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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 13, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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bill that the senate just passed before dawn today, more than half of that funding to go toward ukraine, the president warning of severe consequences for republican members of congress who reject the bill. >> they said it's a test for the nation. he added that the lawmakers would be giving vladimir putin exactly what he wants president biden then condemned recent comments from his predecessor donald trump who said he would encourage russia to invade countries, nato allies, who do not meet their nato guidance for how much to spend or their gdp on defense no other president in history has ever bowed down to a russian dictator. let me say this as clearly as i can. i never will for god's sake, it's dumb is shameful, it's dangerous, it's un-american america gives us word, it means something when we make a commitment, we keep it and nato is a sacred commitment >> we have a team of
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correspondents to talk about this. let's begin with mj lee at the white house. mj, he certainly came out forcefully here and he had words for house republicans in effect saying past this, i just wonder are there any negotiations underway still between the white house and house republicans, or is this really down to some sort of way to get around the speaker >> i mean, this was clearly the president squarely aiming the speech out. republicans as it's really unclear what the path forward is, what plan b might be. he said the speech that he really wanted to just lay out the stakes of the national security implications if this package isn't taken up by the house using some familiar language, he said that house republicans essentially have a choice to make. are you defending freedoms or not? are you defending ukraine or not? are you enabling vladimir putin even more or not? and he did say the president that he has no question in his mind that this package that was passed by the senate overnight were to be
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taken up by the house that it would pass in the house, but that currently according to his view and his vantage point, this is speaker johnson catering to the most extreme or small group of republicans in here? his own caucus and the president did try in his speech to say that there would be a political price to pay for any republicans that didn't support this package. take a listen republicans in congress who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable. history is watching. history is watching history is watching failure to support ukraine. this critical moment will never be forgotten >> and you know, it wasn't surprising that donald trump ended up being a major feature of this speech. but he did use some of the strongest language that we have heard thus far. he said that he was basically plea disgusted by trump's recent comments, saying that russia would be encouraged to mess
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with and go into any other country that he thinks hasn't paid their dues to nato. this of course, has drawn a lot of ire from, from a lot of world leaders. and he also had some other choice words like dumb on american and shameful and dangerous what's not clear though, as i said before though, is what the plan is for democrats and the president to move forward. if in fact this bill doesn't get taken up in the house and he didn't have any comments on that alex, you hear the speaker saying yes, you know, there's this israel, ukraine bill, it needs some border security and there we >> just spoke with one rank and file republican who said biden already household the border security laws. he needs what >> would it all boils down to is they don't really seem serious? about border security or providing aid for ukraine or israel is the world ready for potential failure here >> obviously, it's something that they don't want to have to contend with. i mean, if you break out these different conflicts, israel, for example,
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they could probably go on for much longer then say ukraine could, israel has a sizable military industrial complex that can support its ongoing war in gaza. but there certainly, they have run low on various weapons. ukraine really here is the one of major concern we're about to hit the two-year mark of russia's invasion in ukraine. the administration has completely run out of money from the two main buckets that it uses to help support ukraine. and we hear from soldiers on the front lines that they are running out of bullets. they're running out of artillery. they are running out of the long-range rockets. they need to i disrupt russian logistical lines and their bases at long distance so ukraine really is having a scary moment here and the united states provides far more assistance to both israel and to ukraine than any other country around the world. so this was a message not just to republicans and his fellow
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democrats here in this country, but to the world in that this is the message that so much so many of the european and nato allies want to hear there. this is a moment in which they are, some are freaking out especially when we hear what trump had to say yesterday encouraging russia to invade nato allies, i spoke with one senior european official who called it very unfortunate and erodes the trust that they have in the united states. so yes, very forceful comments that will certainly be her heard around the world. >> so kristen trump has said why he opposed the border. ukraine an agreement this caught this compromise, partly saying, as he often does, he get a better deal, but, but also saying in effect he wants to run on this this year in terms of opposing additional funding for ukraine against the ongoing invasion from russia, has trump articulated a position as to why he opposes that a this is part of a larger campaign initiative that donald trump has his entire campaign
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and this is what appeals to his base. i don't many republicans is about quote, unquote america first, when this america first policy, and that's what donald trump calls it. they don't give a to other countries. they keep aid within the united states is not about helping foreign governments, it is about helping people within the united states. now, obviously there are different factions it's of money and things are not as cut and dry as the way that donald trump often puts them out there. but the way that he sells his message is that if we don't, if we don't give money to ukraine, not money can be used elsewhere. that could be used on the border. and this is the message that really resonates with a lot of americans. you have to remember, we're talking about two big issues that donald trump wants to run on in 2024, run against biden on one of them is the economy. he knows that people across the country they'll suffering from what they feel is inflation. he wants to play that up, essentially saying, oh, we keep the money for ourselves, that will help our economy. >> these things, again >> are not all interrelated.
