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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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make. >> decisions mutual physicians, mutual. >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it will house the designers that get your heart racing had >> inside the prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so up today this is absolutely a tragedy. the likes of which we would have never expected in kansas city, one person dead more than 20 shot and injured at a kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration, everybody started running. there were screaming. we didn't know what was happening. >> parades, rallies, schools, movies. it seems >> like almost nothing scene is safe new concerns that russia's nuclear capabilities in space, the house intelligence committee chairman, sounding the alarm on a both serious national security threat.
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>> this is highly sensitive intelligence. >> he's put our national security at risk and he's really inhibited our ability to respond steady hands are at the wheel we're working on it and there's no need for a lot >> cnn embedded with the us southern red sea >> here us warships tried to shoot down the houthi missiles before they can cause any real damage. >> we could have seconds or it could have minutes. >> we are prepared for anything that they might throw away good morning, everyone has stopped the hour. i'm phil mattingly with poppy harlow in new york and we are now learning nine the children are among the 21 people hit in yesterday's deadly shooting after the super bowl parade in kansas city one person has been confirmed. dead. edge has been identified as local radio dj lisa lopez galvan by her station. >> you >> can hear the gunshots ring out in this video watch as the
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huge crowd begins running for safety, a swarm of police, state troopers, fbi agents, and paramedics with gurneys rushing in around 1 million people were downtown and she's players somewhere still on stage for the victory rally when the gunfire erupted nearby, police say three people are now in custody for questioning and take a look at this video. it shows the moment that one of them was tackled by a couple of fans who were in the right place at the right time. they held him down until police arrived. one of them described the intense moment to cnn hurt >> somebody yelling to stop this guy tackle him. you don't think about it. it's just a reaction he got close to me. i got the right angle on him and i hit him from behind as i'm taking him down to the ground. i see the gun on the ground. so i take them down and i'm putting all all my body weight on him
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>> whitney wild is live in kansas city. morning whitney glad you're there. what is the condition of the children injured? and also i wonder what you're hearing from witnesses as this investigation goes on. >> well, unfortunately, those children are expected to be ok. now, one of them is in critical condition. now one of them has a life-threatening injury. so if there is any glimmer of good news, certainly it is that those children will recover from their injuries here in kansas city. what we hear from witnesses is that it was just scene of total chaos. it was perfect de that was destroyed in an instant when gunfire rang out >> a super bowl >> celebration been marred by tragedy and kansas city gunfire rang out following the parade, celebrating the chiefs back-to-back super bowl wins i'm angry at what happened today >> the >> people who came to this celebration should expect a
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safe environment. >> kansas city police say three people are in custody for questioning. one person was killed and at least 21 others there is were shot >> in a statement >> to cnn kansas city area radio station k fi confirmed dj lisa lopez calvin was killed writing they are devastated by this loss as lisa worked to bring a voice to the kasie community children's mercy hospital confirms at least nine of the gunshot victims are children. >> kansas >> city schools were closed wednesday to allow students to attend the celebration. kansas city's mayor spoke about how he even considered bringing his child to the event. >> i don't want us to to have to in our country for every big event, think about a concern of being shot >> the kansas city chiefs also speaking out, including quarterback patrick mahomes and defensive end charles omega, hugh, who posted on x. when are we going to fix these gun laws?
