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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. tonight on three 60, the founder of facebook's stunning apology of parents of online abused victims and seen in other social media videos are grilled by senators for their platform impact on children. a facebook whistle blower joins us. also even as new tough details of a bipartisan deal on border security emerged, lawmakers who are demanding it backed further away. we were keeping them honest. plus after, months and months of brutal numbers the new polling shows a -- for
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president biden. the question, is what does it mean? answers from james carville? good evening john berman here sitting in for anderson. we're gonna have that and more in the hour ahead. we begin though, with breaking news the new u.s. air strikes targeting iranian-backed houthi drones in yemen. let's get straight to cnn's own liebermann at the pentagon. owen, what's the latest here? >> john these trucks occurring just in the last hours over yemen. the u.s. air strike targeted a number of houthi drones in yemen. this is what we have seen, doing over the course of the past several weeks. trying to strike the types of targets that houthis in the iran-backed rebel group in yemen have used to target, not only international shipping, but commercial vessels operating the red sea. as well as u.s. warships. in this, case the strike was unmanned drones that the houthis have used to target these commercial vessels. but, also in the past, the u.s. has targeted anti ship ballistic missiles. an anti ship cruise missiles. the goal here is to target these before they can be launched. that is before they pose a
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security threat the ships operating in the region. we have seen recently, the houthi successfully strike the number of ships. including an oil tanker that burned for quite some time. issuing a distress call at the, u.s. and other warships responded to. so you see the threat the u.s. is trying to get out here. >> oh, and to be, clear this is not directly connected to the strike in jordan that killed three u.s. soldiers. that was blamed on a separate tear, correct? >> correct, the correction here is of, course around, around back to. these around-backed militias militant group and operate in iraq and syria. that the white house hold responsible for carrying out that attack on sunday. but, this is not the response the u.s., the white house and the pentagon have been talking about. what they've said can be a multi phased response to the deadly attack in jordan that killed three u.s. service members and that response the u.s. retaliate to that is expected to be quite powerful. that's not what we're seeing here in this case, john. >> this is a response to the
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houthi attacks including that a missile got close to the u.s. warship in the last 24 hours. what do you know about that? >> correct this is the u.s. gravely operating in the red sea. a houthi cruise missile came within a mile of that class destroyer and that's the closest we've seen a houthi launch come to the u.s. warship. normally the sorts of attacks, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles are intercepted about 8 to 10 miles out. this one abated or the other defense mechanisms failed to stop this cruise missile as it came in and it was picked up and shot down by the closing weapon system, that's effectively an automated gun that intercepted. this and was able to shut it down. the question, of, course how did it get to within a mile? there was a successful interception there but experts and analysts tell us that the fact that it got that close is a cause for some concern. here we will have to look at how that happened. , again it's the closest the houthis have gone successfully to warship. but again the defense system is there, the last line of defense, as it is, known is
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able to shoot down that cruise missile before caused any injury or damage to the destroyer. >> only berman, we think. you better not go too far. we're gonna, course continue to follow this and bring you any new developments as we get them in. now, the confrontation today between the heads of some of the most profitable and powerful coal corporations on. earth and lawmakers concerned about the power they wield. specifically, the influence they have been so many young and vulnerable lives. many of whom have become victims of bullying. some of whom take their own lives. today, the chief executive of, meductic, top x, snap, and discord prepare before members of the senate judiciary committee. and they've got an earful. >> when a boeing plane lost a door in midflight, several weeks ago nobody questioned the decision to ground a fleet of over 700 planes. so, why aren't we taking the same type of decisive action on the danger of these platforms when we know these kids are
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dying? >> in a, moment what the former executive and how getting made of the hearing, first, cnn's tom foreman. >> so you have blood on your hands. >> your product is killing people. >> so you set up a victims compensation fund, with your money, the money you made on these family sitting behind you? yes or no? >> reporter: mark zuckerberg, founder of facebook. whose company owns instagram pushed in apologizing to families who say they were harmed by online content. some waving pictures of children who died or killed themselves. it was an astonishing moment, and a billionaire head of -- [inaudible] >> your platforms really suck at policing themselves. >> against the accusation of the senate committee about
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enabling sexual exploitation, election meddling, fake news, drug abuse and child endangerment the heads of five tech giants tried to push back. >> we very much believe that this content is disgusting. >> x will be active, and a part of this solution. >> but the fury kept coming. in a rare show of unity, between democrats. >> one third of fentanyl cases, investigated over five months had direct ties to social media. >> and, republicans. shi >> between 13, and 15 there exposed to unwanted nudity for instagram. you know, about it who did you fire? >> senator -- >> who did you fire? >> i'm not going to answer that. >> there's plenty of heat to go around, as the techs scorched claims, there were products for anxiety, pressure, violence especially among young people. >> children are not your priority. children are your product. >> but no one was hit harder than zuckerberg.
