longest cold snap since records began in 1951. >> i have to work the biggest +2 -- this weather. >> by bike and foot, it is a struggle to stay warm in this mega-city. very typical in downtown beijing. many lack central heating, challenge the -- when
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temperatures flood. >> this man is showing us his home and how he gets warm. >> we use electric heating. >> even though the government helps pay the bill for some families, it can still be a lot. >> frankly speaking, this is not as good as the high-rise which is 24 hour central heating but it is not too cold here either. >> the arctic show -- chill has been across beijing, coal power plants have been on full drive to warm-up homes. problems at a plant in central china for his heating to be temporarily cut it in northwest china, the weather got in the way of rescue efforts after last week's deadly earthquake, residents set bonfires to get warm. a burning stove and a bowl of warm noodles, enough to comfort these children. back in beijing, the forecast is for the cold waived pass
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making tasks in the city of more than 20 million people a bit more tolerable. marc stewart, cnn beijing. >> thanks to mark for that report, if you thought having amazon prime videos that you can get live content at free, you have some bad news. the details ahead.
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more ads are coming to the streaming world, isn't everyone happy? amazon said it will introduce commercials to its prime video platform next month. you can avoid them but you have to pay. >> nathaniel meyerson is here to break down some mixed news. how much extra are we talking? >> even amazon has to pay the bills starting next month, for prime video users, you pay an additional $2.99 a month if you want an ad free version, that comes on top of the all $139 a year you spend for amazon prime. amazon is doing this because it is spending a lot more on
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producing content and getting into live sports, movies, it is spending 30% more on content than it did a year ago moving to ads to support that business and add more profit. >> that explains why amazon is moving that direction but is not the only streamer charging for ad free, why are we seeing this? >> all of these media companies amazon, disney, paramount, max have all started to add advertisements even though they did not used to have them, it is proving very costly for companies to pay there. we have bob iger saying he sees streaming and advertising on the streaming platforms, we all got used to no ads. that era is ending, we see the password crackdown password
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sharing. it's a whole new world for streamers. fun and games are over. >> i like ads as a reminder, they contribute to our salaries. i really enjoy watching it. nathaniel meyerson, thanks so much still ahead, switching to internet frame -- flame with italian flair. is tommy devito's era over with the new york giants? that is next. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> i'm now going to impart on you, you might know more. are we sticking a ford in tommy
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cutler? brian gable announcing he's got the l.a. rams on sunday. the giants lost to philadelphia on monday, tommy devito was benched at halftime. it's one of those feel-good stories of the nfl season, he joined a rookie season. still lives at home with his parents, he was promoted from the giants practice squad to starting quarterback after they lost their starter, daniel jones to injury. he has been benched. we will find out, thanks for educating me on this, boris.
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detroit, the pistons, basketball team is about to set an nba record for the longest losing streak and is ingle season. it now stands at 27 straight, it breaks down the historically bad streak. the pistons have been one of the worst teams in the nba going on five years now. they started the season 2-1 but has not won a game since halloween. they are taking on the nets trying to avoid the single losing streak record. alex burke throwing the ball off his teammate, isaias stewart's face. cade cunningham scored 47 of his points in the second half. that was it enough to get a win,
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118-112 the final. they remain accountable for where we are, you have to be real about where we are, nobody wants something like this attached to them. >> this is the easiest time to stand off and be on your own. you lean on each other, there is nothing positive. you put that in, that's where you have to dig deep. >> how the streak ends is anyone's guess, they played the first place celtics tomorrow night at the college football bowl season continues with four games on the schedule, including boris is favorite. the winning coach gets a bucket of mayo poured on them, neil brown at west virginia is going to be the lucky guy, we will
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have our first pop tarts a bowl in orlando between nc state and kansas state. this one may have the coolest trophy ever, two slots like a toaster with pop tartsin it, the mascot for this game is going to be a giant pop tart that runs around. the winning team gets to eat it. how that's going to work with it being a real life mascot, i don't know but i sure cannot wait to see. >> wait a minute? inedible mascot? >> you can walk around and nibble on it, we have a mascot in season central. we have a brownie walking around. thanks for having me. u.


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