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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> popped him a tax relief this is cnn. the world's news >> moments ago, house speaker mike johnson doing damage control after republicans lost a house special election where he is now pointing his finger for blame also, donald trump forced to choose as his legal cases collide, the porn-star
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hush-money case the disqualification hearing for the >> georgia da all while we continue to wait for a verdict in the civil fraud case. and also the response from jack smith to the supreme court on biden's on trump's immunity claim the wild week. that is for the trump legal team that is just beginning. >> the fans already out in full force. the kansas city victory for aid kicks off shortly, is taylor swift's going to be there >> sara and kate >> are out on john berman with rahel solomon. this is cnn news central >> all right. moments ago, house speaker mike johnson reacting after republicans lost a special election in new york to fill the seat left vacant when george santos was kicked out of congress johnson downplaying the loss that further shrinks his party's
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majority. listen the result. last night is not something in my view that democrats should celebrate too much. think about what happened there. they spent about $15 to win a seat that president biden won by eight points. they want it by less than eight points. there candidate ran like a republican he sounded like a republican talking about the border and immigration because everybody knows that's the top issue that is in no way a bellwether of what's going to happen this fall. we are absolutely convinced this as a sentence, 95 aid package appears stalled in the house. the white house now putting pressure on house republicans to take up the measure we have live team coverage for you this morning, cnn's arlette saenz's at the white house. let's actually begin with cnn's manu raju on capitol hill motto you were inside of that room for the press conference you've been talking to? did liters as well. what are you hearing? >> yeah. and i did ask mike johnson about the issue of the border which would played so prominently in that new york
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special election. the democratic candidate there, tom suozzi, was getting absolutely hammered on this issue. he laid in the campaign though he seized upon the fact that mike johnson, the speaker of the house, opposed the bipartisan by border security deal that was cut in the united states senate ultimately, johnson's opposition to this plan led senate republicans to kill that measure when it came before them, the suozzi essentially blamed republicans for that and tried to campaign on the a decision by the speaker to kill it. i asked him if he mishandled that issue, if it caused them. they gave democrats something to campaign on. he downplayed that he dismissed it. he said that was not the reason why, but that is not necessarily what members of congress within his own conference are telling me. some of them believe that the all of the inability the other republicans to put together a governing agenda has been a big reason for their failure here, others are concerned about the fact that george santos was
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expelled, even though it was supported by a two-thirds majority in the united states house after those damning allegations came out about his conduct, criminal allegations as well as his house ethics committee probe enough. the loudest members said he should not have been expelled. that is a reason why they kicked them out. one of the reasons why he was expelled new york republican freshmen, the same ones who will be vulnerable in the fall. i talked to several of them this morning. they defended their handling of all of this as well, saying that that is not reason why they lost instead saying that the democratic candidate there tom suozzi, is simply an experienced politician who spent a lot of money, ran like a republican on the issue of the border, and that was enough for him to carry the day. so a lot of finger-pointing, a lot of uncertainty about what this all means. but one thing is clear here, rahel, they'd republican majority is in peril in the fall and republicans are now trying to figure out how to prevent it from flipping to the democrats >> that majority down by one even slimmer. now, amount of rows you're live on capitol
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hill, manu, thanks so much. let's go to arlette now, who's at the white house? arlette talk to us about what the white house is doing too. to try to get this aid package passed >> well, rahel, we've really seen president biden embracing the bullet bully pulpit as he urges house republicans to take up this foreign aid package, the president really laying this out in stark terms saying that it's not just about getting aid to ukraine on the battlefield, but also protecting america's national security interests the president arguing that not passing this aid would simply play into vladimir putin's hands and have wider repercussions beyond just ukraine earlier today, white house, national security spokesperson john kirby said that it's time for house speaker mike johnson to put up a vote to show some leadership and be up to the moment and yesterday, president biden had a pretty he stark stark warning for republicans as they right now are not planning to vote on this measure. it take a listen >> for republicans in congress who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable history is watching history is watching.
