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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  February 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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the dirty little secret about immigration. well, it's not so secret anymore. tonight on laura tonight. >> if there was any doubt that they made it, well, crystal clear tonight. they really, really don't apparently want to solve immigration. not now, not today, any way. it counts, majority of republicans in the senate are leaning against the border bill
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or actively planning to vote a big old no in the very first bill on the deal in the second half for this wednesday. this does not look good a wednesday vote would be too early. a clear sign most republicans will block if the vote comes that day. johnson is talking about the bipartisan, i repeat, bipartisan deal is dead on arrival if it makes to the house at all. the committee is announcing it as a bad deal. the conference, #killthebill, it is aid for ukraine and israel. john chester has had just about enough of all of it. >> people want to work in good faith and did it and now good faith is out the window.. >> why is a deal worked out by
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a democrat, a republican, and independent on life support? it comes down to two words, donald trump. the former president saying the quiet part out loud, again, others quiet part might be concerned claiming that what he calls radical left democrats are laying a trap for republicans, quote, just in time for our most important ever elections. joining me now to break it all down is capitol hill reporter who i look to help break down all of this tonight because it is, it is confusing for so many people. you have a deal, you don't. there is text, there is not. when they don't have it ready to go. >> right, we knew this bill would be dead on arrival in the house, now, laura, it looks like it will not even pass the senate where the deal was negotiated by this bipartisan group of lawmakers, they had
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the meeting tonight, huddled behind closed doors, it was a little over an hour. animated robust discussion, afterwards the republicans came out signaling they don't think this deal is going to have the support it needs to advance through a vote on wednesday. the lead republican negotiator expressing doubt it will have the votes. just a remarkable blow. huge embarrassment, really, for the republicans that demanded border security policy changes in exchange for ukraine aid and a huge reason for that, you are so right, donald trump, he changed the politics inside of the gop. some cases they are saying the quiet part out loud. they don't want to give joe biden, the democrats, a win. >> think about all that was made about what was happening at the border from democrats and republicans, independents and now there is one bill, not solving everything, the devil is in the details, what is it
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they don't want. >> reporter: it is important to tick through what was in the bill. the most conservative that has been debated on capitol hill probably in decades. centerpiece of the bill. new authority to shutdown the border. that would become available once average daily migrant crossings reach 4,000 in a one week span. only mandatory, though, once that average daily migrant crossing reaches 5,000. republicans had issues with that. it is not salute authority. biden has the power to sesm rarely suspend the authority if he determines it is necessary. asylum, another big point, they ultimately agreed to raise the threshold for those seeking asylum, speeding up the process from, right now, taking a few years down to a few months, that was big from democrats. restrict presidential parole, and catch and release, again, two big things that the republicans would push from, on the democratic side something they push for, authorizing 250,000 new visas over five years for families
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>> some of the issues we heard a lot about in particular. the idea of closing down the border, the mandatory versus discretionary part of it. how is it so different than what the house republicans wanted? >> reporter: the house republican party passed hr2, stricter, hard line bill, did not get any democratic votes, that would resume construction of the border wall. that would reenstate the trump- era remain in mexico policy and require the use of electric system that allows you to check if a worker has eligibility to work in the united states. but, within the universe of republicans that are saying they are against the senate deal they say it does not go far enough or it is a bad deal and would attract more illegal immigration which, of course, the sponsors of the package say it is untrue. another important talking point that we should point out here is that now some republicans, the same ones that passed hr2 saying biden has the authority and that legislation is not even necessary.
