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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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we are hours away from a pivotal binary in new hampshire.
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nikki haley is betting big on the state giving her campaign some momentum. but trump could also knock out his final opponent. the faa is urging airlines to inspect door plugs on other versions of that grounded jet. the big winner in last night's sheaves versus bills game is an nfl star that is not on either team. the man, the myth, the legend. we are following these developing stories, jason kelce, and more right here on cnn. welcome back to cnn news central. we are revving up big time for election mode once again.
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in less than 24 hours new hampshire voters will choose between the remaining republican candidates. former president trump and former governor nikki haley. those two are hitting the trail hard. trump will host his final rally there. >> his most recent vanquished opponent, ron desantis, will not be there despite the governor endorsing trump. nikki haley, meanwhile, is getting in front of as many as possible. let's take you to the campaign trail. this is what nikki haley wanted all along. a one-on-one matchup with the former president. how was she planning to take advantage? >> reporter: for starters, in the 24 hours after desantis announced he was suspending his campaign, the haley campaign raised around $500,000 so they
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hope that momentum will carry them into the actual primary tomorrow. she is hitting a number of events today and is about to get going with her stumping mate . trying to find as much support as she can but also to paint herself as an option, a choice against what some have called the inevitable, former president trump, becoming the nominee. she has trained her aim a bit more specifically at the former president as opposed to before it was lumped together with the former president. take a listen to what she said about trump this morning. >> every single thing that trump has said are put on tv has been a lie. he says he wants to cut he says i said i was going to cut social security and raise the
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retirement rate. i never said that. i said, you can't just do a border wall. you need to do all of these other things that will stop what is happening at the border. >> reporter: this is what she wanted. a two person race. she said it after iowa but that has become a reality. those close to her campaign have tried to temper expectations saying even a strong second place would be considered a victory for them. it would show that they at least have momentum. >> obviously it is all about new hampshire right now. we are seeing campaigns and the next big contest will be south carolina. what is in store they are? >> south carolina is a big calculus. and the part of the reason that desantis suspended his campaign
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as he did not see a path. nikki haley says they are starting a for million-dollar ad by starting tomorrow. she knows that she has the cards stacked against her as far as endorsements go. tim scott and the governor and to others flocking towards trump and she even said today that while some have said this is a sign for her to get out of the race, she said this is a democracy and in a democracy she has options and she wants to present herself as the option. she also said that she is a fighter and she plans to go fighting with her home state. i think at this point it is safe to say that the odds are stacked against her but, her team does not see those as insurmountable. all of that said we still have a very big test with the new
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hampshire primary tomorrow it may give some very clear answers as to whether the haley camp has momentum going into any next tests or if it is a statement in the wrong direction. >> omar, when you were going live earlier there was a giant ron desantis bus behind you that was still active the day after he dropped out. do we know where that was? did it get repossessed? >> at the never back down bus. it took off out of town with his campaign. we are not seeing any more ron desantis signs at this point. it was a remnant of a past time. i guess it will be something that we remember for a long time. >> it did look expensive. thank you so much, omar jimenez. from the campaign trail to
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a new york city courtroom, that is where trump arrived this morning preparing to testify in his anti-defamation trail. but the judge canceled the day in court because of a sick juror and a covid-19 scare. >> he still plans to take the stand but they are asking the judge of the former president can testify on wednesday due to the new hampshire primary. paula reed is joining us now on this. can you tell us why court was delayed and how things might proceed? >> it is never dull here in new york. today, there was a juror who got sick on the way to court so the judge dismissed the juror and asked both sides, what do you want to do? do want to go ahead with eight of the nine jurors or do you want to adjourn? the ag said they would be happy to proceed but it the attorney for trump wanted to adjourn.