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history is watching failure to support ukraine. this critical moment will never be forgotten. >> the big question is what the white house will do now is the house speaker so far has showed resistance to bringing this up for a vote. we know the democrats are hoping to see if there might be a path forward, if potential work around the house speaker. or you also have republicans who are suggesting that they could rewrite portions of the foreign aid bill. but what's also been interesting to note in the last 24 hours is president biden's ramped up rhetoric against former president donald trump's specifically his suggestions relating to encouraging russia to do whatever it wants to countries that do not have meat to their nato obligations. the president in the past a week because really leaned into trying to paint the republican party the us beholden to trump, not just on ukraine aid, but also on the border and immigration, something we saw play out last night and that new york special election, the president has made clear that he plans to
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make that case day in and day out heading into november's election, hoping voters will take notice all right. >> arlette sons signs live at the white house. arlette, thanks so much. >> john. >> right with us now, congressman mike quigley, a democrat from illinois and co-chair of the congressional ukraine caucus. i'm gonna get to ukraine in just a moment, congressman. but house speaker mike johnson, just a short time ago, was talking about the special election out in long island, which added one democratic member to the house conference there. he somehow suggested that the wind by tom suozzi was a sign of weakness. what do you make of his assessment >> that's what people say when they lose. >> it's >> whatever it takes to not be too embarrassed i think you have to look beyond just that special election to the recent elections in ohio and wisconsin i think the fact that the economy is very strong, and the fact back that when choices on the ballot democrats win, i'll add to this, and i do think the fact that speaker johnson shot down the opportunities to address so the issue he said was so important. we had
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opportunities the secretary and the president have asked for thousands of more border guards and changes in asylum policy. only i think under orders from candidate trump that speaker johnson shot down, >> you think democrats should run on that issue? the fact that donald trump and house speaker mike johnson discouraged the senate from passing that compromise measure. >> i think he gave the american public that credited deserves, they can figure this out and they understand that there are issues, but they can clearly see that there were opportunities to address it. and that the republicans who asked for these things republicans who wrote the bill voted against their own bill in the senate. so i think you'd give him credit. but as we remember, it's the economy stupid, right? that was the line we always learn from i think the fact that this is an extraordinarily strong economy and again, the issue of choice are out there. i think those
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are all factors in the the american people leaning democratic >> all right, and this is all connected to, foreign aid specifically aid to ukraine. and there's this $95,000,000,000, 4.8 package. the senate passed, which includes $60 billion for ukraine. that house speaker mike johnson, more or less directly says will not get to the house floor as is what can you do about that >> well, look, obviously we're talking about a discharge petition and gets down to are there enough patriots out there who recognize what the words of general milley and secretary austin right? that if we don't stand up to putin's aggression, we face doubling our defense budget and inviting more bloodshed. and of course, remembering that battle in ukraine is a reasons we fought the second world war. it's why we formed the united nations since why we formed nato so i think there's probably 100 or so republicans who are
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steadfast in favor of that. i'd like to think there's enough of them that we can work with. and i'd like to thank speaker johnson would recognize as narrow as this is. if we're going to govern, we're going to have to work together. and this is more that unites us than divides us. >> so our audience knows a discharge petition is a way that you can get things on the house floor without house leadership, it requires a majority of house members basically signing on do you think you have every democratic member willing to sign on to a discharge petition, you said it will take a enough patriots. there are democratic members who may not be willing to sign a discharge petition that has aid to israel in it when i >> got here the first bit of advice idat was everything that gets done here gets done in the middle so we may lose a few members. i can't count on that one way or another on the left and the far-right does nothing i can do about that, but i do recognize when it there was a
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standalone provision on ukraine. it passed overwhelmingly. and we'd recognize that israel is our staunchest ally in the middle east it is the only democratic democracy in the region and there is extraordinary amounts of humanitarian aid for those in gaza. and i do appreciate the president's diplomatic efforts to get the hostages released in a short term ceasefire. i think most democrats recognize that and now understand this has to happen for both reasons. >> you did say though, that the discharge petition depends on having enough patriots, democrats who do not sign on. would you then question their patriotism? >> no, i'm talking about those who the people who aren't patriots who vote against that, which they know is right in their hearts. if they believe wants to answer another that's another thing. but i'm talking about the republicans who know supporting ukraine and israel's right thing to do. and they vote against that, which
