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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 2, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. terrifying moments on a runway in japan and moments when
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video shows a passenger jet collides with a coast guard jet. any moments upstate new york police will give updates of a deadly car crash that is being investigated as a possible act as domestic terror. and hundreds of people linked to jeffrey epstein could be made public today and details of who could be on the list ahead. i'm rahel solomon with john berman and kate and sara are off today. this is cnn "news central." we want to begin this hour with the latest on the breaking news out of japan. an investigation is under way this morning after a japan airlines plane collided with a japanese coast guard aircraft on
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the runway in tokyo and then burst into flames. look at that video. it is showing the moment of impact after the passenger jet landed at the airport. you can see the apparent collision, and the coast guard plane is in a fireball. the japan airlines plane is on fire as well as it goes down the runway there. five crew members on the coast guard plane were killed. the captain is in critical condition. the crew were preparing to fly to western japan to help with the earthquake relief there. nearly 400 passengers and crew had 90 seconds to get off of that japan airlines flight. you can see the smoke inside of the plane. amazingly here, no one, no one on that aircraft was seriously injured. four people however were taken to the hospital after they said that they didn't feel well. cnn's will ripley has more now. >> reporter: the japanese prime minister is sending condolences to the families of the five coast guard crew members who lost their lives in this fiery runway collision right in the
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heart of tokyo. take a look at this. this is at haneda airport shortly before 6:00 p.m. local time, and fiery fireball erupted right at this but si airport when a crowded airlines jet with 367 passengers including eight children under the age of 2 and 12 crew members on board collided with a coast guard plane that was taking off to deliver relief supplies to parts of central japan on the western side that are desperately need of aid right now because of the massive earthquake that struck hours after the country rang in the new year and began 2024. after that tragedy and the hustle and the bustle of the holiday weekend coming to a close at this very busy airport, han neida airport that serves the capital and along with the
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regional airport in town, and now only one operational, because haneda airport had to shutdown after the collision and all of the questions raised about how it happened. but the extraordinary part of this story is that everybody who was on that plane in a matter of seconds was safely evacuated. everybody on the passenger plane, even the parents of the young children as the black smoke was filling the cabin and the passengers thought they were going to die and they could see the fire spreading and the passengers claimed that the exit doors were not operational and they had to go out the front of the exits at the front of the plane survived and only one of the coast guard plane survived and is in the hospital. will ripley, cnn. >> thank you, will ripley. you can see this with the japan airlines from sapporo came in
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and this is the coast guard flight, if it is not clear, it was already on the runway. this is where the collision occurred and you can see the fireball right there. that's the moment of impact on the collision, and you can see the japan airways flight going down the runway more, and right there just in flames. that is extraordinary to look at in and of itself, and then as it pulls off, you can see where it ends up further down the runway and ultimately in flames there, and that is where the passengers evacuate from, and i want to bring in the cnn safely analyst and inspector david soucie, and david, it is not clear as we are looking at this whether the japan airlines flight was given the clearance to land. what questions do you have this morning? >> well, not only was it is not given clearance to land, but more concerning on the runway, but it was not seen by the pilots as they came into land. they could have done a go around, but there is too many
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questions right now, john, as there always is with the near-miss incidents with the incursions, and who said what to whom and it is just ridiculous how unorganized these things can be at this point of such a critical juncture of the flight. >> one thing that i want to point out as we have been saying that the coast guard flight on the runway there, it was destined to deliver military aid aid to the other side of the country, and could there be a scenario where the collision took place, and a scenario to get as much as we can as quickly as we can to the west coast of japan where this earthquake has happened and maybe some of the safety systems that are normally in place were not functioning as they would be correctly? >> well, that is interest, because this airport does operate military and commercial
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airlines together. so maybe something with the coordination, but the air traffic control on the ground there at the airport is singularly controlled. there is one controller who knew what was going on at this point, but in the united states we have had a number of these near-misses where the communications were wrong and yeah, you can land here, and repeat back the wrong runway when they repeat back, and the air traffic controller does not catch it because they are busy and issues of the fatigue, and the duty and the rest psycheles that the faa has a special panel looking at right now, but all of it is going to be coming into play in this investigation, john. >> all right. david, this is where the plane ended up on the runway at the end there in flames. this is where the people on board nearly 400 people on board, they were able to get out of this somehow, which is remarkable in and of itself, and first, talk about what went right, and all of the people, and give you a sense of what they saw on this flight.
