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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  February 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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pointing the finger. >> the world reels from the death of alexey navalny putin because responsible. but >> when the us reassures its allies, we must be unwavering. you >> republicans no longer >> agree former gop congresswoman liz cheney joins me exclusively and go for broke, a devastating ruling for donald trump's business empire in new york, $355 million with more legal cases picking being up steam just as trump looks to vanquish his long shot challenger this week, i'm not going anywhere. >> will the legal challenges take a toll? >> four more >> years, south carolina senator tim scott joins me next, plus majority rules. democrats celebrate a key win in new york. >> thank god, while congress republicans struggled to pass, but they say our priorities, what does all this tell us about november's election? our panel of experts is here to discuss hello i'm jake tapper
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in washington where the state of our union is reeling from the death of russian dissident alexey navalny. only 47 years old, navalny appeared in good health and reasonably good spirits. and the siberian penal colony, where he'd been held on bogus charges and putin's russia. and yet somehow on friday, the world learned that the pro-democracy, anti-corruption activist was dead. putin has been blamed to the death by president biden, governor nikki haley. and so many other western leaders. and yet, donald trump has had nothing specific to say about this. this after trump told the south carolina crowd last saturday, that is president, he had told a nato ally that he would encourage russia to do quote, whatever the hell they want unquote to any nato country that does not spend enough on its own defense. trump's last remaining republican challenger, nikki haley says of trump week, quote, we cannot have a president whose with murderous thugs who want to destroy america unquote yet, trump looks poised to easily defeat
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her in her home state of south carolina this saturday. and despite a by partisan gathering of american leaders who tried to reassure allies overseas this weekend about the us commitment to countering russia in ukraine the republican party that trump has remade in his image seems largely on board with the strategy of poking nato allies and petting the bear joining us now to discuss former republican congresswoman liz cheney, congresswoman, thanks so much for being here. so the russian prisoners, prison service announced friday that vladimir putin's critic alexey navalny is dead biden says putin is responsible. do you agree? and how should the us respond? >> yeah, there's no question. absolutely. he's responsible the best thing that we can do right now is to pass the aid bill that the ukrainians need so urgently to help them continue what they're doing to defeat putin's army in ukraine. and one thing that's really the important jake for the viewers to recognize and understand is one man. one man has the power in his hands to get that done. and that's mike
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johnson for the house speaker. the house. mike johnson, it's very unusual actually, in american history to be in a situation where one man holds that kind of power who is not the president? but mike johnson could, if he wanted to today announced that he's going to call the house of representatives back into session. he could put the bill that's already passed the senate onto the floor of the house for a vote tomorrow, could be on joe biden's desk by tomorrow night. and the aid could be flowing to ukraine and mike johnson, awda search deep in his conscience, understanding exactly what's happening, the slaughter that's happening in ukraine today, the extent to which the ukrainians are on the front lines in this battle for freedom and history will look back at this moment and ask, what did mike johnson do he has he has said and i take him at his word that he believes that god has told him that he's called to be moses this and i think mike johnson not look at whether or not this is actually that moment and he ought to help ukrainian people. >> it's been made clear to speaker johnson that if he does that he brings up this bill and just allows it to be voted on
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even if you've votes against it. if he just introduces the bill at that as you note already passed, the senate, there will be repercussions for his speakership that members of the house freedom caucus may offer a motion to vacate and remove him from his speakership. that is the threat facing him. >> that's right. and and what i would say to that is he ought to understand and that it is worth it if he has to lose his speakership in order to make sure that freedom survives, in order to make sure that the united states of america continues to play its leadership role in the world. he had to read what's happening in ukraine today. he had read about the slaughter that's going on. any out to understand that we are at a turning point in the history, not just of this nation, but of the world at and again, he's going to have to explain to future generations to his kids, to his grandkids whether or not he did what was right, whether or not he was a force for good and aided the cause of freedom, or whether he continued down this path of cowardice and doing what donald trump and vladimir putin warned him to do. >> what you say, doing what donald trump wants him to do.
