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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 24, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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nikki haley, not backing down, not giving up, even announcing a new big ad buy in her home state of south carolina, just this morning, despite trump's win in new hampshire, and the rnc chair saying she does not see a haley path forward. a plane crashes and explodes near the ukrainian/russian border, we've got conflicting reports this morning about what or who was actually on board. sarah is away, i'm john berman with kate bolduan, this is "cnn news central." ♪ this morning, nikki haley, she's headed to south carolina, as she's very clearly banking on her home state to give her a much-needed boost. it's also clear that donald trump wants her to bow out yesterday, and here's the statement from the head of the republican national committee.
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>> i'm looking at the math and the path going forward. and i don't see it for nikki haley. i think she's run a great campaign. but i do think there is a message that's coming out from the voters, which is very clear, we need to unite around our eventual nominee which is going to be donald trump. >> but nikki haley, she's already on the air this morning in south carolina with a multi-million dollar ad buy slamming donald trump, and slamming president biden. >> biden, too old, trump, too much chaos, a rematch no one wants. there's a better choice for a better america, her story started right here, america's youngest governor, a conservative republican, and boy did she deliver. >> how does she get a win on the board is the question now. cnn's kristen holmes joins us from amherst, new hampshire, kristen, what's next for nikki haley? >> yeah, kate, look, it's all
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about south carolina. the next chance she has to prove herself. she has expressed confidence in the state, but so has donald trump's team. they believe that, yes, nikki haley, it's her home state, she was the governor there, but in the years since she's been there that the electorate has changed, that it's now a more trump-focused electorate. our cnn polls really also show that, the recent poll that we had there showed that trump was up 53 to nikki haley's 22%, that's a big margin there. now, as for donald trump's strategy in south carolina, tim scott, the senator there, kind of laid it out this morning in an interview. take a listen. >> what we have to do is just focus on south carolina, make the margins so wide, so devastating, that the race is over, the donors start turning their attention -- >> five weeks. >> on donald trump. i think it's the next two or three weeks. the margins are going to get wider over the next three weeks, we're going home to south carolina to finish this race, and start focussing on joe
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biden. >> okay, so a couple things i want to point out here, one is just the honesty in that interview, that tim scott had, about the donors, you almost never hear trump's team say this out loud. they always say that they have plenty of money, they tout their fund-raising figures from small-dollar donors but they don't have a lot of that big money backing them. originally they thought if he won iowa by a huge margin, then new hampshire by a big margin, that they would turn to him. obviously, that's not what happened. they moved over from desantis to nikki haley, they're still waiting for high-dollar donors, it's interesting to actually hear tim scott say that. the other part of this is what their actual strategy is in south carolina. we've reached out if they're going to run any ads, have not heard back, the part of their strategy appears to be trying to embarrass or humiliate nikki haley in her home state. they did it already the past weekend in new hampshire. they had senator tim scott from south carolina endorse him before the new hampshire primary, and then campaign
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alongside him, but it wasn't just tim scott. it was also the governor of south carolina who had no reason to be in new hampshire campaigning but was up here for donald trump as well as several congressmen who have been from south carolina who are up here and endorsed donald trump. that's clearly the strategy to say that even in her own home state people are supporting the former president. as for, again, what their actual strategy is going to be, and messaging there, that's something we're still working with the campaign to try to figure out. >> and you will figure it out. great to see you, kristen, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. john, here we go. >> i am so interested in this nikki haley rally tonight. >> i know. >> what's she going to say? what's going to happen in the next few hours? what do the next 12 hours look like? >> such a consistent message from her, again and again in new hampshire, what does that sound like in south carolina? >> we'll be watching very carefully. so in the meantime on the democratic side after a successful write-in campaign in new hampshire, this morning president biden is focused on winning one of the largest unions in the united states, he will speak at a united auto