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and well, they were on here, and all of them able to get out of the front here, and how were they able to do that? >> well, there is two things, john. i was in toulouse when we did the certification of airbus 880, they put the people in the airplanes and filled cockpit with smoke, but it was steam for the test, and then they see how quickly they can get them all out, and so to be certified they have to prove they can get all of the people out within five minutes, and now, this is much quicker than that, and they had everybody out of there within 2 1/2 minutes and it is amazing and testament to the amount of training, training, training, and that is what we do to make sure that when the flight crew is ready for any of the events to occur and how to respond, and they did it fantastically in this case. >> and to give you sense of what it looks like inside of the
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plane before evacuation, and you can see it here, the plane is running down the runway after the point of collision, and this is the point of view from the passengers on board, and later, you can see the moment the plane is stopped here, and here they are moving around the process, and you can see the process of the smoke as they were trying to get out of there, and david, the flight crews have the extensive training of how to handle the situation, and the exits on the back of the plane, and the ones you can look at here, they were not operational, and what does that tell you? does it tell you somehow in the collision itself they were inoperable? >> well, it is telling me a couple of things, john, the impact itself is significant itself to not just hit the wing tip, but it is creating a pole and cracked something in itself to cause the fuel to go to the center of the aircraft in the fuselage and you can see the smoke getting there. if it were a wing tip, it would not have happened so when it hit the wing, it is significant
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enough of damage to crack or pull apart any fuel structures inside of the aircraft which would have been going back to the back of the aircraft to the fuel cell itself, and so that is telling me that it is probably what is going on in the back of the aircraft and they said, no, it is not safe to go out that way, and you have to come up to front. >> gan, causing all of that smoke inside, and they still managed to get everyone off of that plane safely. >> miraculous. >> and helping us to again the many questions that still remain as well. rahel? >> authorities in upstate new york are holding a news conference that is an investigation of terrorism. the joint terrorism task force is investigating a car that careened outside of a concert. this is outside of the codax center in rochester and this is
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after more than a dozen gas cans were found outside of the car. and you shared with us the suspect's name and what more do you know? >> the driver has died and he was brought to the hospital with critical injurinjuries, and he since died. he is michael avery and he was staying in a hotel in rochester when this incident unfolded. this is being investigated as possible domestic terrorism, and that is a big umbrella to investigate, and they have pinpointed or saw some evidence of ideology that seeing that it is rising to that level. we know that the jtff was called in by the rochester investigators to investigate. we know that there is something in there that has raised some flags in the investigator's minds. we know that from the sources that the investigators in the hotel room found a suicide note
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of some sort and some sort of journal, and they have also spoken since this happened early monday morning with avery's family members who hinted at the fact that they believed although they were not diagnosed to the source with bipolar disorder, and all of that is part of the investigation as we know it right now. as we mentioned, we are waiting for the news conference with the rochester police and the mayor and we have clear direction of when that news conference happens, but we will talk about what happened, and it is early morning and into the new year at the kodak center where 1,000 people were attending the concert, and as the concertgoers were leaving, and going across the crkrcrosswalk, this suv dri by avery into the park pg lot area, two people in the opposing car were kill and other people injured as well, but in addition to that, there was a huge
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explosion, and the investigators learned once they put the flames out, that car had in it a dozen gas canisters and this coupled together is where we are at with the investigation with the agencies involved right now. so two people kill in this very early morning new year's day incident there in rochester and waiting to find out more and possibly some sort of motive in this from law enforcement when we get this update any moment now. >> brynn, we will let you continue to monitor that and keep us posted as the details come in. and as soon as the police conference begins, we will bring it to you live. stick with us. any minute now, donald trump is expected to file some appeals to get on the ballots in colorado and maine and the key constitutional decisions ahead. new this morning, the iranian navy is deploying a warship destroyer to the red sea after the military confirmation of
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three militant boats, and we are standing by to learn of the people who were linked to jeffrey epstein that is about to be made public, and what it may reveal.