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then she said that her client, trump, does want to testify. she said that trump wants to testify but cannot do it tomorrow because of the new hampshire primary. what we have seen with this judge is that he has not been willing to accommodate things like this so far. last week -- asked for an -- because of the death of his mother. they were not willing to adjourn court last week and it is not clear what they will do this week. the judge that he would not rule that moment from the bench so we are looking to see if he will allow court to be adjourned tomorrow and then testify on wednesday. if he did that he could probably avoid a fight with trump and allow the juror an extra day to recover but as of now court is supposed to resume
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tomorrow. like i said, it is never dull. they always keep you guessing in new york. >> paula reed, thank you. i hope everyone is feeling their best. let's break this down with republican strategist match mauers. joe, after the brief, trump is going to head to new hampshire and get rally with gop opponents of his. desantis is not part of that group. do you read anything into that? >> no, i think that is more desantis. the fact that he endorsed trump yesterday is what trump wanted and needed. you know how i feel about trump. he is the only american
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president who lost an election and refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power and tried to overthrow an american election. he is the leader of this party and i think it is too late for nikki haley. i expect trump to win a decent victory tomorrow. >> do you agree with joe that it is too late for nikki haley? and how did desantis exiting the race when he did impact her chances? >> i'm not really sure it impacted too much. ron desantis was pulling around 5% or so. and if you look at the polling, his supporters were split evenly. he has almost been a nonfactor for quite some time in new hampshire. looking into tomorrow, donald trump continues to slowly but surely build support. there is this theory that if
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the field consolidated, that was the best way to beat them. we are now seeing it is coming with a worse impact. even if he only gets a half of the desantis supporters, he is flirting with that 50% mark. new hampshire does have a tendency to surprise and there will be record turnout tomorrow. there is also likely going to be record independent participation in the primary tomorrow so there could be a surprise but if all indicators are accurate, he could pull things off by over 10%. >> that is an interesting point about consolidation. we did speak with someone from new hampshire, a political observer thinks that the polling numbers are a bigger spread than what is actually happening in new hampshire. baby new hampshire could surprise us.
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if that is the case, how well does nikki haley need to do in your opinion to continue on in earnest? >> she is going to have a close race. here is the truth. you have a perfect storm in new hampshire to beat donald trump. you have a wide open primary. jill biden is not on the ballot and independents can participate in either primary. you will have a large independent participation and you have a popular republican governor who is backing nikki haley as the non-trump candidate. what you could do looking down the pike is you could try to replicate what is happening in new hampshire. south carolina, there is no party registration so it is essentially an open primary as well but if you cannot pull it off in the circumstances here it is difficult to see how you
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could replicate that in other states. >> joe, i want to get your perspective on something that nikki haley has been saying to make the case that the race is not over. i do not know how much it applies to new hampshire or her chances of getting a nomination but from a general election perspective, she was pointing to the turnout in a i would being low. but trump says he only got in the low single digit turnout in the caucus last week. she right? is that a red flag? >> i don't think so. the weather really did play a factor but, again, we talk about this consolidation around trump and the reason for that is this is not 2016 where everybody thought one challenger of trump and we can beat him. this is eight years later and it is his party. more importantly, this is a
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completely different maga republican party. most of desantis and ramaswammy supporters are trump supporters. trump will dominate among the republicans we think. it is his party. anything could happen. but, all indications are that this thing is over and this is her best state to have a shot in. >> joe walsh, matt mauers, thank you. still ahead, scrutiny is growing with boeing. the faa is urging airlines to inspect more airplanes following the blowout midair of the 737 max. >> former governor nikki haley and trump get out in new
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hampshire and the biting campaign is putting abortion- rights front and center. we take a look at their first abortion fococused -- of t the .
