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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  January 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> i'm elizabeth wag meister in los angeles. this is cnn. in just one hour, votes will be cast into new hampshire's first in the nation primary. and we will take you right there tonight on laura coates live. at midnight tonight, six
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registered voters, yes, six reddit district voters will kick off the crucial new hampshire publican primary care by this time tomorrow, we should have a pretty good idea whether nikki haley can put the brakes on what, so far, seems like a trump juggernaut heading straight for the republican nomination. it is democracy in action. you will see it all live right here. but first, my exclusive interview with vice president kamala harris. we talked about the reversal of roe v. wade and what that means for voters. plus, donald trump's legal woes and her candid reaction to how people view her. it is a wide-ranging conversation, one you will not hear anywhere else but here. and it starts right now. >> i am so glad you are here. of course, you have decided to kick off the campaign, in many respects, with respect to abortion. we are wondering though, what could you accomplish in a second term that you have not already done now? >> well, to get there, we are going to require everyone to vote, to understand what is at stake right now.
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and that is no small matter. to make sure that we are present . and i intend to travel around the country to remind people of what is at stake, and that their voice will matter. and it will be expressed through their vote in many other ways. but first we have to get there. i want to emphasize that point. in terms of a second term, there is a lot of work to continue to do to build on our successes. we have, for example, capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors. for years, our seniors have been talking about the fact that they had to make the awful decision about whether they could either fill their prescription or fill the refrigerator. >> reporter: excuse me, with respect to abortion, in particular, a very big issue right now, voters have been looking at it in previous elections as a time to turn out. it is something you are very passionate about in terms of freedom and choice. >> sure, we can talk about
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choice. >> reporter: in regards to that choice in particular, what could not have been done in the first term that you require a second to accomplish. >> the first thing that has to happen on the issue of abortion and choice, and freedom for reproductive care, is that we need to, in the next 10 months, do everything we can to remind people that the court, the supreme court, took a constitutional right from the people of america, from the women of america. in the united states congress has the power and ability to put that right back in place, to put back in place the protections of roe v. wade into law. >> reporter: can congress do it without having the necessary votes on other side? >> again, we are here in january. in these intervening months between now and the election, i will do exactly what i am doing here in wisconsin, which is traveling the country to remind people, not only of what is at stake and the harm that is
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occurring every day, so many women silently suffering, but also remind them of the connection between their vote and an outcome that put back in place the protections of roe. as i have set on this issue, one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agreed that government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies. realistically, in over a year that has passed since the decision came down, women are silently suffering. i mentioned megan, who was in the auditorium when i was speaking, who wanted to have a child, wanted to follow through with her pregnancy, but was diagnosed with a fetal condition, such that she had to have an abortion. but her doctor could not provide what he knew she needed for the best interest of her health, she had to travel to minnesota. 20 he could not even secured to
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signatures to try to get others to say they could provided in her home state. under the law in wisconsin at that time, he could not, as his -- as her physician, he could not make that decision without having to other physicians sign on. in states like texas, they have passed laws that include up to life in prison for healthcare providers for doing their job of providing healthcare as they deem appropriate and necessary. there are states that have passed proposed laws that make no exception for and incest. which means after someone has survived a crime of a violation to their body, a crime of violence to their body, these extremists are saying to that survivor, you do not have the authority to make a decision about what happens to your body next. it is a moral. >> when you were a prosecutor, this was an extreme focus. violence against women and
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children. you have been very passionate on this for a long time. but i do wonder, when you talk about the states in particular, you hold trump responsible for the nomination of three supreme court justices who you believe intended, at all times, to overturn this important president, as you say, 51 years later, here we are with it now being in past tense. if it is a state related issue, is the election, or the candidacy, the campaign of trump, is it as important? >> let's first be clear that the previous president expressed his intentions quite clearly. and fast-forward to just recently, he says he is proud of what he did. let's be clear, so by inference, he is proud that women have been deprived of fundamental freedoms to make decisions about their own body. by inference, proud that doctors are being penalized and criminalized for providing
