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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  February 10, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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well, it's been a hell of a week, people. tgif. tonight on laura coates live. so much has happened it's hard to keep track of all that has actually take jeep place this past, what, five days? do you remember all that's happened, all that we have seen in the past few days? >> not what to name them. >> well, what you did was ridiculous. >> name 'em. name 'em. >> all right, sut ten. i will. here is the supreme court handing donald trump a great big no, sir on the novel thought he could commit crimes and get away with it with presidential immunity. and impeaching this grie? impeaching alejandro mayorkas over the mess at the border?
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>> on this vote, the ayes are 214, the nays are 216. the resolution is not adopted. >> now it's sort of a doover next week. then there's the bipartisan border deal, the one that is, you know, dead, because you know who doesn't want to solve the problem before a general election. >> actually, it's one of the worst -- one of the dumbest bills i've ever seen. i think it's dead -- totally dead at the house. >> then we go back to the supreme court. these nine justices, we go there because they sure seem to be siding with the former president in his battle to stay on the ballot in colorado. >> the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> then the special counsel, not jackson, the other special counsel, we have more than one, he dropped quite a bombshell. good news/bad news report on joe
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biden's classified documents case. the good news for the president, there are no criminal charges. the bad news, well, getting called, what was the phrase? a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. and the really bad news, when he accidentally called the president of egypt the president of mexico. >> as you know, initially president of mexico, ciacci, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> and that brings us to that age-old question of, well, old age, and one very angry president. >> i am an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. >> that was the past five days. forget the criminal trial of crumbley and all the conversations around the novelty of that. that was just the past five days. now everyone, of course, making predictions about who will be on the ballot and who will win 269
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days from today. yup, i have done the math now you do the math. imagine this, imagine just one crisis per day over the next 269 days. that might be optimistic at this point, i grant that. that's 269 to delify the election day. what could go wrong or what could go right? michael singleton, deputy chief of staff and valencia johnson. so glad to have both of you here this evening. that's, first of all -- >> a lot of math. >> a lot of math on a friday. i admit it. and the lawyer in me does not want to do the math thing, that's why i went to law school. that's just five days. i mean, this is one of those no good -- what's that book. no good day for whoever the kid was? this is five days in an election year. what's the problem? >> we're not through the
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primary. this is the real housewives gunning for the white house, right? this is going to continue to be the chatter among both of us, the politics all day every day. i feel like by the time we get to the summer a lot of voters will be paying attention to what is happening, but as you mention, if this is what we are starting in this new year in a primary season, we're going to continue be to see this as we get to election day. the beginning of the week around immigration i thought it was actually going to be a great week for democrats because republicans were giving us a lot of campaign material between what was happening in congress. i kept saying, cut the ads. the dnc please, cut all those ads. then unfortunately the special investigation that came out around president biden, yes, it relieved him of any wrongdoing, right? he has cooperated with the doj and it's a stark contrast to what president trump did not do, however, some of the comments people are picking up and they
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are not helping us as we are trying to get over the conversation about his age. so it will be interesting to see how we continue to try to climb uphill on this uphill battle to make sure we can get over the line. >> i mean, it is true that there are no criminal charges against biden, flight. >> yes. >> there will be comparisons drawn between him and trump. trump has all of these legal troubles. it was the appeals court, not the supreme court, that was talking about absolute immunity. we're still waiting to see if the supreme court is going to take up that issue. you can't help with you look at the comparisons between the legal weight and troubles of donald trump and those that biden has escaped, but the polls still are in the inverse. >> yeah, they are. i think that the biggest issue for the president is that people aren't certain or determined whether or not the president can actually lead the country for another four years. he's 81 years old. by the end of his second term, he's going to be 86, that's
