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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 8, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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tonight's attack was specifically against militia leadership. this is causing some diplomatic trouble for the u.s. >> look, it was a mess what happened here, but we're cleaning it up. >> vote comes to the floor. >> turns out border security is actually not a risk to our national security. it is just a talking point for the election. >> thank you also for the kind messages of support for catherine and for my father. especially in recent days. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> hello and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from the
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united states and all around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. max has the day off. it is thursday, february 8, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington, d.c. where we're just hours away from the u.s. supreme court taking up the first case that could impact this year's presidential election. it is a crucial hearing to determine whether states can classify donald trump as an insurrectionist and thereby disqualify him from running for office. trump's lawyers are appealing the decision by the colorado supreme court that tries to do just that. based on the 14th amendment of the u.s. constitution, a relic from the civil war. it says no american who is engaged in an insurrection shall hold any public office. colorado's decision referring to trump's role in the january 6 insurrection three years ago, one of the lawyers involved in the colorado challenge had this to say. >> we're thankful to the court that they have put it on such an expedited schedule that they can decide this issue before march
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5, super tuesday, so people can go to the polls on super tuesday knowing whether president trump is in fact disqualified. there has been an argument that we should let the voters decide. this is the furthest thing from anti-democratic. last time president trump was on the ballot, he ignored the will of 80 million u.s. voters and summoned a mob to attack the capitol during the otherwise peaceful transition of presidential power. >> this will be a high stakes hearing. people have been camping outside the supreme court overnight to try to get a seat. and paula reid has a closer look at what may happen inside those chambers later on today. >> reporter: what started as a long shot bid to bump donald trump off the 2024 ballot with a fringe legal theory has ended up at the highest court in the land. thursday the supreme court will hear arguments will whether to disqualify trump from holding
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office because of his role in the january 6 capitol attack after a landmark decision from colorado's top court which concluded the 14th amendment's insurrectionist ban applies to trump. >> trump engaged in insurrection and therefore cannot appear on the ballot. >> frankly, president trump didn't engage. he didn't carry a pitch fork to the kcapitol grounds. >> reporter: challengers looked to states where they thought they could succeed. their efforts have been met with mixed results with only maine and colorado taking him off the primary ballot. even california opted to include trump. trump's team insists that states should not be able to deprive voters of their choice of candidates. >> this whole thing is rigged. election interference. >> reporter: but now after turning several other cases in to campaign stops -- >> i want to watch this witch
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hunt myself. >> reporter: -- trump not expected to attend the supreme court arguments. the changeup is part of a more disciplined approach the team is taking to this historic case. arguing on trump's behalf will be jonathan mitchell, a former texas solicitor general, this will be his sixth appearance before the high court. >> supreme court justices are ultimately political appointments. >> reporter: and this case is not just a test for trump, the justices have also been under intense scrutiny over questions. and john roberts' legacy is on the line as he tries to steer the court clear of politics. >> we do not sit on opposite sides of the aisle, we do not cause c caucus in separate rooms. we do not serve one party, we serve one nation. >> reporter: roberts under pressure to build consensus.
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>> i think they would rather is not be thinking about these issues, but it is what the democracy requires, what the constitution requires at this moment. we think the court will rise to that occasion. >> reporter: after thursday's oral argument, the trump team will need to pivot to another issue that tell like to bring before the justices. they only have until monday to tell the high court that they want to appeal tuesday's decision that found that trump does not have presidential immunity to shield himself from the election subversion case brought by special counsel jack smith. just another example of how influential the 13rsupreme cour will be throughout the 2024 campaign season. paula reid, cnn, washington. republicans in the u.s. congress are working to recover from a pair of humiliating defeats on capitol hill. gop senators will discuss an aid package for israel, ukraine and
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taiwan. meanwhile lawmakers who negotiated a deal on border security are blasting the republicans of killing the bill under pressure from former president trump. >> we've got to sit down together, figure out how we'll solve problems because the american people sent us here to do that. >> partisanship won. the senate failed arizona. shameful. >> but it is shameful and embarrassing to see maga radicalism take hold here in the senate. >> on the house side some republicans are now targeting speaker mike johnson in the wake of losing two major votes just last night. >> we need these votes to come to the floor. >> it is unclear why we barreled ahead with a vote knowing that the votes weren't there. we did not need to embarrass ourselves. >> congressman tomohomas matthe
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says getting rid of kevin mccarthy has turned into a disaster. johnson responded. >> well, look, it was a mess what happened here. but we're cleaning it up and massey is one of my dear friend s andcolleagues. this is not a reflection on the leader but a reflection of the body itself. >> the chaos is raising fresh concerns about how republicans will navigate a funding deadline. u.s. military strike has killed a commander of an iran backed militia group it says was behind deadly attacks on american forces in the region. u.s. central command says a drone hit a vehicle in baghdad on wednesday night local time killing the kataib hezbollah leader. sources say the leader was in charge of the group's logistical support including gring drone a rocket operations.
