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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  February 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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you are live in the cnn "newsroom." in south carolina, it is get. ing personal between donald trump and nikki haley. the former president is taking numerous shots at haley and her husband rather than highlighting policy differences with the former south carolina governor, trump mocked her husband, michael from being on the campaign trail while he is currently serving his country overseas in africa, his second active deployment having previously served in afghanistan. >> where's her husband? he's a away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. he knew, he knew. >> moments ago haley slammed
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trump for those remarks on x, michael is deployed serving our country, something you know nothing about, someone that continually disrespects the sacrifice of military members and knows nothing about being commander in chief. let's discuss all of that now with republican congressman, tim bircham of tennessee. welcome back to the program. good to see you again, sir. is that appropriate for trump to be talking about nikki haley's husband in that fashion? >> i don't think it's aappropriate to talk about anybody's family. i have a family myself. that's what i always tell my opponents when i pull them up close to me and i say in very quiet terms, i always tell them, anything you want to say about me is fine but leave my family out of it and we will do just fine.
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that's not my style. i know niknikki, and i know president trump. that's not my style, i wouldn't do it. >> he's deployed overseas, he's serving his country, trump reported talked about fallen soldiers as suckers and losers and so on. congressman, is this something you would like to see trump stop talking about? does he need to knock it off when it comes to this sort of thing? >> i wish we'd start talking about the issues, things like the border, the price of gasoline, american troops. >> looks like we lost the congressman there. we're going to try to reconnect. stand by. we will try to reconnected with the congressman. in the meantime we will be talking about this. russian president vladamir putin, granting a rare interview
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with western media, in a sit-down interview with tucker carlson, formerly with fox. let's take a quick break to see if we can establish things with the congressman. stay with us.
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this week we also had another massive victory that every conservative should celebrate. we crushed crooked joe biden's disasters open borders bill. mike johnson did a very good job and the whole group did a great job in congress. we crushed it. we saved america from yet another horrific biden betrayal. >> we reestablished the connection, congressman. you just heard trump really
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bragging about tanking this border compromise bill. are you okay with waiting another year at a minimum for a new border security bill to make its way through the congress? >> no. i think the reality is the democrats or the republicans really weren't pushing for a terrible border passage, it was your national chambers of commerce, not our local ones but national have continuously blocked any meaningful border, immigration control, because honestly they want free labor or cheap labor. they want somebody on your roof that falls off that won't have any local representation, won't have any way to get back at the businesses or what have you because they're afraid they'll get deported. i've seen this time and time again. i'll trash the democrats and they will trash me and we'll too this and we'll do that.
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the reality is the big chambers, they don't want this thing to be fixed because if it does they lose their cheap labor stream. it's a shame on us. we have 100,000 children lost in the system. this bill had a price tag of $118 billion. the one coming out of the sensenate didn't pass the senate, $16 billion was ukrainian aid, for me was a non-starter. the 5,000 folks over the border before it triggered or shutting the border down or contacts, as they say was a no win. trump came out and jumped on it. our speaker, mike johnson, came into town this weekend, yesterday for me, we had a record-breaking attendance at my fund-raiser. came out weeks ago and probably already -- >> if the bill that comes out of
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the senate was going to do more, it was going to do a lot more than what's being done at the border right now would have given the president sweeping new powers when it comes to removing migrants who come into the country unlawfully. it would have obviously boosted security measures down at the border and so on. wouldn't you want to take that now rather than wait and hope perhaps something will be worked out in a year or so from now if it's been described by you and your colleagues as a crisis. if we heard all this talk about fentanyl coming across the border and so on, don't you want to get a handle on that now rather than wait? . >> of course we do. this wasn't putting a handle on it. 5,000 people -- 4,999 a day could come across the border before any triggers were in place and they could shut the border down and if they could
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shut the border down, they would already do it. i suggest to you the powers does not want to shut the border down, they want this. we have a group of business people wanting to keep it open for cheap and free labor. the other side, in my opinion, i believe the mail-in ballot situation has to be addressed, no id. >> you're blaming it on the chamber of commerce. >> national. >> you're blaming chamber of commerce folks, this was coming out of the senate. it had the chance of passing the senate, obviously didn't get out of the senate after donald trump weighed in. if had that not occurred it's possible it could have come to the house after that. isn't trump ready to blame? he has brag blame me and his responsibility why this didn't pass, why it died. >> pass the house. mike johnson said it was dead on arrival.