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donald trump trump has not responded directly at all to navalny's death last night, he was attacking prosecutors at his rally in michigan. he's posted dozens of times on his truth social media app calling biden and competent president. so it's not as though he hasn't been speaking. this is the likely republican presidential nominee, donald trump how do you feel about the fact that he has not said one word about navalny? he's had harsher words about letitia james, the attorney general of new york. then he has had about vladimir putin. >> yeah. i mean, look donald trump, as you pointed out, said just a few days ago, that he had, he had told the nato ally that he would encourage which putin to do whatever he needed to do wherever we wanted to do he's basically made clear that under a trump administration, the united states is unlikely to keep its nato commitments. and i think that republicans who understand the importance of the national security situation, who continue to support him are similarly going to be held to account you know, when you think about donald
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trump, for example, pledging retribution what vladimir putin did to navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law. and i think that we have to take donald trump very seriously. we have to take seriously the extent to which you've now got a putin wing of the republican party. i believe the issue this election cycle is making sure that putin wing of the republican party does not take over the west wing of the white house >> as you note, donald trump is standing by his comments about that anecdote where he told the nato allies that if they don't pay there correct percentage of their gdp on defense, that he would tell russia to do whatever the hell they want to them. what was your response to that when you heard that >> it's dangerous, it shows a complete lack of understanding of america's role in the world. it's disgraceful. i can't imagine any other american president of either party since the establishment of nato saying such a thing, it's completely uninformed and
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ignorant and dangerous. nato in my view, is the most successful alliance, probably in the history of the world. and the extent to which, because of american leadership, we have been able to lead those free nations of europe. we've been able to guarantee security we've been able to deter exactly the kind of thing that we're seeing happened today in ukraine, because nato members know and because our adversaries know that if there's gonna be an invasion of a nato country will, will come to their aid. we will all come to each other's aid. and i think one of the things that is so misguided about this current debate, people like jd vance and others who suggests that we should just abandon the ukrainians is if putin wins in ukraine, he's telling us he's saying, you know, the baltics are next, poland is next. nato member countries will be neck if putin wins in ukraine, the security system and he knows this, the security structures that have maintained peace and
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security and freedom since the end of world war ii will begin to unravel one of the reasons that speaker johnson has not brought up the bill that has the aid for israel and ukraine and taiwan is that it doesn't control it doesn't contain additional border security measures that had been added to the senate bill. a compromise that made that raised asylum standards and had money for the wall, et cetera, et cetera, put forward by conservative republican senator james lankford of oklahoma. but it was not conservative enough for the house. so then it was stripped from that foreign aid bill. and now the foreign aid bills there without the border security, border security measures and they're saying we're not going to vote for anything that doesn't have border security measures. what did you think of the compromise and what do you make of this? gambit that's really difficult for people to understand where the republicans are coming from. >> i actually, i don't think it's that difficult for people to understand. i think the american people are really smart and what the republicans are doing now is really shameful i think that the biden administration absolutely bears
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responsibility for failing to secure the border, and that's been going on now for a number of years and it's inexplicable and it's wrong but as soon as the agreement was reached, there was a bipartisan agreement to begin to take steps in that direction. and again, donald trump said, no, no, i don't want you all to actually begin to solve the problem because he wants to run on the issue. so the republicans walked away from it. now, you're seeing these contortions from many leading republicans, including tim scott, trying to explain why they demanded border security and they got the border security provisions and then they rejected it because donald trump told them to they said it was fundamentally important for us to support ukraine and israel and taiwan. now they have a bill phil, the supports ukraine and israel and taiwan and they won't vote for it because it doesn't have anything about the american border in it. i think again, the american people are too smart to fall for that. and i think that my former colleagues ought to stop the political
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contortions and realize how significant serious national security pullman is. >> stay here. i got some more questions for you. we'll be right back after this break with former congresswoman liz cheney >> united states with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> i work hard and i want my money the work hard to. so i use my freedom and limited car. >> i know my favorite suit >> got it >> earning on daddy clear that don't touch it, don't judge it yet. let me get the big one. no, this one? no, this one? yes. >> know what went the big one for all same size >> let me get ththem all. i'm gonna get of allb with chase freedom and limited >> how do you >> cashback chase? >> make more of what's yours >> whether you come to key west for an in-depth history lesson we just want to skim the surface. key west story is richer, more colorful more
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>> and we're back with former republican congresswoman liz cheney. so just in the last few days, a judge has ordered that donald trump and his organization pay a 355 fine for fraud this on top of $83 million that he's been ordered to pay to e. jean carroll, the writer who's accused him of sexual assault he has to pay that for defamation. this is done. we're just getting started with the court cases here. there's a lot more to come. >> yeah. i mean, look there so many pieces to this i think with respect to e. jean carroll people need to understand and i think they ought to be asked people who are supporting donald trump, you know, what the jury found in that in that case is that donald trump was guilty of committing sexual assault. basically that he actually had done what he said on the access hollywood tape. he did this is not something that's out of left field and when you when you look at these cases and you look at the the verdicts and the judgments.
