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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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a historic storm soaking california. los angeles seeing it's what is day in two decades. 14 million people are under a rare high risk for excessive rainfall for the second day in a row. the chances of that happening were one in 1000. plus, a long-awaited senate order deal being made public. the speaker of the house that it is dead on arrival and it will not even get a vote while he moves ahead with his own plan. a surprising announcement and more shocking arrest all in the middle of a historic storm. the 2024 grammys did not lack for drama. we are following all of the major developing stories as well as many more coming in right here on cnn new central. right now, millions of people are under threat of floods, landslides and power
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outages as southern california is hit with six months worth of rain in a matter of days. dramatic water rescues have played out across the region made more challenging by roadways that have become impassable. sunday marked the wettest day los angeles has seen in nearly 20 years. more than one third of california's population is under a rare high risk of excessive rainfall. more than half 1 million customers do not have power. some areas even saw hurricane force winds. we have reporters on the ground across the state. let's start with david. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: the rain has been incessant and it is picking up again. these are the cinderblocks that make up a wall of a home foundation and above that you can see what looks like a ski slope caked in mud. this came down about 2:00 in the morning. you can see the foundation of the home, the home, where is it?
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out in the middle of the street . it was swept away. you can see behind me, this is pretty thick mud. this car was buried. there were about five cars swept away, four homes damaged. these are some of the personal artifacts left behind. you can see the lawn furniture that has been pushed aside. fortunately no one was inside the home at the time. it was unoccupied. the neighbors who were home did x-rays the damage firsthand and now they are trying to deal with the cleanup. i want to show you the street, i don't want to go off this hill, it is almost like a river. debris has flown from this hill down and it is now going down the stream. do you see that piano? that is a grand piano behind that photographer there. what are we seeing? this is obviously one of the worst hit portions. let me show
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you some of the driving we did to get to this portion of the hollywood hills. roads that are sometimes two, four lanes are now down to one. along the side you can see the rocks that have come down and you can see rivers running on each side, the current so strong that folks are having to figure out how to direct their own traffic. at this point it has happened so subtly that you do not have a lot of first responders out here trying to direct traffic because they are being called elsewhere and it is too difficult to get to these positions at this point. this is the concern that will last for several more hours. you have this mudslide and landslide concern and the flash flood morning that will continue here until about 3:00 local as of now. neighbors say because of the rain they have experienced the last few weeks, they are worried that the ground is so soiled, the wetness is potentially going to cause more mudslides and landslides to cause damage like you see
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behind me. >> david culver live in southern california. let's turn over to alex now. breaking news out of the united kingdom from buckingham palace. we are hearing news involving the royal family. king charles iii has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. let's get to max foster. what are you learning? >> reporter: he was in the hospital for an enlarged prostate. a separate issue of concern was noted according to buckingham palace, subsequent has identified a form of cancer. we are being told the king has commenced a schedule of regular treatments during which he is being advised by doctors. we will not be seeing him during this. but he will continue to do
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state business and he will be able to carry out key duties but we will not be seeing him and public until the king -- he is grateful for the medical team in the hospital that made this diagnosis possible and remained positive. he is hoping to return to public duty. he chose to share this diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hopes that will help public understanding and all of those around the world who are affected by cancer. additionally, a source said they will not be sharing any more exact details at this stage , they do want to note it is not prostate cancer, as some people -- the king will return to london -- >> max, it was rather notable that when the king went into
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the hospital for this enlarged prostate, he did make it known. there was a certain understanding that the british public deserved a level of transparency. we should underline here, according to buckingham palace, when king charles went into the hospital it was for what they say is benign prostate enlargement. this cancer diagnosis is a separate issue according to the palace. talk to us about why the king has felt this need to be transparent with the british public. >> i think there are two separate issues you can look at. he did not necessarily have to announce that he was going in for test for a benign enlarged prostate because it would not affect his public work. they do feel the royal family has a right to privacy, particularly medical privacy. it was
