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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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before we go on this sunday, an important programming note, we're back beginning at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon to kick off cpi's special election coverage of the iowa caucuses.
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reporting from the campaign, the caucus site and john king at the magic wall and of course, stay with cnn tonight a special edition of "ac 360" begins now. ♪ ♪ tonight on "360" new endorsements, fresh polling, final pitches and sub-zero cold. we're indoors and out with candidates all across iowa with the opening contest of primary '24 just hours away. the role evangelical voters are expected to play in iowa and beyond, joined by bob van der plat. since hamas attacked and took hostages and the conflict wide edge. good evening. thanks for joining us. we are 24 hours away from the first vote to the 2024 presidential race. 24 hours away from the start of the irk what caucuses most of which convene at this time tomorrow night, just getting started of what is normally poll closing time in most other states. one of the many things we'll talk about tonight which set
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iowa apart including this year with a blizzard in the final days of the campaign and record cold temperatures expected tonight. a number of significant endorsements, florida senator marco rubio announced he's backing the candidate and ron desantis. doug burgum today doing same and former maryland governor, larry hogan endorsing nikki haley. the polling showing her running ahead of governor desantis and still behind the former president ahead. 88% saying they are extremely or are very enthusiastic compared to 32 for desantis and hail i respectively. john king will join us to look deeper into that, but first with all of the last-minute campaigning, cnn's jessica dean is with the desantis campaign and chad myers on the one key
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factor not on the ballot. let's go to kristen holmes just south of des moines. so what is the trump campaign's closing message to iowans tonight? >> anderson, donald trump in his only, vent of the weekend, spoke for nearly two hours and had a very long and multi-layered message. one was airing of grievances. two was attacking nikki haley and three was stressing how important it was to show up and caucus on monday. listen to just some of what he said. >> if you want to save america from crooked joe biden, you must go caucus tomorrow. the very first step. you can't sit home. if you are sick as a dog, you say i've got to make it. even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it. i don't think -- get up! get up! you get up and you vote.
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yes, darling, ultimately we know who calls the shots, right? >> and anderson, one thing to note here is, yes, donald trump is joking there, however he is concerned about what will happen when it comes to turnout. his team's ground game has been reaching out to people who have supported donald trump, but never caucused before. the question being will the weather deter them. they've never shown up before. it will be a new experience for them and are they as determined to show up as he needs them to be because even though he is winning by 30 points in recent polls, the des moines register was 20 points, they are concerned that that margin is actually smaller and they need a big margin to win, not just obviously to win the delegates, because they want to set the tone for the primary season and they want to stop any moment up that they're seeing from his gop rivals and namely nikki hail ney new hampshire. >> what do you hail from the campaign about where the former president's head is at?
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>> i've heard he's been asking his senior advisers what they think about turnout if they think the weather will affect it. he has been talking about the weather nonstop, wondering if people will show up. donald trump is not someone who likes the cold which he has made very clear, but again, a lot of this is about those poll numbers and trying to make the biggest margin possible. the other concern he has had is when they see these huge poll margins and those who will show up to caucus on monday, they will decide that between the weather and donald trump's big lead that he will show up and he has enough support is that people already think he has the backing meaning he'll show up on monday and a big push to get people out of the door and into caucus. >> now to kylie atwood. you see this new poll where haley has taken desantis with the campaign.