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it's clear the common thread that runs through all of them is donald trump, lack of willingness to abide by the law, lack of commitment to the truth fundamental lack of character. and i think one of the things that is so troubling about this political season is the extent to which you've got people that used to be good and honorable members of congress, for example, who have simply apparently abandoned the need to actually elect people of character you're an honor and instead are embracing him. >> know it's interesting also is as senator mitt romney said the other day, something along the lines of, i'm not going to vote for somebody who's guilty of sexual assault. that's a line for me. yeah it seems odd that that would be so unique among current senators and members of the house that that would be aligned. >> yeah. i mean, you would think that anybody with a daughter, sister other would be where senator romney is on that issue. >> senator jd vance, who you mentioned earlier and congresswoman elise stefanik, who now holds your former job as a gop conference chair. both
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of them are now saying that they if they had been vice president in january 6, 2021, they would not have voted to certify the election. they would have not allowed the process to go forward. i'm not even sure what the constitutional agenda there is. there's no role, no basis. yeah. but they say they wouldn't have should republicans be comfortable supporting a ticket with jd vance or at least a phonic on it? >> no, of course not. i mean, i think that what they're describing is the antithesis of the rule of law. what they're describing is congress that ignores the rulings of the courts, that ignores the plain language of the constitution and i think there's something very important going on here. if you look, for example, at, at the navalny assassination and how important it is for the west and for organizations that are committed to freedom and democracy to strengthen themselves and to stand tall now one of the most important of those in the united states is a national damage for democracy. there was established during the reagan administration that has long fought for freedom and stood
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for dissidents you've now today as we sit here, at least to phonic who has said that she would be perfectly willing to steal the next election who, as far as i know, is made no comment about the assassination of navalny. she sits on the board of the national endowment for democracy so i would say if they really are serious about being engaged in this hugely critical struggle for freedom, at least to phonics should not sit on that board any longer. >> axios reports that trump's former attorney general, bill barr, who has been quite critical of donald trump in 20 of the election lies and his efforts to overturn the election. bill barr suggested in an event on friday that he would vote for trump over biden. he said, quote, voting for trump is playing russian roulette with the country, voting for biden is outright national suicide it's your thought on that. >> i know he's he's absolutely wrong. now, i haven't endorsed anybody in this presidential race, certainly would never support donald trump. and we know what donald trump will do because he's telling us every day and anybody who has spent
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any time overseas who has been anytime studying the history of autocracies and have odd pratt's knows, we have to listen to what donald trump saying. so electing down trump's not russian roulette, electing donald trump would mean putting in power man who's committed to unraveling our constitutional framework. so bill barr is just wrong on that. >> you still haven't ruled out a presidential run of your own in 2024, as far as i know, are you still considering it or would you rule it out? >> i haven't made any decisions about it yet. i'm going to do whatever is necessary to defeat donald trump. >> but if it came down to you not running and it's biden versus trump, you would you would support biden. >> i'm not going to make any announcements or endorsements this morning, but the most important thing is to defeat donald trump. and i'll do whatever, whatever it takes to do that. >> saturday voters, republicans and south carolina gotta go to the polls. they have a choice between donald trump and nikki haley. i assume you would support nikki haley >> yeah. i mean, again, i am not making any endorsements, but i don't think that that's a hard call at all. >> all right.
