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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 13, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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there's no big bill. easy, but don't wait, get a plan from home, served before a line breaks, go online. now, plans from home serve start it just 799 a month golf, but 775383882 or visit home >> i'm martha stewart, and this is one of my you of course, i wanted to give them the happiest, healthiest life possible, which is why i choose pretty litter. we love this litter because it's tough on odor and helps keep tabs on their health, like changing color to show high, low, and typical ph levels. pretty litter is also low dust and whether you're a new cat parent or a lifelong that lover like me, this low maintenance litter is the game changer. try it today, go chu pretty >> this is cnn >> the world's news >> network. >> campaign season, but donald trump has a packed legal
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calendar with two hearings in two different states set for thursday this morning. we're finding out which courtroom he plans to be yes >> major winter storm dumping, snow and rain across the northeast, canceling flights, closing schools causing mayhem. >> so where will well land next >> and deputies and texas mistake a woman for an intruder and shoot her five times. in the apartment she was living in. we have the new disturbing body cam video. i'm sara sider with john berman, kate bolduan. we ms her shelby back. she's out today. this is cnn news central new this morning we're learning that donald trump is expected to be in a new york city courtroom on thursday for a hearing on the stormy daniels hush money criminal case. that means he won't be in a georgia courtroom for another hearing that same day on alleged
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misconduct by fulton county da, who is prosecuting him. cnn's kristen holmes is in west palm beach, florida. we've got two hearings happening at the same time to very very different cases. and we were hearing donald trump might show up in georgia. now we're hearing is going to show up here. what do you know about the decisions being made here? >> yes, sir. i was told by senior advisers that at the end of the day, it was not really a question that they believed that he should show up in new york, that this was a more serious case that was a criminal case. it was shearing regarding something that directly impacts donald trump, just to keep in mind the hearing that's going on in georgia is about fani willis and whether or not she should be disqualified from running that case there because of allegations from various defendants that she had an improper relationship with one of her top deputies, which makes her unreliable to be in this case are to be running this case hey, you're that is what they're really focused on. something else to keep in mind here
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>> if this >> trial date holds that the judge set, it would be march 20, meaning it would be the first criminal trial that donald trump will face. he's obviously facing four criminal trials, but this would be the first one. so again, they think it's very important that he'd be there in that courtroom >> donald trump is also seeking, of course, to have a big impact on the rnc has been for a long time making comments about wearing a daniel's. what are you learning about the impact that he's having now? >> will he really wants to exert control over the entire committee? remember, this is a committee that will help him if he becomes the nominee. hey general election, they will help them with ground game, with fundraising. and we've also seen those fundraising numbers were very low at the rnc. so just to take a step back, what we do know is that ronna mcdaniel, someone when that trump appointed back in 2016, is currently the chair of the rnc trump has grown dissatisfied with her, made that very clear, and ronna has told him that she will leave when you becomes the nominee. now, he has put out a statement
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endorsing several people, one of which for co-chair lara trump, his daughter-in-law, the other michael wheatley, who runs north carolina republican party party. now, the thing about michael is that he is somebody who really perpetuated donald trump's lies about the election in 2020. but i was told by a source last night that he actually continue that in 2022 when people were trying to move away from trump's rhetoric about a rigged election. he was actually still talking to trump, talking about what implementations they were putting in place to make sure that the election was free and fair, something that donald trump obviously cares about. now the other really know bootable part of this, moving parts with the republican national committee is that trump's co campaign manager, chris lacivita, is going to be going over to the rnc serving as a chief operating officer. now he's still going to run the campaign, but that goes to show you who he's being endorsed there. now, one thing to be clear, the rnc is going to have to vote on all this. they're going to have to make sure that these pieces worked particularly for co-chair and chairman. however, donald trump
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has a lot of sway over there right now, particularly as he inches towards the nomination. >> kristen holmes. thank you so much for your reporting. let's bring in cnn political commentator se cupp, and republican strategist shermichael singleton, to you both you just heard the reporting there about the rnc, donald trump looking at nominating for himself, his daughter in law. in law. and michael whatley, who is an election denier. what do you think about these two names being floated by donald trump? i'll start with use you know last week, sara, i was half-joking that like who would be surprised if donald trump didn't >> appoint himself as, as head of the rnc, you could see him doing that. this is basically the same thing, right? someone who's in his family, who he can use to implement his vision. the problem though is the rnc's a real organization.
