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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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television shows. >> i think our standards are higher because of martha. >> she's everywhere. martha stewart living. >> her career starts to take off like a rocket. >> you would read about it in the press. criticizing her. she wants protection. she wants power. she just doesn't want to stop. >> martha stewart is among those under investigation for suspected insider trading. >> she's being prosecuted not because of who she is but, because of what she did. >> martha fell fast and hard. >> the comeback was beginning before she left. >> she loves to be clever. she loves to surprise. and she loves to defy. >> if you would asked me would there still be interest in martha stewart 20 years from now, i would have said absolutely not. boy, did i underestimate martha stewart. >> the many lives of martha stewart. sunday at 9:00 on cnn.
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>> cannot wait for that on sunday night. thanks so much for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. tonight on 360, the former president meets a no-no sense judge. what the judge did not even let his lawyer ask. plus, the lawmakers who have been saying they want a border deal but now can't take yes for an answer. and later, a school shooter's mother on trial charged with involuntary manslaughter. why she and her husband are being held responsible for the murder of four students. we begin with donald trump's brief testimony in the penalty case. it came after the judge reiterated in graphic detail what the former president had already been found liable for. namely, sexually abusing miss carroll. also with several interjections, the judge established tight parameters on what trump's
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attorney could and could not ask. it made for quite a scene today. trump biographer, maggie haberman, was in court to see it. also joining us, elie honig. >> think spent about ten minutes going back and forth to try to really contain the questions that would be asked and what trump's answers would be then his testimony was over in less than three minutes. so it was just three straight questions from his attorney. earlier in the day, carroll's team played video clips of trump's deposition in this case where he mistakes carroll for marla maples in a photograph and also just repeats some of his statements that he doesn't know her, calling her mentally ill. so haba asked trump do you stand by your testimony in the deposition. trump says 100% yes. she then asked him did you deny the allegation because miss
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carroll made an accusation. trump said that's right. she said something i considered a false accusation. totally false. the judge cut him off and said everything stricken from the record. that was really the only time we saw trump veer away. the last question she asked him did you ever instruct anyone to hurt miss carroll. trump said no, i just wanted to defend myself, the family, and frankly, the presidency. the judge told the jury to disregard everything after no. it was such a contrast from when trump was on the stand where he used that as a platform to make political speeches, to attack the judge, the new york attorney general. really taking the campaign into the courtroom. that was not the case today. t it was very controlled. >> did trump do himself any favors? >> it could have been way worse. i was really surprised he seemed
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to have done very little if any harm to himself. the irony is that donald trump has complained about the judge many times yet i think judge kaplan did trump a favor. the judge throughout this trial has set very tight parameters and has allowed zero nonsense. as a result, donald trump was not able to get up in front of the jury and go on a political tangent and to make himself a martyr. he just answered three fairly straightforward questions. a, will the jury believe what he said, credit what he said, and b, if so, how much is that going to reduce the damages more? >> maggie, what stood out to you? >> i had a slightly different take. ik part of why trump was so controlled is because he's good about fig yuring out what he ca get away with. kaplan is no nonsense. the rest of us had to give up our phones. and i don't think that's going to be, that person's going to be
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perm permitted back. i think trump was aware of what the parameters were but he still did go outside of what he was supposed to do. he literally kept saying tell me exactly what he's going to say. he would say so is that really it and are you standing by that and habba kept saying that's my understanding. it's what we hear people do with trump over and over again and he did go outside of what he was supposed to do. he got in the things he wanted to say in front of the jury. i don't think he hurt himself. i actually think he managed to get away with more. >> he's expected back in court tomorrow. how much of this is about his feelings about this case and the importance of it? how much of it is for political reasons, fund-raiser? >> i think it's both but i do think he is, he has been incensed about this case since 2021 and has been hearing complaints about this for two and a half years. he regretted not testify ng the
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initial testifying. he regretted he heeded advice by everybody. not just his counsel at the time, not to testify. he is very big on control and very big on believing he's his own best defender. does it have advantages? absolutely. these court cases have become indistinguishable from the campaign trial. >> what was your big takeaway? >> he called carroll's witness, carol martin, to the stand. his side did. that hasn't been talked about as much as him testifying but i thought he made a little head way there because this is a damages phase of the trial and the jury needs to figure out and put a number on how much damage frankly he did to carroll's life and what he got out of martin, who was witness meaning she's the person who e. jean told about this what about.
