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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 27, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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welcome to all of you watching in the united states and around the world. we're in cnn newsroom. donald trump and the main rival for gop nomination react to a stunning verdict in his civil defamation suit. and the control of the border is back in the hands of federal authorities. donald trump said that the
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verdict in his latest legal loss is ridiculous and he will appeal. a jury said that he should pay e e jean carol $83 million. her attorney said that her client is overjoyed with the verdict. >> she cried and she showed more emotion that i've ever seen her throw. she feels that she got justice from the jury today. >> we have more from outside the courthouse. rearview mirror after about three hours of deliberations, the jury returned the verdict awarding carol $83.4 million in damages. that is a significant win for
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carol. they were rewardrding her for harm and repair her rep passion and $65 million in punitive damages. that is the punishment phase that is sending a clear message. they said that the only way to make donald trump accountable is to hit him in the pocketbook and to stop the statement that's the jury found to be defamatory. they argued to the jury that donald trump had disregarded the verdict and repeat the the statements. since. it was that moment in closing arguments that he stood up and walked out of the courtroom. he did return for his lawyer's closing arguments and made the case that he could not be made accountable for mean tweets and
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that carol had asked for some of this attention. the jury disregarding his argument and rewarding carol this significant amount of money. she add for $10 million. this verdict sending a message to donald trump. he responded by calling it ridiculous. and his attorney said it is a witch hunt. >> so many americans are so proud that he's running again and running to the ballot box. we're in the state new york and a new york jury. and that is why we're seeing the witch hunts and hoaxes, as he calls them. >> reporter: they are going to appeal the verdict. the judge said that he would enter a final judgment in this case in the next few days. trump's political rival is giving her thoughts on the verdict as well.
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the $83 million in damages, nikki haley said, donald trump wants to be the presumptive republican nominee and we're talking about $83 million in damages. we're not talking about fixing the border. we're not talking about tackling inflation. american can do better than donald trump and joe biden. but will this work in nikki haley's favor. >> some people are enraged and rallying behind him and other people are saying, i cannot believe this is the candidate. 35% of those that voted, in new hampshire said they would never, ever vote for donald trump. i think she's trying to go after those folks. >> i get it eventually she wants to be up against him. that makes perfect sense. but it does not have anything
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to do with a jury finding him guilty and fined him $83 million. >> is it a little too late. we're seeing the substance. he's mired in the legal cases and chaotic. if she had made the case from the beginning, a lot of the republican candidates in the beginning, maybe we could have seen this outcome. but essentially not touching him, here we are. >> trump said this is a small taste of what is to come if trump wins the nomination. staff members with the united nations relief and works agency. the group that helps palestinian refugees in gaza. but now the staffers have been
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fired. nick robertson has more on the allegations and the impact it could have on the aid to palestinians. >> reporter: this is a very significant development. they are the principle united nations organization delivering humanitarian aid in gaza and providing shelter for the hundreds of thousands of displaced people inside gaza. this will have an affect on their funding. it is not clear how much. but what we understand at the moment is that israeli authorities said that they were aware a number of their workers have been involved in hamas's brutal october 7th attacks. they said that they expected this and the u.s. secretary general was made aware and said this is horrendous and that there will be a thorough investigation. and they spoke to the u.s. secretary of state that said that he was pleased to see that the united nations was going to
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have a complete and independent review of what happened, an investigation into the events around this. we have heard, also, from the defense minister, saying this is vital to have clarity on international funding for humanitarian aid in gaza in the future so this sort of thing cannot happen again. the foreign minister in israel also said that must not happen again. it is important for to it be investigated thoroughly. we don't know how many people were involved. but both the u.s. state department and the defense minister here said that 12 people were involved. in the totality, they were about 30,000 people working
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inside gaza. and as we understand, it involved 12 people that have been terminated. and it trig triggered an investigation by you the state department. there is no immediate effect, but a great concern going forward. nick robertson, tel aviv, israel. they ordering to take action to prevent genocide in gaza. >> i would hope that israel will act in accordance with the decisions and will show the court that it does takes the court seriously. if it doesn't, what happens is
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we're opening up room for all to act with i am impunity. and i don't want to live in a world like that. >> they called short of calling for a ceasefire. we go to scott in istanbul. how are they reacting to the ruling? >> reporter: the final one could take years to litigate. this is a temporary injunction or a ruling on if the allegations leveled by south africa are justified. the court granted it. this is being welcomed by arab states. the israel and the palestinians, the palestinians were hoping this would go
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further. the israelis don't think this should have been in the court in the first place and they are also praising the ruling. the foreign minister said this was a ruling in favor of humanity and international law. benjamin netanyahu said this is a rejection of discrimination against israel. >> israel's commitment to international law is unwavering. equally unwaivers is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and our people. like every country, israel has a right to defend itself. the violent attempt to deny us our right is discrimination against the state. and it was rejected. allegations by south africa is outrageous and people everywhere should reject it. >> reporter: this ruling by the
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court is binding and it cannot be appealed. but the difficulty for the court is it has no mechanism to enforce this. like two years ago, they said russia needed to stop the war. and we know that did not happen. there is no indication that the israelis are going to significantly change tactics. if you ask the south african people, they believe while this ruling does not call for a crease fire, if israel were to implement the measures, they would, in practice, need to stop the fighting. >> let's talk about the situation on the ground in gaza. what are you learning there? what is the latest?