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it is part of a movement that carried out attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. elliott gotkine is joining me here. what can you tell us about the strike and impact it will likely have on attacks being carried out against u.s. forces in the region? is it likely to escalate anything? >> the u.s. still adamant it doesn't want an escalation. and you recall in the wake of this attack on the u.s. outpost that killed three u.s. soldiers, kataib hezbollah said that it would stop its attacks against personnel it said out of respect for the iraqi government. clearly also designed to avoid some kind of blowback from the americans and it hasn't worked as evidenced by this drone strike last night about 9:30 p.m. local time in a shia neighborhood. cnn on the ground heard two loud explosions in quick succession and we've seen the images of the charred burnt out car where the commander was inside. and also correspondaccording tos
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another person as well. but no additional collateral damage. and the biden administration special saying that even this is not the end of it, that they said there would be a multilayered response to the attack on that u.s. outpost that killed three u.s. soldiers and this is just another part of it. so there will be more either on individuals, commanders that it holds responsible for those deaths, or on facilities run by kataib hezbollah be they in iraq or syria. and i suppose this is a delicate time. first of all iraq has once again kaaya de decried what it says is a violation of its sovereignty. and this is just before the u.s. and iraq start talks about the future presence of u.s. forces in iraq. so it is a delicate time. >> elliott, thank you very much. in washington family members of hostages held in gaza met with bipartisan group of u.s. lawmakers and members of israel.
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they made the urgent plea for their loved ones an all hostages to be brought home safely and immediately. joni ernst said the issue is bigger than political affiliations or nationalities. >> we stand here united across party lines and across countries for one cause, and that cause is to bring our hostages home. these families live in agony every single day. they are uncertain if their loved ones are even alive. >> we don't know if our son is still alive. we didn't get anything from the israeli intelligence for more than 70 days. i think that the first step to be with us is to close your eyes and think about your loved ones
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being in the tunnel in dark tunnel without air, without food, without water. >> secretary of state antony blinken is suggesting negotiations could still move forward on a ceasefire and hostage deal. that optimism even though israel prime minister has dismissed the counter proposal as dismal. >> reporter: the ball back in israel's court and swatted right back. >> translator: we haven't committed to anything, we haven't committed to the delusional demands of hamas. there is supposed to be a process of negotiators between the mediators and from what i see, they are not there. >> reporter: benjamin netanyahu dismissing hamas' counter proposal for a ceasefire that would see dozens of hostages released from captivity.
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instead he is vowing total victory. >> translator: surre rendering the delusional demands would just invite another massacre. >> reporter: each of three phases would last 45 days beginning with release of women, children, sick and elderly hostages in exchange for release of palestinian prisoners, intensification of humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza population centers. in line with a prior israeli frame work. but hamas' proposal also calls for the release of all palestinian prisoners detained since october 7, a nonstarter for israel. phase two would see the release of all male hostages and soldiers as well as the withdrawal of all israeli forces from gaza, dead bodies from both sides would be returned in phase three. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken reviewing the proposal with hiisraeli officials.