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how many more people have to die to say enough is enough and estimated 1 million people gathered in downtown kansas to celebrate. when shots rang out in quick succession, just steps from where the team was holding a rally. >> you just hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop like i said, we're out of celebration and i think a lot of people thought it >> help them identify that was the guy good samaritans tackled the individual. moments later, police detained him one of those good samaritans says he >> saw a gun. >> you don't think about it. it's >> just a reaction he got close to me. i got the right angle on him and i hit them from behind and when i hit them from behind
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i either jarred the gun out of his hand or out of his slave. because as i'm taking them down to the ground, we were fighting him to keep him down. we didn't want to let them up and take off running because he had one gun he may had another one in that big bulky jacket >> those good samaritans absolutely critical to making sure that there is justice for this tragic event. justin read it, tweeted this kids are being shot. somebody didn't come home tonight. we cannot allow this to become normal. poppy fill whitney thank you very much for the reporting. we'll get back to you soon and later this hour, missouri legislator many a barca joins us. he was there with his five-year-old daughter, camila. multiple sources tells cnn there's new us intelligence on russia's ability to put a nuclear anti satellite system into space house intelligence committee chair mike turner is warning it as a quote, serious national security threat. >> a us official say the system is not in orbit yet and would not be a weapon to drop on earth, but it could possibly be used against us nuclear command
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and control satellites. some lawmakers think president biden should declassify all of the information about it and make it publics and it's katie bone loss joins us now quite a whirlwind day of reporting yesterday and it was fascinating to watch the reporting play out as you guys were unraveling various pieces of this hour by hour, where exactly do we stand on what this is all about? >> yeah so it felt what we know right now is that this intelligence describes what officials tell cnn is a russian effort to develop a new nuclear anti-satellite system for use in space. now, important to emphasize here that it is not clear at this point whether or not this is in reference to a nuclear clear armed anti-satellite system or a nuclear powered anti-satellite system, which is obviously a pretty critical distinction, but we do know that this kind of system in theory is designed to target america's vast network of both commercial and military satellites to include the satellites that provide vital command and control for
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the united states over its nuclear arsenal. now, also important to note, as you mentioned, that we are told that this system is not yet operational. it's not an orbit and it's not clear at this point how far the russian technology has even progressed officials describing this to us as a concerning long-term strategic threat, something important there's something america should be responding to, but not necessarily an immediate emergency. as the chairman of the house intelligence committee had originally portrayed it in his very cryptic public statement yesterday that he had information on a national security threat. so take a listen to what the chairman or sorry, the speaker of the house, mike johnson had to say late he during the day trying to take down the temperature a little bit >> i want to assure the american people there's no need for public alarm, steady hands, or other. wheel. we're working on it and there's no need for law johnson. i excuse me turner now actively pushing for the biden ministration to declassify and release as much
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of the information as he can about this intelligence, but still lots of questions phil and poppy about why the chairman of the house intelligence committee moved at this point to try to push this issue into the public sphere. >> yeah. yeah. >> a couple of key legislative debates ongoing as well, which i think some people attend pointing to katie bo lillis, ensure another very busy day ahead for you. thanks so much. let's bring in cnn, national security analyst and former director of national intelligence, james clapper direction. appreciate your time. this morning. i want to start with kind of how katie bo laid out the dynamics of the house intelligence committee chair putting out statement that is very cryptic, surprising everyone and definitely surprising national security adviser, jake sullivan, who is supposed to brief the gang of eight today. he said it was on the books what's your sense of why here? >> well a couple of things. it could be either >> chairman turner who is very serious minded member of congress, is trying to garner
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support perhaps for support aid to ukraine that's one possibility, at least one on media report in the washington post speculated that it's an effort to gain support for what's called section 700 to the foreign intelligence surveillance, which is a crucial navy deep crucial tool used for their collection of foreign intelligence. that's quite important for the intelligence community and the washington post report says that this intelligence was derived via section seven or two of the foreign until on its valence out. i don't know but that's certainly a possibility because what he did is certainly attention getting and very, very unusual, particularly in light of the >> forthcoming briefing that jake sullivan talked about. so i don't know what the
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motivation was. there was a very crucial part of the us national intelligence committee 30 called the national air and space intelligence center, which is wright-patterson air force base in ohio, which is in his district chairman turner is very connected and supportive of that organization. so i wonder where he got a briefing or something on this threat. >> the >> only other thing i'd say fill is in the in uk in context is that both the russians and it perhaps even more so the chinese have very capable array of space weapons, meaning to space in space or from space and so i think a >> lot of them are quite scary if you consider them, but if you think about them. >> so i >> think this is one of those threats and it is apparently,