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it takes some real leadership to get republicans elected and to amplify the brand and the image. it's a real job and that's why ronna was chosen. she was coming off of being the head of the gop in michigan. she had done this before. the idea that you'd appoint your daughter-in-law who has no experience with this? i think is really frightening. and i wonder how they'll vote on her if that, if that's what goes through i would say that if they vote her in, the republican party's pretty much giving up on winning and is really just existing now in service of donald trump >> it is pretty interesting that here we go again with the trump family being put in posts. this isn't a government posts, this is a party posts are michael, but you know, donald trump put his own daughter in the white house's own son in the white house now is daughter-in-law, his son in law and the white house, daughter-in-law, going to be helping run the party. and yet
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republicans constantly for three years now have been up in arms about the so-called biden family business, double-standard >> i mean, i think this is a bit different because it pertains to the party, john and not the white house now, and i will say, you know, we've talked a lot about donald trump's control, if you will, of the republican party. and for the most part that control has been because of his ability to mobilize his voters to make their grievances known. two elected officials. now his control really will indeed now be firm with the more traditional apparatus of the party. so my prediction here is that laerke, if confirmed by the committee, men and women, who will have to vote on this as se, a note it she will sort of serve as an overseer, if you will, sort of making sure that the implementations of the former president's vision electorally is implemented as it pertains to mr. wadley, we could get into the veracity of his claims about the election, but i think we all know what the truth is. there. he is a successful chairman in north carolina and that cannot be denied. it's a very strong
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party. he also has a pretty strong relationship with more of the activists, members of the party in north carolina, as well as many active as leaders across the country. and so this is someone regrows of what we may think about his different positioning, if you will, he has the experience to lead a party. he shown that am i prediction is that he'll do the same thing with the rnc shermichael. >> i just wanted to press you a little bit on the fact that donald trump may be that the party people always say, look, he is the republican party now, when you look at his history on backing certain candidates, they've lost for the most part, this can't be good for the rnc. did that have a family member heading up the party what. are your thoughts on that? >> i hear >> you se will continue to sack. >> yes. >> that's the part that i think sarah to that question that that is really problematic here. i suppose certain candidates, if you will, are not palatable in certain congressional districts, district that we may call purple are districts that may not be hard line. republicans and that may need some of those
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independent leaning republican voters, if you will and i think when you look at georgia, you look at pennsylvania, you look at arizona, where the president did endorse candidates who did not win those elections when a more traditional candidate could have won the election, it does begs the question that many of those committee men and women will have to so what a ponder on, if you will, is this in the best interests of the party electorally in terms of our successes down ballot >> s e cupp consumes about as much pop culture is any human that i know. and there is this confluence between pop culture and politics when it comes to jon stewart who all of a sudden is back anchoring the daily show in last night after some of us went to sleep. >> this doesn't happen by itself. so it does have to go to sleep early. jon stewart, again, i want to play some of what he did last night. se it's sharp. he's focused his bright key is sharp intensely
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probing and detail oriented and focused. >> this is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game, who knows what's going on. he's smart, he's on his game. i >> was in almost every meeting with the president and the president was in front of and on top of it, all, coordinating and direct acting leaders who are in charge of america's national security, not to mention, our allies around the globe >> did anyone film that >> if you're >> telling us guy and the scenes, he is sharp and fully energy and on top of it, and really in controlling leading, you should feel it that would be good to show to people >> as he yeah, i i loved that.