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whose attempts of defense, a time or literally left at. >> my understanding is that we don't allow sexual content on the service for people of many ages. >> how is that going? >> is there anyone of you willing to say, now that you support this bill? >> many of the law makers are intent on overturning a long- standing federal law that immunize is those companies from lawsuits over user generated content. and putting tough regulations in place. >> it's time to actually passed them. and the reason they haven't passed is because of the power of your company. so let's be really, really clear about that. >> while the tech bosses say, they're happy to work on safeguards, skepticism ran rampant. >> nothing will change until the courtroom door is open to victims of social media. >> so, tom, are there any time the economists will take legit to action that were raised in the hearings today? >> there were nothing but signs of that today john. i have never really seen a sanitary like this before were
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democrats and republicans, especially on this time were so in lockstep saying that we may not understand social media but we do understand people being abused, we understand a company putting profits over safety. we understand how voters feel about them. whether you agree with the facts are, not that's what they were in lockstep over. and they're saying we have the measures in place, we're ready to move forward. and we know how to count votes. and they believe they have the votes now to move on these measures. and finally put some regulation here and do something about it. and they think they have to as senator richard blumenthal said, the problem is there's just no basis to trust that social media will do anything about this anymore. they've said it. they've used their power. they've used their money to spread that message again and again. they are not believed on capitol hill. number one reason why there may be action against them. >> tom foreman, as always, thank you for explaining it so well. >> joining us, now and why you
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business school protection, or scott galloway. also former facebook product manager and whistleblower, frances haugen. scott, there were a lot of loud voices and a lot of what seem to be frustration in the hearing room, what were your big takeaways? >> that we have been here before and that the moment of theater when mark zuckerberg was asked to turn around, and paul advice to the parents that the most effective thing would've been if the parents had asked him to turn around and ask the lawmakers why haven't you done anything. those tech executives are culpable that the culprits are the lawmakers have failed to prevent a tragedy of the comments and either lack the backbone or the will or the ability to do their jobs. so we have been here before and i hope that your colleague is correct that something actually happens here.
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that this public flogging by the senator so that they could have their viral moment on these platforms, and raise money and then go about doing absolutely nothing has gotten almost comical. so i hope i'm wrong. but we have been here before. >> are you suggesting, scott, that it was a full outrage? >> well the history would say in effect about rage. i, mean is literally groundhog day. i thought the straw that was gonna break the camel's back was francis's courage and great data. showing that one in 18 girls in the uk who had suicidal ideations, specifically called out instagram shi by name and meta executives knew about it and covered it up. and what happened? nothing. >> yes, so it has become comical. >> francisco, ahead. >> i think the tweak that i would say is different.
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they came forward with the information that he gathered. so while i came forward, and presented that information that scott talked about you had executives at facebook making public statements that i had misread the public, that i trade, pick that the study that i quoted had a very small sample, maybe a few hundred people. we gathered information from 900,000 people and sent that information to the executives themselves. they then had individual medias with them. and part of what came out today just this morning was 90 pages of emails that were sent to mark zuckerberg where other executives after consulting with information like that what we're doing publicly and internally doesn't align with what we're seeing publicly. and mark said that we don't have the resources there's no way that we can do this. >> i was going to say, since both, of ian scott had raised. it let me play a little bit of what you said in 2021. because it's relevant here. >> the company leadership knows
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how to make facebook and instagram safer. but won't make the necessary changes because they have put their astronomical process for people. those documents i've provided to congress prove that facebook has repeatedly missed led the public about what its own research reveals about the safety of children, the efficacy of its artificial intelligence system. and its role in spreading devices and messaging systems. >> so, francis, you are saying zuckerberg now said he doesn't have the resources? >> and the emails that were released this morning congress, i believe, acquired from the attorney general but i don't know for sure. it outlines and nick clegg, bringing to mark probably on the run a period a comment on the wall street journal article. so it's not truly altruistic. but he, said hey, we have to put it least nine more engineers, and 25 other types of staff. if we want even have a chance to get someone's problems addressed. and he was told, there's just not enough people.
