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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PST

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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? >> > is it over or getting
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started? donald trump insists his win in new hampshire last night means he's the nominee for president but making daily claims the primary races just warming up, she is refusing to end her campaign and spending big to stay in the race. also a dispute about a plane crash, 74 people reportedly killed according to the kremlin when a military plane crashes near the ukrainian border but there is no agreement between kyiv and moscow over who or what was actually on board. the trial of the mother of the michigan school shooter who was convicted getting in michigan, she wants her son to testify. we will speak with the sheriff of oakland county about her case. we are following these major developing stories and much more coming in right here to cnn news central. after his unprecedented back to back wins in iowa and
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new hampshire, donald trump is intensifying his attacks against republican rival nikki haley as she is vowing to keep the primary fight going. the next the contest is exactly one month from today in south carolina and haley is going to be there tonight for her rally beside her home state's most prominent republicans are backing the former president including, tim scott, the senator who owes his job to haley. remember she appointed him to the senate. also this hour, we will your reaction from president biden. he's expected to play up the contrast with trump when he addresses united auto workers union, clearly eyeing an election rematch in fact, his campaign is now banking on it selling these new t-shirts that read, quote, together, we will defeat trump, again. let's get the latest from jeff whose live in new hampshire. jeff, what does the path look like at this point for nikki haley? >> reporter: boris, it's a
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narrow path and a precarious one but it is on her home turf. so nikki haley is back in south carolina, not to lick her wounds but to fight onto the primary, which is one month from today. we say a day is a lifetime in politics, think how long a month will be if there's an epic fight between her and former president trump. we are told that she is speaking to supporters, longtime allies, friends and donors and as of now, she's staying in the race. she scheduled to have a rally tonight in north charleston, she's on the air with television ads in south carolina, all signs point to the fact that she's going to continue allowing other republican voters to have their say in this primary. of course that's usually how it goes, usually people who have lost a couple of states do not telegraph that they are getting out, they reassess their decision but she has many reasons to stay in the race, largely because she improved her performance in new
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hampshire, yes the electorate is different here, many more independent voters but certainly republicans voted as well to give a trump alternative voice. the question is in her home state of south carolina, it's much more trumpy, quite frankly, do they want her candidacy to continue? she will find out as her campaign begins there tonight. we've been seeing that trump is not happy just with the victory. sources are telling you that he's not thrilled that nikki haley didn't drop out? >> he made that clear in his speech, if you look back to iowa, when he won by about 30 points, he talked about unifying the party in the country, there was no -- none of that in the speech last night. he criticized nikki haley on
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every level including what she was wearing, we are told by sources that he was annoyed, angry, that she decided to stay in the race and he didn't like the tone of the speech that she gave. at one point actually calling her an imposter, and he mentioned that endorsement from south carolina senator tim scott, there was also an awkward moment during the speech when trump essentially brought up that tim scott should have liked nikki haley or endorsed making haley and said you must really hate her for endorsing me and scott walked up to the mic and said no, i just love you. anyone who knows tim scott knows that that is not his brand of politics but that's really part of their effort, in south carolina, we have seen what they are doing, their strategy there and it's essentially to embarrass her in her home state. the electorate has changed, it is more pro-trump or at least that's what his advisers believe so they are touting around all these endorsements from south carolina officials that have endorsed donald trump saying, look, her home state,
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they actually support us over nikki haley. >> on the question of those endorsements, we just heard from one senator who is not going to be backing trump. >> that's right, boris, we are at a time when republicans are closing rank. we've seen people who like ron desantis were attacked viciously by the former president, still come out and pack him but susan collins of maine, the senator, said she's not likely to endorsed donald trump, and actually she added that she was happy that nikki haley was staying in the race, saying that i think the more people that people see of her, the more impressed those people will be. it's not that surprising, yet she's a republican senator but she also voted to impeach him in january 2021. not a big fan, but it is interesting given what we are seeing on capitol hill which is the closing of ranks, the
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circling of the wagon. >> quite a statement there. thank you so much. let's bring in a pair of commentators now, we have sc cup and maria cardona. what makes her campaign think that she can give him a run for his money? >> i think every opportunity she has two peers that inevitability is good for her, and leads to some momentum. and you have to look at the people who are saying this primary is over, donald trump and joe biden, they are saying that because it benefits donald trump and joe biden. joe biden wanted to be over because he wants to face trump and nikki haley would be a much tougher opponent for joe biden and trump, so i think we need to be careful with our framing hair, and remember that 49% of