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donald trump is conflating several of these various issues. money that would go to foreign aid, money that would go back into the united states economy. but it does work for him when he's talking to his support it's interesting because back in december with the defense authorization bill >> the senate put in a sort of protection that there's a two thirds threshold that it would require of the senate in order to pull out of nato but looking at what some european diplomats have said, at least privately, there are a little worried that trump would still prevail here. >> they are. i mean, i >> have spoken a number of officials who have seen this as a continuation of trump's bluster that this is campaign trail politics. and they have heard this message before that countries need to put up that 2% and there are other european countries that are encouraging those other countries that haven't done that to raise the amount of money that they are
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contributing to their national defense. so on the one hand, it is certainly a wake-up call and one that has made them nervous this on the other, it is something that they have they've heard before, but i do think to some extent this is going to certainly kick into high gear any preparations that the europeans and others may be making for a potential trump's term and to defend themselves not as individual countries, but in the alliance as well, because they are seeing that they might not be able to be as rely reliance on the united states, perhaps as they once were. >> certainly, alex, thank you so much. thank you to kristen and mj as well. we're now in a critical 24 hour window for hostage negotiations in the middle east. leaders trying to hash out a deal to free captives held by hamas in exchange for a ceasefire in gaza. egypt's president announcing that cia director
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bill burns is meeting up with top officials today from israel, qatar, and egypt. but those talks remain difficult. that is the word difficult that one official is using. when we hear in reporting that we're getting. so after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordered his military materia to come up with a plan for evacuating gaza's displaced civilians from rafah in the south. we're talking about a staggering 1.3 million people adding to the complex negotiations a rescue operation that saved two israeli hostages, but reportedly killed more than 100 people according to the palestinian red crescent society. let's talk about all of this the former commanding general for the us army in europe, we have retired lieutenant general ben hodges. general, thanks for being with us. barack ravid, contributor here to cnn and axios reporter is saying that netanyahu told president biden this weekend that he does indeed want a hostage deal, despite what some
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are reporting in the israeli press, we see the cia director in cairo and we're hearing these things about a deal difficult but also constructive do you think there's any chance of a deal for hostages >> well, certainly i hope so. i mean, do you think of the families and the people who are worried about these hostages? >> what what >> they're going through, the huge risks that are there and then of course, the special operators who go in to rescue some of them. so i hope that the negotiators are successful but for me, the biggest problem is the netanyahu government. i think that there unwillingness to work in good faith towards a regional, broader, two-state solution is what makes us so extremely difficult >> netanyahu's preparing for this rafah operation. do you
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think that he would really want to relent on that? for a deal with hostages. do you see any circumstance where the rafah operation doesn't happen to make way for that? >> that that would be that would be significant if he was backing off of what he had said already was essential they you know, that you could not imagine leaving hundreds of hamas fighters down there and rafah in return to get a, the hostages released, that maybe maybe that does work i just think the the idea of trying to get the hundreds of thousands of palestinians to sit are in rapa to move them somewhere else that somehow you can filter out a few hundred hamas fighters from that. does it seem like a reasonable task? and for sure, there's going to be enormous casualties. and i think that this whole thing just erodes the support it makes it very hard for president biden, frankly, to
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continue to support them. >> and idf spokesperson told cnn today that the idf has not yet delivered a plan to netanyahu to evacuate civilians from rafah. is it? >> really possible to do that we're talking about 1.3 million people. this is the enclave where everyone has crowded, is they have evacuated from other parts of gaza. where can they even go? >> that is >> big enough and safe enough and has any resources for them yeah, this would be an enormous logistics challenge for the israeli government, which would have to take this one to set up huge tent >> cities with all the things necessary for humans to live there safely and to give what they need you go in iraq and afghanistan, we attempted to isolate or separate terrorist taliban's from the population.