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>> former >> congresswoman liz cheney, it's always good to have you. thank you so much for being with you this week. members of a top conservative group who will take the poll on who they want to be trump-like president is my next guest is shoe-in senator tim scott will join me on what we're learning about a second trump term. that's next so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and that's when i >> said deal on your right is are any deal i am the deals it deals army bernier, heavy price when you're small, business owner >> your to-do list can be a log that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto vote online. so you can take on all your other to do who's already did see if you could say that progressive is two things a
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slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> manu raju on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn >> welcome back to state of the union, south carolina's primary is just six days away. will that be the end of the republican nomination contest? and joining me now is south carolina senator tim scott, who is backing donald trump, senator scott, good to see you. thanks so much for joining us. so obviously the big newborns, zig hope you're doing well. the big news last few days, president biden is blaming vladimir putin for the death of alexey navalny. he called it yet he called it quote, yet more proof of putin's brutality president zelenskyy of ukraine said navalny was quote, obviously killed by putin, the head of the eu called navalny's death a grim reminder of what putin and his regime are all about. what is your reaction? to the death of alexey navalny >> what but listen to the bottom line is simply this that the murderous dictator that is president putin always looks for ways to take out the
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competition and send a clear message just a few days or a few weeks before the russian election, where he will sweep away with another six years because there's really no election and russia. that's part of the challenge that we face across the globe. we need strong leadership coming from america that actually pushes back against russia and other dictators. unfortunately, joe biden is not up for that charge and donald trump is. well, >> donald trump hasn't said a word yet about the death of navalny or about putin's culpability. alexei navalny was poisoned and sentenced to 19 years in prison while trump was president. do you want trump to say something and why do you think he hasn't yet? >> well, jake, i think a better question really is. let's look at the middle. let's look at the middle of the challenges that we face today across the globe. the middle of the challenge, you see front and center is the failure of joe biden. and when president trump was our president, there was no incursion in ukraine like there
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was under president obama, when trump left office, there was an actual all-out war in ukraine. and so when you ask the question about keeping putin in check, you look at the actions and the administration of donald trump, and you come to one clear conclusion that without question ukraine was safer. the world was safer, and america was certainly safer >> well, navalny wasn't safe for he was poisoned. likely by putin or the kremlin wall trump was president and navalny's death. we should note, comes on the heels of comments trump made last week in your home state of south carolina. he relayed an anecdote. where trump supposedly told nato ally that if that country didn't pay up, if that country didn't spend more on defense, he would tell russia to quote, do whatever the hell they want to them. here's what you had to say about the importance of the nato the nato pact, just three months ago, take a listen. this is, you keeping our nato partners safe from the russian
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military is absolutely essential as you understand, article >> five would require to support and to defend nato, our troops in the ground. the fastest way for us to eliminate that possibility is for us to destroy, to the extent possible, the russia military by doing so, we actually achieved the objective of keeping our military home how do you square that with what donald trump said about been doing. okay >> let's i was 100% right then, and i'll tell you this without any question from the beginning of the ukraine war, what we've seen is actually joe biden dragging his feet. this is after we saw the botched withdrawal in afghanistan. we've seen war in ukraine. we have conflict in the middle east. we have instability in the indo-pacific. what we need is strong american leadership. and when we have that, what ultimately happens? this is in
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fact world peace, the fastest, most effective way for us to get. there is a look at the four years went down. trump was our president at asked a question, how was eastern europe? well, putin stayed away from ukraine and the middle east hamas than that invade israel and the indo-pacific, china because of the thrill one tariffs, because of the headwinds foot on their academy they were not talking about taiwan, but more importantly, jake, the number one national security issue facing america if the is our insecure, unsafe, and wide-open southern border, americans have spoken whether i'm in church, whether i'm at the gym or when you look at the polls, one thing is completely clear. our southern border is a greatest national security risks. we have as a nation. and unfortunately joe biden has
