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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 12, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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donald trump's near-invitation for russia to invade nato countries. right now donald trump is back in court, this time in florida. the closed-door hearing is classified documents case is underway at this hour. we'll get you some details. and a shocking report reveals just how many species are near extinction. kate is out. i'm john berman with sara sidner. this is "cnn news central." ♪ president biden has an important meeting at the white house with jordan's king abdullah. the meeting comes as israel defense forces say they have carried out a series of strikes in southern gaza in the city of rafah. now, as part of those strikes, israel says it has rescued two hostages, who are now safely back in israel.
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palestinian medical officials controlled by hamas say more than 100 palestinians have been killed in that operation. this strike, though, was raise questions about what will happen in the future in and around rafah, which is a city where israel has told palestinians, hundreds of thousands, to flee to. will israel continue, even intensify, operations around there? president biden, of course, has been speaking with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he has warned israel about launching a ground assault without a credible and executable plan to ensure civilian safety. cnn's arlette saenz is at the white house with the latest. what are the expectations for today's meeting, arlette? >> reporter: well, john, president biden will host king abdullah of jordan here at the white house for a meeting, and the two men will deliver remarks a little bit later this afternoon. it is the first time president biden is welcoming a leader from the middle east here to the
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white house since the october 7th attack. the white house saying that the two men will discussion the situation in gaza, as well as efforts to try to, quote, produce an enduring end to the crisis. jordan's king abdullah has repeatedly called for an immediate ceasefire, which is something that so far the u.s. has resisted. this meeting is coming at a critical junction chur on several fronts. first the hostage negotiations. president biden spent about 45 minutes on the phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the majority of that conversation focused on trying to secure the release of more than 100 hostages still being held by hamas. it comes as a senior administration official says there are still significant gaps in the talks that are underway, but they believe progress has been made. that is part of the reason why president biden is deploying cia chief bill burns tomorrow. now, it comes, as you've noted, overnight israel conducted that operation, which resulted in the
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operation, which rescued two israelis who are being held hostage in rafah. rafah is something that the white house is watching with a lot of concern, as israel is preparing to launch its ground offensive in that city. the u.s. has said that they could not support a military operation there at that time unless there is a significant amount of planning, given the fact that there are more than a million people in that southern city in gaza, many who were displaced to that area earlier in the war. president biden brought up these concerns directly with netanyahu in their phone call yesterday. the white house saying that the president in that call, quote, reaffirmed his view that a military operation in rafah should not proceed without a credible and executable plan for ensuring the safety of and supporting the more than 1 million people sheltering there. the white house, the u.s. officials, will be closely watching to see how israel conducts this campaign. but it does come at a time when we've started to see these
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public rifts really spill out a little bit more pronounced. just last week president biden saying he believed israel's response in gaza has been, quote, over the top. >> all right. arlette arlette saenz for us at the white house. that meeting much later today. we do anticipate hearing from president biden well before that. we are waiting to see how he responds to donald trump's comments about nato. arlette, thank you for that. let's bring in chief international correspondent christian amanpour. our reporting from yesterday was about two-thirds of biden's phone call with benjamin netanyahu was about the hostage releases. and we have seen those releases happen. they were very emotional. do you think the operation will help, sort of, reinforce israel's current strategy, which is all-out war. or is there a chance -- this is another chance for the united states to push for the targeted special operations, like the one we just saw that ended in the release of two hostages and the rescue of two hostages. >> well, you're hearing, sara, prideesident biden and the bide
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administration and most of their allies now increasingly call for restraint and not to go over the top, as you heard biden himself has said, and for credible programs, or rather, you know, methods to protect civilians. the palestinian authorities say that some 100 or so civilians, people, were killed during the air part of the rescue of these two israeli hostages. now, obviously the release is incredibly good news for israel and for the families. they have, since october 7th, put the release of their hostages, you know, front and center, even over and above the, you know, defeat of hamas. they want the hostages released first and first and foremost, even those who support the war against hamas. so, this is a very, very important issue. equally important is the idea of the day after, which is what biden presumably is going to be talking to king abdullah of jordan today. and jordan and egypt are very
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concerned that any further israeli operation, particularly this close to the egyptian border, rafah, is going to cause potentially an exodus. egypt is now bolstered its military defenses near the rafah border. and they do not want any excuse for any forcible expulsion of palestinians either into egypt or the other side into jordan. and that puts into question, they say, these countries, their peace agreements with israel. and this is becoming very, very fundamentally important. at the same time, other arab allies, who have made normalization deals with israel, for instance the uae, this morning have told cnn that the only way to end this and the only way to have successful negotiations is for irreversible progress to that two-state solution. >> all right. and i know you mentioned just now one of the truly horrific parts of this war is the killing on both sides, whether it be in israel or in gaza. but so far in gaza, there are so many children who have been killed. the latest has gotten the entire