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almost 90. i want to put that in perspective for people watching the program. if you have someone in your family that's almost 90, do you want that person running the country? squl he's 81. >> president biden -- >> hold on. i do the math and map it right now. he's 81. not almost 90. >> he'll be 86 by the end of the second term is my point, laura. >> trump is how snoeld. >> he's 77, but the difference is when you look at donald trump -- i'm not talking about the voracity of his claim, to which there's a whole lot to take apart there, i'll acknowledge that. you see this guy, he goes in front of 10, 15,000 people, unscripted. one piece of paper and notes with a sharpy. >> nikki haley, nancy pelosi? >> president biden has not showcased his ability to do that. the white house rarely makes him available for indepth interviews. he's rarely at large rallies talking to voters for an hour or
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two. this release reaffirmed, laura, what people are seeing with their real eyes. can the president do this for another four years? i'm not certain that he can. then you have the special counsel saying i'm not going to go after the president because he's an old feeble man who may have some memory issues? this is to take nothing against the president. i respect him -- >> everything you just said was against the president. what are you talking about? >> i do think, laura, is it not father to say, mr. president, thank you for five decades of service. you have more years behind you than ahead. go to delaware and spend time with your family. >> the hard bart this whole argument is also donald trump is quite up there as well and the reality is the policies and the positions president biden is putting forward are popular with the people. there is a disconnect. listen, yesterday at the press
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conference i liked stheeg president biden. he was fiery. he was out there and that's who people fell in love with. so this is who our candidate is and we are going to get him over the line to get to re-election. i understand the age question is a very real question. >> it is. >> however, he has done historical things in these first four zbleers and we should thank you for the four years and say, go on home, mr. president. >> we will continue to do more of those as he is reee ekted. i do believe people can get past that. >> the lawyer in me is perfect snikty, as they say. the special counsel report did say how he might appear compassionately in front of a jury. just to clarify, stay tuned. don't go anywhere. no arm wrestling. hold on a second. the twroout is we're 269 days away, who's counting, from election day. a lot can still happen.
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history says the elections are full of upsets and a whole lot of data. harry enton is here and he's a reporter. he is so remarkable. tell me what i need to know because how accurate, harry, are the polls at this point? >> laura, i want to say, tgif when i was growing up was such a big thing. i was such a fan of "erkel". >> my name is laura whose best friend was steve. i get the whole tgif thing. >> winners who trailed at this point just to name a few. jimmy carter was down at this point to gerald ford back in the polls in '76. ronald regan trailed jimmy carter and bill clinton trailed against george h.w. bush. i went back. the polling errors average about -- well, i can't get it there. i'll get it down here. 10 points. 10 points.
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it is still very early. there is a lot that can change as the examples illustrate. >> let's walk back to the tgif snoemts. >> what are some? look, remember donald trump back in 2016. very few people gave him a shot of winning. this was trump's chance. after the conventions it was 12%. the post "access hollywood" tape, it was 13%. on election day it was 29%. so he had about a three in ten shot winning yet donald trump was able to go on, win that campaign despite a lot of people, especially the post "access hollywood" tape. there were people asking him to leave his campaign, not just independents, not just people in press, republicans in his own braert asking him to leave the campaign and he was able to go on and window spite the odds. how about harry truman in 1948. thomas e.dewey up by 5 points. harry truman won the popular
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vote by 4 percentage points. he won easily. he held up that newspaper saying dewey had won and truman had won. that was on election eve. this is significantly smaller than 5 points. there's a lot of things that can change and a lot of things that could change as we get close to the election, laura. >> don't count anything out right now. what is one thing that might be able to change this election? >> what's one thing? we've spoken about it. we spoke about it last night. this is biden verse trump in the polls. donald trump's up by 2 points. of course, he faces four criminal indictments. if trump is convicted, these same polls and facts show that biden would lead in the polls by 4 points. this is something that is unprecedented, laura. we've never seen a potential nominee be under four criminal indictments. let's wait and see what happens. the fact is trump leads right now. with 269 days to go there's a lot, a lot that can change.
