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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  February 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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harvest takes care food, so they can take care of you, get started today at daily >> i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn closed captioning bronchi. you by meso we've offered a free book about missile filial mopper over ten years called >> 1808724901 are going to msal book died calm. >> defense secretary lloyd austin will spend another night in critical care tonight after he was put under general anesthesia to treat a bladder issue. we are told he had to cancel a trip to brussels and past
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>> since deputies onto his deputy at the pentagon, of course, all of this comes after he was criticized and apologized after he failed to inform the white house and the president about his previous hospital stays. right now, we are told that his prognosis remains excellent, and obviously everyone here at cnn is wishing him a speedy recovery and that he's out of the hospital soon. we'll continue to keep you updated. thank you for joining us. cnn news night with abby phillip starts now >> it's the end of nato is we know it and donald trump feels fine. that's tonight on these nine good evening. >> i'm abby phillip in new york, peace through strength. it's a republican cliche but right now it's being rewritten in real time by donald trump >> if history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking
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about our adversaries is folly it means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom they asked me that question, one of the president's of a big country who stood up, said, well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said you didn't pay. you're delinquent he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to paying. you got to pay your bills if fewer than 40 years, republicans have gone from demanding the wall be torn down to inviting russia to >> cherry pick which american ally to invade. donald trump wants to treat the entire alliance like a protection racket. you pay, you get american muscle it would change the dna of that alliance and it is one that the united states itself built over decades. in 1949, in the aftermath of a catastrophic second world war, nato was formed to preserve global stability. it started as
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12 countries and now it's grown to 31. and in the '90s, some the alliance is more significant operations included bosnia, yugoslavia. but then came september 11, 3,000 americans murdered by terrorists. it's de, the world will never forget and nato won't ever forget september 12, nor should the united states. it is the only time in nato's history that the alliance invoked article five. article five, the bedrock of nato says that every country is duty bound to protect the other from attack. all for one one for all, it's supposed to work like good home security, someone breaks the window of your house and every cop comes to stop the burglars from robbing you. and the only country to ever break the glass for global emergencies that was the united states it put weight behind george w bush's words when he said this >> it may happen tomorrow it
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may happen a month from now. it may take a year or two but we will prevail. and what the american people need to know is what our allies know. i am determined to stay the course >> more than 850 non us nato members gave their last full measure of devotion in pursuit of that promise from an american president since trump made his comments on saturday night republicans have been performing a familiar song and dance >> the only president there's done more to bring the nato countries into compliance with their obligations to nato itself. then donald trump was vladimir you're i mean i just think we haven't, we have to get our act together and have honest discussion about it >> donald trump is not a member of the council of foreign relations. he doesn't talk like a traditional politician. and we've already been through this now you think people had figured it out by now?
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>> there is a minority of republicans, a very small increasingly small minority who say that the country really should take trump seriously and literally but the idea that he would side with a thug, the idea that trump is saying that not only is he not going to >> defend our allies who were with us after 911, by the way, but that he's also going to tell putin to go ahead and encourage him to invade them is unthinkable >> but most have defended him. lindsey graham labels it a wake-up call to pay up. mike rounds says it's merely the maga version of the reagan doctrine except that it's not reagan called the soviets an evil empire. donald trump calls vladimir putin, who is an authoritarian, murderous former kgb spy. smart >> the problem is not that putin is smart. which of course he's smart, but the real
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problem is that our leaders are dumb for trump much of this comes down to money trump has said, dating back to the very start of his campaign that the us invest too much in nato security nato is obsolete. they look at the united states as weak and forgiving. they're not paying their bills. they're not paying their bills. these nations must pay what they owe. >> nato has not treated fairly, but i think will work something out. who paid far too much? they pay far too little, too many countries owe us a tremendous this amount of money for many years back where they are delinquent as far as i'm concerned, because united states is had to pay for them in the case of nato, i said you got to pay your bills, folks, you've got to pay up. we don't want to have people delinquent. then i paying for this protection in anywhere near what it's costing us are also getting our allies finally to help pay their fair share
