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tv   The 2000s  CNN  January 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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's the '90s. - ♪ s so take thehe photograps and d stillframemes in your r ♪ ♪ hang it on a shelf, in good health and good time ♪ [fans screaming] ♪ tattoos of memories ♪ ♪ and dead skin on trial ♪ ♪ for what it's worth, it was worth all the while ♪ ♪ it's something unpredictable ♪ ♪ but in the end, is right ♪ ♪ i hope you had the time of your life ♪ [lively strumming] - video killed the radio star. now has the internet killed the record industry? - napster's stealing from us straight up, and i'm gonna fight them to the death. - ladies and gentlemen, the strokes.
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- may i have your attention, please? - we got a moon man. - i'm very ashamed the president of the united states isis from texaxas. - the didixie chicksks, they can say whatat they want t to say. - billboard's top ten singles all by black artists. - rappers are the new rock stars. - i i don't pleaease everyboy withth who i am m as a perso. - okay. - real staccato. like, sticick it. - - i love beyeyoncé. - that's not a working telephone, is it? - hello? - [laughs] - empty shelves are all you'll find here at tower records. it's now out of business. [dramatic music] ♪ ♪
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all: three, two, one. [all screaming] - this is a very special moment. the first performance at the mtv studios in the new millennium. please welcome no doubt. [cheering] - ♪ that's great it starts with an earthquake ♪ ♪ birds and snakes and aeroplanes ♪ ♪ and lenny bruce is not afraid ♪ - i'll always remember new year's eve 1999 going into y2k seeing no doubt on mtv playing "it's the end of the world as we know it" by r.e.m. - - ♪ it's the end d of the wod as we e know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪
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♪ i feel fine ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] - it was a very appropriately apocalyptic song for what turneded out to bebe a very apocalyptic decade. - happy new year! - so we wake up, it's 2000, we're all alive, and we're e still in t the mide of teeeen pop maninia. - ♪ donon't wanna h hear you y ain't t nothing bubut a heartat♪ boy bands were selling so many albums. - ♪ every litittle thing g i d♪ ♪ never seeeems enough for r y♪ - - this is the biggest t yer inin pop musicic history in tererms of sales. all:l: britney, , britney, b br! - you have britney spears selling 1.3 million copies of "oops!... i did it again" in the first week. - ♪ oops i didid it againin ♪ ♪ i played with your heart got lost in the game ♪ ♪ oh baby baby ♪ - everyone's falling in love with boy bands
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and girl groups. but then justin timberlake leaves nsync. - ♪ don't be e so quick to walk k away ♪ ♪ dance with me ♪ ♪ i wanna rock your body ♪ - with his debut album, jt established what hisis sound wouould b. and itit's instantntly appealg to a pop audieience and alalo an r&b aududience. - ♪ now it's s your turn n to c♪ ♪ cry me e a river cry me a r river ♪ - you knowow, justin t timbee leavining nsync bebecomes ththe model fofor what canan be. ♪ ♪ - yes, it's your girl b. - you talk about people who were always gonna be bigger than their group, that was beyoncé. - you ready? - she puts out her solo album in 2003. first single is "crazy in love." it's gotot this incrediblele sample. anand that catatches your r . - bebeyoncé hasnsn't opened r mouth yet and you're already hooked on that song. - ♪ i look and stare so deep in your eyes ♪ - i remember being asked once, "what do you think: christina or britney?" i said, "beyoncé." - ♪ got me e looking so crazyzy right nowow ♪
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♪ your love's got me looking so crazy right now ♪ - "crazy in love," that's how it begins. it seemed like almost overnight she became a kind of icon. she becameme a deeplyy respecected figure. both: bebeyoncé, "nanaughty gi" [beyoncé's "naughty girl plays] [cheers and applause] - in the early 2000s, the industry was so dominated by pop sensations and booming cd sales that they were totally oblivious to the new generation that didn't think music was something you had to pay for. - usining a pc to o download mc isis one of ththe hottestt of today's computer trends. and that has the recording companies up in arms and heading to court. at the center of their dispute is a music-sharing internet service known as napster. [clicking] - in the late '90s and early 2000s, the music industry grew complacent. people had come to them and said, "you know, "you have to start investing in the technology that comes after the compact disc." and they just refused toto do i. - someme of rock a and roll's d boysys are picking a f fight this morning with the internet site - the lawsuits began when metallica heard on the radio
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a song t that they h hadn't released y yet. ♪ ♪ - ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ and metallica was like, "what? - ♪ it's titime i disapappear♪ - on april 14th, metallica filed a lawsuit against napster for basically encouraging people to steal and trade our music illegally. - we started this thing called we're asking the community to completely ban and boycott metallica. - i'm glad you're an ex-metallica fan, because i don't want you to be a fan of ours if that's your attitude. - i can't speak for the other bands, but i embraced file sharing. if you wanna sing along, you know, if you have-- you know, you got it off napster, bro, please. our band was plucked out of obscurity and given a career because of napster. - ♪ but as for me i wish that i was anywhere with anyone ♪ all: ♪ making out ♪ - so suddenly i had a platform for sharing my music
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to the frustration of the label i was on. - - napster hahas built a multi-i-billion dodollar business based on people, uh, copying files to millions and millions of people they don't know. - there, you know, a way that the technology can be adapted to--to benefit, you know, all of the parties involved. the artist, the industry, and the users. - napster should have been an early version of itunes. it's kind of a tragedy it didn't happen back then. - todaday the u.s.s. court ofof appeals r ruled that t napr is infringing on copyrighted music, in essence letting its users steal songs. - the music label executives absolutely didn't want any kind of itunes-style distribution infrastructure that would fit with the internet because they were terrified of unbundling the single from the album. so for a long time they'd been able to take one hit song lilike "complilicated..."" - ♪ tell me w why do y you have toto go ♪ ♪ and make things so complicated ♪ - if that song comes out in the late '90s,
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it's gonna move 20 million albums at $10 each. five or six years later, it's no longer gonna momove 20 millllion albu. it's gononna move 2020 milln songs atat 99 cents s each. so you've just lost 90% of your revenue. - cd salales have drdropped almost onene quarter in just three years. that's an awful lot of lost business. - labels absolutely didn't want this to happen. but ultimately they were powerless to stop it.