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healthcare. proud that women are silently suffering because they do not have access to the health care that they need. so, let's understand that the stakes are so very high. listen, joe biden, president joe biden has been very clear. when congress puts the protections of roe into law, he will sign it. similarly, joe biden has been very clear, if these extremists achieve their other goal, which is to have a national ban, which means state, bistate, bistate, joe biden will be to that. the stakes are high. >> reporter: speaking of the stakes being quite high, let's talk about the border. this is something in your direct wheelhouse, something you have been looked to, to try to accomplish. frankly, a decades long endeavor by previous presidential administrations. but there are angers on both sides of the aisles about an
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unsustainable border, what they are calling a crisis. why can't this be accomplished during this administration? >> well, there is no question that our immigration system is broken. so much so that we, as the personal that we offered after our inauguration, it was to fix the immigration system, which included what me must do to pave a pathway for citizenship, and to put the resources needed into the border. but sadly, people on the other side of the aisle have been playing politics with this issue. the solutions are at hand. you know, gone are the days, sadly, where a president bush or john mccain understood that
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we should have a bipartisan approach to fixing this problem, which is a long- standing problem. >> reporter: what are those solutions? >> the solution includes putting resources at the border to do what we can to process people effectively, and putting in place laws that actually allow for a meaningful pathway to citizenship. >> reporter: yet there are progressives that are very angry about dreamers and about their citizenship not being included in the latest negotiations on these issues. >> i will not speak to the current negotiations and the status of the current negotiations. but i will tell you that dreamers, sadly, some of the to approaches to them have been treated very badly. we have to understand who our dreamers are. first of all, in the height of the pandemic, there were so many dreamers who were front- line workers, working on saving lives. dreamers, many of them, before they could walk or talk, were brought into the country and have lived very productive lives, serving in our military, serving in fortune 500
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companies, and they should be honored for the contribution they are making. and they should be protected. >> reporter: you cared about this issue even before being the vice president. it is very near your heart. yet you look at it, if this is not something that can be accomplished now in this administration , i do not know how many bites of the apple that you will be able to get. have you given that thought? >> i will tell you that the negotiations happening right now, i hope they will be directed at solutions that are genuinely focused on fixing the problem, including all the equities that you mentioned. >> i do wonder about something that, obviously, you are really well known for. you are somebody that decided to be the vice president, you have been in the department of justice. we remember you very well from when you were in the senate, and all the work you are doing
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on different committees, and making your voice heard. and yet, there is someone right now, if the polling is correct, has 91 counts, four different jurisdictions with different indictments and cases against him, who could very well be the republican nominee. and yet, he is attacking you and president biden for election interference. he believes what the justice department is doing is not only attributed to you, but also is election interference. what is your reaction to those who believe his statements? >> well, let's start with the facts, you just outlined them, so i do not need to repeat them, in terms of what have been the allegations about the former president. and i do believe that the american people care about rule of law. and care about speaking truth
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and acknowledging truths. i do believe, in my travels around the country, for example, a statement that suggests that insurrectionist who attacked our capital and committed acts of violence should not be called patriots, as the former president has done. >> should they be called candidates? people -- >> people that instructed the capital should not be taken as patriots. they should be taken into account and held accountable for those actions. these are facts. we will see what happens, in terms of any cases being litigated in a court of law. >> reporter: what about the accusation that it is bidens doj that is overseeing any of the charges against him? >> well, listen, everyone who is paying close attention understand that there is a clear and nonnegotiable division in terms of the separation between our administration and what the department of justice does, in terms of its