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>> while there are clear nonstart nonstarters, we think there is space for agreement to be reached and we'll work at that relentlessly until we get there. >> reporter: as negotiations drag on, no respite for those trapped in gaza. overnight entrance crews rushing to the scene of another israeli airstrike. rushing survivors to the hospital. but even the hospitals are no guarantee of safety. speaking from inside the hospital, this doctor describes the scene at the hospital's main gate. >> this is the gate and how the people are standing, you know. >> reporter: snipers on rooftops, people trapped in fear. >> nobody can move outside, the
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people how they are standing, they can't go. if anybody would go outside of this gate, they would be killed. are the are on the street outside the hospital, a lifeless body explains that fear. locals say she was shot by a sniper. from kahn yunis to gaza city, the sounds of gunfire sparking panic. hundreds of people waiting for humanitarian aid trucks now suddenly running for their lives. as confusion turns to fear, some rush one way. others run the other. but nowhere seems safe. jeremy diamond, cnn, tel aviv. remarkable images coming in from southwest iceland where right now a volcano has erupted for the third time in two months. plumes of toxic smoke are rising into the early morning sky as bright orange lava shoots out of the earth. it more on this eruption, we're
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joined by head ofdic volcanic center. thank you so much for joining us. and here we are again, another eruption. what can you tell us about how it compares to the previous ones? >> yeah, so the eruption that started this morning at 6:00 was really preceded by only a very short time of earthquake activity, so only about 30 minute warning of this one. it started on a fissure comparable to the one on the 18th of december. so quite a distance from the krind vehicle town. it is moving towards the big thermal power plant and blue lagoon area. so people are currently working
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on closing in the gaps in the di dikes. >> can you tell our viewers more about the geothermal power plant and what potential damage the lava flows reaching it would present? >> of course just destruction of the buildings and facilities, the pipes for the hot water from that place. so there is a huge effort in both december and still going on now so set up the protected dikes. they are about 8 meters high built around the entire power plant. >> as far as i understand, the residents have grindavik haven't
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been allowed back since the first eruption. you mentioned that it is now moving towards the west where the power plant is. can we expect anymore evacuations from residents in the area? >> well, it is correct there are no people living in grindavik in the moment and they can't return in the foreseeable future because the area has destroyed by the earthquake activity. not the lava thefitself, but th earthquake activity. only evacuations going on this morning was from the blue lagoon and the hotel there. and that worked smoothly. >> is it possible to predict how long this eruption pattern will last? >> you mean with the repeated eruptions almost monthly, we
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need to see what happens after the eruption has ceased again this time, if we have renewed inflation into the area where we know the magma is pooling at about 4, 5 kilometers depth, then of course we'll be looking at a similar scenario. but time will show. >> we really appreciate your expertise. thank you. >> you're welcome. britain's prince william says he is grateful for everyone's kind messages since his father king charles was diagnosed with cancer. on wednesday the prince of wales met with air ambulance staff at a fundraising dinner for the air ambulance charity. it is the first time the prince has spoken publicly since his father's diagnosis and since his wife's abdominal surgery. >> i'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of
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support for catherine and my father especially in recent days. it means a great deal to us all. >> prince william also met actor tom cruise at the gala and he joked about his daredevil movie stunts. take a listen. >> and tom, if you wouldn't mind not borrowing either the new helicopters for the next mission impossible, you seem to have a different take on normal wear and tear to the rest of us. still to come, pakistan goes to the polls. we'll have a live report on the pivotal election people hope will stabilize their country amid recent controversies. plus pope francis speaking out against critics who oppose offering blessings to same sex couples. we'll have a live report on what he says in a new magazine interview about that. and later on, which streaming service landed the eras tour film and when you can start watching.