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world's attention. a little girl, who was stuck in a car with israeli strikes happening all around her, begging for someone to rescue her for several days. she made this phone call from the car, which was later found battled and riddled with bullets. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> by herself and terrified. how much do stories like these really start fuelling more international response and sentiment towards israel and to isolate israel even more. you talked about the arab nations around, surrounding gaza and surrounding israel. what does this do internationally? >> well, not just internationally, but in the united states as well. you have seen the popular discontent in united states with the level of killing and death in gaza. and if you remember, if you go all the way back to october 7th,
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the weight of international sympathy was with israel after the awful slaughter of what we understand to be 1,200 israeli civilians. and there were soldiers as well. but also the kidnap of more than 200. and this really was very important for the world to understand what happened inside israel. but the minute -- the minute -- it started to show up in terms of exponentially greater deaths inside gaza, that has caused a shifting of public opinion around the world against the israeli operation, against the israeli counteroffensive. right up and to, you know, most of the world leaders, including president biden, who's saying over and again to take care of civilians. now, israel says that it does what it can to minimize civilian casualties. the number of deaths in gaza, according to the palestinian health authorities, is approaching approximately 28,000. now, think about that.
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28,000 dead, including thousands of children. analysts say it is the swiftest and most deadly military operation in modern history in terms of that number of casualties. so, it is an incredibly, you know, very, very, very, very difficult for the palestinian people but also for the rest of the world on how they try to navigate this war because many people and eyes also want to see the inability of hamas to threaten israel in the way that it did on october 7th. so, this is very, very, very difficult. but the humanitarian fallout is what's causing the most anxiety, heartbreak, political backlash, in the rest of the world right now. >> i just quickly have to ask you about these comments from donald trump, basically inviting russia to attack in any which way they please because of money, basically, when he talks about nato and their alliance. i mean, what is this doing to
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the european union and all of those that are in the potential fire, line of fire? >> honestly, sara, people are aghast. i mean, they view that kind of invitation, encouragement, from the front runner of the united states for the republican nomination to be, you know, literally insane. i mean, for the president, presidential candidate, of the united states to say that kind of thing publicly while president putin is having an interview in order to put down his lines of negotiation, which essentially are negotiation on his terms only over ukraine. for the leading republican candidate, who people must take at his word, nobody's trying to guess what he's saying. they're taking him at his word. it's caused a huge amount of anxiety, as you can imagine. usually quite careful and diplomatic secretary general of nato, jens stoltenberg, came out
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immediately and dismissed this comment and said, you know, they expect any u.s. president, no matter what party or who that would be, to abide by the rules of nato and the article v. so, the idea he used the word, encouraged russia to do what the hell it wants in europe, is terrifying for europeans and the rest of the world, especially in the defense of democracy and the international world order, which the u.s. has, you know, since world war ii led. >> yeah, i mean hearing those words were stark to a lot of people's ears. and you heard the response there. chris khan amanpour, thank you so much for coming on the program. happening now, the aforementioned donald trump and his lawyers are in federal court in florida for a closed door hearing for a hearing related to his alleged classified documents
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in mar-a-lago. we saw the motorcade arrive, evan, with donald trump. what is happening right now? >> reporter: well, he's behind closed doors right now, john. he's with his lawyers in the presence of the judge. and what they're doing is going over documents that the special counsel, jack smith, says could be used at trial, another trial -- especially is supposed to happen, right now is scheduled for may. that date, of course, is up in the air like so many things related to the former president. but right now they're arguing over the documents and their access to those documents. in some cases, the special counsel, the government, says that the documents are so sensitive -- these are classified documents at the highest levels. these are things that were found at mar-a-lago. and as a result of that, they're limiting access to some of those documents to only summaries of those documents. of course, the former president and his legal team say they should have a right to see every single document that could be
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used at trial. so, the judge is going through that right now. now, later on today after the former president and his legal team have their turn, we know that the special counsel, the government, will get their chance to talk to the judge, again, to make their case about the restrictions on some of those classified documents. of course, a lot of what's happening here, john, is about that trial date. right now it's in may. the former president and his legal team are doing everything they can to make sure this trial does not happen until after the election. john? >> all right. evan perez, keep us posted. if you hear anything new. thank you so much for being there. sara? >> and that's of course not the only case happening in donald trump's world today. the deadline for his legal team to ask the supreme court to block a federal appeals court ruling that she's not immune from criminal prosecution in the january 6th case. cnn's paula reid is with us now. paula, i'm assuming they're going to file an appeal because they said they would. what happens now? how long do they have? where are we?