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according to katie bo's reporting not yet operational. >> what do you make? director of my turner's call for the biden administration to declassify this. is that necessary? is that wise? >> well, this is probably the classic problem you have with intelligence being transparent with it. and if you do so, are you compromising sources and methods? and i think that's somewhat the dilemma that the intelligence community would face. by declassifying everything about it, or even some things about i think potentially even the romo like this revelation is potentially damaging from that standpoint, i don't know the details here so the un is an installation has been pretty aggressive about us intelligence and declassifying it and so i think it will lean forward, but it will be tempered by the concern
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about protection sources and methods yeah. >> well, director clapper, thank you very much for joining us this morning on on all of this >> france on just a few hours, donald trump will be in yet another courtroom this time here in new york for his stormy daniels hush money case. the other case and its orbit making news as well today, that's next a new body camera footage of a florida officer opening fire on a suspect inside of car after thought, he heard gunshots. it was actually an acorn united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday night on cnn. >> old spice gentlemen, super hydration, body wash. and now 24/7 moisture realization with vitamin b3 are you noticing all the old spice >> tempur-pedic design, the ergo postmark base to help you fall asleep more easily. it's gentle massage and relaxing
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>> getting my business off the ground was a full-time job >> so i made barbers new side the count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing in a maximum refund make your moves will make them count into its turbotax, 100% accuracy guaranteed. >> i'm kaitlan polantz in washington, and this is cnn welcome back this morning, two pivotal court hearings for donald trump want to new york. the other in atlanta and manhattan courtroom, a judge will hear arguments and trump's legal team tries to have his hush money case thrown out. trump is expected to personally attend, and georgia he wants fulton county da fani willis disqualified for having an improper relationship with prosecutors, nathan wade. he's expected to be the first witness there today well, this is also set to take the stand. not clear when he's currently this hearing as part of the georgia election interference case, we have team coverage on
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both of these cases. kristen holmes in new york, zach cohen is down in atlanta forest. where in the world as kristen holmes will usually tell me whether we're doing courthouse or campaign in trump world today. today it's courthouse what do we expect? why did he decide to go to this case are to this courthouse specifically >> yeah phil, today is courthouse and it's also freezing and not west palm beach. i just want to note that i'm no longer in west palm beach and i am very aware of that. now, donald trump did choose to go to this tree at trial because he was convinced by his advisers that this was more important. this is a very critical day for the former president because he is likely to learn whether or not he's going to have to sit through a criminal trial during the campaign season ahead of that november 2024 election. now his lawyers are calling on the judge to dismiss this case entirely. they argue that it's political, but i'm told by legal experts that that's not likely to happen. the other crucial thing that we are learning today is whether or not that march 25th trial date is going to stand. that is the
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big question. or donald trump and his team going to have to try and figure out how to navigate a campaign for president while he is also sitting in a courtroom in new york's, let's talk about what exactly this case is. just a reminder. this is one of the four criminal cases that he's facing, it is the hush money case. he's accused of alleged alleged cover up scree scheme, and it is falsifying business records essentially to hide reimbursement payments to michael cohen, payments that michael cohen allegedly made to adult film star stormy daniels to cover up in a ahead of the 2020 in 2016, excuse me, you saying 2024 election now, donald trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 charges. he has denied having the affair, but really the big crucial thing today does that trial date stand? do we learn that donald trump is likely to sit through a criminal trial while again, on his third bid for the white house, it's astonishing. >> zach in >> georgia, another astonishing thing is going to happen today. the lead prosecutor in this
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georgia election subversion case is going to be in the witness box, is going to take the stand and testify about whether basically there was in propriety. right? whether there was financial gain for the da in this case that could lead to dismissal. what do we need to know >> i think you're exactly right, poppy. and that was something that donald trump almost couldn't pass up. yeah, of course did decide to go to new york and attend the hearing in the hush money case. but here in fulton county, we are going to potentially see fani willis the district attorney who is overseeing the georgia conspiracy, election subversion case. here in fulton county. we could see her have to take the stand and testify about this personal relationship. she is admitted to having with her top prosecutor, nathan wade, and really the question at hand here is not if they had a relationship, he's already admitted they did, but it's whether she benefited financially from there her relationship that's what defense attorneys in this case are alleging and listen to what the judge in this case, scott mcafee said on monday when he told voters on both sides that we need to have this hearing today.