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there's not enough resources for you to do. that and, so it shows you how negligent these companies are. and, today marks zuckerberg had. it he got grilled on those emails himself. people, one of the senator said, are you going to argue with court documents? and zuckerberg had the audacity to say i haven't seen the documents. it's, like well, you did when you made a decision not to prioritize their kids. >> what do you think of his apology, francis? >> one of the things that i think that has been -- not really been captured by a lot of the videos that have been circulating on this because usually in a hearing you don't have witnesses turn around and face the audience. there were one good camera angle, that the look of fear that was on his face. think about what it's like to confront not one parent but to confront 100 parent people holding signs with images of their dead children. i have never seen that amount of fear on his face. and i think it was one of those moments where, you, know senator butler actually asked and raise the issue
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specifically. he, said you told me last night, you had never actually talked to a parent that lost the child due to your products. , and suddenly, he had a turn around and faced 100 of. them so it's a historic moment. >> scott, are the companies incentivized financially or otherwise not to change? >> if you had a parking meter, in front of your house, that cost $100 every minute but the parking meter was 25 cents you would continue to break the law. and the fines here are the biggest fine levy was against facebook for 11 million. it was 11 weeks of cash flow. the bottom line is, when you send an email out, when a teenage girl, a 14 year old girl in the uk goes into her room with her phone and is having thoughts and is depressed and the algorithms pick up on this, and decide to send her an email and this is a quote saying that we thought you might find these images on
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suicide interesting. and it includes images of pills, racers and -- nooses someone needs to go to jail and this doesn't stop into the ineffectual individuals posturing today. to pass laws, such that we can put someone in an orange jumpsuit and when we look back in ten years, we will regret the concentration of power, the weaponization of our elections, the increasing coarseness of our discourse but the thing we won't believe in the way we are most of said about is we will ask ourselves, how on earth then we let this happen to our children? it doesn't stop until there's a perp walk. >> 100 percent. >> scott galloway, francis -- thank you. chilling discussion. but i appreciate your. time thank you very much. still to come, with a new poll suggesting more women saying that they will vote for president biden over trump, republicans have picked an odd time to wage a war against
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taylor swift. to, quote, one of her recent hits. i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser. and keeping them honest, the message for trump, touting to defeat a bipartisan border security bill.
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a major new presidential poll shows president biden opening a significant lead on former president trump. now, you did hear that right. and it is a bit different, that a lot of polling lately. more on that in just a moment. the new poll comes the same day the trump tried to peel away organized labor voters from the biden campaign. that's not an easy job. union members, genuinely vote democratic. and one big union, the united autoworkers endorsed president biden last week. but trump made his case today, at a meeting with the leaders of the teamsters union at their headquarters in washington. >> and, i think we had a very productive meeting. stranger things have happened. usually, a republican wouldn't get that endorsement for many, many years. they've only done democrats. , but in my case it's different. because i've employed thousands of teamsters. and, i think that we should come over to pay our respects. >> afterwards, president biden's team called out the former president. called out trump for his, quote, long record of attacking unions. all of that as this new poll
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from pontiac university shows president biden with 50% in a head to head general election matchup trump with a 44%. that's a six-point lead among registered voters outside the pole margin of error. and more than a month after the same poll found the race, quote, too close to call. one big factor the poll says more women now support president biden. >> legendary democratic strategist, james carville is with us now. james, great to see you. >> thank you, man, thank you. >> you've been nervous. to say the least, about this election. how nervous and -- >> i was pretty good. that's the first good pull of seen in a while. of, course you'd like to see another. one that's to kind of come from. it, but given the recent events with president trump's legal issues, and some of these economic numbers that we have, seen it is not unreasonable to assume there could be a turn in the political opinion. i can wait to see some confirming polls here but it's pretty heartening.
