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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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syria seem to operate more independently and the houthis in yemen are seen as a wild card, a group iran has the least amount of control over. in fact, iran's leadership has been concerned in recent weeks over the attacks the houthis have launched. >> thank you so much for breaking that down. the past few moments we have gotten this video in. this is from iraq. it is of some of the strikes that took place tonight. remember, as we've been reporting, there were seven facilities struck by u.s. air craft tonight between iraq and in syria. this is video of some of those strikes from iraq in retaliation for that drone strike that killed three u.s. service members on sunday. that's it from here. i'm done here in "the situation room." erin burnett "out front" starts right now.
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"out front" next we are following several breaking news stories this hour. first, the united states striking back. new video just in to cnn right now showing the aftermath of 85 targets hit in iraq and syria. president biden warning that this is just the beginning of the strierks. and more breaking news. mass confusion surrounding ukraine's military. president zelenskyy calling the fired head of his entire military, the commander in chief. what's going on. and postponed, the department of justice election interference case against donald trump is delayed indefinitely. why? we've got the details. let's go "out front." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. and good evening. i'm erin burnett. we do begin tonight with the breaking news. america strikes. the biden administration carrying out a mass series of airstrikes in both iraq and syria and i want to show you some new video that we have just gotten in of what's happening on
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the ground. this is the aftermath of one of the strikes. we understand 85 targets. you can actually see this in the air. you can see the strikes on the ground from this video here and you can hear -- and you can hear it as well as those -- on those impacts. u.s. hitting iranian-backed militants responsible for the drone attack in which three u.s. soldiers were killed and dozens more injured in jordan. according to the u.s. central command, they hit several locations. according to the white house, the strikes lasted 30 minutes. they are characterizing this as successful. i want to be clear when we say that, that would seem to imply their success that they're done, it's nowhere near the truth. president biden is clearly warning tonight that this is just the beginning. a statement that he put out said, quote, our response began today. it will continue at times and places of our choosing. the united states does not seek
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conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. now biden says the u.s. does not seek war in the middle east. they vowed to continue attacking u.s. targets. breaking news coverage here continues as we see what happens in these early hours of the morning in iraq and syria. we've got a team of correspondents, military analysts standing by with our breaking coverage. i want to begin with oren liebermann live at the pentagon. oren, you are learning more and more details about the strikes. what do you know now? >> reporter: the u.s. carried out strikes over a period of 30 minutes. four locations in syria, three in iraq. it appears one you're seeing here, although at this time the pentagon, defense department not confirming the locations, but in iraq this is a location they have struck before. meanwhile, the director of the general staff d.a. sims says they are confident in the success of their strikes and in the targeting.
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in terms of the list of targets, 85 different targets across those seven locations. more than 125 precision munitions used. in terms of what was struck, it's not just weaponry but command and control centers, intelligence centers, logistics hub. a clear attempt to go after the iranian-backed militias. there is no expectation that the attacks will absolutely stop but the goal of the administration here was to send a more powerful message than has been sent in the past. this is the first time we've seen the u.s. carry out strikes in iraq and syria more simultaneously. that's part of the more powerful weapons and strikes. they did see secondary explosions at some of the locations that were struck indicating they did hit weapons facilities and their attempt to go after some of the weapons that have been used to attack u.s. forces. the biden administration, the president himself, the defense secretary have promised there would be a powerful response
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after the drone strike killed three service members and injured scores more in jordan. five days ago the u.s. held iran ultimately responsible but it was the decision to strike the iranian-backed militias in iran and syria. as you pointed out, president joe biden said this isn't the end. defense secretary lloyd austin said this is the start of our response. so very much putting on the table that though these strikes were larger than others we've seen, there is more to come. erin, i will also point out that the u.s. used two b-1 bombers in this case. they are heavy bombers much larger than the f-15 and f-16 used to carry out these strikes. that in and of itself is part of the message here that the u.s. is willing to go further than it's gone before in going after the militias and targeting them.