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>> i think it's possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification. i think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations, the state has admitted a relationship existed. and so what remains to be proven as the existence and extent of any financial benefit? fed again, if they're, if they're even was one. so because i think it's possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification. i think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations. >> so. if, it does, allegations are proven to the judge ultimately decides to disqualify fani willis sources inside the da's office have told me that they feared that could derail his entire case. so really, it's not an understatement to say that georgia election subversion case could hang in the balance with this hearing starting today yeah. that's so interesting, it really could zach. thank you. and atlantic kristen holmes in new york. sorry, it's not warmer or glad you're there so the actual courtroom where trump will
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continue to hash out all of this and then there's the court of public opinion, right? you guys, the voters and the relationship between the two. there's only one person qualified to break all that done press that is our senior data reporter, harry enten. good morning. good morning. >> what do we need to know? yeah. what do we need to know? i think what you need to know is that the public views these cases very, very seriously. let's start here. charges against trump are very serious. the georgia election case, look at this 53% of americans, the majority believed that the charges in that case are very serious. so if those charges perhaps got dismissed, that would be very, very bad news for perhaps those who want donald trump to be in trouble in the new york hush money case. on the other hand, even if he's more legal trouble there in terms of the charges against them being very serious, just 31% of americans believe that they are very serious. now, if you look on a slightly different question, the truth and do something illegal. again, look here, the majority of americans believe in fact he did do something illegal on the georgia election case while in the new york hush
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money case, just 34%, just a third, believe he did something illegally or so very different cases when we're looking at this from the public point of view. i mean, we're public opinion >> really matters in my view is how does it? in fact, the election, right, like how are voters viewing those things they may think he's guilty and still vote for him. we've seen that over the course of the last couple of years. how does that carry over? yeah. how does that carry over? so take a look here. charges disqualify trump from the presidency, if true, nearly a majority, 49% say that if the charges are true in the georgia election they would in fact disqualify him. compare that to just 30% in the new york hush money case. and perhaps most important, as i want to break this down among undecided voters and a biden trump matchup. look here in the georgia election case at the charges are true. they would disqualify trump from the presidency among those undecided voters. 58% say they would disqualify him. and the georgia election case compared to just a third and the new york hush money case. so the fact is that georgia election case could be the one if in
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fact he was in fact convicted, that could change the tie this election versus the new york hush money case, perhaps considerably less. so great numbers, erin. thank you. as always and be sure to watch cnn special coverage of both trials that starts morning at nine. >> authorities are on the hunt this morning for more information and a motive and the mass shooting as chiefs super bowl parade of next a missouri legislature, who was at that parade? it's child. >> just tell us what he saw >> from starting strong to it's been a week >> so many ways to save life ready, wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control but now i have revoke or invoke is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema fast
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8, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 7. >> the situation room with wolf
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blitzer denied it six point cnn >> this morning, police in kansas city are trying to figure out who opened fire and wyhe at the end of the chiefs super bowl victory rally. >> so one person was killed more than 20 people? are injured. it is estimated that more than 1 million people were there yesterday afternoon for the celebration, including jackson county, missouri legislator, many a barca and his five-year-old daughter, camila, you see them right there. look, all those smiles. it was supposed to be a day of so much joy, man, he joins us now. thank you for being with us and i'm so sorry about what happened and such terrible circumstances to join us on. you were there with your child? i don't think anyone can imagine what that's like. can you take us to those moments? >> yeah, it was collecting confetti to chaos. within moments, we were there. thankfully, as a sponsor for the parade and we were celebrating with the team with the hunt family, with coach reid and all of a sudden,