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>> some people have speculated that one trumpery comes the clear republican nominee which he is more and more every day that that might galvanize traditional democrats. >> i hope it does i don't know what else -- how much more galvanize you can, be with the behavior of this guy but let's just wait and see. but it makes sense the that he would, be after this jury came, in and they accused him to be a, honestly. that's what the judge said. and every day when he enters the world it's not a good thing to run for president and have a jury find that you a woman. >> well for sexual abuse, here's what the original jury. found the, poll does show that 67% of registered voters say that they believe the nation's democracy is on the verge of collapse. a 67%, i, mean how do you even make sense of it all like that? >> i know, it's frightening. i'll be honest with. you and people come up to me a lot and they, say james, i'm scared and i say well, you have a reason to be. but i do think that if we get
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closer in these other things will come and there will be more news to come out and there's a chance that we can do better. but i was really encouraged by. this it's got a good reputation, and being decent out so -- >> i think america has been dying to know what james carville thinks about taylor swift. and i ask you about this because there's this growing right wing conspiracy. you have to turn on these conservative networks and they're basically suggesting that there are those who suggest that somehow taylor swift is fixing the super bowl to help joe biden. and i want to play a little bit of what's been on here. >> so a swift affront for a political agenda? >> prime time, obviously, has no evidence. if we did. we've shared. but we're curious. because the popstar who endorsed biden is urging millions of her followers to vote. >> a single post of hers lead to 35,000 new registers.
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that's persuadable power. and this administration is locked, dead set on harnessing that. >> why alienate your fans? the swifties? you, know they come across from every political ideology. >> i bet on the. rivas i wish they would've broken up before they came they had like 11%. and just now the other thing i saw before it came in here claiming that trump's attorney that she is also a deep state plan. and you know i don't know but apparently this kelsey is a really good football. player and i think it makes him a better. one >> if you were donald trump or part of the far-right and you're having trouble with women voters is there worse strategy than attacking taylor swift? >> you, know i don't think there's anything strategic about. this i think that most of these people are sexually inadequate.
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and they go for all this crazy stuff. and, i don't think -- and there's nothing strategic about something that stupid it is just real stupidity to believe something like. that, and she seems to me, i'm not very familiar with her generation, but she seems like a really nice person. well raised. shi gives people that work 100,000 dollar bonuses. what's their not to like about swift? i have no idea? i didn't get the memo. >> do you think it will blow up in their face? >> all this stuff had blown, up i don't know if their faces, but, it's massively entertaining to watch people this stupid go public. , and the, you know, honestly i can't get enough of it we can't be that dumb, can you? >> it seems like these outlets are there for you, james, to entertain. you're so nikki haley today with sharper words than she has used yet on donald trump she said that he's toxic and lacks
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moral clarity it's interesting because it shows haley beating biden by nine points in a hypothetical head to head matchup. i mean the polling is pretty clear. biden is up on trump by six in this. pull ilyse up with biden by five. >> that's been clear, in the other. polls and this is something that confirms what i have seen in other post. , and i do think that it's fair to say that the country was not excited about a trump, biden choice. though i think that number would reverse as people became more familiar about the handling. but that is not unusual that you would see that kind of turnaround. i have seen that in a number of other polls. and, when you run a round with somebody picking the primary he's made fun of her and this is not unusual. she is mad. i, mean she's really mad. and my hat is off to her.
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i think the longer she stays, and the happier i am. >> because it's better for the democrats? >> for the audience. look, bernie sanders really likes. or miss clinton, in 2016. no one likes these long drawn out primaries. and she keeps hitting him, and hitting him. and i hope that this is. right but it's taken some kind of toll. >> james koppel. thanks to see. you appreciate your time. thank you sir >> next they asked for it and demanded it conditioned aid for ukraine and israel on getting. it's a, why even as tough new details of a bipartisan center border deal emerges, are many republicans backing further away from it? them honest.