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investigations, in terms of its prosecutions. an outline has never been crossed. >> in georgia, you are a state prosecutor. this is the state government we are talking about, but those are those who try to conflate with the d.a. finding was in georgia with the acts of the department of justice. >> what is the question? >> the question is, do you believe that when donald trump is making these statements about the administers nor the part of justice, what is your response to people who believe that it is all orchestrated? >> what he is saying is not factual, period. period. and that would not be new for him, would it? but i wonder when you look at the role of law, as you mentioned, and i do think the american public is very well in tune with discussions around who is above the law and who is not. these phrases come out very easily now. it is almost like the miranda warnings you are able to recite. when you hear that, juxtapose that to the position of
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immunity, possibly. whether a president should have absolute immunity. do you think people believe that it is appropriate for a president to have immunity? >> reporter: i think we will have to leave that to the lawyers handling the cases. >> some would say that it is up to the voters of looking on the ballot as well. in places like colorado or mann, are you leaving that up to the courts or the voters? >> those cases are all being litigated. i will watch as they go through their process. >> reporter: when you look ahead and use the what is coming down the road, particularly, you know, the next calendar date is january 6th, madame vice president, the last time we saw an election year, a presidential election year of a vice president overseeing certification of the election, we saw what transpired with our eyes. there is concern that many actually believe that we do not have free and fair elections in this country. do you have concerns about how to approach the certification
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process again on january 6th? >> i think everyone is right to be vigilant in demanding that we maintain our democracy, and we uphold it tillers, which includes the integrity of a free and fair election system. and that means addressing, for example, the intimidation that has happened with poll workers. i was recently in georgia speaking with poll workers who have been the subject of attack, or are fearful of volunteering their time. in our elections, because they feel a sense of civic duty. it is important for all of us to stand and say that we support people who do that work and they should not be attacked. it is important that we all remember that a hallmark of a democracy is civic participation. which means, let's all vote. i'm not telling people who to vote for, but police, in the midst of all that we have
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going on, take the time to fill out a ballot. if you can vote by mail, send it in. sometimes you may have to stand for quite some time in line, but police do. in spite of, again, states like georgia, that passed laws to make it illegal to review give you food and water if you are standing in line. but it matters. it matters. elections matter. the voice of the american people matters. and one way that we all express our voice is through our vote. >> reporter: let me ask you one more question. just in your presence, i was watching you on stage, watching the reactions from the crowd, looking you in the eye with the passion you were displaying in talking about so many issues. and yet, you hear candidates suggesting that a vote for president biden, because of his age, is somehow a vote for you. and that is hurled as an insult. it is intended to demonstrate some negative viewpoint towards you. what is your reaction to this
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thought? that with your background, in particular, with your career, that there is some thought that you are incapable? >> well, i think that most women who have risen in their profession, who are leaders in their profession, they have had similar experiences. i was the first woman to be elected district attorney. i was the first woman to be elected attorney general in the state of california, and i'm the first woman to be vice president. and i love my job. and i have said it. >> reporter: thank you for your time, i appreciate it. thank you. >> i think a vice president for taking time out of her very busy schedule to meet with me. there is a lot there. the road reversal, the border crisis.
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my panel is raring to go, and they are n next.
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you some exclusive interview with vice president kamala harris. there is a lot to talk about out of it. joining me now are political commentators kate bedingfield and paul simmons. also, presidential historian, leah ettinger and michael singleton. i'm glad you are all here with me today. we are kicking off this huge event about freedom and choice and abortion. obviously, it is something that is post-decision, but they are clear that this is a reason to get people to turn out. are they right to put their
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eggs in this basket? >> yes. how do we know that? because we saw this in 2022, when people were taught about the economy. it would be the question on the ballot in 2022 during the midterm. the administers and talked about two things. we talked about abortion and democracy. it turned out, a lot of voters who were entrusted in voting for democrats were very animated when it came time to talk about abortion democracy. let me just say this. he talked about freedom and rights, vice president harris, very early, from the week that we heard the decision, maybe even the week of the decision, she started talk about the impact it would have on women and their freedom. talking about how her, the young women that she knew in her life, they would have fewer rights than her mother had in her life, and how that was wrong. she used phrases like, how dare they? i think today in wisconsin, she actually changed that. she talked about donald trump supporting the three supreme court justices that took the decision away. and she said how dare he?