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through the partitions, a wave of people come rushing through screaming gun. ron, police are coming and i immediately grab camila because she's so little and i was watching people being trampled i picked her up and i ran into a restaurant along with members of the team with hunt family members, and we hid i ran into the bathroom and i blocked the doors and she continued to ask me that it's it broke my heart to think about the reality that my daughter knows what this is. >> that was to be honest, my heart stopped last night when i read that happened to you and i'm trying to figure out as a parent how to get your head around being in that moment hearing that from your child, how is she today? >> she's a, sleeping. >> but, you know, it was
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>> difficult because my wife called immediately when she found out and i had to decline it. right. because this is the protocol. don't answer the phone, don't make noise and i was frantically trying to text or as my phone was dying because naturally was the end of the parade aid into the celebration and i turned to twitter because i was i was getting more texts from people telling me what was happening on the outside while we're locked in a bathroom in the basement of union station you posted on x yesterday that you knew lisa lopez galvan, who was the woman killed in all of this. can you tell us about her? >> yeah. lisa leaves behind an incredible legacy. she comes from a very large family of civic leaders actively and regularly engaged in both the latino community of kansas city and broad said that she is a treasurer carrying the culture through her deejay on a local public radio station. she was the light at every party she was oftentimes the voluntary dj
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when everyone needed one for a community event. she is the person that we need here in this place to make it that much better? >> the city is so chiefs obsessed and rightfully so they were before they were a dynasty even more so. now, i see rescue you're where in which almost adds to the tragedy of yesterday because it was such an amazing celebration. it was striking seeing what the players were saying afterwards last night, pledging their help, asking if people could get them touch with those that have been injured. so they could help them there as well. >> you were with >> coaches, players, members of the team in the immediate aftermath. >> what were they saying? what were they doing? >> i will never forget. finally coming out of the bathroom after hiding, sitting in the hallway and waiting to see what happened. and around the corner comes andy reid with his his grandchildren as wives and coach, reid looked at me. i looked at him. i think we knew what we were saying to each other and he said, as he walked by, are you guys okay? that
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moment of humility is incredible. and it just a testament to his leadership and generosity but that is the sentiment that is kansas city. it encompasses who we are. now's the time for people like me to get up and get to work so what what does that work mean? we heard that powerful statement from the mayor from a number of the players we've heard saying, you know, when are we going to have more gun laws? when is there going to be more gun control? you've got power, you guys to do something. what are you going to do >> yeah. so sadly, the state of missouri is that petri dish of bad policy when it comes to guns? and i think we can no longer look towards our state are super majority of republican leadership there has done nothing but make it worse. and so immediately when i knew do that, my daughter and i were safe and that we get back to hero ahead. my focus turned towards the county. i immediately contacted the county general counsel's office and helped strapped our legislation and said i need something on my desk by monday. we've talked about it for a
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year. let's get to work. and then as i was leaving, i was talking to state legislators, city council folks to other county colleagues. and then began communicating across my network or the state and said, look, we need model policy, we need to start introducing these things across our state to drive change. if the state is not going to do anything about it many burqa. thank you for joining us. i'm so sorry that your daughter had to witness all of that, but i'm glad she has you to get her through the days ahead. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> turning to this now overnight, the idf says special forces went inside of gaza, is nasser hospital. they believe hamas fighters are hiding there, will give you an update on that. >> and judges across america placing an alarming number of threats from the public is discourse around the law is politicized. a judge knows this firsthand what happens when threats turned to action. join us next
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info this issue is mutual physicians, mutual vegas, the story of sensitivity premiere sunday, february 25. they ten on cnn >> in the past three years that number threats against federal judges have more than double asset threats against prosecutors and other court officials i must stay in stark terms that the current and evolving threat environment facing through judiciary constitutes a substantial risks to our democracy >> really important words that was the head of the us marshall service testifying yesterday on capitol hill about the threats facing america's judges dr. ronald davis says now more than 450 federal judges in 2023 received serious threats. that is more than twice the number just in 202012 years ago, congress passed a law to protect federal judges by allowing them to shield certain personal information from public view. and that law came after years a relentless