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>> certainly is. thank you so much, hear ri enten. i'm going to go on and watch stefan. let's bring back sir michael and valencia. we don't have a whole lot of time. wait, we do. 269 days. it's a long time. >> we haven't gotten to the october surprise. >> will there be one this year? >> i think we were going to have march, april, we'll have a surprise every single week. look, it is a lot of time. voters don't pay attention until the summer, the conventions. we have to get out of the primary. there's so much ground to be covered. i want democrats particularly, i hope they're listening to me, to calm down a bit. be alarmed. be concerned. change your strategy but realize we do have a lot of time to turn this thing around. maybe that's, you know, the church bell in me, the faith in me, the optimistic. we've got some time. donald trump hasn't faced all of his trials yet. that polling around if he's
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convicted, that changes the game dramatically. >> i think the best bet for the former president is for the supreme court to say we're going to put an issue of stay on this and delay it as much as possible. if they can delay it, we'll see what the numbers can indicate. biden's numbers show he's us usurped trump. standing in several crucial battleground states. georgia, nevada, if he can win those back, donald trump is back to the white house. >> don't worry, congress, you have three weeks to fund the government again. talking time line, which don't get too comfortable, as they say out there. really important. i cannot believe this is the week we've had and, i mean, tgif. what can i say? i will say when you think about this and going forward, how do you turn snarnd do you hope for electoral amnesia? >> it's a both strategy.
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we have to be different especially with the israel-hamas war, it has been a shifting thing, particularly for young voters, progressive voters in our party. we also do have the abortion issue on our side. we have got to run a campaign like we've never run before. we can't run a campaign like we did in 2020 or 2016. we have to have the ability to let go of the tried and true strategies from decades before and actually do something new. so long as the campaign is doing that, i believe that they are open to it, we can turn this zblarnd we shall see. thank you to cher michael. st valencia. >> up next, a lot of usher. ♪ ♪ >> yes, that's usher, the one who is doing the super bowl halftime show. we'll explain more in a moment.
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♪ ♪ >> these beautiful ladies wanted a show, so i gave them a show. >> oh, my goodness. can i hear a yeah for the halftime show to be headlined by none other than usher teased by
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touraji, little john and luda. it's the biggest sporting event of the year, the super bowl. they are in vegas where all of the action is in place. i'm hating a little bit, ladies, i have to say. i really wish i was with you right now. let me ask you both, kerry, drop your confessions right now. what have you been up to out there? >> i don't know if you know this, laura. i've had the opportunity to sit and talk to usher. that is my confession. >> what? >> i am so excited about this super bowl. i know, can you believe it? >> no! >> the super bowl concert. last night i had a random call. thank goodness someone i worked with really closely, dom, dominique said, do you want to hang out with usher? you've got it. i talked to him about his songs.
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his new album that's coming out that dropped last night. he also told me, jamel, what the first song would be but i can't tell you guys. >> what is it? what is it? >> i can't. >> wait, you going to do us like that? >> i'm going to do it like that. >> how about, jamel, you and i trade places. let's talk about this david and goliath quarterback match-up between brock purdy and of course pat mahomes. >> yeah, i mean, it is very different because you have patrick mahomes who right now i think a lot of people feel like he's next in line in maybe being the greatest quarterback ever. that title belongs to tom brady for the moment. we see the trajectory of patrick mahomes career, the mvps, the fact that he's a multiple super bowl winner, that he has played in this game multiple times. so there's legacy with him. brock purdy, who looks like the biology teacher, who could be your i.t. guy. >> mr. irrelevant. >> mr. drafted last, okay? >> mr. irrelevant. >> mr. irrelevant and he is on a
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stage that a lot of people who are drafted where he's drafted never get to but he's been an excellent quarterback, a bit of an undiscovered gem. >> are you a 49ers fan? >> we not going to talk about that, kerry. >> i am a 49ers fan. >> perhaps maybe. >> you sound as if perhaps. >> but for brock purdy, this is an opportunity for him to answer a lot of questions. people have been -- he's become i wouldn't say polarizing. people are wondering how good is this guy? a great team -- >> we want to be friends after this. is he just with a great team or is he actually a good quarterback? i think he has an opportunity -- >> is he a great quarterback? >> he's good enough to win a super bowl. >> somebody bring me -- >> everyone needs -- >> h'm, this is a popcorn moment. jamel though, i want to ask you the question, i'll go nice and slow. i'll put every usher song in