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so you end up sitting barriers and then you kinda push people through there. you do biometric data collection. this number though that over 1 million in people that will be a heck of a task. and of course, the idf soldiers that are there trying to do it will be targets of very vulnerable open targets as this is happening. so i think what i worry about is not only the innocent people that are having to move again, but the number of people that are probably going to be killed as hamas, you know, obviously they're not going to go along with this yeah, very good point, general, ben hodges. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for the privilege >> still to come new york voters heading to the polls for a special election to fill the seat of disgraced republican, former congressman george santos plus we're getting new details about the shooter who opened fire at joel. oh, steins mega church in houston.
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>> and right >> now, flight attendants picketing across major the there demanding better pay, better working conditions. we'll have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central lead with jake tapper cnn today at four >> did eat my dad's razor. >> dot, a watch. it's from gillette labs. this green bar releases trapped hairs for my face game changer. well, the flex this contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke for the ultimate gillette shaving experience, the best to make intent is to let labs, consumer cellular. this is sam palmy healthier >> this is a button >> well, somebody's but just thought i'd let you know that would consumer cellular, you can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers >> but for half the price i have type two diabetes, but i'm manager to well, it's ladle pill with the big story to tell. i take once-daily jati
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stopped and you could start seeing more people starting to stream in a lot. him telling me that it's because of the snow. they waited for the snow to stop a sort of i just wanted to kinda go over the process here. this is where folks will come in second and then brianna, they go over to the desks that are just over my shoulder here and they're told where to go to vote. there are different election districts and then they're basically casting their ballot behind these blue things. and then they have to do take one more step. you could see this woman here they then put it into this machine and that's how it gets counted for certain most of the voters, top of mind here are two things immigration and abortion. and we've been spending the afternoon talking to some of those voters. listen to what they say about what affected their decision today. >> when you came. >> here today, what were some of the issues that you were concerned about that sort of like it's the border the
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>> border. yeah. and maybe not spending keeping some of that money in our country to i rikkie pro-abortion. so i think that that was important to come out and vote about that today. >> so do you want to tell us who you voted for? >> our vote for suozzi. >> response to the i didn't like the way certain person it's a ran a campaign okay. i want to tell us who that is at. tom suozzi, i thought was the sleazy campaign >> and so obviously some strong words there from that gentleman there. but seriously, like most of the things that people here talking about are abortion and immigration, about 80,000 voters had already cast their ballots in early voting. we're up to about, i would say over 20,000 that so far that have walked through the doors of different polling sites across long island to vote. today here, right now, we stand that about 300 briana
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>> all right. shimon prokupecz. thank you so much for that report from long island >> we're joined now by republican congressman brandon williams of the state of new york as well. congressman, thanks for so much for taking the time. >> you're welcome. glad to be here. >> so this district, of course, a swing district like like your own pilip initially refused to tell voters that she voted for then president trump and the 2020 election. i wonder in districts like this, voting today in yours is trump a liability or an asset for candidates like yourself? >> well, i think the most important thing is where are people voting on the current administration is really the key issue and where are people on joe biden's since he's in the white house and we're all in new york feeling the effects of his, election in his presidency. so i think that's what's on voters minds right now. when you look at new york three runs right into the five boroughs. and the closer you
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are to the cities that are frankly struggling with out-of-control crime and now to immigration in the crisis in new york city, they really want a firewall against those policies because they're literally at the door. and so that's what maasie stands for, and that's what she's fighting for for new york three. >> that's true all the way >> upstate, even in my, even into my district i want to talk about another issue because the president spoke a short time ago regarding the military assistance bill for ukraine, israel, taiwan currently >> passed by the senate heading to the house. he said to house republicans addressing folks like yourself do you want to stand up for freedom or stand with terrorism and tyranny, as you know, russia invaded ukraine nearly two years ago. it's a sovereign nation and lexela, its own leaders. it's a friend of the us. russia has killed thousands of civilians. why should the us stopped supporting ukraine? now at what