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failed miserably on keeping americans safe here at home. we can see that through the 70,000 americans who've lost their lives to fit nhl, including my good friends son alan shall the second i hear what you're saying about the southern border. i want to get to that in a second because i know you just came back from there, but i don't understand how you can criticize president biden for dragging his feet when it comes to helping ukraine when donald trump is out there saying that we shouldn't, the united states shouldn't be giving any money to ukraine. and he's any, he set out alarm bells throughout nato countries when he talked about russia doing whatever the hell it wants to do to protect countries that don't pay enough. let's talk about what russia is doing right now, because this a key city of defka at the beaker fell to russian forces yesterday in a major setback for ukraine, president zelenskyy blamed the loss on the artificial deficit of arms and ammunition because of western inaction, he pleaded for congress to act you said, after hamas attacked israel, you said president biden had
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blood on his hands because he hadn't confronted iran more aggressively in iran supports hamas if the us fails to support ukraine right now in the fight against russia will congress have blood on its hands >> what we've already supported ukraine, over 100 billion. and when i said that, joe biden dragged its feet getting into this conflict at the beginning. i meant that look at the fact that we follow germany we followed germany to help nato, to help ukraine not a nato ally, but to help ukraine. that is a really important first step that we set us back by months. what we've been doing since then is playing catch-up. that's one of the reasons why congress has appropriated over $100 billion even president donald trump has said he alone to ukraine would actually provide more resources the bottom line is this. joe biden's failure on the global stage is undeniable and can be measured in the loss of lives.
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it can be measured in the instability and the indo-pacific, it can be measured in the october 7 attack. it can be measured and iran's actual aggression. and their acceleration towards a nuclear weapon, it can be measured in the jcpoa and the failure of that deal when he was vice president and trying to go back to it as president, there are so many ways to measure the failure you have joe biden on the global stage, but you don't have to take my words for it. you can take the words of democrats, independents, and republicans who all come to the same conclusion, the world was a safer place under president donald trump fan. it is today under president joe biden, you were just down at the border following your vote against the bipartisan senate border deal, that the border patrol union wanted passed. you voted against the deal and you voted against a standalone ukraine israel aid bill, in part because it didn't provide provisions to secure the border. so at the end of the day, are you fine with no
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additional aid for ukraine? no additional aid for israel. and no compromise border security measure that even the border for a union wants. you're okay with the status quo right now >> jake, they really great question. it makes me laugh out loud actually, here's the truth. i supported the 14 billion in the standalone package for israel. let's be very clear, joe biden, the democrats that they would, he would first veto so bill and the democrats would oppose the bill. chuck schumer would oppose a stand aid package for our ally in the middle east. why? because they wanted to leverage the deaths of israelis, to fund ukraine my first objective is always the keep america safe in the border bill. we did not see a border wall. a border wall having just returned from eagle pass, texas, listening to the border patrol agents themselves. here's what they're telling us, jake a border wall would
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make the agile officers safer themselves. it was see a precipitous drop in the number of illegal immigrants crossing our border. in that border deal was no funding for a wall. there was no new policy or reinstating the policy of remaining in mexico without those two pieces? allowing 2 million 2 million illegal immigrants into america. that's not a border deal, had $650 million. and that's $650 million for additional funding for a wall $650 when the president united states is selling off the construction material for the wall. >> come on, >> jake, let's let's get serious about protecting america's america so that we can actually help defend the rest of the world when we find it appropriate, we cannot we cannot forget america's number one national security issue is in fact, securing our southern