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advocacy from our next guest district court judge, esther salas >> what we cannot accept is when we are forced to live in fear for our lives because personal information, like our home addresses, can easily be obtained by anyone seeking to do us or our families harm salas is advocacy came from a place of deep tragedy and grief. the loss of her son, daniel >> danny was the love of our life. from the moment he was born, from the moment that little boy came to this world to you as the center of our universe. >> but in 2020, a gunman who had once represented a case in her court and founder address online went to her home intending to kill her. instead. he killed her beloved 20 year-old son, daniel when he answered the door danny was downstairs talking to me as he
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always did. he said, keep talking to me, mom. i love talking >> and it was at that exact second that the doorbell rang >> and before i could >> tell him, dad handle it shot up the stairs. and the next thing i years and then i hear no. i remember running upstairs and it was so loud. i almost thought it was like mini bombs or something. and then i saw danny line perpendicular to the door holding his chest and she lost her son in that moment, her husband was shot three times. he survived. and judge esther salas joins us this morning. >> your strength is remarkable. >> it really is and for people who don't know right behind you, that is a portrait of your son, daniel. >> talk
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>> about your fight right now in his name as we hear dire statistics like that well, good morning, poppy and we continue to advocate for increased judicial security all across this nation >> we have >> we have to do something. >> this isn't getting any better >> we see >> now with the new statistics we heard from our united states marshall so director davis, about the rise. it isn't getting any better. >> and >> we now know and we have the evidence to say something needs to be done across this nation. and in all us territories to protect all judicial officers. >> local, state, a federal judicial officers what, and so the market continued to do what we need to do to make sure his memory is alive, but to make sure that all judges are safe, democracy mandates that. and that's why we continue to do
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what we do. poppy. and it is critical see now, i mean, we had so much evidence post daniel's murder. we have seen judge roemer >> retired judge in wisconsin, killed by a manny sentenced in 2005. we saw justice kavanaugh's near ms in that same year, june of 2022 we saw judge wilkinson, just last october killed outside his home while his wife and child were in the house >> we >> continue to just see evidence. i mean, judge, hope this in nevada and that attack right on the bench. it's escalating. >> it's getting more or serious and we need to act and we need to work collectively to protect democracy and to protect all judicial officers. >> what do you think is the onus on politicians, not only to pass more legislation,
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right? like the law that you've got passed in daniel's name, but also in terms of the war birds they use about judges. i mean, we've heard, for example, former president trump being very critical of not only judges in his cases, but court clerks. i wonder what your messages to politicians my messages to everyone actually that we need to get back to civility. we need to begin to start to treat each other with kindness. >> words matter >> conduct matters. how we treat each other, matters. and i think that we've sometimes we we've lost sight of what it is to be brothers and sisters. yeah, you know, humans. the life means, i know what life means. i have a daily reminder of what not having my son means and so for me, i just wish we could all get back to a point where we talk to one another and we agree to disagree and we
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start treating each other like human beings. and realizing that we're all one in the same i just long for those days and i think that message is for everyone, for everyone that that is hearing this >> let's get >> back to being civil in this country and let's get back to understanding and agreeing that i'll hear you out. you hear me out. >> and at the and maybe we don't always agree, but but we can agree to disagree. >> yeah. >> that's what my hope is. my hope is that we can begin to love life and love one another. and treat each other with kindness and stability somehow, your faith has led you to a place where you have forgiven the man >> who took your son from you and you've said something, i will never forget. >> he said
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>> hate is heavy love is light how can we all that? to our faith are in our hearts? >> you know, i think that when you think about how you feel, when you're extending love, when you're being kind, you can feel that in your body. you can feel how it feels to be be a good person, to be kind. and then when you aren't and you're angry and you're resentful when you're bidder >> you can see how you feel and it's a real heaviness that really just surround someone when they're feeling that way. and that's the way i felt when i was walking around my husband forgave the shooter the icu i it took me a couple of weeks, but i remember the day i forgave him. i remember the day that i bowed my head and i said it three times that i forgive him. and i remember how i felt lighter, how it changed my perspective, changed you know, i'm i'm always going to know