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they believe, i believe people who don't vote that one we are not patriots. you need to vote what that what you believe is the right thing to do. >> the foreign aid bill receives 70 votes in the senate bipartisan measure, including 22 republicans at this point, doesn't seem to be going anywhere in the house of representatives. congressman mike quigley, co-chair of ukraine caucus, and the house. thanks so much for being with us today. >> thank you. >> all right, donald trump will be in a new york city courtroom tomorrow. the criminal case involving hush money to a porn star as a decision looms that could flip all his business the empire >> plus the >> day everything hit the fan, brian laundrie's parents described their son and when their son told them that his fiance, gabby petito tito was gone and kansas city chiefs star travis kelce breaking his silence, addressing that viral moment from the super bowl, we'll discuss
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stand beside this week tomorrow to court hearings friday. a ruling that could cost him 370 meters $11, as well as his new york business license in any day. now, the supreme court could receive a response from jack smith evolving the issue of presidential immunity. cnn's kaitlan polantz following it all, this valentine's day, kaitlan john, this boils down into three buckets there are six different issues at play for criminal cases and two issues related to various serious lawsuits that donald trump faces. but it boils down to fall out over donald trump's business practices in the state of new york. he has that criminal hearing tomorrow before the judge. they're going to talk about trial date. they're gonna be talking about going to trial. trump's likely to be there. there's also a decision in his civil fraud case in new york coming from judge arthur engoron on the penalties that trump and his business will face for inflating his worth, his financial statements.
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that's the fallout over his business plans. then there's protection around the presidency. there's that big legal question hanging over donald trump and his criminal case in federal court in dc. that's what's before the supreme court right now. we're going to be waiting for a second. special counsel response to trump's attempts to keep his case paused. keep this presidential immunity question before the supreme court to try and get answers on that and avoid going to trial very quickly. so we'll wait to see what the supreme court does there. and then the third bucket jauan, there's a lot of questions about the progression to trial for donald trump. that's the hearing tomorrow and friday in georgia with the da's office looking at the ethics and the possibility of those prosecutors staying on are having to leave that case. and of course, the mar-a-lago
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those prosecutors staying on are having to leave that case. and of course, the mar-a-lago documents criminal case that continues on as well hearings earlier this week under seal filings coming up, the progressn polantz. thank you so much for being here for l. >> all right, john. and let's discuss all of this now with cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams, elie, good to see you. let's start in georgia. i mean, there's a lot there depending on who you're talking to, there's questions about whether there's a are they're there. what is this going to come down to? what are the big issues here >> there's one big issue. was there an explicit financial conflict? now, what it's what the matter started with as a personal relationship and intimate relationship between the district attorney, fani willis and someone senior in her office. now, obviously there's potential ethical questions there about the appropriateness of that type of relationship. what the judge is
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assessing is is there a conflict of interest based on the fact that her office paid this individual's law firm for services? that's what they're going to be picking apart. and it's messy and it's complicated because you're going to have to cutoff number one where the personal relationship ends and where the financial conflict might begin. and that's just a legal question that the judge is going to have to sort out what the evidence and testimony tomorrow >> elliot, there's a question about testimony whether we see fani willis testify. what is that going to hinge on? what is that sort of going to be determined by? >> it's hard to say it's a it war ii advising this witness, i would say, look, this is a personal relationship that fits within the ethical rules set by georgia. and on this office that's the argument that she would make and any financial there's no financial benefit you would be asking a prosecutor to are you asking an individual to just sort of account for every dollar that is spent on a person in an intimate relationship. that's