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>> reporter: that's right. today is the deadline for them to ask the supreme court to intervene in this case. and we do expect that they will make that filing at some point today. and here they're asking the justices to intervene on this question of whether presidential immunity should shield trump from the federal election subversion case brought by special counsel jack smith. trump has lost on this issue at the trial court level. and then last week, the d.c. circuit court of appeals also handed down a pretty robust opinion rejecting this argument. so, today he is expected to go to the supreme court. and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out, sara. if you talk to legal experts, even sources in and around the trump legal team, they say that, look, this issue, this argument, this is not one of trump's stronger arguments. it's unclear if the justices ultimately want to take this case up. and even if they did, if trump would win. there's a lot of skepticism, again, even within trump world that he would ultimately prevail.
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this is just as much about the constitutional questions. it is about timing because we know they are trying pretty much everything they can to delay this federal election subversion case until after the 2024 election. now, if trump is re-elected, he could make that case and the one evan was just talking about, the mar-a-lago documents case, go away. what we're looking at right now, not just what the supreme court does, but how long it takes them to do it. the longer it takes, the less likely it is that this case can go to trial. because we really need all the appeals on this issue to be resolved before that case can begin. >> and we will be watching. i know you will be giving us every detail. paula reid, thank you so much. defense secretary lloyd austin rushed back to the hospital. what doctors were saying this morning about the new medical issue. and a special election tomorrow in new york to replace ousted former congressman george santos, what it could tell us about the 2024 general election. and the country music star everyone is talking about from
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last night's super bowl is not rebah mcintire. the special election to replace george santos, live tomorrow at 8:00 eastern.
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defense secretary lloyd austin is back in the critical care unit at walter reed medical center this morning. the pentagon says he's being treated for what they're calling an emergent bladder issue. austin was also hospitalized, as you'll remember, back on new year's day, after suffering complications following prostate cancer treatment. >> with us now, dr. jonathan reiner. dr. reiner, great to see you. what does it tell you that defense secretary austin is now
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back at walter reed? >> well, it tells us that he continues to suffer a series of complications after his original prost tektmy in december. the way the announcement was released, describing a so-called, you know, bladder emergency, really suggests basically one of two things. either he has a bladder obstruction, or he has a severe bladder infection or possibly both. so, remember that the bladder collects the urine after it's produced in the kidneys. it travels through the ureters. then it's collected in this essential bag before it is voided. if there is an obstruction between the bladder and the urethra or even if there is an obstruction in the urethra, then it will be impossible to void, and that can be extremely
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painful. the other possibility is that his bladder is infected and general urinary infection can lead to systemic sepsis and difficulties with blood pressure and overall sepsis. we know that he's been admitted to an icu, so we know that they consider his situation quite serious at this time. >> i wanted to ask you if both of them have to do with each other. they're saying at walter reed that his cancer prognosis is excellent. but he does have this issue with his bladder and everything is connected. now do you see whether or not they're related and what it tells you about his cancer prognosis as well? >> so, there's two different things. his cancer surgery was described as being very successful, which means all of the identifiable tumor was removed. it doesn't sound like there was
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any evidence of a disease outside the prostate. but what he's suffering now are consequences of the surgery itself. we don't really have a lot of detail from his original hospitalization or any detail of the long, almost two-week hospitalization, at walter reed at the beginning of january. so, it's not really possible to know exactly what complications might have ensued. but his current situation is almost certainly related to his original procedure. or maybe even the procedure that he had to correct the complication during his january hospitalization. i really feel for the secretary. these are, you know, difficult times. it sounds like his physicians are very optimistic about his overall prognosis, which is most
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important, you know, long-term information we have. but for now, he's sick. we do know that he transferred authority to his deputy when he was admitted to the hospital yesterday. and that seems like the right thing to do. it's hard to imagine, you know, being in the chain of command for the united states military and being a patient in an intensive care unit. so, i think that was the right decision to make. >> dr. jonathan reiner, as always, thank you for explaining things so well. we really appreciate your time. >> we feel smarter when we hear from him. coming up, a special election in new york to filiformer congressman george santos' seat could provide a big hint on how suburban voters are feeling. also a landmark u.n. agency report says the earth has been altered so much that some animals, many animals, facing extinction. who's to blame? our bill weir coming up. >> he's not to blame. >> some people argue differently.