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this. you all know -- >> laura. laura. turn out all of your usher references are amazing. >> they are. >> amazing. >> confessions. >> under control. >> 7:00 on the dot. >> i mean, and his drop hat. >> it's great. we already know it's 7:00 on the dot. we already know where usher was. wait a second. this is my version, jamel. but i have to tell you -- >> i hear you. >> -- we are all going to be watching. i'm looking for the ush jer halftime show, looking for the game. the rest of america might be looking to see if there's going to be an engagement after this. all of the las vegas odds. oh, i don't know taylor and travis. maybe he'll say, there goes my baby. will she even be there? what do you know about it? >> oh, my god. what a moment. you know what, honestly, it has been very interesting to see just how much scrutiny this couple is under and just all the
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fanfare around it, be it good or bad. they've become polarizing. it's kind of -- it's odd, i will say that. she's the biggest pop star, you know, in the world. he's arguably maybe by the time his career is finished maybe the greatest tight end ever. yeah, i think it's a great story line. every day people complain about how dating is the ghetto yet that's why you have to be happy for them. they stumbled upon something. why is everybody hating this? >> we're in a situation -- >> well, she's a woman, you know and the world feels away. no one's complaining about spike leon the sidelines. no one's complaining about other -- jack nicholson. >> yeah. i've seen it up close and personal. no one complains. taylor is receiving what i call a cultural hate that just is embedded. we are excited about them. guess what, the only thing i request, if the nfl is watching, we cannot show taylor while
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usher performs because -- ♪ ♪ there goes my baby ♪ >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> if that happens, there will be no love in the club left. kerry, jamal, i'm going back and playing all of the albums. all of them tonight. >> they're good. >> call me. if you need a side kick, a third wheel, i could come. a very easy flight. i'm obvious. it's all right. don't commit now. don't say no now. just think about it. thank you so much. >> bye, ladies. have fun! >> okay. >> bring the private jet. let it burn. bye! look, coming up cnn's presentation of hbo's "overtime" with bill marr.
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now let's turn it over to our friends at hbo because every friday after real time with bill maher they answer questions about topics in the national conversation. here is "overtime with bill maher." [ applause ] >> okay. here we are at cnn. here's the author of the new book the end of race politics, arguments for a color blind america. staff writer at the atlantic. cat caitlyn. and you know bob costas in "overtime." first one is for you, bob. with the allegations against vince mcmahon, now he's the head
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of the -- >> wwe. >> used to be the wwf, world wrestling. >> world wrestling entertainment. >> it better be, because it's not real. >> yeah. >> you know, part of the reason they labeled it that way was so that the various state governments wouldn't subject both athletes or performers to drug testing. performance enhancing drug testing. >> because they were all on drugs? >> yeah. they basically conceded these were scripted matches. they don't like to blaire that out to their fans, some of whom actually think that's real, but as -- as -- as the -- as the long ago wrestling trainer, bobby the brain heman said to me, there's only two things that concern me about wrestling fans, they can vote and they can breathe. >> well -- bob, my core audience is wrestling fans. all right. anyway, the question is, would
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the allegations against vince mcmahon -- i read this in the paper, really like weinstein stuff. >> sex trafficking, sexual abuse. >> would they have been overlooked for so long had he been working in an industry like hollywood instead of sports? >> well, you just brought up a name that would refute that, at least until recently. i think the difference is that if you talk about something like that, it's not covered in the same way as baseball, football, basketball would be covered. you don't have a press core that's covering them and holding them to account and they operate on their own. >> netflix just gave wwe is it now? >> yeah. >> $5 billion deal. >> oh, really? >> it has a television audience. >> $5 billion? i would guess so. >> but knowing netflix, come on. >> a deal like that usually gets
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stopped when a guy like this is attached to it. >> if he was the head of it, it could be. >> okay. >> or someone else takes over and the basic product is appealing to enough of an audience that they roll on. >> all right. for coleman, is the woke kindergarten controversy an example of dei running amuck in cool. we'll have to explain what the woke kindergarten controversy is. >> that's that a school in san francisco that is majority hispanic, that is to say 2/3 of these kids are speaking spanish at home, they need to be taught the basics, english, math, et cetera. that school decided instead of focusing on those things to hire an organization called woke kindergarten, pay them a quarter million. >> literally called it woke kindergarten? >> literally. >> it's no -- >> yeah. >> i thought that was the name that the guy that wrote the article. they're owning it. >> they're owning it. >> woke kindergarten. >> self-awareness is a wonderful thing.