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exactly. she also had some thoughts about e. jean carroll that she admitted to putting in writing to i think it was her daughter talking about how she liked the attention and she was somebody who likes the public spotlight and is not, this was not, this didn't ruin her life the way she has said it would. i think he made a little headway there from the damages portion because that's all they're determining. what number to affix to this. so if it didn't harm her, then i think that that might have made some headway. >> you agree? what happens tomorrow? >> so, tomorrow will be closing arguments. both sides say they're going to take about an hour. then the judge instructs the jury on the law and deliberations will begin maybe by lunchtime. it's possible i think we could see a verdict tomorrow. if you look at the first case, they had to find, answer the question of the sexual abuse question, the defamation question, the damages question.
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they did that over three hours so it's possible unless the jury is really in disagreement that there could be a verdict tomorrow. >> just in the georgia case, the election subversion case, trump's attorneys are joining calls for the des missal of the d.a. how likely is it she will be dismissed? >> two sets of allegations here. i don't think either of them is likely to result in the charges against trump being dismissed by i think there's a real question about whether the d.a. can continue on the case. the first set of allegations is that the d.a.'s office brought in three outside lawyers to help work on the case on a contract basis that happened. the allegation is that the d.a. has a person romantic relationship with one of the three lawyers. man named nathan wade. the allegations, first of all, he's underqualified to do this. he's never tried a felony case at all. now he's trying to biggest felony case in the history of the state of georgia. the allegations that he was paid and the documents back this up, $650,000 for his work when the other two were both paid under
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$100,000 and finally, the allegations that some of that money paid to mr. wade was used for personal vacations he took and personal recreation with the d.a., fani willis. allegation two is that you remember a couple of weeks ago the d.a. went in front of a church and made a public speech where she said essentially isn't it interesting that of the three lawyers i brought in, they're picking on the black man and essentially suggested or maybe more that the motivation behind these motions was racist. so the allegation is that those statements are potentially prejudicial to the jury pool that will eventually decide this case. >> do you think these are grounds for dismissal? >> i do not. i think if perhaps she had a relationship with a defense attorney or a judge on the case, then there's a direct conflict of interest. this is two consenting adults in an office romance. more of an hr type issue than an issue you would see would be disqualifying on a case.
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>> isn't it incredibly stupid if in fact she had a relationship with this person? this is probably the biggest education of her life and something the whole country is watching. you would think any responsible adult would be ultra careful in their behavior, wouldn't you? >> you would. and she definitely i think regrets part of the speech she gave was that she's made some mistakes and i think she agrees with that assessment, but at the end of the day, it has nothing to do with whether or not donald trump or the other defendants did what they are alleged to have done and this really is a distraction and a side show that has nothing to do sub stantively with the case. >> didn't she get called out by a judge for incredible lack of judgment in throwing a fund-raiser for somebody? >> exactly. she was already disqualified by a different judge because she held a political fund-raiser for the political opponent of
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someone she subpoenaed. i agree with karen that whether this is romantic or not doesn't matter to me. what does matter and i think it's a serious issue, is the money, and the payment of an enormous amount of money to this person who she has some sort of relationship, doesn't matter if it's row manmantic or not, and of the money making its way back to her. secondly, the comments made in a church. why do we have gag orders on donald trump? we the justice system, are afraid his public comments might taint a jury pool. here you have the d.a. saying the reason they're making these statements is because of race. >> thanks. coming up next, with a bipartisan deal with fixing the border, how the former president is trying to sink it with the help of republican lawmakers. the same who have been demanding action for years. also breaking news on the unprecedented move the republican party took up and how it might have turned the ongoing
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nomination process into a virtual coronation for the former president.