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of course, they're welcoming that news. it demonstrates that she has continue momentum, but when it comes to nikki haley and iowa, expectation aren't as high for her here as they are for ron desantis who has put tremendous resources into the state and nikki haley's team is essentially trying to keep it that way and they wanted to have a strong showing tomorrow as a result of the iowa caucus will be determining how she does out of this state going into new hampshire, but they aren't defining what a strong showing will actually look like. nikki haley, for her part making her final pitch just here a few moments ago on the eve of the iowa caucuses hitting similar themes that we heard from her throughout her entire campaign. the ned for school choice, the need to defend america's borders with more resources, the need to defend, crane in order to prevent wider wars from occurring, and also reminding voters in the room here of the
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electability argument that she has been making, reminding them that in the last seven out of the last eight presidential elections republicans haven't lost the popular vote. she said that isn't a good thing and she's telling them that she's in the position, she's best poised to be the one to change that, citing the 30-yearet cal polls that we have seen with her up against president biden saying she's the one who can win, saying that trump and desantis just don't do that. being, her team is looking ahead to tomorrow trying to figure out what her schedule will look like. nikki haley asking the rm here this afternooning if anyone who has seen her for the first time there were at least a dozen folks who raised their hand that's significant because even though she could be gaining steve ask there are still folks
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that they can convince to come by her side as they battle it out with ron desantis in iowa. >> ron desantis has put a lot in operation in iowa. hou how is haley's ground operation? >> nikki haley has a more nimble ground operation. there is the koch pac, the super pac backed by the koch family who has been operating on her behalf here in iowa. their goal is to knock on 250,000 doors of iowans here before the caucus tomorrow, bubut you also have the desantis super pac that will hit a million doors by tomorrow. so even though they both have those super pacs out, nikki haley's super pac isn't quite as resourced as desantis has been on the ground here, but the campaign feels like there's momentum. they feel like that is a thing that they've got going for them and they feel like the more
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voters haley meets the more come to their side and so that's what they're banking on particularly tomorrow after new hampshire like they feel she's pging to do very well. >> next is jessica dean where the desantis, event is coming shortly. >> anderson, ron desantis has been across the state of iowa today going to his supporters saying it's time to turn out. they are very confident, he and his team that the operations they've built here and the enthusiasm from their supporters will come through for them tomorrow. of course, that des moines register poll that came out last night showing him slipping to third place, but if you talk to his team, they don't believe that that's how it's going to shake out tomorrow. here's what desantis said to some of his supporters just a little bit agoa. we built a great army here.
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i love when the media and stuff, i would much rather be an underdog and that's how i've done in every race that i've been in. >> so we'll wait for the govern o, senator joni ernst is out with other candidates and it's a packed room. one other reason that they're optimistic, anderson s because they believe even with this weather that they can count on them to turnout and when there was this unpredictable peculiaror and it is second place, anderson. >> what does su. >> it's a combination of that, i am told by the super pac, they told me today they've knocked on some 940,000 doors here in iowa alone over the last several month it is and never back down.
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the super pac aligned with desantis has poured millions of dollars and a lot of time into this state. desantis himself and his family have also poured a lot of time into here. he's made a big point of visiting all 99 counties and the full grassley, not the chuck grassley, the other state senator here in iowa, he spent time here with his family and he's gone to all corners of the state. i believe he's coming on -- hang on, it's just getting loud. we're just waiting for him to come on, but it's been so much time here and that will make a difference that they have these touch points with so many people and these precinct captains in all 99 counties, anderson. the question is will that work tomorrow for ron desantis where he can emerge as a potential alternative. nobody has more at stake than him and he's put his eggs in the iowa basket and we'll see how it shakes out tomorrow. >> now the cold, which is even bad by the midwest winter standard, the winter chill approaching 30s and dangerous weather advisories throughout the state. joining us is chad myers.
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what will it be like on caucus day tomorrow, chat? chad? >> it will be the coldest day by 25 degrees. 2004 we were mines 16 and we'll be minus 9 at polling down and right now 12 below zero. that is the thermometer. i know we focus on windchill because it blows across the skin and makes you cold are. it is 33 degrees below freezing and the entire county under windchill warning. take you to 8:00 tomorrow night, 9 degrees below zero, windchill 31 below in des moines, probably 28 below in sheldon. this is a widespread cold, vent a event and a lot of the rural farm verse to take care of livestock. they have a lot of things to do to keep livestock alive and not just drive around town. in 25 minute, des moines, you will have frost bite if you have
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exposed skin. talk about where the high temperature was in 2004 when 16 degrees did affect turnout and we're talking somewhere around 20 degrees colder than that for the high temperature tomorrow. a lot of things going on here and not seeing the departure from normal and you look at twitter and it's iowa and winter. 30 degrees below normal will be the high temperature tomorrow. this is not just normal. it will be warmer in fairbanks than it will be in des moines. one last thing i have to talk about. this entire winder has been above normal by a large margin in iowa. are the animals ready. are they acclimated? are people acclimated? are pipes acclimated? there are a lot of things that go bump in the night with the thermometer at 10 below zero. >> next, cnn's john king with more on what the latest polling is telling us and what to look for tomorrow night and our
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campaign weigh in, hostages in gaza now passing 100 days in captivity.
