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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  January 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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and had to remain in the nicu. the policy for kyte was two week of maternity leave and then she would have to sign a contract that she would go back to work for six months after her leave. she was not able to sign that contract because her baby was still in the nicu. so they released a statement and they said yes, she proposed a remote from work option. but they said that they didn't feel that that proposed plan would fulfill the responsibilities of her current position. so they are saying that her job is there if she wants to return. and not only that, but now they are saying they will also revise their company policy because of all of this. marissa also released a video on social media saying she acknowledged that apology saying that she likely will not return because she said she didn't find it appropriate to return to that company. but also said she's encouraged to see the changes within the company. >> camilla, thanks for the
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reporting. "cnn this morning" continues right now. there were a lot of fellas. it is now, oh, my god, one fella and one lady left. >> i think right now we have the highest level of enthusiasm that anybody's ever seen. i think we'll have the same kind of result here as we did last week in iowa. good morning, so glad you're with us on a beautiful monday morning in new hampshire. we are one day away from the first in the nation primary and only two candidates are left standing. ron desantis quits the race. how his decision could impact donald trump and nikki haley. >> all as haley and trump watching some of their sharpest personal attack lines yet, halgly questioning trump's mental fitness, trump defending mocking her name. >> but the high stakes showdown that could happen in the defamation case against him, all
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of this hour on "cnn this morning." we're live in new hampshire and it is all on the line here. one day before the primary. and we are in i think one of the best diners in new hampshire. thanks to them for having us. nikki haley is the last trump challenger left after ron desantis has dropped out. first polls open here in just 16 hours on the campaign trail. nikki haley is focusing her attacks on trump's mental fitness after he confused nikki haley with nancy pelosi over and over again when talking about january 6. >> he claimed that joe biden was going to get fusus into world w ii. i'm assuming he meant world war 3. he said he ran against president obama. don't be surprised if you have
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someone 80 in office, their mental stability is going to continue to decline. >> this morning trump will once again be in court before heading back here to the began its state fo for a rally tonight. ron desantis just the latest to kiss the ring i guess you could say. trump has been relentlessly attacking nikki haley on social media and the campaign trail. >> nikki haley, i know her well. but she's made an unholy alliance with the r.i.n.o.s, the never trumpers, americans for no prosperity, globalists, radical left communists. and they want to get liberals and biden supporters. >> kristen holmes is with us. good morning. did they give you some eggs yet? >> not yet. i just had a water because i
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think i overdid it on the coffee. so maybe eggs after that. >> the very good coffee. so desantis immediately gets behind trump. what does it all mean for trump, what does it mean for nikki haley here? >> in new hampshire in terms of votes cast, it doesn't really mean anything. trump's team had already seen this as a two person race with nikki haley, they were putting out all of these ads attacking her, spending all their time hitting nikki haley. this changes with an endorsement. the endorsement gives trump an opportunity to say look, the republican party including this guy that i relentlessly attacked for the last year is getting behind me because i'm supposed to be the nominee. and that is really what we heard from him last night. take a listen. >> get your neighbor, get your -- get everybody. you have to vote because we have to win by big margins, we have to let them know this is a movements. tomorrow i do the court thing and then i come back and i make a speech tomorrow night and hopefully that should wrap it up. because we're so far ahead, it is incredible.