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with senate talks and border security deal very much in question, the former question late this evening answered a question that we and other news outlets have been asking for days now, not to mention senators and congress members. namely why are republican lawmakers now backing away from finalizing a deal that could help finally address the border crisis? the former president is obviously focused much of his campaign on issues regarding the southern border and there's no doubt just about every aspect of border security and the asylum process does need to be reformed, funded, better managed, which is why house republicans for better or worse have refused to even consider funding for ukraine unless coupled with a border deal and it's why republicans rarely miss a chance to blame president biden for the border problems. s >> pwe do not know who is entering this country. >> it is worse than it's ever been in my experience going to
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the border. >> it's not just the policy, brian. it's people have died as a result of the policy. >> countless amounts of drugs being smuggled into our country and killing americans. >> the biden regime absolutely has blood on its hands for their failure to secure our border. >> we've had hundreds and hundreds of terrorists come across the border. >> this is a disaster that doesn't just affect the border state. it affects everybody. and they want as many illegals that flood their cities and eventually start voting in federal elections. >> right fnow, america is being invaded. >> our integrity is gone because we don't have a southern border. >> it's a direct result of joe biden's failed policies. >> you've got leaders, republican, democrat, all across america, pleading with president biden to address this problem and he refuses. >> they don't want to secure the border. they want an open border. >> actually, they don't. president biden has repeatedly
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acknowledged the problems at the border and the white house has been negotiating for weeks along with democratic and republican lawmakers to reach a deal, but then several days ago, republicans began to back away from one and there have been indications emerging that it's because the former president does not want a deal as long as joe biden is president. said another way he doesn't want the problem fixed or even addressed because it won't be good for him. which today prompted a number of independents and republicans to weigh in. >> i think the border is a very important issue for donald trump. and the fact that he would communicate to republican senators and congress people that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame biden for it is really appalling. >> as if on cue, he rose to the senator's bait. posting on social media, the former president wrote, quote, we need a strong, powerful and
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perfect border. unless we get that, we are better off not making a deal even if that pushes our country to temporarily close up for a while because it will end up closing any way with the unsustainable invasion that is currently taking place. a death wish for the usa. the former president tonight describing in his mind, an existential crisis, something he's willing in all caps to scream about, but nothing he's willing too let his own party to do something about because it doesn't benefit him. more now from melanie at the capitol. it's pretty hard to believe that after hearing that, republicans aren't taking the opportunity to get something accomplished on the border. what has whchanged? >> donald trump happened. he has really complicated the dynamic on capitol hill. there were also a number of conservatives who were worried this deal was going to be too weak for them, but now, you have republicans who are on the fence and worried about crossing donald trump. especially as he is on a glide
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path towards the nomination and has had this real resurgence inside the gop. i'm told trump has been personally enkoushlging lawmakers to try to sink this deal in large part because of the fact he wants to be able to campaign on this issue in november and does not want to give president biden a win on an area where he is probably political vulnerable. now, the senators who were involved in these negotiations say they're going to keep pressing on. they're hoping to reveal bill text sometime next week, but the reality is that it is going to be an uphill climb for the compromise at this point, anderson. >> we showed you the latest post from the former president telling republicans to hold out for a quote, perfect border. has there been any reaction to this? what impact could it have on the border itself? >> luckily for a lot of these senators, they were already gone by the time trump blasted out that post on truth social, but there is a lot of frustration in the ranks. this is an all too familiar dynamic for many republicans who served while donald trump was in
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office and it is not the first time we've seen law maekers working behind the scenes on a very delicate, complicated issue only to see it blow up in the end because of donald trump. that's what it looks like is happening again and a lot of members are really upset about it because they know they're essentially powerless to stop it. >> so is this officially dead in the senate? >> i wouldn't say it's officially dead yet. they're going to try to reveal bill text next week. set up a vote. they're going to try to work through the weekend and mitch mcconnell said he's committed to find a deal but the dynamics have not changed on capitol hill. even if it's able to pass the senate, it is likely going to be dead on arrival in the house. in fact, i just reported that a senior leadership aide to steve scalise, the number two house republican, he informed a group of republican chief of staffs in the senate that if the deal comes over the way they think it is shaping up to be that it is going to go nowhere in house.