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it is election eve, special election eve, in fact, in the race to fill the seat of ousted former congressman george santos. so, where do things stand right now, and what will this race tell us about november? cnn's senior data reporter harry enten is here with us. we love special elections. >> yes, we do. >> you do a great job of looking at special elections, explaining why they are so important. where do things stand right now? >> i especially love anything that's going on in the state of new york. new york's third district, out on long island, little bit of queens, nassau county.
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tom suozzi, the democrat, 48%. republican at 44%. this yellow bar, very important. no clear leader. this race is within the margin of error. and i've gone back through history, john. and i know when you're looking at a polling average, the polling average, if you were essentially creating a margin of error or an interval, would be something along the lines of plus or minus 10 points. >> wow. >> so, the fact is that we have only a 4-point race here, and you're dealing historically with a 10-point plus or minus margin of error. this race is very close to call, even with just a day to go until election day. >> because it's a congressional election, special election, people may not be paying that much attention. that's a huge margin of error there. talk to us about the history in this district. >> you know, a lot of people will remember, perhaps if you're a real politico, that joe biden won this district by 8 points back in 2020. but 2022 it was a totally different ball game.
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republicans did very well in this district. lee zeldin won by 12 points, george santos won by 8 points, and even joe pinion, who lost by double digits state-wide won this district by 4 percentage points. in the off year elections, the local elections, the republicans did very well here. this is an ultimate swing district, john. you were mentioning, why is this district important? it's one that swings back between democrats in 2020, then republicans in 2022. this is a district, this is probably the last best, sort of, idea of where the electorate is in this point. because if donald trump wants to win come november, he's going to probably have to win in districts like this. >> just to be clear -- we should have said this before -- every seat matters in the house right now. it's the difference between, like, a two-vote margin for republicans and a three-vote margin. we saw with the impeachment vote of alejandro mayorkas how every vote counts. >> that's exactly right. this is not just important for
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november. >> there is something else at play for tomorrow, and this is potentially very important. we're getting a lot of weather. >> yeah, we're getting a lot of weather. back in the day, before i did politics, i went to weather camp. and i have been very involved in the weather models looking at this data. this is the new york preelection day forecast. chance of rain and heavy snow. look at this. 100% chance. there's currently a winter storm watch out for long island, for new york third district, for five to 8 inches of snow. and i will note that democrats do seemed to have turned out early. they've made up a fairly large percentage of the early vote out there. so, republicans are probably going to have to make that up on election day. this is just another one of those x factors. we're already looking at low turnout. it may be even lower given there could be a winter storm on the way. as we say, john, special election, special things happen, especially in february, at least when you're in the northeast. >> special indeed. our special weather camp veteran, harry enten, thank you so much for that. >> thank you. with us now, spectrum news
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new york state political director bob hart. great to see you. thank you so much for being here. just tell me about new york. i'm old enough to remember when that part of long island was a republican stronghold. >> it's a plurality for democrats now and an equal mix of republicans and independents. harry really broke down the district very, very well. it went for joe biden in 2020. there was redistricting after that. and it's now trending more republican. so, that's where we are. and harry's other point about the weather, mayor adams in new york city just declared city schools closed for tomorrow. i'm sure that will also happen in nassau county. that's a whole other mix, ingredient in the mix that we weren't counting on before. >> who do you think that might favor? harry's been -- we've been talking for the last year about special elections. intensity has been on the democrats side in special elections. and in a low turnout election, that might favor democrats, but is it going to be different here? >> donald trump, as we all know
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has been putting down early voting and absentee voting for a while now. not surprisingly, those numbers are trending democratic. you saw more democrats voting early. you're seeing more democratic ballots come in early. that's a problem if there's snow tomorrow. i would say the snow would favor the democrats if the snow keeps people home. >> everyone wants to see if this is some sign of what might happen in 2024. do you see this as a bellwether? >> it's a partial bellwether. we forget -- i mean, former house speaker tip o'neill said all politics is local. these are flesh and blood candidates. tom suozzi represents this district in congressman. mazzi is a newcomer. are people excited about somebody new or do they want to go someone trusted and tried. that's where the dynamics of the race. we can get excited about the winner. at the end, it's not donald trump will win because mazzi pope won. i caution everyone not to read too much into the race. >> swazi was--