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>> reporter: we're talking about day five and day six on the seizing of this area. some of the shrapnel came through the walls. that is the force of the fighting that we're talking about. we have video from the hospitals. i should warn our viewers that is it difficult to watch. the situation there is pretty miserable to put it lightly. one doctor described as a real horror. they are out of food and painkillers. there is still 150 staff there and many of the doctors have left the area. there are hundreds of patients there. and there are people that her taking shelter inside that area as well. and many people have left that entire neighborhood as ceased by the israelis continues.
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they have been told to take at the time main elsewhere. but witch the video showing an israeli tank watching over the steady stream of people. we have some reports from the palestinians that say that the israelis are not discriminating or distinguishing between actual fighters and civilians. some people said when they are trying to move around, they're being shot at. we don't have a response that. them say it is challenging to get supplies into the area. all the while, the idea continues to insist that operation is being very precise there, using snippers and taking out only fighters. many of the palestinians on the
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ground would beg to differ. >> we appreciate the update. we're getting reports that a british oil tanker was hit by a missile on friday after is a transit in the red sea. it is thlatest in the attack it's along the shipping route. the u. us said that one of the warships owner ships responded to the call of the burning tanker. there are no injuries reported at this time. yemen claimed responsibility saying they are in support of the palestinian people. two air strikes hit the western coast of yemen. another missile hit a few hours ago. they said it was in the red sea and prepared to launch. a standoff in texas of the
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jurisdictions that enforce immigration laws. the u.s. is trying to get a deal on immigration reform. but what chance does it have of papassing the e house? that is nenext.
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. federal patrol agents can start removing the wire installed bit the texas state government. we have details on the standoff. >> reporter: there are two separate issues that we're following on the u.s./mexico border in the eagle pass area. first of all, the ruling issued by the u.s. supreme court and the standoff that is going on between texas and the biden administration in shelby park in an area that encompasses of 2.5-mile of river. about the supreme court ruling first, it gives the border patrol authority to cut the razor wire in the area.
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the u.s. federal government does not have a plan to remove the wire. instead, they will exercise discretion. when it needs to get cut for medical emergencies or operational needs, they will cut the wire. for the standoff in shelby park and the 2.5-mile of river. texas has been doubling down erecting more razor wire barriers and fencing that keeps migrants out and border patrol out of that area. that is why it is so extraordinary with this is they are keeping border patrol out of the area. that is remarkable. governor abbott is accusing the biden administration of not enforcing immigration laws. they cannot enforce federal law
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because they don't have access. the international court of justice has ordered israel to, quote, take all measures to prevent genocide in gaza. this follows south africa accusing israel to violating international law and committing genocide in the territory. great to have you with us. what did you make of the ruling? >> reporter: i think it is far from the worst that the israel experts expected, which would be an order to stop the fighting, acknowledging that the fighting that stop the operations from israel and could be seen as genocide or war crimes. yet the majority of the judges,
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all but two, the israeli judge, one of the court. the judges did israel to do whatever it it can to stop the genocide. but i think it does show it should make the israeli authorities quite worried, especially that they are not quoting in their ruling the parliament. but they are asking the president and prime minister to
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consider it. >> it may be a singing hit to the war in gaza. but the fact that the court didn't order a ceasefire, means this ruling is largely symbolic. so what affect will it really have? >> reporter: i think, first of all, the effect on the statements of israeli seniors and the elected officials, it would be properly -- more carefully what they say. they have to stand even if south africa did not win. it can still use to get it against them next time. so i think they will probably put more object stick calls and
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more oversight over the ideas the atrocities of hamas of the abductions and the killing of children and women. they called for the immediate release of the hostages. they tried to do something that is balanced. but some kind of flare for israel to be more careful we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu they say it is not only false but
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outrageous. and he said it is an amount of shame that will be in place for generations. it sounds like a leader that is doubling down. >> reporter: they published the number of people being killed in gaza, both hamas gunman and militants and civilians. they acknowledge the
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disorganizes of the different watches. he said that he needs two years to finish the hamas sub terrain network. the launch of the internal pressure of the public, who doesn't understand why this war continues and why more soldiers are being killed. israel needs to save if there is another fight in the north. that will be crucial much earlier than two years. i think he admission that it will not give them enough time to completely destroy hamas. >> israel has a month to respond to the court with the steps it will take. thank you for your time.