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the argument that she would make it. like i said, it's going to be complicated both legally and actuarially. where did the dollar go? dollars go. who was spent on who they were spent on angel? >> elliot. what would you say? the biggest sort of concern here is is it that this client who is bringing this up was infringed upon in some way, was negatively impacted in some way, or is it the optics of yeah. potentially to prosecutors misbehaving >> that's a very important question and probably the central one is, what is the appearance of impropriety even if the judge finds that there's no specific conflict of interests that, you know, that a person did not have a direct dollar benefit with respect to the work they were doing for in how does it look both to the public that elected the district attorney, but also the court jurors and anyone else connected in many respects in courts. it's the appearance that is as bad as or as, as troubling or as even
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problematic legally as the actual conflict. and that's the sort of thorny legal ethics goal. and frankly personal question the court's going to have to sort out here, elliot, for the new york civil case, the fraud case, before this most recent trial, there had already been a determination from the judge that broad fraud had occurred, and so this stage, in terms of determining the appropriate amount of damages, what are you expecting? i mean, what are you what do you see here? what do you think is likely? >> i think a very large dollar amount is likely based on number one, as you said, rahel, the fact that fraud was already found, so the court is in effect just deciding on the damages. number two, any other remedies that the court does impose such as revocation of business licenses, are other restrictions on the business of it that the trump organization you can engage in but most importantly, it was clear that the trump team had gotten under the judge's skin throughout the trial, judges are human beings and are subject to act
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necessarily acting out. he has, he has the judge has to substantiate anything he puts on paper. but if the judge is bothered by your conduct, that can affect it's how the judge rules and if it's a question of a close call. and so those are all things that might factor into the judge's ultimate decision. >> yeah. important to point out that there was no jury in this trial, so the judge, kairys, a lot of weight in with this ultimate decision will be elliot williams great to have you. thanks so much. >> john a cabinet secretary is impeached. democrats pick up a seat in the house and nikki haley ribs donald trump in all of that was before breakfast. chaos in a texas emergency room after a car slams into the building. we have the >> dramatic video >> sunday recruits examines the federal criminal charges against former president trump. >> is it going to be difficult to meet this burden of proof? >> how strong is the government's case? the hole the story with anderson cooper
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ago, house speaker mike johnson came out trying to spin the laws. they're saying, you know what? if i were the democrats, i wouldn't be happy with the results in new york three, i'm sure if they had won the race, he would also not be happy if they won the race, right? yeah. obviously so he was doing his best to put a positive face on what is bad, loss for them. and as you just noted, that mayorkas vote is a perfect example. in fact, given absences or whatever, suozzi had already been sworn in, that may not have happened yet. again, that could have failed. so he knows he has such a complicated task. he's trying to keep morale high among us troops, obviously, let's switch gears for just a moment. let's talk about nikki haley this morning on today's show. essentially saying that she is still competitive. she pointed to delegates, listen is there one state where you could see right now we can win there. >> you need 1,200 and delegates coming out of new hampshire. he had 32. i had 70 we've got multiple states after south carolina within ten days. ten days, we're going to hit 20
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states. let it happen as long as we keep it competitive. >> so david on the one hand, she didn't answer the question in terms of is there a state on the other hand, she said, look, she's still competitive. >> i mean i'd actually have a point. >> it depends how you define competitive. i mean, yes, there haven't been many delegates awarded yet. they're voted in a few contests and she's gotten some and donald trump has gotten more. does that mirror the reality, the political reality of what we're going? no, not at all. i mean >> nikki haley has a very tough time ahead here and i actually think that this period between new hampshire and south carolina has been so long that has been hard for her to maintain a truly competitive race. they put out occasionally the fundraising that they do to show that there are still anti-trump republicans willing to write checks to her and keep her campaign afloat but there was a brand new poll out of south carolina this morning that shut down from 35 points ahead. this is in her home state that she says she's going
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to get even closer to him than she did new hampshire. we'll see there's not just the math issue. >> there's also >> a messaging issue which is sometimes in conflict with itself as part of cnn it's fantastic. new york, three special coverage yesterday and i was out at kroll place high school, home of the frogs. dana dana bash had a great interview with nikki haley where she pushed nikki haley. are you going to stand by your loyalty pledge to support the republican nominee even if it's donald trump and she won't answer the question yesterday, this morning. on the today show, this is what she said >> every republican nominee signed a pledge before they could even get on the debate stage. that said, if there we were not the nominee, would we support the nominee? and i said jess and i stand by that that i would support the republican nominee >> i think it's one of the most intellectually dishonest things that nikki haley is doing because every day on the campaign trail, she is out there saying donald trump's not
