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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this morning. i'm fredricka whitfield. houthi rebels, now vowing to meet escalation with escalation after the u.s. and uk hit at least 36 houthi targets in yemen on saturday. those strikes happening just a day after the u.s. launched a series of air strikes on iran-backed militias in syria and iraq. and that was retaliation for last week's attack in jordan that killed three american soldiers. we're also watching the u.s. southern border, where republican governors from more than a dozen states, are meeting over a feud between texas and the federal government. breaking news out of california, parts of four counties now seeing emergency evacuation orders. nearly 40 million people under flood watches. a deluge of heavy rain is starting to fall, increasing life-threatening flooding
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conditions. let's begin with a vow by the u.s. to continue operations in the middle east after it carried out more strikes against iran-back t houthi rebels in yemen saturday. u.s. central command says the strikes were conducted in self-defense, and included houthi anti-ship cruise missiles that were preparing to launch. the strikes hit 36 targets on 13 locations, using air and surface platforms, including fighter jets. they were aimed at deeply buried weapons storage facilities, as well as other weapons used by the houthis to attack shipping lanes in the red sea. we've got full coverage of this developing story. priscilla alvarez is with the president in las vegas. ben weed mwedeman is in jordan. what more are we learning about the strikes, what kind of details are coming from the white house?
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>> reporter: fredricka, the white house has said consistently this would be only the beginning, this being those strikes, that we saw happen on friday in iraq and syria. this morning, national security adviser jake sullivan repeated that, saying that the united states is taking a multitiered approach here in retaliation for the deaths of those three service members in jordan. and since those attacks have happened, the u.s. is assessing the damage on the ground. take a listen to what he had to say. >> we're still assessing the battle damage, our central command is looking at the capabilities we reduced, and the casualties that were incurred. the president was clear when he ordered them and when he conducted them, that was the beginning of our response, and there will be more steps to come. >> reporter: now, the u.s. has not telegraphed what these strikes will look like moving forward or when they'll happen. but it is clear they are
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responding forcefully against the deaths of these three service members in jordan. this is separate from the strikes we saw happen yesterday with the u.s. and uk targeting houthi targets. that is an ongoing mission with the coalition to diminish the capabilities of the houthis targeting u.s. vessels and commercial vessels in the red sea, all underscoring this balance that joe biden is having toterring these iranian proxies but not being pulled into a wider war. jake sullivan saying the u.s. is going to respond forcefully and clarity, but they do not want to escalate tensions in the region. rather, they are trying to focus on deterrence. fredricka? >> thank you. ben, houthis are promising to respond. what is being said? >> reporter: yes. they have said that they will meet escalation with escalation,
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that they will continue to target navigation in the red sea and the gulf of aden. in fact, a member of the -- sort of the poll it bureau of the houthis said the u.s./british coalition bombing will not change our position, and we affirm that our military operations against israel will continue until the crimes of genocide in gaza are stopped and the siege of its residents lifted, no matter the sacrifice it cost us. now, it's worth noting that so far, as a result of the houthi's targeting of ships in the red sea and the gulf of aden, four out of five of the world's biggest commercial shipping lines have paused going through there. they're now going all the way around africa, as well as british petroleum, and the houthis clearly are determined
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to carry this on. it's worth noting that the houthis, between 2015 and 2022, faced off against a saudi-led coalition with american support, and the saudis had a lot of very sophisticated u.s. weapons. but they did not manage to defeat the houthis. if anything, the houthis emerged from that war stronger than they were before, so they are a formidable foe who has proved very able to take a beating and then come back and hit back at those that are targeted. so it definitely is going to be a chanllenge for the united states. obviously, they are using the top of the line when it comes to afternoo afternoonm mm mment -- arments this suspect the first time they've done this. >> ben wedeman, thank so much.