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announced because he wanted to raise awareness of the issue and have a huge impact. there were a lot more inquiries to hospitals about prostate. this they had to announce because he is the head of state with a serious medical issue. it does affect how he may carry out his public work which is why they are also emphasizing he is able to do his constitutional duty, which are those of the head of state, signing laws and opening parliament, the mechanics of the constitutional monarchy continues. he will not be carrying out his other public duties where he is seen as a figurehead, as it were. it is interesting that today we had a note from kensington palace from prince william saying he will be receiving his public duty. his wife had an
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operation recently and i think the messaging there is that the constitution does continue. prince william will be stepping in for king charles in his absence. >> this has been a remarkable. for the royal family in terms of health issues that they have had and they have decided to communicate to the public. he was in the hospital at the same time as his daughter-in-law , the princess of wales. she has just left the hospital. >> she has. that was out as well because that was an operation so the public had a right to know that. she is now recuperating at home. a huge amount of pressure on prince william at this point because he has to take care of her and his children and now he has to step up as he is next in line to the throne. it has to be emphasized on whom the regency will be, when the
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monarch is incapacitated and has to hand over official duty of the state to prince william. this is just everything outside of that. prince william very much becomes the public figurehead of the monarchy while the king is out of action publicly but carrying out work behind the scenes. also queen camilla would be expected to step up as well to show continuity. the monarchy is about continuity of the head of state of the monarchy. they need to represent that in the absence of the king's presence. they sent out a very carefully written notes and they will give more information to reassure the public that the monarchy is still intact and the constitution continues. a huge amount of concern will be raised especially when you have a thinned out monarchy and now we have three of the four
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senior royals, or two of the senior royals out of public site and two having to pick up the public duties. >> we have seen video of the king leaving the hospital. that was on january 29th. he only became king last year of course. he has been rather active. how much will the british public notice as he scales back his duties? how much has he actually been undertaking these various royal engagements? >> he has been extremely busy, he takes his work seriously and he is dedicated to his work. i can say that as a journalist and i follow him. there is so much that he does behind the scenes, but he is also seen very much in public. as you point out it is early monarchy, it is more important than ever to be seen in public
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and establishing himself as the head of state and replacing queen elizabeth who was iconic in her role and they are big shoes to step into. it is significant. he will not be able to represent the monarchy the way he hoped, he has a huge amount of responsibility for prince william to step up and show that the monarchy is strong. we did see king charles over the weekend and he looked healthy and photographs of him have been sanctioned by the palace. over the weekend he looked very confident. i think this is a real shock to the family and the palace and there will be a lot of work behind the scenes to try to make sure the mechanics of the system continues and the king is still able to carry out crucial paperwork. without the king signing documents, the constitution literally will grind to a halt.
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you cannot bring in new laws and you cannot appoint my ministers and you cannot get involved in matters of state. it is crucial. they will, frankly, have to be considering what does happen if the king gets more ill and is not able to carry out essential duties. that would be when the regency comes into effect. it is a very regularly rehearsed practice, it is not just a matter of check boxes. >> we are looking at live pictures outside buckingham palace. it is just past 6:00 p.m. in london right now with the news from the palace that the king of england, or the king of united kingdom, king charles iii has been diagnosed with some kind of cancer. they are not saying what kind. he just left
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the hospital several days ago after being treated for what they call a benign prostate enlargement, during which time they noticed a separate issue of concern. max foster, i will ask you to stand by and we will get back to you when there's more news. in the meantime i will toss it over to boris. >> we are joined to discuss with our senior royal historian kate williams. i want to get your reaction to the news. cancer diagnosis for king charles. >> it is very worrying. many people suffer from cancer in the world, but it is a worrying and scary diagnosis to receive and i am sure people are wishing the king well at the moment. this is really a very different way of dealing with health what we saw with the queen. we were told the queen was
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having a few test and going into the hospital. in the case of charles we were told he was going in for a large prostate minor surgery, and now we are being told why he stayed one extra night and he will be undergoing cancer treatment and he will carry on with his duties. i think we are seeing a very different monarchy. the queen came to the throne when she was young, 25. he comes to the throne when he is 75. i think he is saying, yes, i'm helping having health issues and there's no need to panic, no need to worry, i will continue with my duties online and in a constitutional way. really, we have a lot of transparency about his health and i think the reason for that is to stop people from panicking that perhaps he is sicker than we realize. >> to that point, i believe it was king george that passed away after complications from surgery to relieve cancer and the british public was not aware he was having that issue.
