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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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welcome to all of you watching us here in the united
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states, canada, and all around the world, i'm kim brunhuber. this is "cnn newsroom." the u.s. military strikes more than 85 targets in iraq and syria retaliating against iran-backed militants. that's why the u.s. decided to strike now. plus -- >> it speaks to black americans in the united states and i don't think that either are doing so. >> south carolina is holding the first official presidential primary today. look at why some black voters say they might sit this one out. closing arguments in the historic case of a mother of a school shooters. why prosecutors argue she is partly to blame for the tragedy. >> announcer: live from atlanta, this is "cnn newsroom" with kim brunhuber.
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u.s. president joe biden says the strikes in iraq and syria are just the beginning. they struck 85 targets early saturday time. like the one that struck a u.s. base in jordan killing three u.s. soldiers and injuring many more. the white house says the strikes lasted 30 minutes. in a statement president biden says, quote, our response began today and will continue at times and places of our choosing. the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. meanwhile, the leader of one iranian group is vowing to continue attacks on u.s. targets. there have been 165 attacks on troops in the middle east since october. those attacks have injured more than 120 u.s. service members. syria now says the u.s. strikes have caused, quote, significant damage and killed civilians and military personnel.
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the retaliatory strikes took place just after the dignified transfer of the three american soldiers killed in that drone attack in jordan. the remains of sargeant william rivers, kennedy sanders and brianna moffitt were carefully carried off the military transporter. presidents don't always attend the solemn ritual but this is biden's second as commander in chief. we have a team of correspondents and military analysts standing by. we'll look at the regional response. we begin with oren liebermann at the pentagon on the strikes and why they were carried out. >> u.s. carrying out strikes at seven locations across iraq and syria, more precisely four in syria, three in iraq targeting 85 different targets and using more than 100 precision guided weapons. that is an order of magnitude
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more powerful than we've seen carried out in the past several months. it's worth noting this is the first time we have seen the u.s. strike iraq and syria simultaneously. the white house and d.o.d. say what they know. strikes they were successful in hitting the targets they were going for and that included a long list of facilities used by the forces and associated militias here. command and control operations centers, weapons centers, storage facilities you can see in the targets the u.s. going after the types of weapons used to target forces in the reasonable gone and all of the logistics and essentially command and control needed to carry out those sorts of attacks. the u.s. made it clear it wasn't trying to start a war with iran here and very much trying to avoid that possibility so no strikes in iran directly but very much going after iran's proxies in the region and the
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ability of the proxies to carry out the ongoing attacks. these strikes come five days after a drone attack in the region killed three u.s. service members in jordan and wounded scores more but it's not just that. there have been more than 160 attacks on u.s. forces in in the region and this was a more powerful response to all of that. the there is no expectation that this is the end of it. president joe biden saying there could very well be more to come. defense secretary lloyd austin being more blunt about this in a statement saying this is the start of our response. the key question here of course what does the rest of that response look like and where does it play out. oren liebermann, cnn, the pentagon. cnn's jomana karadsheh joins us with the strikes and reactions. what if anything have we heard from iran and what reaction has there been so far in the region? >> reporter: well, kim, a short time ago the iraqi government
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released a very strongly worded statement as you would expect that the iraqi government would be under pressure from its own population from the powerful iranian-backed shia militias in the country to respond to what would be viewed of a violation yet again of iraq's sovereignty. in a statement the government says 16 people, they say, were killed including civilians. they say 25 others were injured. that there was damage to residential properties in the areas where these strikes took place as well. they say that the areas that were struck in western iraq were sites where, quote, our forces were present. and it's very important to point out here, kim, when they say our forces, the iranian-backed militias in the country known as the popular mobilization unit, they nominally fall under the control of the iraqi government. they have operated alongside
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iraqi forces for years so when they say our forces, one would presume they're also referring to the militias. and our colleague spoke to the local officials in western iraq where the strikes took place and they say that the sites that were hit, those were shia militia sites, that these were popular mobilization units. they are the iraqi government as well describing this, again, as an aggression and they deny what we've heard from u.s. officials, that there was any sort of coordination they say with the iraqi government, that they were given advance notice that this was going to happen and they say that this aggression will push iraq and the whole region to the brink of the abyss. really important here, kim, they are saying that the u.s.-led