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so what you have here is that senate republicans are going have less incentive to back this deal knowing that trump is against it and that it is going to go nowhere in house. >> coming up, breaking news. it has been quickly changing. about a republican resolution to declare the former president the presumptive republican nominee before the race is even over. we have new details that the former president knew about the resolution in its current status just ahead.
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first, the former president's allies wanting to
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effectively end the contest behind the former president against nikki haley as the presumptive nominee. after that, the former president announced he didn't want that. he said he wanted to win quote, the old fashioned way and now, breaking news. new details about his support for that resolution and about the state of the resolution itself. kristen joins us with the latest. so, first explain the step the rnc was considering taking. >> okay, so first of all, i want to say one thing because there's breaking news here which is that the proposal didn't exist. it has been withdrawn by the trump ally who put it forward to begin with. here's what happened today. we know he put forward this draft resolution. it was circulating among republican national committee members essentially saying that the rnc should just come out and back donald trump as the presumptive nominee. this would be an unprecedented step for the committee. they are usually to remain neutral. in fact, they would be essentially saying not only they are backing donald trump, but that they were opposing nikki
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haley, which has never been done before. so this was circulating, was going to go to the committee. the rnc pushed back pretty hard saying this is just a draft, it's probably not going to go through. however, it would have given trump a lot of opportunities because what happens when the rnc ends up backing a candidate, is they get access to all of the files. their database, for example, their ground operations. the list goes on. and so there was a lot of blowback about this. >> so what's happened now? >> so essentially, what happened is that donald trump, who we are told actually was for this resolution when it was proposed to him. david is very close to donald trump. it is very unlikely that bossy would put this forward without going through someone in the trump campaign. so we were told they gave it a green light then they received a lot of backlash. essentially allies telling me they were warning the campaign this could backfire. that this could cause problems.
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that this could essentially give nikki haley a leg up because it was making it look like trump was trying to stack the deck dw against her. so donald trump puts out a statement saying essentially this. he posted this on truth social. after agreeing on this. while i greatly appreciate the republican national committee rnc wanting to make me their presumptive nominee and while they have far more votes than necessary to do it, i feel for the sake of the party unity they should not go forward with this plan but that i should do it the quote old fashioned way and finish the process at the ballot box. now obviously, david heard that message loud and clear and has now withdrawn this resolution. >> and what did nikki haley have to say about this? >> two things. first of all, she took a page out of trump's playbook and started fund raising off this saying the rnc's trying to back the establishment candidate, being donald trump. so a very trumpian move.
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also this. he said if the chair of the rnc wants to be helpful, she can organize a debate in south k carolina unless she's also worried trump can't be on the stage for 90 minutes with nikki haley. this is something she's been pushing for. i have talked to trump's campaign many times. there is no indication he's going to change strategy and get up on the stage with her. right now, they don't feel like they have to. they feel like they are still winning this. >> thanks very much. howard dean joins us now. former democratic party chairman and former governor of vermont. good to see you. the former chair of your own party, can you just put this into context? if this resolution had moved forward, how big of a deal would this have been? >> well, this is so interesting because it's actually tied into the immigration debate. is this trump's party or is this the republican party or does this party even belong in america? what you've got is one guy who at his whim can twist around
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senators and congressmen in my way then make them look stupid ten minutes later and this is what's going on at the rnc. it is a ridiculous idea that they should intercept the public process in terms of who gets the nomination. and nobody would to that in their right mind but we know somebody who's not in their right mind who seems to have had their hench men draw this up and realize it was a really stupid thing to do. >> the border issue as mitt romney pointed out today, the idea that the former president would you know, get senators, members of the house, but most importantly right now, members of the senate, to basically back away from an actual border deal because he didn't want to give any kind of perceived win to the white house while you know, during this election because he wants to run on the border, it's not surprising i guess, but it's, i mean, it's deeply
