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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  January 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory tonight. he earned it. i want to acknowledge that. >> we won new hampshire three times now, three. she didn't win. she lost. >> new hampshire is first in the nation. it is not the last in the nation. this race is far from over. now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. >> who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and, like, claimed a victory? she did very poorly. i don't get angry. i get even. >> the worst kept secret in politics is how badly the democrats want to run against
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donald trump. a trump nomination is a biden win and a kamala harris presidency. >> let's not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad night. >> most americans do not want a rematch between biden and trump. the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election. >> just a little note to nikki. she's not going to win. we're going to have the greatest election success. we're going to turn our country around. we are going to win this. >> top of the hour. glad you are with us. our reporting is that trump is seething. nikki haley is vowing to fight on to south carolina. good morning, everyone. donald trump made history last night as the first modern area
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non-incumbent republican to win the first two contests in the presidential race. he is a step closer to the republican nomination as president biden pivots to the general election and a possible 2020 rematch. >> the primary results making clear trump has a firm grip on the republican party. there's weaknesses among independents and suburban voters. nikki haley vowing to stay in because of that reason as she heads to south carolina. that contest, a month away. polls show her trailing by quite a bit. we have full team coverage this morning with correspondents on the ground and expert analysts standing by. i want to state with casey and kristin holmes in new hampshire. the primary is over. the political conversation, very much ongoing. >> it sure is. it's great to be with you. >> good morning. >> let's talk about donald trump. you have been covering this in and out. he clearly was incredibly angry
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last night when he took the stage. that speech he gave and we saw how it interspersed with what nikki haley was talking about, it doesn't seem to me the donald trump we saw last night is the person his campaign team wants to see if he is going to move to this general election. how do you explain what happened? are they going to try to get him back on track? can they while nikki haley is in the race? >> keep in mind, his team now is the most disciplined team he has ever had. when we talk to them, they know who donald trump is. they know he will do stuff like this. he wasn't on prompter last night. it was not planned. it's very clear by the speech. he was very angry. he wanted her to drop out. he wants this over. she was very clear she wasn't going to drop out. taking it to another level, he also wanted to embarrass her last night saying that tim scott endorsed him because he must hate nikki haley. that's a pointed comment. if you know tim scott, that's not his brand of politics. >> that's why he said, no, i
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just love you. >> that was a quick recovery. the team wants to, in part, embarrass her in her home state. that's the next move. you will see that in south carolina. trump is leading by a huge margin. she was the governor there, but they believe the electorate changed. it's more pro trump. you see what they did which was bring out the governor of south carolina, tim scott, the congressman from south carolina showing, she's not popular in her own state. >> i'm hearing from haley supporters, people who are putting up ads for her in south carolina who are on board, they are trying to argue it's important for haley to stay in, potentially through super tuesday because of the possibility that one of the legal challenges comes through in some sort of unexpected way, trump collapses inside the party. there have been people that have been saying that's going to happen for years. i'm skeptical. i'm curious how the trump team is thinking about that. do they worry about it? are they planning for it? is that not on the radar?
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>> it's more exhausting for them to now have to do this longer. i think the goal was twofold. they would win by big margins, which they did, and they would get the big donor money, which hasn't come in from the banking money that went from desantis to haley. the other part is they would campaign less, focus on the general election. now, they have to continue on with a primary. they do believe donald trump is the eventual nominee. he is not threatened by her. it's more just prolonging the process. >> interesting. thank you very much. phil, back to you. joining us now, brian mast, the chairman of the veterans for trump coalition. appreciate your time this morning. i want to pick up on something kristin noted. there's a through line here, which is the trump campaign in a very savvy manner got florida republicans to come to dinner when ron desantis was running and made it clear that florida
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republicans were behind donald trump. they're doing the same thing in south carolina. it was framed by my colleague as trying to embarrass nikki haley. do you think that's the way they are trying to do it? >> i don't think that's how it's done. when you compare it to florida, it wasn't arm twisting. it was conversations with each member. do you like what i did before? it was long conversations with all of us. that's the same thing that he is doing in south carolina. he is speaking to tim scott. he is speaking to others. he is learning issues that he knew and already did well with but hearing what people want this time as opposed to last time. he is addressing those things. he is winning their hearts and minds. that's what's taking place. >> to be clear, i'm not questioning the rationale for why people endorsed. i think the photo op, it wasn't unintentional. it made the point he had significant support among the congressional delegation in florida. last night, ron mcdaniel from the republican national
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committee, usually tries to stay out of these things at this point, said this -- >> i'm looking at the math and path going forward, and i don't see it for nikki haley. i think she's run a great campaign. i do think there's a message that's coming out from the voters, which is very clear. we need to unite around our eventual nominee, which is donald trump. >> are you telling nikki haley she needs to get out? >> i don't see the path and the math. i hope she reflects tonight. it's time to move forward. >> we are hearing more and more national republicans say that. i was surprised to hear it come from the rnc chair. what's the damage if haley stays in the race? why is that a problem? >> it's nothing other than a problem for nikki haley. i would agree. i don't think nikki haley makes it to the end. she might be in the second inning heading into the third. she gets mercied. i don't think she makes it to the ninth. donald trump has the history.