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across iowa, around this tomorrow night, people will be getting down to the job of picking a republican
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presidential nominee. most caucuses convene at 7:00 central time. there's new polling with clues to how it may. cnn's john king has been digging deeper into them and talk about where the race seems to stand in iowa according to these polls? >> i'm excite as you, anderson. a little more than 24 hours we'll be counting votes and the first votes of the 2024 cycle and 99 counties in iowa, they will fill in. you mentioned the poll. let's look at the last iowa poll. right? a very reliable poll and not necessarily picking the winners in 2016. ted cruz passed on donald trump and in '22, passed romney. he was at 42. he hasn't been out there as much as the other candidates and hasn't spent as much money as the other candidates and goes from 42 to 48 over the course of five months and desantis from 19 to 16 and haley does have some up at the end. do you call it momentum? that's the big debate. she's up to 20% and still a
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28-point gap between the two of them and this is interesting according to the poll. we talked about how trump supporters tend to be more enthusiastic, more excited and more locked. they were very enthusiastic about this candidate and if will be as cold as chad myers says it is going to be you want them to be enthusiastic. this is a problem time for haley. we'll see what happens tomorrow, but some of her voters are more moderate republicans and some are independents and they're not usual caucusgoers, and if they're not thatten enthusiast we'll know more tomorrow. >> how do you think the campaigns will define success tomorrow night? >> trump wants to be about 50. he'll have something to say if he's just below that, but if trump wins the question is what's the gap, right? what's the gap between first and second? again, back to the question who will show up and vote, right? here's one thing i want to show you, there are no votes in here yet, so it's hard to understand, the bigger circles are the
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population centers. bigger the circle the more people. >> where the cirque wills are ask your suburbs and those people tend to have a shorter drive to the polling plates liss. >> not only do you want them and win them big, we will if it's like ted cruz or donald trump slight splitting vote and 2016, ted cruz and donald trump split them and he better be like cruz and trump, and if this is all red for trump, bigity in. >> thanks for being with me tonight. davidier win, sellers, kristen is a pollster. what stands out to you in the numbers? >> donald trump is so far ahead that his lead has been so large and has only gotten bigger only as we've gotten closer more
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voters have tuned in. a big problem that both ron desantis and nikki haley have is as they've gotten closer to the c caucuses, they haven't gained enough momentum to put a dent in trump's lead. if the gap is 20, is that really a win for trump, if it's 30, sure it is. for most voters, a win is a win. if donald trump comes even close to 50%, if he's got a double-digit margin he'll count it as a win and so will his voters. nikki haley had a criticism that she's not tough enough. let's play what she said. >> he's saying this because now he knows he's in trouble. now he knows this is becoming a two-person race. so i know that he knows the truth. it doesn't bother me at all. >> the fact that he is spending time attacking her? >> listen, trump's -- he attacks ramaswamy and he attacks everybody. he's still in the race and i
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wouldn't put too much in it and to crist know's point and the trump lead continuing to grow, there's lots of academic research, as well and you're on casual observation and people want to be with the winner. they want to be with the winner and they see these polls and trump's at 60, 65 and in some of the polls they see it trailing away and they had the desantis and haley category, could you be persuaded to vote for somebody else, right? the numbers are both for desantis and haley are both 40% and they could be persuaded to be for someone else. it's not super strong haley, trump's crushing it. >> kate, who benefits? >> there are two schools of thought. one, you look at the enthusiasm gap between trump and the other candidates, it's hard to believe that they only feel a 20% level of enthusiasm for that candidate and nikki haily and that person will be out in 24-degree weather and stand in the gym and go through it all, but you know,
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conversely, obviously trump has been leading by such a massive -- has had such a massive lead throughout this race, there's a risk of complacency. i think voters who feel incredibly motivated to go out and vote for trump would look at a 30-point lead and say do i need to go stand in the gym in negative 25-degree weather when he'll clearly run away with this in the end the most likely on hurt haley and desantis and you could see the argument the other way. >> they have the lowest enthusiasm in the world, but she has momentum and that's the thing that other two don't have. if someone has an intangible, nikki has that which is momentum riding in iowa, and donald trump has a 30-point lead or whatever. but at the end of the day i think that iowa has done its job. iowa has called the field. you no longer have chris
