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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 22, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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a sick juror and concerns about a potential covid exposure forces donald trump's trial to be unexpectedly adjourned for the day. but before leaving court, his attorney confirmed the former president plans to testify. on the campaign trail, nikki haley making her final pitch to voters in new hampshire ahead of tomorrow's primary. haley finally make ing a full-throated attack against donald trump. and could we finally have a fast and easy way to screen for alzheimers. new blood test may make that one step closer to reality. details and a potential medical breakthrough ahead. i'm sara sidner.
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this is "cnn news central." already this morning, donald trump arrived in federal court and donald trump left his next stop. everyone was waiting to see if trump would take the stand today in his defamation trial, but then court was adjourned. so now he'll leave the courtroom campaign to head to the actual campaign trail in the final hours there before polls open in new hampshire. nikki haley is out talking to voters already this morning and as we have just heard, is taking it to donald trump. here she was moments ago. >> when you hear trump speak, what's he talking about? grievances, the past, he's talking about vendettas, today he's in court. biden is talking about
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investigations. neither one of them is talking about the future. >> we have live team coverage for you this hour. crist tennessee holmes is in new hampshire. court was cancelled a short time ago. what more are you learning about what happened? >> reporter: there was a delayed start to court. once the judge got on the bench, he informed everyone that a juror told the judge he wasn't feeling well. the judge said the jurors should go home and test for covid exposure. he asked is the parties if they wanted to continue with just eight jurors. trump's lawyer said they didn't want to. she also had already informed the judge that she was exposed to covid three days ago when she had dinner with her parents. one of them had tested positive. she tested negative today and was in court, but she was arguing they want theed a delay. they wanted to come back tomorrow and continue with the
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court proceeding. emt jean carroll is expected to rest. and then donald trump is expected to take the stand. it was at that point that trump leaned over to her attorney and said, your honor, my client reminded me tomorrow is the new hampshire primaries. he wants to testify in this case. can we come back to court on wednesday. the judge would not rule on that right now. instead, he said he wanted to have all the jurors test. he also told them he wanted them to keep evidence of their tests because the court would want to check for any potential positive cases. and he said that they would look and see where things stood tomorrow morning with the jurors testing. but he said he was not willing toedly the trial another day. even if trump wanted to be in new hampshire, he can testify here and go to new hampshire as well. but the judge saying he wasn't going to rule that is circumstances may give trump what he wants with another day off, but he said they may not. >> on this question of trump's
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saying he would like to testify on wednesday, that would be the day after the new hampshire primary, this kind of collision of the courtroom campaign and the actual campaign call dart, we have seen this before. how is this going to work? >> reporter: focus on what they are trying to do, which is suck all the oxygen out of the 2024 race. today they were trying to do that with him in court. and when you look at wednesday, whether or not the judge allows him to testify, that's just something they are going to play off of. if the judge says, no, you have to be here in court to testify or you don't get to testify at all and we're not moving anything to wednesday, his team will paint that as election interference. they wouldn't let the front runner go to new hampshire ahead of the primary. if he does testify, another way for them to take control of the media narrative to suck all of
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the oxygen out of this race. so that's the politics of the legal. now let's talk about the politics of the politics here in new hampshire. there's been a lot of questions as to what exactly ron desantis dropping out of the race means for donald trump. in terms of actually votes cast or votes counted, donald trump's team doesn't think it helps him in any way because they were already viewing this as a two-person race between donald trump and nikki haley. however, when it comes to ron desantis' endorsement, that allows donald trump to paint this as the party unifying behind them. pause you're seeing all of these various people, including his opponent or once opponent who he attacks viciously now getting behind him. this is what he said about this last night. >> get your neighbors, get everybody you have to vote. we have to win by big margins. i do the court thing. then i come back and make a speech tomorrow night and hopefully that should wrap it