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president biden is marking the 51st anniversary of roe versus wade by announcing new action to protect reproductive rights. >> we were watching just moments ago as the vice president delivered this speech. she directly blamed trump for masterminding the overturn of roe versus wade in 2022. the biting campaign has been anxiously awaiting getting this messaging out there. tell us more about the actions being announced today. >> we are seeing a push from the white house and the biting campaign to try to make reproductive health issues front and center ahead of the 2024 election. at the white house, the president is convening the fourth meeting of his task
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force on reproductive health rights. since roe v. wade was overturned we have seen the administration try to take actions at the federal level to expand access to reproductive health rights. we are seeing an announcement today on expanded access to contraception and emergency medical care. the biting campaign, at the same time, is making a significant push including releasing a new one minute long ad over the weekend that is basically a direct testimonial from a texas doctor and mother who had to leave the state to terminate a pregnancy. here is a bit more. >> two years ago i became pregnant with a baby i desperately wanted. a routine ultrasound i learned that the fetus would have a fatal condition and that there was absolutely no chance of survival. in texas, you are forced to
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carry that pregnancy because of donald trump overturning roe v. wade. >> all of this is tied to the 51st anniversary of roe v. wade. at the press briefing i just came out of, officials are making clear the plan to continue to make any actions that they can at the federal level but they say something the president has been saying. the only thing to fully -- is for congress to take action. >> joe biden and harris will make their first joint appearance. >> that's right. this will be the first time we see the president and vice president on the same stage. this will be in northern virginia and at this event tomorrow, the key focus is going to be on reproductive rights. it just goes to show how central the biting campaign wants to make this issue for the areola efforts.
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democrats feel like they got a lot of validation in the midterm election as well as the off year elections and they say it is not just about which candidates are on the ballot but also ballot initiatives that were aimed at countering what the supreme court did in overturning roe v. wade. this is something we expect to hear a lot more on the official side as far as any policies that they can move forward as well as on the campaign side. they believe this is a key issue that they can talk about as they try to draw a contrast between biden and whoever the republican nominee will be. it is still expected that will be donald trump. >> thank you. as you have been seeing on our screen, a big interview tonight with vice president kamala harris talking more and more about the state of the race and how she and president biden plan to win a second term. that interview starts tonight at 11:00 p.m. here on cnn.
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breaking news into cnn. it dexter scott singh, the youngest son of doctor martin luther king jr. has passed away. he had been battling prostate cancer. his brothers says, "the sudden shock is devastating. please keep the entire king family in your prayers. dexter king was 62. still ahead, just one day before the primary, trump chose to sit inside of a new york courtroom instead of the campaign trail. coming up we speak with his former communications director about why his boss chose the courtroom. a scary moment on the college hardwood. and katelyn clark collided with an ohio state fan that ran onto
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the court. she was not seriously injured but should more bead done to keep fans from storming the court. we will discuss coming up.
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just one day until voters in new hampshire had to the polls and trump opted to go to court rather than stay on the campaign trail. his trial proceedings were postponed because of a sick juror. so does the former president see more value in being inside of a courtroom versus out with voters campaigning. let's discuss with former white house communications director
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anthony scaramucci. i am curious to get your reaction to this decision choosing the courtroom over the campaign trail. is it good politics? >> i think it is good politics for him. whatever you think of president trump, he has this is a specious case and the more time he spends inside the courtroom, the more sympathy and strength he gets from his supporters. it seems to be working for him and obviously, they canceled court today but in general, that has been a good strategy for him. he hops a plane to new hampshire and do some light campaigning. >> you hit on something that i find interesting. when i was in iowa for the caucuses last week i spoke with voters about this case.
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he was found liable for sexually assaulting a woman but as you pointed out, he draws sympathy from supporters. how does that compute when it comes to the republican party more broadly? >> it is a grievance party now so, the grievance party is such that mr. trump represents a very large group of angry people that are angry at the establishment. he could be convicted of guilt of as an example and those people are going to stay with him no matter what . because he is the avatar of their anger. so, there are 144 million people in the country that don't vote and she could have reached out to those people and tried to bring them into the republican party but she did
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not do that. desantis obviously did not do that so it is the old guard of republicans versus -- but i think that is the big problem. >> so is a read on the race effectively that it is over? that trump is going to be the nominee? >> i think barring the insurrection case, barring the documents case, where you and i both know, after those documents went missing, we lost some of our human intelligence agents on the ground and somebody has to answer for that but at i hate don't think trump has to answer for either of those. i think it is likely he becomes the nominee in my prediction in that case is that president biden will beat trump like he did in 2020. i don't see trump growing his market either but i don't see
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people that did not vote for trump last time voting for him this time. that will give a handy lead to president biden. >> your prediction contradicts something that i heard you say about the consensus where you were last week. that global thought leaders have it baked in that trump is going to win the election this year. how do you square those two? >> what ends up happening in an elitist commune like that is, people don't want to embarrass themselves or say something that is nonconventional so it is the same people who said that clinton -- hillary clinton was going to be president in 2016. then, on the eve of the pandemic they said that trump was going to win. neither one of those two things happened. i think it is it decided that his resurgence and the media
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story that is him, it is easy for an elitist to say it is going to be him and if they are wrong, it is not a big deal but if they are right they can say i told you so. those people are invariably wrong. i think that is a big counter indicator that the president will win reelection. >> you recently criticized wall street and their perspective about another trump presidency arguing that he is bad for business but there are a lot of voters out there that, they have indicated that they prefer trump to joe biden. it what you attribute that to? >> perceptions are very hard in our society and you know -- travels to and a half times around the world before the truth comes out. the economy has done well in the stock market is at an all- time high.