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>> that's really funny. and listen, i saw a lot of the criticism of john stuart mainly from bidder or former cable news hosts like we keep over men who blamed him for both-sidesing. and and i think if the idea of the return of john store is to lay off democrats because temperature bad. >> well, that's >> anathema to both the goals of comedy and journalism oh, in which case i'm not really sure what he'd be doing there other than being a biden surrogate, i think if you're going back, can't just be to skewer trump. it's not a b to skewer it all because this election choice is terrible. and he's the perfect, perfect voice. and, and, you know, vehicle to expose all of that and he should do that. he was great last night >> all right. shermichael, you get to respond to this as well. >> i look, i mean, i think it
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was brilliant, right? i mean, i think the satire. >> but >> his unique ability, sara, to sort of address, if you will, the cultural realities of today, whether it's a political, whether it's international conflicts across the globe as what people expect. it said that old colloquial phrase he tells it like it is and that's why i think when you look at that particular clip, he talks about biden's age and he also brings up some of trump's legal issues. so this is someone who's clearly aware of the tribalism in a hyperpartisan environment that we live in. so he said, you know what, i'm going to address all of it. and he did so exceptionally well. i think the execution was spot on he's telling people what voters actually are telling us in polling. se cupp and shermichael singleton. thank you both for coming on. we will have you back. very certain already this morning a major winter storm dumping more than a foot of snow in some places, it's causing a >> lot of problems as you can imagine, more than 1,200 flights have been canceled, more than 1,000 have been delayed, seen as derek van dam
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in the pack in central park still taking a look at how things are there, what are you seeing derek >> yeah. we're seeing the tyrann on the green central park, new york city been transformed right before our eyes, this morning, it's snowed earlier than we all had anticipated. we didn't get that onset of rain that we initially thought what was going to happen. but it is a heavy wet snow. we call it heart attacks snow because it is so exhausting to shovel on your own and just to give an idea, a testament to just how heavy and what it is. look how it's attached to the tree limbs and central park. yeah, it's a beautiful sight. >> but >> every few moments we're getting splattered with large clumps of snow. my photographer here holding an umbrella over his, his camera right now to protect the equipment and himself as well. but look, bottom line is this wasn't impactful storm, but i really believe that hardened new yorkers were just yearning for a storm like this because it has been exactly 744 days since
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we have had two inches of snow on the ground or more, 744 days. we're going back to january 2020, $0.02. this area was under a winter storm warning, which is currently in effect across the city. and so much of this tryst state area look at these snowfall totals. they're impressive for many locations. we've exceeded a foot for some areas into pennsylvania, into chester, new york at ten inches. that's significant. and that's a nor'easter, maybe not the biggest nor'easter, but certainly changing the landscape and making this area look like a real life snow globe. but the back-end of this snow is coming unfortunately, and we have probably another two hours or so snowfall in new york city. what was originally not supposed to be such an impactful storm for boston has really brought the snowfall to boston, but into the cait as well. that's where we'll have the longest duration snow event and the wind picking up as well. look at the larger snowflakes falling from the sky here. this is one of those clumps of snow falling on my head just like i said, john, it's beautiful, but yeah,
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impactful for the roads. and of course, for the airways as well. >> well, seek cover. derek van dam, please take care of yourself from the falling snow clumps that we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much its air. i'm sorry. are we not impressed that he's walking backwards? he's looking at his ipad like candy crush while he's doing the report on the door, it's dot candy crush and he's got julian can jonas, who is producing this, who was also probably walking backwards and >> available contraries who is taking the pictures. it has been fabulous. amo, although i know this is a potentially dangerous storm for folks all right. coming up, deputies fire more than a dozen bullets into an apartment near houston. the woman inside, who had not committed any crime, loved there so after being hit five times. but we have the bodycam footage and it is disturbing. we will let you watch this all plays out also polls open right now, amid the snowstorm that is hitting us here in new york and
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across the northeast. so that congressional seat that was once held by george santos. how the winner could have a criminal cool impact on the very narrow republican majority in congress news night with abby phillip weeknights at ten eastern on cnn >> congrats carroll, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural for looking dentures in no time just for you and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full 18 months, helping mothers of groom's look their best it's one more way. aspen dental is in your corner >> introducing neck plaque psoriasis he thinks it's