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people in iowa chose someone other than trump. 40% plus of people chose someone other than trump. the party is not coalesced around him. it is divided. there's no real other way to see it. now, the map gets tougher for nikki haley, she knows that but she's going to fight because 40% is not an insignificant number, and i think her performance and her you know, going out on the trail and doing media is giving permission for other independents , moderates and maybe even republicans to say yeah, i would like someone else and guess what, someone else is running. >> what do you say to this, maria? >> i think that nikki haley is an incredibly tough position. there's no question. there's almost no path moving forward. but then that also frees her up
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because she has nothing to lose. and what i would say is, at this point, the independents , the republican leading moderates absolutely want someplace to go. nikki haley was it and we saw it in the numbers in new hampshire. and that i think is going to be a huge vulnerability for donald trump going into the general election but i've been talking to some republican strategists, and here's the argument they are making, which nikki haley isn't making it yet but i want or if it's in the back of her mind and if it is, she should start going for the jugular now. what if, between now and a couple of months, super tuesday, additional states, even through the convention or before the convention, what if he gets indicted and convicted, what if he gets convicted? we've already seen numbers, our own polls that say people would not want to support him. she would be the last person standing if that happens. >> what does it say that so many independents did turn out. yes, she didn't win but there was a big independent turnout
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that we shouldn't lose site of. >> absolutely. and i think what that tells you is that there is a big swath within the republican party that does want to turn the page, they are desperate to have a choice between donald trump the crazy, the chaos, the criminality, and somebody who would bring a little bit more of a presidential temperament. but perhap s more conservative, nikki haley was the person that i think they've also come to realize to their chagrin that right now, the republican party is not built for somebody like nikki haley, is not billed for somebody who is moderate. that's what donald trump is counting on. that's what he is focusing on. that's why he's going full force, full maga, the speech that he gave last night in new hampshire, was horrific. so that tells you just how, not only what kind of candidate he will be in the general election, but what kind of president, if god for bid and
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hopefully the voters will for bid as well, he gets into the oval office again. >> se, what do you think if the turnout tells us about how a general election could look, beyond new hampshire? >> i think trump is really weak, seating 40+ percent to republican opponent where yes, it's independents and moderates but not in iowa, those are other republicans voting for someone else. so i don't think he's at and very safe and strong position, going into an election against joe biden, joe biden knows that and that's why he really wants trump on the top of the ticket but, i think maria made a really good point about nikki wanting to be the last man standing, in case, and i actually asked the campaign this yesterday or the day before like is it part of the strategy to just be the last one around in case trump goes to prison? they didn't really want to answer that question directly, so, you know, i have no response to report there but i think that is tacitly part of
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this, too, because literally anything could happen between now and super tuesday, now and the conventions. and i think that the haley team is very aware of that. >> s.e., what did you think about tim scott's moment on the stage with trump ? >> i mean, i called this the great emasculation of the republican party, trump has completely emasculated these guys, to the point where it's not just enough to show up, you've got to show up and literally bend over, kiss the ring, whatever you've got to do. tim scott saying, i just love you, man, i mean it's so . attic and so week but trump loves this, he lives off humiliating you know, his one- time opponents or critics, even his fans, i mean, he loves the humiliation, and these guys are
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happy to perform for him, happy to humiliate themselves for him. >> tim scott, you know, it looks like he's being a big sport about it, he's laughing but i can't imagine that is enjoyable for anyone. >> i don't know how he sleeps at night or faces his friends and family. it is not just emasculating but it's embarrassing, undignified, i don't know how he faces any kind of political future. >> what if, though, he's trying to hold a place to maybe be in a trump administration and he feels like he's a grown up. >> i say that's been tried before. >> it feels like a dij@ vu question. >> we have all seen how that has failed. >> thank you, we really appreciate it. still ahead, a united nations relief agency reporting mass casualtie s, after a
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shelter in gaza, housing thousands of displaced people was hit. plus an investigation underway after a fiery plane crash in russiaia, conflictcting reportr about t who or what was on b bo anand presidenent biden speakin herere in justst a a few minutu at a u united autoto workers conferenence. the e union is e expected toto endorsrse him for r reelectiono wiwill bring y you his rememark live, ahead.