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>> yes, the queen's father had lung cancer he was a lifelong smoker and he died very young in his 50s. no one knew, in fact, the queen herself was not aware of how elda king was. that is why she went on a tour to africa and that is why she was in kenya when she became queen. no one knew he passed away. he had the surgery and buckingham palace, they were operating on him and buckingham palace. it was so secret. we see a completely different way of dealing with health with the royals. we were told kate was going to the hospital and would be there for some time and the king would be going to the same hospital and we were told he was stay one more night. he said clearly he wanted to raise awareness of prostate
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cancer, he wants to raise awareness of the enlarged prostate and that condition. now i think, we might be told at some point, what kind of cancer he is suffering from. i think for the same reason he will want other people to get checked, people to talk about it and raise awareness. >> the effort to raise awareness was successful. there are details from nhs that they received 11 times more visits after buckingham palace announced that he was receiving treatment for an enlarged prostate. let's get medical perspective, dr. jonathan reiner. this news coming after the king went through this procedure to examine his enlarged prostate. this raised a separate issue of concern, a form of cancer, the palace says that he remains wholly positive about his treatment. what do you make of that?
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>> it seems like in the course of his treatment, his surgical procedure for his prostate they discovered another problem. when you are admitted to the hospital he often get tested like chest x-ray. so that might have found a lesion in his lungs, you have basic preoperative blood obtained, so that my show he is anemic and that might have led to further workup. it sounds like in the course of the routine evaluation part for his prostate surgery they discovered something else was amiss. >> just to be clear, the prostate enlargement was found to have been benign, so it does not appear he has prostate cancer. walk us through this spectrum of potential treatments for someone. there are many different forms of cancer that affect people in a variety of ways. what can we be seeing the king undergo?
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>> obviously there are 1000 possibilities based on the specific type of cancer. if i had to surmise, i would guess that this would be something that would have been found on routine diagnostic screening that is done when a patient comes in for a surgical procedure. that raises the question on whether they found something on a chest x-ray. or if he was unusually anemic. or his white blood cell count while it was elevated, suggesting a problem that could be linked to something like leukemia. the issue i have with these kinds of incremental announcements from high-profile people, or the palace, i can surmise and the public can guess must much worse things than what is true.
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the best policy for a leader of a country or loyalty is just to tell the public straight out what is going on so that people do not guests and people do not have to think about the worst. the public in great britain really does have a right to know what's going on with their monarch. >> dr. jonathan reiner, please standby. we are tracking the latest news and of the uk. buckingham palace announced king tells the third has been diagnosed with cancer. we will get the latest on the story and continue to bring the latest news from the uk when we come back.
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we are back with breaking news out of buckingham palace evolving the british royal family.