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entire purchase with zero money down, zero monthly payments and zero interest for one year. this offer ends february 29 for a free appointment with renewal by anderson call 180501 that's 1800 with nurtac odie i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks all-in-one, don't take if allergic to nurtac, allergic reactions can occur >> even days after using most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtac go dt tonight. >> the election to replace disgraced former congressman george santos. hold republicans raised then house majority shrink even further. and what clues will the results provided by november's election join cnn for special live coverage tonight, starting at 08:00 p.m. eastern this morning really disturbing new body camera video out of houston. it shows two sheriff's deputies responding to a report of a suspected break-in and burglary
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and firing dozens of rounds through an apartment door at a woman inside who they mistakenly thought was the intruder. but she could there the harris county sheriff's office has now released this edited body camera video. and we got to warn you what you're going to see. it's really, really hard to watch i'll
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terrifying the woman survived, but she was shot five times. cnn's whitney wild is joining me now. whitney, i, how did this all happen where we're seeing the result of the police showing up. we hear them say sheriff's office, but here's firing fairly soon after that >> right. i mean, that command to drop the weapon happens almost simultaneously. when the sheriff's deputies open fire and that's certainly one of the things that attorney brand crump, who is now representing ebony policy, is seizing on. here's how it all happen. this began to 15 in the morning, february 3rd. and what happened was there was someone who had called in a 911 calls saying there's an intruder in my apartment, so deputies go to that apartment, they go inside, they clear it, did not find an intruder as they were leaving somebody in that apartment complex flagged them down and said, hey, i think there's another break again at another apartment, so deputies go to
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the second apartment and they see broken glass. they see a screen is removed. they see that the window blinds are up as you've seen the video, they knock on the door, they announced themselves as representatives of the sheriff's office in this case, harris county sheriff's office. they step back and according to the harris county sheriff's office, they see through the window a woman holding a firearm, and then as you saw in that video, they open fire dozens of times. the what had happened what they found out later was that ebony pound see it was a guest of the renter of that apartment. and the reason the window was broken and the screen was removed was because the renter of that apartment and ebony pounds, he didn't have keys to the apartment, so they broke in to get inside to an apartment that again, was at the behest of the renter. local affiliate actually spoke with the renter of that apartment. here's how she described what happened so, that's all had to break the window. i go inside
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once i want aside we were there for about 20 minutes. the next thing i know i hear loud banging on the door and when they started banging on the door i was like, what's that? was that noise. you have any ground? her gun and ran to the door. i didn't hear anything after that. the next thing i know evan, he came back and she said she was shot >> as you had pointed out earlier, sheriff's deputies and administer life-saving efforts to ebony pound. see again, she was shot five times. she is now in stable condition. the harris county sheriff's office is asking anybody with any information about this to come forward. this is invest it for the investigation. this is now in the hands of the harris county district attorney's office. they are going to present all of this evidence to a grand jury for now, those two sheriff's deputies are on administratively of sarah.
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>> well, and are thanks to ktrk, who went inside and we saw this bullet holes inside of the home as well. and thank you to you, whitney wild for that reporting this morning. john >> it is election day in syosset. the special congressional election to fill the seat of george santos. a lot of people think this could be a huge bellwether for 2024 we're. >> here to get your sudden store fares, bribery, prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized well, we can do anything. >> she's good cookies, chunky, manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first read start today at >> it's nothing. >> sounds like something. >> when you have nausea,
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>> happening now, polls are open in new york for a special election to fill the seat once held by republican congressman george santos. so here's the thing. the third congressional district is smack in the middle of the winter storm that we have been talking about. so are voters going to show up? cnn's athena jones is in glencoe of new york morning on long island. athena, are you there by yourself? are there voters >> hi, john. well, you can look around at this girls at a boys and girls club here in glencoe of and see that it's not very busy. i've spoken to several of the poll workers here. one person has been added for eight years. one person said they've been added for about a dozen years they've never seen it as dead, as slow as this. we've been here about three-and-a-hal f hours and have seen fewer than 30 voters. i've spoken to almost half of them. and it's splitting roughly down the middle in terms of people supporting pilip, people supporting suozzi, which shows you how tight this race is and why the candidates are campaigning down to the last