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we have to win on tuesday. i know vivek just came with us. and now ron just came with us. they are all coming with us. >> clearly touting that endorsement saying the party should get behind him. and he talks about going to court. again this, is all voluntary. he does not have to be in the courtroom. he is choosing every night that he is campaigning in new hampshire to sleep in new york. last week we saw the same thing. and then go to court the next day. this is part of a larger campaign strategy. a lot of it is to take the oxygen out of the race. they know there is a focus on the fact that former president is sitting in a courtroom. they want to take the oxygen out of the race and away from nikki haley the day before the votes are cast. >> they also had a very clever and i think it has worked strategy of he's above it, right? like he's the republican nominee, he is kind the incumbent. he doesn't need to do it. and that has been drawn out in the vice presidential
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sweepstakes, including a couple prominent supporters. take a listen. >> would you like to be donald trump's running mate? >> only thing i want is four more years of donald trump. >> that wasn't a no. that door is wide open. fair read? >> well, you can take it anyway you want. >> beauty of dana bash is like no, no, i'm going to tell people what you are doing, which is leave the door wide open. trump just a few moments ago saying that desantis very unlikely to be a vice presidential pick, even a cabinet pick. y but stefanik and scott in the running? >> i'd say it is very early. donald trump likes to create his own media narrative and he's doing that with these various
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people. essentially kind of hinting at that he's already chosen his vp. it is interesting that he said absolutely no to desantis. desantis again ridiculed by trump for an entire year and then got behind trump, he still essentially saying but he couldn't even serve in my cabinets or be a vice president. it is really just -- this is donald trump in peak donald trump and you can see he is obviously feeling the fact that he is getting all these endorsements. but i've been told there are no serious official conversations. donald trump will go into a room at anytime and say to the group what do you think about this person? and then they will talk about it. next day, totally different person, different crowd. he likes to hear what everyone else thinks about everyone, but in terms of is there an official conversation happening, no. i'm told that is because he is superstitious. he wants to win at least one more contest before his team actually starts having conversations looking into that. >> fair enough. thank you. even if nikki haley manages to have a strong enough showing to stay in the race, the road
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forward is unclear. the current target donald trump, but her ideal target a few months from now would be president biden. dana bash spoke with haley on sunday. >> we've heard you over and over in recent weeks on the campaign trail lumping donald trump and joe biden together. do you believe that they are equally bad for america? >> it is not even what i believe, it is what americans believe. >> what do you believe? because you're the one saying that. >> i worry bts fact that they are so focused on investigations, and things that they don't like, and focused on the past. when do you ever hear either one of them talk about the solutions of the future? i'm doing this because i don't want my kids to live like this. we have got to start looking forward. you've got a country in disarray, a world on fire and you are going to focus on people who hurt your feelings, you are going to focus on investigations involved with your family, you are going to focus on vengeance? with me it is no drama, just
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hard work. it is making sure we're not thinking 4 and 8 years but 20 and 30 years out. that is what it should be. and we've lost that, we lost that long time ago. but we can get it back and i'm going to prove every day to every american that they made the right decision when i get elected. >> you don't want to go there on whether or not they are equally bad? >> if either one of them was good, i wouldn't be running. yes, they are equally bad because i don't think that we need to have biden or drtrump. we don't need two 80-year-olds sitting in the white house. we need to know they are at the top of their game, we need to know that they can take care of our national security and our economy. right now i don't know that people feel like that with either one. so we're giving them a choice. >> and dana bash is joining us now. i thought it was a fascinating interview, the way your team pulled it together like that
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right after desantis got out. quite impressive. she got the one-on-one race. at the same time, the trump campaign puts out a memo basically threatening her, like time for you to drop out if you don't win tonight or else we'll destroy you essentially. what is her campaign feeling right now? >> you know, it is a combination of relief because this really is the one-on-one race that she's been saying existed. now it actually does exist. anxiety, anticipation, all the things that you would expect any campaign to feel no matter what the rest of the feeltd would look like at this time. she -- actually in that interview, i asked her whether or not she is absolutely going to stay in it, whether she will pledge to her fellow south carolinians that she will stay in this race until south carolina, which is in another month.
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and she said yes. now, to be fair, i don't know what i would expect her to say otherwise. she's not going to say no, if i'm not doing well here, i'm getting out of the race. but the pressure is intense. and i do find it interesting that as the only woman in the race, this is where she leans into that. she'll say well, the fellas didn't make it, i'm the one standing against donald trump. or the fellas want me to get out of the race and i'm not going to do it. she plays in to that idea without being -- she doesn't play into her sort of femini femininity, but she plays into that part of the gender issue which i find fascinating. >> i think the way she's done that this entire campaign has been so fascinating. what about the age argument? she's more than 20 years younger than both of them. she's been saying increasingly you don't want -- this is what you get when you have