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this is actually donald trump's decision that he created on purpose and the women in america are the ones suffering. >> any threat persists. the other reason it makes sense for her to focus on this, for the administrator to focus on this, the threat persists. since the fall of rome, we have seen states across the country at the state level to try to further restrict women's access to reproductive rights. we have seen republican led legislature's move to try to close down women's access to reproductive healthcare. so you have the looming threat of trump, as is rightly pointed out, very clear about the fact that there is a through line between donald trump being president of the united states and the fall of rowe, and people are also feeling in their day-to-day lives, in their states, they are feeling republicans trying to take these rights from them. so this is an all-encompassing issue that is, you know, there is a direct shot at donald trump, but it also feels, across the board, like rights are being taken away, and the walls are closing in on women. so it is smart for the
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ministration to dial in on that. >> yes, i agree with that somewhat. i wonder, laura, will we see this transference of energy and enthusiasm transferred to president biden? i will give my democrat the answer here, we saw successes in ohio, kansas, a plethora of other states were ballot initiatives clearly prove that most of the american people were on your side. but without those ballot measures, with that same intrigue be there? you asked the vice president, what is the argument for an additional four years as it pertains to this specific issue? she struggled to answer that question. i'm wondering, if you are making her case to the american people with a litany of other things that american voters are concerned about, how does this register if most of the states, most of the states, republicans are losing on this issue?
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the extremes only represent a very small minutia of states. i am not saying that it is right here, but my argument is, i am not necessarily certain that the successes we have seen over the past 2 1/2 years in 2022, republicans barely let the house, but it was a victory. does that transfer to november of this year? >> they say it is the 51st dates and roe v. wade, there was a historical connection to why she was doing it on this occasion. it is more than a year since the decision. and it has gone back to the states as a matter, of course, of the supreme court. when you look at this contextually, the approach is taken, what do you see? >> i think this is her moment. this is the moment that she is stepping up to the plate. she is saying, finally, i have something that is not just about to part of the larger biden agenda or administration, but this is something she can singularly come out in front of
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that people can rally behind, and they can be intimately connected. not only to the concept of democracy, choice, and freedom, but also to this larger idea of donald trump being a threat to various forms of democracy. you know? in making an argument, this is not just about reproductive rights, this is about something much larger than that. it is not just about, what happened over the last four years? or what happened because of donald trump in the courts? but this is something that could affect other things, like birth control. and i have to say, you know, this is a little bit to push back at michael's point, several states have already shown that they are willing to put reproductive rights on the ballot. they want to protect it. 61% of americans say that abortion should be legal in all cases or most cases. right? that is something that is a rallying call. it is a deeply popular issue, one that people feel passionately about, and it is one that will get people to amount the fear of losing even more rights will keep them from staying at home. >> abortion has become a proxy
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argument as well for freedom more broadly and what that looks like. it is interesting to think about how that will play in the larger election. as she said, this is not a partisan issue when it comes to abortion. you know, it is no longer may be a partisan issue, immigration. i am turning to you and leaning in, i want to talk to you about this next. yes? obviously, we see a lot of issues right now at the border. she has said it is undeniable. there is no question that our immigration system is broken. that is a far cry from what was previously said. but what about the dreamers? what about these concessions being made? how will this boat? >> the democrats have always been in favor of the dreamers having more rights to make sure they are taken care of. it is the republicans on the other side that have been trying to shut down access for immigrants to come into the united states. this is a very important issue for the country. as we all know, some of us were
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immigrants not by choice, but we were brought here by force. but for everybody else who came to the country, except for native americans, they came here as part of an immigrant class. it is amazing that the united states and the trump movement, the magnet movement, is saying no thank you. we do not want to continue the process that has kept america more competitive. as i think about this, i think about the america overcoming. it has to go around the world and compete with countries around the world to get every single bit of talent that we can get into the country, and the republicans are saying no thank you to that. >> i would push back for a second though. republicans, and democrats now, in chicago in places like new york, very traditionally blue areas. it is not that we are anti- immigrant and having the fabric of our democracy enriched by those who contribute, it is that this is an unsustainable pace, and that the backlog is too much to be able to get a fair process for those entering. when that is the name of the game, is it partisan?