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qualified to be president she talks about his disrespect for those who serve their country in uniform, and that he can't be trusted to be the commander in chief will then how can you square that with pledging your support for him if he is the eventual nominee, which he's likely to be, and i get she's running against him. i get that she's making the case. there are many more contents to go and she wants the opportunity to go collect delegates and continue to take this race to him. >> that's fine. but if he's >> the eventual nominee and by the way, the question on that debate stage was, even if he's a convicted felon, do you stand by it? and she standing by that pledge. so she thinks he's disqualified even if he's a convicted felon, she thinks he's not suited to be commander in chief, but she's ready to stand and support the nominee and just to that point, she said she doesn't think that the american people will vote for a convicted felon, but i mean, that's essentially what she got to. i mean, so she sort of banking on that. this will happen before november and that she'll still standing yeah. >> the big question i have for
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that is, what does that mean to still be standing nikki haley is not shown to be all that popular with conservative republicans who dominate the convention and the people that nominate the candidates. and so is she going to be the fallback plan if somehow donald trump disappears from the equation, which i don't see happening for a republican party dominated by republicans and conservatives. i think that's an open question. >> on the next episode of the west wing. the imagery >> thank you very much great to see you all right, so ahead for us, lloyd austin reporting for duty, new video of the defense secretary back at work working remotely after he was rushed to the hospital on sunday plus, what's the difference between a box of chocolates and a valentine's day box of chocolates. well, money, of course, we'll break down the inflated special again hey, john dandy, cause when we come back king charles denied it on cnn this, is a tempur-pedic mattress and it's designed to
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today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside the prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash. designer sales are up to 70% or shop today all right, now to a developing situation unfolding right now in our nation's capital three, dc police officers were shot and injured while trying to >> serve an arrest warrant this morning, the suspect apparently remains barricaded inside a home. this is obviously very active scene. what one witness described hearing gunshots earlier. listen i sidner the table, all of a sudden i heard about lease ten shot to shot, ten shot. so all this that about five or ten minutes later than you hear all the police's dark ones that came out. i saw all the police is coming out and he was running up or it was that hannah excrete down here and a place? yeah. yeah and all of a sudden, i ask wanted to police would have he said a couple of cops got shot >> let's get right to cnn's
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gabe cohen, who is following all of this for us, gabe, what more can you share with us? what are you learning here? well rahel not >> only is that man still barricaded inside that house, but police say he has been firing a gun into the neighborhood, and so they are still working to keep that area contained, including a lockdown at at least two different schools, negotiators also on the scene right now, police say they're trying to talk that man out of the house. now to backtrack, they started roughly four hours ago when police came to that house to execute a search warrant for animal cruelty, they say the man inside would not open the door. police then tried to gain entry to the house. and that is when they say the man and sayyed, open fire at those police officers, hitting an injuring three of them. now the chief of police said just last hour that those are nonlife-threatening injuries. you mentioned wounds to their hand and their feet. nothing too severe at this point, but again, this is still very much an active scene and at this point, no indication that anyone in the neighborhood
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has been injured because of everything that's been unfolding. but look, this this is all happening as the nation's capital has seen a surge in violent crime, it was up 39% last year, there has been a lot of concern across the district. and when the chief of police, pamela smith, arrived at the scene last hour, she was venting about washington, d.c.'s gun laws that she believes are too lenient and take a listen to what you he said >> let me just say it's, you know, and i'm not a politician, but, but here's the thing that we have to look at it. there are a lot of individuals with guns on the street and i know security c is part of the legislation, then we're asking our council members passed. the penalties for folks that i just discharged firearms that have a right to do that it's very challenging for us. and so i'm asking that he would certainly do everything we can to pass secured the scene, especially to the portion of that bianna we need to increase the penalties for five that's all i'm going to talk about >> look, rahel, we still don't know. again, a lot of details