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christie. you no longer have mike pence. if there's any hope in the republican primary to stop trump, i think that ship has sailed and there can't be three tickets out of iowa, there can only be two. who comes in third place? if nikki haley comes in third place in the ramaswamy territory, then i don't know if nikki haley makes it to south carolina. if ron desantis comes into third place he has to skip new hampshire and go right back to tallahassee. >> and overlooking the lackadaisical attitude. there would be a concern with the trump operation and the desantis operation and they have ri big team on the ground. with the operation, they're pros and they're knocking and dragging folks. the couch, baccari likes to say, the desantis team has the governor's operation. >> desantis people have been knocking on a lot of doors for a long time. >> they have the governor's time and the governor's boom and
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complacency will be an issue and on team desantis and the better than expected turnout and on the haley campaign probably a little worse and on trump, the enthusiasm will be bolstered by also people calling and their neighbors calling, do you need a ride? i'll take you in my suv and there will be a lot of that tomorrow. >> to your point, in the poll said most would vote for nikki hail over donald trump so these are want not true and true through bred republicans because i don't see people in democrats impeach. >> they're -- it's a huge ooh we have to make know educated case about the future including cnn's post-debate town hall. there were voters who watched
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all five of these debates and one said i'll wake up and see how i feel monday morning and then decide to vote. they've taken the information and making these calculated decisions and sometimes they wake up and they feel how they're going to feel. for pollsters deciding one, what do you do with the guy that just wakes up monday morning and that's when he'll figure it out, and how does the weather factor in? if you are trump, you can figure it out and? isn't just an iowa issue and so on and does it make it more possible for nikki haley to do something that wouldn't have been possible. >> if desantis does not come in second and desantis comes in third, does he stay in? >> he says he's in for the long haul. >> he'll say that, he has to say that. you're in it until you're want in it, but hard to see how he stays in give know where he is
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in new hampshire and how he is in south carolina unless he is able to capitalize on momentum kind turbo charge coming out of iowa. you know, we just don't see numbers that suggest that he has a path to the nomination. he has not carved out an effective argument against trump that's gotten traction, and he has not created space for himself upon it's hard to see how he would move two -- traditional lie there are two who wins and who unexpectedly overperforms. i think you can desants and high he kind of comes out more momentum and runs into a brick in new hampshire. that's only good for donald trump. >> there's this argument made by vivek ram swamaswamy and desant a vote for desantis or ramaswamy
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is a vote for trump. it's a way to protect the former president. does it make sense? >> no, it makes no sense. it's a poll that you say when you're 8% and know you're going to lose. ramaswamy's campaign has a shelf life like a carton of milk and it's tomorrow. 1:15 and it expires and at 1:16 and at 6% whatever he'll finish in iowa, he's got it done. he could have middle, you know what? i realize i'm not going to win and i urge my follows are to support donald trump. and then, guess what? he is a big hero. he goes runs for governor in ohio, very successful story, right? on the 16th he's just going to be bitter that he wasted all of that time. >> that requires self-awareness. >> a likability. >> yeah. >> i wonder if that's not what ron desantis does a couple of things from now. if things don't go like in iowa he is very young and he can run
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in 2028 if he plays his cards right, if this is not the year for him and if he exits his race gracefully and how he positions hichls with the votes are that's the smartest thing. >> first of all, i think we can have 8% and we can have a stake in that. i think he's been there and he's flooded the market and flooded the zone. he's galvanized young voters, but young voters i don't think they'll show utp in that weathe if there's good football on. i got fact checked live the other night on tv and john berman taught me this upon you can't have the president and the vice president, and you're right. me needs to do after this, and this race is over. >> thank you, more to come on i
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wach come back, vafrmel cals are seemingly siding with the former president over ron desantis and nikki haley and bob van der plat, the evangelical leader in iowa joins us next. ron desantisd bob van der plat, the evangelical leader in iowa joins us next. over ron desantis and n haley and bob van der plat, the evangelical leader in iowa joins us next. president over ron desa nikki haley and bob van der plat, the evangelical leader in iowa joins us next.