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80-year-olds in the white house. is that argument landing? >> i will tell you that before the ron desantis news broke, i was walking around talking to voters at the event where i interviewed her. and pretty much to a person the two reasons that i heard from voters about why almost said that she voted for donald trump here in 2016, why they are moving away from him, are age and chaos. so those two arguments that she is making over and goefrn, those are her two sort of twin reasons right now for running. those are her closing arguments. i'm not sure if they are saying it because they like her and they are hearing it or she's saying it because she is hearing it from them. but i will say she had an interesting supporter on the trail with her. judge judy. she flew up from florida and she has only endorsed one person, political person, ever in her
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life before and that was michael bloomberg. and i asked her why now and why nikki haley. here is what she said. >> joe biden is now older. i'm not getting -- i won't get into it with you what everybody talks about with regard to his cognitive ability. but i know he's my age. i wrote a big business on the matriarch of the family of 20 plus. i make decisions that affect hundreds of people every day. i need a nap in the afternoon. so does joe biden. probably two. >> that was just one of the many colorful things she said. we'll play more of it on "inside politics" later. but it will be interesting to see what you guys think about her other reasons for supporting nikki haley. >> we also need naps in the afternoon for other reasons. >> well, yeah, i don't think that sghetgets up at 2:00 in th
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morning like you guys do. >> i think tim scott's endorsement, timing and the effusive endorsement was so fascinating. your conversation with him, what stood out to you? >> several things, but the largest is what you said. how incredibly effusive he is about donald trump and really didn't want to show any daylight even on some of the most obvious things. like january 6. and also when he announced himself, because he of course did run for president, he talked about the idea that we need to not be so divisive, the victimhood, that kind of campaign needs to go away. it certainly seemed at the time he was talking about donald trump. when i played had sound bite for him, asked him about it, he suggested that it wasn't about trump, it was about biden and that was very telling. let's listen. >> you don't see any grievance in donald trump's campaign for president? >> well, here is what i can tell
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you. for a person who has seen the doj weaponized against him, for a person who before he was ever sworn into office the "washington post" said they were going to make sure that he was a one term president, when you look at the challenges he faced, there is no doubt that he's been aggrieved. the question is what are the american voters looking for. here is what they are looking for. they are looking for a president who represents their best future and not his. that president is not joe biden. it is donald trump. >> so every question i asked about donald trump, he turned it into joe biden. which is an art. and was a definite choice. but it certainly was very telling first and foremost about tim scott and where he want goes in the future, but also about the larger republican party and where it is right now. i will say quickly, adam kinzinger, i talked to him last night and he said listening to him actually hurt because they
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served together for so long in the house. >> and he's such a different politician than donald trump. a great interview. we'll see more of the interview with judge jude judy later tod. >> donald trump is defending mocking nikki haley's birth name. >> we'll ask former candidate turned haley supporter and i sha hu asa hutchinson about the attacks.
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you know, vivek just came with us. and now ron just came with us. they are all coming with us. they are all coming. senator tim scott, what a good guy. he came with us. >> and then you've got trump saying, oh, but look at all these congressional endorsements i have. i don't want political -- i don't want the political elite. >> "cnn this morning" is live in new hampshire as donald trump and nikki haley get personal attacking one another now that it is a one-on-one match-up. >> with her, it is just something that came, a little bit of a takeoff on her name, you know, her name wherever she may come from. >> haley's family is from indiana, she's used her middle name for decades, but last week she misspelled her birth name. the same racist dog whistle he
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has blown for years coming back to when he emphasized donald trump's middle name. trump says just good old fashioned name calling. >> i do that with a lot of people. like hutchinson, he was polling at zero for about one year and i called him rather than asa, i called him -- felt good to me. >> joining us now is governor hutchinson, he endorsed nikki haley after finishing sixth in the iowa caucuses. governor, appreciate your time. start there, as somebody who has been in politics a long time, both on the state and federal level as well, that is the republican frontrunner by far talking about how he chooses nicknames for the people that he is running against. what goes through your mind? >> i just love it when he owns up to do that it is just old fashioned name calling. and it is rather sad in this political environment and that
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is how i view it. now, the sad thing for our country is when he engages in name calling to our foreign leaders and nothing will stop with him. and so, you know, he looks at the race today, he tries to drive everyone out, which is his right, but i'm honored today to say i'm supporting nikki haley for president of the united states. and i think donald trump is a candidate that will drive the gop off a cliff. i'm proud of nikki haley for raising the issue as to the weaknesses of his candidacy and the risks that he poses to our country and party. so i think it will be a good fight. i'm pulling for nikki in new hampshire. >> do you think that her message should have gotten sharper earlier on the specific issues? there is no question it has shifted over the course of the last couple of day, but you've been talking about the same issues for months on end. did she wait too long?