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workers convention. arlette saenz is at the white house. where, and who is the sbeintend audience here, arlette? >> reporter: john, president biden will be making his pitch today to working class voters as he is eyeing a general election matchup against former president donald trump, the president believes that the new hampshire republican primary results really offered a more decisive insight into who republicans will pick as their nominee, with the president's belief that this race is all but locked up by the former president. biden today, will be speaking at a conference of the united auto workers and it comes as that critical endorsement from the union is still looming. so far, they have withheld endorsing in the 2024 race even as many unions groups have backed biden. one of the concerns they've expressed in the past about biden is how some of its policies have led to the transition, a faster transition, towards electric vehicles. biden made some inroads with the group just last fall when he
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stood shoulder to shoulder with them in the picket lines, during those critical contract negotiations, with the big three auto makers. one thing that the uaw president has said is that he believes that donald trump would be a disaster if he were elected to a second term in office. but it's unclear, just yet, if the union is ready to throw their support behind joe biden, of course, there's also this debate about the union support, leadership support, versus a support amongst the rank and file, trump has been trying to make a play for those blue collar working class voters that biden would also need heading into the 2024 election, uaw endorsement could have ramifications in states like michigan, and wisconsin, so this is part of the constituency biden will be trying to court today as he speaks at this conference. but it comes as the biden campaign really feels that they have now reached the point where they are getting that biden versus trump matchup that they've been hoping for, over the course of the past year. the president last night, really tried to drive that argument
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home to voters in a statement saying, quote, it is now clear that donald trump will be the republican nominee, and my message to the country is the stakes could not be higher. our democracy, our personal freedoms from the right to choose, to the right to vote, our economy, which has seen the strongest recovery in the world since covid, all are at stake. and as biden is trying to make this general election pivot, he is shifting some of his white house top advisers towards the campaign as they're trying to have an all hands on deck approach as he's working towards that november election. nosk, the president still has a number of challenges he faces in courting voters, part of that, today, is trying to appeal to those working class voters but there's also strains within the democratic coalition, the president will have to address in the coming months. >> from the white house to the campaign, that in and of itself is instructive. arlette saenz, thank you so much. and with us now, the former white house spokesperson for george w. bush and spokesperson for the indiana republican
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party, and democratic strategy joe trippy. and back to the republican race, still a race, i want you to look at this calendar. i did a little art project here where i put a calendar up on the board where i circled all the days between now and the south carolina primary. pete, assuming nikki haley stays in, she's in right now, she's got a rally tonight, she's got $4 million in spending, explain to me what all these days, until south carolina, feel like, not just for nikki haley, but for all of us watching this campaign. >> well, if you listen to her speech last night, if you read the memo her campaign put to pre-but the new hampshire results her rationale for staying in this race right now is that she's in the race. it's like forrest gump running cross country, i've gone this far, i might as well just keep ongoing. that's right now her entire rationale. 31 days between now and south
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carolina, whatever momentum she may or may not have it's going to be hard to keep that up in the face of mounting pressure for the holdouts to get on board with donald trump. and then you just look at the score card of endorsements in south carolina, her own governor, members of the congressional delegation, statewide elected officials, all in trump's column. she has one member of congress supporting her, that hurts. >> let's stay on the calendar. these days, joe, is it a lifetime, or is it just enough time, when you're talking about the mounting pressure, the mounting pressure from whom, and does it matter? >> well, look, i think -- definitely think there's going to be a lot of pressure. she's already saw the rnc chair, you know, basically say get out. that's going to increase. but the other thing that's happening is there's going to be coverage now for that month. i mean, money doesn't matter as
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much in this kind of race once you come out of new hampshire and it's down to two people. so her challenge for trump to debate, i think, was a very smart move last night. he's not going to do it, but i think, you know, she's got to counter with that, and i think, look, the fact is, you know, what trump's proven so far is that the maga base can get in between 50 in iowa, and 55 in new hampshire, he's at 53 in south carolina in the poll that you cited. the fact is, she's close to -- i mean, it was 55-45 or somewhere in that range last night, it's not going to be a 30 point win there for him. this is going to close just because of the coverage she gets out of new hampshire, and the other thing i think that's being exposed here is the weakness of trump in the places that he needs. i mean, suburbs, women, the losing mod rerates and independents, the other thing