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a new twist in the war of words after a deadly plane crash in russia. they say it doesn't prove the russian version of event. we'll be right back.
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. welcome back the united states and around the world. this is cnn news room. the jury is ordering the front runner for the presidential nomination to pay writer e jean carol $838 million for defamation. it comes from 2019, when he was
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president and made disparaging public amendments about carol after she accused him of sexual assault. >> reporter: former president donald trump was not in the courtroom when the verdict was read. he was sitting on and air plane on a tarmac, leaving new york and going to a political event where he is going to talk on saturday. that is when he fired off statements. he said this is absolutely ridiculous. i disagree with the verdict and will appeal this biden witch hunt. our system is out of control and being used as a political weapon. they have taken away all first amendment rights. this is not america. there is no longer justice in america. our judicial system is broken and unfair. a couple of things to note here. there are is no evidence much
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any link to this case to president biden. but this is something that he routinely does. he links all the legal cases together and say they are election interference. and going to various campaign events, that is a strategy that works among his supporters. there is no mention of e jean carol. this comes weeks and days of him posting routinely about her. so perhaps the message that the jury sent him, the $83.3 million message is getting through. we heard e jean carol's lawyer said, if you continue to lash out at her, we'll continue to sue. one thing about donald trump, he cares deeply about his finances and money and doesn't want to part with it. but from sources, he is absolutely livid. the white house now has new
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guidelines for cabinet members that are not able to people their duties for one reason or the other. the new rules after defense secretary lloyd austin was out much during major surgery in december. he had procedure and had a reaction to the anesthesia. the house services committee is calling on austin to testify about his failure to notify key government officials. the biden administration told the u.s. congress on friday that it plans to sell f- 16 fighter jets to turkey. this comes after they approved sweden's nato membership. the sale caps off more than a year behind the scenes negotiations. and it includes the sale to greece in $9 billion in sales.
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they still need approval from hungary before it can be a nato member. ukraine said there is no evidence that the prisoner of war were on a plane that went down in russia despite the list of passengers released by russia. the names match the names scheduled for a prisoner swap. ukraine said it doesn't prove they are on the flight. moscow has been accused of shooting it down on purpose because the soldiers railroad on the plane. >> the plan was 190 and knowing this, they struck the aircraft. >> i don't know if they did it by mistake or thoughtlessly. but is it obvious that they did it. >> ukraine is not saying if it fired at the plane or not.
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about you it denies receiving any notification from russia that the pows would be on the flight. cnn learned that a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck guatemala. it hit on the pacific coast 108- kilometers or 1. 6 miles. is it located a major fault zone. we'll get more information as it becomes available. when we return on this holocaust remembrance day, a film captures the real life escape of children running from the nazis.
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never again, that is our collective obligation today and
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every day. >> denouncing the horrors of the holocaust. that was the u.s. special occasion to honor victims of the holocaust and other genocides. the u.s. general assembly observed a moment of silence on the holocaust remembrance day. january 27th, is the anniversary of the 1945 liberation of the largest concentration camp. one girl escape is shared on the bit screen. hundreds of children made to safety with the help of a british businessman. >> this is your passport. >> reporter: she was just nine years old and her parents sent
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her to england. it was may 1939, after adolf hitler troops envaded her homeland. >> it wasn't a safe country for jewish people. >> reporter: and now age 93,3, her journeney and escapepe from hitler's wrath is being retold in a motioion picture.e. >> we are workining to e evacua the chilildren by train to s sa inin britain. >> reporter: she was one of 669 children that made to england, thanks to the work of british stockbroker nicolas winton. moved by the horrific situation, he organized a rescue operation for chihildren anand what is known as the king transport program. >> people would not stand with this if they knew what was happening. >> reporter: he managed to get loads of children out. the ninth one never made it.