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trapped and completely surrounded, that's how a un official is describing the dire situation, the thousands of displaced palestinians are facing. intense fighting has consumed the city. one of the buildings has been hit that was a un building. we have nick robertson in tel aviv following the latest here. social distancing, the idf said
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it plans to continue fighting for several days as it is targeting hamas militants but then we are hearing these reports that of course a lot of civilians are paying the price. what are you seeing and hearing? >> the idf says that they have intensified the operations in the area that surrounded the city where this is happening. and they are tear targeting the terror cells and they have been getting a hold of weapons, rpg's, automatic weapons, but inside of all of that, an estimated 150,000 people according to the un official in the area. he said it is one of their shelters for displaced people, a training center. he said that houses about 40,000 people. a huge number of people in this training facility and it was the carpentry workshop where he said was hit today by two tank
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rounds, and he described about 800 people being inside the building when it was hit, he said 9 people were killed, 7500 and an eyewitness said the facility was surrounded by tanks, but what makes the situation more complicated is that they can't get their own un teams in there. he says because the agreed roots that they have have sandbox across them. he said they can't get to the hospitals in that area and they need to because the intensity of the fighting is too fierce. it's not safe for people to get out. the idf has told people in that area to get out and move west, go to a safer area but according to the un director, when people tried to do that yesterday, he said they were unable to do it because the
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road was blocked by two tanks. so this is the scenario in this part but the fighting is intense and a significant number of people are not able, it appears, to get out of harms way and some of them we understand, have been killed. >> and so many others trapped and in danger. thank you for the latest reporting. we appreciate it. keeping our focus overseas, the kremlin is accusing ukraine of killing dozens of its own servicemembers after a russian military transport plane crashed. this video posted to social media shows the aircraft over russia's region doing a nosedive before crashing and bursting into flames. there is a dispute now over who or what was on board. russian officials are claiming the aircraft was carrying 65
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pows ahead of a prisoner swap but ukraine's military said it was carrying air defense missiles. the kremlin has declared the crash a terrorist act, and kyiv is not acknowledging that the forces fired on the plane. want to go to eastern ukraine. fred, we are hearing conflicting reports here. what do we know about what was actually on board? >> reporter: it's a really complicated situation, and the russians have come out and blame this on the ukrainians and the russian defense ministry said that it was a ukrainian surface-to-air missile that was fired from ukrainian territory that took the plane down. we obviously saw the video of the plane later crashing, and russia's foreign minister came out today at the un and he absolutely blasted the ukrainians, here's what he said. >> the ukrainian prisoners of war were transported to the region in order to conduct
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another swap that was agreed between moscow and kyiv. instead of this, the ukrainian side wants to missile from the car kyiv region that targeted the airplane and was a fatal strike. >> the ukrainians are being quite vague about first of all whether or not they know who was on the plane and also whether or not they shot the plane down. the ukrainians are saying that in many cases, planes like that one, they are used to transport missiles to that place in russia and the russians use those missiles to target ukrainian territory. the ukrainians also say that a prisoner exchange was indeed supposed to happen but that they did not inform them whether or not they're going to take the prisoners to that area my plane. i want to read you a statement from the ukrainian general staff. they said the armed forces of ukraine will continue to take
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measures to destroy delivery means and control the airspace to eliminate the terrorist threat. so the ukrainians are saying that any cargo planes carrying missiles could be targeted. they are not saying whether or not they were behind taking this plane down and they are not saying whether or not they acknowledge that there were possibly ukrainian pows on the plane. a really complicated situation. also a devastating crash for the russian air force. fred, we heard him mention previous prisoner exchanges. to those usually run smoothly? >> reporter: in many cases, they do indeed run smoothly but of course, they take a long time to get set up and are a long time in the making. there are little issues as to which prisoners might be exchanged but we've seen a number of prisoner exchanges over the past two years that
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the war has been going on, they certainly are quite difficult, they often happen in northern regions of ukraine and the border there, with russia, it's unclear whether or not in this case this exchange would have gone very smoothly, the ukrainians do acknowledge that an exchange was supposed to take place and the exchange was supposed to take place today and that it was called off last minute. so whether or not that means that there were business on board, that is really unclear but certainly, prisoner exchanges are something that we've seen, they are very important to both sides, but very important probably more important, to the ukrainians, obviously wanting to get their servicemembers back. >> thanks for the update, fred. still ahead on cnn news central, the razor wire that texas put up along the border with mexico , that's still up even though the supreme court told the feds they can start to take it down. we will talk about the border patrol chief's decision telling
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cnn that that may soon change. we are waiting on remarks from president biden from the united auto workers union. stay with cnn, we are back in just a moment.