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around this scene and how gun laws, like the ones that chief mentioned, might have played into it, still waiting on those details. obviously, it's an active scene, so we may learn more the hours ahead >> all right. keep us posted. gabe cohen, live for us in washington, john. >> all right. a terrifying scene at a texas hospital. driver was killed after the car crashed into the emergency room of the saint day he was in north austin medical center that you could see the lobby filling up with smoke. police in austin, say at least five other people were injured in the crash does not appear to be intentional. not clear for yet what caused a newly filed court documents, the parent of brian laundrie describe the date everything hit the fan when their son told him his fiance, gabby petito, was gone amid their cross-country trip. and then he needed them to find him, an attorney. it describe a
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frantic exchange of phone calls with their son on august 29, 202013 weeks before petito's body was found in wyoming. brian laundrie was later found dead in florida. a medical examiner determined he died by suicide this morning, defense secretary lloyd austin made his first appearance since being released from walter reed for a second time, this time yesterday, austin letter virtual meeting with ukraine defense contact group and gave an update on his health after canceling his trip to brussels due to the recent hospitalization i plan to be in person with you today in brussels, but i had to return to the hospital for nonsurgical procedures. >> i'm in good condition >> and my cancer prognosis remains excellent. now i'm really grateful for all the well wishes the secretary is working remotely today, but it's expected to return to the pentagon later this week. rahel. >> all right. don in about an hour, fans will celebrate the chiefs third super bowl win with a massive parade through
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kansas city but before the big party, travis kelce address, pushing his coach on the super bowl sidelines. maybe you saw that video, that clip, it's been going on around. we'll talk about it when we come back >> we're here to get your, side of the store >> fares, bribery, prostitution. why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> tempur-pedic design that ergo pro smart base to help you fall asleep more easily. it's gentle massage and relaxing sounds help calm your mind every night for limited time, steve, up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. >> have your anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base camp lejeune. camp lejeune, water was contaminated by fuel leaks if you had any water contact while at camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer or parkinson's? disease, you may be entitled to
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zero interest for one year this offer ends february 29 for a free appointment with renewal by anderson call 1805011400. that's 1805011400 so i got you a little something warming for him tingling for her. >> should we >> experienc the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer.
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those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. >> is there water in this >> thing when your family to the financial future >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn welcome back. kansas city is in a sea of red and yellow this morning, fans have been out since the early hours. did i saw him even before sunrise, ready to cheer on their back-to-back super bowl champions achieves victory. parade is set to kick off in just about ten minutes. but one question still remains. >> will taylor swift be there? now? we do know that swift as a
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concert on friday on the other side of the world and australia. >> and while the >> mayor of kansas city wouldn't confirm or deny if swift will be there today and john berman, did chai he asked many times, he did tell us she's been a great addition to the city. listen i know there has been it's hard to say controversy because it's usually just dudes on social media saying they don't want her mentioned. but my view is she is nothing but i've loved this team since i was born, but i loved that. we've added somebody who says, yeah, i kansas city is cool, it's a dynamic place. we have melded swifty nation with chiefs kingdom, with all that is kansas city. >> and i >> think this makes us a much happier place >> let's bring in cnn sports or bored, or carolyn manno is with us now. so carolyn, the question is, will she won't wait, won't she? i mean, what can you tell us? >> no much, but it doesn't seem feasible. let's just say that this is very much unlike when she was flying from tokyo to vegas for the super bowl, even though that was a very long
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trip, she's going to lose several hours in the air, go into australia in order to be there for the first concert that she has in melbourne on friday. so it's not likely. but the pair i've had a little bit of time to celebrate. you've probably all seen by now swift's videos on tiktok of everybody partying in vegas after the game. this right here though, everybody having a great time was a pretty far cry from a very tense atmosphere a few hours earlier during the game, travis kelce took quite a bit of heat for a moment on the sidelines for he shoved his head coach, andy reid. he was screaming in his face. you can see it there will on the sideline after a fumble deepen and niners territory, he was mad that he wasn't on the field he did address this incident a little bit earlier today on his podcast. take a listen sometimes those emotions get away from me, man, and i've been a battle of my career, but everybody else, i don't i don't give it what >> anybody else says. i talked to coach read about it today and we kind of chuckled about it's definitely unacceptable. and i i immediately wish i took