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two security personnel have been killed and at least seven more injured by an explosion in pakistan. it comes on the day of
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pakistan's general election as the country struggles with political controversies, economic uncertainty and frequent militant attacks. it is the latest attack of its kind up to two more bombings took place on wednesday. anna coren is joining me live from hong kong with more. what is driving the strength of the feeling and prevalence of violence in the leadup to these elections, and is there hope among the population at large that the results could usher in a period of relative calm? >> reporter: i think that is what people want, they want stability. they have got economic turmoil, they have terror threats and this political upheaval we have seen in pakistan now the last few years. but look, voting will wrap up in the next few hours. shortly after that, we'll know the results. but headline today has been the internet and mobile outages across the country that has several parties crying foul. ministry of interior said it was
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for security reasons. as i say, there is a heavy security presence across the country in anticipation of any social unrest. but more so terror attacks. the country's most popular politician is a no-show, he is behind bars for the foreseeable future. and in the past few weeks he has been convicted in three trials and facing lengthy sentences. now, these legal cases against him are widely seen as a way to neutralize the 71-year-old and his party. it definitely has worked, but at the end of the day, this all comes down to the all-powerful military. kahn was in favor when he came to power wilin 2018, but the relationship turned sour in less than four years. and now a foregone conclusion that his predecessor sharif will
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be elected prime minister. but this would be historic fourth term in office for a reach. he actually has never completed a full term. his most recent stint ended in 2017 when he had a fallout with the military. he was accused of corruption, disqualified from ever holding office and forced in to xeks asylum. the political winds have changed. end of last year he was allowed to return to pakistan with the blessing of the military, charges dropped. and he was allowed to campaign for his party pmln. but yes, drama aside, sharif seen as a practicing gmatist an businessman and hopefully he can restore stability. >> anna coren, thank you so much. republicans will cast their votes today in the nevada caucuses. donald trump is on the ballot but his lone remaining gop challenger is not. the caucuses are the only way to win the state's 26 delegates.
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haley took part in the nonbinding primary earlier this week and received fewer votes than the none of the candidates options. she down played that loss. >> we always knew nevada was a scam. trump had it rigged from the very beginning. our focus is on south carolina going into michigan, going into super tuesday. those are the places that we're worried about. >> meanwhile the u.s. vice president will be hosting nine democratic governors at her home in washington this weekend for a meeting about the re-election campaign. kamala harris is looking for a direct account of what the governors are seeing and hearing in their states. some of which are expected to be key battlegrounds in swing states in the november election. for the first time since he invaded ukraine, vladimir putin grants an interview to western media, why he gave the interview to a conspiracy theorist.
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then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. welcome back. i'm bianca nobilo. if you are just joining us, here are some of today's top stories. we're seeing amazing images out of southwest iceland where a
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volcano has erupted for the second time this year. you can see the toxic smoke rising into the sky. the famed blue lagoon resort has been evacuated. a special counsel has completed its investigation into the possible mishandling of classified documents by u.s. president biden. the white house is now reviewing the justice department report for potential executive privilege issues. russia's top electoral body is meeting right now to decide if an anti-war candidate will be allowed to run for the president. boris says he submitted the necessary number of signatures for his candidacy but election officials still recommend denying his registration claiming too many of those signatures are invalid. ukraine's controversial mobilization bill which would allow more people to be called up has cleared first hurdle in parliament. it passed its first reading on wednesday and it could become a law if it passes a second one
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scheduled in about two weeks time. mobilization is a major bone of contention in ukraine. but as fred pleitgen reports, its military is desperate for more troops. >> reporter: explosions are dangerously close as the drone team from the 92nd assault brigade set up their bird, attached the bombs, and head off into battle. while drone technology is often seen as the realm of tech savvy youngsters, one of the pilots here is over 50. one way or another, everyone should serve, he says. it is our duty to defend our land, our families, our motherland. if you do not want to fight, what kind of citizen are you? ukraine is badly outgunned by the russians. but the reality is they are also outmanned. unable to recruit enough soldiers willing to join the military especially younger ones. decimated and exhausted,
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ukraine's top general has called for a new mobilization drive, maybe including up to half a million people. president zelenskyy is unconvinced and sources tell cnn he has informed zaluzhnyi he will be fired. mobilization is unpopular and in front of ukraine's parliament, some are protesting for their spouses to be demobilized. this woman says her husband is too old to be serving this long. my issuhusband is 43, she says, difficult to endure all the time on the shell and performing all the tasks at the frontline and there are many people like him. i'm here for my dad to come back, her son says. but on the frontlines like in this rocket launching unit, some say they need more people to give those who have been in combat nearly nonstop a breather. the commander of this launcher is 59.
