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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  February 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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to >> meso book doc com >> today on inside politics, if i can make it there, i'll make it anywhere. democrats maybe humming some sinatra hoping what happened in old york last night will continue in november, making more little towns, hallux plus divisiveness, dysfunction and not getting a lot done. that's how former from maryland governor larry hogan once described the us senate. so why does he want a job there? i'll ask him this hour in his first interview since announcing his senate campaign. and it could end the trump business empire, enforce the former president to fork over more than 300 million a judge is expected to make a rule pulling in donald trump's civil fraud case this week. as the broader trump legal team is gearing up for a very busy few days in court i'm dana bash. let's go hi in the headlines at inside politics first up the
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race that launch 1,000 takes pretty much everyone has an opinion on what the special election in new york's third congressional district means after democrats flipped a seat, making republicans already narrow majority even slimmer. but what caught our attention is what three remaining presidential candidates agree on that it's all about donald trump to biden campaign's response, quote, donald trump lost again he, haley's reaction. we just lost another winnable republican house seat because voters overwhelmingly reject donald trump and even the former president thinks it's about him. he's blaming the republican candidate for not kissing his ring, saying, quote, maga, which is most of the road republican party stayed home and it always will unless it is treated with the respect that it deserves >> moments ago, >> we heard from the two house leaders the result. last night is not something in my view
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that democrats should celebrate too much. think about what happened there. they spent about $15 to win a seat that president biden won by eight points. >> tom suozzi talked about common sense solutions. and finding bipartisan common ground. tom suozzi, one bottom line is that tom suozzi is heading back to congress, the democrat thinks he can move past the crippling dysfunction it's kind of move beyond the petty partisan bickering and the finger-pointing. it's time to focus on how to solve the problems. >> yeah. >> it's time to get to work on immigration. let's send a message to our friends running the congress these days stop running around for trump and start running the country >> let's get straight to our
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great panel of reporters to break all of this down. cnn's melanie zanona, pbs newshour, laura barron lopez, and margaret talev of axios how many valentine's day obviously leaning very far and and loving it. >> let's just play >> one more bite from tom suozzi about what one of the issues maybe the issue that he tried to flip the script on and it looks like he did successfully and that's immigration despite all the lies about tom suozzi and the squad how about tom suozzi being the godfather of the migrant crisis about sanctuary suozzi, we won so there he's not only talking about the immigration issue which i want you to weigh in on, he's also
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>> doing what he did throughout this very short campaign in this special election, which is separating himself from the squad meeting the left, his party, not to mention president biden. >> yeah. distance himself from his own party and a lot of instances he embraced the immigration issue head and this morning and talking to republicans outside the conference meeting that they had, there was a lot of finger-pointing and one of the things that they pointed to was that republicans rejected the bipartisan deal to secure the southern border. so i do think there are some questions this morning about how that may have impacted the race and in issue ear immigration was seen as really central in new york. the migrant crisis was a defining issue. now, republicans are also downplaying last night, they said this is a district that joe biden carried by eight points. they were heavily outspent. tom suozzi was a member of congress for many years. he had very high name id all of that is true, but it's also a fact that now republicans are one step closer to losing the majority. democrats, one step closer to winning it. and i do think there's going to be potentially some soul searching about what the message is going to be
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suggesting you heard from some house republicans regret that they've killed the immigration bill, or maybe these were members who privately, privately, privately that's where you get the best stuff, melanie. yeah the idea just sticking on immigration for one minute, laura. the idea that people in this third congressional district really did pay attention was interesting to me when i went up to new york last week, i did hear from voters coming out of the early voting areas that we went to saying several of them said unsolicited that they were upset that the immigration bill was killed. and that's not just because of the border, but because of what it says about the inability to get things done here in washington right. >> and you've seen democrats, including president biden as well as suozzi, take advantage of that. the fact that republicans killed that order deal that trump himself said that he didn't want republicans to vote for it. and