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minute. tom suozzi was just at a ups shift change out in union dale, which is not far from here, encouraging workers to come vote for him after they're done with their they're let's shift mazi pilip is having a media availability. in the next hour or so. and the ads they have flooded the airwaves with ads spending more than $20 million between the campaigns and outside groups. so this is the most expensive race of the 2024 that goes so far. maasie polyps adds almost all of them have been bashing tom suozzi as soft on immigration for open borders pumps, waze for his part has been trying to paint masih pilip is someone whose views are unknown tom suozzi is a former three-term congressman. he was also a county executive and a mayor of this town, glen coe. so he does a benefit from name recognition. but maasie pylab has a very interesting background and she's been a county legislator for just two years, but she emigrated. she was wondering ethiopia immigrated to the us from israel where she had served in the idf and israeli army. so
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interesting background there this is splitting on the middle. i've talked to several pro suozzi voters who say they're just voting for him because they've been a longtime supporter. some of them said they were concerned about portion that is another one of the issues that are being hit that comes waze and democratic leaning groups have been using in this race or every other ad on the airways is other appellate add a suozzi add or one of these outside groups who've been hitting abortions so we'll have to see how this plays out when it comes to the final turnout. but people are gonna be watching this race because this is the classic kind of suburban district that many observers believe will decide the 2024 election, both for the white house and congress. >> yeah, the forecast is it for to stop sewing this afternoon? what i have to say the story so far might be this turnout, 30 voters and three-and-a-half-hours that's low. i mean, that is not a lot of people showing up to open url will be a fairly busy polling place. a theta jones great to see you. thank you very much, sir. >> all right. john cnn political commentator and spectrum news political anchor, errol louis is gracing us with this presence this morning. you just heard that 30 voters and last three hours, could that
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have a major impact? on who wins this district >> we don't know the impact will be major. sara, but there will be an impact as in many parts of the country, the way it works out in this district in long island in particular, is that the democrats usually work harder at getting their absentee vote taking care of and getting there early vote totals up before the actual election day, republicans tend to rely on a pulling operation on the day of, and so the early vote and absentee ballots among democrats are about 55% so they come into this with something of an advantage it'll be up to republicans to make it up by pulling out every vote that they can under what is clearly difficult circumstances with all of the weather. >> i've been noticing the ageing. if you can't actually not see them here in new york, if you were on any of the local stations, pilip and suozzi,
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both i'm putting their viewpoints on the other out, immigration has come up again and again and again. is that the big issue or are there others that are really being wrangled here and you have been around the block and you know, this district well it is a big issue, in part because there's a little piece of this district that's in new york city. and that little piece of new york city in this district happens to include one of the sites where migrants are staying and so it's been a legitimate part of this campaign, not just because as a national grace, they're reflecting the national discussion about borders and immigration. but because it's a real live issue, it's not just somebody's imagination and so it has been the number one issue for maasie pilip. it's in every speech, it's in every ad, it's an every talking point, just about at a been a real challenge, i think for the democrat for tops yz to try and match that kind of energy because every time you turn on
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the news, there's some actual news. sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's somewhere in-between, but it is a very, very big issue in this race for sure. >> i do want to ask you about this district and sort of what has happened over the years and how what is happening there could preview other races in 2024, because no matter what happens here, it will have an impact on the house, whether it is republicans gained somebody or lose someone yeah. absolutely. look, this is a district where joe biden won by eight points just four years ago. this year, by contrast, a couple of weeks ago, president biden was in town and tom suozzi said publicly, the democrat, i don't want the president to come and campaign in this district. and indeed he did not so the mood has changed the numbers are so close in the house that that is in part of part of the argument that both sides are making that if you want to tip this house away from some of the maga
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extremists, i guess is the language that's being used. then you should vote democratic. and then conversely, the republican candidate he said, if you want the squad and the return of nancy pelosi, then you should vote for my opponent and you've got a hyper partisan battle that's been going on fueled by about 30 million worth of ads. it's really extraordinary the amount that they're spending sara yeah, it is. and you can definitely see it on any channel here in the new york area. errol louis, thank you for bringing your expertise to the table today. appreciate your time. >> thanks, sara. >> john. right. >> 70 votes in the senate for aid to ukraine, including more than 20 republicans. so why is it that the house speaker might not? even let it come up? bravo >> the special election to replace george santos. >> tonight putting it 08:00 p.m. eastern >> your ancestry is so much more than names and dates it's