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cynical. >> donald trump has never given a damn about the united states of america. the only thing donald trump gives a damn about is donald trump and that is what's going on here. the trouble is when he has the power to intimidate all those people in his own party who are being jerked around so fast they have no idea which way is up or down anymore, it hurts the country. we need strong republican party. right now, we don't have any republican party. we have a guy who's controlling them all because they're so fearful they're hiding under the bed. >> but to hear all these republican members of the house pointing out all many problems on the border, any kind of a solution at hand for some sort of nonexistent perfect solution that the former president is talking about down the road, it's you know, people's lives are, people are dying. people's -- a lot of people's lives are hanging in the balance here. >> the republican party cares
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much more about the republican party than they do about the united states of america and i think people are going to figure that out and i suspect joe biden is going to beat donald trump and that's why at the end of the day, americans are patriotic. i know there are a lot of people who think donald trump is the solution to all these problems. the fact is donald trump's going to make them worse and it's going to be a huge problem because donald trump does not care about all those people who goes to the rally. he'd sell them out in five seconds if he needed to and he's selling out his own members in the house and senate right now. >> you don't believe that the former president will win. >> no, i don't. i think biden's going to beat him because i think eventually, people are going to get that donald trump only cares about donald trump and he doesn't give a damn about any of those people going to his rallies. >> even with poll numbers the way they are. even with the current president has historically low poll
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numbers right now. >> so did truman in 1948 and beat tom dewey. dewey was a much better american than donald trump ever was. if you look at what biden has accomplished, domestically in terms of especially climate change, jobs in rural america, and boosting our tech, he's accomplished more than any democratic president domestically since lyndon johnson. so eventually, this is going to seep through. look, the american people are not stupid. and they're going to eventually figure out that they're going to get hurt badly by four more years of donald trump and this is the perfect evidence. this guy will turn on a dime and do whatever he thinks is going to help him. he doesn't care about immigration. he likes the immigration problem because it gives him a leg up in the election. that's pretty sad. >> governor dean, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, the connection between securing the southern border and the explosion of drug and gang related violence in ecuador. how bad is it in ecuador?? david cuculver takakes us toto frfront lines, next.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. according to an official, the crisis at the border is one reason president biden plans to
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increase assistance to ecuador. now with drug trafficking and gang violence, the country the under a state your leof emergen. you may remember the video from earlier this month authoritying in ecuador stay 13 armed men burst into a tv station during a live broadcast. no one was killed. there were unconfirmed reports of injuries. there have been explosion, police kidnappings, prison riots. the last election presidential candidate was assassinated. tonight, david culver shows us what police there are facing. we want to warn you some of what you're about to see the disturbing. >> the fourth in a convoy of what looks to be about four pick up trucks. all of them unmarked. no lights, no sirens. all the officers in plain clothes. >> we're with ecuador's national police force as they're dispatched to a house with suspected ties to terror groups. they won't tell us where we're headed and they ask us to blur their faces. so we'll keep it vague.
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we're just outside ecuador's largest city and headed into one of the most violent areas. more than a dozen officers storm what could be mistaken for an abandoned barn. they cuff two men and search the high grass and weeds. on each corner, security cameras st strategically positioned officers hack them down. as that he leave here, we notice even he's carrying some evidence. looks like a gun and several rounds. in that baggie. this is just one of thousands of raids across ecuador carried out over the past two weeks. ecuador's military now deployed to neighborhoods. we went with them. over here, we see two guys who have been detained for now.
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officials arresting more than 3,000 people so far. ecuador's latest surge in violence sparked by the suspected prison escape of a noto notorious gang leader. reported missing from this massive prison compound on january 7th. >> tif you look over here, this is where officials tell us fito was being held. possibly is still being held. they really don't know. a top military commander telling me the prison system is rieff with mismanagement and heavy gang influence. so much so that fito could still be hiding inside. his disappearance led their president to declare a state of emergency, vowing to neutralize terror groups. a day after his declaration on january 9th, 13 armed men took over a television news studio. they put guns to the head of employees, forcing them to the ground and held up what looked to be sticks of dynamite.