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so, definitely a moving of the goal post when it comes from messaging >> now they are saying he does not -- it is all fertility. you can massage that in a sense. what about the pathway to citizenship? what about the catch and release program, these are important issues as well. >> reporter: right, we should point out in this bill there was no discussion, no provision that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. that up until this point has always been at least part of the discussion when you are talking about immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reform. that was not in this bill. why it is a conservative proposal on its face and it is why some democrats are saying in the senate they can not vote for this deal and there is concern that going forward this is the new marker is that democrats said and biden said he would sign that senate package into law. so, there is a lot of concern from the left and progressives that this is the new normal going forward if there is
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another discussion to be had on immigration going forward. >> the fact that you had to say "if" that says a lot. republicans are in a tug of war. with the former president, by the way. >> this is a democrat trap. a trap for republicans that would be so stupid and foolish to sign a bill like this. one of the worst, one of the dumbest bills i ever seen. i think it is dead, totally dead at the house. >> we will not make a decision one way or the other until the senate passes the bill with the amendments. i have no idea what the bill will look like a few weeks from now. i think it is irresponsible to say something is dead on arrival when we have not seen the final product from the senate. >> once you start deporting people the flood stops, people are not going to pay $10,000 just to get deported. >> i have a duty to 750,000
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texans not to cement into law a basically continue migration that is what this bill will do. >> here to talk about all of this and where we go from here, i don't know where that is, democratic strategy both of you here, thank you for joining tonight. i am trying to walk through what is in the bill, what is not in the bill, and why congress can not take yes for an answer. let's begin with you, democrats say this is the best bill republicans will see for a long time. are they right? >> i don't -- your sigh tells me your answer is no, i am guessing. >> i don't love the bill and i think there is enough bad in the bill to give republicans an out and you combine that with the fact that they don't trust this president on this issue. we may disagree. i think there is good reason for that. i think a lot of what biden has
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done in the last three years created this crisis. >> what is the bad? tell me what is the bad part from your stand? >> it could cotifiy into law that 1.8 million people can enter this country illegally. all of a sudden we are going to say 500,000. barack obama 10 years ago said 1,000 a day is a crisis now we are saying 5,000 is a crisis. that is a scary number. that is 1.8 million a year. i think that is one major objection. >> that is not what it says, it does not mean they are going to let them in and that is it. what this bill does, laura, as you know and you reported on this, a lot of democrats and progressives have problems with this pause it is enforcement only. itgiven what we are used to have real immigration reform should be. there is no affirmative relief
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on here for dreamers which the majority of americans believe they should be getting protections or the long settled 11 million undocumented immigrants who injected trillions of dollars to our economy, created businesses and have really helped grow this economy. and so, i think moving forward, what this betrays about republicans even with this in the face, joe biden came to the table, democrats came to the table in good faith and negotiated with common sense republicans and at the end of the day the whole maga- republican with donald trump took it in bad faith and now they betrayed not just themselves, the party and the american people. it will give democrats the ability to say they are unsuccess and cowardly. >> i can not deny the obeyians to trump. but laura they don't trust this
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president. i mean on both houses. you are republican, republicans have no interest at this point in helping joe biden. but joe biden administration ignored this issue for three years. >> that is not true either. >> here we are in this crisis here is the president saying help me, bail me out. >> hold on, on the trust issue, just so we are clear, the trust issue you are pointing out is the idea it is not mandatory to shutdown the border, it is up to the president? >> joe biden could shutdown the border tomorrow. the united states is not required to accept people who come here for asylum. it is a discretionary clemency. biden on his own, so much of what is in this bill he can do. i actually think maybe . >> donald trump tried and the supreme court said you are not allowed. >> politically the best thing joe biden can do is enforce current law, enforce all of this stuff and turn to the
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republicans say get lost, give me an up and down vote on ukraine. >> here is the problem with what you are saying about republicans not trusting the president. it is republicans who demanded these changes onboarder security in order to do ukraine and israel. democrats and joe biden they want ukraine, they want the aid for israel. they understand something has to be on the border. >> i agree with that. >> okay. let's come to the table and negotiate. guess what, laura, that is what you do in congress. that is how you get things done. it is impossible to do with the maga-republicans that do not understand and have no interest in governing that will be a problem for them going into this election, they have shown the american people they can not be trusted with any kind of power. >> i want to hear your response to this. we are talking around and about the so-called people. there is a new poll out that i want to share with people. they asked a question of who they think will do a better job of securing the border.