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coalition, more than 2,000 troops who are in the country, has diverged from its mission and the authorization it has to operate in iraq and that it has become a source of instability for iraq and for the region. we do know that there are plans. we have heard this in the past week that iraq and the u.s. want to discuss the plans for the future presence of u.s. forces in the country. iraq once again saying that it does not want to be a battlefield with various regional international powers for these conflicts and their battles to play out on its territory. kim. >> i want to go back to what you said there and the regional implications. that stern warning there that it might push the region to the abyss, i think the words you used there. the biden administration says it doesn't want escalation but how
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much more likely is that now with the war in gaza seemingly spreading now? the attacks on shipping and the latest attacks, what more can you tell us about that? >> reporter: well, look, i mean, kim, we have been hearing the warnings from the u.s.'s arab allies in the region for months now since october saying that the war in gaza, the u.s.'s support for israel and if that war doesn't stop, which they see as fueling these attacks as we have heard from these various groups, whether it is the militias in iraq and syria, whether it's the houthis in yemen, whether it is hezbollah and its fight against israel as well in southern lebanon, they have all said that this is about gaza and if the war stopts, their attacks will stop. and there has always been this concern as you see these groups ramping up their activity that
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while the u.s. and iran say they don't want war and they don't want to go to war, the concern is, well, you see these attacks, you end up in a situation like the one we are in now, that any sort of miscalculation could potentially lead the region to a wider conflict. kim. >> all right. thanks so much. jomana karadsheh. appreciate it. earlier i spoke with malcolm davis from the strategic policy institute. he explained how the u.s. carried out the attack using b-1 bombers. >> it's a long range heavy bomber that is designed to be able to deliver both precision strike munitions and standoff weapons. it's super speed, supersonic mach 1.3. it can go anywhere on the planet
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and deliver shock and awe and capability. it will be replaced with the new b-21 radar bomber. >> interesting. to the scope of the strikes. how do they compare to what we've previously seen from the u.s.? >> look, i think this is a very significant strike. it's not a pinprick attack. it is a much more substantial attack in the sense that, you know, we have seen the u.s. hit 85 different targets across seven different locations using precision munitions. as president biden has indicated, this is the first of several such strikes that will occur over the coming days and weeks. this is not the end of the story. this is the beginning. and the goal, i think, of these strikes is more to degrade the iraqi militias and also the
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syrian militias and the iranian revolutionary guard core. so the question, i think, that everyone is asking is will it deter future strikes by iranian proxies. and there is some concern that the long delay getting these strikes going and also more significantly the telegraphing of intent to iran will actually undermine that deterrence aspect. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken will travel to the middle east on sunday to continue hostage negotiations. the u.s. state department says he'll travel to israel, west bank, qatar, egypt and saudi arabia to secure the release of hostages in gaza. the leaders are calling for, quote, complete end to the aggression and withdrawal of troops from gaza. benjamin netanyahu has said as recently as this week that he wouldn't agree to a full
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withdrawal from gaza until israel has completed its goal of eliminating hamas. a new report from unicef says the war has left at least 17,000 children in gaza orphaned or separated from their parents. the u.n. agency says nearly all children in gaza, more than a million, need mental health and psychological support. unicef says children are suffering from high levels of anxiety, panic, inability to sleep, loss of appetite and emotional outbursts when they hear bombings and airstrikes. they add the relatives who take in children whose parents have been killed are already struggling to care for their own families because of the humanitarian crisis. south carolina's democratic primary takes place today and while there's no question about who will win, it will help us evaluate where the u.s. president stands with his own party. plus, the federal judge delays one of donald trump's upcoming trials, the look at why and what it all means and the district attorney prosecuting the georgia interference case
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against trump is pushing back against calls for her dismissal. details after the break. stay with us.
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south carolina's democratic primary gets underway in the coming hours. it's the democrat's first official nominating contest of the 2024 presidential race. while it's not competitive, it's expected to provide a snapshot of where president joe biden stands with voters. south carolina's helping turn the tide of biden's primary bid in 2020 giving him much needed momentum that compelled him to the presidential nomination. cnn talked to some black voters in the state to get a read on their political mood ahead of the primary. >> reporter: saturday's south carolina primary served as an early test of president joe biden's standing with a loyal constituency, black voters. >> you're the reason i am president. you're the reason. kamala harris is the historic vice president and you're the reason donald trump is the defeated former president.