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up. because we are so far ahead it's incredible. >> we have to win on tuesday. >> vivek just came with us. now ron just came with us. they are all coming with us. >> now, i will note that trump on fox after he was promoting the endorlsment said it was unlikely that ron desantis would even serve in his administration. so yet another blow to ron desantis, who trump spent an entire year attacking. then trump wrapped it up saying he probably wouldn't be part of any administration trump had. >> kristen holmes in new hampshire, kara scannell outside federal court, thank you so much. the polls open in a few hours. with us the busiest man on earth, david chalian, cnn political director. one of the questions is what would success in new hampshire be forhill hale? the governor says she doesn't have to finish first. someone just told us she doesn't
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even need to get, he said if they can keep donald trump below 60% or 50%, that would be good for nikki haley. you'll see the highest margins and kpettive primaries before. reagan was the only one to get over 50. so how do you judge success? >> first of all, if she were to win the primary, i would consider that success. anything short of that is her campaign, her allies and others putting their best spin is forward to try to set expectations for everyone else. if she overperforms, where most of the polling has her, let's say she's within 5 points of donald trump, do i think she might be able to get some momentum, some continued funding and rational for moving forward, sure i'm not sure how long lasting that will be looking at the rest of the calendar. but here for nikki haley, where we are because of donald trump's overwhelming victory in iowa, because everyone else has dropped out, because of the
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coalescing around him, because of the math in the upcoming events, a victory here is really what will define success for him. >> let's talk about what happens after tomorrow. i'm going it put up the schedule here roughly. this is the primary calendar. people can see it here. there are a smattering of early contests. nikki haley is not competing in the nevada caucuses. south carolina is on the 24th of february. michigan is on the 27th. and everything in green here is super tuesday on march 5th. so what is this mean as we look at this for nikki haley? >> it also matters that what kinds of contests are being held in these states. so about half of them are going to be contests where either there's no registration in the state and the open election can be open to independents or-of them are closed to just republicans only, which has not been her strong suit.
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if you look at the preelection polling here in new hampshire, if you start looking at the delegate math and what will nikki haley need to do to be truly in a viable position for the nomination, she would have to start showing strength in areas of the electorate, conservatives, republicans, that she hasn't yet shown. that is number one. and then i think the question for the haley campaign is what does this look like as a campaign going forward? if matchup of the party is coalescing around donald trump, assuming he has a victory tomorrow night for the purposes of this conversation, is this a bit of a zombie campaign? is she just waiting it out to see if something happens in court in the months ahead with donald trump so she's just sort of standing there as a vehicle for all the never trump or anti-trump or open to moving away from trump republicans in the party, which by the way, do not seem to be the larger share of the party thus far. >> just a few points on this.
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if you look at the favorability ratings right now, out of new hampshire and our poll, you pointed this out to me, donald trump's favorable ratings are positive. 20% positive,hill hale is under water with favorably, which leads me to my question of not so much even the calendar but what's life like for nikki haley if she stays in after tomorrow? there's a lot of time in this one-on-one race where she's going to be attacked rele relentlessly. a republican congresswoman from south carolina just endorsed donald trump. this is the kind of thing she will be facing. >> joining with the two u.s. senators from the state and tim scott. nikki haley may have serve issed and was twice elected in south carolina. that doesn't mean she has a leg up in a republican primary there. i do think you noted there's like a month now before that primary.