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folks watched it all unfold on live tv. among them, camille and her husband. feeling the unease, diego decided to pick up their 10-year-old son but minutes before reaching his school, someone opened fire on the streets. diego stopped messaging camille, who was frantically trying to call him. a police colonel answered and said diego had been shot. chaos rocked ecuador that day. barricades went up and streets went down. this young girl still in her school uniform also hit by a stray bullet. the hospital saying she survived thanks to a security guard who drove her to the emergency room. a family friend was able to get camille's son so sto safety but diego died before camille could get to him.
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across town, national police and armed forces stormed the television studio, capturing the gun man before they could kill any of the hostages. this is the studio. where the terror group entered and 13 of them. we saw firsthand the damage left behind. this is the studio door and you can see, i can count here. one, two, three. four. five, six. half dozen bullet holes. the day after our visit, a strike against the government suspected gang members assassinated the prosecutor investigating the studio takeover. you can see he's pulling this car over right now. police and military now stepping up their efforts, setting up random check points. every possible hiding place searched. i just saw one of the soldiers signaling to the other, look at his arm, look at his arm. they check tattoos for any gang affiliations and even scroll
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through peoples' phones. they also board commuter buses to get intel. he's asking do they have anything they need to tell them? tell them about. he says we're doing this operation for you all. >> residents here struggle with what's happened to their country over the past few years. they tell me gangs are growing bolder and holding people and their businesses hostage, demanding protection money. what happens if you don't pay extortion? >> they get a contract killer and kill you. they put explosive outside your store. >> the military tries to weed out those responsible, raiding homes like this one. holding the suspects at gunpoint as neighbors, including kids, watch. it's a lot to take in. she says the fact that there are police here, it's comforting. she accepts that and there's
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military now patrolling the streets. what she doesn't like is that it goes into people's homes and is now pouring out on to the street. but this is war. at least that's how the government here seeing it and they're asking the u.s. for support. desperate for tactical equipment, ammo and intel. why should the u.s. help? because people will look at this from the u.s. and say well, that's ecuador's problem. >> i mean, you don't help us, probably you will see more people trying to cross the border because these people that's in the middle of gunfights in their neighborhoods. what would you do? >> you're not going to stay there? back on the front lines after executing their raid, we're reminded of the fear instilled by these gangs. even among law enforcement. this officer putting on a ski mask in 90 degree heat and thick humidity before stepping into frame and yet beneath those layers, a soft spot. this soldier has not been home
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in a week, telling us the reason he's fighting is for his little girl. she wrote him a letter. i want you to know everyone miss you and i want you to return safe and sound and i ask you to help the country be a better place. your number one. >> how badly does the country's law enforcement need support? what are they asking from the u.s.? >> it does feel a bit desperate. especially at one point, we were with several soldiers as they were preparing to go in for a raid. we looked around and noticed some were not putting on helmets and extra layers of protection. i asked one of them, do you feel that confident this is going to be a pretty light mission going in? and he said it's not that. we just don't have the resources. i wish i had it. we're also limited ammo wise to about 12 bullets a day. so they need the resources and it sounds like now the u.s. is stepping up. in fact, our colleague priscilla alvarez sent me a note from her conversation at the white house, they're trying to, as they put
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it, throw everything they have at this in the next 30 days to try to bring ecuador under control. it's interesting talking to the folks on the ground because there's a direct correlation with what we're seeing with migration. so if it falls in my more disarray, it's going to be an issue. ahead, a mother on trial for involuntary manslaughter. the father's also going to face trial on the same charges. i'll tell you what happened in court today.