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>> okay, so trump did squeeze more money out of some nato members for defense. he even got a statement from nato secretary general thanking him for lining nato's coffers but the rest of the world's still views nato as a national security necessity. just ask them >> of course, we want all countries like us to spend 2%, but i think what was said was not a sensible approach is not yes. now, yes. tomorrow know, it depends. who are you need to cannot be an alliance alloca it exists or not exist >> trump appears not to care. that's according to his own former advisers, john bolton says the trump, when a trump win equals nato, in quote, real jeopardy. john kelly says the trump quote. so absolutely no point in nato, a different senior trump defendant it's official cells point-blank that the us will be out of nato if
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donald trump wins it's all about the benjamins and it may also be about putin. he got along so well with the russian president that he chose to believe putin over his own intelligence community my people came to me, dan coates came to me and some others. they said, they think it's russia. >> i have >> president putin. he just said it's not russia. if i have great confidence in my intelligence people. >> but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. >> the welcome mat to march all over american allies isn't the first time that trump has invited putin to do something remember this >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. i think you will probably be
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rewarded mightily by our press so what does a world without nato look like? especially for the nato countries that are in the neighborhood, the part of the world that >> is not so safe where vladimir putin just might be casing their countries you everyone in the west, things that the russian people have been split by a snail's least forever out, especially. know, they will be reunited. the unity is still there, will see you in your present. >> so does prudence definition of unity region to estonia yeah. what about latvia, lithuania, because the world already knows what putin's brutal version of unity look like in ukraine the. >> people >> people are squashed in. they're sitting on the seats there in the dark >> there are children here. >> if you can see, i've failed
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russian airborne forces. they have taken this airport. >> that's a main battle. tank, hold the russians. that's a t72 battle tank >> right within the past few hours, there has been a ferocious battle here on the outskirts of kyiv. >> know neither, cold water >> you can hear the fear and the anguish you can see the desperate efforts to rescue civilians after an attack on this train station. >> he's saying that he's hungry, he needs something to eat. he's asked us if we have any groceries and joining me now is serve richard dear love. he is the former chief of the british secret intelligence service. and you just heard foreign leaders reacting to donald trump's comments. so richard, what do you think about trump's remarks?
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>> i think that does a certain amount of shock in what donald trump says >> at the moment. and my question is, is the electioneering or is he meaning exactly what he says for a presidential candidate to say hey, this mean it, it's extremely alarming and worrying. but i really wonder whether that is what's happening. i mean, if you go back to trump's first term the line he took our nato in my opinion, was justified. he was urging nato members in a not very diplomatic fashion. to increase their contributions to nato up to 2% of gdp. to that extent, i agreed with as original position. but times have changed since his first term we have a crisis in ukraine, a very serious crisis
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in ukraine if trump were to be present by november of this year, then the majority of nato members will be spending 2% of gdp. more in a number of cases, you have warned pretty starkly in the past that trump is a national security threat you believe to the uk. do you view his latest comments as an invitation for the likes of putin to actually plot an attack on nato countries >> well, that's what it would appear to me. and i mean, if a presidential candidate is saying that about the western alliance, the western security system, it is deeply shocking and worrying but if you just getting up and saying it because it appeals to a certain type of electoral base who
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adhere. let's say to sort of isolation is tendencies in us foreign policy but i mean if it's, if it's what he means, what he's truly say i mean, this is completely off the, off the map. i mean, it's it's just unimaginable as an american president, particularly a republican candidate, should be able to say such things and mean it in >> 2021, president biden had a message to the international community and it was basically america is back. dude statements like these undermine that message and how worried really are the people that you speak to and european governments and elsewhere in leadership look profoundly worried. there's no question but i would like to have the opportunity to sit down with a national security advisers to trump and say to them, what are you thinking wasn't earth, you