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border. well, so it's the border patrol wrong and that wall, the border patrol agents, the i'm telling you where the border patrol agents told me when i was literally an eagle pass, texas on friday? yes. they were right to ask for a bigger wall? yes, they were right to want us to take some of the resources as i put in legislation from the irs and take $40 and give it to the border patrol agents so that they can double the number of ages so that they have more resources for overtime. >> ai absolutely agree with doing the things that are in my own legislation. the question we should ask ourselves is, are we safer without a physical impediment and the border patrol agents that i met with said absolutely unequivocally, not are we safer without having the remain in mexico policy lane said in two weeks with the remain in mexico policy, jake and just two weeks, we would see 90% potential drop and the
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eagle pass, texas area from illegal border crossings. think about shelby park and the thousands of folks that invaded small neighborhoods in america 28,000 people living in eagle pass, texas with one hospital being confronted with thousands upon thousands right. illegal immigrants overriding their community. that's one of the reasons why texas and governor abbott had to act. yeah. now, look, i'm just telling you the border patrol union in its very which supports donald trump very strongly and they say they're going to endorse him again, they supported the legislation and the end ed money. there was $650 million for a border wall, but i want to move on to another question. your fellow vice presidential hopefuls, elise stefanik and jd vance, have both said that they would not have certified joe biden's electoral college victory if they had been vice president on january 6, 2021, if they had been in mike pence's place, would you have >> i'm not going to answer
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hypothetical questions. number one and i didn't know that i was a vice president hopeful. thank you very much for letting me know where i on the scale. i'll simply say this, that having formed more years of president donald trump means that we will have a low inflation, low crime. we'll have record low unemployment. we saw that happen for the first time. african-americans seeing unemployment under 6%, hispanics for the first time, under 5% asians, under 3%, the majority population at 50 year low a 70 year low. what i'm actually more interested in is not my future. the future of america. i want poor kids today growing up like i did, impoverished neighborhoods in single-parent household to look to america's future and say there's a place for me at the top, you work hard, get a good education. all things are possible for every single american that's my goal. and as long as i keep that as my primary focus, i'll do the right thing.
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>> when you voted to certify the election results in the senate and the first republican debate last night. you said vice president pence, quote, absolutely did the right thing. that's still your view though? yes. >> i have not changed my view. here's the question. you're asking a hypothetical question that you know can never happen again. that's the challenge. what cnn and you are focused on are the past americans voters are focused on the future. so what i want to make sure that use actually focus on the primary issues confronted by the american people. that starts with a wide-open, insecure, unsafe, southern border in the next issue, according to the american people, is the economy. people living paycheck-to-paycheck, 65% of americans say they don't have $1,000 in their savings account for an emergency when we're talking about pork good, important neighborhoods, not having quality schools in new york city. the e immigrants come in and take over the school and the poor kids oftentimes black and hispanic kids have to stay home from school. we have a
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crisis that americans want us to deal with. i'm going to deal with their future and not the past all right. >> senator tim scott of south carolina. thank you so much for joining us today, sir. appreciate it. >> thanks, jake. good to see, but the $355,000,000 question what impact might donald trump's mounting legal issues and legal bills have on the presidential race, our panels >> thank jump. purpose to find a place to rent. i know renders when i see him, who is this? okay. >> it's the top priority when you move to a new city or galaxy, we can help you get enjoy lovely one bedroom, two bedroom. i don't want to presume anything i. >> like >> these guys, the place to find a place where putting our foot down to keep our feet up, like way up with
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with over 1 million satisfied customer is it legacy today and get 50% off vegas story of sensitive next sunday at ten on cnn our court system is a mess. what's happening in our country? they have to straighten it out. all you see is bitterness and revenge and hatred, judge and garan just find me $355 million for doing everything right. >> we have yeah it wasn't for doing everything, right. welcome back to the state of the union. trump clearly upset. he was campaigning in michigan last night after a new york. just judge fined him $355 million for fraud and barred him from running his new york businesses for three years. my panel joins me now, scott, let me talk with you. limped first, 350 you $5 million for fraud.