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there are likely casualties as a result of these strikes. i think that was to be expected, but in terms of how many and where, the u.s. said it went after the islamic revolutionary guard core. >> thank you very much, oren. as you get more, obviously we're going to bring you back. oren is at the pentagon talking to sources. we'll let him continue to do that. i want to go to the white house and m.j. lee. here we are. a true show of force. b-1 bombers coming from the u.s. to do this not using f-16s, f-15s. there's a very clear message here and be a very clear message this is just the beginning. so what tows that mean, in terms of this just being the beginning? what are you learning? >> reporter: for right now, erin, the white house is making clear they believe the strikes so far have been very successful but importantly, erin, telling me that the u.s. strikes are
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targeting places outside iran and not inside iran. in many ways, that is not at all surprising given to what extent u.s. officials are telegraphing how that would be. that would be akin to basically starting a war with iran and the white house has said repeatedly, we do not want to start a war with iran. in it terms of the timing and why the strikes took place tonight, we are actually told that they had known for some days that they would begin tonight but that weather really played a very big role in all of this. they wanted to make sure that they could avoid any unnecessary casualties, though as oren mentioned, there are expected to be some casualties. they wanted to avoid cloud cover, in other words, they waited until good weather to maximize their support.
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the president has been updated throughout the strikes. he is currently at his home in wilmington. we know they had everything to do with the three americans that were killed last weekend. he made very clear as you said in a statement. he said, our response began today and it will continue at a time and places of our choosing. as you can imagine, erin, u.s. officials not indicating in any way when or where those future strikes will be. >> m.j., thank you very much. as she talks to her sources, she will come back to us as well. i want to go to mark hertling. general, we now have the first video in of these strikes, at least of one of them. indications of some secondary explosions, right, which could mean obviously weaponry or explosives that were struck. your understanding there are b-1 bombers involved that could carry heavy pay loads as opposed
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to f-15s and f-16s. from what you know, we're told this is just the beginning, 125 precision munitions, using b-1 bombers flying from the u.s. mainland, what does it say to you? >> first of all, erin, i will confirm those films you're showing are secondary explosions from the ammo cache. when you're talking about a b-1 bomber, that bomb can drop more than even a b-52. many people find that unimaginable. the strike took 30 minutes. that tells me they wanted there to be a simultaneous engagement on all targets. the various targets that they hit in just an unbelievable state. how fast they can be hit by this one load of weaponry. secondly, anyone saying this is a proportional response really doesn't know what they're talking about. the this is the first stage and it's more than proportional of
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sending a signal not just to the popular mobilization forces on the ground in syria and iraq but also to syria and the government. this is something the iranian government has been supporting for years if not decades. this is the reason for those pmss to exist. continue to be the axis of the attacks against the israel and all western forces. i believe what we're seeing right now is the first set, the first set of this campaign. there will be more. it will fall into an action by the united states, anticipated reaction by the iranian government as well as the pms and then a counter action following on that. i think it will last several days if not weeks. it will show them that we're serious about protecting our
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forces in the middle east. >> as general hertling is responding to, even though they're in iran and syria, reuters had reported that the irgc, the elite iranian force, had been pulling officers out of syria, they were saying because of israeli strikes that were successful raises the question, perhaps, whether they anticipated something like this. we have no idea who the casualties are or what happened. how do you expect the iranian government to respond? >> this month marks the 45th an ser vr ri of the iranian revolution so we have a 45-year study of the actions.
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they want to help bring down u.s.-led world order. they're also deeply committed to staying in power. they're not suicidal. they're very good at testing u.s. resolve, not only testing u.s. red lines. i suspect that now what they're going to do given this massive u.s. response is to lay low a little bit. i expect we won't see attacks in the near term on u.s. troops but once we're again distracted, whether it's by our presidential election, war in ukraine, i think they will start to test us again because, again, they're committed to their the irc. >> they're trying to see the officers .
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>> the iranian government. it's a combination of our cia. and they're continuing to train these multiple . >> it will stop all of that.
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>> do you hear what the u.s. uses it. >>. >> i think no doubt.
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>> iran and they're rebuilding the capabilities. iran isn't fighting against it. it's menacing. beyond their borders, inside iran. the symptoms of this. >> at this point, these are the strikes. 6. >> thank you both.
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i appreciate it. the reason. it's happening tonight. it's happening in gaza . >> the region and the world. when you consider there will be strikes there then will be a response. the development to that. >> the stages are miss calculations. and they're talking about it. >> the reality in the united
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states. the last couple of decades. they could have blinked. it's set up and established very well in hezbollah.