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[dramatic music] - it's inevitable, i suppose, that just about the time that i'm becoming aware of hip-hop culture, it is literally coming of age. hip-hop has been around, i discover, for some 25 years now, and during that time it has not only established itself as america's most popular popular music, it has altered our language. [applause] - the oscar goes to... ♪ it's hard out here for a pimp ♪ - you know what? i think it just got a little easier out here for a pimp. - we're seeing hip-hop seep into everything, right? it's in soda c commercialsls and it's's in soundtdtracks. it's being used as bumper music in sports and fashion and shoes and everything. - here, ususe-- - - i've neverer done it with a machine. - yeah, well, it's easy. so, how do you do it? with a... - yeah, we in the hood. we like, "yah, yah, yah, yah!" - yeah. [laughs] - in that moment a lot of rappers were celebrating what they had accomplished. rappers like jermaine dupri, jay-z, and ja rule
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were sayining to the w world, "can you b believe thihis? "this is a about survivival and surviviving racismsm racism in america and we'r're gonna shshare ths with t the world. - ♪ uh-oh a another epipisode♪ ♪ w what do i d do ♪ ♪ to eveverybody ththat bebe living itit up ♪ ♪ we sasay what i d do ♪ - hihip-hop's nono longer sosorf the bratatty kid on n the blo. it's actuaually ththe predomininant music.. and d then what t really takakt over the t top is a yoyoung rar from detroit. - we're gonna have a problem here. ♪ y'a'all act likike you've n nr seen a whihite person beforer♪ - in 2 2000 eminemem puts out "thehe marshall l mathers lpl" mamarshall matathers beingg eminemem's real naname. and d suddenly t the biggestr in hip-hopop is eminemem, bar none. - ♪ 'cause i'm slim shady yes i'm the real shady ♪ ♪ all you other slim shadys are just imitating ♪ ♪ so won't the real slim shady please stand up ♪ - eminem came from a white working class background. and ththose are the ststories he t told. it just put him on a different level because he brought his own authenticity to the game. - djdj, get thatat shit. [hip-hopop music plalays]
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- i saw "8"8 mile" in n times square opepening nightht. i had to s sit at the fronont of the t theater. it was onene of the momost satitisfying movovie experieis i've evever had. i memean, listen, on "losese yourself,f, whwhen that ththing comess througugh your spepeakers at a a giant movovie theater, thatat's a big m moment. - the e oscar goeses to emine, jeffff bass, andnd luis resto for "lose yourself." - ♪ in the music the moment you own it ♪ ♪ you better never let it go ♪ - it's not quite "purple rain," but it was pretty damn good. - ♪ this opopportunity y comes e in a l lifetime yoyou better♪ ♪ lose yourself [cheers and applause] - in the 2000s, rappers weren't content to be musicians. they had to be actors and producers and label bosses themselves. so in the video for r "in da clulub", the prododucers dr. . dre and eminemem have set u up a laboraratory. we see 5 50 cent doioing hihis exercisese routine,, anand then it t pans into os night clubub environmement whwhere he's chattining wiwith modelss and drininking expensive e champagne.e. so whahat they're e really dog is p perfecting g the science
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of t the club babanger. - you can n find me in the c club ♪ ♪ bottle e full of bubub mamama i got w what you nen♪ ♪ if you neneed to feelel a b♪ - if youou have kidsds now you w it's's probably y rap they'r'reg to drive you up the wall, and the big star in rap now is 50 cent. or fifty cent. fiddy cent. however you want to say it. - [laughs] - your g grandmotherer is a absolutely y getting dn to "inin da club."." shshe's callining it "in the clclub," but t she's getttting down t to. i meanan, that wasas everywhe. ♪ ♪ it was in a commercial. - sounds like he's integrated his hit "in da club." extraordinary. - one of the biggest differences between the '90s and the 2000s in terms of hip-hop is this idea of business. - 33-y-year-old jajay-z is the reignining king ofof rap. he owns his own record label, clothing line, and movie production company generating almost half a billion dollars a year in sales. - ♪ allow me to reintroduce myself ♪