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he has the track record. he performed. people want to see him perform again. she tried using the message that chaos follows him. he provided order. he provided america first policies. that's what south carolina wants to see. that's what all of us across america want to see, that order and that america first. >> to continue your baseball thread, that's the way you play to see if you end up getting mercied. the idea of -- it was striking how different trump's tone was from his speech in iowa where he called for unity, complimentary of the people he ran against. last night, he was pissed at nikki haley. why? >> he recognizes that this race -- people get a voice. they get to vote. the race is over. it shows people are going to vote for donald trump in the primaries. they will vote for him in the general election to see his policies come forward again for america, for the betterment of it. he wants to see the party unite and not move forward divided.
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it's not about a hatred for haley. it's about wanting to see the party move forward in the best possible way. be strategic, do the best thing to make sure it's best for the united states of america. that's what his policies are always about. >> congressman, as you look across the party -- unity right now, the reason why officials are calling for unity is they know it's a long path ahead. it's a tight race regardless what happens. when you dig into the numbers in new hampshire, you see nikki haley's strength with independents. independents breaking away from trump, having issues with trump, being concerned about trump. that's why democrats won the house in '18. that's why they won the white house in '20. that's why they overperformed in '22. are you concerned about that dynamic heading into '24? >> i think that's a miscalculation of what took place. when you look at the last election, you saw a media that tried to bury hunter biden, bury what was going on with the biden family side hustle, tried to use the fbi and cia to bury the
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former president of the united states, tried to do so many things. america is on to what took place. that's not going to happen again. that's not going to be allowed to happen again. you see judicial propaganda. every time that that happens, americans are being aware of what's taking place, that democrats will do anything possible to keep donald trump off the ballot. not because they want to run against him. because they are deathly afraid of running against donald trump. that is the situation that's playing out. >> congressman, always appreciate your time. it's interesting to dig into the exit polls. we will see what happens in the months ahead. >> look forward to talking to you. nikki haley says she's more electable in a general than donald trump. exit polls show new hampshire voters care most about someone who fights for people like them. we are joined next by larry hogan who endorsed haley, weighs in the electability debate. a crane crashed near the
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ukrainian border. that's next.
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i think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. i want to congratulate ron and nikki. they are very smart people, very capable people. who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and, like, claimed a victory? she did very poorly. i find in life, you can't let people get away with bull [ bleep ]. you can't. you just can't do that.