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>> and >> when you read the decision, i mean, he lays it out. why why he's doing it. there was a set of books for the government in which they accentuated their liabilities and losses and downplayed their assets the opposite for banks that they wanted to get loans from. they talked about their assets and downplay their liabilities. and then the third set of books that actually told the truth. >> if i were trump, i wouldn't do any jaywalking in new york anytime soon. he's going to find themselves in the electric chair of therapy like keeps breaking all these laws and regulations i mean, to the average republican, it seems ridiculous. there were no victims here and the banks that were involved in this didn't seem to have a problem with doing business with donald trump. and it seems vindictive. i mean, everything going on in new york to the average republican looks like politically motivated actors using the legal system to try to destroy the leading republican candidate he for president. and right now the leading candidate for president generally since he's beating biden. so i think what's
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happening in new york will motivate republicans. i think the other case in washington is more problematic that could come up later this year, but the january 6 yes. those new york cases right now or are fuel for donald trump as he tries to rally these republicans to think that he is the victim. >> and kate, there are there are democrats who are concerned about these new york cases going first because of that, because they are, they might look trifling or vindictive to republicans and they're not as serious as the january 6 case where the classified documents case. >> well, i think that it is absolutely something that is motivating republicans, but it is not something that is motivating independence. and most democratic voters. so if you think about it from republican primary perspective, shores, if firing up the republican base is donald trump going to win the republican primary? breaking news, yes, he is. but is this going to be a winning strategy for him in a general election where he's going to be we're going to be hearing every day about how he was a fraud and a cheat and his businesses in new york, which we know, by the way, is something that really gets at him him that really undermines the way he views himself. so he's out there every day
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having to defend. well, no, actually, i am rich. i am a great businessman. we know he struggles with that. so, you know, i don't think this is going to be a winning platform. shall we say for him in a general election, matt more critical words for judge goran in the remarks that donald trump made yesterday, and his remarks since friday period than anything about vladimir putin which is i think in arguably a much more important development, the death of navalny. >> he said a good couple of weeks, trump, right? crews in south carolina primary. the her report and its aftermath has been good for him. he's been winning some polls but i think we're seeing now is a transition where we're going to be for a lot of the year, where for the campaign trail, he's going to be in and around a courtroom. how does he leveraged? how much do you talking about what's going on in a courtroom and what's going on for the average american voter take out putin, but what about, what average american voters are facing every day? how does he balance that? i think that is going to be that the tenant he was thing and look, i think you're right with new york that is always the alvin bragg case is the one that republicans writ large as
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a party feel the most comfortable. >> that's the 100, the hush money case. i did it. they were hiding things in the tax code. but to pay hush money to stormy down exactly what i think we view that as kind of the weirdness and the weakest of cases because we feel comfortable on its merits defending that little different possibly january 6 and others. but i think as we transition in campaign is gonna be a lot of times the courtroom, how does he respond to that? >> but i think there's a similar narrative right. that hush money case is also about voters had the right to note that information before they went to the polls, voters have told us they want to know about these other cases. it's particularly the federal case with jack smith. >> before they go into vote. >> and i think part of what it does is it reminds people that this is a man who will do whatever it takes, whether it's about money or sex, or his proclivities, or when our anything that it's all about him. but i do think the most important thing in the context of the 2024 race is something
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we learned in 2016. you've got to continually bring it back to why does it matter to you and your life? so i would argue, for example, around navalny and the nato comments that actually makes us less safe. that is bad for america's national security the thing i would say about the $355 million is and where's he going to get that money? we know he doesn't have it. that makes him a national security risks. >> here's one possibility. he's now selling $400 gold branded shoes there they are he went to a sneaker convention and maybe even philadelphia wasn't trying to raise i don't know if he's trying to raise money for his legal bills. are this is just another branding opportunity, but he doesn't make a lot of money off of branding. i think somebody bought an autograph pair last night there for several thousand dollars people people seem to be really upset about this. i'm not upset, i'm not i wanted people. i am posing it as a possible way for him to solve the 355 million whatever he tries to break into pop culture stuff, like a sick