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in ukraine, people can only be drafted until they are 60. all of ukraine is at war and each and every man who thinks he lives in ukraine must go through it, he says. it is irreversible. people here are tired. ukraine's parliament is working on a law to make mobilization more appealing and possibly allow soldiers to exit the military after three years. but back at the drone unit, they don't believe the talk. there should be no illusions, he says. also among soldiers whom politicians have given hope that there will be demobilization. there will not be any. fred pleitgen, cnn, kyiv. right wing conspiracy theorist tucker er carlson say will release his interview with vladimir putin tonight. carlson has been receiving celebrity treatment during his trip to russia with state media following his every move. this of course mr. putin's first interview with a western media
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figure since he invaded ukraine but carlson has a track record of praising autocratic leaders and it remains to be seen whether he will ask tough questions or give mr. putin a stage to promote his spin. nada bashir is joining us on set. if his tease that he posted on twitter is anything to go by, there were quite a lot of falsehoods in that and it seemed like he was gearing up to give vladimir putin a platform, synthetic platform to make his case for this invasion. >> is that has been the suggestion from the teaser. in fact we have seen that really reflected in tucker carlson's previous interviews with other figures. you mentioned he has shown favor in the past to autocratic figures, he has been open in public about his right wing often extremist views and there are concerns that perhaps this interview will give president putin given that platform without any challenges. and of course we've heard from tucker carlson in regards to
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this interview specifically and he has been very critical of english speaking media outlets, how they have covered the war in ukraine and particularly how they have approached president putin. he has accused western media outlets of favoring ukrainian president zelenskyy, not giving enough air time to president putin. take a listen to what he said in that teaser. >> not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, vladimir putin. most americans have no idea why putin invaded ukraine or what his goals are now. they never heard his voice. that is wrong. >> that simply isn't true. we have heard from putin repeatedly over the course of the invasion or war. he has given numerous statements of course unchallenged. this is the first interview he has given to a western figure not for lack of trying of course. many media outlets including cnn have repeatedly put in requests for interviews with president
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putin and as well as other senior members of the kremlin. in fact that is something the kremlin admitted to itself in response to tucker carlson. we heard from -- >> translator: we receive many requests for interviews with the president. there is no desire to communicate with such media outlets and there is hardly any point in it. there is hardly any benefit from it. he has a position that differs from the others. >> so an indication there as to why they have granted permission for tucker carlson to carry out this interview. peskov says he doesn't view carlson has necessarily being anti-russia but just pro american. >> it will be very interesting to watch. and i'm curious to see -- there
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is some right wing thinking which overlaps with in sense of nato being the one that held them bare and protect american interests. so definitely something to watch. great to speak to you. thank you. and carnaval begins tomorrow and they are setting up ten care centers to fight a dengue fever epi epidemic. health officials say more than 11,000 cases have been reported so far this year. and that is almost half the total number of cases for all of last year. carnaval expected to attract millions of people from wild festivities before lent later on this month, but many traditionally atone for their sins. ahead of super bowl lviii, the nfl says that there are no credible security threats to the game. the league's chief security officer made the announcement wednesday during a news conference with the u.s. department of homeland security.
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he will have nearly 400 workers in las vegas for the event this weekend. the nfl says more than 30 federal, state and local agencies have been working on super bowl security to make sure the game's 65,000 attendees are safe. welcome to the eras tour. >> taylor swift's record breaking eras tour movie has found its digital streaming home. the film available to rent on demand will be available exclusively on disney plus starting march 15th. the eras tour movie raked in more than $260 million in the global box office making it the top selling concert film in history. disney says the stream will include additional songs as well. i genuinely think that we talk about taylor swift a lot more than we talk about joe biden and definitely the prime minister these days. an impressive feat.
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conservatives inside the catholic church have criticized pope francis for allowing blessings for same sex couples. now the pontiff is pushing back.