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he talked about that on the campaign trail. tom suozzi didn't he also, i think what's notable is he didn't just say use language about being in tough on the border and saying secure the border, which he did say. but he also said that he wanted to provide a pathway to citizenship for people who follow the rules for migrants who follow the rules. and i think that's key because a lot of democrats sometimes, sometimes they shy away from the pathway to citizenship, even though polls show that it's very popular to grant a pathway to citizenship to dreamers and it's something that president biden came into the white house promising. and in this border deal, they didn't have that. but i think that suozzi arguing that on the campaign trail is notable and something that democrats can do potentially in future races. one of the things >> margaret, >> that is maybe a lesson from this is that it's the way nancy pelosi and hakeem jeffries still does runs the politics of the caucus, which is what's good for somebody in
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the most liberal of districts, is not the same as somebody in a swing district like suozzi district and that is something that a member of that previously discussed squad said on cnn last night >> army prerogative is to win the house back. i know that representatives, swat, former representative suozzi, he knows his his district. the idea that we are, you know, that we're part of the same kind of cadre in congress is incorrect. it's wrong. but that doesn't mean that we're not on the same team. >> so practical. and that's not something which i want you to weigh in on, melanie, that we're seeing on the republican side, it's an interesting distinction. and the way she weaves that nuance to keep her constituents knowing that she's she might be on the scene, but she's really on their team is interesting. i think if tom suozzi had lost this race, it would be about
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whether we would be talking about it really intensely today. and joe biden would be in a lot of trouble. this was a district he won before by eight points. the fact that it's waze one, given the sort of horrendous this short whatever infamous run of george santos. and the leanings of that district anyway, i don't know how much you can take to the bank if you're the democratic party. but i think it does offer a few playbooks. one is early voting. it made a difference if there is a snowstorm and many of your voters have already voted, it's less important whether they can get out of their house or not. right? so early voting is important. the abortion issue is really important. i know we've been talking about immigration, but in the suburban swing district where a lot of the women are voters are believed that women should have reproductive rights that was an important issue for him to hammer on and he did. and then the immigration approach seems to be to argue a tough security approach to the border, but sort of tough but humane and
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try to contrast that with the legacy of the trump administration. the challenge for biden is going to be that biden himself cannot use the tom suozzi playbook because the tom suozzi playbook evolves distancing himself from joe biden's. so this may be a playbook for democrats in tough races. but i think the president himself is going to need a different strategy for talking about soda. so well said, such a good, good point, sticking on to continue with that very astute observation duration. the congressional races, especially in new york, where the republican wins there in 2022 gave the republicans the majority listen to what mike lawler, who is one of the most endangered republicans, is also from new york, set on cnn morning >> i give him kudos but each race is going to be different. i think certainly democrats can look at, at this race and see a
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pathway forward in some of these districts. but it comes down to the candidate >> i mean, he's right, it does come down to the candidate himself and d'esposito and some of these other guys who are freshmen republicans in these districts, they will have the benefit of running as an incumbent, whereas mazi pilip was it and she had lower name id in the district. but behind the scenes, there is some nervousness among these new republicans, the past and majority runs exactly through their districts and i do think today there's going to be some effort to try to get the new republic, this republican majority, to do things that will help them new york republicans. a perfect example is this salt legislation. the state and local tax income deduction. they've been trying to push through this bill. it's coming into resistance from the right flank. and i'm told that mike lawler actually made a pitch this morning behind closed doors. please support this bill. we need a boost. give us a win in new york. we'll see if that works but so far, it does not seem like conservatives have the same sort of aoc mentality,