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is the toughest moment in the war? >> well, i stood up for freedom. i was a nuclear submarine officer for the navy and my mission in the '90s was to deter russia and to deter the threats against america. so believe me, i know what it means to stand up for freedom because i've done it myself. in, terms of supporting ukraine, we need to have military support continue our military aid to ukraine. but the way that this is getting packaged is completely disingenuous and really has more to say about presidential politics and the dysfunction of the senate than it does does about the priorities of american voters. and so i'm really disappointed. sure >> first of all, thank you for your service. i've been on nuclear subs before how as you know, your colleagues demanded that the aid be packaged with a border security deal that deal may not have everything that the house wants, but it's certainly raises the standard
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for asylum seekers. it put billions of dollars more in the border security. it also is trying to shorten the time that those cases are heard. why isn't it better to have increase security at the border rather than nothing >> well, that's a false choice because joe biden shredded the remaining mexico policy has first week in office, he did it vary with great flamboyance and he could reinstate that today simply with a and so the false choice of haberman that many, many of rooms, many of the movies you've talked about, the president trump attempted were challenged in courts. you had a democratic president here who is willing to remain not struck down by the court that i'm talking about executive i'm talking about executive privilege and powers that the house also saying the president could exercise. but but, but as you know this is a president who is actually making concessions that previous democratic presidents didn't make. i just wonder why is it
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safer for your constituents to have no increased security at the border as opposed to that negotiated by your senate republican colleagues? >> well, i'm glad to hear you say that joe biden has provided no security at the border along the secretory. secretary mayorkas, i think that's a bold admission on exactly what i said. i did not say exactly what was going to chair to no deal already. you had a tough said, no one here to get that, no additional security let's talk as people who respect each other, i respect your service. i'm asking you why no deal is better for your constituents for the rest of the year as opposed to a deal that significantly tightened up restrictions of the border well, because five, permitting in the law in the code 5,000 per day on average, over a period of time to enter >> the truth is that's not true. it's not allowing it's a disaster. >> and it was not >> under saying it 5,000
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counters. you don't you don't enter town anymore encounters of the sorry. is that respecting each other? is that what you're getting at here >> i will challenge you when you say something, a member of congress, you're cutting me off it absolutely does say something not true. and oh, i see. and you're the arbiter of truth. i realized that cnn as james lankford, a republican senator, said that the 5,000 in per day talking point was false. so i'll quote him if you won't take my word, florida, but well, i think the way that i couched it is 5,000 per day on average over some period of time when they would put a halt to it and then allow that accumulated number to be processed under the obama i'm administration, 1,000 a day was a crisis. and so now somewhere in the vicinity of 5,000 a day is somehow okay that is the simplest question i have for
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you is is it better for the country in your constituents to leave the status quo for the rest of the year, abandon a bipartisan deal or accept the bipartisan deal to improve security at the border as your republican senate colleagues said, it would do that, it's good. >> again, a false choice. the best thing for the contract it was a word that secretary choice secretary mayorkas to enforce the law, which he has decided not to do. and for joe biden, to reverse is decisions that he made the first week in office. this crisis has happened under his watch. you can blame no one but the biden administration, any attempts to do that is completely absurd. and i think that's really going to be republican colleagues have done exactly that. will congressman brandon williams, you're always welcome back for discussion >> all right. >> thanks so much for taking the time today. >> you bet. take care and this just into cnn, defense secretary lloyd austin is expected to be released from