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♪ m my name is s hov ♪ - ♪ oh! - ♪ h t to the o-v v ♪ ♪ i u used to movove snowflaks by t the o-z ♪ - - with jay-z-z, as you'r'e gogoing into 2 2000s, you're w watching a a hip-hop artist g grow up from t telling thehese sort of streeeet tales toto someoe whwho has moneney, who o has fame,, who's trtraveling inin very different t circles nonow. - ♪flier thanan a piece of paperer bearing m my name♪ ♪ g got the hotottest chickk in thehe game weararing my cha♪ ♪ that's s right hov v oh ♪ - - even if hehe was rappipingt some of ththe same thihings ththat everybobody was rapapg ababout--streeeet life, momoving drugsgs--it was i inh a a unique wayay, you knowo, that he wawas almost inventining a new lalanguage. - ♪ i i check cheheddar like a foodod inspectoror ♪ - i i really lovove "t"the black a album." for r jay-z to b be the firsrse to get ricick rubin to produduce in suchch a long e showows you how w special jajs as an n artist. - i'i'm thinkingng maybe we e t a a capella wiwith, ♪ if you'rere having girl problblems ♪ ♪ i i feel bad d for you, s s♪ ♪ i got 99 9 problems,, but a bibitch ain't t one ♪ hit me. [singingng] right intoto the firstst vers. - ♪ s so i got ththe rap patrt♪ ♪ on ththe gat patrtrol foolols that wanant to make e ♪ ♪ my casket's closed ♪
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yeah, that's--that's money. - - rick rubinin created s sy classic hihip-hop recocords with the b beastie boyoys and d run-dmc, taking a b break beat t and mig it witith an ac/dcdc guitar st. ♪ ♪ that's rick rubin 101, you know... [mimimics guitar] - - ♪ so i i pull overr to thehe side of t the road ♪ ♪ i heard "son, do you know what i'm stopping you for?" ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm young and i'm black and my hat's real low ♪ ♪ but do i look like a mind reader sir i don't know ♪ - what jay-z represented was the fact that you could actualally have rereal longey inin hip-hop.. and for the longest time, you know, new york had been the center of the world in hip-hop. the south for the most part hadn't really made itselelf heard. yoyou know, anand that statas to c change in t the 2000s,, and yoyou're gettiting outkas. and ououtkast is a amazing. - [shuhushes] [cheering] ♪ one two one two three yeah ♪ ♪ in-slum-national underground ♪ ♪ thunder pounds when i stop the ground ♪ - outkast became rap's beatles in the 2000s
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because we found both but particicularly andndré bebecoming morore obsesseded h a kind of adventurous landscscape of mususic. - ♪ yeah i'm afraid like i'm scared as a dog ♪ - serious hip-hop already knew about outkast, but then they come out with an album, "speakererboxxx/the e love bel" anand they havave this sonog theyey called "h"hey ya!" - ♪ one twowo three uh h ♪ ♪ my babyby don't mesess aroud bebecause she loves s me so ♪ ♪ and t this i knowow for sur♪ - it's's barely a hip-p-hop , realally. i'i'm not surere what it i, bubut it's got this s kind f frothyhy '60s vibebe. it souounds like s something , you know,, motownwn might have put out when thehey were doioing "the sound of f young amereric" - ♪ heyey ya hey y ya ♪ - nextxt thing youou know, everyone i is singingg thisis one line,e, "shake it t like a a polaroid p picture." - ♪ o oh, here wewe go shshake it ♪ ♪ shake, , shake it shake itit shake, shshake it♪ ♪ shakeke it like a polaroroid picturere ♪ - polaroroid was thehe instat camera a and the picicture camet
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and for sosome strangege reasn as the i image was----was form, people wouould do thisis. theyey would shahake it. asas if that w was going to make it hapappen fasterer. so he sasays that line inin the song g and suddeny everyonene's doing t that. you hahave this lilittle cultul momoment that t everybody fees theyey need to b be part of. now w you know y you've realy tapppped into sosomething, anand that's w what outkasast. - ifif you're gogonna do a anything..... - do it all the way. - do it 100%. don't pull the thing out unless you plan to bang, you know? that's basically what it's saying.