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jeremy, secretary blinken is set to arrive in the midwest, his fifth trip since october 7th. what will be the focus? >> reporter: well, listen, the last time he was in the region was nearly a month ago, and back then, he was focused on trying to reach a hostage deal, focused on trying to avoid this conflict from spiralling into a larger war and working on solutions to the israel-hamas conflict. a month later, he's focusing on the same three tasks as he's set to arrive later tonight. of course, the backdrop for many of those issues has shifted in some ways, but the challenges and overall objectives very much remain the same. on the hostage front, of course, we know there have been major developments as israel and the united states, egypt and qatar last week were able to agree to a broad framework for the next hostage release deal. so the secretary of state will be arriving at a time when all of those countries are waiting
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for hamas' reply. he will be visiting some of the key capitals where mediators in qatar and egypt have been trying to work with hamas to get them to a place where they can accept that broad framework or present a counterproposal of their open. as it relates to a broader regional conflict, we know the secretary of state's trip comes with the backdrop of these latest strikes in syria and iraq, as well as the possibility of additional u.s. strikes in the region. as the national security adviser jake sullivan said earlier today, while the united states is going to reply militarily to attacks on forces in the region, it wants to balance that military activity with diplomacy aimed at trying to deescalate or prevent further escalation in the region. there's no question that ultimately the hostage talks will be a major focus for the secretary of state as people wait on edge here to see whether or not a deal is around the corner. jake sullivan indicated as of
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now it is not. other officials saying it could be a matter of weeks, but nonetheless, this will certainly be a critical trip for the secretary of state at a critical moment in the region. fred? >> jeremy diamond, thank you so much. i want to go back to priscilla alvarez, who is traveling with the president. you have some new reporting? >> reporter: that's right, fredricka. we're now learning from the white house that joe biden has officially notified congress of saturday's strikes against those iranian backed militias. this is a formal step the white house makes notifying congress of strikes when they happen, so the white house doing that here. we're just now getting that notification. again, in regards to saturday's strikes against those houthi targets. >> thank you all so much. we'll check back with you as the news warrants. let's get more on this developing story. with me now is u.s. retired general steve anderson. he worked with coalition and u.s. forces in the iraq war in 2006 and 2007. good to see you.
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so i wonder if i can get your reaction, now that this formal notification has taken place between the white house and congress about these strikes. is this an indicator that there has been a change in military strategy going forward? >> well, thank you, fredricka. no, i don't think this is any indication or change on what it says essentially it accentuates what we learned from jake sullivan from last week, that we're this the middle of a campaign. we are fighting an extensive campaign to reduce the capabilities of these iranian proxies and houthis to conduct war against us. it's going to be a very difficult task. these are tough, resilient people. the saudis tried to take down the houthis back in 2015. 25,000 bombing raids in yemen were unsuccessful really in making them stand down. so it's going to be a tough fight. we're going to have to hit them hard and often. >> the u.s. is maintaining it's
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trying to deescalate, but we just heard from houthi leaders who say they will continue to escalate, that this escalation will be met with escalation. so do you see that these strikes are not just a statement, but further exacerbating conditions or relations there? >> no. i mean, it's already exacerbated. you just heard the report that 80% perhaps of the world's traffic through theredegraded a. they can talk about what they're going to do but we need to focus on their capability. talk is cheap, but what can they do? we need to take down all their ability to launch attacks against us, and we did another one last night with help of the british, and it was a coalition attack, which i think is very, very important to build a coalition of support against them. but we cannot allow this to happen, and we've got to take
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down their capability to wage war and to interdict shipping out there in the middle of the persian gulf and the red sea and anywhere in between. >> so help people understand what you mean when you talk about this is a campaign to reduce capabilities and the strikes in syria, in yemen. there have been, you know, some leadership that's talked about why not strike within iran? instead, the psychology is to go around iran, and instead to some of these proxy locations. what kind of capabilities are being reduced by these kinds of strikes in syria and yemen? >> what they're trying to do probably is attack the logistics basis, their command and control, their launching systems. all the things that give them a capability to interdict shipping or to take out, you know, unfortunately in a case last week, to kill americans. so they have to focus on the capabilities, and it was so critical that we use b-1
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bombers, we're the only ones in the world that can do that. but in that case, we were able to use them in syria and iraq to make -- to use munitions that have enough payload to really strike deep and really hit down in the bunkers and to hit them in the kacaves and places like that. so we have to hit their ability to store weapons, fire weapons, hit their radar systems, everything focused on reducing their capability to wage war. >> the first round of u.s. strikes used the b-1 bombers. we have heard the reporting now that they originated from texas. but in this next round, most recent round, we understand there was some fighter jets involved. would it be your understanding that those jets and other arsenal are coming from the region, or are all of them also u.s.-based?