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>> well, you can't complain about her strategy. she was the second person in the race right after donald trump and she survived 15 others. so i would say hat's off to her on her strategy. clearly i started earlier in terms of pointing out the risk of donald trump candidacy. she has strengthened that message and she's right on target. and so she has survived. it is a one-on-one race now. and she's got to show the con contrast. but the reasons that she's the one to lead our country, i think she's doing a very, very good job of it with her global experience, but also she's been a governor and i always want to support somebody who has been a governor to lead our country. >> i was struck, you had an interview with politico, where you said you believed even this year there is a significant
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chance that the republican party will abandon donald trump. you were on the campaign trail. i'm struck what you saw that makes you think that, which is so disconnected with what i think everybody else is seeing right now. >> i think that is a good point. and you look at donald trump's candidacy, it is almost like he is nervous that he can't wrap this up quickly. and so he is in a desperate situation to wrap it up quickly because the longer this extends, the more at risk he is. and so as you move into later this year, spring and then summer, you are going to see his candidacy weaken and not strengthen. and so this is not just a one-on-one contest now, but a survive ability race and nikki needs to be committed not just in south carolina but beyond that, because donald trump's candidacy will weaken as we go forward with more and more court cases, a realization that the
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american public and the republican party can't win with him. he's lost three races and now we'll be saddled with his candidacy again if nikki haley is not successful. >> i do want to ask you, you had a phone call from the white house chief of staff, not taking a shot at the dnc social media staffer, but the tweet which attacked you or mocked you to some degree, jeff called you. what was that like? >> it was very gracious on behalf of the white house for something that was totally out of line and unnecessary. i accepted it. i actually think that is a good moment in american politics that you can have that kind of exchange and move on. i hope it is an example that we don't have to demonize each other and hopefully we can recognize that we're all in this fight to try to save our country even though we have serious,
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verse policy differences, let's move on and let's see if we can't do better together in a civil atmosphere. >> civil atmosphere and discussion about policy. i'm here for it. governor, appreciate your time. tonight, an exclusive interview with kamala harris on the state of the presidential race and president biden's plan to win that second term. watch it tonight live at 11:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump once again today will be in the courtroom. he will be back in new hampshir day in the courtroom, a big question is whether he will testify in this definite 235 sd defamation case.
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which makes you free to explore all the incredible opportunities unleashed by higher learning. start your future and apply today at welcome back to where the coffee is venexcellent. former president trump taking a detour from the critical primary state today. and he will be in the courtroom in new york city for the e. jean carroll defamation case against him. big question is if he is going to take the stand. carroll's lawyers are expected to rest soon. first they may play that infamous "access hollywood" tape in court. they are also planning to present new evidence including new posts on trump's truth
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social, things he wrote last week like this one where trump claims he never heard of carroll before she brought the case. >> kara scannell is live outside the courthouse for us. when we look ahead to the next couple hours, what do we expect to happen? >> reporter: good morning phil and poppy. donald trump is expected to arrive just a short time from now at this courthouse where he will be sitting in the same courtroom with e. jean carroll again. and what we expect today is that carroll will call her final witness, her former boss at "el" magazine why speak wrote the advice column for nearly three decades. and then her lawyers are expected to play sx ernstsexcere videotaped deposition where we saw last year where trump is asked questions and including showing a photograph of trump and carroll and he mistakes her for his wife marla maple. so we're expecting to see some of the deposition. he has reacted at times to what
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has popped up on screens or to testimony. so that is expected to be played. they also say they want to play more out of the out of court statements trump has made. the question is not whether trump has defamed carroll. that was determined by a jury last year. the issue here is was she harmed and what kind of damages may trump have to pay. and that is why they want to play the videotapes, they are showing that he's not made statements that are defamatory. but once carroll rests her case, then it will be donald trump's turn. the biggest question is does donald trump take the stand today. and if he does, the judge has made it clear trump can not say that he didn't rape carroll, he can't call her a liar or question her motivation. so his testimony if it happens would be very limited. and as we saw last week, he has clashed with the judge, he has not wanted to abide by the orders. so if he does take the stand, it is expected to be a pretty tense
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moment. >> yeah, staying within the confines not exactly his strong suit. keep us posted. and the politics which we've seen in places like that courthouse likely back on display when trump heads back there today. we'll look at whether the message will help or hurt him as he spends at least part of the day off the trail. >> this is a political witch hunt the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. this is a witch hunt. it is a very corrupt trial. this is polititical warfarare au would d call it or p political lawfare.e.
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just moments ago donald trump leaving for court for that
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defamation lawsuit brought by writer e. jean carroll. he could testify today. but one thing is nearly guaranteed, he he will be layou long list of grievances. >> i had the great life going. i had the greatest -- what the hell did i do? i got indicted more than capone. this is a political witch hunt the likes of which nobody has ever seen. i think it is very unfair when an opponent, a political opponent, is prosecuted by the doj by biden's doj. this is a witch hunt. a very corrupt trial. very unfair. but in the meantime, the people of the country understand it. they see me. and they don't like it. because this is political warfare as you would call it, or political lawfare.