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the former president's lead in the iowa polls is his connection with evangelical voters and something his campaign has played up promoting a video made up of a group of supporters that appears to use ai to use paul harvey in his famous speech so god made a farmer, here is the message with god made trump. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> and on june 14th, 1946, god looked down on his planned paradise and said i need a caretaker so god gave us trump. god said i need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the marxist, eat supper and then go to the oval office and stay past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state so god made trump. i need somebody with arms strong
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enough to wrestle the deep state. >> i am joined now by one of the most influential evangelical leaders and he's endorsed ron desantis in november. i appreciate you being with us. the latest des moines register poll has more than 51% up from 2016. you've got a great read on what is going on in iowa. do you believe these polls? >> no, anderson. i've said it for a long time my pulse just doesn't match the polls. because if those polls are right, every other person on my base would have to tell me they're voting for trump and that's just not the case. they're very appreciative what the former president did, and moving the embass toe jerusalem and appointing three supreme court justices and the abraham accords and a lot of things like that, but they always followed it up with a but, but i believe they'll win in 2024 and therefore they need to turn the page and that's why i believe there will be a break for governor ron desantis tomorrow
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night. >> what indications do you see of that break? that's just something you feel based on your interactions with evangelical voters? >> it definitely is, and anderson, you know this isn't my first rodeo. i was there with mike huckabee. i was there with rick santorum and i was there with ted cruz. i would say ron desantis has built by far the best organization i have ever seen in the iowa caucuses. >> because ted cruz had a really good organization. >> he really did. as a matter of fact, i would say cruz had the best one that i've seen eight years ago, but now desantis is light years ahead of cruz, and they've got this thing dialed in. i believe that people are going to turn out. the people that have committed to caucus for the ron desantis turnout will be a very, very good night for ron desantis and i think it will shock the country. >> in term of the operation that you've seen, i know they've done a lot of door knocks. i've heard different numbers, but a huge number of door knocks. do they have a bilge tg turnout
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operation tomorrow to drive people it caucus sites? >> they have an incredible turnout operation, all of the way making sure that they're reminding people to get the caucus and getting them rides if they need to have rides. it's an incredible organization. as a matter of fact, i compared to the time ted cruz, and a great organization and his was like the flintstones and desantis is like the jetsons. if that turns out tomorrow night it will be a good night for him. >> we had a poll up about enthusiasm among the sarcandida with enthusiasm and trump was up and nicki haley. there was a surge in momentum by nikki haley and it seems a lot of those people may be numbers or people who necessarily wouldn't vote for either desantis or trump if nikki haley is not in the race. what do you make of her support? >> i see her support being the
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modern-day mitt romney lane. it's not a big lane. she may galvanize that support and the key thing is will they turn out tomorrow night? i saw the enthusiasm of her supporters being low and i'm not so sure they want to go out on a cold, icy, snowy night to cast their vote for someone who will not wine in the iowa caucuses and not play second either. trump is connecting with a different type of evangelical voter made the case that the former president's strongest supporter has identified with evangelicals don't necessarily attend church services themselves and i'm wondering if that tracks with what you have been seeing and if so what that means politically? >> well, i think that is something that i've been tracking and it's self-identified evangelicals and i haven't seen a drop in attendance with some of the evangelicals that support trump, and my concern always is is that
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politics does not become my religion. we also tell people here with the family make sure you look higher. david said where does my help come from, it comes from the lord not washington, d.c. and not from a republican party or a candidate and we tell them to keep focused. keep focus where the focus needs to be and party is some of it, but not all of it. >> does it surprise you the former president is doing so well among evangelical voters and polls even though he's been critical of certain state-level abortion bans. for instance, he called governor desantis six-week ban a terrible thing and a terrible mistake. >> i tried to read into that, anderson, and i think, anderson, president trump now has a record. he a pointed three supreme court justices and stood up for religious liberty and did a lot of good things and i think what happens is when the indictment started to come out and started removing it from ballots, people
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galvanized and said someone will have his back as he had my back. my concerns are some of the things he just mentioned and he's not with us on the life issue right now. he's not with us on the gender issue right now. there seem to be a lot of things and what are you for? it's not just about winning the white house and what will you do, and what will you surround yourself with? ron desantis who has led on all these things and took a toss-up state and dominated it to deep red in the mid-term elections, and i think he's our best shot to win the white house in 2024. so if 2024 is the most important election of our life time we need to win and that's why i'm thrilled to back ron desantis. bob vander plaats, thank you. randy kaye takes a look at that. ♪ ♪
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iowa's importance doesn't end after monday night. randi kai has a look at how key moments have been be come embedded for future generations of presidential candidates. >> when vermont governor howard