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king charles iii has been diagnosed, they say, with a form of cancer. they did not say which kind of cancer but a form of cancer. >> this is coming after a recent hospital stay, a procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was discovered. we are getting reaction from leaders across the country including the british prime minister posting to social media quote, wishing his majesty a full and speedy recovery. i have no doubt he will be back to full strength and no time. i know the whole country will wish him well. we also have reaction from the leader opposition labor party close posting to x, on behalf of the labour party i wish his majesty all the best in his recovery and we look forward to seeing him back to full health. >> with and ambiguous announcement in terms of the kinds of cancer, we were talking to dr. jonathan reiner, it leaves questions on what the treatment will look like and if he will be able to operate in his full capacity, even given
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the way that they shared his diagnosis is going to alter his duties. >> the statement from buckingham palace says he has been advised by doctors to scale back public duties, but making clear he will continue to quote, undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. what is interesting, boris, they do seem to be walking a line of transparency without revealing all of the details that they know. we just saw king charles come out of the hospital after the stay for the prostate enlargement issue. that was a remarkable moment of transparency for the british public. he told them when he was going in and why. i want to bring in our experts, dr. jonathan reiner as well as our royal correspondent max foster and our royal historian, kate williams. max, to you first. this attempt
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by the palace to be transparent and also keep some of the details private, i am looking at the last line of the statement from buckingham palace, his majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation. won't this only fueled speculation because they are not being completely transparent about the kind of cancer he has? >> there is a long history of this. there is a line that they draw. i think they fear and what matters here is the monarch well enough to carry out his duty. we will keep you updated on that, but there is a level of privacy that any human deserves . that was decided by the palace and the king. there may come a point when they do need to, i think updates will get on program, to
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reassure the public he is getting better or to reassure them there are systems in place to support the monarchy if he gets worse. that is of course, kate can tell you more about this, she is an expert on the history. there are those who will step up and take over the kings of duty if it is necessary, if he has to have operation there has to be a system in place for it to be carried out. you would have the queen, prince william and kate and edward and also ann carrying out those duties. it really is down to prince william who is taking the lead if that does happen. i think they are much more focused on that. and it could be something that people associate as a very serious illness and they may not want to worry the public and have things get worse quickly than they are.
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they will be taking advice from the kings of doctors and consultants. >> dr. renner, i am wondering what you make of this line from buckingham palace that king charles was advised to postpone public duties, but he is going to continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. this that tell you anything? >> basically it says they do not want him to travel or engage in a vigorous schedule, but he can work from home. if we go back and look at the timeline following his recent hospitalization for his prostate cancer. remember he was kept for an unannounced third day. they kept in for an extra day and that leads me to wonder if that extra day was to work on this diagnosis and also it makes me wonder when this diagnosis was made and very likely it was made during the
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initial hospitalization, the week before last. >> kate williams, how does it work when a region, when the monarch is incapacitated? surely there are instances in the past when surgery is performed, or they are out of commission in a variety of ways. we should note the statement from buckingham palace is certainly making it sound like he will continue with a significant portion of his duties. what are you expecting to see given that his doctors have told him to scale back the public facing duties? and if things were to get worse and more serious, what would we see in terms of others stepping in? >> this is a big and important constitutional situation and it
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is one that we have not seen for a long time because the queen was always in good health until the very end and her own father, it was kept very secret when he was very ill from cancer and dying. there was no public announcement. a very different world now and the king has been very honest. he wants to talk about it and stop speculation and also raise awareness for all the people suffering from cancer. it is a disease across the world. if we have a situation where he has to have an operation. we hear he is commencing regular treatment. it is not too much to speculate that he is going in for chemotherapy or radiation therapy. if there is such a thing as an operation, if he will be incapacitated for a long. of time, when happens is the counselors of state step in. you might think it is prince william but it is not, that is
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camilla, william and also harry , there is andrew but he is out of the picture, edward, ann and kate. you have to have at least two of them, less than two is a problem. they will do all the work for the king at various engagements. what is really important is his constitutional duties. anyone can step in for his general meetings and engagements giving out awards at the palace. what is important is his constitutional duties, it is the meeting with the prime minister and signing laws. that is what is made clear that he will be holding onto. the queen did that right until the very end. she passed away two days later. the king said i will go through my boxes. you will not see me out and about, but i am still king and every way. i think informally what we will
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see is prince william taking on a lot of the duties and a lot of the engagements. he is under pressure with kate recovering and being out of action so prince william will take a lot of the engagements. i think for the next couple of months the public facing key role of the monarchy it will be occupied by prince william. >> everyone please stand by. we have much more coverage ahead. king charles iii diagnosed with a form of cancer. stay with us.