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the reason those favorable and unfavorable numbers are what they are, is because of the pulmmelling that nikki haley ha been taking in the last couple months since she started having momentum from trump and his allies. that's only going to continue. so she's going to have to find a way to explain that there's a viable path for her to the nomination. once nobody in the donor class or voters start believing that and buying into that, she's going to be left on an island. that's no place a candidates to be. >> we have been circling and int to ing out things on the map. i wanted to circle a couple things on the calendar. look at the days at the end of january where there's nothing. nikki haley is not come peeling so you have three full weeks. that's a lot of empty real estate for a campaign that may not have momentum after tomorrow. might, but if she doesn't have the momentum, those are four hard, brutal weeks to stay in. david chalian, great to see you,
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always. joining me now is senior political comment tater adam kin kinzinger and matt lewis. i want to start with you. you just yesterday put out an ad on twitter urging independents to go to the polls in new hampshire. are there enough independents, undeclared voters to swing the state for nikki haley, opposed to donald trump's numbers look really good polling wise. >> yeah, i think there are. it's new hampshire. it has this history. john mccain won it in 2000. it likes to do things a little bit differently. so i nikki haley probably has substantial gop support there. maybe not if it was only restrictive to republicans voting she may come in under water to trump, but with the independents there, they can make a significant difference and new hampshire likes to be
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able to say they are more than just your typical we're stuck in only democrats or republicans. we like to do things differently. i think she's suffering a little from expectations, which is everybody is expecting she's going to win. if she doesn't win, it's going to be seen as a disappointment. it will be interesting to see how this goes. >> you have done some really good reporting on desantis. he's done and over. he announced it over the weekend. he was touted as the better alternative to donald trump. what happened? >> i think a lot of things went wrong. i was thinking just today, we shouldn't really be talking abouthill hale in new hampshire. this should be ron desantis and he made a lot of mistakes. hill hampshire. this should be ron desantis and he made a lot of mistakes. there's a scenario where ron desantis runs against donald trump, and he basically tries to
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become a hybrid, who brings in republicans who don't like donald trump and also republicans who voted for trump, but are ready to move on. he could have tryied to be a hybrid candidate. that would have essentially boxed out nikki haley. there's no reason for nikki haley to run if ron desantis becomes a candidate who is at least minimally acceptable to non-trump republicans. instead, delasantis tried to become trump. if you're voting for trump, he started off with this fundamental strategy and then when it didn't work, what did he do? he decided let's go after the elon musk vote. so i think there's a setcenario where ron desantis could have gotten in this race early, gotten in in january instead of
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waiting until the summer. he could have run aggressively. and who knows. we would be about him instead of nikki haley. >> i'm curious when you look at this race, if nikki haley pulls out second here, there's a possibility she comes out ahead of donald trump, if she doesn't do that, is this basically over for her? >> by the way, matt is right. i want to say quickly on that with desantis, because i think his calculations was donald trump is going to go down with all of his legal challenges and stuff. i will be the heir apparent. not a bad clayplay if that happens, but if you're not part of telling the truth to the base about the fact that donald trump is corrupt, you can't expect everybody else to go do it. and then wish we would have been more successful. so in terms of haley, i think maybe a very close second place, a point or two maybe keeps her
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in the running. she probably stays in the running for south carolina regardless. i hope she does. this needs to go on. but if she wins, it's going to drive donald trump batty. i think the hope here is, we'll see, how insane he is. and she may gain some in that. i do think for her to be competitive through the longer primary season, though, she actually has to win tomorrow. anything short of a win, they can obviously spin as really good and it probably would be, but the expectation is she has to win new hampshire because that's her only opportunity at this moment. >> you have south carolina coming up. that's her home state and already there's been some endorsements from some of her fellow law makers in her state that have gone to donald trump. she loses that, it's hard for a candidate to come back from. desantis is out.
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where do those votes go? do they just go over to donald trump from those who were going to vote for ron desantis? or is there a chance nikki haley can snag some of those? >> i think probably 80% of those votes will go to donald trump. and only because we have seen that as part of the polling. desantis did run more as a maga candidate. then he endorsed trump sand attacked nikki haley in that. so most of those votes will go to donald trump. it will hurt nikki haley. what she nededed was chris christie to get out. she needed vivek and desantis to stay in. if we're looking for a silver lining i would say that anything that shakes things up right now, because i don't think she provided enough excitement. we didn't have the debates. anything that shakes things up, maybe that helps her in some sort of weird vibe way. but if we're looking at the numbers and math, it's a net
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loss for her. >> we have been listening to her this morning, and she's been more sharp than we have heard this whole time. but it is 24 hours before people vote. adam and matt, thank you so much for that conversation. appreciate it. tonight cnn exclusive. kamala harris talks about the state of the race and how she and president biden olympian to win a second term. that's tonight at 11:00 p.m. here on cnn. chaos inside the israeli parliament as pros testers are demanding the release of hostages still being held in gaza. why the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's reing the latest terms and conditions proposed by hamas. and a potential medical breakthrough. a new blood test that could screen for alzheimer's. we'll be become.