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>> it is. >> hence -- start 'em too young, huh? >> rather predictably what happened is that their math and reading scores have been declining for several years and it's just -- it's become yet another example of precisely the opposite priorities that typical normal americans want, which is we want to send our kids to school to learn the basics as we decline worldwide not to be taught why math is racist, for instance, and -- [ applause ] >> and the final thing i'll say, i think -- >> what about six? that number i always -- >> yeah, little bit suspicious, right? i think that the basic problem with wokeness, one of the basic problems is that it views kids as somehow inherently racist and the racism needs to be hammered out of them in some way when the reality is that among all of the kids -- the problems kids have,
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for instance being selfish, needing to learn to share, racism is not one of them. so really in the same way we want to protect a child's sexual innocence for as long as possible, we should want to preserve that racially free mind set for as long as possible. >> okay. caitlyn, as an educator, what do you think of dartmouth announcing it will bring back the s.a.t. as -- oh, yes, as a requirement for applicants. if people don't know, all eight ivy leagues got rid of the s.a.t. in the name of equity, i don't know, about three or four years ago, and now dartmouth is saying, no. red flag -- >> i can tell you it's absolutely true. all over the country people don't realize this. there are kids who didn't have an access to go to a good secondary school, their parents moved a lot. their family was chaos. they'll pop up with these great scores individually. these are the kids that, you
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know, they can be -- the old idea is you should be able to test into university of california and it was a tremendous benefit to kids who had every disadvantage. it's irrelevant for well off kids. the s.a.t. is the best single predictor can the kid get through the school? is he or she going to show up and say, yeah, i can do this course work. maybe i'm not as wealthy as the others, gifted in sports or whatever, but i'm not having problems here. i'm moving through the curriculum. >> and you can't lie on it. i read that 60% of college applicants admit they lie on some part of their application. >> you can't lie on the s.a.t. >> unless you're felicity huffman. >> that's not the s.a.t. >> it's the a.c.t. >> is there any merit in tucker carlson's interview with
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vladimir putin? i guess that was -- i read that putin went on for a half hour, the first question. just gave him a history lesson. >> it's represent prehence zblibl that he would do it? >> well, we -- interviewers have done that. remember mike wallace with the a yeah tleel. >> of course. under the rules of engagement that that interview was conducted and with a certain acquiescing lens through which tucker put the answers. >> right. i mean, tucker has already been part of putin's propaganda apparatus for a few years now. >> yeah. >> would have been like if mike wallace had been on iran for three years. >> right. >> that's the difference. >> i have to imagine if for some reason you were interviewing putin and he started going on about how poland was to blame for world war ii, you would say,
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hold on a second, vlad -- >> right. >> tucker lets him go on with basic historical facts -- >> that's what he said? >> well, yeah. he held poland responsible for -- >> for being attacked by hitler? >> correct. >> yeah, i would definitely flag that. >> for whatever it's worth. >> when the olympics -- >> were they doing this interview on a ground floor or was it up by a window? >> when the olympics were in sochi, russia, we requested for many months prior to and during the games whether it be me or someone from nbc news, putin turned that down flatly. >> right. >> and gave you pink eye. >> yes, he did. >> that's right. >> a whole cloak and dagger operation that putin and the kgb obviously undertook just to screw me up. >> i knew it. i knew that.
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>> yeah. >> people to this day, they'll say -- conversational ice breaker occasionally. bob, you remember that time you had pink eye at the olympics. >> no, i don't recall. refresh my memory. 100 million people with memes all over the internet and ridiculous, untrue theories as to how i contracted it. i have no idea. remind me again what that was. >> but now you can say it. putin. >> yes. yes. >> you still don't know why you got it? >> i don't. i honestly don't. >> okay. >> tricks. >> what do you think the government is now banning eugenia tavium and extende max. >> well, i have a lot of feelings about eugenia. what are you talking about? >> what is that? >> they're weed killer. i want to know what they did to it and why they sound like boner
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pills. >> they do. they do. the last one does. the last one does. >> all right. thankfully we ran out of time. thank you, cnn. we'll see you next week. >> you can watch this on hbo at 10 p.m. then you can watch overtime on cnn friday nights at 11:30. up next, the super bowl isn't the only big event this weekend. it's also the start of the lunar new year celebrated by billions of people all around the world. celebrity chef melissa king is here to mark the year of the dragon and bring us some of her very favorite holiday dishes.