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that someone did something to take away my beautiful boy, but i'm also going to know that i had 20 years with him and i share 20 years, beautiful years with my son. >> and he >> continues to inspire me. he continues to give me light. key is the beacon of light that keeps mark and i go >> and so i just want to be there. i want to be in that light. i want to be positive and i wanted to try to make this place in whatever way i can a better place and. so i i i want said and i said often daniel in assuming form, gave mark in my life purpose. >> he >> still gives my life purpose, except he shines and on others >> so we >> continue to try to do what we can to help other states follow new jersey there's easily other states use the federal law as a template. let's start enacting laws that
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are going to protect lives let's start shielding personally identifiable information of judicial officers so that they so they and their family can be safe can we guarantee this will never happen again? no, of course not. >> but can we make it hard >> for people to track us down? >> and >> shoot us in our homes. we can do everything possible to make it difficult >> democracy, >> man's that mandates that poppy you know, life is so precious. let's guard it >> let's >> protect judicial officers, and let's protect the sanctity of democracy in this country. >> judge esther salas. thank you so much this morning and no doubt he is not only behind you but looking down on you so proud of what his mom is fighting for. thank you >> thank you so much. >> and thank you for doing this story. >> course. >> well, overnight reports of strikes and lebanon have left at least 12 dead. details on that ahead.
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>> it is not a secret that smoking is bad for your health. there's a new study that shows what was the each cigarette could have worse effects, just each one. then you realize that research next i'm a parking gate and i'm all out of whack and if you have cut rate car insurance, is can he do then at a shade? so get all state it'd be better protected for may him for fast natural relief, experienced nevada >> i am not as congested and nasally sounding and i am sleeping 100% butter nevada gave me instant relief. >> nevada was sailing through the nasal passages to help clear congestion and by quickly sucking up mucus allergens and juror, i've had people ask me how i find relief and i tell them nevada immediately there's no other product out there like it available major retailers are online at
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a real solution means never settling for less for marijuana. behold >> pumpkin, there had low that allow pomeroy lubanga, japan that pomeroy, what i had by a progress of hockey soldiering put two inch ms get him school so that i and vein come down. you wouldn't book on masala >> dummy. you saw louis something new. the i can do near access mankind and legacy. demand. >> we're here to provide nutritious meals to the entire world without compromising on taste, local ways of life, or accessibility, because that is nutrition, without compromise eat well >> hell, >> this morning, he's brought to you by a genome moto
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>> now that. we needed it, but we're learning of yet another reason why dr. say don't smoke a new study shows that lighting up can change your immune system and those changes can last for years even after you quit. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard joins us now, jacqueline, what exactly are these changes to the immune system? >> well, what stands out in this study, phil, is that smoking can have an effect on your t-cell responses and t-cells are a key part of your immune system. they really help protect the body from illnesses and researchers found differences and blood samples among healthy adults who smoke and healthy adults who do not smoke. and that's how they kind of zeroed in on these differences and immune responses and the effects that cigarette smoking can have on your t-cell responses can persist for years according to the study, even among people so who quit, their immune
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responses improved, but they did not completely get to the same level as people who never smoked. so this new research really helps our understanding of how cigarette smoking can make it your body a little less successful at fighting off illnesses. and it can raise your risk of certain auto him diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. >> phil, can you also jacqueline, talk about even though these changes to the immune system persisted over time, there's, of course, a major benefit to quitting smoking. any at any point, right >> absolutely. because after people quit smoking, there were still some improvement in their immune responses and so they quit smoking. definitely talk to your dr. about what approach is best for you, but some approaches may include a nicotine replacement therapy or when you have cravings to smoke, distract yourself with exercise or chewing gum because smoking cigarettes is still the leading cause of preventable death in this country. so this is an ongoing in public health issue. >> jacqueline howard, thank you
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for the reporting meantime, us warships and the red sea dealing with constant threats from houthi rebels cnn got on board, we have exclusive access to those warships as they combat the concert sent attacks >> united states have scanned with jake tapper sunday, a nine on sign on cnn. >> i love your dress. >> thanks >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and saved hundreds. >> that's great. i know. right. i've been telling everyone i just said her first word >> can you say mama? >> never >> can you say on how many. people did you tell >> only pay for what you need >> lucky when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check. we were invoke of once-daily pill when i wanted to see results it's fast.