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>> reporter: while the president is expected to win the first official democratic contest, the results could signal how much work he has to do to shore up support with a critical piece of his coalition ahead of an expected rematch against donald trump in november. >> we need somebody who speaks to black americans in the united states, and i don't think that either or are doing so. >> gabriel phant is a server at hanni hanniball's kitchen. >> i am a seventh generation in south carolina so i've seen the hardships black people go through and no one is addressing them. economically we are at the bottom. >> reporter: not even face tam with the president has changed her mind. >> we need a candidate who's going to stand up and stand up strong for us or we're going for the couch. >> reporter: so you're considering staying home and not
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voting? >> yes, and a lot of us are. >> history reminds us to never forget that there was a time when we did not have that choice. >> reporter: dr. tanya mathis is the ceo of the international black museum in charleston. black voters have created the organizing power to elevate issues vital to them like fair wages, housing development and small business support. >> we think about the ancestors who died and we think about aunts and uncles who are poll workers. when we see strong turnout, it is a note to the rest of the country, not just to other black voters, that black voters are paying attention. >> reporter: the significance is not lost on shop owner mimi strickland who met biden last month with other south carolina entrepreneurs. with this administration she says she feels like she has a seat at the table and her voice is valued. >> i think that we have to be
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able to step back and think a little more long term, like, yes, four years, eight years feels like a long time in my lifetime, but we think about these changes and how they hopefully are going to be impacting the next generations to come. >> reporter: she worries about what another trump presidency would bring. >> it could be chaos all over again. there were days that i wake up as a person of color in this state and fear for my life, and that shouldn't be the case for anyone. so, of course, there are definitely worries and fears around that. >> reporter: national democrats are leaning into those concerns hoping they will motivate voters to turn out while also making an affirmative argument for biden. >> diabetes and heart attack, there are a lot of ways we've been trying to make things more affordable for working people. student loan debt. we have seen the lowest -- the lowest unemployment for black folks in 50 years. we've seen that this president worked to cut childhood poverty in half, particularly in black
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communities. >> four more years. four more years. >> reporter: many are ready to give biden another four years to continue making the case. >> i'm always in support of biden because on the inside i think he's fair. on the inside i think he's fair. i don't think barack obama would have had him a part of the team if he wasn't, and i'm a firm believer of barack obama. >> reporter: but it may not be enough to convince some black voters weary of supporting democrats again. >> i'm telling black people, stay home. >> reporter: eva mckend, cnn, columbia, south carolina. gop voters are also gearing up for their upcoming primary contests. the next state on the calendar is nevada, south carolina later this month and super tuesday on march 5th. as the next contests get closer, nikki haley is stepping up her rhetoric against the gop
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front-runner former president donald trump. she called him toxic and said he lacked moral clarity and divided people. she's also released a series of ads that call both trump and biden grumpy old men. the federal judge overseeing trump's election interference case has postponed that trial. proceedings were set to start on march 4th but as cnn's caitlyn polance reports, it's due to trump's appeal on presidential immunity. >> reporter: the first criminal trial will no longer be about the 2020 election and the end of his presidency. that is because a federal judge on friday said it couldn't begin on march 4th. the reason is because the law hasn't been worked out yet. there are questions about presidential immunity, whether trump can face trial that are before an appeals court. that appeals court hasn't ruled in weeks so as the wait for the opinion continues day after day after day, that means that
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trump's team is not preparing for trial and that the trial is not going to be able to go forward as scheduled. this is a trial in washington, d.c., a federal case against trump, but he is still set to go to trial in march. in the end of march, in fact, is when the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is set to put on his case against trump now as a defendant related to a hush money scheme and the falsification of business records. so right now that is supposed to be the first criminal trial against trump on the calendar. there is a lot of moving parts here. trial dates do move, and this case will -- with judge tanya chudkin, there is much anticipation of when the appeals court will determine what the law is here, when it will go back to judge chudkin and when that 2020 election case could be put-back on the calendar and especially whether it will happen before the presidential election of 2024. something the justice department very much wants to happen no matter when the manhattan da's case and other cases against
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trump goes forward. ment so we will wait and see that. trump, of course, doesn't want this trial to happen before the presidential election in november. it would shine quite a light on the end of his presidency, how he managed his white house. there would be formaler officia called to testify against him. mike pence would testify against him. it would put a spotlight of how trump viewed elections in a critical moment when he's still running for the presidency. now to the latest in the georgia 2020 election subversion case against trump in and more than a dozen allies. fani willis and her lead prosecutor nathan wade have acknowledged in court papers that they have a, quote, personal relationship in addition to their professional one but they strongly deny claims that willis benefitted financially from hiring wade.