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around the world will be celebrating the lunar new year ushering in the year of the drag do gone. it's often called chinese new year. in reality many asian cultures take part. it features gifts, traditions, decor, of course my favorite part, tons of food. here to talk about the delicious traditions, celebrity chef melissa king. yes, the one of "top chef" fame. >> melissa, you are top chef! >> melissa is one of the only asian american women to win top chef. she started cooking at the age of just 6 years old. can you believe it? she is known for her unique
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style combining modern techniques with asian style. my mouth is watering. thank you for joining us. how are you? >> i'm excited to be here. let's talk about the lunar new year. >> let's talk about it. >> so excited. >> i am so happy you are here. talk to me about, you know, how growing up with your mom, with your grandmothers, that chinese cooking inspired your own career right now. >> absolutely. you know, when i was young, as you said, from the age of 6 to 9 i would just hang out in the kitchen with my mom, my grandma. we'd make dumplings, a big hot pot feast. there was always food all around my. >> you're putting the rest of us who at age of 6 we were walking in trying to steal the food from the kitchen. good that you were actually participating. no wonder you were a chef extraordinaire. we're showing on the screen the beautiful dishes you had made.
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talk about hot pot dumplings. these are great ways to cook and eat during the holiday. >> absolutely. >> the lunar new year the foods are all about family, bringing everyone to the dinner table. it's about fostering community and hot pot is one of my favorite ways to do that. it is a communal dining experience where you have a big pot of broth right in the center of the table and a big array of vegetables, proteins, all these different beautiful things that you can dip inside of the broth. you cook it together. >> i love that because it brings the families together. it brings extended family together and it's a time that everyone hopefully has their devices off, they're focused on sharing. i can only imagine the stories that were swapped over the hot pot and everyone is talking, reminiscing and engaging in the beautiful time family should be together. what are some chinese new year foods that bring luck? because i want those.
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>> there are lots, and i would say dumplings is one of them. it started with a tradition. they look like money pouches, traditional chinese money pouches. so it does bring good for tune and prosperity. it's something that i do with my family. i have two little twin nieces. they center around the table, we put a big pile of filling in the middle and everyone grabs a wrapper and we fold dumplings together. they never look perfect but everyone works together and at the end of the day you get beautiful dumplings you can cook in your hot pot. >> consider me recruited. i'm excited for the year of the dragon. as long as it doesn't mean winter is coming, i'm with you. melissa king, thank you for joining us. if you want to try any of her amazing dishes, go to
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if you don't know michael orr's name from his eight year career in the nfl, then you're probably know it from the movie, "the blindside." it was how he was rescued from poverty and homelessness from a white wealthy family who envisioned his success in college football and beyond. last year you might recall he alleged that his parents never adopted him, instead filed a conservatorship and profited from a false narrative about him, which they deny.
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the conservatorship has since been terminated but his case asking them to provide information about his finances over the years, well, that's ongoing. now the new cnn flash doc "blindsided" examines the story on hollywood's take on he and his family. here's a preview. >> controversy surrounding the movie "blindside." >> at the center of the blockbuster. >> alleging there were millions pushing a false narrative, they adopted him. >> the movie depicted a totally different person. >> michael really didn't like the movie from the very beginning. they followed him everywhere while he was in the nfl. no escaping it. >> he felt like someone was making money from this movie and it wasn't him. >> they said they never intended to adopt michael. >> i think they got some
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splaining to do. >> it seemed to be all love and a lot was offered. the. >> he was portrayed as unable without the help of the touhy family to make his way in the world. >> the movie allows us to talk about the michael ohers of the world that need a family. >> i know what a conservatorship is thanks to britney spears. >> they blindsided him from the start. >> "blindsided" tomorrow at 8 on cnn. >> you had my career right in the palm of your hands. >> big career ahead of him. >> damaged his career by saying something i didn't mean. >> i wanted to compete against him.
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not all christian mccaffrey's are the same. some are all-pro running backs. some aren't. i'm christian mccaffrey and i make tacos. just like not all internet providers are the same. don't settle for slow. yikes. or unreliable. that's going to leave a mark.
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or weak. get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. hey, you okay? i'm gonna pass out if that's alright. get the real deal, get xfinity.


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