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how fe could help you save from need the dot >> to need it. now so many ways to save life, ready wallet, happy, about 365 by whole >> foods market is cnn >> the world's news network? >> well, this just in the us military has conducted more strikes on houthi targets in yemen, that quote, presented an imminent threat. us central command says the self-defense strikes hit several sites, including missiles prepared to lodge against ships in the red sea, us warships and the red sea have been responding almost every day to houthi missiles because in drone attacks and tausche, bear tran went on board a us aircraft carrier strike group and spoke to the sailors and pilots who are under constant threat. watch this new track, age or iss as
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anti-ship cruise missile inbound gravely, this >> is what the crew of a us warship here is when a houthi missile is headed their way >> mrs. a way eight-year-old three jurors and see that embedded with the us center under steady off course and the southern red sea sailors have been on the front lines of the fight against the iran backed rebels for over two months >> why are we now briefly >> here off the coast of yemen, us warships tried to shoot down the houthi missiles before they can cause any real damage. but the sailors have little time to respond and you could have seconds or could have minutes. may sound i won't say much more than minus >> the uss dwight d. eisenhower aircraft carrier, which the president ordered to the red sea in november in response to the houthi attacks, has been working at a frenetic pace keep up with the threat. >> they have tried to target coalition forces, us forces
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through swarm attacks using multiple uavs, using multiple anti ship listing missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles. >> they >> are trying everything that they can, but we are prepared for anything that they might throw away >> fighter jets are launched from the icc roughly 50 times per day, staying airborne for hours at a time. so they can quickly strike targets inside yemen and over the red sea. >> we were >> woken up early this morning, run for 30 am to the sounds of alarms blaring on this aircraft carrier assign year told the potential imminent threat by a houthi drone that was flying over the red sea. that alarm indicating that these fighter aircraft behind me, they had to be ready to respond potentially at a moment's notice. >> that drone was quickly >> deemed no longer a threat, but it demonstrates how risky the mission is. the houthis have also been trying to hit the jets flying over yemen with surface to air missiles. officials told cnn, you're flying these missions against the houthis. can you talk a little bit about what? this unique your the most
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challenging aspect of these missions they are doing on a near daily basis. >> well, first off, this isn't exactly where we expected it should be on this deployment whenever you're doing something for the first time. in a region that's, that's not without risk, but we have managed that risk two our strike group and our air crew through the management of combat power. >> with no end in sight to the houthi attack because us officials tell cnn, they don't know how much capability the rebels have left as they continue to be resupplied by iran. >> three is electronic attack. >> the commander of the carrier strike group told cnn, they will stay in the red seat for as long as necessary. >> the sustainability a weekend go for a long time we've got our logistics train already mapped out to stay here as long as the president needs us to stay here >> now, one of the biggest questions that we were left with, poppy and phil is just how much of the houthis capabilities


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