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missile filial month or over ten years called >> 1808724901 are going to msal in the early hours in the morning, senators passed a long-awaited $95 foreign aid package. this would deliver key funding for ukraine and israel in the vote was bipartisan, 70 votes, including more than 20 republicans. but over in the house, speaker, mike johnson might not even put it up for a vote, which would effectively kill aid to ukraine. with this now is a republican member of congress victoria spartz from indiana, who was born in ukraine, congresswoman. thank you so much for being with us. how much aid do you think? how much money do you think ukraine needs right now? >> so it's not ashe are just about the money we have to have a strategies and weapons. and unfortunately, this administration, i've been very critical of them for valid reasons, can slow walk and aid and really try not to lose. and
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sometimes you can lose, but you'll definitely not win now we need to really have a serious conversation where we are because unfortunately the vast been very weak in all we have a lot of weak leaders in competent leaders in washington, dc, in kyiv two and you know, putin regroup and we cannot let him win in this situation makes it look foolish, but we need to get smarter. to put pressure on european. so i think it's not about money, but we need to have a better strategy in this conversation. and hopefully the house will have it because it doesn't seem to me like senate does. >> i'm sorry. so you don't think that ukraine needs any aid from the united states? >> we need to have weapons, not slush funds. we need to have, but we also need to make sure that this happens go fast as a deterrence, not go to a lot of associated causes and slow walk the aid we've been slow walking aid now for almost two years putin did dan mind the fields without have a serious situation over there,
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destabilizing now, middle east who pretty much teamed up with a ran china and north career and really causing a lot of headaches i think we need to be smarter and we're not doing that >> you said ukraine does need aid. they need weapons. you don't want to see it slow walked. does that mean then that you want house speaker mike johnson to put a vote on the floor for ukraine aid very quickly. >> now, this is not there's not as bill, this is a slush fund for a lot of causes that president biden has all around the world where we have a mass right now given $1 billion, team ukrainians million dollars, $60 billion for ukraine, do you think ukraine could use john understanding? >> but i liked me. let me tell you, let just read then. i haven't been a listen. let me i haven't read this particular package and i'll be open-minded, but i've read all other ones most of the staff has has we're going to send to ukraine and associated causes a lot of causes around the world.
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a lot of this money don't even go to weapons. ten to 20% generally go to weapons directly. earmarked for ukraine. >> so >> i haven't read this bill that the past, i don't want to comment, but if it is the same, whatever other bill would pass, i have a problem with that because ultimately we're not going to deter putin was blankets only was weapons. we need to have american weapons produced here said and directly to frontlines with proper oversight and strategy note slow-walk that. a because we dealing with very aggressive people that caused him a lot of headaches around the world and a lot of people are dying. so it has assess a lot of pudding is not putting votes on the floor for aid to ukraine. is that slow it >> let us know what i've been actually having discussions and there are some issues that need to happen. i don't know why the senate saying that, you know what they have is take it a little bit, you know, i'm glad that past sums and they were not able to pass any sense. but the biggest issue they paid,
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personas and border security there are disappointed because it's actually very significant national security issue so i agree with speaker john, so now we'll have to get our proposals because i don't think they actually work with us to oppose something that we can agree on. and we were very clear on that. >> will let you will let you read this. we'll get back to you and talk more about this bill at another time. you said you're not going to do defeat putin with blankets. and earlier you said you can't let putin win. so let me ask you what would happen if vladimir putin dose, quote, whatever the hell he wants? >> well, i said he's doing right now whatever the hell he wants, unfortunately, because we've been, you know, when we push on president biden to put some weapons before the war started, he didn't do it when the war started. he's given a lot of people advanced a lot. and now even destabilize and more than middle east. so let's just be honest, he's the war biden sanctions in pretty good with that, making a lot of money in people's blood. so if you tell me that he's not doing
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what he wants right now, then we are really looking like fools and we have to get tough phone him and harsher are you for or against vladimir putin in russia doing whatever the hell it wants? >> well, less than you know, i think when the lot of info such a long time and that's why it is we need to be seriously. there are so many lives of people that actually the right now getting destroyed and how that people will cost money. but a lot of mice and what does the blizzard nation create? and really the crimes and brutality sounds, it sounds like it sounds like you're against vladimir putin doing whatever the hell he wants. the reason i was asking is because donald trump, he's less legend. >> understand he's not our friend, but let's just be honest. he only understands trans he only understand strengths if we're not strong, he will do that then. >> okay? >> the >> republican presidential candidate, if we're probably can presidential candidate who may end up being present. it