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[dramatic music] [cheers and applause] - ♪ american n girls and americican guys ♪ ♪ we'll alwlways standd up and s salute ♪ ♪ we'll always recognize ♪ - after september 11th, we saw this resurgence of patriotism--you know, a realal re-embracace of the american flag from country music and the mainstream nashville community. - ♪ youou'll be sororry that u messssed with ththe u.s. of f♪ - toby keith was the ultimate example of all of that. - ♪ 'cause we'll put a boot in your ass ♪ ♪ it's the american way ♪ - with all the genres reacting to 9/11, the war, country was probably the most literal and the e most outspspoken ababout it. - ♪ i i pledge alallegiance to this flag ♪ ♪ and if that bothers you well that's too bad ♪
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- ♪ and you say we shouldn't worry about bin laden ♪ ♪ have e you forgototten ♪ - in musicic there wasas no oppositionon to that m messag. but when t the "war o on terror" " began... [enginine roaring]g] [shotsts firing] and we're talking about invading countries, well, then music had a lot to act in opposition to. - the didixie chicksks are thep countrtry touring g act of thehr despite the firestorm unleashed by their words during the first days of the war in iraq. - when n natalie maiaines sai, you u know, "w"we're so asashamed of or prpresident riright now,"" their r career tooook a sesevere beatiting. - someme protestorors took a tractor r and their r fet to smash the group's cds. - if you want to feel some good old fashioned american pride, look no further than the uproar ovover the dixixie chicks.. - and how w they can s say, "i"i'm ashameded that the prpresident's s from texa" comeme on, man.. - - screw themem, right? say it.
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- they werere questiononing somemething thatat you weree jujust supposesed to accepe. anand it was w women doingng, no l less. - i thinink they arere the didipsy twits.s. thesese are the e dumbest bibi- with due r respect-- i have s seen-- - these arare callow, foolish women who deseserve to be slapped around. - we're gonna boycott them for their musicic and we're gonna boycott you for playing it if you don't stop playing it. - well, ma'am, that one's the last one you're gonna hear. - country radio overnight turns its back on the dixie chicks. - as a r result of s statemens made by y members of the d dixie chickcks at a a concert,, two radio o networks b banned ththe dixie chchicks from t their playlylist atat a chain l level. - in a a way, theyey were moe daringng than any y punk ban. - uhuh, well, itit's great t e baback at, uh,h, shepherd'd's . we reteturn to thehe scene of the cririme. - they t took on thehe establblishment ththat wanted to own thehem and theyey refud to knuckckle under.. - i ththought i'd d say somethg branand-new and d just say,, "jusust so you k know, wewe're ashamemed the presesit of thehe united ststates is f from texas.s." [cheheers and apapplause] - we've asasked artists for dedecades to b be baromes ofof culture and be voicics ofof dissent..
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and in t the wake ofof 9/11, itit was just seen as a briridge too fafar. - ♪ i i waited titill i saw w the sun ♪ - people wanted escapism at the time e because ththere ws a lot to escape. so we were listening to norah jones and jack johnson. - ♪ a l la da-da-dada-da-da ♪ ♪ la da-da-da-da-da-da ♪ - and coldplay. ♪ ♪ - when "yellow" came out, a lot of the hipster alternative kids were like, "i love this." and i wawas one of t them. - ♪ andnd your skinin oh yeaeah your skikin and bone♪ ♪ turn into something beautiful ♪ - it felt great. it's like, here's radiohead and u2 put together in a pop friendly package that's catchy rock music. - ♪ i want toto run throuough the e halls of m my high schch♪
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♪ i want to scream at the top of my lungs ♪ - john mayer was this virtuoso guitar player who wrote these kind of sentimental love songs. - - ♪ and i if you wantnt le wewe'll make i it ♪ - he was huge. - ♪ swiwim in a deep sea of blankets ♪ ♪ your body is a wonderland i'll use my hands ♪ - in the 2000s, rock itself becomes numb and weirdly apolitical for a time when the country was at w war. - post-9/1/11, someme believe f familiar mumc will sell well this holiday. - ♪ and i've been wrong i've been down ♪ ♪ to the bottom of every bottle ♪ - nickelback, they had bigger hits than anybody. - everybodody's welcomome to thehe nickelbacack club. we got a--we got a big club. ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ - a lot of rock is not really doing what it used to do, and it's almost like it--it lost its will to fight. unless youou're talkining about t green day.y.