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57% think that trump would do -- that is not even, i don't want to do math tonight but double 22 is not 57. they seem to trust trump's philosophies, who is going to own this issue? >> right. exactly. >> this is, this thing will be dead probably tomorrow, i don't think it will hurt republicans, i think that number is baked in. republicans will be able to spin this, maybe in a better fashion than i have. i think this will ultimately, this issue is a weak issue for democrats. >> now is part of this reason and i wonder if you think this, you mentioned in the beginning the timing that he did nothing for three years, you disagreed with that philosophy as well. the timing of it, that this is coming during the election year, is that what is hurting the perception of biden doing a better job at the border than trump? >> i think it is more than that. i think, as you know,
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immigration is a complicated issue. and republicans have done a great job of weaponizing it. >> no question about that. this, what is happening at the border is not joe biden's fault. anyone who understands global migration, what happened during covid, real foreign policy will understand that. >> some of his policies. >> hang on, joe. what the president did the first day in office was he offered and it is still there in congress waiting for republicans and it will never get any attention because it is a real solution, comprehensive immigration reform. that is the way to solve this. you can not have just border security and that is it and believe that people will stop coming. people will not stop coming because of what is going on the global migration stage and what they are suffering in their own country. we have to find a way to balance the flow.
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>> the polling is consistent. not just the republican base that believes trump is stronger. before and after he got elected biden encouraged migrants to come. he got rid of a few of trump policies that actually worked. and enforcing the laws like he should have. >> the problem is i don't believe joe biden or democrats leaned into immigration as much as they should because they are the ones that believe in a balanced approach. a balanced approach is what the majority of americans actually do agree with. that is what would fix it. >> hold on. on that point, talking about the balance approach. this is important. >> yes. >> i think that people do agree that a balanced approach is necessary. >> right. >> what are they balancing? that is a factor. you hear people talk about the idea of ports of entry, talking about the impact, even in cities led by democrats, there is tension. what is the balance? >> part of that is to accept
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border security. by the way, on those cities that is critical. joe biden and this administration offered billions of dollars to help those cities that republicans were pointing saying look at what joe biden caused which was not the cause and they said no. again, the hypocrisy here for republicans is rampet. i think that democrates have a chance to turn it around and talk about what works. americans, they threw donald trump out of office because of the ways in which he talked about immigration. >> i agree with maria that republicansa the this point are playing politics. i think there is a three year history here where they don't trust him because he did not act >> you get the last word her blazer . >> oh, i know. >> last time, next time. sorry. come with a sparkly tie. okay. thank you very much [ laughter ] >> up next, the case that could
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determine the course of november's election, what they will argue before the supreme court and what venezuela has to do with it
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. another critical week for donald trump. how much do americans really care about trump's legal problems? well, a new cnn poll finds most voters want his federal election case resolved before the election. 45% of voters say his actions after the 2020 election were illegal. 32% say unethical but not illegal, and 23% say that trump did nothing wrong at all. let's break it all down thank you for being here, kush, just
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look at the numbers, people wanting a resolution, a trial starting or completing before election day, that is in november. is that possible? that it could happen? >> it is possible but the odds are going down as a result of the delay at the dc circuit. let's say hype thetically it came out tomorrow, right? there would be a process of review and supreme court review, judges and justices could change that, it will be up to them. really within the hands of the judges and the justices at this point. if things broke the right way for the government, i think there could be a trial over the summer or early fall. the judge alluded to that just today in court actually. it is possible but the odds are going down. >> another case involving if he actually name on the ballot in colorado and beyond. they are contemplating the 14th amendment. he has nots been charged. he has not been convicted of it. of course, he was not removed
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of office or impeachment process dealing with these issues, but, they are claiming that it is up to the voters to have him on the ballot or not t. is up to the voters to decide if he is on the ballot, not the courts, not a plaintiff. you call that super official, why? >> i think that there are plenty of thorny legal issues here. plenty of thorny legal issues here the conservatives and justices will resolve it in favor of donald trump. however, i think the notion that moving him from the ballot would be anti-democratic is fassel. we have them designing the elections, judges and courts assess if candidates are qualify for public office from time to time. the question is if they are doing it in line with the rules and the statutory laws and provisions the mere fact they may be enforced in colorado in a particular way. it takes it out of the hands of the voters. democratic in a sense that, you