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>> nic robertson . >> can you just walk us through it. >> 85 individual targets and clusters. to iran.
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>> come from it. it's letting it down. there is a strategic competition. trying to get there.
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>> it's very, very capable. it's inside the cockpit. it's 10, 12 years and unlimited range and keep refueling this thing. the bombers, i assume. >> on the ground it sends this. it's a bomber and a leader. they are coming directly out here. >> what else stands out to you.
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and the challenge i see right now. it's multi-tiered. the sanctions, they have cyber capabilities. we should not. it will take as long as it takes. it assesses the damage . >> breaking news .
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>> in the trial. that crucial trial.
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>> hiring a top general commander. it's seemingly total. the commander in chief today has a war cabinet meeting. they're replacing it. >> reporter: the aid in ukraine, great sacrifice in ukraine. the path to our victory is very hard, he said, at a military funeral.
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>> zelenskyy called for the strike. i have working relations. the question remains. it's 90 perts perts support. the soldiers beef up the armed
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forts to troops beefing up the fight.
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>> it was fired and waiting for normal decree.
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>> what's happening. in the running. they have, indeed, changed their mind . >> coming from the middle east.
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>> the retaliation . >> what's your reaction. >>
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>>. >> it's very dignified. it was a solemn ceremony . >> the war but had a chance.
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>> they lasted there . >> after you learned of kennedy's death. >> had to have it in so many ways .
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>> all of that. in her plans. it. >> i just felt the support .
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>> out front. there's a development. >> what's happened. personal relations.
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>> breaking news. the claims of presidential immunity. this has been postponed indefinitely. nonetheless, the heavy weight. >> it most certainly does because the judge s. .
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>> if and when she gets the mandate. issue a mandate. >> i'm not sure it's that clear-cut. >> in a certain sense. a
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a. >> then the supreme koirt decides. not necessarily. one that had been seen as the most politicized . >> it's going to be first.
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and it's also predicated in part. >> thank you very much. >> finally admitting it. the announcement coming almost a month. >>. >> it's a lot, erin.
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>> whee describes. again in 2022. it's pre-existing. the relationships. >> do you deny his earnings. it's provided to willis. is r the personal thoughts and attorney willis has made it.
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>> she insists. the legal requirements. the deals that are brokered. the witnesses who could be called and willis has it. >> the co-author of "find me the votes." >> the service members here and it turns into it. >> were you surprised by the
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revelation. and after that the -- were you surprised? >> the black church. >> it's filing it. >> basically argued that there was a financial and personal conflict of interest here because number one fani willis hired somebody. she was having an intimate relationship with, paid him lots
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of money and then used that money so that they could all go on lavish vacations. if, in. >> they're sharing it. >> nathan wade could make more money to take fani willis on vacations. the it was speculative from the start. you add these two facts and it kind of like undercuts the basis for the motion. there's going to be a hearing february 15th. we'll see whether the judge wants to get into an he evidenty hearing but i'd be surprised if he does. >> trump was pushing these accusations against willis and wade of course. here's some of what he said. >> she paid her boyfriend, a lawyer, who had no experience as a lawyer and no experience doing what almost a million dollars
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and then they decided to go on a beautiful norwegian cruise line. he was a generous person be with our money. >> now, again, they're saying it didn't start until after he took the position. i would presume that if that's not the case people are going to come forth out of the woodwork and make that clear. they're swearing the fact that it didn't. but you write in your book that wade was not even at the top of willis's list. this would mean not only did the relationship start after he was hired but in fact she herself did not want to hire him. >> exactly. she had a hard time finding anybody to take the job. as we write in "find me the votes," she reached out to lloyd barnes, the former governor of georgia, gabe banks and they turned her down. why? as roy barnes has quoted in her book -- in our book, hypothetically speaking do you want to have a body guard follow you around for the rest of your
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life? they were worried about the threats that were coming from trump supporters and something that fani willis was experiencing every day. >> and just briefly, so much so these tlaets she had a body double? >> yes. this is one of the most dramatic, extraordinary stories of this whole saga. the night of the indictment in august where she makes that late-night announcement, it was about midnight, to all the press core, fulton county staff had picked up an assassination threat on the maga website the best time to shoot her is when she leaves the building. she goes back to her office, takes off her black business suit and pearls, puts on sweats and a baseball cap and a body double, somebody on the staff who resembled fani willis, puts on the business suit underneath -- over a kevlar bullet proof vest and drives out. fani willis is smuggled out the