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willis says it shouldn't disqualify her from the case. she's called for the hearing to be canceled. trump's team says she should be dismissed from his case. america's retaliation for the deadly attack on the u.s. base has begun. we'll look at the regional fallout from the strikes in iraq and syria, plus we'll get expert analysis on what the u.s. is hoping to achieve and what could come next. stay with us.
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welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is "cnn newsroom." we want to get back to one of
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our top stories we're following this morning. the united states is calling for more action in iraq and syria. the this is retaliation for the deadly attack on the u.s. base that killed three u.s. soldiers. iraq said the strikes killed 16 people and wounded 25 others. there was damage to residential property an areas struck were where iraqi forces were present. he calls the military action aggression against iraq's sovereignty. meanwhile, syria's government will, quote, fuel the public in the middle east in a very dangerous way. they report significant damage and says that both civilians and soldiers were killed. he didn't specify how many. it's not clear yet how iran or its proxies will respond. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson has the state of play for us. >> reporter: of course, one of the big concerns for the united states going into these strikes
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is that it didn't trigger a further escalation in the region. the tensions already clearly very high. the northern border of israel with hezbollah has exchange of fire every day. the idf is engaged with hamas inside of gaza. the question is could these strikes then trigger a misinterpretation of another m move. could it trigger a proxy to strike back aggressively? the first we've heard is from the iraqi government. a spokesperson is saying it is a violation of their sovereignty. we've heard them say this before so that in itself is not necessarily an escalation. the biggest and strongest of the iran-backed militias inside of iraq continue to hit hezbollah. minutes before the strike they say they were waiting for orders about what to do next, an indication that they're waiting
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forte tehran, their major spon, to tell them what to do after the events of the night. it's not clear how many buildings were damaged and destroyed overnight, but i think perhaps looking towards the president of iran, he said we're not looking to get into a direct fight with the united states but he's clearly hinting very strongly that there will be a response. he said, we will deal with the authorities. i think in the language of this region that means the united states strikes, although there will be more, they certainly won't be the last word from iran's group in the region. nic robertson, cnn, tel aviv, israel. i want to bring in brian fanukin, senior adviser from the international crisis group joining me from washington. thanks so much for being here
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with us. we seem to have lost our guest. maybe we can get him back coming up. all right. we're going to take a little break and then we'll come back with more news. please stay with us.
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i'm kim brunhuber. this is "cnn newsroom." as promised, i want to bring back ryan fadukin joining us from washington, d.c. great to have you back here with us. i just want to get your reaction to the scope of these strikes and the biden administration walking that fine line between punishment and escalation. >> well, i think it's important to take a few steps back and understand the broader context in which these latest and, yes, wider u.s. strikes are occurring. so the latest round of the u.s. hostilities with these
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iran-backed groups in iraq and syria began in mid october and there's still the gaza conflict. there had been a month-long lull leading up to october and those attacks resumed october 17th as a result of the gaza conflict. they've been much more frequent and intense as a result of the gaza conflict. we've killed 165, 170 and many outside analysts, including crisis groups, predicted that eventually there would be a fatal attack on u.s. forces. we saw that last week in gaza with three u.s. soldiers killed -- excuse me, in jordan with three u.s. soldiers killed. yes, the u.s. is walking a fine line. there is a political imperative for the biden administration to respond to these fatal attacks on u.s. troops, but they -- as they telegraphed and indicated very clearly, they don't want
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escalation. they don't want a threat of conflict with tehran, and iran has indicated the same, that they do not want a direct conflict with the united states. so you have both parties thinking they don't want a broader conflict, but the u.s., you know, has a need to respond to these continuing attacks against its troops. i do not expect, however, the strikes -- i do not expect these strikes are going to end the attacks on u.s. forces, at least based on the track record thus far. >> right. so what will the message from iran to its proxies be, do you think? will it be cool it or keep it up? >> well, we've seen the statement issued by hezbollah earlier in the weekend kating that they were willing to dial back their own activities. that may be an indication of messages that they received from tehran, but i think it's important to understand that
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these -- you know, the so-called islamic resistance in iraq, these iran-backed groups, they exercise a fair amount of their own agency and they have their own decision making. it's not just a matter of them following marching orders from iran. i think it's quite likely that these groups were surprised that the attack in jordan succeeded in killing u.s. personnel. i think that they expected it would have been another one of these harassing attacks on u.s. troops that was intercepted and shot down, but unfortunately it was a a deadly serious activity and one of these attacks was likely to kill personnel. so there's plenty of room for mishap and miscalculation on both sides, both by the iran-backed groups in iran and