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the hospital today. this after being treated for a bladder issue that required his hospital illustration, a number of days ago, we're gonna have an update. do stay with cnn news central backroom deal we'll cia sequence of fairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on cnn, >> awkward question is going to be anything left leftover? >> oh, absolutely >> my kids don't know what they want. you know, who knows what she wants. i want to massage in a multi from someone named john carlos and i didn't live in that shoe box for years. not just within power. we get all of our financial questions answered. >> so you don't have to worry, i guess like at the caviar, just give me join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard in real life conversations, empower what's next? >> as a cardiologist, when i
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i'm daniel lurie and i've spent my career fighting poverty, helping people right here in san francisco. i'm also a father raising two kids in the city. deeply concerned that city hall is allowing crime and lawlessness to spread. now we can do something about it by voting yes on prop e. a common sense solution that ensures we use community safety cameras to catch repeat offenders and hold them accountable. vote yes on e. >> my more liebermann at the pentagon >> and this cnn openai ceo sam altman says, a global regulatory body should oversee artificial intelligence. him speaking earlier today at the world government summit in you
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by orban says he is not interested in quote, killer robots walking down the street, but says that ai could present when he calls subtle societal misalignments well, we are going to need i believe at some point, some sort of global system. the example that i've given in the past is the iaea the international atomic energy agency for what happens with the most powerful of these systems, because they will have truly global impact. and what sort of auditing, what sort of safety measures do we want in place before you can deploy like a super intelligence or however you want to call an agi and i think for a bunch of reasons, the uae would be so well set up to be a leader in the discussions around that display >> deploy his superintelligence goodness let's discuss now with sara fischer, cnn media analyst, senior media your reporter for axios, not the first time. altman himself has asked for ai to be regulated. i wonder, i mean, is there, is there a critical mass for this
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or other his tech peers on the same page here. >> yeah, well, a lot of tech companies are asking for regulation in the us in terms of a global standard that's where it gets really tricky for these companies. they're creating algorithms that are pulling from across the web of global web. and so for them, they want to have one standard to adhere to instead of trying to adhere to continental standards, different he tunnel standards. finally, we saw this in the privacy world when we're thinking about advertising, europe came up with one big standard, and every single internet company had to just adhere their global policies to that one standard because it was let's too hard not to right now, there would you have to go for the highest standard to abide by that? this is not a great time of international cooperation. you might have noticed and ai is it's a weapon or there's concern is weapon, you have this competition, us, russia, china, all that kind of stuff. i just wonder, is it? realistic? does dissolvement, do others consider this a realistic path forward? i mean, is there enough of agreement among countries around the world that
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hey, we may not like each other, but we really better do something about this. ai think it's optimistic because one of the biggest tensions is that there's two ways you can build your ai systems. one is open sourced, so anyone can go in and add to the code. >> but >> there's some big security issues with that. you think about biohacking for example. >> the other is more of a closed system where one company owns their ai code. now, different countries are going to have different preferences. you can understand why maybe a democratic system might want an open sourced code but then more of a closed system like an autocracy like china might want something close. so i think it would be hard to come up with something universal. yeah. >> just just let me just look at the way they do their internet. all right, the great chinese firewall stuff. i mean, how about domestic? domestically when i see like the one i see, congress discussed high-tech, i was laughed a little bit because i was like these guys, i'm not sure sure they know what i don't know the real questions about whether the behind how quickly congress can move. i mean, is there a chance of a us version of this? >> there is. but the problem is there's not a lot of unification right now. there's
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like hundred and 91 different ai bills being talked about in congress. the only ones that are getting a lot of attention are the ones that i think consumers would relate to. for example, disclosing when you're using ai in a political ad, that's something that's getting a lot of steam making sure researchers had access to different ai systems. that's something that people seem to agree on. but as you mentioned, we have so few bills, we still don't even have a national privacy law here in the us. i'm skeptical. talk about just spending that was difficult enough. sara sara fischer, thanks so much >> and still ahead. some say they haven't had a pay raise in years. now, they're hitting the picket picket lines. thousands of flight the tenants are on strike at major airports across the us more on exactly what they're demanding. that's coming up tonight the election to replace disgraced former congressman george santos hold >> republicans razor-thin house majority shrink even further. and what clues will the results provide about november selection? join cnn for special live coverage tonight, starting