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>> lawfare, good blog. here is e. jean carroll walking into the federal courthouse where the case will resume today. donald trump will be there. it is just -- he knows how good this is for him, i guess he's lucky new hampshire is pretty close to new york so he can go to new york and then come back here for a rally tonight. >> and this is the campaign. we used to say it was a split screen. this is the campaign. and you can really mark the time line of the last year when republican base really started rallying behind him was the time of the alvin bragg indictment and then even more so after the fulton county case and on and on. so you really saw republicans rallying in support of him because he portrayed himself as the victim and to allowed him to change the narrative. ron desantis says that as well. he says the indictments were the
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biggest reason he had issues. he had other reasons that we can talk about later. >> and i think it was march 20th, 2023, if jack smith's cases had come first and alvin bragg's had come after, do you see what i'm saying, do you think that would have made a difference? because there was polling a couple months ago that majority of republican voters would not vote for trump if he was convicted in one of smith's cases. >> i think that is one of the key what ifs. the fact alvin bragg's indictment came first definitely allowed donald trump to say it was a politicized witch hunt and leaned into the rhetoric, specifically the idea that the progressive prosecutors were coming for republicans. even when you ask trump voters about whether any of these incidents really register with them, they bring up the alvin bragg indictment, and they avoid the federal indictment. so i do think that it is an
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interesting contkind of what ift republicans have been so in the tank for donald trump the last three to four years, there was no permission structure for voters to peel off from him. so whether the order the indictments would change is interesting, but the overall interesting of the party has been so rallied around him that they are so invested in trump, they can't afford for him to lose. >> can we play the sound bite from desantis? i think it is fascinating. take a listen. >> if i could have one thing change, i wish trump hasn't been indicted on any of this stuff. i think it distorted the primary. >> because it helped him? >> both that, but then it also just crowded out i think so much other stuff and it sucked out a lot of oxygen. >> the oxygen for sure, but if we think back to that moment, trump coming out of his campaign
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launch was not at a high point, was at his weakest point by far. and to some degree oxygen, yes, but also forcing republicans to defend him, republicans like ron desantis. everybody had to coalesce behind him. there was no opportunity for anybody to break away. >> that is fair. and he actually tried, thinking back to ron desantis giving a press conference in the panhandle of florida i think and he actually went after trump for just a second and then had to walk it back because the blowback was so intense. a lot of this is how the republican base gets its news. how the echo chamber that they are living in. but all year long in iowa, here in new hampshire, other state, you did find a lot of republicans who were eager to move on. no doubt that that exists out there. but he has coalesced the republican base at least that they want a rematch, they want vindication for what he's been saying all along. so now that this is a head to head race with nikki haley and donald trump, which she's been waiting for and calling for, is
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there enough time for one? we'll see about that. new hampshire has delivered so many surprises over the years. thinking back to 2008. we thought on the morning before the primary barack obama was going to win. he did not. hillary clinton did. but this is entirely different. history may not be the best guide here. >> i was going to say, let's not let ron desantis off the hook. there was no evidence that as voters saw him more they liked him more. so certainly there was a big problem for him. i think biggest issue as a candidate he proved to be someone that the voters had not connected with and as voters saw more of him, his support got less. that was the core problem. >> he won by such a big margin in florida. this morning post say"post" say he that he was the future. >> and i think he was squeezed particularly in this race. the maga base that had circled around donald trump to your point, but me a couple
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ideological decisions to run from the right of donald trump. i think a lot of that energy, people thought of him as more moderatealternatives. but he ran the race specifically to kind of be a more conservative principled version of trumpism. so does the 2028 version of ron desantis look more like the moderate version in the governance or the hard core maga that we saw as a presidential candidacy. >> a glass straw someone told me. pretty accurate. appreciate you guys. and brother cheering on brother. jason kelce goes all out and shirtless for his brother in our morning moment.