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which is we might be on different pages on policy, but we're on the same team that just does not seem to example of the difference there. >> okay. >> before we sort of get off this top or move on from this micro topic about what happened in new york we have to talk about what donald trump said in his post last night. never mind blaming mazi philip for not endorsing maga. he said, i stayed out of the race, quote, i want to be loved exclamation, end quote okay. this is a jump ball who wants to take this and trying to figure out what that was? can i i just like it's her fault because she didn't embrace him enough, but he loves her even though he thinks she's an idiot. and that's why he stayed out because he's really in control, but he's not in control and that's why she lost. so i don't know. it's on brand and i don't know. i don't think it means anything i lost. trump wants to find someone else to blame. i mean, he clearly stayed out because he was advised that in a district like this in a biden
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one district, you know, forceful and worst moments aren't necessarily going to help the candidate. >> that was pretty good. i don't think i could have come up with that but i met with xi up next. >> what did the new york >> results mean for mike johnson's already tenuous ability to leave the house. we're gonna look at the challenges he's facing. >> from all sides >> king charles denied it on cnn >> don't know. i've got to go thanks. john >> you to dream about it free we were made to help you book
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it by less than eight points. there candidate ran like a republican. he sounded like a republican talking about the border and immigration because everybody knows that's the top issue. >> chief congressional correspondent, manu raja was at that press conference and pretty much everywhere else already this morning on capitol hill, manu yeah. >> and i asked the speaker about whether or not he gave tom suozzi an issue to campaign odd by essentially scuttling the senate bipartisan border deal that suozzi later railed against republicans over that decision. but johnson downplayed that's it. it was not at all an issue and still contending that the american public is behind them on that matter, but not everyone in his conference agrees. in fact, some republicans, particularly in swing districts, believed that they should have done more to negotiate, not look like there's simply we're trying to block that proposal. others said that their handling of early voting in certain campaign tactics, suddenly pouring cold water on those early voting and mail-in voting is former president has done,
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they need to change that. and some patently blame new york freshmen republicans for pushing out george santos and essentially shrinking the republican the majority and the republicans who will respond behind that effort to push out. santos defended that move >> you have to have standards in the halls of congress and so i don't regret voting to expel george santos he was unfit to serve. george santos was a con man and a crokin shouldn't have been a member of congress. there are a lot of decisions does it have heard these last couple of months that have shrunk the majority, perhaps george santos, being honest, would have kept to a one more seat to hearing in congress. i think the american people see a certain dysfunction to our body right now. i don't see it as a dysfunction. this is the way that we do function to get the things that we want that the american people want >> and that's been part of the debate here, is that in the house gop is devolved into finger pointing and internal
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chaos and the aftermath of kevin mccarthy's ouster in october and really having a difficult time putting together any sort of agenda here. and there are such huge issues here. dana confronting this majority, not just dealing with ukraine aid and israel aid, how to deal with the border. the speaker saying that he would not accept the sentence proposal to provide $95 billion in emergency urgency aide to us allies overseas. all part of the gop infighting that many members are concerned about will hurt them in november >> absolutely, manu. thank you so much for that reporting. our panel is back here. let me just put up on the screen the numbers because it really is stark when you look at what the majority he really is for republicans or will be as soon as tom suozzi is sworn in >> i mean, >> if you look at the way that the voting goes, it is a two vote governing body, which is like nothing, right? it was already so razor thin and the fact that it just got even
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smaller is going to make johnson's life that much more difficult. now, what i will say is that all the major pieces of legislation are going to need bipartisan support anyway, this does come into play though when it comes to party line votes, if they're trying to do a biden impeachment, if they're trying to do a fisa spy powers renewal bill. and just in general, i mean, i think speaker mike johnson is going to really have to sit down with his conference figure out where everyone is on some of these key issues, including senate aide, the senate aid packages has got sent over. i mean, he is just in such a incredibly tight spot, definitely mirrors what kevin mccarthy we went through, but worse, well, you just said perfect setup perfectly. an exchange that manu had with warren davidson, republican of ohio, about what would happen to mike johnson if he dared to put a bill on the floor or even allow a bill to come up for a vote that would fund ukraine it does speak or to put the senate package on the floor, what would that mean for his ability to hold onto the gavel? >> he would need democrats to