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keeping them honest tonight. the newest installment of lawmakers who like talking about the border crisis, often in a popular tone. but don't want to do anything about. it at, least not until after the election. they met behind closed, doors debating whether to shell a bipartisan, border security deal being negotiated by one of the most conservative members and said to be the toughest in generations. one, that once upon of times their house colleagues were demanding or else they would not even start considering aid to ukraine in israel. that, is until the former president came out until it, for any border legislation several weeks ago. and, first privately, if word got, out lightly and publicly no bill needed, he said. the house republicans will start trashing the very thing that they originally said they wanted. criticizing it as anderson pointed out last night, by
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mischaracterizing what was reportedly in it. despite not having seen the actual text of. it but, also crucially disregarding assurances by the lead republican negotiator. the conservative james lankford. that what they're objecting to is not part of the idea namely that it would lead 5000 migrants a day into the country before the president could take serious action. this is what donald trump said today. >> that's a terrible bill 5000 people a day that's a lot that's record setting stuff. i want to see a great. bill if you don't get a great bill, i don't think you're gonna get a great. bill and if you're starting a 5000 people a day it's insane. >> so that has been the refrain, how speaker mike johnson have been saying it today and republican senator said it. why would you be setting thresholds up 4000 and 5000? >> the discretionary threshold is one that should be concerned. >> so that has been the
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talking, point from lawmakers who have not seen the text of the proposal. and, again keeping them honest who don't seem inclined to believe the extremely conservative republican senator who has. >> it would be absolutely absurd for me to agree to 5000 people a day and this bill focuses on getting us to zero illegal crossings a day. >> that was, sunday and today another negotiator, independent senator revealed some of the specifics. the bill she said require the president to shut a border if there are 5000 encounters that. they meaning 5000 migrants showing, up asking for asylum. they would, not she said be lead into the country. instead they would be detained and their cases would be handled anywhere from six months to a serious 10 to 15 days. and, again these people would all be detained, she said. not released. no more she claims of what critics have called catch and release. which ought to be news to the heirs with senators like ron
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johnson who as he said today he said border security is priority one. >> all i'm concerned about is that we need to secure our border. we have to redeem the sovereignty of this nation. the open border that president biden and his colleagues here this is a clear danger to america and my top already is securing that border and protecting our citizens. >> so, it's a fine thing to say. as so many republican lawmakers have also said. to which another republican, i ask the senator said this today >> it was the republicans, i would remind you that told the democrats months ago that if you want to try to get your ukraine money. you're going to have to take up the border issue. this is what we asked for. >> and for many of her colleagues, now having gotten it apparently they won't take yes for an answer. some perspective now from cnn political commentators on the left and, right respectively
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van jones but david james lankford is one of the most conservative senators there is. he said this 5000 claim is bogus coming from donald trump and others. so, how do you explain this reluctance as anything other than election year politics? >> well, john, look. i have not read the bill. but i do believe there's a little politics involved. they're shocking, i, know in washington. gambling and casa blanca. the fact of the matter, it remains to the other side of the aisle which joe biden inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years when he became president. and in the past three years that he's been president they didn't seem to be the least bit interested in securing the border. the with 9.6 million illegal immigrants crossed into our country. they have stopped -- >> it is worth noting, and i know david you know this, it was one of the lowest rates because of covid. no one was coming and then
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title 42 showed up. >> title 42, right. exactly, you're making my point for me. john title 42, the end of catch and release if you and that with the biden administration we remain in mexico policy under the trump administration. folks would have to stay in mexico waiting for asylum and then people decided not to come. they didn't want to remain in mexico. they wanted to come to the united states. >> listen, i don't disagree that there should be something done to secure our southern border. to john's point though, it is being done now where as the morning console they pulled out maybe this week that found that 60% of america think the border is a major issue. a major concern. and they trust president trump 52% over 30% over president biden to do something. that administration has not done. they're getting their butts kicked. so they're trying to do something. >> i don't understand why