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do how are you advising trump >> i'm >> really confused. but if we're facing something that you interpreted face value, i'm deeply, deeply concern, but the other thing that worries me is that in a republican, senators, well, it's republican congressman rather than senator's. look as though they might block the lake it is the of funds to the ukrainians and they are also endorsing donald trump isn't responsible for people like that too. simply just brush this off now, it if they want to the situation, we would like to see republican congressman >> vote for this latest subvention of defense spending to ukraine. i i just wish that one could sit down you try to explain why this is so
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fundamental to global security. the security of the western alliance. there is no alternative to nato. there is no european army. there is no, as it were, european defense policy, which isn't effective alternative to nato. next it is there. >> it's strong, it's getting >> stronger, but it absolutely needs that sort of still in the spine. that the american membership of nato gifts it and i just i'm totally in someone it might position who spent a lot of his professional life, dealing with the united states on national security issues >> and i'm appalled, i'm deeply worried. >> sir richard, dear love really an important perspective that you have here. thank you for joining us on all of this tonight. thank you. >> abby. thank you for asking me and having this opportunity to put across my views on this key and important issue >> and up next, nikki haley,
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response to trump mocking her husband for serving overseas. gold star father, because you're khan joins me on this pattern. plus justin trump wants his daughter-in-law to co-chair the rnc along with an election denier, republican strategist, amanda carpenter is here and joins me. and a very special interview tonight, patrick mahomes, the super bowl mvp, will join me as we learn the game was the the most watched tv events since the moon landing. i'll also ask him what he thinks of the taylor swift to spectacle. stay with us cnn news night with abby phillip brought to you by chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back? >> you know if you or cashback and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited. so you're off the rack and or grabbed fracking your cash back in, cashback on flap jackets, baby back for tacos at the taco
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overseas. now trumps jabs at military members or their families, is actually a pattern. he's said that prisoners of war aren't heroes. advisers say that he referred to fallen us service members as suckers and losers advisers say he was embarrassed to be seen with wounded warriors. and he has a history of attacking goldstar families, including my next guess, because they are khan is the gold star father, whose son captain, who my in khan was killed while serving in iraq you might remember this back in 2016, trump was pushing for a total ban on muslims entering the united states. he belittled mr. khan and his wife multiple times following their appearance at the democratic national convention mr. because they are khan joins me now. thank you very much for being here with us, sir. i wonder what went through your mind when you heard trump really added again, mocking nikki haley's husband, who's currently serving overseas have
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you? >> thank >> you. >> good to join you i was not surprised because the way we have known trump this person has no concept of service or sacrifice cannot comprehend what it takes to serve the nation, what it takes to serve others therefore, we are not surprised. we must take it very seriously as you're other experts have indicated that this person is he aligns himself with demagogues and dictators and authoritarians against the founding values of this country against the democracy of this country
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>> so he >> has, he has no concept of empathy i will go ahead >> let's just gonna say, i mean, with all that you just laid out trump is likely to be the republican front runner. he probably has a good shot as any, to be president of the united states in the next year. >> how does that >> feel to you and to your family >> well, it concerns me very much. his rhetoric is very dangerous. i share with you the way trump attacked us as a family, we were worried. we received further threats to our safety and our well being. after we spoke at the national convention dnc convention we received a call later on in
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december of 20 then weiss president joe biden, and he invited us to a gathering and while at that gathering, he took us to i'm giving you the comparison and the qualification of commander in chief. he took us to his his his study and showed us the photos of his family, one at a time. while placing his hands on our shoulders comforting us and telling us that you're my family. i don't want you to be worried. i want you to be strong we lazada and i looked at each other and we could tell that our burden was lifted just because of empathy element of
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empathy in our leaders. a very basic characteristics trump has no empathy for anyone except his own benefits he's nothing but appetite, an eagle and i am certain america knows him now, america did not know him. then that they voted him as president, but america knows him now, they have seen the chaos that this country was when he was president unemployment and it was at in april of 2020 was at 16% and look where the, where the sober, strong compassionate leadership of joe biden has brought this country look at the land marc legislation.