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as we sit here in new hampshire this morning, the conference championship match-ups are set in the nfl. if you are in new hampshire you probably want the patriots. sorry, not your year. but it was another dramatic playoff weekend. ravens, 49ers, lions all punch their tickets with wins in front of their home crowds. and for the third time in four years, the kansas city chiefs eliminated the buffalo bills from the playoffs. leaving bills fans destroyed. >> no, he doesn't make it. wide right. wow. the two most dreaded words in buffalo have surfaced again. >> joining us now is senior data reporter harry enten in buffalo. did you cry? are you crying inside? >> did you lose your razor? >> did any of you say you wanted
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to see taylor swift cry? we can keep going here. >> yeah, you know, all i can say is that sucked. awful. i mean, you know, i wasn't really cognizant of the first wide right back in '91, but i'll certainly remember this one for a long period of time. that is two wide right for the buffalo bills and their stretch of not winning a super bowl continues on. they haven't won a single one dating back since 1967. there were a bunch of teams on that list. lions perhaps will be one team that will break that streak. obviously they are in the nfc championship game. but the fact is that truly stunk. but i'll be a bills fan for as long as it takes. i don't care if i pass on, i will be rooting for them in heaven if hopefully i make it. but the bottom line is that stunk. but welcome to being a buffalo bills fan. >> harry, can i ask you, because
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it was difficult for me on friday when two cultural icons were battling it out, you and taylor swift, because before the game, you said this, take a listen -- >> i will note the bills have already beaten the chiefs in kansas city when taylor swift showed up. so while i do enjoy taylor swift's music as i know you do, we're both swifties at heart, i'm hoping that she's probably crying at the end of sunday because that will mean my buffalo bills have won. so this is the one time i'm rooting against taylor swift. sorry, swifties, i got to do it. >> i saw a lot of tears in the stands. taylor swift was not among the people crying. any regrets of that commentary? >> no, no regrets. i wish the kansas city chiefs had lost, but the fact is i love the fact that taylor swift is involved in football. we've got a lot more people rooting for football, rooting for teams, being involved. so i think taylor swift is good being
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i wish that the outcome last night was different. >> a lot more diplomatic after a loss. maybe a little intimidated, too, after jason kelce's shirt lestness. there's jason kelce. come back to new york. find a razor. we love you. we're here to hug you. >> next time i'm out in the cold, i'll do the bare chest thing, as well. a new study finds one-fifth of new hampshire voters have not voted in a primary. who they are supporting and why as age becomes a big factor in this race.
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welcome back. live from new hampshire. a new study on the university of new hampshire shows 22% of eligible voters have not voted before. they are new to the state or hit voting age after the 2020 election. in the state, the final cnn poll found that nikki haley holds a one-point lead over donald trump. >> with us now, drew dickinson, he is voting for nikki haley. he was a state voice chair of republicans. and 18-year-old high school student, who is voting for trump. james is the chairman of the youth advisory council. thank you for joining us. i want to start with you. you talk to friends and people who are going to be voting, why
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are people drawn to trump? >> the energy he's had in the past. he's an energetic candidate for his age. he's running on a past record. unlike governor haley. >> drew, you're a haley supporter. talk about that. and the interesting point you made about the fphilosophy of hw young voters are voting. you think that has changed. >> absolutely. overtime, the young voters have, in new hampshire, have swung it less from the extremes and started to pull back more to the center. when it comes to the republican voters and those in my age, it feels like there's a lot of people who are either polarized
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or not polarized. those are not polarized, the moderates and independents are more likely to swing for nikki haley. and those on the extremes, you know, not necessarily policy-wise but more just in the spectrum might be more probable to go for current president biden or ex-president trump. if you could gauge the breakdown, from the moderate center, it feels like the supporters. >> without evidence, going off of the gut feeling, 30, 30, 30. it feels like there's about 30% of the electoral base that is in the center.
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whether that be nikki haley or somebody else. it feels like president biden locks down a good portion of the vote. and trump has the strong segment of the base. there's little to dissuade them. that's one of the things that is very strong point for him. >> you were on the deesantis train. what do you think of his immediate endorsement of trump, after being more critical of him than he had ever been? what do you think it means for trump and nikki haley in the state? or is it a split and they're a wash? >> i think governor desantis was polling in new hampshire. it was weak at this point. him endorsing trump was an indictment of governor haley's
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run. and just the idea that he believes that we should unify as a party around one candidate, who will be the best conservative candidate. >> can you talk about why you did that? why you were on the desantis train and went to trump? >> i think what brought me back to trump, i was -- i liked the policy he had during the first term. i like he appointed three pro-life justices to the security. and i liked his immigration policy. he started a deal of peace in the middle east. no president has done before. his track record brought me back to him


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