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says, i hope russia does whatever the hell it wants. how will putin respond to that? >> president trump? he does a lot of competing, but he's been a tough negotiator. if you think about him pushing nato allies to meet 2% isn't good for putin or deters putin more. do you think pushing germany not to be dependent on natural gas from russia is a really good look for russia will actually deters them or do you think given weapons, not blank is like obama did to ukraine. do think it's deterrence, and he's the one question told putin, not under my watch, so i wouldn't worry about what he's campaigning, but what he's strong actions deter a lot of aggression and brought a lot of these during the his watch and aggressive didn't move so just again, you said don't worry about his campaign. you don't take donald trump at his word >> a lot of campaigns, i don't look at actions, you know, i look at the wars who said to put in not under my watch and put in didn't move. but on the president biden voyage, he did
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move. and that is the reality. now, we have a serious water i'm look looking at politic and i'm looking the situation is very serious right now. >> okay. have a very >> serious war in the middle east, in europe, and we have to really get together and congress needs to really get strong, get to put pressure on the administration. >> all right, congresswoman victoria spartz, we appreciate your time. thanks so much for being with us. sir. >> thank you, john. the daily show returns with jon stewart, just in time for the 2024 race and he's managed to rile everybody on all sides. hi >> i got the arrow or piccard. they've got social security. they've got their movie discounts. there is no way, you hit 80 you get to drink and drive know the only thing left to them is a today's show smucker's shout out life doesn't stop for a cold >> honey de, cool, severe honey, powerful cold and flu symptom relief within honey
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year hiatus from the daily show, he wasted no time addressing the elephant in the room and the donkey. the age of okay. well, look, democrats, republicans, okay. the age of the 2024 front runners the super bowl was on sunday and the president was offered a chance as per tradition, to do an interview where millions and millions of people could see him >> competently and clearly lay out his 2024 agenda, or he could just turn that at down and do what this is. >> gamer halftime show jason kelce, your travis kelce moment >> come center. great chocolate chip cookies fire everyone everyone. how do you go on tiktok and end up looking older bodies lost this step, but trump regularly said let's things at rallies that would warrant a wellness check. oil i know about magnets. as this give me a glass of water, let me drop it in. the magnate says
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the end of the magnus >> i'm not a scientist i'm pretty sure water is not the end of magnets. they are the oldest people ever to run for president breaking by only four years the record that here now see senior media reporter, oliver darcy voiding broke the news that stewart was coming >> back to monday night for the daily show. it finally has happened. what do you think? >> i thought it was quite funny. i don't know what you all thought. we were all cracking up behind the scenes here. what's interesting is that steward of course, is coming back to a much different media landscape. then when he departed and so how much influence he has on the election with this kind of commentary that remains to be seen because we're not sure how many people are going to be watching. ratings are coming out later today. but, you know millions of people have cut the courts and steward left. they've moved on a streaming services. paramount's obviously hoping that by putting him back on comedy central, that they're going to
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get a boost and audience and really pushed the daily show back to the cultural status at once had under stuart. but it is a fragmented media environment and john stewart's audience, i saw opposed to the day on social media about how it's audiences age quite a bit right? those millennials who were staying up to 11:00 p.m. are they going to be able to stay up to 11:00 p.m. these days for have their lives change is seventh other happened exactly >> well, >> here's the thing. >> when you look at this though, when it >> blows up though on social media, you aren't getting two different audiences. you just might not be getting the numbers that equate. you know, money, how you measure influences completely changed right? now that these clips are obviously going to be circulated everywhere but you can't necessarily measure that as easy as you can measure. cable news or cable, the cable channel, we get about 20 seconds left here. do you really think you'll stick to just monday? nice. he's just on mondays, right? >> i think he will. i mean, this is a new experiment we're seeing too with different channels. you know, where you have rachel maddow on msnbc on monday night. it's now you have him on comedy central monday night all right. once a. week
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thing with these big stars like come on, the deliver their commentary and their offer. the rest of the week sounds like a good schedule. all darcy like you want every day you ask for great to see if they and thank you for joining us. this is cnn news central inside politics up next we handcraft every sterns and foster using the finest >> materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort, save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at sterns and >> a must in your medicine cabinet calls coming on cans. the number one called shortening brands. >> highly recommended. >> people loves. i cams unique to sink formula >> it shortens col-xs >> zach can shorten that hole this is one a smile. >> in >> this is her john deere once here, who's tractor he get
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