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just a short time ago, krourt was adjourned for the day in the damages trial against donald trump. adjourned because of a sick juror. now there's a question about whether donald trump, who says he wants to testify in this case, will have to do so tomorrow. the day after the new hampshire primary. with us now is chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid and form er white house lawyer
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jim shultz. i should say there are already trump allies yell ing ask screaming about this. talk to me about what's really happening. >> so a juror was dismissed because this person was sick. they were allowed to go home for the day. the judge gave the option to proceed with eight jurors. trump's lawyer requested an adjournment. then subsequently, she is brought up the fact her client does want to testify, but can't tomorrow because of the new hampshire primary. he can testify on wednesday, but the judge said i'm not going to decide on that right now. this is significant because so far this judge has not been amenable to working around donald trump's schedule. last week they tried to get court adjourned on thursday and the judge said no. you have is a right to be here and be represented by counsel or by yourself. but we're not going to adjourn court. and it is like ly that the judg is going to tell him about tomorrow. we have known about the primary for awhile. we are not going to move court or adjourn court because you want to be in new hampshire,
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particularly when he's spent so so much time in this courtroom and not campaigning. you also have this issue of sickness. there's an easy way for the judge to resolve this. say we have someone that's sick. we want to give them time to recover. and everybody hopefully comes back healthy on wednesday. >> if someone is sick is, it's going to decide the whole issue period. if there's no one sick, it becomes an issue of what donald trump is forced to testify. the fact that donald trump's allies are yelling and screaming about political interference on twitter in this case where donald trump doesn't have to be in the courtroom, what does this tell you about how he's using this entire trial? >> think that's just political noise. the judge doesn't have to listen to the political noise. the judge can make those determinations.
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clearly, they are going to continue to beat the drum that this is election interference, trying to impact the outcome of this new hampshire primary, which looks pretty good for donald trump at this point in time. you're going to continue to hear that throughout all of these cases. and in places like georgia, they are not helping themselves with some of the problems they are having down there and some of the other cases as they play out. kind of feed into this theory that the republicans on this thing because of all the other outstanding issues. the jack smith case just plugs along while these ancillary cases just create political opportunities for the republicans. >> what's unusual about new york is the manufactured drama. he's in court. hoost being disrupt. you can't be disruptive while someone is testifying. his lawyer has to use the
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federal rules of evidence to introduce evidence. these are the kinds of things that give rise to disagreements with the judge. it is manufactured controversy and then they are trying to frame it as election interference. when you do have legitimate things to work with. what's going on down in georgia or the larger constitutional questions in the federal cases. it's odd that there's so much effort to manufacture fake controversies when you have other legit is mat questions arising in other cases. >> he's never been someone who is going to mince words. so i don't think -- i don't think it's beneficial for him to testify. he's kind of a witness who has shown time and time again he says what he wants and doesn't take lawyers advice as it
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relates to that. so i think you can expect a lot of political showmanship there and probably not a lot that's going to advance the interest of the actual case. >> thank you both very much. coming up, another health scare for the royal family. what we're learning about the duchess of york's new diagnosis. and protesters in israel demanding action from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. after rejected a proposal still being held in gaza. details, ahead.
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we received new video of protesters forcing their way into the israeli parliament and disrupting proceedings. they are distraught and demanding israel do more to free hostages still being held in gaza by hamas. over the weekend, families of hostages showed up at prime minister benjamin netanyahu's home to deliver their message thas wanted their loved ones back. this comes a as benjamin netanyahu has rejected outright the latest conditions set by hamas secure the release of hostages. terms that could include an end to the war and withdrawal of all israeli forces from gaza. jeremy diamond is in tel aviv for us. benjamin netanyahu's office, the prime minister has told the families, look, he has an initiative to win the release of hos hostages. what are you hearing about that?