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♪ ♪ - ♪ donon't want toto be anan american n idiot ♪ - yoyou can't unundersell how shshocking it was that t the definititive statemt on g george bushsh's america came from m green day.y. - ♪ welcome t to a new kind of f tension ♪ ♪ all a across the e alien nati♪ ♪ whehere everyththing isn't meant t to be okayay ♪ - it w was kind ofof like a rock opepera. you u had to lisisten to itt fromom front to o back bebecause it t told the enene ststory of whahat was goininn in the d decade. - ♪ w wake me up p when septptember ends ♪ - the fefear of terrrroris, the medidia, the warsrs, peoplele being senent off to f . - ♪ here comes the rainin again♪ - rorock wasn't t all that surprising in n the 2000ss so when yoyou got somemething like "amererican idiotot," it wasas, "wow, this is s unexpecteded. thisis is shakining things up a lilittle bit."." - ♪ wake me u up whenen septemberer ends ♪
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♪ ♪
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[dramatic music] - bouncece coming upup. [chuhuckles] [jayay-z's "dirtrt off yoyour shouldeder" plays]] ♪ ♪ - inin the earlyly 2000s, we comome to recogognize
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the ideaea of producucers asas artists.. they'r're no longeger relegatd to t the backgroround. ♪ ♪ - one e of my favovorite timbd momoments is watching g him play jay-z-z "dirt ofoff your shohoulder" for ththe first time. - ohoh, man. - - oh, shit!! boboth: [laughghing] - the bestst there is.s. - [lauaughs] - you gogot that? - timbalanand really pusheded the envelelope. it's very y much blackck futuriristic musicic. - ♪ come on i is it worthth t let t me work itit ♪ ♪ i put m my thing dodown flipt and reveverse it ♪ ♪ ti esrerever dna titi pilf nwod gnihtht ym tup ♪ - thatat music, a a lot of it was spspace age drdriven. - ♪ i'm bringnging sexy b bak yeyeah ♪ ♪ them other... ♪ ♪ don't know how to act ♪ - odd sounds that reflect his own inner ear vision. - ♪ i s said it's t too latete to apologogize ♪ ♪ it't's too latete ♪ - - timbaland d was a litttte technolologically dedense and d ethereal w whereas phahal wasn't as s out there.e.
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he didid, like, dadance track. - ♪ i said it's's getting hot in h here so hotot ♪ ♪ so take off all your clothes ♪ ♪ i am getting so hot i wanna take my clothes off ♪ - it was a little more gritty. it was very, very intricate but very rhythmically driven. - - ♪ uh-huhuh this my y shi♪ ♪ all the g girls stompmp your f feet like t this ♪ - pop p stars figugure out thahu need hip-h-hop cred and yoyou need a hip-hop p producer.. - ♪ 'cause e i ain't no holleler back girirl ♪ ♪ i a ain't no hoholler back k ♪ - mostst of the trtracks made et the 2000s s was that y you hd a grgrouping of f hip-hop producucers who were crossing o over into toppining pop chararts. ♪ ♪ - kanye isis another o one. yoyou know, hehe's producig anand working g wity jay-z anand alicia k keys and lulus and janenet jackson.n. bubut, you knonow, in there, he w wants to bebe his own s . so h he releaseses his firstst , "the colollege dropopout." - yo, g, they can't ststop me from rapapping, can n they? - the fifirst singlele for "c"college droropout" was s ag
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called "ththrough the wiwir" - i spitit it througugh the e wire, man.n. - kanye e west gets s into ar accidedent in los s angele, anand in the h hospital wih hihis jaw wirered shut, he r records thehe song. - ♪ yeah i i drink a boboost for r breakfast t ♪ ♪ an ensurere for dessesert ♪ ♪ somebody y order pancncakes i jujust sip thehe sizzurp ♪ - itit is essentntially justm rapping ababout how babad he wantsts to be a r rapper. - god sasaved my lifife. so he e has me herere for a rer. - ♪ jesus walks ♪ - "college dropout" was a cool first album. - ♪ i told her to drive over in your new whip ♪ - there's some great singles on there, but "late registration" to me is when it all came together. that's an incredible record. - ♪ i i got to tetestify ♪ ♪ comome up in ththis spot looking g extra fly y ♪ - he did whahat the rockck starars used to o do, which h was to indndulge his narcissisistic fantatasies througugh the medidium of mus. - ♪ befefore the daday you de you'rere gonna tououch the sk♪ ♪ ♪
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- - rappers weweren't really doioing it. but musisically it was b brilliant.. look, whatat is the nanarratie of the 2 2000s? well, , it's the backpackck-wearing d dork like mark k zuckerberg who becomes a bibillionaire.e. and kanye westst is the mumusc inindustry version o of that. - my greatatest pain i in lie isis i will nenever be ablbe to see me e perform. so you a are welcomeme to knonow a pleasusure ththat i will l never havev. - kanynye was a rorock sta. but hehe also makekes it safe for rarappers to b be vulnerab. - - it's posititive rap. he's not cussing every other sentence. and he's not talking about shooting people up. he's talking about real things. - what kanye does is sort of bringing a new generation of hip-hop figures, and you can see e the differerence going foforward. ♪ ♪ - ♪ uh i saidid i said i said ♪ ♪ baby, youou my everytything you u all i everer wanted ♪ ♪ w we could dodo it real b g bigggger than yoyou ever donon♪ - drdrake took t the kanye w t blueprint.t.