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hold onto the gavel at that point because there would be i forgot to push them out. >> yeah. i mean, multiple of my colleagues have already promised that. i believe that it's not an empty threat >> laura. >> i mean, yeah, speaker johnson, as mel said, is potentially in trouble and thinking about his speakership right now. but also, that's the very thing that the majority makers probably probably want him to do, which is to put something like that on the floor to put aid for ukraine, aid for israel. they want to be able to vote for something like that. these republicans that are in biden districts. and so if you want to hold onto your majority, i mean, this just goes back to what we saw from aoc, from a costume cortes either these conservatives realized that the majority makers in their conference needs something to vote on and take to their districts, or they don't because they've decided that they want to go along with former president donald trump, who says no more aid to ukraine, and they are not the ones who dictate what
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happens in that conference if there are the hard liners and that is the reality and i just think a little historical context is important. i put up the numbers of how slim the majority is. >> democrats >> majority nancy pelosi's was not about the same, maybe a tiny bit, maybe one little bit bigger. what once he bigger? they've got >> stuff done well and there were a couple of reasons why. one is that the left flank and you saw aoc do some of that liquid we just saw the left leg would push and push and push and push and push and hold out. and you know, joe manchin, yada, yada. but then in the end most of the time would come together there were a couple of close moments and a lot of wasted time and it impacted joe biden's approval rating is but they came together usually at the end. but the other is nancy pelosi. mike johnson is not nancy pelosi. i mean, he couldn't possibly be he doesn't have the years of experience. he does not have the decades of training on the job and even the strongest most experienced longstanding house
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republican house speaker at this moment, it might not matter anyway, because the politics of some of those far-right seats are just entrenched in plus 37 seven districts or what have you. but on top of that, if you don't have the personal chits, the ability to instill fear as well as loyalty. if you don't have that, those long-standing patterns and skills that take literally decades to build, how can you steer a ship like this >> the thing that we're not talking about? melanie, you have these conversations every day on capitol hill. is that they're genuinely are different goals and different approaches to governing. we're all talking about it with the premise that they want to get things done. there are a lot genuinely a lot of republicans who came to congress in order to blow things up because they don't like the way that works. yeah. and certainly the critics of the freedom caucus would argue that they are just chaos agents and that they actually
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like being in the minority better because it's easier to just sit there and rail against whatever the other party is doing. and what we have seen is a lot of these governing members, other republican party are heading for the exits right now and in their replace is coming these more far-right republicans in the mold of donald trump. i mean, it's just remarkable. we saw cathy mcmorris rodgers. she is the chair of a very powerful committee. she wasn't even term limited she announced her retirement recently, and that sent some real shockwaves through the house. julia, that says so much, and my gallagher and mike gallagher, yeah. yeah republican everyone said had a big future and he said mike future is not here coming up a cnn exclusive former maryland governor larry hogan now wants to be in the us senate. republican win a statewide race in a deep blue state with donald trump at the top of the ballot. i could happen. governor hogan, former governor is my guest next to be a headliner was vegas that's what
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shops. customer makes it so easy. get started today at >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn larry hogan served for eight years as a popular republican governor in a very blue state. he's been one of donald trump's most outspoken critics in the republican party and last week he announced he is running for the us senate. it's another hurdle in the path for democrats trying to hold on to the senate this november, governor hogan joins me now for his first interview since announcing his senate campaign. thank you so much for being here. >> i appreciate it. so you are
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a republican running for senate, as i mentioned in a very blue state, you have a pretty significant population of suburban voters what lessons do you take? maybe warning signs from last night's big democratic win in suburban new york >> well, i'm not sure. i'm qualified pundit to talk about exactly what happened as a candidate. what i can tell you that yeah, that i've i've overcome those odds over and over again in maryland where i i want huge numbers of suburban women and black motors and i have been able to reach out to people across the spectrum. and so i don't know what that means for new york but obviously the george santos thing was was a disaster. and, you know, i i worked with the new congressman from the bnf, former congressman actually worked with him together when we were working on putting infrastructure together. so i don't want to opine about what it means for the gop, but i'm