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he didn't have to take it up, sort of like hr2 we passed months ago you well know is sitting in the senate waiting for the democrat leadership to bring it up, been there for months we felt would have solved the border crisis. it's both sides. in this bill they didn't do it with everybody's input. it was a closed door meeting, you had lobbyists, a few key senators. to me, that's no way to pass legislation. i like to get everybody at the table and that's the way you pass meaningful legislation. the days of cramming stuff down people's throats are over an that's exactly what this was an attempt to do. >> there was a vote on impeaching the homeland security secretary, alejandra mayorkas did not make it out of the house by a small number of votes. i'm curious what you thought about house speaker mike johnson's performance on that? there was some criticism by your
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party and other corners he was not doing an effective job of counting the votes. what do you think how he handle that? >> he had an historic one person lead. when our former leader decided to leave early it left us in a lurch. you have a one year wait period to become a lobbyist and want to get out as quick as they can. speaker johnson, we had the votes, one democrat showed up in a wheelchair unexpectedly and we had one person decided maybe this wasn't such a good idea. i think we will bring it back next week. steve scalise will be back heroically from cancer treatment. you've already seen one of the three decided to vote for it announced today they were not coming back. you had one split their vote for a procedural position just so they could bring it back up next week.
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in this situation somebody can get one phone call from one big hitter back home and then they flip their vote. that's the way it is, human nature. >> if you're trying to impeach pao the homeland security secretary for not controlling the border effectively and you had a chance to pass this border compromise bill that would have enhanced security at the border, aren't those two things in contradictions with one another? >> i don't think so. the reason my orca, the reason i said to kick him out, nobody in this country with a straight face can say the border is secure. that's ridiculous. >> you're going to impeach him for just saying that? that's why you're going to impeach him? >> he lied under oath. that's what they kicked nixon out for, not because of a crime, for lying under oath. >> nixon resigned before he was impeached.
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but for the homeland security secretary to be impeached, in your mind, for not effectively securing the border you and your colleagues in the house had an opportunity passed something that would have enhanced security at the border? >> i don't believe that. $60 billion of it was for ukrainian aid. you keep calling it a border bill. the ngo has over $1.4 billion, the first 930 million of it there was no conditions. these are these groups getting fat off this immigration thing. that's what i keep telling you, there's so many people with their fingers in the pie nothing to do with what's going on at the border making people wealthy, just like our wars seem to be, industrial war complex keeps getting wealthier and wealthier and just like our border situation you have charities. >> will you allow vladamir putin
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take ukraine? is that what will happen? >> if we had a strong leader in the white house we wouldn't have been funding both sides of that war through the oil contracts which we don't have right now, which we've seen with iran. we relinquished the restraints on their oil. everybody concentrates on the $6 billion of their money, whatever, i don't care about that. i care about it but the oil money we relinquished put billions of dollars in that. every single war -- >> all due respect, that's a bit of a side issue. it's a very simple question. are you okay with vladamir putin taking control of ukraine? >> of course, not, he's a worthless thug. >> the ukrainians need our help, you don't want to give it to them? >> you think we ought to run on
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tiananmen square? all this is doing is leading to more war, more missile contracts, more people on both sides getting fat off these things. i think we ought to secure our own border before we secure somebody else's border. we told trump he couldn't have 4 billion to secure the border. >> you had an opportunity to get money to put more security enhancements town at the border and you said no because trump told you not to. >> because it didn't do anything to secure the border. it just got people fat and sent 60 billion to you ukraine. >> in an election year is there a better chance it could get passed? is it really because donald trump told you and your colleagues not to pass this bill, that it died, the speaker said it would be dead on arrival and didn't get out of the senate. that's the truth, isn't it? >> no.