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"i'm gononna bare mymy soul and my feeeelings on a a recor" - ♪ best i i ever had best i e ever had ♪ ♪ best i ever had ♪ - it wasn't just hip-hop. you know, r&b had been doing this for a long time in a really kind of personal way. - ♪ t these are m my confessis jujust when i i thought i i s♪ ♪ all i can say my chick on the side said ♪ ♪ she got one on the way ♪ - usher's "confessions" was deeply personal and relatable. he just laid it all out there. - ♪ if i'm gonna tell it then i gotta tell it all ♪ - he has the moves and the style, and i think that he is a big hope for people at that time that, , like, "herere's a brotr thatat's really y doing it." - ♪ i i think thahat you should letet it burn ♪ - we had trey songz and chris brown and usher, but the superstars of r&b are the women. absolutetely. - - ♪ i keeeep on falliling♪ ♪ in and out ♪ ♪ of love with you ♪
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- alicia keys, uber talent. ub--oh, my god. singngs, composeses, and d plays? oh, , she's a tototal packag. - - ♪ no onone, no one,e, no ♪ ♪ can get in the way of what i'm feeling ♪ - later r&b becomes much more rhythmic. they're not written as flowing as the traditional r&b song. - ♪ allll the singlgle ladies all the sisingle ladieies ♪ - and beyoncé understood better than anybody how to make r&b for a hip-hop generation. - - ♪ now p put your hahands ♪ ♪ up in the club ♪ - i think everyone remembers where they were when they first saw the "single ladies" video. you know, it was like, "oh, my god, how do i learn the dance? i can't learn n it fast enenou" - - up with ththe shouldere. - yeyep. - you kindnda--kinda pop it a l little bit.t. - - pop it, ohoh yeah. - - yeah. - - okay, pop p it. - anand then youou bring youour. - okay.. - make i it real stataccato. like, sticick it. ♪ if you u like it ththen you should havave put a riring on ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ - you know, she was a woman speaking for other women,
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and that was so welcome. - ♪ it t goes one b by one even two b by two ♪ ♪ everybodydy in the flfloor lelet me show w you how wewe ♪ - rihanna a comes alonong anand she's mumuch more r&rb than s she is pop.p. shshe's got ththis sort off caribbbbean feel i in her mus. and there'e's somethining reallyly fresh abobout her. - ♪ it't's a thief f in the nit to c come and grgrab you ♪ ♪ it can creep up inside you and consume you ♪ - rihanna had this incredibly ambitious idea of what t pop music c was... - ♪ disisturbia ainin't used to what t you like ♪ - and kept redefining herself as the edgiest, nastiest, most sophisticicated popop star outut there. - - ♪ now t that it's r raing momore than evever ♪ ♪ k know that w we'll stilll have e each other r ♪ ♪ you c can stand u under mymy umbrella a ♪ - - "umbrella.a." i mean, i i don't thinink thers probabably a persoson in thehe whole wororld that dodt know that t song and w wasn't walking araround goingng, "eh, e eh, eh," fofor, like, months a at a time.. - - ♪ you c can stand under my umbrella ♪ ♪ ella, ella, eh, eh, eh ♪
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- and so towards the end of the decade with a artists likike rihan, the e danceable e riffs of h p bled into r&b and pop, and hip-hop became bigger and biggerer and biggeger. - - ♪ my umbrella ♪ - it became pop. - ♪ eh, eh ♪ [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ [rock music] - all through the '90s if you were a band from new york, you could count on getting laughed out of the room pretty much anywhere else in the country. - new york was just a place where rock and roll was thought ofof as dead.. - - in the 200000s, the predomominant musisic generaly is hip-h-hop, and ththat's ththe case in n new york.. no one's's thinking g about new york a as the centnter fofor interesting rock music anymore. but after 9/11, we've had all these bands who o were kind d of bubbling bebeneath the e surface who o start popppping up andnt realally starts s with the s st. - - ♪ last t night she e sai♪ ♪ oh baby i feel so down it turn me off ♪ - after 9/11, the city was burning. itit was smoldldering. - ♪ so i, i t turned arouound♪ - vulnerability, anxiety, all this became how the country felt. we needed that sense of defiance,
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that hubristic sense of possibility and promise that y young kids s and bands can dedeliver. - riright now ththey're the et imimportant baband in the e wod for what they may inspire other people to do. - ♪ last night ♪ - much in the same way that nirvana was the spearhead for grunge in the '90s, the strokes really helped usher in a lot of other acts. - ♪ b but she can read she can read ♪ ♪ she can read she can read she's bad ♪ ♪ she can read she can read ♪ ♪ she can read she's bad ♪ - the first ones to break after the strokes in terms of new york artists is interpol and yeah yeaeah yeahs. - - these are e strange pepeo. they'r're counter r culturl by natature. karen n o, she's t this violet swagaggering rocock boy and thisis heartbrokoken teary y rock girl. - ♪ p pack up i'm strayeyed ♪ - and "mapaps" is one e of the tracks t that launchched 1,00 young fefemale singegers in t their bedroroom somewheh.