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back door of her office to an undisclosed location. >> all right. well, i hope people will read more because that is an incredible story. sad, but incredible. thank you so much, michael. always glad to see you. >> next, lawyers for a group of colorado voters are preparing to make their case in front of the supreme court to keep trump off the ballot. the secretary of state will take part in those arguments. that's a change but she will now and she's my guest to explain why. breaking news tonight about the republican effort to impeach the homeland security security secretary.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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tonight a flurry of preparation under way in the supreme court's oral arguments over whether trump should be kicked off the colorado ballot. colorado's secretary of state now officially taking a stand and urging the justices to disqualify trump using the 14th amendment as justification. her legal team has just been granted 10 minutes on thursday to make that argument before the highest court. and the colorado secretary of state is now out front. secretary, i'm so glad to see you again. and obviously all eyes are going to be on your lawyers this coming thursday when they're making your arguments to the justice. and that's not a lot of time. i know you wanted 15 minutes, so it's not as if you were asking for a lot, but you only have 10 minutes to make the case. what are they going to lay out before the supreme court? >> first off, erin, always great to be on your show. thank you for having me.
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and our message is pretty simple. it's the idea, the clear statement that states can stop oath breaking insurrectionists from appearing on our ballots. i imagine that the supreme court may focus its questions on the role of state law and how the constitution interacts with state law. and regardless of the time, we want to make sure that colorado's interests in our election system and election law is clearly protected at the united states supreme court. >> so secretary griswold, just to be clear you've been very careful on this issue. you didn't just come out and pound the table on this from the beginning for months even on this show you did stop short of saying trump should be kept off your state's ballot even though you did believe he incited on insurrection on january 6th. so you don't come to taking the stand and going before the supreme court lightly. why? how did this happen that you've decided now to take a different
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and very clear public stand? >> like you said, i've always believed that trump incited the insurrection, but it was pretty clear that regardless of my personal thoughts, a court was going to decide did his actions reach the level of disqualification under section 3 of the 14th amendment? and a court has. the colorado supreme court looked at all the district court findings, special a specialized amount of time and determined he did engage in insurrection. and that on top of that the constitution applies to the president. there is no get out of jail free card for insurrection for donald trump. and honestly, erin, i think they got it right. and i'm making this clear statement in protection of colorado law because i think that's how the constitution should work. section 3 of the 14th amendment is there to protect the country
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from insurrectionists like donald trump, and i hope that the united states supreme court looks at all the facts, all the case law and the clear words of the united states constitution in making their determination. >> does the fact that there appear to be delays for the special counsel's case, i mean there was supposed to start on march 4th. that is not going to start now. it's been postponed indefinitely. ryan goodman was pointing out a judge there could give another date, a provisional date. so the fact it is indefinite is significant possibly. does that -- obviously you made this decision before that, but do the delays we've seen there waiting for this immunity ruling as they are in that case, did that play into your decision to take this stand? >> no, it did not. as soon as the colorado supreme court made its decision, it was very clear to me that a court of competent jurisdiction look at how colorado election law should
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apply to the scenario had made its clear decision. donald trump incited the insurrection. that was just part of his strategy to steal the 2020 election from the american people. i think he should be held accountable. and whether it's in the other cases you have talked about tonight or this case, he is a clear threat to this country. i believe he's one of the largest dangers to this country. and i look forward to oral arguments next thursday. >> all right, we will, of course, all be watching for that on thursday. secretary griswold, thanks so much. i'm glad to talk to you. >> thank you. all right, and next the breaking news. republicans have just announced a major step on the impeachment of the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas.
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. breaking news. republicans taking a another step tonight towards impeaching homeland security alejandro mayorkas. our manu raju reporting house leaders have officially scheduled the impeachment vote for next week. it will be either tuesday or wednesday they say. something that's not been done in 148 years in the united states. and it's still not clear if republicans have the votes. house speaker mike johnson can only afford to lose three. retiring congressman ken buck has already said on "out front" he is leaning no. thank you for joining us. ac 360 begins right now. good evening. jim sciutto here sitting in for anderson tonight.