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during the trump administration we lost 21 million jobs and some people bring blamed it on covid-19 and other blame it on president poor practice. it has not been the case, if you look at apples to apples, in terms of the comparison and i think that this is the difficulty for resident biden and his team. he has got to get out there and explain the economic story better. he now has 25 points on the economy and it should be based on the data. my point is more broad and it is related to the rule of law and related to taking trump seriously when he talks about being a dictator for a day or persecuting his adversaries. one of the greatest things in our system is the predictability of the legal system and the common law precedent of the legal system and whether people like it or not, it has lowered the cost of capital in society.
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you don't want an executive threatening to upset that. >> anthony scaramucci, great to see you. >> good to be here. still ahead, nick dunlop, the first amateur golfer to win a pga event but because he is an amateur, he is leaving more than $1.5 million on the table. more on that when we come back.
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president biden is offering condolences after military officials announced that two missing navy seals are presumed dead.
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the first to die since the war in gaza began. 13 c used iranian bound weapons but one of the seals fell into the water due to the eight foot seas and the other one jumped in to save him. military officials announced that both are dead. in a statement, they say that the seals represented the very best of the country, pledging their lives to protect fellow americans. our hearts go out to loved ones, friends, and shipmates grieving for these brave americans. the federal aviation administration is urging airlines to inspect door panels on an earlier version of boeing 737 airplanes. >> you might remember that a door plug blew out mid air on a new max model jet during an alaska airlines flight. a probe
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found loose bolts on a number of those airplanes. we want to discuss with a cnn transportation analyst and part of a lawsuit involving boeing in 2019. gabe, walk us through the details of this call for inspections. >> it has been a very turbulent month for boeing and the faa is now telling them to go back and inspect another model. of the reason is because, those door plugs, the same ones that we have been talking about for weeks. most of that model used the same door plug design as the max nine and that is the one that blew off the side of a flight taking off from portland earlier this month causing a dramatic emergency landing.
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since then the max nine has been grounded and inspectors have been looking at those airplanes. they have found some loose bolts inside the door plugs but they have also been looking at other boeing models and of the faa is saying, they look at the 900 er and there is some issue with the bolts that are inside the door plugs. we don't know what that issue is and we are waiting for more details but it is enough that they are telling airlines they need to go back and make sure those plugs are secured. this is raising more questions about the safety of boeing aircraft. when it comes to the 900 er there are thousands of them in the u.s.. the airline say they will not see major disruption when it comes to service. this is not a grounding but a recommendation. they are doing inspections.
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now we are waiting to hear when the max nine might be able to fly again. the ntsb is finally going to open the door to look and see were there ever bolts inside of it rex were they securely fashioned -- fastened. when they do that then they can figure out, where was the problem. was it at boeing or even possibly with the airline operating it. >> an the idea that a bolt might not have been on it is alarming. how concerning is it to you that both of these airplane models share the same door plug design? >> it is very concerning because at this point, i suppose the good news, if there is any is that this is a safety alert so the safety alert says that they inspect and they have not
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grounded them yet. they are very similar and they have found other problems but the counter to that is, this model of aircraft, if you put all of them better together out there, it is disconcerting because often when you do inspections like this you find other problems and you find it is not just a one-off. remember, it is an assembly line so it can be affected. it is disconcerting and it remains to be seen if they find additional questions. the ntsb put out a statement saying four bolts were missing and we don't know if they were ever there. one of the biggest concerns is, are we dealing with bad bolts or loose manufacturing? or were huge steps missed?