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american rescue plan, the infrastructure bill the inflation reduction bill. all of it is because we know the heart of joe biden a true. leader commander-in-chief who cares for the people who have served and he has heart full of love for american family. that is the character that is the basic character of a leader of this country >> we thank you very much. >> lakes, all of that. >> thank we. thank you very much for sharing that story with us and thank you for your family's sacrifice for this country. we appreciate you because air-con thank you very much. >> thank you >> for more on this. i want to bring in writer and editor of protect democracy, amanda carpenter. amanda, what do you
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make of trump starting with nato as we started the show laying out not just his return to this conversation about nato, but his upping the ante of it and the republican party, the party of reagan, simply saying, well, that's just the way he speaks. >> yeah. i mean, it's really hard to watch, but it's not something that is new for trump. he's had this line of being very soft coddling up to putin's since the 2016 alive oxygen. and i think it's actually much worse than that and they alliance has growing among the maga republican wing with a towel words for strong med abroad and total, you're talking about viktor orban, you're talking about putin, et cetera. there's a really worrisome trend happening and you see republicans like marco rubio trying to dance the line in the say that in an interview with jake on sunday where he says essentially don't that's just rhetoric from donald trump. you don't have to listen to what he's saying because that's a story in us
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republican senate. we got this. that's not true and you're going to hear this throughout the election cycle that somehow you can separate donald trump's rhetoric from the policy know, when he is saying that he is essentially okay with russian aggression, that is a policy that a commander in chief can enact. anneal has a plan and the personnel to do it, and >> if he's president, this is not going to be something that he's just guessing about. he would have had the job before. i want to get your take on something that just happened tonight a trump endorsing the election denier, michael watt, leave from the state of north carolina. he also is endorsing his own daughter-in-law, lara trump, as co-chair of the rnc. >> i mean, >> both of those things on separate paths, i think are just all kinds of norms being broken. but any surprise to you and what does this portend for the future of that organization? >> republican party as led by trump right now, has a self-selection problem to have any position of power that is
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approved by trump, you essentially have to be willing to swallow the lies about the 2020 election it'd be willing to whitewash the january 6 insurrection that leads to a stunning loss of expertise and people who are actually has the background and experience to lead these positions and lead the republican party and more positive direction. but that is what you get with these kind of strong men leaders. you don't get expertise, you get it family member, running it like a family business. >> i mean, from the white >> house now to the aren't yet, but we can't ignore the fact that the rnc is being used as a legal fund to protect him from accountability from when he was as present. so it's not just a family business. he's using republican party purely as a shell to prevent any accountability live from being done. >> amanda carpenter. thank you very much. great to see you here on tack breaking news. the numbers are in the super bowl, brings in the biggest tv audience since the moon landing and the star at the center of at all patrick mahomes joins me
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active ingredients of viagra and sialic, faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things up on cnn. >> thank you. >> us tonight. >> i'll give opinion. i don't be opinionated. >> do you make your comment about the warriors last night? i don't y
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bathrooms, drips, super beta prostate, find it at walmart the special election to replace george santos tomorrow starting at 08:00 p.m. eastern justin tonight, it was the most watched television broadcast >> in generations with more than 123 million people tuning into last night's super bowl. that was the biggest tv audience since the moon landing. and joining me from disneyland, fresh off of his third super bowl win mvp patrick mahomes. patrick, thank you so much for doing this.
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this is such an incredible moment for you, but also for football, you are the first black quarterback to win back-to-back super bowls. you're just 28 years old. you have a shot now to surpass tom brady's record of seven super bowl wins how does that feel >> yeah, so that a long ways to go to get the savin, but i mean, just just enjoying it every single day. i mean, the adverse that we battle with this season and the continued grind and get to the super bowl championship again, back-to-back and we'll see what we can do next year's i will just continue to work by day by day and see where we can end up at is that a goal for you? >> do you want to >> beat tom brady >> i think that's a goal for any athlete is to try to win his may championships as possible and tom's it was the greatest than i many easily phase 1.7 of them and i'm going to continue to fight day in and day out and get as many as i can >> so how does this compare you talks about the adversity that you've experienced this season. how does this super
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bowl victory compared to the last two that you've had >> yeah, i think i appreciate it. just even more. mean, battling through the adversity, struggling a little bit during the season and seeing the fight to the guys had to continue to get better maybe it was special and together came really came together and we were able to make a run in the playoffs and when the super bowl and led to something i always will remember so as we were watching the game last night, there was now a viral sideline moment. i want to play it for you we saw your teammates, travis kelce, get into it a little bit with coach andy reid on the sidelines kelce seem pretty frustrated. there were some lip reader is trying to make out what was being said. did you talk to him about what happened there and what was the frustration about? >> yeah i think we just all love the game. i think that's just kind of how our team is. we're passionate, we love it. we put it on the line and just like any other good family man, i mean, there's always some fights, but everybody comes