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better >> closed captioning bronchi by meso we've offered a free book about missile filial ma, for over ten years called >> 1808724901, or go to meso thousands of flight attendance at several major airports across the us are protesting today, demanding pay increases in >> improved working conditions. according to the association of flight attendants, some of these aviation workers have not had a raise in five years cnn's pete muntean has been following the story. so, so pete, i'm curious. what are you hearing from flight attendants on the picket lines? and i'm also of course curious what this means for all the flights in the coming days and weeks as a holiday, weekend coming up. >> the impact on passengers is minimal right now, not a strike, but rather a protest officially called informational picketing, protected labor action for off duty flight attendants want to tell you the scene earlier today at reagan national airport, just outside
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of washington, dc. this is bringing together flight attendants from multiple unions, multiple airlines, flight attendants from alaska airlines, air wisconsin, united american, and southwest are all pushing for new contracts from their airlines. the association of flight attendants say some of them have not had a raise in five years. this is called a worldwide day of action flight attendant from 24 airlines are doing this at more than 30 airports and includes airports from coast to coast in the us, also in alaska and hawaii, as well as london and guam. the association of flight attendants says this were working harder than ever with long days short nights, more time away from family. and in some of the most difficult working conditions of our history, working conditions and pay have been erod by consistent operational issues and cost of living significantly higher following the pandemic, suzanne schaefer is a flight attendant for regional carrier republic airways >> the living wage is not in
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the industry. and we put in a lot of hours for the few hours or is that we get paid? it's not uncommon to be on duty for 12 to 16 hours and get compensated for between 4.6. we are not living in the 1920s. this is 2024. we need to be paid and compensated accordingly and treated with respect. >> a lot of developments on this today, flight attendant from alaska airlines will take a strike authorization vote today, american airlines flight attendants are asking again for permission to strike, but federal laws keep flight attendants from going on strike. they can only walk off one federal mediators, declare an impasse in talks. one other important thing to note here we've also heard from the flight attendants on board alaska airlines flight 12, 82, which was the flight that lost its door plug back on january 5, they say that they are america's first responders. they are on the front lines and they were in the back of the plane and a terrifying situation all the more reason
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why they should get some help from their airlines. >> we know they save lives in some of these critical situations. we've seen it time and again. >> pete muntean. thank you so much. >> greenland. it's getting greener. >> that's a problem though. the world's largest island is melted and an alarming rate that is having a major impact on the planet being a journalist is the best job in the world asking challenging questions of the folks who i run the world is ukraine going to win this war? >> yes, of course >> you're ready >> the lead with jake tapper, cnn next >> the day hey, you get your clear choice dental implants makes every day. let's dig in day a chow down day a tick, a big bite, day a perfectly delicious de love my new teeth day, because you're clear
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literally life-changing because it is effective. i say i'm on a second honeymoon. >> get started today with rex united states of scans with jaipur. sunday night on cnn. >> climate experts are sounding the alarm over 1 troubling new report showing greenland is getting greener. a new major analysis of satellite data shows greenland has lost 11,000 square miles of ice between the
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mid night thinking 80s and the 2010s, that's ababout 36 times the size of new york city sign to say, warmer air has turned giant swaths of the north atlantic territory into vegetation and wetlands. and it's presenting serious consequences for climate change and rising sea levels. we're joined now by bill nye hi, the science guy. he of course is a science educator making all of this so clear to those of us who want to understand it better bill, tell us about this report. it's so alarming everybody people have been concerned about this business of greenland's ice for decades. >> so there's >> two big, big problems as the ice falls off of this island, greenland, it makes the sea level go up by putting ice in a glass of water you can get it to overflow for example, ice that was on land is now in the ocean. and then as the ocean itself gets warmer, it expands.