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that happened last night, at least if the exit poll was correct, nikki haley actually gained, with conservatives, and republicans, i mean, she didn't get 25 to 30% of that vote in iowa, by any means. she did last night. and that could increase too. so i wouldn't write her off just yet. i do agree, no one gets out of the race because they can't win. ron desantis proved that. they get out of the race because they run out of money and that's going to be the big question over these next 30 days. >> i think we have a shot right now of undeclared voters, how undeclared voters, largely independents in new hampshire, how they voted. nikki haley won that buy 31 points, pete. i imagine that donald trump can't lose independents in the united states by 31 points in a general election and win. so how much of a warning sign is this going forward? and alongside that, nikki haley, there's some reporting this morning from david drucker and michael warren, that her speech
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was designed to bait donald trump into, you know, acting out, being rude. and it worked, right? so how does that play with these independents, these moderates, that he is losing in right now? >> it doesn't take a lot to bait donald trump. i think you just have to run against him to accomplish that goal. but i think she's running the strategy of 15 or 20 years ago to say, oh, look, he's attacking me, that means he must feel threatened. we know that donald trump doesn't follow the normal rules of politics. typically, we say you punch up. if you're behind, you go after the leader in the campaign. donald trump he punches down, he punches left, he punches right, he punches in every single direction. that's how he operates. i don't think, just saying trump is mean, is going to change any of these dynamics. we already know that. we already know of his caustic
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language, we already know of his social media presence, there's nothing new about that. donald trump, at least in these two states, has received majority support from the republican electorate, and i think that's going to continue, the map is unfavorable to nikki haley, this is -- this is a game of delegates, and if she didn't catch up in delegates, he can't win the nomination. >> okay, real quick, i think south carolina, one thing that is unique about -- many things. one thing that's also additionally unique about south carolina as we look ahead is, this is a real test of the question of do endorsements or do they not matter, the way it's been described is it's been an avalanche of endorsements for donald trump, not for nikki haley in her home state. what does that do, you guys? joe? >> i don't think -- look, i don't think endorsements have mattered at all so far, i mean, desantis had the governor of iowa's endorsement. you know, i mean, this is really
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going to come down to whether republican voters decide they want somebody who can actually beat biden, which is -- which i would say would be nikki haley would be their best choice out of the two. and we're seeing in iowa, 20% of the republicans who voted in the caucus, i think it was 18%, said they won't vote for trump if he's the nominee. in new hampshire last night, it was over 30% said that. and so, the more he -- you know, sort of coalesces the maga base, in the beginnings of 53% in south carolina right now, the more he pushes away the independents, the moderates, the suburban women, and by the way, going after nikki doesn't help him with any of those groups. in terms of winning them back. you know, by the way, people go, you know, look at joe biden, yeah, 10% of the electorate last night who voted on the democratic side, say they wouldn't vote for him if he's the nominee. but that's like a third -- a
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small fraction of what's happening in the republican party against trump. i think that's significant, and i don't know whether she can grow it or not, i'm not predicting that she wins in south carolina. but i do think it will be closer, and i think for the next month, she has a chance to make that case to the republican party writ large. >> and then pete, there's the question of how we should all be looking at donald trump. are we looking at him as, you know, the presumptive nominee who's really strong in the race? or is he like a quasi incumbent? the guy was president just a few years ago with his grip on the party and up on the screen here, you can see, his results last night, yeah, he got over 50%, which is great, compared to george h.w. bush in 1992, when pat buchanan got 38 points off of him and that was considered a giant failure and george h.w. bush was seen as a wounded incumbent. those numbers are awfully similar, now, how do you look at that?
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>> they are awfully similar. i've been looking at him as an incumbent, running in this campaign, i think a lot of republicans in the end will come home, and vote for the republican nominee. but i want to touch on the endorsement question real quick. all things being equal, i think endorsements are up there with billboards and yard signs, they don't really matter. but when we're talking about south carolina, her home state, it makes a huge difference, and there's not a jim clyburn type person who could come out and endorse her, and turn the tide. >> great to see you both, thanks very much. coming up for us, a military plane crashed on the ukraine border, who or what was on board, confusion and clearly a dispute here. the latest on this developing story. the razor wire texas put up along the southern border still up even though the supreme court told -- said that the feds can