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just focused here on maryland and trying to represent the people in my state, >> right. and i totally understand that, i guess what i'm trying to ask and get at is whether or not there are any warning signs for you being a republican in a blue state, one of the challenges you might have and i know, you know, this is as a very outspoken anti-trump republican as you are, you are going to be for the first time on the ballot with donald trump, assuming that he is the republican nominee? you've won very big twice, but you've never been on the ballot with him. how are you going to navigate that >> yeah. >> what's a big challenge obviously maryland is the bluest state and the country it's more than two to one, democrat to republican, and the joe biden won the the last election in maryland by 1 million votes, by 33 percentage points. but i'm not running as donald trump. i think you probably know. i was probably the most outspoken critic in our party, standing up to him and i'm i'm really i'm not running for the republican
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party or for any candidate for president. i decided to run to kind of stand up fight for the people of maryland and fight against the broken politics in washington. and i, i, i'm going to extend up to people of both parties and just go out there and talk to the voters about why they elected me twice as governor and why i think i can do the same thing representing them in washington. >> i want to play what you told my colleague jake tapper for back in 2022, when you decided then not to run for senate >> i just have never had a desire to be a us senator and muted my heart wasn't in it and i like to get things done. and in washington, it seems as if there's just a lot of divisiveness and dysfunction and not a lot gets done. so it wasn't the right job, right fit for me. >> so what changed >> well, not much. i mean, i still feel exactly the same way. not a lot gets done in washington. it's not look as this is not who in their right mind would want to go in and be a part of that divisiveness and dysfunction. i just got to the
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point. i said i wasn't going to walk away from politics was going to try to be a voice of standing up to try to fix things and you can't just sit back and complain about things if you're not willing to try to make a difference. and so i still this personally, it is not a burning desire to go be a senator or to go down in there and argue with people all day. i'm only doing it because i think i have a unique voice and perspective and i'm very concerned that the country's off in the wrong track and that somebody has to step up and try to do something about it's what i've been talking about and focused on for years. and this gives me a platform to go down there and maybe actually try to bring people together and fix things just like we did in maryland where i had a 70% democratic legislature and yet we got them to come together to cut taxes eight years in a row by $4.7 billion and accomplished a heck of a lot of other things by finding that middle ground where we can actually get things done. that's not what happens in washington now. but if i get there, i'm going to try my best to make it happen. >> i want to talk about a couple of issues. sir, you are against abortion rights
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yourself. describe pro life you're really out of step with your, that's not true. >> now. >> that's not really true at all. >> i have >> a long, very very moderate position on abortion. this is how would you describe it? >> look, i i'm i'm personally not a proponent of abortion, but i said i'm not going to take away that right for others to make that decision for themselves. i made a kind of a tired attack from the democratic party that they've been doing for ten years when i first ran for governor, i gave them my position. i gave them my word and i kept that word at a very balanced position on abortion. i'm not on the extreme either side of the extreme of that issue. i think that the states can pass reasonable restrictions, but i stood up and protected the right for people to continue to have abortions in the state of maryland. >> so then let me get you to respond to what the democratic committee to elect. democrats are saying they're saying that a vote for you would be a vote for senate republican majority, and a national abortion ban so
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just set the record straight yes. >> yes. flat out. >> you don't >> support a national out wrong know, i i i i would not vote to support a national abortion ban. absolutely not. >> okay >> immigration. the senate, as you know, and by the way, this, so this is the same exact attacks that they spent when i first ran for governor. it was all false and we people in maryland know what my position is and i my position is exactly where most marylanders are. >> actually because you've brought it up again before i go to immigration, you know that there is going to be a measure on the ballot that presumably you will be on to two make abortion rights a part of the maryland constitution. what do you think about that >> well, look, i understand why this is such an important and emotional issue issue for women across maryland and across the country. this i already took a position on this bill. i said wasn't really necessary.