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it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! pope francis is pushing back against those who have criticized his decision to allow blessings for same sex couples. he says the critics are guilty ofly to bei hypocrisy. christopher lamb is here to discuss it with us. tell us more about the sense we're getting about the pontiff's response. >> well, this is a very firm and robust response from the pope to critics of this move to allow blessings for same-sex couples. what francis is doing in these remarks with the italian magazine is basically calling out a double standard amongst some catholics who are
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scandalized by the blessing of same-sex couples but say nothing if the pope were to bless he says an entrepreneur who exploits his workers. so the point is francis saying that sins of the wallet are just as serious if not more serious than sins of the flesh. so i think it is interesting because many have welcomed it, but there are bishops in africa who say they will not be blessing same-sex couples. the pope says he understands that due to the cultural taboo around homosexuality, but i think his remarks in this magazine are aimed at what he says are small groups of ideological critics, quite a few in the united states, who have really been very vocal against the pope saying that he is undermining church teaching and doctrine. what the pope is saying no, i'm severally blessing people, two
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people who love each other. he is not blessing same-sex marriage, he has not changed the teaching on marriage, but he wants a church that is open and welcoming. francis showing that he won't back down. >> thank you so much for that update. it is a very interesting discussion to have especially around these notions of perceived hierarchies of sin and where cultural context comes into the discussion as well. interesting interview for sure. thank you for joining us. it is official, global warming has surpassed the critical limit that climate scientists have warned us about to years. the weather monitoring service says the world just experienced the warmest 12 month period of recorded history with temperatures surpassing the dreaded threshold of 1.5 degrees celsius above the pre-industrial average. elisa raffa explains.
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>> latest numbers are in and they tell us that january was the warmest january on record for the globe, 1.6 degrees above the pre-industrial average makes it the warmest january on record. and it is the eighth month in a row to break its own previous record. this is coming on the heels of the warmest year on record, 2023 was the warmest year the globe has ever seen, 1.4 degrees c above the pre-industrial average. but if you look at the next 12 month period, we want to include january 2024, so that takes us back to february, this 12 month period is now the warmest 12 month period on record, it surpasses the 1.5 degree c threshold. that number is important because when they all met in paris, that paris climate agreement, climate scientists and world leaders all made the 1.5 degree c threshold the goal. and we've done that in the last 12 month period and it is a sign of where things are headed.
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sea surface temperatures were also record warm in january. you can see the red on the map. average of 20 degrees celsius which broke a record. but a couple days in to february and we've already been warmer than that and broke the previous standing record that we set back in august. remember when we had the exceptional marine heatwave and we were talking about all the coral bleaching events happening? that was this the heart of the extreme heat season of summer. and february sea surface temperatures have been warmer than that and broken the record in february. we know ocean temperatures play a role into thethe atatmospheri events like we saw in california that triggered landslides in the hollywood hills upwards of 400 landslides, destroying homes, cars stuck, just incredible
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historic event for southern california. and in chile, they have extreme heat and drought that has fueled the worst wildfire that they have ever seen. thousands of homes burned, over 100 people killed and we also know that climate change makes drought conditions like this worse too. officials in japan say a ppod of orcas trapped are believed to have escaped. this drone footage show at least ten killer whales struggling in the ice earlier this week. but thursday officials from one coastal town says the ice drift had loosened and there is no sighting of the whales in 24 hours. so that a good news. this stunning image of a young polar bear drifting off to sleep has won the wildlife photographer of the year award. the shot titled ice bed was taken by a british photographer.
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he captured the moment after a three day search for polar bears. and it was selected from a short list of 25 images showcasing both beauty and the fragility of our planet. so sweet. as well as the winner, there are four highly commended finalists. all five images will be on display until june 30. still ahead, what pushed this 35-year-old song to the top of the itunes chart.
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tiger woods will make his pga tour season debut next week at the tournament he hosts, genesis invitational in california. the 48-year-old announced his return on social media wednesday writing he is excited to play. the 15 time major champion's last official event on the pga tour was at the masters last year where he had to withdrawal because of a food it injury. ♪ you get a fast car, i want a ticket to anywhere, maybe we make a deal, maybe together we
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can get somewhere, anyplace is better parting from zero ♪ >> casey chapman is enjoying the ultimate grammy bump. her hit song fast car and debut album both number one on the itunes charts. chapman performed sunday at the grammy awards with country star luke comb. his remake of fast car was one of the biggest hits of last year. chapman won best new artist grammy 35 years ago but stopped touring back in 2009. that does it here on cnn newsroom. i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is next. ♪
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