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you're upset. >> i'm not upset. >> you must be upset, because they're not going to do anything about these issues and they've been screaming about it. i'm saying my house is on fire, somebody should bring me a bucket of water, i would say never mind but maybe i was playing politics with the issue in the first place. do you think democrats are playing politics now. looks like republicans have been playing politics the whole. time because now, for the first- time, my party has moved for the first time it's willing to do so we would never consider doing. because the numbers have gotten so big. you've got the blue city mayors screaming and saying now you have a chance to do something. and you won't do it. the big city mayors are screaming is courtesy of governor greg abbott texas. letting them feel a little pain. like they're feeling in eagle pass texas. >> but apparently, these wonderful governors who florida and texas care about so much, shipping everybody appear, you won't take yes for an answer now. the country agrees with, you
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biden agrees with you and you rather keep the pain going. he'd rather keep the pain going that solve the problem. that's politics. >> listen there was an hr passed yesterday, the house passed bill senator ted cruz introduced the senator companion but the biden administration was really serious about immigration, they would've gone to the house leadership and said, hey, this is where we hand up but we'll start with your bill. >> but this bill, and i know you haven't seen, it but with this bill, do you think it will improve things? >> i'm not sure, i can't give you an opinion one way in another. >> you know it includes a lot of the stuff the republicans have been asking for. >> let's put it this, way anything that would improve the border that we have for, not anything -- >> if it does why not let it go to the floor? >> i think the republicans feel that they could get a better bill done. i understand your theory is why not take half of it.
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i think the republicans think they'll get a better deal. >> if anybody had told us that they had thanksgiving, halloween last, year than they would have the democrats alone and support and republicans would have been dancing around saying look, we won. the thing is to keep moving the goalposts on so many. days and honestly it's starting to feel that maybe like the pain. maybe like capping the country. if you really thought the country was being overrun by terrorists, and all this sort of stuff are used to drive the place if you thought it was happening, you would be trying to get this deal done. you don't believe. that nobody believes that you're using this issue. and i are being exposed for it in the republican party. that's what i see. >> democrats did a great job of political jiu-jitsu. >> thank you very much. i am full of all the time. a gruesome crime captured on youtube up the pennsylvania man accused of beheading his father
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and then showing the severed head while conducting a political rant on the video sharing website. details and a live report next.
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about the same time -- to face the senators, the pennsylvania man was being charged with beheading his father. and displaying the suffered head, during a political rant
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on welcome ups on youtube, that video was online for several hours. denny is in pennsylvania tonight with the details. >> it's a horrible, tragic incident. >> around seven pm, tuesday evening, middle township police got a call from justin's mom's mother. saying she found her husband, 68 year old, michael -- that pin when officers arrived they found an elderly male in the bathroom with blood around him who had been decapitated. officers found a machete and a large kitchen knife in the bathtub. the court documents and police then found michael moans head in a plastic bag in a cooking pot in the next room. only then did police learned of his sons video posted to youtube which stayed up on the site for about five hours before being taken down. in the 14 and a half minute video, justin vance about the biden administration. the border that calls his father a traitor to his country because he was a federal
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employee. saying, quote america is rotting from the inside out because the far left woke mobs. just then, he raised his dead father's head on camera. >> i'm very sad for the family. i'm very sad for the community. and also, for the people that knew him. >> while police were out is home, he was heading west. the spokesperson for the pennsylvania department of military veterans affairs told cnn that around nine pm, his cell phone was traced to just outside of the fort indiantown gap national guard base. pennsylvania's national guard headquarters, nearly 100 miles from the crime scene to the nba said they were on to the gun but was ultimately arrested without incident. as authorities investigate, a former roommate of justin's tells cnn that, quote the government was not to get him. mom also filed multiple lawsuits suggesting he was angry about his status as a white man. this disturbing incident were news concerned about the risk of political violence.
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>> the kind of overheated, deeply politicized, extreme reddick rick that you hear sometimes in this country actually has an impact on these marginalized people with extremist views. >> and, john, as you noted one of the most disturbing acts specks of the story that stayed online for several hours before you to finally took it down. and youtube told cnn today that it has strict policies pivoting violent extremism and noted that our teams are closely tracking to remove any re- uploads of this video. but john we spoke with the police chief of this community earlier today and he said basically that he fears that at least in this community everyone has already seen the video and the damage has been done. one thing on note is that the district attorney here in bucks county is expected to have a news conference about this incident before the week is up. so hopefully we'll get more information on a potential motive for the killing.