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there's no threat to the protection of these rights in maryland where it's been it's already a lot of voters have already weighed in on it. it's settled law and a decision. i think the democrats put this on the ballot and try to try to make it a political issue and voters can make their decision on whether they think it's important or not, but it does. it's not going to change anything in our state okay. just quickly on abortion, you know that the senate blocked a bipartisan border deal last week in response, ice is developed, developing a plan to release migrants and reduce their capacity for detainees because they have a budget shortage what do you make of the way the senate republicans, a caucus that you want to join, how they handled this >> well look, i'm i'm really frustrated. in fact, i never gave much consideration of running for the senate. i made this decision a week ago after the debacle that took place on the senate floor. the border is a tremendous problem and i think the biden administration has failed miserably on this
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issue. and republicans, we're continually talking about how we have to sure the border which we do and yet when there was an opportunity to do that and to do the things that many republicans are talking about, secure the border, get funding for israel and ukraine. when it got into, they backed off and went away from their position. i thought it was typical dysfunction i'm frustrated with both parties down there and that's a perfect example. it's an important thing that most people in america i want us to solve. and it's not getting solved because it's just typical washington politics former. governor larry hogan. thank you so much for coming on for your first interview and talking about politics and important issues >> thank you, dana we'll. be right back back room deals, cia secrets of fairs, bribery, auction, prostitution
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take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard in real life conversation jason's empower >> what's next? >> closed captioning bronchi by meso >> we've offered a free book about missile filial mahfud or ten years called 1808724901 i've got a missile >> just into cnn. we have new reporting on a cryptic message that the house intelligence committee released on social media about a quote, serious national security threat cnn's katie bo lillis is on capitol hill, been talking to sources katie bo. what do we what do we know about this? >> i cryptic is the right word. we still have more questions than answers at this point, what we do know is that the chairman of the house intelligence committee has invited all of the members of the house to come down to the house, scif to the secure compartmented information facility where they can talk about classified information to be briefed. on what he has referred to as a quote,
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de-stabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all congressional policymakers. now both turner and other members of the committee, both republican and democratic, have declined to elaborate on what that is. my colleague natasha bertrand, and i are able to report report at this point that it is related to a russian military capability. but we don't, at this point have any more details. congressman turner is pushing the biden administration to declassify all of the information that it can about this alleged threat so that it can be publicly debated. we have heard from national security adviser jake sullivan asked about this at the podium at the white house just moments ago, he declined to provide further details, but he did say that he had reached out personally to turner and the rest of senior members of the congress to discuss this threat for in a meeting tomorrow. and he said he was it surprised that turner is bringing it up publicly now. >> okay. >> that's >> exactly why he's doing it publicly to put public pressure on the white house to
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declassify it. it all makes sense now, but we still don't know what the what the it is. and i know you'll be on it, katie bo. thank you so much. >> thanks so much. >> donald trump's legal team is going to be very busy over the next few days with multiple hearings, deadlines and unexpected ruling that could have major ramifications for the former president cnn's kaitlan polantz is here to break it all down. kaitlan. let's start with the federal election case. what should we expect? >> well, that's where the activity is in the supreme court right now, this question of presidential immunity, we're waiting for the special counsel to respond. they're very likely going to endorse what the other appeals courts have said. trump's should go to trial, then we wait to see if the supreme court moves quickly. and if they send the case back to the trial court and say trump, time to go to trial, or if they keep their hands on it for a little bit late, longer. >> okay. let's go down south to georgia. yep and what do we expect to see what that georgia election case. >> so that's a hearing thursday >> and friday, and that's about the prosecutor cuter team. if
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they can stay on the case, there'll be cameras in that courtroom. there'll be witness testimony likely from the da fani willis, and it's a question of ethics. are those prosecutors able to stay on the case even though they had a personal relationships and financial ties. that's going to be visiting this march to trial. do these prosecutors continue working on this case is a lot love that theme happening here. the march to trial for donald trump, as he hopes, the slow walk to trial exactly the cases in new york. let's start with hush money and that hearing. >> yeah, this is a big focus of the week. trump clearly is acknowledging this in that he's planning to go to new york and appear before the judge in his criminal then i'll hush money case related to the safe the payments to stormy daniels to keep her quiet for the 2016 election, but that hearing on thursday, it's gonna be about trial timing, the march to trial, but it's also about false business records for allegedly false business records. that is a big situation for trump because it's about trump, the