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>> reporter: he's saying there's an initiative on the table, the raiz israelis put that forward as part of the negotiations. he said he would not elaborate on what is in there. what he is elaborating on is what hamas has put on the taubl. he's rejecting that outright saying that hamas is demanding an end to the war in gaza, ts the release of all prisoners from israeli jails and basically saying that that is untenable and that agreeing to such a deal would mean thadeaths of soldier would have been in vain. there are active negotiations to try to find some kind of a next level deal on hostage release and perhaps a grander bargain to see a long-term cease-fire in the war in gaza. there's been active negotiations between the egyptians. they traveled to see if a deal
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is possible. as all this happens shs the prime minister is facing renewed and increasingly heightened pressure inside israel. about a dozen families, relatives of hostages going into a finance meeting of that and basically tell ing the minister they are not doing enough. you will not see here while they die there is the message from wasn't of those family members inside that meeting. they were calling for elections. this leads us to the broader picture of the kind of political pressure that the prime minister is under. this as a new poll today shows he's deeply unpopular in israel. if the elections were held today, he would lose that election to a member of the opposition. but certainly a lot of pressure on the prime minister and all of this as the hostages are really demanding more after more than 100 days of captivity for their loved ones.
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>> jeremy diamond, thank you for your reporting. this morning sara ferguson says she's grateful for all of the messages and support that she's received after revealing she's been diagnosed with malignant mel anoma, her second cancer diagnosis since the summer this comes after news of health issues keeping two other senior members of the royal family, king charles and the princess of wales, out of the public eye. max foster has details. >> sarah ferguson has had her second cancer diagnosis. she says she's in good spirits, but wants to raise awareness that people should be checking their moles. in june, she had a mastectomy followed by reconstructive surgery. several moles were removed and checked. she was diagnosed with malignant mel know na. she said it was a shock and many
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fans have been expressing that shock too. itment colts after we heard her former power father-in-law king charles is going to hospital because he has to have a procedure in relation to an enlarged prostate. that is benign. the princess of wales is still in hospital having surgery on her abdomen. that isn't relate d to cancer, but a lot to take in for royal fans with three members of the family or two members and a member of their extended family all suffering from these medical ill illnesses. >> max foster, thank you. a new study finds that a blood test already used by researchers can now be used to screen for alzheimer's disease with high accuracy. a new round of bad news for boeing. the faa is urging airlines to inspect door plugs on even more
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i have watched the entire political elite yesterday and today, the entire media elite, yesterday and today, say i should drop out for the good of the country to support donald trump. let me get this straight. donald trump won 56,000 votes out of 3 million in iowa. he got 1.5% of the vote in iowa.
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america doesn't do coronations. >> that is is nikki haley on the campaign trail in new hampshire just this morning now in the final hours before the polls open in this critical first in the nation primary. with righton desantis now out oe race, haley gets what she's wanted for weeks, a one-on-one contest with donald trump. new hampshire voters are famous for making decisions late. will it come in time to give haley the momentum she's fighting for to carry her through the primary season? joining me now is someone who knows new hampshire, republican senator for new hampshire for nearly 20 years. it's great to have you on. you have been supporting nikki haley. what is your sense of where things are right now in new hampshire and headed? >> i think they are a little unpredictable. as you mentioned, voters tend to decide late.
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polls really don't want want that in our state. and this lx is going to have turnout in the effort. i tend to think that bodes well for nikki haley. don't think -- if it's one on one, he's going to beat expectations. but this is an election where people vote. not a poll. and it's unpredictable. >> absolutely. i was going to ask you about the predicted turnout. the secretary of state was just late last week said he's predicting record turnout. hearing him say it could be 322,000 votes cast in the republican primary, i was going to ask you, that say what is to you?