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>> he also lost re-election as county executive. so it's a purple district now. it used to be blue. it's trending republican. tom suozzi is the candidate democrats wanted. >> i know you'll be watching it all day into the night. new york doesn't count very quickly. >> especially on long island. nassau, it could be a late night. >> you'll be up. so will we. thank you so much. really appreciate it. a star studded super bowl halftime show featured usher, usher, lil john, alicia keys, and a whole bunch more. we'll show it to you in just a bit. ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ next thing i know she was all up on me ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ now another brother's doing all right ♪ ♪ that's my baby ♪ ♪ you see no matter how i try ♪ so, there was a really good football game last night, like really good. i mean, incredibly good, historically good. and for the record, i would like to say that a lot of people watched the game. and for them, the game is the most important thing. but -- >> but some people. >> i know, some people like to talk about the ads and the halftime show. and i can report there were both last night, ads and a halftime show. usher, for instance, put on a show. >> listen. that was him and alicia keys. i was a little bit worried about swifties.
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i was wondered if there would be an entanglement. he brought up everybody from lil john, ludicrous, will i am, h.e.r. cnn correspondent elizabeth wagmeister is joining us. one of us is being grumpy because he stayed up late and watched the whole game. >> the game went into overtime. >> it did. i was there with you. elizabeth, what has been the reaction to this halftime show this morning. and the game, fine. >> first of all -- i was going to say, first of all, i am that person who tunes in for halftime and the commercials. >> see? >> and not the game. i'm sorry, john. but i loved usher's halftime performance. and people are loving it. this was one of those shows where you were reminded that he just has hit after hit after hit from a 30-year career. as you said, sara, he brought out so many stars. he brought out the dance moves.
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he took his shirt off, as we're seeing right there. everybody loved it. i will say there were rumors before the super bowl that justin beiber might come on stage and be a surprise performer. beiber was in the stands and he was at the game, but he didn't come out. some people a bit disappointed over that. but overall, rave reviews for usher. and he was really, really fantastic. the choreography, the hits, it was just great. >> i had no idea about justin beiber-gate. >> i didn't either. i loved the skates. the skating is what laid me out. he's doing it. >> there was a person on stilts, which automatically means it's a wild success. taylor swift, is she going to the kansas city victory parade on valentine's day, no less? >> so, this is what everybody is wondering. it is going to be the parade on wednesday. this is the latest chapter in the taylor swift travel saga, okay? so, she made it to the super bowl after her tour was in
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tokyo. we all know that she got on her private jet. she landed just in time to make it. her tour goes to australia. she'll be in melbourne on friday. so, now the swifties a wondering, can she make it in time? if she is in kansas city for the parade, it would take 20 hours, a bit over 20 hours, to make it to melbourne. so, she could be there, and she could make it to her tour. as we see there, taylor was having the time of her life at the super bowl. she didn't perform, which we knew wouldn't happen. but a lot of people were hoping. she really stole the show. she was there with blake lively, ice spice. she was chugging a drink in the stand. this was really the taylor show. afterwards they were celebrating at a night club in vegas and she was dancing to her own music. what else do you do if your taylor swift? >> i would like to make the argument that mahomes stole the show. there was a game, and he was incredible. i do want to ask you about somebody else who was in the
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stands. jay-z. i'm just kidding. sorry, jay-z. beyonce capitalizing on the big game, releasing two new songs during the game and teasing a new album. what do you know about it? >> yeah. so, beyonce also stole the show. she appeared in a super bowl ad for verizon. in there she teased she had new music. as you said, sara, she released two new songs, by the way, country songs. these are the first two songs to come from her upcoming album, which is going to be part two of "renaissance" which is coming out at the end of march. this just proves once again that beyonce can do it all. she's conquered it seems everything. and now she is conquering country music. so, that was one of the big headlines to come. again, john, i'm sorry. we're not talking about the game. we're talking about beyonce and taylor and usher. that's what i care about. >> i mean, it's literally your job, to be fair. >> i know, absolutely. >> but i would argue that mahomes was the star and then everybody else was second. >> yeah, i mean, beyonce did
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kind of catch the touchdown pass in overtime. thank you very much for playing. a new report reveals the impact of climate change on thousands of animals. whales, sharks, birds, elephants. some of the species that risk extinction.