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so it is disconcerting but there is a chance to turn it around. >> the max nine has been grounded. the 737, they have been in service for decades. do you think boeing should ground them all until they are sure that these doors are safe? or wait for inspections. >> i think way for the inspections and it will be the faa that makes this. i don't think they will until they find out, it could also be a problem in that quality control slip in the last few years. i think they stopped taking this model in 2019 and if it is a quality control issue that has recently slipped or if they have changed something in final
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assembly or what has been done so they need to pinpoint where this is coming about. obviously, people keep talking about how fortunate everyone was. this was a disaster without fatalities. by doing all of these inspections, hopefully another disaster can be avoided because, if another thing like that happens, boeing has got some tough flying ahead and they really need to get a handle on this. this is lucky for them. they really need to just go look at them all. >> mary and gabe, thank you. let's go now to president biden who is speaking about reproductive rights. >> from a doctor she received the news that no one wants to hear. instead of being able to receive care from the doctor she was blocked by the state of texas state attorney general
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and the state supreme court. think about that. she and her family are going through a frightening and heartbreaking ordeal. and she had to fight people in the court. returned a private and painful matter into a public matter. she had to leave the state to get the help that she needed to protect herself and her ability to have more children in the future. the cruelty is astounding. an affront to the dignity of a woman being told by politicians who say she needs to wait. to get sicker and sicker to the point where her life might be in danger before she can get the care that she needs. that cruel reality is due to republicans who have made it their mission to end roe v. wade. since roe v. wade was overturned , abortion bans are in effect. many with no exception for or incest. we have doctors with us today
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who are on the front lines of this crisis. some doctors are feeling they are fleeing their home state because the laws that would send them to prison to provide evidence-based healthcare. in states like texas, doctors can get a life sentence. a life sentence for providing the care. it is simply outrageous. frankly, this is just the beginning. my congressional republican friends are going to --.
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shirtless with beer in hand jason kelsey is the big brother we all wish we had. bitter cold to cheer on his younger brother travis who scored two touchdowns last night during a playoff victory achieves defeating the buffalo bills. >> the chiefs will base their baltimore ravens in the afc championship game. the detroit lions are one victory away from the super bowl. who would have thunk it. they're going to face off against france francisco in the nfc title game. sportswriter -- everyone is like too much taylor at this games. you could hardly pay attention to her because it was all about this shirtless kelsey. >> yes -- rejoice because taylor swift is still in the playoffs. three times josh allen and the bills have faced patch homes and the chiefs in the playoffs
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three times. kansas city has shattered bills fan streams. the highlights patrick mahomes and travis kelce connecting for their first of two touchdowns of the night. the past tom brady for the most by a quibec receiver combo playoff history. kelsey shows those hard hands to tailor up in the stands. brother jason is -- spirit animal. josh allen and the bills they jabbed back scoring one of his three total touchdowns on the night. back-and-forth this game went. six lead changes in all. the bills dropped several opportunities on their final drive including that perfect pass to stefon diggs. over a minutes ago tyler the kicker has a chance to tie it. he pushes it wide right. chiefs winning 27-24. advanced to the afc championship for a six straight season. the fighting swifty's are moving on. >> you know better than most that the words wide right have a really cutting cutting
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special meaning to bills fans. what was it like watching that yesterday? >> it felt like i got someone hit me with a big bag of buffalo wings right in the gut. maybe that was the big bag of buffalo wings that i ate. it just crushes your hopes and dreams. you have to play patrick mahomes for a chance to go to the super bowl. rough times being a bills fan. >> i would not mind a sack of buffalo wings.>> thanks a lot. only one candidate is standing in the way of donald trump winning the gop presidential nomination. the pressure is on. nikki haley now in new hampshire's primary. ahead the latest on the race. this is s cnn news essential. >>
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