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- - ♪ wait t they don't't lovu like i i love you u ♪ ♪ wait theyey don't love you l like i loveve you♪ ♪ maps ♪ - so youou have thisis resusurgence of f rock, but t also this s resurgence of brorooklyn and d indie mus. please welcome tv on the radio ♪ say, say, my playmate ♪ ♪ won't you lay hands on me ♪ ♪ mirror my malady ♪ - tv on the radio, they were a multi-ethnic, multi-racial band coming out of the brooklyn rock scene. you know, they were scholars of music. - - ♪ i knonow it's strtrange ar way toto get to knknow you ♪ ♪ y you'll nevever know unlns wewe go so letet me show y y♪ - theyey made veryry proggy but also v very punky y rock that s sounded likike nothing e thatat had ever r been done. - ♪ ow,w, ow ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ daft punk is playing at my house my house ♪ - lcd soundsystem is maybe the most brooklyn band that hasas ever emererged frfrom brooklylyn.
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- ♪ i'll show you the ropes kid ♪ - they were a huge success partly because of james murphy's ability to make pristine electronic music that s still had a soul i in it. - ♪ where arere your friends totonight ♪ ♪ where are your friends tonight ♪ - what you start to see is not a genre of music or a trend. it's a scene. ♪ ♪ and thouough they wewere nonot a new yoyork band, arcade f fire seem c connectd spirituaually to thahat momen. - ♪ children n wake up ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hold yourur mistake u up ♪ - - arcade firire was thisig anthemic r rock band thatat, you knowow, made thee songngs that youou just wantd to holleler along wiwith. - ♪ i guess w we'll jujust have toto adjust ♪ - and to me it felt like the moment that indie rock
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crossed over into something bigger. - - ♪ holididay oh holilidy anand the bestst one of ththe ♪ - it's the firstst time that u had indie bands soundtracking commercials for mainstream multinational products, in part because everyone is trying to figure out, "how do i make money now that no one w will pay fofor my albu" - - ♪ so onone to threeee te my hand anand come witith me♪ ♪ because you look so fine that i really wanna make you mine ♪ - you know, historically there'd been some wariness about selling your music to advertisers. it was seen as selling out. in the 2000s, that totally disappeared. - ♪ ride wiwith me ride with h me ♪ - there's all these songs that became iconic primarily through their ususe in ipod d commerci. - ♪ onene two threeee four tetell me thatat you love e me ♪ - now indie culture was cool and you could market yourself as part of this new global indie community. - ♪ glalamorous indndie rock and rollll is what i i want ♪
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- you get the killers or you get kings of leon. - ♪ 18 balding ♪ ♪ star ♪ - and of course the white stripes. ♪ ♪ - they all step intoto the role of capitital r rock k star. - ♪ i i'm gonna f fight them m♪ ♪ a seven n nation armymy couldn't't hold me b back ♪ - pepeople thougught the strts wewere gonna s save rock. you u felt that t there was g to be a movement forward. and for a while,e, it w worked. bubut ultimatetely it didnt rereally changnge the musical landscape.e. you can prprobably sayay the whwhite stripepes or arcadadee are the e last realllly big rk band i in the clasassical sen. - - ♪ and the stains s coming m my blolood tell meme go back h ♪ ♪ ♪ - so, what happened? in the early 2000s, the electric guitar stararted to be e replaced by the songng sequencining soft.