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we are following breaking news out of the uk. buckingham palace announced king charles iii has been diagnosed with cancer. this comes after he had a recent hospital procedure for a benign prostate enlargement. that is when a separate issue of concern was noted. we have learned from a source close to buckingham palace that it is not prostate cancer that he is dealing with, but we learned the king will continue official state business and official paperwork as usual, even though his doctors told him to scale back his public facing duties. a lot of questions to be answered even as buckingham palace said they announced it for the sake of transparency. a lot of speculation over what
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challenges he might be facing. >> they put out this statement and they chose to share this diagnosis to prevent speculation. they are not necessarily sharing his diagnosis. they are saying it is a form of cancer. i want to bring back in our panel of experts. jonathan reiner to you, i think it's fair that you would like more transparency. a moment ago we were talking about the fact that this can be a teachable moment and help the public. that is something the royal family has recognized and king charles said in alerting the public that he was going into the hospital. what do you make of the statement where they talk about a form of cancer, they say he was diagnosed with a form of cancer, but do not give the kind of cancer. does this not fuel more speculation? >> i think it is quite ominous. during his original hospitalization for benign
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prostate hypertrophy, the palace went out of their way to remind the public that he did not have cancer, it was important for them to say he did not have cancer. now there is a different diagnosis the palace is very reticent to give any t cell detail at all. it just serves to fuel speculation and concern among the public. i think when public figures face serious illnesses like heart disease and cancer. deep stigmatizing those diagnoses, letting the air out of it and being frank with the public, it goes a long way. the king wanted to use the last procedure to be more forthright about being checked.
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i think when you talk about your own diagnosis and your own struggle, you humanize yourself and you motivate people to be more proactive about their own health. i hope the palace uses this as an opportunity to be more transparent and help the british public understand better where the monarch is right now. >> we also have max foster with us. we are getting an important update regarding the cancer diagnosis. we have learned the duke of sussex, prince harry has reached out to his father king charles about the cancer diagnosis and they did speak and prince harry will be traveling to the uk to see the king in the coming days. >> i was just in contact with them and they gave me that information. in terms of the alarm, in a way this does add to it. harry feels he needs to come
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over, of course you would want to come if your father was ill. i think this is all a case of trying to manage public concern in this situation. with harry coming over, that shows that he is concerned and the bar of him coming over is much higher because he has been estranged. it is good news that he is speaking to his father and able to support him. of course this is kensington palace, prince william will be making a statement at some point. there is also this will to try to keep calm amongst united kingdom and not worry people too much. it is a careful balancing act. when you get a headline that the king has cancer, it will create a certain level of alarm in the palace will deal with it in a way that they often do. we had speculation around how
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queen elizabeth died, they did stick to the system where they did not give the exact details of what ultimately killed her. they still have not told us since and i doubt they ever will because it is a very small group of people that have access to that information. the king does have a significant medical team, and official medical team of buckingham palace but he also has his own private doctor that travels with him. when i am traveling with the king, the doctor would often be along side me, that could be an abundance of caution, but there is always concerned about someone in their 70s in such a pressurized role and people will wonder what it is. you cannot really avoid the speculation, but prince harry coming over we will see if we get an update from his office. >> i want to bring in cnn royal commentator, emily nash.
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with this news that prince harry has spoken with his father and traveling to the united kingdom, i think this serves as a reminder at the end of the day this is a family. they have had their trouble recently, this was once a very tightknit family and it has been fraying of late, with the issues of prince andrew, who no longer performs royal duties, prince harry and his wife megan choosing to no longer undertake royal duties either. as is so often the case, when you have a serious medical diagnosis and in particular a cancer diagnosis that will bring families back together. to what extent do you think we will see the royal family behave in the coming days as a more normal family as they try to balance the fact that they are not a normal family. >> this is one of those moments that happen in life when people
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do forget about what is going on, water under the bridge they will spend time together and i think it be this meeting and that the family will rally around the king in a clearly difficult moment for him. he thought he was undergoing treatment that was fairly straightforward and fairly routine and he comes out with a new diagnosis and he obviously wanted to tell his sons in person, or over the phone. i understand the prince of wales is in contact with his father. it really does humanize them. it is a reminder that people watching this may know someone or will be affected by cancer themselves. it is a reminder that they are human beings. >> i do want to get back to max foster. max, this comes at an interesting time for politics in the uk.