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>> we looked out a and waveded - bye. that was t the last time i saw family. i was really scared. nobody is going to come and collect me. >> reporter: vera was hopeful she would be reunited with her family, till she and the world learned the true end of the atrocities under hitler. >> i heard that my parents and my grandmother and all my family were not alive anymore. >> reporter: how old were you at that point? >> 1 14. >> repororter: a teenageger wit only wordsds and mememories to on to. is there anyone in the a audien toninight that owe their life t ninicolas wintnton. >> reporteter: they y had no id who o saved them till a a tv sh
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nearly 50 0 years lalater. > i didn'n't know s somebody ororganized and made it possibl for me to come and for all of us. >> reporter: despite the trauma she lived through, she committed herself to a life of service, sharing her story to preserving the memory of the holocaust. >> i hope it will mean the end of genocides and people will say never again. but it has gone and on. when you look at the world, i don't think we have learned very much. >> reporter: after the horrendous attacked by committed by hamas on october 7th, that we saw a sharp rise in in anti-semitism.
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>> yes. >> reporter: who do you think is responsible for this? >> benjamin netanyahu and the government. hamas started it and planned it. that is horrendous. but this is a reaction that goes very far. >> reporter: a clarity many leaders struggle to formulate. a wisdom that she shared. >> people listen learn history. people don't learn anything from history. they learn when they have empathy for other people. that is when they understand.
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cnn learned that king charles is doing well after a prostate surgery. we got a statement from buckingham palace, he has been admitted for this scheduled
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treatment. and his majesty would thank all of those that gave him good wishes in the past week and he is delighted that the diagnosis us is having a positive effect on public awareness. he had an enlarged prostate. but he wanted to release the information to encourage men to get checked. that did have an effect because there was a large inquires about the prostate after the king's announcement. the king has gone to visit the princess of wales who is in the hospital forrable surgery. she for abdominal surgery. the source is this they are not
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going to reveal any other details. we're learning more about the -- after the crash in the slopes on friday. it happened in a downhill event. she lost control and flew into the nets. she was taken to a nearby clinic to have her left leg evaluated and no serious injuries were found. a lucky girl. she posted a picture on her social media with an ice pack on her knee. she confirmed that she will take the rest of the week off and she very thankful it is not worse. wee vince has resigned after facing sexual assault,
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trafficking and physical abuse in a lawsuit filed by a former staffer last week. he denied the allegations but he's resigning out of, quote,. >> reporter: for the wwe universe. the rumors were circulating since 2022. reaction pouring in acorrect me if i am wrong the english premier league after the shocking announcing that liverpool's coach will be leaving the club and taking a break after this season. >> you asked me will i ever work as a manager again, i would say no. but i don't know, obviously because i've never had this situation. what i know definitely, i will never, ever manage a different club than liverpool, 100% that
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is not possible. we are family. there is no chance to do that. >> the club's fiercest rifles and closest friends are reacting to the decision, saying he was the best rival he's ever had in his life. this is what manchester united had to say. >> it is no good for the premier league. he made an error. he brought the club back where they belong. he does an amazing job with that. congratulations. they look back on the impact to
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the city and the league. >> not the special one, but the normal one. but there is nothing normal that he would make at the one of the most famous and iconic futbol clubs in the world. he led liverpool to and all english champion league's final. liverpool was championed the best for the sixth time. but it was the trial in 2020, liverpool winning their first title in 30 years. it was the club's premier crown
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too. >> being here in club where futbol means everything to people is big. he is taking it toe to toe. liverpool is the only not named city in the last six years to win a title. in 2022 the liverpool head coach was named the leader of liverpool. and the reds are still in the mix for four trophies. he said that he'll pay a break from management, but he can
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promise that liverpool can no one thing. >> i will never, ever manage another club other than liverpool. >> reporter: he said that he will have a bond with the city that it will be forever special to him. >> is it one of the best things i could have ever achieved in my life. >> reporter: when it comes to liverpool futbol club, we know one thing, he will never walk alone. >> it is not important what people think when you come in. it is much more important what people think when you leave. the world's number two player is battling china's -- in melbourne right now.
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if she wins, this will mark her first grand slam title. the commercial flight flight of 737 landed safely last night. the chief operating officer sat next door to the pull plug. we caught up with one passenger who was very calm about the trip. >> i thought it was probably the safest plain because they went through to make sure is it safe. it was great. >> hundreds of flights were canceled each day after the boeing 737 max 9 jet was grounded. the u.s. agency is partnering with nasa for two new missions.
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among them is to send a satellite to venus. scientists are hoping to understand why the hot, toxic planet did not turn out like earth. and the other mission will be a trio of pace craft that will fly 759 miles behind earth as it rotates the sun. they will look for the first black holes ever formed after the big bang. that wraps up this hour of cnn newsroom. we'll be back in just a moment with more news here on cnn.
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