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john? >> danny freeman, keep us posted. still to come tonight, more on the migrant crisis. specifically the impact on denver. hundreds -- buffeting up with boston migrants in crowded shelters and freezing cold streets. . i
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>> a few moments ago, talking about immigration. he said the only reason big city mayors were screaming
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about the border was because he said texas governor, greg abbott was letting them feel the pain they are feeling in texas. , so now, one mayor in one city denver. more from cnn -- >> reporter: if we could work, none of us would be living like this. he said. denver facing a record number of migrants. straining resources, is leaving many on the streets. but if we could just see the winds here, again tense blowing. alexander from venezuela complaints on the freezing conditions. and he shows us how he's been living. he says the phone protects the tenth sin. [speaking in a non-english language] >> reporter: this is how he
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looks forward, he says. finn but it's just getting too cold and denver and they need to start moving people out and insight into shelters, there's not a lot of space. here but the city is doing its best. >> they're just worried about what's gonna happen with that stuff. >> they originally tried to help move families. >> they say that denver is officially fall. there is no room. they're gonna be outside, freezing to death. >> the city has 40,000, migrant and shelters who are not capacity. >> denver's mayor mike johnson visits a shelter. he's immediately surrounded by migrants asking for help. >> it's good for him to see what's happening, she said. worried that she will end up in the streets with her son. she's thankful she said but
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sorry she came here illegally. republican texas governor, greg abbott had said thousands of migrants to denver on buses. which continue to rise. >> i've had conversations with greg abbott, and we've never talked to him but he has not called me back -- >> what do you want to talk to him about? if you could speak to him? >> what i would say, is understand i feel like we have a huge influx of people that they can't handle in texas. >> i, agree they know one, state or one city and they should leave this whole entire challenge but i think that there's a way for us to work. >> migrants could cost the city 100 and million dollars, this year they said. and it's on the verge of cutting essential services. >> they don't want to take firefighters off the street. they don't want to do trash pickup, or not have a recreational centers open. >> the strain and resources
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frustrating others in need. >> they're using an approach but i think you need to help the american side first before you help the influx of migrants. >> seeking relief, mayors like johnson pleading for more federal. help allowing migrants to work. >> what is your name? >> wilfred. >> so is telling us he needs a warm place to stay and it's about 20 degrees or so. >> there is no place to go, he said. >> you can die from the goal here? >> you can't it's going to get much colder, you have to go inside sir. >> and i we learned of a group sheltering under a bridge. >> there is a group of people coming here, now to try to take them inside but it's just too cold to be outside but this is how they've been living. >> if they could pack up a suitcase, that is as much as they can bring. >> with the mid city resources,
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residents are stepping in, like pastor keith. who's opening up his church. >> as far as, you know are we ready to? walk or do we need to stay for a little bit? >> so what's your goal here now? >> we've got some friends, i grabbed a couple of my buddies. and we need to get them out of the situation. so we're not from shelter, for the night. >> so, i could take seven. >> another resident is using the motel as a sanctuary. >> can i come? >> housing about 300 migrants for free. >> saw how many stay here? >> one, two, three -- >> around 20 just in this room? >> she is like a mother to us, she said. seriously, she gets above five in the morning and cooks us breakfasts. >> young prince was planning to leave denver to retire, but one migrant started showing up at the hotel, she found the reason
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to stay. >> my parents come from -- >> your parents? >> i was hungry. we don't have anything here. [inaudible] >> they've touched a certain part of you? >> and it's almost like they become your family. >> yes, yes. >> i want to make sure they're eating. >> reporter: you want to make sure they're eating. taken care of. >> reporter: and john, on monday, the city is set to start removing people who have been staying in hotels, quite simply they have no room. they simply have to start doing something. they can't keep helping them in hotels, it's getting too costly. , and the goal here is to force them to go somewhere, to be with, family or to go somewhere else. but denver just can't deal with this in the. longer, and it's really stretching that. >> it was a great piece. great reporting.
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thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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