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>> well, i like what secretary austin said last week when he said while the enemy has capabilities, he has more capabilities. we have incredible capabilities. we have the eisenhower carrier task group with about 500 tomahawk missiles ready to launch. we also have a bunch of f-16s and a-10s down in qatar, and we can bring those to bear, as well. i mean, there's all kinds of capabilities. we just demonstrated from the air force base in texas, a 6,000 mile flight, incredibly complex, logistics, air refueling, very, very difficult to do. but no other nation can project military power like we can, and we need to demonstrate that we can do this and we will continue to do this until they stand down and until we reduce their capability to wage war against
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us. >> general steven anderson, thank you so much. appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. in other breaking news, millions across california are bracing for life-threatening floods and landslides. evacuation orders issued for some communities as an intense atmospheric river moves in.
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parts of california are under mandatory evacuation orders, as an intense and powerful atmospheric river barrels through the state. a rare high-risk warning for life-threatening flash flooding has expanded now to include los angeles, due to excessive rainfall. we're live near the los angeles river, and meteorologist liza rafah is track thing dangerous storm system from the cnn
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weather center. good to see both of you. camilla, you first, what are you seeing right now, how are people preparing? >> reporter: hey, fred. right now, sort of the calm before the storm. we've seen a little bit of drizzle here and there, but really this is the time that authorities are saying is the crucial time, if you are under an evacuation order. what they're saying is it may be too late later on when it really starts getting worse. and you're starting to see the heavier rain possibly rater on tonight and over the next couple of days. so there are evacuation orders here in place in los angeles county. the concern is the canyon areas because of the debris flow, the land slides. those could be dangerous for people who live in those areas. but there are evacuation orders in place in a number of counties across california. further north in santa clara, you're seeing evacuations in an jose and santa barbara county.
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santa barbara county, they have canceled classes for the children tomorrow. so, again, authorities are saying this is the time to evacuate if you're under those evacuation orders. everyone across the state is being told to prepare for possible power outages, because we could see widespread power outages throughout california, and already officials saying look, if you can grab a sandbag and you need it, you should be doing that. i've been talking to residents who are doing that and have been doing it the last couple of days. here's what one resident told me. >> we've done a lot of work around the house, and now we've got sandbags that are going to hit some of the places where we think there will be a lot of flooding. we've had a heavier storm a few weeks ago, and we had a little bit of flooding outside in the yard into the neighbor's yard. and we decided this time since the storm is going to be a lot heavier, or is expected to be, that we would sandbag a lot more.
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>> reporter: and state officials saying there's already about 8500 personnel ready to go in case things get worse. we also know there's swift water rescue teams and helicopter teams ready to go. and officials telling people take this seriously, because it could be dangerous. >> very seriously. thank you so much, camilla. alisa, how long is this storm system expected to last? >> reporter: days. we have a flooding risk through at least tuesday, because this fire hose will really continue. radar has been busy for most of the state today. we've had some of the heaviest rain and some wind gusts up to hurricane force in the northern and central part of the coast. san francisco has already had some problems with their airport there. we're looking at 150,000 people in california without power, and, again, we haven't seen the brunt of it get to the southern portions of california, where there's high population.