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know, the constitution is a democratic document. and democratic. and, i think it is too simple. how about the argument that he is not an officer. and the officer's responsibilities are, and the american public at home. it talks about taking an oath of office. it does not say the president of the united states and other sections of the constitution. does that hold water for you? >> that argument might have legs with the supreme court. particularly the conservatives. the authority around this is ambiguous. a pretty good law article written by a law professor. an op-ed. we just have to get down to brass tacks here. the justices are real people, with real sort of, like,
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ideologies and political preferences and we have to be real about this. the odds that they would look at this sort of complex of legal issues and remove trump off of the ballot it is wishful thinking. >> let me ask you this, you have a good piece out talking about the reality of the prospect of what would happen if a former president were convicted and placed in jail. i mean the first thing that comes to my mind is secret service. not only the global stage and the views worldwide what would it look for american presidents to go to prison. you written about the impracticality of it >> yes, real challenges, i spoke to a secret service agent. look, when we were, when i was doing this we thought about every possible way someone could hurt the president, the notion of having to protect a president in a prison never came up. and, this is a subject that gives them anxiety. their principal objective is to
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protect the president. having him roam around in a minimum security prison with a bunch of other people. it may not be that someone wants to assassinate trump maybe they want to punch him, right? so, that is a risk, too, he needs to be protected against as the former president, the secret service would want to protect him against. a lot of complex issues, manageable but not as straightforward. >> so much to consider. again, he has not been convicted. the trials have not taken place the civil consequences do not lead to prison in the same respect but it is good food for thought. thank you. >> thanks for having me. up next, more to come, a very special guest tonight in studio, grammy winning rapper and artist talking about his book and how he made it where he is today, back in a moment
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with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! [music] that was jeezy record, we are all still loving it still. he writes book under the name j. jenkins, his first book is a "new york times" bestseller, twice or three or four times over. he is here with me now.
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so good to see you in studio. i am happy to meet you this way. >> likewise. >> i am telling you, this book, i had to find it because it was sold out everywhere. when i went and said they tuesday is in the business section. >> yes. >> i thought, oh, i love this. you wrote this book from the perspective of trying to help people understand how to manifest their destiny. >> right. i wrote it as a motivational memoir. it has a lot of my older business skills in it to how i got here. so, i just felt like it should be in the business section because it is all about, you know, self-help, business, adversity, all of the things that make people successful. >> it should be. when you read the book you really go through the journey. not just the here and now but what it takes to get from point a to point b. when you feel like there is nothing but yourself and your resilience to propell you
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>> yes, for me, there was no book i could pick up. what you have is a combination of books i read and things i learned in my life that i want to put in book form. i know a lot of people don't like to read so i did an audio book in my voice. people love me, my voice, so, that is everything that i am, it starts the way it starts and ends the way it ends because i am working on my next book, the next chapter of life >> your evolution is on display. very vulnerable. to tell everyone about your private life, your journey. >> yes. and there is what you might want to keep to yourself. >> i just think that honesty is building power. you start there. if you are going to be honest be honest.
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what were those? >> that part of the book? i am interested in that. coming back. we will chop it up. >> you talk about the things that made you. you describe at some point getting dressed in the morning. >> yes. >> and feeling it might be the last thing that i put on. this might be what i die in. that adds trauma interwoven in that. >> it comes with the culture of what we do. music is, you know, primarily the streets, you know what i mean? these kids coming out of these neighborhoods and they still bring a lot of that stuff with them. for me it was my reality. i did not say it to make light of it, that is how i felt. i wanted people to know. this is my everyday life. the way you see me now and finished product you have to know i went,these things to get here >> for people that know your music but may not have gone beyond that, the person and the man behind the music. >> right. >> people may be learning about you in this relm for the first
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time. can you describe what, how you would characterize your journey? >> my journey has been my evolution, my journey has been about empowering, teaching, that is why my first album is thug motivation, my second, inspiration, the one after that recession, if you look at the titles and their intentions of it always giving people the game that i have learned and the things that i have, you know, just started to understand. i think that the disconnect is we think that we got to stay the same way to still be successful. that is not true. you have to give yourself permission to evolve, give yourself permission to keep learning, keep growing and to be successful in different levels that you can never imagine. i never thought i would be a new york time bestselling author. >> you could not tell the people that i went to middle school. i dropped out of school in