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take it down. what the border patrol chief is telling cnn about when that may change. and there's no ken without barbie, unless -- oscar-nominated actor ryan gosling slamming the shocking nomination stub snubs of the blockbuster movie. >> this is like imitating art. >> or is it art imitating --
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all those on board died, that is the statement this morning from a russian governor about a russian military plane that crashed near the ukrainian border and burst into flames. russia says dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war were on board,
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being flown for a prisoner swap, but ukraine says that russian air defense missiles were actually on the plane, cnn has not been able to independently verify these conflicting claims. let's get to cnn's fred pleitgen live in eastern ukraine, seems hard to believe that both of these things can be through the at the same time, fred, what more are you learning? >> reporter: yeah, you're absolutely right. it is certainly these claims and counterclaims, very difficult to ascertain what exactly or who exactly was on board that aircraft but it certainly was a massive explosion that took place after that plane hit the ground. we have that video that was posted on social media, apparently showing the plane out of control all this happening to the northeast of the city of b bellgorod. one of the major hubs for the war in ukraine. the plane diving towards the ground, seemingly possibly breaking apart before hitting the ground and igniting into a giant explosion, and fire ball. of course, it's very little
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wonder that the governor there, the local governor of that region says that everybody on board that plane died. the russians are saying, the russian ministry of defense, kate, that a ukrainian surface to air missile that took the plane down and that ukrainians launched it from ukrainian territory. it's pretty far away from ukraine so it would have been pretty difficult for the ukrainians to pull that off, but certainly we have seen the ukrainians recently trying to target some russian planes, both cargo and electronic warfare fl planes, but also fighter jets as well. they have not said whether or not they took the plane down but there were ukrainian sources saying there were possibly missiles on board the plane, the unionians are also acknowledging there was a prisoner swap that was supposed to take place today, and that prisoner swap has now been cancelled, the russians, of course, saying there were 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on that plane, very difficult to ascertain whether or not any of that is true, but certainly looking at that video, and looking at the fact that this is a very large
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russian transport aircraft for the military that was taken down, certainly is a blow to the russians, and a huge incident that took place there in the southern part of russia, very close to the ukrainian -- >> frederik pleitgen, great to see you, thank you so much for coming on. with us now, cnn military air force colonel cedric leighton, this is where it happened, over the worried from ukraine, there is this jvideo aftermath. is it possible it was a ukrain ukrainian surface to air missile from the ukrainian side of the border, right about here? >> it is possibly, technically, but as fred mentioned it is a bit of a distance and it depends on the type of missile that was used, john, but technically, it is possible that the unionians could have done this. if they had the intelligence that the plane was coming in, and they had the exact angle of attack they needed it could have
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been done, absolutely. >> now, again, this is the type of plane that was shot from the sky, wasn't this exact plane, but the type of plane, if the ukrainians had the intelligence the plane was coming in, if there were ukrainian p.o.w.s on board presumably they would have had that intelligence too. how can something like this get shot from the sky by accident? >> yeah, there's -- there are no accidents in war like this. i would say, john. but in this particular case if it wasn't clear to the ukrainians that there was a series of passengers on this plane, and that those passengers including ukrainian p.o.w.s, if that's the case, then, you know, they may not have known. they may just have seen the aircraft. it's also possible to mix up aircraft. we have one coming in from somewhere like, let's say, you know, from another country that you want to attack, whereas you have one -- another one that's
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flying in with -- you know, with passengers on board. that could happen. so it's a possibility of a mix-up. it's also possible that there were no ukrainian p.o.w.s on board. we just don't know at this point in time. >> no. it is a message that does -- is advantageous to the russians, whether it is true or not. this region, you're looking at belgorod over the border from ukraine, that seems to be one of the areas inside russia that the ukrainians have been taking the fight. why? >> yeah, well, first of all, it's close to ukraine, but it's also a major staging area for the russian military. a lot of what they've been able to do in the eastern part of ukraine and the northern part of ukraine, and especially when it's focused on the kharkiv hold blast, that means the russians just have 30 miles basically to go to the border in some places, and they can use that to their advantage. so it's major, logistics for the
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russians and a prime target for the ukrainians. >> colonel cedric leighton, thanks so much. new reaction coming in from republicans on capitol hill, donald trump's win in new hampshire, bring that to you.