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when i watched her, the fancy dress, probably wasn't so fancy, come up, i said, what's she doing? we won. >> right? just a split screen to remind you how different trump was last night after his win in new hampshire compared to what we saw a week ago in iowa. he directed his anger at nikki haley who is vowing to remain in this race. >> joining us now is larry hogan. he endorsed haley earlier this month. we should take names of those who after the iowa speech were like, he's changing. your takeaways from the race last night? >> i think nikki haley overperformed. i heard talk from the trump team earlier saying it was going to be a blowout, 20, 30 points. it was disappointing for her team she wasn't able to pull it off. but she comes out with a little momentum. it may be a two-person race. everybody was running to get in second place and hoped trump
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would stumble. the other ten guys are gone. nikki haley is the last person standing. >> i'm all for expectation setting, but how is that -- she lost by 11 points. i understand the numbers and how things split. but 11 points in new hampshire is a loss and a big one. >> it was a tough night. you see trump changing his tune, going after her. that was not a gracious speech. it's not just because she made him mad. they want to take her out. she lives another day. >> i know you don't want to see it, but is this the end of the road for nikki haley? is this trump clinched it in. >> i think so. last night he was annoyed. any time anybody gets under his skin and he is visibly irritated, i'm enjoying it. i'm for her continuing to irritate him. that's a good thing. it's entertaining, if nothing
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else. if you are realistic, i think you look at what's up the road or down the road for nikki haley, and it's humiliation in her own state. does she want to do that? i look at nikki haley and think, she doesn't have that much to lose. she's not governor ron desantis who is a sitting governor with a legislature meeting in tallahassee right now. i think that her value as far as giving speeches, writing books, getting on tv, being on corporate boards, frankly, raises -- goes up because she's done a good job. she's performed well. she's been articulate, except for the race part which she crewed up every single chance she gets. maybe now had that she goes to h carolina where there are black people in the streets as opposed to iowa and new hampshire, she will realize it was slavery. >> you make an interesting point. the previous point, why not just light everything on fire at this
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point? to that point, she dropped two new ads. they have a big buy going out in south carolina. watch a piece of one. >> biden, too old. trump, too much chaos. a rematch no one wants. there's a better choice for a better america. her story started right here. america's youngest governor, a conservative republican. boy, did she deliver. >> it's a great day in south carolina. >> the message that she kind of got to by the end of the race. >> yeah. you are asking why doesn't she light everything on fire? >> to anna's point, why not? >> because she's thinking about her political future. presumably -- she's 52 years owed. she has put together a coalition within the republican primary electorate. it's not going to make her the nominee this go around. she established herself as somebody who can speak to a sector of the republican
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electorate who doesn't feel heard by trump, who doesn't support trump. she's thinking about her own future. i would imagine that's a big reason that she's not just going to entirely burn it down. this argument from her, i think it's unfortunate that this all sort of rose up in her three weeks before people went to the polls. if she had spent the duration of the campaign, if ron desantis had spent the duration of the campaign taking this argument directly to trump, maybe we would be in a different place. >> i've been saying that for a long time about. if you take on donald trump, you have to take on donald trump. i was frustrated that for the whole time nobody was. it may be too little too late. >> chris christie. >> campaigns are run off of billionaires and broke kids. that's how campaigns are run. you have billionaires writing checks, she stay in. broke kids willing to make phone calls, knocking on doors, she can stay in. you run out of both, it doesn't matter what you want to do. you can't burn it down.
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you got no fuel. that's the question you have to watch the next couple weeks. do the donors write checks? do people move toward her because she's standing between donald trump and this nomination? does that attract people or do people say, we don't want to go down with her ship? i think what you are seeing is a bunch of republicans wanting to kiss donald trump's ring rather than stand on principal. there are two people between donald trump and the white house. one is joe biden and the other is nikki haley. >> it's got to be painful and humiliating and embarrassing to see. she's going to see trump having big rallies in south carolina. standing next to lindsey graham and tim scott. tim scott was behind donald trump the entire time, grinning like a cheshire cat while donald trump was trashing nikki haley. the woman who gave him the biggest gift a governor can bestow on a human being, which
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is a u.s. senate seat. she appointed him to the u.s. senate. there he was, grinning every time donald trump trashed her. i thought to myself, reminder, you want loyalty in washington, get a dog. >> i will say -- >> how is cha cha? >> i thought the grin was more like, god, i can't believe i put myself in this position like everyone else has before me. stick around. we have more to get to. >> at least he wasn't limited to one minute, like vivek. >> fair point. we have breaking news out of russia. take a look. this is a plane in russia, it's crashed. there you see the explosion, huge flames. russian media reports it was carrying 65 oukrainian civilian members ahead of a prisoner exchange that was to happen. that's completely at odds with what ukrainian sources are saying, it wasn't carrying pows
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but carrying missiles. let's go to matthew chance. two completely different stories about a huge crash. what do we know this morning? >> reporter: there's a couple of unanswered questions. the first is, how did this plane plunge into a field near the ukrainian border? the russians have said, this was a ukrainian surface to air missile attack. it was shot out of the sky by ukrainian air defenses. there's some credibility in that in the sense that this is very close to the ukrainian border inside russian airspace. ukrainian air defense stipystem have been active. they have been denying russian aircraft the ability to operate freely inside russia, inside russian airspace. the ooh ukrainians haven't confd or denied whether or not they shot this aircraft out of the sky. on the balance of probability, probably a missile strike. probably ukrainians responsible. we have to see. the second unanswered question
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is, what was on board? the russians say that this was a plane carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war. they were shipping back across the border, back into ukraine to return them home. that would be an absolute tragedy if the ukrainians did shoot the aircraft out of the sky that was carrying 65 of its own people on board, pows, that were being sent home. ukrainians are casting doubt on that version of events. they are saying the intelligence suggested this plane was carrying munitions, weapons, missiles for russian air defense systems. if that's the case, that would have been a high profile, high priority target for the ukrainian military to address. >> either way, we will have to get the facts. matthew, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. donald trump's win in new hampshire shows the stroanglehod he has on part of the party. voters tell us what influenced
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their decision and how it could impact the general election. >> i like trump. he has some rough edges on his personality, but i like his policies. >> i was a trump supporter for many years. now i'm a haley fan. i think it's time for a change.