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if you go on my twitter account, weeks ago i said it was dead. if you're letting 5,000 over the border you're just legalizing something illegal. now, the first 5,000 or first 4,999 are legal, and then -- >> i understand there are people coming across the border. senator langford from oklahoma is no shrinking violet when it comes to being a conservative, a very conservative senator from the state of oklahoma. he said he was threatened and had a conservative commentator tell him, if this passes, you're done. this is hardball coming out of trump world that killed this, isn't it? i don't understand why it's impossible to say this happened. >> i hadn't heard trump's opinion before i came out against it. i realize this seems to be the hot button. in the halls of congress we had
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been talking about it a couple weeks ahead of time. everybody i talked to pretty much against it. you will find a few might be for it but when they see the details, there's $118 billion we don't have and 60 billion going to ukraine, a non-starter and money to gaza we've been told won't -- in some cases gets to hamas. the bill had a lot of holes in it. senator lankford is a good man. i talked to him before our bipartisan prayer breakfast. i think he made some wrong decisions and allowed the foxes in the henhouse on this one. >> congressman, we'll see what happens with the next piece of legislation. thanks for your time. >> always a pleasure, tim, go vols. coming up we will hear from a long-time critic of vladamir
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putin, tucker carlson, if you want to call it that.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution.
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in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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former fox news host tucker carlson spent more than two hours interviewing, if you want to call it that, russian president vladamir putin, the first interview putin gave to a western media personality since the invasion two years ago. many have asked to interview putin and it may now be clear why they chose carlson after two hours of lies, propaganda and even attempt to undermine americans faith in democracy. >> twice you described u.s. presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. it sounds like you're describing a system not run by the people who are elected, you're telling? >> translator: that's right.
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that's right. >> let's discuss with legendary chess grandmaster and critic, gary, also the chairman of the human rights foundation. obviously, we could have played other clips. why give it more oxygen. what did putin get out of this, do you think? >> he looked much less than expected. he's the old dictator who sees the world through this convex of mirrors and wants everybody to believe. you made a correct statement saying it was not an interview. the real american journalist is behind bars. by the way, putin even mentioned him as a hostage to be exchanged for a russian killer now in german prison for committing a murder of putin's political opponent in berlin. >> gary, you're more of an expert on this than i am
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obviously. from what i can hear what tucker carlson did with vladamir putin, not really an interview, it sounded like something right out of russian state television. he could have easily been sitting down with a propagandist from state tv and been almost the same kind of exchange. >> yes. bust definitely putin and his propaganda campaign wanted an american, a chance to distribute his lies to the americans listening to tucker carlson and the like. he repeated the same lies but tucker added his credibility with millions and millions of americans and now we can see that some of the prominent magna members in the senate. putin offered peace and putin offered nothing but partitioning
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ukraine. also those with the minds or slav visually following rush could hear otherwise. and about $60 billion to be sent to ukraine. i suggest to the congressman would read the documents he votes for and find out easily out of $61 billion $35 billion stays in america, paying for american factories and manufacturing and one of our ammunition plants is in tennessee. >> very good point. you mentioned gursovich did come up during the interview and putin suggested perhaps an exchange could be made for essentially a russian assassin. what can you tell us about that? what do you make of vladamir putin? he's essentially saying, yes,
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we're holding him hostage to barter. >> big deal. putin is quid pro quo. that's why his comments about u.s. presidents not being all powerful, another reflection of putin believes the president, to be a leader, the czar, the king, whoever is on top must give orders and everybody have nothing else to do but to obey. the entire idea of checks and balances and of agencies sometimes criticizing the president, making suggestions, it's alien to putin's mind. >> i did want to ask you about something trump said earlier today on the campaign trail at a rally in south carolina. let's play it and talk about it on the other side. >> one of the presidents of a big country stood up, said, well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said, you didn't pay?
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you're delinquent? he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you, in fact i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you have to pay. >> you have the former president of the united states saying he would encourage russia to do whatever the hell they want. who knows if that scenario he laid out happened or is true. what do you think of trump openly saying russia can go ahead and invade nato allies, nato countries? >> i think we should believe him. i always say we have to listen to dictators or would be dictators and trust them. trump doesn't want to hide his challenge to the democrats in the united states and looking for friends that think alike. vladamir putin is the first who comes into mind. with all the putins lies i'm
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sure are perpetuated by trump and others we have to fight back and why today i issued a challenge on twitter to debate tucker carlson. l et him talk to somebody who knows, who was said by vladamir putin and again, as the story with this $60 billion allegedly going to ukraine, so many lies and millions and millions and we have to keep fighting back the simple lies and allowing them to dominate 30, 40% of american public space it's a great disservice to american democracy. >> let us know if tucker takes you up on that. something tells me you may be waiting a while. >> he may not be up to the challenge. he'd rather sit against someone who is taking him at a face value. >> ukker, if you ever saw his
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show, tucker, he wasn't exactly on a level playing field. we're shaping up to a likely rematch of trump and biden getting to the white house and you've long warned about russia meddling. are you concerned about what might happen in the united states and the prospect of trump winning again, getting back in there. >> i think we understand democrats have to find someone more stable and stronger than president biden to fight trump. democracy is at stake. i don't think biden is up to the challenge. whoever is nominated by democrats, we should have no doubts that vladamir putin and his allies are in russia and outside russia, will do everything in their power to help trump get back to the oval office. putin keeps saying that. he was happy to have trump there.