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this morning, razor wire
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remains in place on the u.s.-mexico border in the eagle pass, texas area, that is despite a supreme court ruling which would allow u.s. border patrol to remove the wire that was deployed by the texas governor greg abbott. cnn's rosa flores is on the border in eagle pass, texas, rosa, tell us what you're seeing and what's actually happening with this wire. >> reporter: john, good morning, you can see behind me the razor wire is still here, and the acting cbp commissioner telling my colleague that there's no timeline to remove the razor wire, but i want to show you the difference in posture when it comes to the state government and the federal government, because the state of texas rolled up in here, in hum vees, and soldiers with long guns, you can see one of the hum vees back there, lots of razor wire, and they commandeered a public park and kicked out border patrol. the federal government for its part has sent two demand letters to the state of texas demanding
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access to this area. now, one demand letter was sent last week, the deadline was wednesday, that deadline came and went, and the state of texas did nothing other than say that it was not going to surrender to the federal government. well, the federal government sent out another demand letter yesterday, we're waiting to see what the response is from the state of texas, but i want to point out that not only has the state of texas taken over this public park, take a look at the sign behind me, u.s. government property, no trespassing, so not only is the federal government asking for access to a public park, and to the river, but to their own property. this is a bridge that crosses over a waterway that meets with the rio grande, and the federal government doesn't have access. and i don't know, there are so many extraordinary things about this particular situation on the border, like a state taking over an area, and not allowing the federal government to come in,
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but normally these disputes in policy, we see those play out between politicians, let's say the president and the governor, or lawmakers and the president, what have you, but the difference here is that we're seeing the difference on the ground, normally law enforcement agencies on the ground are not involved. we don't see the different badges, whether it's the state government or the federal government, badges duking it out on the ground. that's what we're seeing here. it's a standoff, border patrol was kicked out and the state of texas is saying that they're not letting him in. >> yeah, this is a very unusual standoff to say the least, rosa, keep us posted as it develops. for now, the razor wire still up. now republican lawmakers have weighing in on trump's win in new hampshire and nikki haley's promise to keep fighting onto south carolina. manu raju is on capitol hill with more on this. what are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah, this group, senate republicans, a lot of them have been slow to embrace
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donald trump, many of them fearful that donald trump's impact down ticket could hurt their chances of taking back the senate. so then they witness back in 2022, something they fear that could happen again, particularly as you look at the numbers from last night over the last couple of states in which trump has in some ways struggled with more moderate voters, last night, particularly struggling with independent voters and that is the question i put to a number of these top senators today, who even the ones who have endorsed donald trump, senator john cornyn, one of them, came and announced his support of donald trump last night, he has raised concerns in the past about trump's electability, and made clear that trump needs to broaden his appeal to beyond his base in order to win in november and help the republicans down the ticket. >> i think if the president would pick tim scott as vice president, i think that would be a really good ticket. but i think you're right, there
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needs to be -- after a primary there needs to be a broader appeal than just primary voters. you can't win with just your own base. >> do you think it's time for nikki haley to drop out? >> i'll leave that up to her but trump is in a commanding position in south carolina, i think, for all practical purposes, the primary is over. she's done better than anybody in the history of south carolina, she has a lot to be proud of. but her assessment last night of president trump, i don't think would be widely shared in south carolina. >> last comment coming of course from senator lindsey graham who also hails from south carolina, and has supported donald trump for some time. i asked him about nikki haley's criticism that donald trump was not fit to be president, that he said that that is not a view that south carolinians will show but the concern also among republicans is that this will go on for some time, that the party
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will have a harder time to unite, particularly as donald trump gets pulled into a back and forth with nikki haley as we saw last night. the concerns about one unifying, two about actually appealing beyond his very hard core base, beyond republican voters into those -- into the key dem graphition of his key for swing states like michigan and wisconsin, pennsylvania, things that donald trump needs to win back the presidency, that underscores the hesitance momg republicans in the senate in particular to get behind him and a lot of them have fresh memories of everything that happened in the aftermath of january 6th. one of them senate republican leader mitch mcconnell who right after january 6th said that donald trump is morally and practically responsible for the actions of that day. yesterday i asked mcconnell whether or not he will have to repair his relations with donald trump in order to go forward, and noted if he is the nominee, he declined to comment, also declined to say whether or not he would endorse him, even as some other members of his
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leadership team, are backing him. not every member of the leadership team shows you the challenges trump has had in appealing to some of his -- what we would assume would be his closest allies, republicans in congress, but on the senate side still some hesitance and concerns about the likely top of their ticket, guys. >> fascinating. manu, thank you so much for gathering that and bringing it to us. we really appreciate it. john. >> it is seen as one of the greatest acts of unintentional irony in awards history. who gets nominated if the blockbuster film about women's role in society directed by a woman, that's right, it's ken. and we have fresh comments from ken on this, sort of.