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sixth grade and writing books now, imagine that. i tell people too, like, we love the art, we love the artist. when you can find an artist that has values and his purpose align with his art then that is somebody that i want to follow. that is how i go about it. >> the relatability and also just the reality that you speak of. there is the connective tissue in this book. and i found myself reading it, although the experiences might not be identical, thinking, i have felt that way. >> for sure >> i can dig into that moment and,thought the adversities people face, there is transferable knowledge there. when i found interesting, too, you refuse to be pigeonholed. you don't want to be defined as one thing. >> no. you can not tell my kids all i was was a great artist. i want to be a great father,
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brother, leader, student. you know, teacher, all of the things. it is, it is your life. you have the right to be all of the things you want to be. i hate when people try to box you in. by the way when you try to box me in i will do it to show you that i can do it, you know, i had people that went to school with me and i told them i was going to be a big star and they said you are crazy. i go back to my hometown, i remember the conversation that we had, i am not done yet. >> you are not done yet. >> not doneiet, just getting started >> how do you help people feel what you are describing. the sense of worth to know that they can do -- a lot of people use politics as that. they want to put their dreams and hopes in somebody to represent them. that is one form of having power, or using it. how do you think people can do more to have that same feeling of power that you have. >> i think for me i lead by example. i am not, i am not a role
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model. i am not any of those things. >> but you might be. you are to some people. >> i am just a man of my word. i say what i mean and i mean what i say. and i do what i say. and for me i just try to lead by example. i know a lot of these young, this younger generation is coming from places that i came from. but then you know you come into a lot of money and power. you have to understand it is more than the music. you have to take it seriously. if i am following you what you are not, you know, you are not integral what does that mean? it is one of the reasons that i love tupac. he was willing to die for what he believed in, you know. not many people can say that. not saying it was a right thing, i would love to see him still here. he loved it so much he put his life on the line. i feel that is integral. i feel like we are in position
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of leadership. you have to look at the people that are following your art, your music, your way of life. you got to look at them and know you are responsible for that. that you are responsible. because they follow you. >> that is a lesson for many member of congress. many a candidate. you know, a lot of people who say they want to lead and do not necessarily adhere to the philosophies you speak of. when people know you from your music and your artistry, i wonder what you think of the level of respect conveyed to an artist of your gene genre. >> i feel like i have done enough in my career and my life that my word is my bond. i feel like the respect is beyond the music. it is how people see me move. the rooms i put myself in. the conversations that i have. it is the vulnerability.
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you don't do things like that. a big mental health advocate. i feel like i went through those things, people out there going through these things that don't want to commit to it or speak on it because they feel like it is weak. i have no problem with that. it will make me a better father, a better man. certain things. i think that is where the respect is. i never been in a situation where somebody came in and said i like you for a certain song or i like you for a certain thing. it is always hey, man, you changed my life. this is grown men, younger guys, older women. they come to me, my son listened to you, he changed his life. i just want to thank you for that. that is what i do it for. if that is what you call respect i will take that snow just thinking about what that feels like. >> a weight must be on you even if you are not a role model when people are seeing
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themselves in you, you want their reflection to be accurate. >> you just got to do the best you can every day and be solid with yourself. do the things that make you a better person. i am big on that. you know, i meditate, i journal. anything that i think will put me in the place where i will be the best version of myself. we all make mistakes, i am still a solid individual. i will not walk outside and not be me. but my -- my mental is in a better space than i was. i am showing people it is okay to evolve and give yourself permission to evolve. >> why the name of the book? >> yes. i feel like i sold everything else. i have always been a hustler, why not sell what made me great. i think that, you know, i have been through a lot of obstacles and i came out on top. i kept my integrity. i think that is what makes me
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different. that is my art, i sell motivation, people see you lose and win again but you remain the same. i did not let that determine who i am as an individual. >> i love it, wait. >> you had to pause. >> that is it. i am done for the evening. it was a pleasure to get to know you through this book. really, really, insightful, thank you very much. >> for sure. >> we'll be right back.