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this is a live press conference rochester, new york, where a car plowed into a crowd after a concert on new year's eve. let's listen in. and the tragedy that occurred in new year's eve at the kodak theatre. this is a synopsis of what we have learned thus far. it must be noted that we are still gathering information and all of this is preliminary. all of the evidence points to suspect as 35-year-old michael avery from the syracuse, new york, area. the suspect passed away last night. he has not been scientifically ide
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identified, but we are in the process of making identity, and we have been in contact with his family since yesterday. avery traveled to rochester, new york, in his personal vehicle on or about the 27th and checked into the hotel at the grease suites. he rented a vehicle. and then from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., avery made at least a half dozen purchases of gasoline and gas containers from different locations throughout the monroe county and ontario county areas. thus far, the information has shown that he was alone when making the purchases. on january 1st at 12:52 a.m., avery was operating the rented ford expedition eastbound on west ridge road. at about this time, two
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rochester police officers assigned to concert were at the traffic post to allow for pedestrians to cross. at this time, avery sped up, and crossed into the on coming lane of traffic, and appears to have intentionally been driving towards the pedestrian crossing. at about the same time, a ride share vehicle containing two vehicles in the back seat was pulling out of the theater parking lot and was struck by avery's expedition. this created chain of events that followed leading to the death of the two rear seat passengers of the ride share vehicle and the injuries of at least nine pedestrians, and that number has changed since yesterday as more people have come forward to report their injuries. yesterday, a search warrant was executed on the hotel room rented by michael avery. there was no suicide note recovered in the search of the hotel room. an additional search warrant was
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executed on avery's personal vehicle recovered at the airport parking garage. the investigators are combing through the evidence from his vehicle, be nothing thus far has been recovered that provides any additional insight into why this occurred. although the motive behind the crime remains unknown, the conversations that we have had with his family so far leads us to believe that avery may have been suffering from possible undiagnosed mental health issues. at this time, we have not been able to identify that there was anyone else involved in the crime or that it was part of a larger plot. additionally, we have not uncovered any information leading us to believe that the actions of michael avery of new year's eve were motivated by any political or social biases. it must be noted that this is an ongoing investigation and additional information must be developed. we will share his photo today
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and ask that anyone with additional information about this tragedy or about a suspect's motivation contact the rpd crime unit at 248-147, and major crimes @city of major evans will say a few words and then i will come back to take some questions. >> let me again reiterate our thanks to the law enforcement partners and the rochester police department and rochester fire department and fbi and atf and the partners here for the work on this unfortunate case. as the chief said, there are many unanswered questions. we are hoping to continue to provide the updates as we have them. i have been getting inundated with the questions as to why this individual would choose number one rochester, new york, and why he would choose to do this on new year's day and why
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he would appear to target concertgoers trying to having a great time to bring in new year. those are all questions that have been raised and things that we don't have answers to yet. but as i have said, the evans' administration is big on transparency, and so we wanted to make sure that today, we provide an update on all of the information that we have available now, because there has been tons of stuff that has been out there that is unsubstantiated and what the chief laid out is the facts. the most important thing today for us as we are going into the new year is to remember the victims of the horrific accident, and remember the folks were going to see a grateful dead tribute band and expecting to ring in the new year and have a good time, but instead, we have individuals burying family members and people now who have
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life-altering injuries because of the choices of this suspect made. i hope that rochester and the broader community continues to pray for the families that are mourning loss of their loved ones and that we pray for the speedy recovery of the lives of, of the lives that have been impacted by this tragedy. this is a very traumatic experience not only for the people who experienced this, but also the first responders. it should be noted that there were off duty rochester police officers who sprung into action to try to render aid to the individual who was responsible for this heinous act, and not even thinking about their own safety but running to try to put out the fire of the inferno that he started. so even in the midst of this despicable tragedy, there is a
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reminder that there is still goodness in this world of the individuals that sprang into action without thinking about their own safety to try to save others. so, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and the victims, and we will continue to provide the updates as we have them, and we did that yesterday. as we get more information, we will continue to provide them. there are lots of questions, and i have lots of questions, and everyone up here has questions, and why rochester? why syracuse? why the gas cans, and these are all of the things that can and will be investigated as the chief has said, and this is an ongoing investigation until it is not. so, it is an ongoing investigation until it is not. we will continue to provide the latest. so the latest out of rochester of just what happened new year's morning an hour or so