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you have a cost-of-living crisis , questions about the future of government. obviously elections have to be called before the end of the year. some folks are calling for them to come sooner. the king has to invite the prime minister, according to british policy, to make a new administration, how can this disrupt that process? >> it is the point of the prime minister to build that administration. we have been told clearly that the key matters of state will continue to be held by the king and he will be able to carry them out. very much reassurance on that level. the system here is the monarchy representing the nation, representing continuity. you will remember in times past not that long ago, boris johnson's administration, there was a huge amount of detail in british politics.
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the queen made more appearances and she stepped up to bring continuity and it reassured people. one side of the constitution was falling apart and the other side is standing firm. that is what they represent. in a year of an election, if it does get chaotic they will look to the monarchy. it is the thing that british people do. king charles will not be there in the foreseeable future as we understand it, let's hope that we do see him. until then it will be queen camilla and the prince of wales representing the monarchy and they will be turning up to key constitutional events in his father's place and it will feel different. when you consider queen elizabeth was on the phone for so many years and we are used to so much stability within the monarchy, it does unnerve people when different party constitutions start shaking.
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this will be the job of the palace and the king to represent continuity they have centuries of expensive doing that. this is his job right now until we hear the update from the king. >> they certainly have their systems, the past is clashing with the more modern era is something that the family recognizes with the level of transparency that we have seen from them certainly on the medical front in the last few weeks. we appear to be seeing some of that transparency. they have a lot to figure out there are some major questions that remain. there is a lot more to discuss on this breaking news of king charles iii cancel cancer diagnosis. we will be right back.
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back with breaking news that king charles iii has been diagnosed with cancer. a statement out a short time ago from buckingham palace saying that he has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. they did not testify what end of cancer it is. there you can see him leaving the tunnel a few days ago, january 29th, with his wife. he had been in that london hospital for treatment for what they called a benign prostate enlargement. then according to buckingham palace, during the course of the emanations, while he was in the house it'll, there was a separate issue of concern that was noted to buckingham palace
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today saying that they are revealing this cancer diagnosis to prevent speculation, but at the same time, not specifying what a ackley king charles the third is dealing with right now. we want to bring in kristin meiser, a royal watcher, host of the daily fail podcast. thank you so much for joining us. what stands out to you in the way that buckingham palace is communicating this news today lacks >> you know, one of the things that is most notable to me is the difference between this messaging and the messaging around kate middleton's recent procedure. as we know, she had planned abdominal surgery better on the same time and charles was having treatment for his enlarged prostate. in the palace has made there that it is not cancerous and in the case of kate middleton. they're also choosing to tell us nothing beyond that, saying that she would like to maintain her privacy at this point.
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i think it is interesting that in terms of king charles, there has been much more transparency. speaking frankly about his trust date and this cancer diagnosis. supposedly this is king charles trying to demystify these things and become more transparent as the statement says. even though it is not 100%, we don't know what we're dealing with here. i think it does in some ways reassure the public to know that there is at least a name for it. they can say this is what's going on here. in that way, it is very different. there is still a lot of speculation in the press and the tabloid. >> the king is now the latest member of the royal family to be dealing with cancer. a few days ago, it was announced that sarah ferguson, the duchess of york is dealing with a rare kind of skin cancer, is that right? >> yes. and this is not the first
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instance of dealing with cancer. also the queen, in her later years, was dealing with bone cancer. they are still mortal, still human. over one third of cancer cases have been in the uk in people over 75. king charles is in that category of people. he is mortal, his family is mortal. these things happen unfortunately, but he does have the absolute best care in the world. far better than most of us ever dream of having and he is being well taken care of read his medical professionals around the clock keeping an eye on him and making sure that he is getting what he can get to address this situation. >> thank you so much. please stand by as we continue to cover the breaking news. king charles the third diagnosed with a form of cancer. stay with cnn. we are back in moments .
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