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. health concerns for the british family has harry returning to see his father. king charles has cancer. it comes after he had a prostate procedure last month. a royal source says the king does not have prostate cancer. the palace did not specify the type of cancer he does have. the king will step back from his public duties but carry out his constitutional role. here with me more, host of the week, thank you very much for being here today. we are hearing this news this morning and today this after the recent news, of course,
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about the procedure he had. harry is going to visit his father. we are all familiar with that strained relationship. what does it is a about the seriousness then of the king's condition? >> for one thing, any parent tells their children they have cancer the kids will want to be by their parent's side. what would be telling is if other members of the royal family are involved in carrying out appointments that the king would otherwise make. this has been a time for the royal family. if you remember the duchess of york first had breast cancer, that turned out to be melanoma, and then princess kate in for abdominal surgery. initially william was going to 10 back, he is a hands on father than his own dad was. now it is announced just before we got this cancer diagnose
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talked about, announced that prince william would be stepping in and actually doing more, you know, kings royal appointments. >> the palace said queen camila will step up. what does happen if the king is tooil to do his duties even for a short -- king is to ill to do his duties even for a short time? >> yes he has. it can be prince william, princess ann, camilla. still, they got pretty packed diaries as it is. one wonders, if harry while in the uk could do those duties. if he did it would go an enormous way to welcome him back, welcome him back into the royal family. >> the number of working royals as they say, the phrase that is
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used. travel, representing the monarchy dwindled. in part because prince harry and andrew were out of action, the king will be sidelined. there is a quote attributed to late queen elizabeth that the monarchy has to be seen to be believed. so, you think about all that is going on right now, how does it impact how the public perceives them if they are not as visible? >> reporter: well, they are not as visible but i think they will become more relatable, dare i say, through illness, you know, showing that they are mortal. so many people there, there is a figure out that says 1 out of 2 people around the world will go through a cancer situation in their lives never mind about the families around it. so, in many ways i think, you know, looking at the media and looking at the comments on line people are shocked because this kind of view that the royal family is invincible, immortal, now shown they can get ill just like us. one of the reasons that king
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charles spoke about his enlarged prostate, as a 75-year- old man there are thousands and thousands of men who have, you know, similar situations. and, the websites on line said there was a huge uptick in people seeking out signs and symptoms and early diagnoses and what have you. i mean it is the sort of publicity preventative health publicity that cancer organizations and charities can only dream of. i am not saying that, you know, i am saying that for the average person in the street, i actually think that their hearts will warm towards the royal family. a lot of republicans have been saying on line. i am a republican. normally i would not care. however, my uncle, my aunt, sngd my family went through a cancer diagnose and you know what? my heart is there for them. snow that is really important. to use the platform for this really extraordinary means and reason. you can not escape that.
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you need to raise awareness. first, you mentioned, kate, do we know anything about the abdominal surgery? no reporting of the source of the surgery or the why, right? is that odd? >> reporter: no, well, i can kind of understand it. i think it is different for a 75-year-old man with grownup children to a woman in her early 40s with young children. we don't know what the issue is around it. and nor should we have to. i think we forgotten that the royals, i mean, this is something i am always going on about with the falling out between harry and william and what have you, it is a royal family. and it does not matter how many bits of gold or jewelry you have on your head you are a family. when you have health concerns, i think there is a grieving, there is a grieving for what could have been, how you would of been, what you normally would have been doing. it takes different people different amounts of time to be
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able to face that themselves. to tell their families, to deal with it, to deal with young children and explain it to them. and then, at all to feel comfortable enough to come out and say, you know, this is what i am going through. so, i mean we, we can not hurry nor should we wish to hurry a very real and human process. >> as a mother i value my privacy and the conversations that i would have with my children. so, i certainly understand that desire to do so even with one with a title of sorts. thank you very much for joining us. >> absolutely. we'll be right back.
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. destructive weather slamming california creating major flooding and also dangerous mudslides. this was the scene in a beverly hills neighborhood. cars trapped in muck. the threat is not over. the long-lasting atmospheric river is moving across california bringing widespread power outages, mudslides, and life-threatening flooding as it dumps heavy rain and snow. in l.a., more than 120 mudslides reported and about 25 structures damaged. look at this. a driver stuck on the roof of a car trapped in flood waters. along the pacific coast highway, storm damage made it unsafe to even travel. thank you all for watching, remember, go on my instagram live and do our after show and commemorate an important birthday one of trayvon martin. he would have been 25 years old
12:57 am
today. our coverage continues
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