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texas is doubling down on his policies by placing more razor wire at the southern border despite getting the green light to remove it, the feds have yet to take any steps to do so. we have rosa florez who is in eagle pass, you saw the new razor wire going up, what is the latest? >> reporter: it's actually right behind me, this is some of the anti-climb fence and the razor wire that the state of texas is putting up right by these containers but i want to set the scene for you in shelby park, this is the area that was taken over by the state of texas and border patrol is not allowed to be in this area, they were picked out by texas and here is the scene that's unfolding. i want you to look beyond these layers of razor wire because you will see a couple that is sitting right on the banks of the rio grande. these are two students from venezuela who were studying architecture, they started protesting against the maduro regime and they feel they had to flee their country because they would either be kidnapped
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or killed if they stay there. they tell me they have been here for two days, they have not eaten, they have not had water until a few hours ago when texas national guard gave them water. but this is the standoff that we are seeing. the people caught in the middle are migrants, these two individuals simply want to turn themselves into authorities but border patrol is not here. to be clear, the international boundary is in the middle of this river, these two individuals are technically in u.s. territory and under federal law and policy, they should be apprehended and they should be processed through normal immigration processing but right now, they are sitting there, they are having to wait, it's kevin and vanessa, vanessa, she showed us some of the cuts that she has on her legs, she has difficulty walking, she cut herself with the razor wire so they are stuck there. and what we are learning from a law enforcement source that i just talked to is the federal government does not plan to have an immediate mass removal
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of all of this razor wire along the us-mexico border that was deployed by the state of texas. this source told me that border patrol agents will cut the wire as needed, for operational purposes and in the case of an emergency but the other thing that this source points out is that this shelby park area is a separate issue because it's been taken over by texas, and the latest we know about that is that dhs has sent a letter to texas and this is the second demand letter asking the state of texas to give border patrol axis, in other words, if border patrol was here, they would be able to process these individuals through the normal processing but instead, they are having to wait here, without food, water, and texas authorities don't appear to do anything with them, they are
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just letting them sit there on the banks of the rio grande. >> it looks like the river is moving pretty well as well. thank you. now to some of the other headlines we are watching this hour. a man in new york convicted of fatally shooting a woman who mistakenly ended up on his driveway plans to appeal. the jury took just two hours to find kevin moynihan guilty in the murder of kalin gillis, she was a passenger in her boyfriend's suv when they pulled into the wrong driveway. he came out with a shotgun and claimed the shooting was an accident. he faces 25 years to life in prison. prosecutors saying they will seek the maximum sentence. dangerous flooding in parts of the south, up to seven inches of rain fell in texas yesterday, turning this underpass into a lake. more heavy rain is expected to drench the area again today.
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flash flood warnings expanding through louisiana and into mississippi and a record- breaking 21 million americans enrolled in obamacare this year, that's five million more than last year. the white house is touting the increase as a sign of the healthcare plans success and it comes as former president trump is vowing to repeal the program if you selected. jury selection underway in the case of jennifer crumbley, her son is serving a life sentence for a school shshootin and now a jury has to decide whether she should be held reresponsible e for he son's acactions. we will didiscuss withth a loca sheriff, when we come back.
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more than two years after a shooter murdered four students in a michigan high school, a court will soon decide if his mother will also be held accountable. today jury selection picks up for a second day in the trial against jennifer crumbley, her son is currently safe serving a life sentence for the mass shooting at oxford high back in 2021. jennifer crumbley is now asking the judge to force her son and his psychiatrist to testify in her defense. what charges is jennifer crumbley facing and what is next here? >> it's homicide, it's that she caused the death of the students that her son alone pulled the trigger on because of her gross negligence. that she knew that he had mental issues that she allowed her husband to go and get a gun, purchasing it on black friday, that she went target shooting with him and then he took it to school, she was
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called to school along with her husband because of drawings of a gun and bullets and blood saying my life is useless and a short time after that was the mass shooting. so the exposure here is 15 years and there's four counts because there were four students that were murdered, so that would be 60 years that potentially she's facing. here's the issue now. you see, even crumbley had texted his friend, he was a loner, stating his bedroom all the time, used to text his friend of thousands of text, text his friend, i told my mom and dad i've got mental issues, i tell them take me to a doctor and he says to me just take a pill and suck it up and my mother laughs. well we heard this testimony during a hearing as to what his sentence should be, life in prison with or without the possibility of parole and the psychiatrist testified that even crumbley told her, in
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meetings with him in the gel that he lied to his friend about telling his parents about this and having his father say take a pill and his mother laughing. will those texts are coming into this trial. and the defense has no defense to it and now they know that he denied it to the psychiatrist, so they are asking for all those medical records to become part of the trial, to have ethan testify, during their trial, because she and her husband are both charge but her trial goes first, and the appellate attorneys representing even crumbley are saying no, this is privileged, we are doing an appeal of his sentence and you shall not have this. but it's yet to be determined because ethan holds the privilege meaning ethan can make the decision whether he's going to testify at his mother's trial. >> that's really interesting. a matter of what could be good for him is bad for her, and vice versa here. we will be watching this, obviously, pretty intently, thank you. we want to get some perspective from someone who knows this case well. oakland county sheriff michael