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here is a look at some of the excessive rainfall risks that we have been talking about. that high risk that is in effect from santa barbara to los angeles and long beach is very rare, not just for california but for the u.s. fewer than 4% of the days that we get this excessive rain risk have that high risk in there. but it's responsible for 80% of the flood damage that we see, and 40% of the flood-related death. that high risk has been issued for southern california, so that threat continues as we go into tomorrow. so we're looking at dangerous and live flash floods, mud and debris flow, downed trees and power lines. this is not just a water threat. this is a wind threat, as well. look at the high wind warnings, that dark red for gusts up to 80 miles per hour. and then in the pink, we'll have hurricane force winds that we've already seen. it's the first time that office has issued a hurricane force warning. so we can see that the ranges
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continue to pile on. you can see the gusts up to 35, 40 miles per hour. and then look at southern california tonight and into tomorrow and monday and tuesday. the fire hose of moisture that just continues. so the rain totals, very hefty, widespread three to six inches with that rain of seeing up to eight inches total, the snow pack looking at it coming down in feet. >> you know, january, february, it's not rare that big rain inundates the areas there, especially southern california. i remember being there one time and it was some kind of record rainfall. but this is particularly unusual, right? you just mentioned hurricane force winds, you know, alerts for that for the first time. so how rare is this kind of atmospheric weather, you know, river threat? >> yeah, we kind of expect these storms in california this time of year, especially it's an el
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nino year, so we see more storms when we have that ocean circulation. i was listening to an expert this morning and he said this is unusually strong, unusually getting stronger, rapidly intensifying, and unusually close to the coast, which is where we're getting the wind impacts there. also this plume of moisture is stalling through the next couple of days. and on top of this, we have already gotten a month's worth of rain in southern california last week. so that adds insult to injury when you are talking about the flooding. and something else i want to point out is ocean temperatures are fairly warm. that adds more moisture to the sponge. we have warmer air and warmer oceans. we are looking at these intense events becoming 10% more intense in future decades, because of climate change. >> alisa rafah, camilla, thank you so much. for more on the storm's impact, i want to bring in the director for the california department of transportation. good to see you, tony. let's talk about what you're
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bracing for in terms of the biggest threat from all of this water. >> well, thank you, fredricka. it's a pleasure being on your show. first, i would like to say the governor has put the full weight of his administration and all the necessary resources to address this storm event. so caltrans is coordinating across state departments, regional and local agencies to ensure everyone's safety. what we have done is essentially preposition more than 4,000 of our personnel, women and men, out there from yeurika to san diego to hem us -- help us address any situations that may arise. >> this storm is not just bringing heavy wind and rain, but some parts are preparing for heavy snow accumulation and widespread power outages.
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150,000 customers already without power in various parts of the state. so how is that going to, i guess, really impact even your emergency preparedness plan that you have in place? >> yeah. caltrans safety is always the highest priority. keeping people safe on the roadways is paramount for us. so we have our snow blowers, snowplows that are working right now through the sierra nevada and a lot of the higher elevations addressing that situation. one thing about this storm is that it is very slow-moving. it seems to be providing a lot of precipitation in the short amount of time, which is going to cause localized flooding in low-lying areas. so we're monitoring those low-lying areas, those areas near creeks and rivers and streams to ensure that we address any flooding as quickly as possible. some of the personnel and equipment that we have staged
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and prepositioned includes portable pumping systems, along with generators and other equipment that can she help us with those flooding situations. >> you mentioned communities around waterways, but what regions of the state are you also most concerned about? >> well, since the storm is so wide, it's really hitting the entire state of california. so we have crews monitoring many of our wildfire burn scar areas in northern california. we have crews in the mountains of the sierra nevadas that are dealing with the snow and ice up there, and we have crews along the coast from the monterey county area all the way through santa barbara down to los angeles and san diego. so really, everyone is -- it's an all hands on deck right now, and everyone is doing their part to ensure the safety of all californians. >> so all weekend long, we've been talking about and showing in various communities how people are trying to brace for
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this threatening weather. they've been sandbagging, there have been sites where they can get it for free. they've got to fill those bags themselves, put it in their cars, get to their homes, et cetera. that's one way of preparing. what are you encouraging people to do to keep themselves safe? >> yeah. our message has been fairly consistent. we're telling all californians in the past of this storm, if you don't need to be on the roadways, stay home and stay safe. that's the best place right now. it's a sunday. stay at home and stay safe. please postpone or delay any of your non-essential travel until after the storm passes. i think that's the best thing right now. caltrans and our highway patrol officers are out on the roadways doing the work to keep those roadways open for those who do have to travel on the roadways. so if you do see them, we're asking people to please slow down, reduce your speeds, never
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drive through standing water. it only takes a few inches to wash your vehicle downstream. we tell people, turn around, don't drown. and so please, if you see our folks out there, caltrans employees or the california highway patrol, slow down, move over a lane if it's safe to do so, and continue to your destination safely. >> a lot of folks will be able to stay home. then there are a lot of folks who are heading out of los angeles county, which we understand now is going to get hit hard too, because they want to attend a crown july event. that would be the grammy awards tonight in los angeles. so what about people who will be out in the elements to get to that big event? how concerned are you about a lot of visitors who are in town to attend that event, and perhaps are not ready for this? >> that's an excellent question. and so, again, allow additional time to get to your destination. it is going to take more time to
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get to where you need to get to, whether you're driving or taking another mode of transportation. in los angeles, we have very good commuter rail services. we have light rail. we have great transit through many of our local transit agency partners. so i would advise looking at other modes of transportation, and if you do have to drive, be very safe, slow down, slow your speeds down, and allow additional time to get to your destination. >> all right, folks, take lots of talk. tony, thank you so much. thank you to you and your team's efforts on this threatening weather. >> thank you very much, fredricka. >> all right. up next, after months of negotiations, u.s. senate leaders are expected to release the final text of a bipartisan border deal today. we have the very latest, next.