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businessman to in the middle of this campaign where he derives a lot of his credibility and then on friday, we are expecting also related to false business records, the decision from judge arthur engoron in new york saying exactly how much penalty trump and his organization should pay for falsifying their information to banks. and so that is going to be a very big moment, trump in court thursday in new york, then friday, a decision that could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. >> that's a civil case? yes. >> okay. hopefully, people aren't csac from from all the back-and-forth. but this is the way 2024 is gonna be. thank you so much for breaking it all down. >> appreciate it. >> up. next, it's been four months since kevin mccarthy was ousted from the speakership. if you thought he's over it well, think again, wait till you hear what he had to say. about two of the republicans who forced amount work hard. >> and i want my money to work hard. so i use my freedom and
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>> for the price that cable can't be tried free at foucault >> laura coates, live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn former house speaker and now former congressman kevin mccarthy was back on capitol hill last night for a >> rare appearance, and he was in rare form. >> the >> ousted speaker held nothing back when he was asked about some of his fellow republicans, the ones who helped end his congressional career i hope nancy get to the help. >> i really do. >> are you going to give her an email know, i >> am not helped finance. i just hope she gets to help to straighten out her life. she's got a lot of challenges. no one will stay working for her. >> is there ever been any conversations between you and the former president about our jason his decision to throw you out? how was he supportive of that? >> i don't know how close you probably thank the president is two gates. >> you should
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>> he makes it gave me i feel like there i'm sure dave probably makes a lot ldl, but he probably lies about police lip-slipped to melanie zanona is back with me now. i should say that matt gaetz put a tweet out or an x or whatever it's called. now, saying what stage of grief is this and i know you've been talking to some of the others and i should say that you've been doing some great reporting with manu about the fact that this isn't just him talking here actually, he mccarthy is acting. he's really trying yeah. take these members, dan. yeah. he has a huge war chest. he is now untethered because he is not a member of congress and he can go after these members in primaries. and that is exactly what he's planning to do. nancy mace is one of those members. she has a primary challenger. i asked her her response to what kevin carthy said yesterday and she said to me, the dc swamp doesn't want me back too bad. i don't work for them. i worked for the people of the first congressional district and no one else. so, you know, in talking to these members,
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they're brushing aside the criticisms from mccarthy and they say they're not worried about his revenge tour, which is clearly taking shape right now. but this is something that is definitely happening and you can tell the emotions are still very raw inside the republican conference, even formats after kevin mccarthy was asked and emotions are still raw inside kevin mccarthy. >> because, because >> i know our colleague, annie grayer was there. he went on for like 30 minutes, right? yeah. he was there for a ceremony but the fact that he wanted to take the time to talk to reporters about the as he calls them, the crazy eight, who ousted him on his efforts to fund primary challenges and to get rid of them. matt gaetz is tougher, but i think nancy mace because of the nature of her district and other issues, he might have a better chance at. >> yeah. so mccarthy's associates have been doing some of the legwork behind the scenes to recruit and identify potential primary challengers. matt gaetz, they tried to find someone to challenge him. no
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one was interested. he's very actually popular in his district. it's a very conservative district, but they believe that bob good of virginia and nancy mace and south carolina are vulnerable to a primary, so they're going to go into those districts and tried to play. but back to what you're saying about kevin mccarthy and how he is still very much feeling all of this. i mean, you've got the sense that he missed the job, at least parts of the job he was holding court with reporters. i mean, this is the same man who used to have photo lines with tourists in the capital backwards when he was speaker, he loved the trappings of the speakership. he worked his entire life to get that job. and it was taken away from him after nine months. so yeah, there's still some sort of feelings and blame him. of course, he's going to want some payback here. yeah. who can blame them i want to connect this conversation back to what we were talking about earlier in the show, which is mike johnson and the fact that he is a newbie. he makes newbies look like they have a lot of experience. he just hasn't done this given the sort of dysfunction that's going on right now, any buyer's remorse
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or seller's remorse >> lift and do i think that there's gonna be a motion to vacate? probably not given that we're so close to november election, people who use it as a threat because they want leverage. i don't think there is an appetite even on the far right to go through the rest was pushing >> mccarthy out. but there are regrets about pushing mccarthy from his allies, not from, not from the gates eight, i mean, they have really struggled in the wake of kevin mccarthy being ousted. they are still reeling from that. i mean, i don't think that kevin mccarthy realizes just how much the conference was on his sayyed. he had those eight people who ousted him, but there's many who were his allies and his corner. i think he realizes it. yeah, that's why he's so upset >> melanie. thanks so much. great reporting. thank you for joining inside politics. i hope you all have a wonderful valentine's day. cnn news central starts after the break this looks like an actual
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. and recover with oren eva mckend in wain


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