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13 people were rushed to the hospital after a tour boat collided with another boat near port miami in florida. several ambulances and fire engineses were at the scene as passengers were brought to shore. they're conditions are not known this morning. authorities have added more than 150 law enforcement officers to the manhunt for a suspect accused of fatally shooting a tennessee deputy last week during a traffic stop. the reward for 42-year-old kenneth deheart's capture has
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been increased to $100,000. his brother is due in court today. he and the suspect's girlfriend have been charged with being accessories after the fact. sources now tell cnn that the woman who opened fire inside a houston megachurch used a ar 15 with the words "free palestine" written on it. two off duty officers shot and killed her. a man was injured in the shooting. so was a child who walked in with the shooter. it is not clear who fired the shot who hit the child. and so far police are not saying how the child is connected to the shooter. a new u.n. report reveals that nearly half of all mieg toir species are shrinking in population, with one in five at risk of total extinction. one of the biggest contributions to this decline is man made climate change. cnn's bill weir is joining us now. boy, that's depressing, bill. i mean, that is seriously disturbing. what are some of the species that are on this decline that we
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are seeing? >> well, it's everything from charismatic elephants and jaguars and -- to things you may not think about as charismatic, bats and certain song birds and insects as well. they looked at about 1,200 species around the world. 44% of them in decline. and threats are as a result of overexploitation. there is illegal hunting and fishing, poaching that happens on land and the sea, loss of habitat, human activity, of course cutting down forests to make way for developments or roads, pollution in the air and in the sea, and then of course climate change is the one that hangs over everything, just making some places unlivable for some species now. and if you look at the numbers, 44% of these 1,200 in decline and 22% on the brink of extinction. it really is sobering. i talk to biologists and ecologists all the time worried
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about their area of study, but when you see it written whole like this, it is really sobering. >> you think about these extinctions and what it would do to us. if each of these groups of animals are gone, what would that do to the world we're living in? we're already suffering from it too. it's not like humans are immune to climate change problems. >> we don't often think about the fact that every couple of bites of food on our plate is thanks to bats, who pollinate fruits and vegetables or migratory species of insects, butterflies. whales are the fertilizer pumps of the ocean. they provide so much sea life just by existing there as well. so, if these little pieces of our food chain suddenly check out or are blinked out of existence, the whole system breaks down. we've seen this years ago in china. they lost pollinating insects and had to pollinate apple trees with little paint brushes by hand. can you imagine the cost of trying to do that? so, our planetary roommates are worth a lot more to our
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economies than just cuddly creatures on nature films. >> i just want to say the pictures you and your producers pulled of the bats, they are so cute. i know someone's going to come at me. just looking at these animals, it's -- it really hurts to hear these numbers. is there any good news? you always find the good news. is there any good news in this report? >> we do. we just looked at the humpback whale comeback, one of the great success stories because humanity focused on that species, brought it back from the brink. there are agreements from all governments to set aside -- by 2030. if that can be implemented, that will do so much of the work for us, just protecting the high seas, where nobody owns it so nobody takes care of it. there's a high oceans treaty that needs to be ratified asap. it really is in the hands of humans to determine the fate, not just of ourselves, but life as we know it. and by saving bats, which you may not be fond of or whales that you never see, we're
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ultimately saving ourselves. >> and that, i will leave it there, because that is the point. we are saving ourselves. we can save the animals around us. bill weir, thank you so much. >> john? >> and thank you bat lover, sara sidner. literally insane. that is what christian ae amanpr is the response around the world to donald trump essentially inviting russia to innervate nato countries.
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