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after midnight, this suspect michael avery drove his car into a crowd of people. it struck another car on the way killing two people in the back of that car. michael avery the suspect ultimately died. the big news from the news conference, until now, they have not uncovered any information of political or social biases or that it was part of a larger plot. what we have not heard at least not yet in this news conference is whether or not they are still investigating this as an act of possible domestic terror. the news up to this point was that the federal government was involved, and it was an investigation or was an investigation into the possible act of domestic terror as the individual had bought a number of gas canisters preceding the accident, but they have made it clear that they have not uncovered any social biases or a larger plot. >> that is a big development, but as the mayor said, a lot of
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questions that he himself has. we will continue the track it and watch it. also, this hour, new details of colorado after a man was arrested inside of the state's supreme court building. they have significant and large damage there. and let's bring in veronica, and what are we seeing here? >> well, rahel, the denver police are not revealing a motive, but they do not believe it is connected to the previous threats to the colorado justices. the colorado supreme court voted to remove donald trump from the 2024 presidential ballot and as a result, they have been receiving threats, but the police this morning they believe it is not associated with that incident. now, this particular incident took place overnight.
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it happened just after 1:00 a.m., and a man fired one shot into the building from the outside, and then he was able to gain access and make his way inside where he reportedly held an unarmed security guard at gunpoint and able to access other floors inside of the building firing multiple shots, causing extensive damage, though no one was injured. then 3:00 a.m., the suspect called the police himself and surrender and he was ultimately arrested. this building is doing to be closed for at least today and again, egs tensive damage throughout. rahel. >> no one was hurt. and good update there. and veronica miracle lyeive fors there. thank you. and expects donald trump to file expected appeals in colorado and maine for those states w who have voted toto re
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him frfrom thehe ballot and he going toto file appepeals.
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>> welcome back. we are standing by for donald trump to take major legal action today and now 13 days away from iowa. trump is expected to appeal both decisions in colorado and maine to remove him from their primary ballots. today is a key date in the immunity fight of the subversion trial as it nears. with us is the constitutional trial attorney, and please tell us how this 14th amendment is going to be applied here, seth? >> well, the supreme court is going to be called upon how it will exercise the jurisdiction over this case. they would prefer not to, because it is a political hot potato, but a they but they wi accept it, because of the
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jurisdictions and the different rulings and standards, and that is one of the aspects of accepting jurisdictions before the supreme court, and they will have to apply a rule of consistency when they have it, and they will have to make a determination of whether the colorado supreme court was correct in ruling that mr. trump was an officer within the meaning of the 14th amendment's disqualification clause. it is going to be difficult for them to, in my view, conclude that he is not an officer when he leaves the office of the presidency under the united states. they will have a number of issues not only from the substantive standpoint, but also looking through the lenses of the procedural standpoint. they will look at whether the plaintiffs have legal standings to assert these case, and the supreme court may try to avoid substantive rulings by looking at the procedural issues. time is going to tell, but the
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appeal is being filed today, so it is a historic day here in washington. >> absolutely. so, let's assume for a moment that the supreme court is going to pick it up, and i understand that you believe they will, but walk us through the when it might happen, because of course, we are two weeks out from iowa and 2024 is fast approaching. >> well, one of the great things about being a federal judge, you have a lot of power, and you can apply what you want when you want. but in terms of the directly answering your question, i think that everything is going to be happening very quickly. as you have correctly noted, mr. trump is going to be filing the appeal to the supreme court today, and the supreme court is going to have to make a determination on that in the next few days. when they likely accept the case, they will accept an expedited briefing schedule. it is going to be unusual, but everybody in the washington judiciary knows what is going on, and in another case that is going on in d.c. circuit court
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of appeals they are on a quick expedited hearing that is taking place next tuesday that is accelerated to the supreme court, and so we have a lot of developments percolating and pushing rapidly to the supreme court. they will be issuing the ruling, because there is a lot of activity happening politically, and they have to make the landmark ruling as soon as possible. >> speaking of the new developments and switching back to the topics of the elections subversion case, today is the deadline of the trump team to file the rebuttal, and what are you expecting there? >> it is interest, because jack smith filed a brief to which mr. trump is going to be filing a rebuttal brief today, and in the brief, the special prosecutor noted that really in keeping with the great precedent that recited that the question is whether or not the acts at issue were political versus official, and the thing is that we can read some of the tea leaves on this case, and mr. trump is going to be arguing in
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opposition to that saying that he is entitled to immunity, and we have already an advanced read, because this court a couple of weeks ago in the d.c. capital riot d.c. case also ruled that presidential immunity is off of the table for acts that were political and not official. so we have a crack in the crystal ball, and we don't know exactly what they will do, but the hearing is going to occur as timed next tuesday, and the decision out within a matter of days and accelerate rapidly to the u.s. supreme court. >> certainly a lot to watch. seth berenzweig, thank you. we are learning now that iran has deployed a naval destroyer to the red sea at a time of the soaring tensions in the key shipping route in the israel-hamas war.