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welcome back. more than a dozen republican governors from across the country are getting a briefing from texas governor greg abbott in the small border tune of eagle pass. that city has become a flashpoint in the immigration crisis. the governor's visit comes amid a battle between the white house and the state over the construction of barriers on the border. texas is continuing to build the barricades despite a u.s. supreme court ruling in favor of the biden administration two weeks ago. and at any moment now, leaders in the senate are expected to release the final text of a long awaited bipartisan deal aimed at addressing the border crisis. it's all part of a massive national security package that has been months in the making. and has bitterly divided republican lawmakers. here is cnn's manu raju. >> reporter: fred, a major showdown brewing here in washington, as the senate moves ahead with a bipartisan deal
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alongside bipartisan deal that has been months in the making in how to deal with the crisis at the border with mexico. new restrictions on border policy, new restrictions on asylum seekers, as well as people who are entering, between ports of entree, all of which republicans had said must be resolved first before they move forward with new aid to ukraine and israel, as well as aid to taiwan. billions in that aid back page. but it's unclear if anything can get passed, because republicans are divided over this border deal. donald trump for one does not want to give joe biden a campaign victory here, and the legislative victory, and is urging republicans to kill it, say thing does not go far enough. he believes sit a betrayal, those were his words. but there are democrats who are uncertain about whether this is the way forward. and democrats who are more moderate are split with some of the progressives who believe joe biden is giving up too much.
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what grade would you give him on the border? >> it's a total f for anybody and everybody that supports the system we have. it's not working. and once you do that, you want to improve your scores any way you can, doing the right thing. i'm just saying the whole system. the president is responsible. >> i have tremendous respect for the president, but i think that democrats have fallen into this trap over and over again of trying to be as tough as republicans in rhetoric. there's rhetoric and there's policy. clearly, the administration is very different from republicans, until now, on policy. >> where this goes from here remains to be seen. the speaker of the house has not committed to put any senate deal on to the floor of the house. so that is a big question. how would they proceed? the other big question, can they get 60 votes in the senate? that will be the first test on wednesday, getting the votes in a 51-49 chamber, so we expect
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some democratic opposition. so many questions about whether they can even get the votes to begin the process, let alone passing a law in the middle of this campaign season, an intractable issue of immigration. fred? >> manu raju, thank you so much. coming up, presidential candidate nikki haley goes late night taking shots and trump and biden.