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bechard joins us now. he was part of the investigation into the oxford school shooting. thanks for sharing part of your afternoon with us. prosecutors are accusing the parents of letting ethan at 15, have access to the gun that he used for ignoring warning signs , now they are facing those four counts of involuntary manslaughter. i'm wondering based on what you found during the investigation, do you think there is enough there to convict them? >> i certainly think there was a nexus that is connecting to the parents on a number of levels, so much so that while the shooting was actually in progress, one of the parents called our central dispatch center and said, that they thought their child was the shooter. it turned out to be in fact, one of the parents of ethan, so it's not a surprise to them on that day and it shouldn't have been a surprise preceding that day, that they needed to engage on a much more deep level, they had gone to the school or heard
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about different events at the school on two consecutive days. and yet, they didn't intervene in a way that i think would have been more appropriate. >> i'm also curious to get your perspective on what came after the incident, because you and other law enforcement officers had to search for them for hours when they skip their arraignment. do you think that perhaps should have been more charges? >> well, they said that they were hiding for their own personal safety, which i doubt on a lot of levels. they accessed the banks and they were very close to an international border, so certainly, that tells me that there was other things going on in their mind in terms of culpability, that they thought and they were already in the potential to be in the wind. >> yeah, i also want to get your thought on whether you think this case could set a
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precedent that the parents of a child who commits murder could also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. we see a lot of school shootings sadly, in this country, do you think that this would potentially open up cases moving forward? >> yeah, absolutely. i think you have to have that nexus and obviously gross negligence. i think that is here. ultimately what the charge is is up to the prosecutor but i certainly think it was appropriate to bring charges based on the totality of what was going on, what the parents did or did not do. on the day of the shooting, they refused to take the child home. we weren't brought into that meeting, but that should have been an intervention moment if the parents were engaged, and if my first thought, the
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average person would look at this and say, they knew things were off the track. >> i don't want to lose site of the fact that for people were killed at oxford high school. how would you say the community is doing now, two years later, watching all of this unfold with this family in court? >> they are having a tough time with it, all of the community, i've had kids come up that aren't in the oxford school district and have been very scared and affected by it. our whole agency has been affected by it, you know, a couple of people couldn't come back to work. so it's a very traumatic event when you lose kids in a situation like this, in a situation that we believe probably had a path to prevention. >> sheriff, we have to leave the conversation there but thanks for sharing your perspective. >> thank you. so president biden is
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expected to speak in just minutes. we are learning that he is expected to pick up a key endorsement this afternoon. we will bring you his remarks as they happen. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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coming on the heels of his victory in new hampshire. we are at the white house, what more can you tell us? >> reporter : sources concern -- confirm that the uaw is expected to give its endorsement to president joe biden and this would be a significant and sizable political endorsement as far as they go. this comes at an important and critical moment in the 2024 election. we saw last night president by day his campaign effectively saying the primaries are over that they are full steam ahead into the general election with donald trump as his target. this has been sort of an important endorsement to watch because this is a group of the population, a segment of the population both present biden
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and former president trump have been going after. these are two candidates looking to be the candidate of the working class. with former president from in particular, we have seen how he has gone over the union members and union voters. this has been part of his strategy, particularly in the midwest as his campaign has wanted to go after voters, including voters who had previously supported democrats who feel like they're sort of disaffected and have been overlooked by the democratic party. on the other side we have president joe biden who frequently describes himself as being the most pro-union president that the country has ever had. we saw in particular last year, you might remember, he took the rare step as a sitting president in joining members of the union were striking, who
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were part of a strike, actually joining them on the picket line. there are different ways in which we have seen both president joe biden and former president trump going after similar segments of the voting population. this is the kind of political lines and battles we are expected to see come into much more clarity i think as we move forward with again what the biden campaigned insists is the start of the general election. >> on that note about focusing on the general election, there are some transitions that we are learning about among the biden team. he is sending two of his senior white house aides to work on the campaign. >> reporter : these are two of some of the most senior folks currently working in the west wing in the coming weeks, we are told they both are expected to move over full-time to the campaign. these are folks who have been very much involved in some of the big local decisions as they are. the fact that the moves will take place officially it once again signals that for the
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biden campaigned yesterday, they did turn the page and turn the corner into what they say is the beginning of the general election for them. >> so it begins. thank you so much for that report. nikki haley not giving up at this point, even announcing a new big ad buy in her home state of south carolina this morning despite former president trump's win in new hampshire and the rnc chair saying she does not see a path forward for nikki haley.
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