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together at the end and that's what we have here is a family, a brotherhood. and that's why i think it gets the best out everybody. and we're gonna are gonna love the risharp passionate and we're going to be even better at the end. >> there's no surprise here. one of the biggest story lines of the season was off the field with taylor swift and travis. and i wonder for you as somebody who's been with this team, who sounds like you keep your head down, you play football. what has the swift effect been like for you? personally and for the team >> i think it's been cool honestly, i did a extremely cool maintenance. see the support that comes with the swifties and how that how they really embraced us us, and chase kingdom. and they combine together. >> i'm all about growing >> football and taylor is a great role model of someone who does, is great at her profession and i'm glad that she loves football as much as everybody else now, we've brought a new fan base to the chase gain yeah. >> i mean, that new fanbase probably involves a lot of young girls. my daughter is
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two-and-a-half. she was watching the game last night, having a blast and i know you have a young daughter to do you think that this is a good moment for little girls like your own and maybe her friends and what they might be able to take out of football as they get older 100%, i mean, just to be able to bring girls and their fathers together or whatever that is and you have those family moments that i had growing up i think special. i really special and my daughter obviously loves football and loves watching it, but i want so what other other girls around the world or whoever to really watch it with their family. and we'll watch football and really see how great this sport is. >> so you might be aware, or maybe, maybe not aware there were some wild conspiracy theories or we're flying or how this season that that taylor swift, a fact was all scripted to allow tailored to use the super bowl for politics
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basically. so the president himself, president biden, kind of got in on the joke a little there. what do you make of just how this has spiraled, not just to football, but to politics and all these different areas yeah, that's been wall to see. i mean, i tried to focus in on football as much as possible, but there's always some conspiracy theories out there. i just try to enjoy football. my family and i got to say all social media as much as vause yeah, that's i would say that that is wise so last night, you guys were understandably celebrating having an amazing time your wife, brittney, was celebrating last night with post malone what was that like? lots of i mean, actually, i can't really recall seeing so many moments from behind the scenes. we're showing now brittney pudding a chiefs jacket on post malone. what was that? all like having all that star power in one room
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>> yeah, no, it was cool, man. i have a great room. great relationship with postmen. is all about first and roll when he had that cowboys jacket on and i respected man, i grew up in texas. he's a cowboys fan, but we had to get the chiefs jack in autumn at least once and he was respectful enough to do it, and he enjoyed he put on a hell of a show and that is a normal night and ten, the chiefs after a cerebral but when the next season, you do have a chance to do something that's never been done before. an nfl history. winning three super bowl titles in a row. first of all, that's a lot of pressure to put on someone who's already done quite a lot. but do you think that that is in the cards for you? can you make this? a dynasty for the chiefs and for you and for andy reid >> yeah, that's the goal. may no one's ever done in nfl 1.3 in a row and that's the goal. but right now i'm going to enjoy disneyland with my family. i'm going joined the parade on wednesday in kansas
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city. and i'll get to work on that third one to say we can do. >> all right. patrick mahomes. great to see you. thank you for joining us three times super bowl mvp. we appreciate your time tonight >> i appreciate you and we have more on the breaking news tonight, donald trump, he wants the supreme court to decide if presidents are above the law there is to hear about your father father, mother. thank you. well, that's a little better. >> you're wired bucha lunate, this in intensity involved in caring about oneself this is the most powerful pet owner eliminator in the world. no harsh chemicals >> harsh chemical grievances, none seriously >> it's safe for people in the planet >> what's this >> that's pure ammonia you just got to prove it. check this out
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and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. select bestsellers. >> joey bird >> design your world differently. >> anderson cooper 360, tomorrow at eight on cnn new tonight, donald trump says that he's double booked. the former president wants the supreme court to block a ruling which says that he does not have immunity in the january 6 case because of his political calendar joining me now is former watergate prosecutor nick akerman. nick, what do you think the supreme court does here? and how quickly will they do it? >> i think they're going to deny the appeal. i think that we're in a situation where you've got them looking at the 14th amendment, which is very
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politically explosive. they don't want to do it. and there's certainly not going to want to take on this immunity issue. and on top of it, all, the most interesting part of this is that they can wait until after there's a conviction here to actually look at violent they why would they do that? well, >> the reason is because right now what you >> have is an indictment an indictment is not evidence. it's simply allegations that the grand jury has made it certainly lays out what will be probably the evidence at trial. but once all that evidence goes before a jury and a jury returns a verdict of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. you've got a record. the whole issue becomes crystallized. it's all real there are the facts the supreme court would actually have those facts in front of it. but as opposed to just the allegations that exist, right. >> i mean, i just added a whole new and potentially unprecedented layer to all of this. you could be dealing with a sitting president having this question adjudicated when he is president, that's right.