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people get really angry that he's trying to break into non-trump. >> nobody here seems angry. no >> actually quite funny do you think it's funny? i think it's amusing, yes, i think the man is now the courts what we're up to, what, $440 million in cash, you know, 385 million to the courts and 8,032 million barrel. so just he's got to sell, you >> know, i'm no math major, but that's a lot of pairs of cheaply made tennis shoes. so if this is the land that they're cheap hi, who have no idea how, what, how the quality of the shoe i'm going, you know what i'm gonna go out on a limb and say these are not well-made shoes. i'm going to say i didn't. i campaign, gear was it made in china? yeah, that's me, but i want to know mr. no doubt >> that is a question, but we have on saturday, we're facing saturday, the gop primary in south carolina. nikki haley, still trailing former president trump. it's her home state and here's some sound from haley
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speaking at rallies in south carolina yesterday >> time that we finally put the past behind us and elect a new generational conservative leader in a general election, you're given a choice in a primary election, you make your choice. i just have one more fell. i gotta catch up to >> now. matt used to work for a tim scott, south carolina. it does look like donald trump is going to win south carolina. we don't know that the voters that gets away in, but why? >> i mean, look nikki wanted a one-on-one race. she got it at some point, she has to start winning, right? just a couple weeks ago, she said she has to do better than she didn't. new hampshire's i think there's on 11 points the margin he's down by 30. so she has to start winning somewhere. and look, i think one of the things that the folks running against trump underestimated was how strong he was in the republican primary. and also in the fall we constantly we're hearing before that, i like trump. i
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just don't think he can win. but what you saw i think in the fall was him starting to either pull even or beat biden in general election matchups in an allowed for a lot of people can primary voters their head in their heart not to be bifurcated to give that gave them license and it took away one of the best arguments, folks like tim scott, nikki, ron desantis, where it was, trump is great, love them, but he can't win a general. suddenly that was off the table. i think that was a crucial moment in the primary >> so it's my fault. >> well the third continue to be accept their continued to be polls that show that nikki haley run stronger hunger against joe biden, even, even if it's a matter of what you hit the threshold is not about how by how much, but there's but there is a loyalty and fealty to donald trump amongst the republican primary electorate that is driving their quarter >> thanks, one and all for being here from the national enquirer to the courthouse, some of the nation's most sensational political scandals we're going to take a look at that next. the situation with wolf blitzer tomorrow with six on cnn. >> one barbus was to turbotax.
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>> closed captioning bronchi by meso >> we've offered a free book about missile filial motto for ten years, call called 1808724901, or go to meso book calm tonight. >> i'm taking you behind the headlines to some of the biggest political scandals in recent history. here's a preview i did the same as them and nothing worse >> what drives powerful people to break the rules?
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>> i've never done an interview about this ever in my life. >> and until today. >> and what happens when they get caught? >> i didn't feel like it was sexual either. >> you >> didn't know? i did >> not because it sounds like there was an attraction he said you're so right now, i know. >> and most importantly, why do they risk everything to do it over six episodes scene and ends new original series, united states of scandal, will try to peel back the headlines of some of the country's most sensational political scandals >> the governor disappeared and didn't leave anybody else in charge full disclosure. i was friendly with mark and jenny sanford. there are some scandals we never saw coming, such as when the governor of south carolina dropped off the face of the earth. so he could fly to argentina to have an affair when it was proven true, i felt don i felt duped for naive lee believing that i ever knew mark sanford, the person, and we will revisit scandals that you think you know, i
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engaged in adults consensual affair with another man, giving you an up-close perspective. >> and 3,000 for the democrats chronic governor of new jersey, jim agreement stepped into a press room just like this and became an overnight sensation. >> i have decided the right course of action is to resign. >> we were also quick to embrace the headline that we may have forgotten to dig a little deeper because the reason why jim agree be resigned is a lot more complicated than we remember. >> they didn't wake up and say i'm going to be deceptive for the sake of deceiving and we'll speak to some of the key players in scandals that were so explosive, the fallout did not just topple careers. >> i'm here to tell you right off the that that i am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing. >> people were sent to prison >> so, governor, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> so you've been out of prison now for almost two years, little over two years, such as former illinois governor rod blagojevich's convicted on fraud and conspiracy charges, including trying to sell so bomas open
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senate seat. >> i guess one question i have. >> one why did he do it? >> i had 2896 days in prison to ask myself 1,000 questions, including that. but you know what, what, what's the alternative? i have all my staff and lawyers, we all go to saunas and get naked and talk to each other. so he's got wires on them the, new series united states have scandal premieres tonight at 09:00 p.m. in a second episode will follow at >> 10:00 p.m. i hope you'll tune in thank you for spending your sunday morning with us fareed zakaria gps starts next >> so this is pickleball is basically tennis for babies,
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