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did you feel particularly strong about a candidate? >> absolutely. >> who did you vote for? >> donald trump. >> why did you feel he was the one? >> because my life was a lot -- everybody's life was a lot easier, better economically, everything. >> nikki haley, for example, did you ever give her any thought of potentially giving her your vote? >> no. >> why is that? >> because i just very strongly feel that trump should be our president. >> i feel that his policies are aligned with making the country more stable and economically successful for everybody. he is the guy that i think can run the country. i don't think i want to go out and have a beer with him or hang out with him. that's not why i'm voting for him.
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>> those voters came out to push their candidate to a double digit win in new hampshire. the new hampshire republican primary saw record turnout. cnn has tallied 301,000 votes in the republican primary there. it surpasses nearly 288,000 ballots cast in 2016 and any previous democratic presidential primary contest in the state. we expect the final tally to reach 320,000 votes. >> back with us, larry hogan, van jones, ana navarro and kate b bedingfield. turnout was key. you listen to trump supporters, and this is the dynamic. just absolute lockup of the republican base doesn't leave a path forward for anyone else. >> i think people turned out on both sides. it wasn't a lockup. she came within ten points. she doubled her production in iowa. >> but trump won 76% of
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republicans -- registered republicans. >> 40% are independent. look, i think the trump people who are trump fans came out in big numbers. in iowa, they came out in 30 below zero. the people who don't like trump came out. >> let's be realistic. new hampshire is supposedly the worst state for trump demographic-wise and the best for her in terms of the ideological breakup. everywhere else from now on gets worse and worse for her. i think it's a grim outlook for her. >> it was also interesting, if you looked at the number of republican -- registered republicans who said, if trump was convicted of a crime, he wouldn't be fit for office. there is an opening. it's not going to make nikki haley the nominee. in a general election, there's an opening to talk to some of the disaffected republicans, independent-leaning republicans who don't like trump, who don't
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like that the republican nominee is going to be a multiple indicted figure. if you are the biden campaign and you are looking at the general election, there's room for growth. i think there's overall reason for hope that there is a huge section of the country that rejects what trump is saying. there's no question he has a hard lock on the republican base. but there's a big part of the country that doesn't -- >> there's a big block of the country that doesn't want joe biden. he is the least popular president in modern history. he is lower than donald trump. trump is beating him in almost every swing state. i think we're at a point where 70% of the people in america don't want either one. >> it's different when you are being theoretical and rhetorical. when you see the binary choice in front of you, okay, 81 years old versus 91 kocounts, i'm goi
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81. >> people say, i want to move on from trump but there's no way i can vote for biden. i hear biden voters -- >> if your choice is broccoli or -- >> there's polling that shows biden leading, as economic indicators have gotten stronger. i don't think the general election dynamic is locked in. >> the fact that biden drops so far is why trump won this primary in new hampshire. nikki haley's argument was i'm up 17 points on biden. >> 77% of people who voted for trump said they were voting for him. there is an enthusiasm for him that's not just about that. >> given the dynamics you are laying out as a former republican governor of a blue state, what are you going to do about it? >> i've been trying to do everything i can to take the party in a different direction. people say, why are you still a republican?