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they celebrated openly. you could see their faces in 2020 when trump lost elections. now, they're all afraid for trump to come back. that's putin's only chance to win the war, minor gains in ukraine, couldn't understand, he cannot win this war unless america walks away and trump is his best hope. that why, get ready for a storm. >> garry kasparov, thanks for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> ahead in the cnn "newsroom," we will talk to patty davis, the daughter of ronald and nancy reagan detailing the book and time she spent with them and how she feels her father would feel about the republican party. there she is. we'll talk to her in a few minutes.
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donald trump is once again taking credit for killing a bipartisan bill that would have significantly tightened security at the border in mexico, something republicans have been asking for. at a rally today. >> this week we also had another massive victory every conservative should celebrate. we crushed crooked joe biden's dice tremendous open borders bill. mike johnson did a very good job. we saved america from yet another horrific biden betrayal. >> patti davis is with us, author of a new book, "dear mom and dad," a memory of a family we once knew. thanks for being on with us this evening. it's an honor to have you on. i'm old enough to remember
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ronald reagan's presidency and how the republican party was different back then. feel free to chime in and tell me if i'm getting it incorrect in any way. your father was more moderate on the issue of immigration. i remember when he did a speech an talked about the statute of liberty and how immigration strengthens america. much more moderate than a lot of issues at the same time more hawkish on russia than what you're seeing from the modern day republican party. do you have any insights on that? >> i'd like to answer the question from a bigger view than the current political scene. i'm not a political strategist and quite frankly i'm so tired of hearing about the grand political scene. i think when i just said that,
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thousands of people are going, yeah. . >> that's true. >> you know, but so in a larger sense i think that he would be heart-broken and horrified about where america is and how mired we are in anger, in violence, in disrespect for one another. i think he would be heartbroken. i think he would be scared. i think he would see that, maybe i'm just imposing my opinion onto him. he's not here and if he were he'd be 113 years old. my opinion is -- i do think he would share it, one of the things that's missing right now is a faith in our country that we can pull ourselves out of this, that we can function from our better an twelves. i didn't grow up in calm times.
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there was a civil rights movement, women's movement, anti-war movement when i was in high school. it's not like everything was calm and wonderful. what there also was were people, particularly the civil rights movement, people like martin luther king, john lewis, who had a faith we could do better as americans. i don't see that now. i think collectively something is broken in us. i think it's because we're scared. there is fear everywhere you look. that's my opinion. sn 0 patti, you're absolutely right. your father, he was so well-known for describing the united states as that shining city on the hill. he sort of embodied this sunny optimism and why americans loved him and why he won the biggest margin in american history in 1984.