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>> i think if the democrats are facing this question, they want to make sure people have a place to live, that people can work, that it is an orderly process. the republicans are playing fast and loose. they are not actually being very serious. >> i am only turning this way because i have a new haircut. my angle is very good on this side. you see it, america, right? i will go to you and look at the same side. >> i would just say, i think one thing i thought vice president did in that interview, which was very smart, she said, it is the republicans in the waste in getting a deal. it is the republicans standing in the way of getting more money to put more agents at the border. they are standing in the way of the deal that, frankly, the biden ministration put back in october. that we would crackdown on some of the influx into the country. so, i actually agree with jamaal's larger point about the fabric of the country. i think democrats have to continue to thread that needle. but when you look at democratic mayors who are concerned about influx in their city, the
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administration should be aggressive about putting the ball in the republicans court and saying, we have put these tougher measures on the table. the republican's are saying no. why are they saying no? because it is an election year and they do not want to give the biden team a bipartisan win, frankly, on immigration. and vice president harris alluded to that there. but i think they should go guns blazing at the idea that it is the republicans standing in the way of putting some of these tougher measures in place. >> don't worry, we have more to talk about. i know you are chomping at the bit. i hear it, i feel it. i see it. we have more time. that is the beauty of the 11:00 hour. we will take a break and come back. the gop primary is now maybe a two-person race between trump and nikki haley. but does nikki haley stand a chance in new hampshire? we will break it down, and more, on the issssues ththat vi prpresident haharris mentionede.
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>> some of the hottest videos on social media, videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. matt figaro is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. >> this one is for real. what it does is tightensns and lifts ththe appearanance of bag underneaeath your eyeyes. not only d does it work on theh bags, , it works on n ththe appepearance of f crow's f feet lilines, and w wrinkles. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> and then there were two. nikki haley gets a one-on-one matchup with donald trump on the eve of the new hampshire primary. although new polls do show trump holding a wide lead over haley. let's go now to the one and only harry at the magic well. good to see you, we are here again at the eve of another moment in our election history. as voters get ready to head to the polls in new hampshire, harry, who has the momentum? >> you know, i wish you were here with me. but we will have to work through the magic of television. this is the choice for
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nominees. look, our cnn poll at the university of new hampshire has trump with an 11 point advantage. that is up from where it was last month, when it was in fact just a seven point advantage for donald trump. monmouth university, and a two- point edge. donald trump at 50% in a cnn poll, clearing 50% here. haley is way back. ron desantis, who had stepped out of the race, he was 6% in that poll, 8% anyone with poll. that gives you an idea why he left. he really had no shut in the state of new hampshire. >> we will go to nikki haley, we will go to trump. but he surprised many people when he decided to exit the race. by the way, less than 24 hours before the primary. we wonder, will his actual numbers, although they are lower compared to the others, will it go likely to trump or nikki haley? >> we asked this in our poll. ron desantis supporters, their second choice for the gop nominee, look at this but they do not go to nikki haley, they go to donald trump. so,
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desantis pass gas exit does not help haley, it probably helps donald trump, which is not necessarily something he needs. he was already ahead, he is probably a little more ahead now than desantis in the race. >> if you like nikki haley can paint more than trump. so the question now is, how does the 2024 race look after new hampshire? >> yes. if these holes are correct and nikki haley loses in new hampshire and donald trump wins, he is 41 in the state of iowa, what do we see rex he won the gop automation after losing iowa and new hampshire, zero, it has never happened in the modern era, laura. the fact that nikki haley has lost iowa, it looks like she's going to lose new hampshire, not good. another bit of bad news for nikki haley, look at this. choice for gop nominee nationally, among likely gop
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voters, look at the speedometer but 69%, nikki haley at 12%. that is tied for the largest advantage nationally at this point, basically ever, for a gop nominee. the fact is now that trump looks like he is on his way to a victory in iowa. and naturally, he is well ahead at this point, laura. >> it looks like we will see what ultimately happens. harry enten, thank you so much. is the trump tide inevitable? or despite the stats, could nikki haley still eke out a win? our panel will weigh in next. plus, just minutes away from the first vote in new hampshire. we go live to dixville notch, where a small community kicks off the primary season.