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an historic trial is underway in michigan in connection with the schuhooting deaths of four students. the shooter was 15 at the time. he's confessed to the deadly rampage and is serving life in prison without parole. his parents though are facing involuntary manslaughter
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testimony in the mother's case started to dashgy. the father will be tried separately. they could face 15 years in prison. prosecutors alleged they ignored warning signs and his father bought him a gun and took him to a shooting range: >> she didn't come in and pull the trigger but she is responsible for the deaths. >> reporter: prosecutors rlayin out their case why the mother should be responsible for the shooting deaths of four students committed by her son in november 2021 at oxford high school in michigan. >> despite her knowledge of his deteriorating mental crisis, despite her knowledge of his growing social isolation, this gun was gifted. >> reporter: in an unusual move, they produce in involuntary manslaughter charges against the
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mother and the father for disregarding the risks when buying a gun for their son four days before the shooting even though he was struggling with mental health. >> they didn't do any number of tragically small and easy things that would have prevented all this from happening. >> crumbbly and her husband are being tried separately, pitted against each other now after jennifer was overheard in jail blaming her husband. both have pleaded not good guilty. they say they could not know that the sons struggles would lead to murder. >> when you evaluate the evidence and know what she did and didn't know, you'll see that this was absolutely not foreseeable. this was absolutely not expected. >> reporter: in the spring of 2021, text messages show her son told his mother he was seeing things. i got a picture of the demon. it is throwing bowls. can you at least text back? on black friday that year, james
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using money his son earned waiting tables went with him to buy a gun. this gun. that weekend, jennifer took him to a shooting range. at school two days later, their son was drawing a gun, bullets, and blood. the thoughts won't stop. help me! blood everywhere. my life is useless. his parents were asked to come to the school where the counsellor told them -- >> i'm concerned he needs somebody to talk to forme s.for health support. >> did you say when that should occur? >> i said as soon as possible, to day if possible. >> referee: the crumbleys said they had to go back to work but would take him to a professional within the 48 hours. no one looked in the son's backpack. inside was that gun. he took it back to class and two hours later, opened fire.
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>> medical emergency, oxford high school. >> reporter: when he heard about the shooting, james crumbley called 911. >> i think my son took the gun. i don't know if it's him. i don't know what's going on. i'm really freaking out. >> reporter: jennifer texted her son, don't do it. it was too late. madison baldwin, tato minor and justin schilling were dead. >> so an accident here. >> reporter: in court today, one teacher recounting the terror when she was shot. >> i realized he was raising a gun to me. i text my husband. i love you. active shooter. and then i started feeling blood dripping down my arm. >> it's really an incredible case that, i mean, he said he was seeing demons in their house and they bought him a gun and took him to train shooting. i understand the mother wants her son to testify on her
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behalf. >> it's a big legal issue. jennifer's son texted a friend at school. he moved away. there are thousands of texts. one of the texts, a lot are going to come in, but one we know is coming in and he said i told my dad i have mental issues. i want to go to the doctor. of he needs to take me. and my dad said suck it up, take a pill and my mother just laughed. that's coming in. however, was just learned the psychiatrist assessed him after he was in jail, talked to him about this text. he said, i made that all up. i didn't -- i just made it up to my friend. it wasn't true. it didn't really happen. now they want -- the defense wants the psychiatric records, the psychiatrist to testify, and their son, jennifer's son to testify to have what they believe is the full truth here. but the appellate lawyers are saying, no this is privileged information. he's not going to testify. you're not going to get the
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records. it's a big issue. >> all right, thank you very much. we'll continue to follow. we'll be right back.
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reminder, a new episode on my podcast about grief, all there is available, you can point your camera to the qr code and a link will appear to your phone and download it. i talk to a remarkable woman in this episode. she is known as momma shoe in her detroit area. two of her four kids have been killed. three years ago her 23-year-old son was working as a security guard when he was shot to death. and in 2007, her 2-year-old son was killed in a hit-and-run. what's incredible about momma shoe is she has turned her loss into love and as she says, her grief into glory. she's dedicated her life to transforming a rundown street in the highland park, michigan into a community. she is one of cnn's top ten heroes in 2023. you'll find the episode on grief and loss on apple podcast or wherever you listen to