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syria and by the united states in response. >> i want to look ahead. antony blinken traveling to the region again. what kind of diplomatic efforts do you expect to see to try and put a lid on this conflict that seems to be growing across the middle east? >> well, as i indicated earlier, these attacks on u.s. troops resumed as a result of the gaza conflict. members of the various parties of the so called axis of resistance in iraq and syria but also, you know, the houthis in yemen have been very clear that they have mounted their attacks as a response to the gaza conflict. and the biden administration doesn't want to publicly acknowledge it, it wants to dial back the regional escalation. it wants to put a lid on the wider regional conflict, it's going to have to address more seriously the war in gaza and
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push for a longer-term cease-fire in a way that it hasn't done so far. >> we'll have to leave it there. really appreciate your insights. brian finucane, thank you for speaking with us. >> my pleasure. the mother of the michigan high school shooter who killed four of his classmates and wounded six others and a teacher has wrapped up her testimony in her manslaughter trial. the jury is expected to begin deliberating monday whether she should go to prison for her role in her son's actions. we have more on the story. >> we actually saw the last day he was practicing to kill four of his classmates, and there was only one person with him, ladies and gentlemen. her name is jennifer. >> it was unforeseeable. no one expected -- no one could have expected this, including mrs. crumbly. >> attorneys making their final pitches to persuade the jury in this historic trial of a mother
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of the oxford, mechigian school shooter. >> he walked into that school with just the smallest, smallest of things could have saved, could have helped hannah and tate and madison and justin. just the smallest of things. and not only did she not do it, she -- >> the crumbley's son was a skilled manipulator and they didn't realize it. he's not sick. he doesn't have a mental illness. no parent would purchase a weapon if they believed their child had mental illnesses. >> reporter: before closing arguments began jennifer crumbley faced cross examination. >> isn't it true in november of 2021 that he had no peer support? >> i don't know what he had in
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school. he told me he had friends in school he talks to. >> you never met them? >> no. >> and he didn't have any -- >> no. >> reporter: jennifer crumbley is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. that morning the school called in jennifer and her husband after discovering a violent drawing their son made on his math worksheet. >> what about the thoughts won't stop, help me. does that ring out to you? >> yes. that was concerning to me. >> blood everywhere near the bullet. you were the one who bought the bullet on november 27th? >> correct. >> and you learned they were used in the shooting? >> i did. >> reporter: she did not mention the gun purchased four days earlier for their 15-year-old son. >> you had told them -- >> i didn't think it was relevant, no. >> you acknowledged you didn't go home to look for the firearm
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after the meeting at school? >> we wouldn't have a reason to. >> reporter: her son used that gun to kill four of his classmates. madison baldwin, tate mere, justin shily and hannah saint julianna after that meeting on november 30th, 2021. the prosecution asking crumbley if she spent time with her son. >> your son could have been with you three, four, five times a week. >> he could have, yes. >> november 30th, 2021, 12:51 p.m. you could have been with him? >> i could have, yes. >> and you didn't? >> no. >> reporter: in closing, crumbley's lawyer dismissing that argument. >> just because she spends money and time on horses doesn't mean she doesn't love her son. >> closing arguments concluded late friday afternoon. the jury will return on monday
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where they will hear instructions from the judge and then they will begin their deliberations. jean casarez, cnn, new york. california's bracing for a new storm system to hit the state on sunday. that's as nearly 40 million people are under flood watches along the west coast in california. cnn meteorologist chad myers has details. another very heavy round of rain in store for central california down to the bay area. record-breaking rainfalls across so cal and even l.a. the total for the entire month of february should be around 3 inches. so almost an entire month's worth of rain in just 24 hours. the next atmospheric river is on the way for southern california. it will make significant rains from the bay area, monterey and santa barbara and l.a. it will take a while to get
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there but something else that's going to happen are significantly gusty winds here. along the central coasts we'll see wind gusts 50 to 70 miles per hour. that will bring down trees. that will bring down power lines. all mof those things that happe and especially in places that already have saturated ground from the rain we picked up three days ago. l.a. and later into the night. how long this heavy band of rain stays over southern california before it moves inland is going to be the big question mark. how much of this forecasted rainfall actually comes down before it moves away. if this storm or if this frontal system here begins to stall and it rains for hours and hours and hours, there will be a
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significant flood event from so cal from monterey and towards bismo beach in the mountains could pick up a dozen inches of rainfall. not along the coast as much, but when you start to push that air up into the mountains, all of that water has to run back downhill and we know what happens to the highway when that happens. yes, we have only 53% of the snow pack in sierra, so we'll take the snow. it is that heavy, heavy rainfall will that will run off perhaps with mudslides. the u.s. economy has again defied predictions adding more than 350,000 jobs in january. that's about double what economists were expecting. the unemployment rate held steady at 3. % and december's job gains were revised and held upwards. the markets initially fell on
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the robust numbers with bounce back before the close. few investors are not expecting the fed to cut rates when it meets in march. history made on the court friday night during a woman's ncaa game where just one player scored a whopping 51 points. cnn's sports andy scholes joins me live to break down the action. that's coming up. stay with us.