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welcome back. it's a sad fact, but despite improvements in health care over the last century, the journal of women's health maintains grave disparities persist when it comes to black women's experiences. now only do black women experience enic winequities in
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treatment, but experience higher rates of chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity, maternal mortality and shorter life expectancies compared to other ethnic groups. the latest numbers from the cd show life expectancy for black women with nearly four years lower than white counterparts. but the reasons are far reaching. someone who became a familiar face on this show and network, talking about covid, the pandemic, and a host of other health related issues is dr. blackstock, and now he has a book called "legacy, a black physician reckons with racism in medicine." it focuses on health care disparities. welcome back, doctor. >> hi, fredricka. so great to see you again and to be in conversation about this very important issue. >> so great to see you, as well. this is close to home for you. so many people will really be able to identify with this. you write about persistent
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health care rooted in racism why impacted you growing up, at harvard medical, and experiencing your own mother, a doctor, experienced, and she also a harvard graduate and physician, and that didn't preclude her from facing health care disparities. how did this all come together for you to want to share it in this way? >> so i want to use this book to help connect the dots for people that, you know, why in 2024 are we seeing these really horrific statistics as it relates to black people and black women. i talk about how systemic races through practices and policies have limited the number of black physicians and black women physicians. i talk about a report in 1910 that black medical schools would have trained tens of thousands of black physicians that were
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closed. but i talk about how the legacy of slavery and jim crow really has impaired the health of black people to deprive our communities, and that even our professional level of attainment socioeconomic statement as we know with serena williams, who is the greatest all-time athlete. that is not even protected for us. so i talk about missed appendicitis that i had, and how my mother died at a very early age from a rare cancer that she should not have gotten, but likely she developed as a result of environmental racism. >> she was just 47 years old. i know she's been an inspiration for you and for your twin sister, which both of you have been on the air here with us. you know, over time. and so, you know, in your case as a medical student, you weren't taken seriously. when you went into the er at the
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same time with your mom, even with her medical expertise, when she was trying to get treated for leukemia, a similar pattern, i mean, this is a cycle, a very painful cycle. >> it really is. and what happens is, we face racism, just in our everyday lives, that kind of puts a wear and tear on our bodies, it's called weathering. our researcher coined that term, but when we interface with health care professionals and the establishment, our concerns, i talk about this in the book, our concerns are often minimized and ignored. and that is a problem. you know, when you're going to seek help for pain or some issue and you don't want to see people won't believe you or you do and you're dismissed, what happened to me, i was sent away from the er twice and was on my third visit. finally, over the course of a week, my appendix ruptured, and
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i missed a month of medical school. it could have killed me. we see that, delayed diagnoses in black people ends up killing us. >> are you hopeful that this the cycle will be broken? i mean, in some ways, you have created a handbook, right? so that this can stop happening. but on a very macro level, how hopeful are you that it will be taken seriously, not just your book, but just the whole concept and this cycle will end? >> you know, fredricka, i wrote this book in the last chapters, and even for policymakers, even for the average white american, black american, any race, that everyone has a role in making a difference. i trust and believe that black americans, we deserve better. we deserve to live full, healthy, long lives full of love. so i'm hoping that everyone will
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be committed to that. >> doctor, great to see you. thank you so much. congratulations on the book. a big thanks, so many of us will be benefactors of thin sight you are imparting to so many. and a big hey to your sister, as well. we'll be right back. thank you.
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all right. a little levity now. republican presidential candidate nikki haley took jabs at president biden and former president donald trump during a surprise appearance on snl snl. she appeared as herself in a mock cnn town hall posing questions to the show's donald trump.
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>> now the cnn trump town hall live from columbia, south carolina. [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, everyone. hello, hello, hello. welcome to south carolina. we are your hosts. i'm charles barkley. >> and i am gayle king. we are the co-hosts of a real cnn show that combines our two names, king charles. >> hey, i thought it a should be gay barn. but then i was told that was terrible. >> tonight the people of south carolina were asked former president trump questions about important issues affecting their lives. and i'll ask myself questions, like can you bet on a town hall? you can on fanduel. >> now, please welcome the former president of the united states. >> he has been around a court more than me, and i was in the
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nba. president donald trump. >> thank you very much to the few of you who are applauding. >> president trump, i voted for you in 2016 and 2020. >> you fell for it twice. >> what makes you think you can defeat joe biden this time? >> i think i am doing even better this time in terms of hispanic. i like to say i put the panic in hispanic. and people are sick of having an alleged criminal, like, joe biden in the white house. they want a convicted criminal. someone they can trust to get the crimes done right. >> my question is, why don't you debate nikki haley? >> oh, my god, it's her! the woman in charge of security on january 6th. it's nancy pelosi. >> for the 100th time, that is not nancy pelosi. it is nikki haley. >> are you doing okay, donald? you might need a mental competency test. >> i took the test and i aced it, okay? perfect score. they said i am 100% mental.
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i am confident because i am a man. that's why a woman should never run the economy. women are terrible with money. a woman i know recently asked me for $83.3 million. >> and you pent $50 million in your own legal fees. do you need to borrow money? >> nikki, don't do this, nikki. nickky don't lose that number. nikki haley, nikki haley joel os met, sixth sense. remember that one? i see dead people. >> yeah, that's what voters will say if they see you and joe on the ballot. >> that's not very nice, nikki. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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12:00 pm
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