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what has happened? how did we get away from that? any insights? >> i think fear is a big thing. i read a quote a long time ago attributed to the romanian dictator empowered for like 24 years or something. i haven't been able to totally confirm he said this, anyway, the quote is you can do whatever you want if you keep the people frightened enough. i think we're kind of seeing that, you know. we're scared to send our kids to school, right, is that school going to be the next school shooting. there's no such thing anymore as can't happen here. we're scared to go into stores and churches. fear morphs into anger. we don't want to be scared. we don't mind so much being anger, it feels kind of good, there's an adrenaline rush to it. there are people on the public stage and political front who
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understand that synergy between fear and anger and masterful at exploiting it. >> right. i don't want to get too political with you if you don't want to. do you think your father would even be accepted in the republican party of today? would he feel lonely or on the margins of it? >> i don't think he would. i don't think that he would -- i don't know, i don't see how he would want to be in it. it's so diametrically opposed to what he believed and the dignity he felt people in government should have. i don't remember the senator's name, but remember months ago that senator was going to snackdown with somebody testifying and bernie sanders stopped him, remember that? he was taking off his wedding ring and rolling up his sleeves and they were going to get in a
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fight in the senate chambers. he used to be an mma fighter. >> i believe that was mark mull land, the senator from oklahoma. hang on a second, we're senators here. i remember that, yeah. >> it's not funny. this is the senate chamber. my father would be appalled at this. this is not a bar, chambers. right? >> let me ask you this because you wrote this -- go ahead, sorry. >> go on. >> you wrote this beautiful back about your family and your parents. i'm sure there are many younger viewers who have seen footage of ronald and nancy ray fwan and that may -- reagan, and that may be all they have. there were challenges during that time. i don't want to paint it with
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too broad a brush or rose-colored glasses but there were critics as well. what was it like growing up with the reagans? what was that like? >> what i wanted to do in this book is take a wider look at my family and looking through a clearer lens. i've done a lot of work on the challenges that our family faced, the fractures. i'm certainly not the only person from a fractured family. even someone who is younger who doesn't remember really my father's administration that well, has their own family, is going through their own things. i think i learned some things valuable to other people, you know, the idea, which i certainly adescribed to when i was younger, i have to tell my own truth. your own truth is not the whole truth. other people have their truths, too, and they're part of the story, too.
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i was able finally to look at what my parents brought to the task of parenting and what their childhoods were like. my father was the child of an alcoholic. the truth is if you want to understand ronald reagan, i think you need to understand everything about him bounced off the fact he was a child of an alcoholic. everything, his optimism, everything. >> you wrote about your difficult relationship with your parents. people who were -- >> right. >> -- reading the newspaper back then and magazines and so on remember you did speak up about this from time to time. >> i did. you know, i regret the things beside i have to tell my own truth thing, i regret things i said. there were times i was writing this book i thought maybe it's good all that messiness was out there because if i never -- if it was never out there and then i wrote this book, people would
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be going, this is nice but where did it start from? what was the process here. i did put a lot of messiness out there. but like i said, this journey, i think, is applicable to other people, too, with their families. even wider than your family. if you can look at your family through a wider lens you can take that to other people, too, and consider what they're going through. >> absolutely. patti davis, it looks like a remarkable book. it's such an honor to have you on the program. when i heard you were coming on i was lighting up. i've spoken with your brother before, any time we can speak with a member of the reagan family it's a terrific thing. thank you for your time, patti. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre--
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i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. even if you don't know the name michael oher, you may know the blindside, you know how he was rescued from poverty from a white family who helped him rise to his potential. a flash documentary, examines the story behind the hollywood take on him and his family, a courtroom drama, as he alleged the family never adopted him, only filed a conservatorship and profited by lying about his work which they denied. joining now is espn senior
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writer, michael fletcher, the first to break this bombshell story. it is an amazing story when you hear about it to this date. how do you sort through this and who do you believe? >> it is hard to know. there are elements of truth on both sides. the court process is playing out . they are in discovery and tried to total up who earned what amount of money. secondly, trying to figure to what degree did the family to fit from his name, image, and likeness. he was not adopted as the tuohy told him. it was a conservatorship, a legal agreement that allowed the tuohy family to have financial control over his affairs and it remains to be seen who is telling the truth. but the adoption was not an
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adoption. >> that is fascinating. he alleges that the tuohy family betrayed him , lied to him. what do you think he wants ultimately? >> so many layers to this, the legal documents, he talks about financial compensation. in talking to his lawyers, it is so much deeper. michael oher came across the tuohy family , when he was still a high school student. he had endured homelessness, seat help -- sought help through various families, when he met that tuohy family , he thought that was his family, they called him son and said he was adopted. through this legal process, he is trying to come to terms with the reality that that wasn't true. he does acknowledge that tuohy family help them but the idea
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was -- he was a part of the family was not true, even though he is a 37-year-old man today, i think he wants closure around that and financial compensation. >> it is a fascinating story. michael fletcher, thank you for bringing this story to us and tune in to the cnn flash documentary premiering tonight at 8:00 p.m. on cnn. watching also on max. be right back.
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