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because i was a youth for reagan chairman. if guys like me give up, then what do we have left? i outran biden and ran 45 points ahead of trump. i know how to win swing voters. the rest of the party has been turning off people and playing to the base. that's not a way to win. we lost seven out of the last eight -- >> it's a small island. there's others on that same island. liz cheney, mitt romney. >> i used to say i'm on a life boat by myself. a couple people jumped in. we got the titanic rolling by. >> van, a lot of people voted for trump because they feel like he fights for people like them. when it comes down to the economy and providing for your family, consumer sentiment, it's way up. janet yellen will give a big
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speech tomorrow. even if the numbers get better, it doesn't seem like the way they are talking about it is resonating or working with people. how do they change that in the next -- >> it's still january. we have a long time between now and november. if people feel better about the economy month after month after month, a little bit, it adds up. >> it's enough? >> it can add up. that would be a positive for biden. if this war winds down in gaza, so the young people aren't bombarded with images every 15 minutes, so they can look at other things to be concerned about, that begins to help joe biden. lastly, to anna's point, trump -- that act wears thin for most people fast. there is a world where it gets better. right now, neither nikki haley nor joe biden look strong enough to stop this runaway train. that's why people are concerned. >> thank you very much. it is only january.
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we have to do this a lot more over the next ten months. >> appreciate it. thank you very much. president biden looking ahead to november with a message and new merchandise. he faces a primary challenger, dean phillips. he came back. he joins us next.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud
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as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. welcome back. this morning, president biden turning his focus to the general election. there's a new t-shirt on the biden campaign website. it's adorned with this message, together we will defeat trump again. according to a campaign official, the $32 shirt is the first merchandise drop, so to speak, of 2024. president biden was not on the ballot in new hampshire because of a dispute between the democratic national committee and state officials here. thanks to write-ins, biden won a commanding victory. the biden campaign is zeroing in on the general. they still are dealing with challenges to him for the party's nomination, including the man who came in second,
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congressman dean phillips, who joins us now right here in new hampshire on his way to south carolina. thank you for being here. you are heading to south carolina. you had 20% of the vote here, a distant second to the president who is not on the ballot. why is it that you are going forward with this when democrats are eager to see the president be able to take on donald trump directly? >> i should issue a shirt that says good luck. the numbers are saying something different. yesterday, when we spoke, your poll had me at 7%. we came in about 20. i built businesses and brands over my life. i studied marketing. i have never known an enterprise to generate 20% market share in ten weeks. this is a beginning. the country is not going to vote for joe biden. i'm trying to wake up my party to that truth. i'm a democrat. i do not want to see donald trump return to the white house. let me tell you, everything i discovered in the 90 days here is that it's going to happen.
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i want to help democrats win. that's my message. i intend to compete in this. i think that's what democrats ultimately should be coalescing around. it can be others. we should have a thoughtful competition, because he is going to lose. >> you say you are a business guy. you know marketing can buy market share. you told me yesterday, you spent $5 million so far on this campaign. do you want to update that? >> that's on the entire campaign. that's not just new hampshire. >> you have spent -- i will be a little jege -- it's $216 per vou have spent so far. if you continue at this rate, would you have to spend $4.1 billion to get to 19 million votes joe biden got in the nominating contest last time around. i don't think you have $4.1 billion. how much are you repaired to spend? >> that's not a business proposition.
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i'm under 10% in name recognition. >> you are buying a lot of that. >> any business person watching knows you have to invest on the front side to develop your name awareness, brand awareness. then that cost goes way, way down. by the way, i have a lot fewer resources and fewer people than biden. he can't win. this whole thing is not about those numbers. the numbers that matter are 33% or 34% approval numbers. he is losing in the battleground states to a man under indictment who had businesses go bankrupt, his foundation shut down, a disaster for this country. we are sleepwalking -- think about this. >> nikki haley says -- >> nikki haley would beat joe biden by double digits. >> would you vote for nikki haley over joe biden? >> i want to vote for a democrat. we are putting ourselves in a position where a lot of democrats are going to have to think about that. you know what happened last night here in new hampshire? democrats voted for the
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republican, not for joe biden. they voted for nikki haley. >> that's donald trump's argument, which is not true. you would have had to change your registration. >> 8% did. a giant number of independents who vote for democrats -- there was a superpac trying to convince them to vote for nikki haley. your question should ask other democrats. that's the point. they didn't vote for joe biden. >> tell me about what you have done on the ground in south carolina. what outreach have you done to the african american black leaders in the state who are so critical to the party there? >> you are right. we have wonderful things planned. i'm not going to share them. we have good surprises. >> how long are you in this? >> until i can generate name recognition to a point where people can compare a poll of me against donald trump and joe biden against donald trump.