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welcome back. as the tensions soar in the middle east, the iranian navy has deployed a warship to the red sea. this is coming after the americans have sunk is three houthi ships in the red sea. we go to natasha bertrand who has been following all of this. how is the pentagon monitoring this? >> well, they are monitoring this of course, because it is coming amid the rising tensions in the red sea with the houthis which is an iran-backed group. they are providing intelligence to iran according to white house. so they are monitoring this closely, however, it is not the first time they have deployed forces to the red sea, but the u.s. is of course eyeing this, because of the fact that they say that iran has been providing the houthis with the kind of maritime intelligence that they
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need to select targets in the red sea as they come and hit commercial vessels there. there have been over 100 attacks by the iran-backed houthi militants on commercial vessels in the last month, month and a half. and so the uptick has been remarkable and snared international shipping and commerce. the fact that iran is there a day or two after the u.s. shot, fired on small boats that contained houthi militants and sinking them, and killing all of the houthi militants on board could be seen as a sign that iran is trying to present a show of force to the americans who are operating in the area, because if you will recall the u.s. also set up a multi national maritime task force to bolster forces in the red sea to prevent the houthis from launching attacks at vessels transiting the areas so they will be feeling safe going up and through the suez canal so
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that shipping can get back on track here. this is not right now seen as the pentagon as a direct threat to the the u.s. or any of the ally, but instead, they are watching it closely. they do not necessarily think that iran is going to conduct any kind of provocations here, but both sides are trying to send a message to the other that they are in the region, and they can respond if and when they deem it necessary. rahel. >> yes, and that channel is a area of global commerce, and so it is hugely important. thank you, natasha. >> and joining us is supreme nato retired commander wesley clark. this the vessel deployed and show you where it is going, and to red sea particularly in this area right down in here where there is a lot of activity in the last several days, and what is the presence of this iranian vessel change? >> well, it is going to collect intelligence on the u.s.