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>> absolutely. so it adds a whole different dimension to this issue of immunity. and i think the supreme for an that there's not much more to say them. what's in that dc circuit opinion, which is extremely well-written, extremely well reasoned, and it's all based on supreme court law. >> and it was unanimous. nick akerman, thank you very much. always great to have you. thank you. yeah. >> and up next new video takes us inside that israel, hamas war and who knows the pain of a campaign blundered tells us why he thinks that joe biden can beat those questions about his age and knighted states have scans with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn >> life is better with the credit gods on your side. rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it liz large
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sunday, february 2010 on cnn >> tonight, there's new video and deep concern about what happens next in rafah the idf footage shows the moment that they rescued two hostages overnight in that southern city. the hostages were then evacuated from gaza via helicopter now that operation included airstrikes that reportedly killed nearly 100 palestinians in that city, which is home right now to more than 1 million refugees. but the operation is also caused for the white house, already frustrated with how israel is fighting this war joining me now is howard dean. he's the former democratic governor of vermont. he also ran for president in 2004 thank you for being here. president biden has privately told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to proceed with this operation in rafah. a huge population center now in gaza. but does he need to say that publicly
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>> really pretty much has said it publicly. he said the thought that measures that the israelis were taken to vanja and get rid of hamas revenge of the massacre we're okay, quote, over the top, i think it's pretty clear that he disapproves went nuts and yahoo is doing is it your sense then that netanyahu is ignoring that warning from president biden >> i think netanyahu was always tried to push things his way. i think relationships with the united states, particularly the damage my grad started to slide downhill when netanyahu addressed the congress at the invitation of the republicans without bothering to consult with president obama. and there's been bad blood ever since netanyahu was, in my view, trump with brains very clever, very cutting, always interested in netanyahu and i think he's pursuing these measures principally because he's worried about his ratings, which have gone into
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the toilet. but he's less and less reliable, ally, i think when it comes to president biden, though, i mean, this is a critical moment for him politically. there is a lot of discontent in the democratic base about how he's handling this war. in particular, arab american voters are frustrated, they're being urged to reject biden do you worry that this issue could cost him the election? >> it's look, you have to worry about everything you do politically. one of the things i've very much like about joe biden is he's going to do what's right for the united states of america. that is not a a universal trade among presidents, particularly those who blow in the wind, such as the former president, trump so it's better to have somebody steady who knows foreign policy than it is his catering to whatever people are upset with i do think however, that is moving towards a position which is more probably more to the liking of arab americans. you
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know, it's such a complicated matter the american jews over 50 are universally very pro israel under 35 it is. i'm a bit shocked because i'm considered myself pro israel, but under 35, there are a lot of people, a young american jews are fed up with this and think that israel is in the wrong. >> look, i want to get your take on the other thing that is dogging president biden right now that's the questions about his age. it was ramped up last week with the special counsel's report that did not charge him with a crime, but listen to what paul begala and david axelrod said about this issue last week. >> i'm a biden supporter. i slept like a baby last night. i woke up every two hours crying and what tibet this is, this is terrible for democrats and anybody with a function grain knows that he was like a big sirloin steak tossed in the middle of a bunch of hungry dogs there. and it was it was
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not optimal. >> these are not random people. they both run successful democratic campaigns, or are they right? should democrats be worried >> no. no, they're not right. well, democrats should always be worried about everything until we win the election. but this is classic inside the beltway hand-wringing from people have been around washington for too long you see this all the time from these same guys. easy to sit and criticized another president. look, i don't unlike many previous democratic president is i'm not close to president biden, but i looked at them from afar mostly. and i think you've got to say that this guy has the best domestic policy record of any president, republican, or democrat since lyndon johnson. he has delivered on climate change. he has delivered on tech jobs for rural america, which is the place that he needs the most help. he has revitalized the economy. if inflation is dropping dramatically, what more do you want from this guy? he passed the a, got the inflation reduction act pass
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against with all republic, almost no republican votes. this is look, politics is tough, and i think a little less hand-wringing on the democratic side and a little less concentration on winning is what we need. >> all right, we'll see if that happens long way to go before november. hear howard. thank you. as always for joining us. >> thank you for having me >> and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts next dianne not guilty i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover. >> politics. we're great power meets questionable decision-making and then unphased wow, what backroom deals cia see affairs bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives for politics when a major scale and we'll unfolds. i have to know. >> there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> dangerous latter's gutter
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is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. website for health and wellness products, unleash your potential with forced back, you're on iowa laura coates live next on cnn closed captioning bronchi by meso >> we've offered a free book about missile filial motto for ten years, call 1808724901, are going to meso well, here we are everyone deep in the 2024 campaign, but the thing that may change everything, 2020.


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