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a backhoe treat actually came right up to me after that and didn't didn't even have harsh words for me >> and andy reid did really downplay this exchange. she said that kelsey just caught him when he wasn't looking in that his balance is terrible and that's why he was caught off balance. but he said, you know, his player just wanted to be on the field, wanted to play emotions were running high and we've seen this before, players acting out of character, not exactly centered when they're on the sideline in the middle of a tense game like this, but the two, at least from the outside, seemingly putting it behind him metro lot of people were saying that it wasn't unacceptable move which you heard travis kelce say there that it was today though. i'm sure everything is under the bridge. everybody they wants to party. what better day than valentine's day to show chiefs kingdom some love you got hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets since very early this morning. they are just a second team in nearly two decades to win back-to-back super bowls. john berman might know the other one, the parade wraps up at around 12 30 today
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rally at union station. very unseasonal believe warm there as well. rahel for this time, a year. so you've got kids that have the day off from school. you got warmer temperatures in the middle towards the end of february is going to be a party. >> and it's valentine's day. so what's not so if you're in kansas city, carolyn manno to see you, my friend, i do like the travis kelce said it was not acceptable. >> and what he did there yeah, you should to don i mean, it's it's when people do something wrong. it's really good when they admit it. admitted. all right. >> today your valentine's date might be stuck on you and also stuck at their pickup location, thousands of drivers for uber and lyft in the us and uk okay. are planning to go on strike today? >> yeah. let's bring in cnn's vanessa yurkevich with more on that. so vanessa talk to us about what led to this strike. >> yeah, these are rideshare app drivers who are doing a two-hour strike between 11:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m. today at ten airports around the country and they say this is to make a point, they're not going to be picking up. drivers are not
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going to be picking up riders or dropping them off and they're doing this because they say that they make poverty level wages working 80 hours a week, cost of living is also rising. they say the companies like lyft and uber are taking more money out of what they should be making and they're doing this on valentine's day, a day that is supposed to be about love, but they want to flip the script and they want people to know exactly what they feel is going on these ride app rideshare companies, lyft, uber, doordash. they have said that they're always working to improve conditions with their drivers however, in many ways, these drivers are contractors. they don't have a union behind them or accompany supporting them. so these are the kinds of things that they do around the country throughout the year today just happens to be valentine's day speaking of valentine's day, if you were fortunate enough to be in love, you, you might notice that it stings a little bit more and talk to us about the cost of things. >> yes. so if you're making a last-minute decision to stay home or to go out for dinner staying home has a cheaper option because food prices up
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1.2% on the year to go out to eat though, up five at 0.1%. and that's largely because yes, food prices are more expensive, but also wages are up for workers. and that's playing into that increase. but i also want to turn to an important part of valentine's day, and that is candy on bringing got to bring the props, but it's amazing the valentine's day themes was i could not find gummy bears and sour patch kids much more expensive than these generic. so for example, at walmart, we looked and we saw that the valentine's day sour patch kids 396 for the generic 124. and then for the gummies, valentine's day themes, which again we could not find 590 for the generic to 38. but here's what you do guys. you buy the generic, you open the bag, you put it in a heart-shaped bag and then you've saved money and it's a beautiful little treat. >> no one will know. so i like
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vanessa came bearing treats. i cannot give you the cost-benefit analysis, john, it was very expensive, but you my friend are worth it and so are you baked goods are actually up in price. so it was exciting thanks john. >> thank you so much. >> happy. valentine's day everyone. nothing says i love you more than being thrifty that's it for cnn news central inside politics up. next to headline or lost? >> that's what i want to do. >> it. so unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city premiere sunday, february 20, but they ten on cnn. >> beautiful and healthy, looking at it shouldn't be a compromise new mfa i eliminations three non irritating products it's developed by the experts at bausch and lomb exclusively for the sensitive eye area to cleanse nourish, and brighten.
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