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activities in the area. it is going to serve as a deterrent or they believe it is going to deter u.s. actions against the houthis. it is certainly going to inhibit us in the sense of maneuvering. it is one more factor for us to consider. it raises tensions in the region, and it is going to show iran's hedgimonial aspiration, and if it affects shipping, we will get the destroyer out of the way, and if it is interfering with the shipping or supports houthis, then that is a challenge that is going to have to be met by the united states militarily. >> we will have to watch this develop over the next several days. let's talk about what is happening in ukraine, because
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russia has continued air assault on this nation including capital of kyiv where we have been seeing the destruction inside of the capital city, and these attacks were carried out with a number of weapons, but they using the airborne hypersonic missiles which can deliver quite a blow, and certainly to the civilian areas here. talk to us about the weapons and the fact that russia is using them. >> well, first of all, these weapons can be shot down by patriot missiles, but the russians are using them in combination with other devices with ballistic missile and with the iranian-supplied drones and other things, and they are coming at such a way from such directions to basically overwhelm the ukraines' defense management system. if you could get the patriots in the right positions and cue them at the right time, they could stop the missiles, but there are
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not enough patriots to handle all of the requirements there, and so it is an ongoing struggle. it is going to cause a lot of pain and grief in ukraine, and the united states and the west have got to provide the assets, and more assets to enable ukraine to handle this. that is very difficult, because we are not producing, and we don't have excess patriot batteries right now. >> as long as we are talking about the air power, we have learned now that since the latest round of air attacks from russia began, the pols have said that in poland, some of the missiles have flown over polish air space, and now poland says it is going to deploy some of the warplanes over its country in its own defense. is this posturing, general? what is going on here? >> i think it is posturing. i think it is a political move by the government in warsaw. i don't think that the russians intend to strike poland. that is an entirely different scenario if they were to do
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that, but on the other hand, poland is showing its concern, and it is showing the concern not only to the domestic population but to the other members of nato and particularly to germany, france and the united states. it is part of europe asking the united states to lead, do more, get reinforcement equipment to ukraine. help ukraine fight russia in ukraine. it is all part of the diplomatic signaling going on right now. >> general wesley clark, as always, we appreciate your time, and happy new year. >> thank you, thank you. and fred,still ahead for us list of clclients of convictedex offender j jeffrey epspstein is to be e released. . who mighght be nameded coming u to duckduckgo on all your devie
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associated with the trafficking involved in his girlfriend ghislaine maxwell's trial. this could come down any day now. >> yes, and it is said if no one appeals, they will begin to post these documents online. this is a lawsuit brought against one of his most outspoken accusers virginia giuffre, and she has accused some prominent men including former senator bill mitchell and former governors who have said in the past they have never met her and certainly never abused her and she has accused alan dershowitz, and then dropped that saying that she may have been mistaken including him in this and then she sued prince andrew who is one of the most prominent people that she said
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sexually abused her, and they reached a settlement where he agreed to pay a substantial amount to a charity. and as part of the lawsuit, they receive information and flight logs and so expect to see a lot of that material becoming public with some of the names unsealed. the names could be anyone from other prominent individuals who she or others, and these could be in depositions with other accusers with others involved and we will see names coming out with that, and other names that are working with epstein not accused with any wrongdoing, but the names are public through the criminal trial of maxwell or other mean, and this is going to be shedding light on the epstein universe and his whole sorted life, and the extent of what we learned that is going to be new or a shocking new name that remains unclear at this point. but it is certainly going to shed a lot of light on jeffrey epstein and the allegations
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around him for two decades. >> and we won't know until it is out there. and speaking out there, and do we expect this to be out there all at once, and to be unsealed or happening gradually? what is the way this process is going to take? >> the judge said that once this 14-day window expires and there are no appeals, and i have not seen any, then the parties confer and then begin posting materials and so maybe it is the part of thing that we will see the posts coming in one after another, and that is why we are not, and that is why we are not sure exactly when it is going to happen, because there is a ability for the parties to work together to begin posting, and it is expecting to be a voluminous amount of information and i expect it is going to be something that once they start to do it, and they start to see it continue, but there is not a clear process for how it is going to play out. >> we know you will be watching it for us, kara scannell, thank you. and new accounts from the passengers on board of the japan airlines flight that collided with a plane on the runway and
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burst into flames. at least five people were killed and amazingly hundreds were able to evavacuate safefely.
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>> what went wrong and that is the question for authorities after a passenger yet carrying 400 people burst into flames after a deadly runway collision in tokyo coming off of a terrifying moment of impact. >> new details of the driver who plowed into a crowd of concertgoers in new york, and what the police just revealed.
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and will droonald trump fil appeals in colorado and maine to get back on the ballots? we will speak to the colorado secretary of state. i'm rahel solomon alongside john berman today, and good to be with you, john. this is cnn "news central." we are getting new details on the breaking news out of japan, and an investigation is under way after a japan airways collided with a japanese coast guard plane after it all burst into flames. you see it happen right there as the passenger jet landed. five crew members on the coast guard plane were killed and the captain was injured as they were preparing to fly to the west coast of japan to help with the earthquake


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