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18-year-old freshman had a night for the record books scoring 51 points. cnn's sports andy scholes joins me now. andy, let me get this straight. her team scored 67 so that means she nearly outscored the entire opposing team. >> yeah. yeah. that's right. juju watkins, imagine scoring more than 7 p 5% of your team's points in a game. just incredible. juju was feeling it from the start. this one, she had it all going. the step back jumpers, she was knocking down threes from all over the floor. juju would finish with 51 points in the trojan's 67-58 upset over fourth ranked stanford. it was the most points in school
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history and the second most in a pac-12 game ever. juju's the only freshman to have a 50 point 10 rebound game. afterwards she couldn't believe it. >> i'm still shaking. it was a great game. i'm just glad that we got the "w." winning is what matters the most. i had a great night. my team had a great night. we came out here and knocked off the top ten and that's terrific. played really well. >> and check out the scene in the usc locker room after the game. watkins and her teammates jumping all around chanting 51 to celebrate the achievement. watkins also posing for the iconic wilt chamberlain pick holding up a paper with the number 51. all right. to the nba, would he had a frantic finish between the spurs and pelicans. pelicans will start the fast break and zion williams is going to finish it with a go ahead
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lay-up with three seconds left on the clock. pelicans win 114-113. afterwards zion was all pumped up. >> i love this competitive [ bleep ]. i love stuff like this. playing a game like this is a lot of fun. >> all right. the nhl holding its all-star skills competition on friday night. edmonton oilers star connor mcdavid showing once again why he's considered the best hockey player in the world. the reining three-time mvp showed why he's the fastest in his career. he won the stickhandling event going four for four in accuracy shooting. he capped off his iconic performance by earning his fourth victory of the night on the obstacles course skating away with $1 million in the winner take all competition. not a bad night there. all right. finally, tom brady taking part in the pebble beach pro am yesterday. check out this drive.
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i tell you what, kim, i've done that a bunch of times in top golf especially. it just goes to prove no matter how good of an athlete you are, golf is very, very hard. >> that's right. i can finally say i'm as good as tom brady at something. that is -- >> i think he was trying to make us all feel better. >> he is human. >> andy scholes, appreciate it. japanese embassy to the u.s. says pop star taylor swift should comfortably arrive in time for the super bowl. swift is scheduled to perform in tokyo on saturday, february 10th. super bowl lviii in which her boyfriend travis kelce plays for the kansas city chiefs is set to take place on sunday, february 11th. diplomats say swift will get to las vegas in plenty of time for the game. the chiefs are this year's defending champions. competing against the san francisco 49ers.
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all right. before we go, actor carl weathers has died peacefully at his home according to his manager. weathers played football for the oakland raiders and never balks before he was cast as apollo creed in the "rocky" movie. he gave him a shot at fame. >> stop the fighting. you understand? >> get his gloves up. >> stop it. >> weathers capitalized on his "rocky" exposure. he was in the 1987 sci-fi show "the predator." >> i appreciate the offer, but i have some matters to look after. >> i'm confused. i thought you had completed your mission but you're still running
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around here with the same little critter. >> and you saw that recently weathers played a major supporting role in the "star wars" series the "mandalorian." he was married three times and survived by two sons. carl weathers was 76. all right. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm kim brunhuber. "cnn this morning" is next.
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