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this morning, nikki haley is on her way back home to south carolina, we're waiting to see if she speaks in the next few hours, and how she plans to continue her campaign. one question is, how will she be received? by her home state voters. cnn's gary tuchman heard from them directly. >> we know we have a long way to go but at least at the moment, the places you need to fill in. >> reporter: we watched cnn's new hampshire primary coverage with loyal republicans from south carolina, what could be a crucial primary state. most of the people we watched with are planning to vote for donald trump, nine of these 13 said they will vote for the former president. >> donald trump made it clear in his speech, he thinks this is
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over, nikki haley says she is continuing, who thinks it's over? you do, tell me why. >> because the results that we got tonight, that was the answer for her. it's over. >> what do you think? >> i agree, i do think that it's over. we'll see when south carolina, but i think that it's over. >> do you think nikki haley should stay in the race? >> i think it would be very tough road for her. i think you look at our state, our governor, both our senators, five of our six congressmen all came out, you know, for trump. >> reporter: two people on our panel are planning to vote for nikki haley. >> she said she's going to stay in the race and we'll see what she does. at the proper time she's make that decision but right now she's not that at that decision yet. >> i think she should stay in the race. i think she's come from behind in other races and she has four weeks, i believe it is, to make some changes in her campaign, and i think she needs to really
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drive her message home to south carolina voters. >> notably, 12 of the 13 people in our group tell us they thought nikki haley was a good governor. >> well, i think it's undeniable that nikki haley had a good track record as governor, but president trump had a good track record as president. >> i don't know if it's so much that she wouldn't do a good job, but i just think she's the wrong person for the job at this time. >> why is that? >> i just think donald trump has made a presence in our world, he has made hard decisions with other leaders, all across the world. >> survey we've done in iowa, survey we did in new hampshire, is donald trump fit for the presidency if he's convicted of one of these felonies against him? raise your hand if you think he's fit for the presidency, even if he's a convicted felon. raise your high so we can see you. raise your hand if you don't think he's fit for the presidency. >> i'll qualify that. it would need to go through the
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appeals up the ladder. if he's still guilty i don't think i would find him fit. >> the south carolina republican primary is on february 24th. gary tuchman, cnn, mount pleasant, south carolina. >> very interesting realtime reaction, thanks to gary for that. kate. a snub for one of the summer's biggest blockbusters, ryan gosling -- two people who brought barbie to life were left out of oscar nominations.
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life, imitating art, actors, america ferrera, and ryan gosling slamming the oscars after a barbie snub that feels too much like a scene straight out of the summer blockbuster, watch this. >> everything, basically everything, exists to expand and elevate the presence of men. >> that's amazing. >> it's beautiful. >> i know. >> barbie's here. >> uh-oh. >> ken? what have you done? what are you wearing? >> don't question it, just roll with it, tiny baby. >> don't call me baby. >> well, ferrera and gosling received individual oscar nominations yesterday, their co-stars, margot robbie, and director greta gerwig did not. gosling said in a statement that he's -- well, he's proud to portray ken, but quote, there is no ken without barbie, there is no barbie movie without greta
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gerwig and margot robbie, the two people most responsible for this history-making, globally celebrated film. let's go to elizabeth wagmeister for more, it's the greatest unintentional irony in the history of movie awards. did it come as a surprise? >> this absolutely came as a surprise, this was the biggest film of 2023, making over $1.4 billion, and the first film ever to cross $1 billion at the box office to come from a female film maker, that is greta gerwig. you cannot overstate what big of an impact this film had, not just on the movie industry, but also on women in film. now, we have not heard yet from greta gerwig or margot robbie but as you've said we've heard from america if fi rare a, and n gosling but i reached out to will in film, advocacy group
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that fights for equity in the entertainment industry for women. they said, quote, while we are thrill today see a record number of films by women nominated in the best picture category it is disappointing to see that women at the helm of both barbie and past lives were disregarded in boast directing, and lead performances. the industry often takes women's work for granted and even the women behind the highest grossing film of the year, or most critically beloved are not exempt. you see there they are also calling out another great film "past lives" which comes from different female film maker. the academy has a big problem with recognizing women in film. . in the 196 year history only seven women have been nominated for best director, and only three wins, of course, this goes to the bigger question of "barbie." it goes beyond women in film. the cultural impact of this film was immense, from people
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celebrating it when they turned out in droefs to go to movie theaters wearing pink and now we see it with society defending the fact that these two women were snubbed. >> yeah. great to see you, elizabeth. a second chapter for the impact of "barbie," john berman. >> i'm just ken. >> that's right, you are. we are standing by from signals for nikki haley's campaign, in south carolina, about what she plans to do next.
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>> new hampshire was so yesterday, and already this morning, in fact, since we've been on the air, a slew of new developments in the presidential race. nikki haley is on her way home to south carolina, we're waiting to hear from her when she lands. her campaign just released two new commercials there, that doesn't sound like someone dropping out but the chair of the republican party, the national party, is questioning her ability to continue. and new this morning, the georgia republican party chair and the rnc delegates from there, are calling for haley to drop out. the question there is, will other party officials from around the country join this call? cnn's dianne gallagher is in summerville, south carolina, where nikki haley is scheduled to speak tonight. give us a sense of the scene, if this looks like it's all going to happen, what you're hearing on the ground there, diane? >> reporter: nikki haley will speak not too far from here in


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