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dean came in third place in the iowa caucuses 20 years ago this was his response. >> and then we're going to go to washington, d.c. to take back the white house, yeah. that scream and dean's loss of momentum put the brakes on his bid for the nomination and then there was this wild laugh from florida governor ron desantis which went viral last fall. [ laughter ] >> iowa has a long history of memorable moments when it comes to presidential hopefuls. at iowa state fair. candidates devoured just about anything on a stick, pork chops are always a winner. >> enjoy. ready? >> where else, but iowa can candidates ride bumper cars? desantis did with his daughter madison while nikki haley opted for ske, ball, and launching into the iconic rap song "lose
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yourself." former president donald trump didn't rap, instead he danced at his iowa rally despite his wife's request he stop doing that. darling, i love you, but this is not presidential. you don't dance. ♪ ♪ >> there have been other only in iowa moms like this one in 2015 when marco rubio tried to have a friendly game of football with kids, but instead bumped one little boy on the head. >> if iowa teaches candidates anything it's that voters are listening and what they say can get them into trouble like when mitt romney told caucusgoers in 2011 that corporations are people, too. >> we can raise taxes on people. >> we can take -- of course, they are. corporations are ultimately goes to people. where do you think it goes? >> in 2020, pete buttigieg found
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himself pleading with a silent crowd for applause. >> so i'll look to spread that sense of hope to those that you know. come on. [ laughter ] >> in 2007 former president barack obama also had a line that fell flat with caucusgoers. on an iowa farm he noted rising supermarket prices asking the crowd, anybody gone into whole foods lately and seen what they charge for arugula in they're charging a lot of money for this stuff. turned out the state of iowa didn't have a whole foods at the time, obama moved on to another topic though he did go on to win the state. ra randy kaye, cnn. hamas terror attacks since the war began. in tel aviv large crowds gathered on october 7th and the more than 100 people still being held hostage. a live report from tel aviv next.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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it's been 100 days since the october 7th terror attack in israel, 100 days since those kidnapped by hamas and others were taken, 100 days since the war with hamas began, and 100 days for suffering for so many in israel and gaza. crowds in large numbers remembering the 1,200 who were murdered 100 days ago and the estimated 107 people still believed to be held hostage. hamas has not given confirmation that loved ones are held or still alive. some kidnapped had severe wounds, high hersh goldberg-polin. others with cancer and diabetes. getting medicine to these people requiring high level talks that are still unresolved. today israel's defense minister
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said the war will not stop, quote, until hamas is defeated. jeremy diamond joins me with tlatest. what is the status of hostage negotiations. are they actually ongoing? >> reporter: there certainly appear to be discussions, movement towards trying to find a new deal to free more hostages, but no clear sign of progress. the only sign of progress we have perhaps seen bringing us maybe closer to the next deal is this agreement at least to have medication flown by qatar to egypt, then handed over to palestinian ministry of health officials inside of gaza to give some 40 hostages, who israel estimates need medication, to get them some of that badly-needed medication. but still, the hamas still will not allow even the red cross to visit those hostages. but as we hit this 100-day mark now today, it has been an incredibly emotional time here in israel, in particular for the families of those 100+ hostages who still remain captive in
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gag gaza, both because of the toll 100 days brings on these families, but also because of the opportunity they see at this 100-day mark to once again call attention to plight of their relatives. we have seen relatives of hostage families go to the border with gaza to try and deliver messages to their loved ones over loud speakers. and here in telereceive over the last 24 hours, we have seen tens of thousands of people flocking to what has become known as hostages square right across from the defense ministry in tel aviv, a 24 hour ministry to call attention to the plight of the hostages. we heard that played by the same deejay, and we've also heard emotional testimonies from emotional family members. all of this with the goal to try and raise awareness and bring more pressure to bear on the netanyahu government and the international community to get that next deal for the release of the hostages. >> what is the status of the
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relationship between the u.s. and netanyahu's government? >> reporter: well, look, ub appro publicly we still see firm affirmations of support from the united states to israel. the secretary of state was here recently. but there's no question that over the last month or so there has been a fraying of the ties, in particular between president biden and the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. some frustrations from white house officials about the ways in which israel has conducted this war, particularly nearing the 24,000 death mark, according to the palestinian ministry of health inside of gaza. the majority of those casualties, women and children. and tonight, axios, our own analyst, barak ravid, has reports according to a u.s. official saying that the president is losing patience with netanyahu. i can tell you i've heard those same comments from u.s. officials over the last month or so. the question now is will that actually lead to anything different in the relationship.
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so far the only sign that we've seen of fraying from a public standpoint is the fact that these two leaders haven't actually spoken since december 23rd. when blinken was here last week, all he really got out of that visit was an agreement by the israelis to send the u.n. team into northern gaza to conduct an assessment. but very little else of the biden administration's asks have actually come to fruition. >> jeremy diamond, thanks so much. next, remembering the iowa principal who died today more than a week after acting heroically to save students during a mass shooting at his school.
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while iowa prepares for tomorrow's caucuses, the city of perry is also mourning the death of a principal who was wounded in a mass shooting at his school earlier this month. the family of dan marburger says he died this morning. according to authorities, marburger acted selflessly and put himself in harm's way when he was shot multiple times. his daughter says he tried to talk to the student shooter, which gave some students time to escape the cafeteria. marburger worked for the perry