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>> first off, it's been right. i think it maybe higher than that. you're looking at around 40. >> that means a lot of people will be coming to the polls who haven't voted in our primary maybe. republicans sat it out and independents allowed to vote now in our primary and my sense is if you're going to vote, you already decided. that's a decision that's been made. but if you're undecided about trump, that's a decision still to be made. and that's the vote that haley is look ing at to move her numbers up. even these poll, ask i'm not a big fan of polls, show 20% undecided if you're undecided, my view is those folks are going to vote, it's going to work in haley's favor, but it's unpredictable.
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that's the thing about new hampshire. it tends to be very unpredictable. >> wonderfulfully unpredictable. we can just keep saying it. it's necessary to continue saying it. ron desantis has dropped out. and i saw a congresswoman from south carolina came out this morning endorsing donald trump. here's what she told the associated press. i i don't see eye to eye with any candidate, but the time has come to unite behind our nominee. and spooeks to that sound byte i played off the top, where nikki haley is pushing back on this idea of it's time to coalesce around donald trump. when you hear nancy may saying something like that this morning, what do you say to that? >> she comes from a district she couldn't lose if she ran over somebody. these elections are won in swing
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states. swing states are dominated by independent voters. it used to be republicans in many instances. they all vote for donald trump. he's cost us the presidency once. he cost us the senate twice. he almost cost us the house of representatives. he will be a weak candidate. but we can put a candidate up who is strong and who will keep the senate and take the senate and keep the house and that would be somebody like nikki haley. so i just don't understand republican rank and file who want to change the governor of joe biden, not looking at the obvious. donald trump has lost. our normal nating case with independent voters for the last three elections. and we can't afford that if we expect to take the senate and keep the house and take the presidency. >> someone who knows new hampshire, it's good to see you. thank you for coming in.
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>> thank you. live pictures now inside a courtroom in georgia. a judge is hearing arguments on whether the fulton county da should be forced to testify in a divorce proceeding. this could have a big impact on the election subversion case that she's prosecuting against donald trump. all that, ahead.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change.
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shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. . tim scott has another announcement. he's engaged. the former republican said he proposed to his girlfriend on
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saturday. scott says he couldn't be more thankful for having found a soul mate, in someone who has a lot of the same interests, passions and goals. the couple have been dating for about a year now. the faa urging new inspections of so-called door plugs on an earlier model of boeing 737 planes to make sure they are properly secured. it says the boeing 737 900 has the same door plug as the newer max9. a door ripped off a 737 max9 in air. boeing says it fully supports the faa on this decision. the max9 is grounded across the nice since that incident. a cobb county judge is hearing testimony if fani willis
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should recuse nathan wade. he is now the lead prosecutor on donald trump's subversion case in georgia. the judge is considering whether to unseal documents in his divorce case. this morning, a new published study reveals a blood test could identify alzheimer's before symptoms begin to show. meg, tell us about the study. >> right now, we know the hallmarks of alzheimers in the brian are buildup of proteins. the way we look for them currently, either by using brain scans or spinal taps or lumbar funk punctures. those are expensive tests. they're not available to everybody. there's a hope that we could screen people that would less expensive and more widely available. in this study this morning, research showed that one such test, uses a marker in the
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blood, known as p-ta u 217 has good rate of matching up. this could reduce the need of a confirmatory testing by 80%. in 20% of the time, should you actually need to go on to get a spinal tap or brain scan to confirm the finds here. this test, available for research used only. the company tells us it should be available in coming months. this could be screened the way we screen for cholesterol. i was talking to an alzheimer's doctor who said, that could be problematic. we don't have drugs if you came back positive for something like this. that's where therapy is thought to be headed in alzheimer's. there's new medicines on the
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market or approaching the market, that work for people in the early systemic stages. but the company is testing these in folks that don't have symptoms but have them in the brain. down the road, this could come together in that way. >> any progress is so important. so many people. meg, thank you very much. >> thank you for joining us. this is "cnn news central." "inside politics" is up next. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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