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any democrat should want that. if we are in to win, we need a candidate who can win. that's my whole contention. it's a simple one. people who think joe biden is going to beat donald trump, i think are deluded. that's my position. the numbers support that. >> you think people are deluded? >> i do. do you have data that says something different, that joe biden is in a position to beat donald trump? >> i will say that i have been hearing from a lot of republicans who do not think that donald trump can beat joe biden. it's a bit conflicting. >> every poll says something different. >> fair enough. >> congressman dean phillips, it's been fun to talk to you. phil, back to you. from politics to hollywood. "barbie" scoring eight nominations but not for barbie and greta. stay with us.
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i just don't know who i am without you. >> you are ken. >> but it's barbie and ken. there is no just ken. >> try telling that to the academy. ryan gosling scored an oscar nomination for his portrayal. but margot robbie and the director were not nominated. it sparked backlash. gosling said there's no ken without barbie. >> robbie was nominated as a producer for best picture.
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gerwig received a no, mminationr best adapted screenplay. it's phenomenal the access you got. i printed out -- i read this ten times, the statement. it was so good by ryan gosling. to say i'm disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement. we saw america ferreira put out a supportive statement for them. can you help us understand why? here is the headline. diversity wins. >> there's that. it's not a good look when it comes -- >> it doesn't make sense. >> people have to remember, the
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academy doesn't sit and say, this is who we want to give a nomination to and this is who we don't. they vote individually. in the case of best actress, there were six strong per perfo performances. my hunch is robbie was on a lot of ballots. she was probably three or four choice. it's hard to get in for a true comedy. yes, emma stone was nominated and won for a comedy for "poor things." if you look at the five performances that did get in, they are heavier. i think it's an unconscious or not bias against truly comedic movies. >> it was a comedy with a critical message. >> absolutely. i'm glad you pointed out she did get a nomination as a producer and gerwig as a writer. not the same but at least they will be there. >> ryan gosling's statement is annoyingly perfect, which follows how he operated throughout the pr portion of the
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movie when it came out. he always sat in the back and made clear who the stars were. does that bother you? >> everything did ryan gosling bothers me. i will be bothered if he doesn't decide -- >> phil, too. >> when gerwig and her partner were writing it, they wrote it with ryan's name in it before they asked him to be in it. this was all written for him. tell us about the book. some of the big names, nicole kidman, elton john. >> meryl streep. how can i write a book with oscar in the title and not have meryl streep in it? i wanted to come at the oscars from a more personal and emotional angle. to sit with these people and have them tell me stroir storiee day when they won.
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nicole kidman was lonely. was divorced from tom cruise, hadn't met keith urban. elton john thinking he won for the wrong song for "the lion king." stories like that. jane fonda feeling guilty that she won before her dad and talking openly about that. barry jenkins talking about "la la land" and how that detracted from his enjoyment of winning. i had fun doing it. >> it's like picking your children, but favorite person you spoke to? >> sally field. >> they really like me. they really love me. >> that's a very famous speech. she won another oscar before that. she spoke with me about that, about what an important film it is for her. it was a lot of fun. >> so many congratulations. nice to have you at the table. a college coach scores a
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historic victory on the basketball court. the record she just broke. itit's our mororning momenent, .
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you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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i love this story. the stanford women's basketball coach has 1,203 reasons to smile in today's morning moment. she's now the winningest coach in all of ncaa basketball history after winning her 1,203rd game over the weekend over oregon state. her 45-year coaching career is in the 38th season at stanford where she won three national titles. she has been the national coach
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of the year five times and want inducted into the nation's memorial basketball hall of fame. after this win, she remained characteristically humble about what it all means. >> this game of basketball was invented as, always has been and always will be a team sport. it is never about one person. it is not about me. i would not be up here without the great players i have coached, without working at the great universities i have worked, having a great staff. >> best known for her time as ohio state's women's coach, beat the record set by coach k. he shared a message saying, tara is a true guardian of our sport. the jacket she was wearing, it was great. >> she had to delay a bridge game with her mother to finish the celebration. very cute. >> that's nice


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