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so both of these things make sea level rise. and when sea level rises, the problem is about half the people in the world live on coasts, on sea coasts so there the infrastructure, the housing, warehouses, roads. we have one on the shore will get overwhelmed by tidal forces by the ocean. that's problem. but the other thing that's very serious is the circulation of the ocean, which goes all over the world. these the circulation of water that sinks near greenland goes along the ocean floor around the world and back is being disrupted because it's not sinking in the same way that when you add all this ice, which is for freshwater, not salty water, than it doesn't sink because what makes what makes this circulation start is evaporation. even in cold ocean water, evaporates becomes
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increasingly salty and sinks. >> on that >> thermohaline heat halt, flow thermohaline is being disrupted by all this ice fallen off of greenland >> and i should mention we were looking back and we saw that you were on cnn back in july of 2012, and you were discussing the ice melt in greenland saying that this was proof of climate change sounding the alarm there. and so this is something we've been watching for a long time, and it's also this cycle, right? of releasing the gases as the permafrost thaws. it seems like this vicious, vicious cycle. is there any way to, i guess, do anything to avert this or is it really just a matter? nerve slowing it down to things to avert. okay. and then the other thing, proof, it's a consequence of climate change and people have talked about this for a long time. so the,
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if you want to get technical, which is fun, the gulf stream is what happens on the surface this is clockwise circulation that keeps europe warm and so on. but then there's this overturning, this amoc, atlantic meridional overturning circulation. well, if you want to do something about it, two things i tell everybody talk about it if we were talking about climate change, the way we talk about a bunch of other very important issues. we'd be doing something about it. and then the thing to do about it really is to vote we have we have people running for president in the world's most influential country who wrote even talk about climate change, let alone talk about what they're going to do about it. so it's happening, it's happening faster and faster because the so-called feedback mechanisms are both going the wrong way. as we lose ice, we lose sunlight reflecting into
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space, which makes things warm up faster and faster. and then when we release this ancient methane, which ancient swamp gas that was covered with ice, that methane is also very powerful greenhouse gas. so these are troubling things, but the sooner we get to work on it, the better and the latest research is that there isn't really a turning point. there isn't like a click where it's all going to go to heck, instead is just going to get worse and worse and worse. >> and >> that getting worse will accelerate so the sooner we get to work, the better yeah we, need to get to work. >> bill night. thank you so much for explaining it to us and hopefully it's hitting home for a lot of people. we appreciate you being with us >> we can do this, people. thank you >> we can do this. >> all right. so when we come back a true rocking horse with a very specific musical taste
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now we can do something about it by voting yes on prop e. a common sense solution that ensures we use community safety cameras to catch repeat offenders and hold them accountable. vote yes on e. direct redefining insurance. >> the lead with jake tapper, cnn next canadian race horse named pretty sure. turning heads but not for her looks, look at what pretty does when she hears heavy metal >> pretty lives in ontario where her groom that's like the person who cares for the horse in the stables i was today years old when i found that out, by the way, her groom says, the harder the metal, the more pretty head bangs pretty grim has also tried other kinds of m


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