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anand you stararted to seeee future is s not rock m musi. the grououndbreakingng artist wo isis gonna comompletely chche what w we think gogood music sounds l like is notot gonna e playing g an electriric guita. ♪ ♪
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[dramatic music] [lady gaga's "poker face"] ♪ ♪ - if we started the decade with boy bands, we end the decade with solo women ruling the pop world. and lady gaga is at the height of her power. - ♪ canan't read mymy can't reay nono he can't t read ♪ ♪ my poker face ♪ ♪ she's got me like nobody ♪ - listening to something like "poker face" or "bad romance," you can n tell that t she ws a studenent of roxy music. she was a student of disco. she was a student of the drag balls. she was someone who wanted to combine all those elements into really aggressive hard hitting pop music. - ♪ i i want yourur love and l yoyour lovers s revenge ♪ ♪ you and me could write a bad romance ♪ - suddenly it was no longer enough to wear a pretty gown on the r red carpet. yoyou had to m make art. you hahad to make e a statem. - you asked me if my music was distracted by my sexuality. if i was a guy and i was sitting here with a cigarette
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in my hand and grabbing my crotch and talking about how i make music because i love fast cars and f***ing girls, you'd call me a rock star. - lady gaga is a female empowerment role model. and d this is jujust the begegg of girls r running thehe worl. - ♪ baby yoyou're a firirewor♪ ♪ come on let your colors burst ♪ - we have katy perry, shakira... - ♪ she wolf in the closet ♪ - nicki minaj... ♪ ♪ you have taylor swift just coming into her own. - ♪ walkingng the streeeets wh you and d your worn n out jean♪ - taylor swift is a song writer, and at an impossibly early age, she comes up with what might be the single of the decade. "you belong with me." - ♪ if you could see that i'm the one who understands you ♪ - and that just straps her career to a rocket. ♪ m maybe you b belong withth♪
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♪ you belong with me ♪ - we saw someone like taylor swift become a huge sensation because of her myspace page posting her music on her page, and look where she is now. it's pretty incredible. - by the end of that decade, artists would make their own music and put it up on myspace, and all the sudden yoyou can haveve a career.. - - in the intnternet agage it's bececome a do-it-yourself operation. hang your star on youtube and see how brightly it shines. - ♪ cry me a river ♪ ♪ cry me a river ♪ - justin bieber was the first of the youtube kids. he was using the new tools of the internet to really do an edge run around the traditional inindustry. - ♪ a and i was l like baby, baby, bababy oh ♪ ♪ likike baby, bababy, baby n♪ - inin the 2000s0s, the music inindustry wasas undergoinig a massivive shift wiwith all ththe technolological chanae anand the factct that the e pe ofof music hadad effectivevy
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been g ground downwn to zero. - - i'm standiding outsidede e i used to o buy my cdsds-- a store that is now shuttered and shut down as you can tell-- like so many other music stores across the country. [dramatic music] - by the end of the decade, the music business was falling off a cliff. it seemed d like all of it wawas gone, reduced to rubble. - the shuttering thihis weekd of v virgin's lalast two stots in manhattan and hollywood marks the death of a once booming chain and another nail in the coffin of the music cd. - by the mid-2000s, music labels realized that y youtube, mymyspace, and filele sharing s software was the way people were discovering new music. so what do you do? you get all of the people that you've heard online together in onene act and y you charge 130 bubucks to seeee it. and d this proveved to be a ay susuccessful m model. ♪ ♪ - - ♪ wakining up feeliling d and limber ♪ - the one e that realllly sett off was bonnaroo
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anand then coaoachella. - so you c came here from englaland... - yeah. - for this? - for the festival, yeah. - yeah, yeah, man. why not? it's coachella. - all the sudden that same generation that's discovering music peer-to-peer online wants to be somewhwhere in a fieield with ththat peer enjojoying the l live mumusic experirience. - i see e about 40 different t bands, every y ty--any tytype of musc you could imagine. [electronic music plays] - the music c festivals,s, therere would alalways be this dj tent. and over the years that tent kept getting bigger and bigger. ♪ ♪ - the superstar djs, diplo, and david guetta, kaskade, and paul oakenfold, these guys are pulling in mimillions as s headlinersr. - ♪ s sometimes t things get complilicated ♪ ♪ ♪ - hip-hop stars are becoming rock stars. djs are becoming rock stars. - - goes crazyzy, the crowo, theyey're jumpining up and d .
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- - the only p people who o t becomingng rock starars... - lightnining, zombieses, and d then it drdrops right t . - are e rock starsrs. - ♪ p pop ♪ - - whoo! - the ideaea of just s standg there e and starining at some on statage is a 20th cenentury idea,a, where asas in the 21st ceneny it's more e interactivive. it's more about us as an organism. - - come on. - clap y your hands.s. - clap your hands. clam your hands, y'all. clap your hands. - in the 2000s we saw an industry that seemed like it would never change. we saw i it be forceced to cha. - - ♪ i gotot a feelingng ♪ - online distribution of music broke down the barriers of taste and suddenly everyone was listening to everything. - ♪ good nighght ♪ ♪ that tonight's gonna be a good, good night ♪ - with the help of a computer, the past is just cool stuff that you can discover. and that's what a whole generation of new music makers do. yes, the 2000s are the age of the machine. but t that doesnsn't mean thths not a seararch for thehe soul
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inside thehe machine.. - ♪ one twowo three goo good, , good nightht ♪ ♪ tonight's the night let's hit it up ♪ ♪ i got my money hey let's spend it up ♪ ♪ i feel go out and smash it hey like oh my god ♪ ♪ hey jump off that sofa hey let's kick it up ♪ ♪ i know that we'll have a ball ♪ ♪ if we get down and roll out and just lose it all ♪ ♪ i feel stressed out i wanna let it go ♪ ♪ let's go way out spaced out losing all control ♪ ♪ ch-ch-ch here we come here we go ♪ ♪ we gotta rock ♪ ♪ easy come easy go now we on top ♪ ♪ fill the shot body rock ♪ [a[audio logo]o] [cheerining] taylylor swift: : welcome to the e eras tour. [cheerining] ananchor: taylylor swift's's s record-brereaking tourur has d someme unprecededented momene.


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