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>> now we are down to 2 people. i think one person will probably be gone tomorrow. and the other one will be gone in november. >> donald trump making a bold prediction hours away from the first in the nation primary. a final get out the vote push with the help of, wait for it, former opponents. >> right now, we need a commander in chief who will lead us to victory in this war. it is not just america. it is every foreign dictator, every terrorist group will be rethinking their plans when they know we've got a strong and experienced president. >> if you want former years of donald trump, let me hear you scream! >> my panel is back with me now. he will not scream right now,
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but he does want to get his take. what you think of that? this is the final push. >> i think it is over for governor nikki haley. she does not have a mathematical path going forward. the last thing she wants is to go to the home state and lose by 40 or 50 points. now for the viewers who may be wondering, shouldn't donald trump be challenged considering everything he is going through? i would say, sensibly, i would agree with that. but the reality is that the delegate allocation process has drastically changed for republicans. last year in 2022, donald trump's team worked really hard to change multiple states. california is now a winner take all, thanks in part to kevin mccarthy. we have other states where they have changed the rules to winner take most. donald trump may win 40 or 50%, so he will get 40% of the delegates. nikki haley will be playing catch-up if she attempts to stay in. i cannot imagine making the argument to donors big and small that there is a reason to stay in when they know you are not a viable candidate.
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>> i am of two minds here. the first is that there is always a hail mary. i know it is over, but you never say it is over until it is actually over. stranger things have happened, including donald trump winning the presidency in 2016. so, never say never. but of the second mind, i think right now what we are seeing is in addition for the vice presidency. this is like a giant version of the apprentice. >> nikki haley too? >> nikki haley too. for tim scott, ron desantis, certainly for nikki haley. part of the appeal she is trying to make that donald trump and his team would be wise to consider is that she is the stability in the midst of chaos. she is the moderating force in the mitigating force in the midst of anarchy. that she will actually bring some semblance of normalcy, and also brings with her these kind of people who are on the fence, including republicans were deeply uncomfortable with the xenophobia, the bigotry, the erratic nest, the antidemocratic sentiments of donald trump. she would, i think, temper that
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for republican voters and the republican base. >> even with all the insults? i always wonder about that. you have this idea of tension, the insult. she has been negative towards him, and certainly vice versa. that doesn't matter? >> i do not necessarily think that matters. donald trump has insulted everyone. there is no one who has been free from his wrath. if anything, he knows her because she was in his cabinet. right? i do not necessarily think that donald trump trashing you and calling you a bunch, that is the way that he operate. one thing he does respond to is striking. standing up to him. this is finally about the time that nikki haley has actually said something to him, has shown a little backbone. unlike many of the other candidate, with the exception of chris christie. she actually is sticking it to him. i think part of that is not to hold him accountable, but instead to audition to be his
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second-in-command. >> i quickly would say we need to see what the moderate republicans due tomorrow. let's compare those numbers to 2016. if there is an increase in turnout for trump, that will worry democrats. if there is a decrease, trump should be worried. >> we will see what happens. standby, everyone. the first primary voting in new hampshire, happening in a matter of minutes, at the top of the hour. we will go live to the small community of dixville notch, where the midnight tradition is about to get undererway. >> some of the hottest videos on social media. those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under
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your eyes. annette figaro is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. >> it is for real. what it does is tighten and lifted the appearance of bags underneath your eyes.
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we are just minutes away from the first new hampshire library vote being cast, the tiny community of dixville notch vote at midnight and apparently they also play that, the accordion in a decades old tradition. eva, tell me what we are about to see inside this fabulous rendition? >> reporter: yes, laura, there is so much anticipation for midnight, it feels like new year's eve, we will see six residence file in here from republicans to independents will make their way down here and they will vote behind these flags and then they will come out and pass their ballots in the ballot box and some of the town officials at this table, they also actually vote so they will go in and come back out and when it is said and done, the votes are written on this white board and we will know how the first community in new
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hampshire feels about the candidates. it is a remarkable tradition that has lasted over 60 years, the resort owner, he started this because he wanted the community here in dixville notch to be able to participate in this process and not have to travel an hour away in the winter and snow they could all be a part of this tradition, one of the voters telling me here that this is really democracy in action. laura? >> really, this will be really interesting, i'm glad we are able to watch democracy in action once again. please, stick around and we will watch the voting play out live in just a moment, so much more ahead. >> as voters head to the polls in new hampshire --
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breaking news, we are moments away from a primary, mary day in new hampshire tonight on our special bonus hour, this is democracy in action, six voters about take cast their ballots in the tiny new england town kicking off the first in the nation, new hampshire republican primary. eva is live in dixville notch. walk me through the process, how will this go down? >> reporter: laura, don't link because you might miss it it will be over in a few minutes here, so matcha dissipation for midnight, six residence in this community, four reic


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