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tv   United States of Scandal  CNN  February 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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retrospect >> 00 close, but no cigar. >> whether or not rod >> trusted the wrong people, he set them loose on illinois because they brought him the most money whether the rules on political fundraising or flimsy guardrails at best, you can still drive between the lines it's arrives tail is a cautionary wanna camera grabbing over the top. example of how bribery, extortion and graft easily sneak into our political system behind ambition and enormous egos this politicians or the public feel the same day he does then another rod blagojevich is just around the corner. >> anyone break a law across the land or take a penny. okay. >> but i never said i wasn't at thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. >> awesome. yeah. thanks you. enjoyed it. >> you're all right. i wish you the vast will see you how it ends up. who care through, what do you throw me back in prison? no, but i mean, he can't hurt me
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>> in 2009, south carolina governor mark sanford was a republican rock star his reputation as a budget slashing deficit hawk family man had the gop betting on him to beat obama in 2012 until he became a missing person. the search for sanford through his office into chaos and turned up a secret love affair and a bizarre set of lies that coined the phrase to hike the appalachian trail but it also revealed something deeper how even the most tightly controlled political persona can mask the messy, imperfect reality of a human being and counter-intuitively, when the world was crashing down around him, bearing at all might have been the savviest political move of mark sanford career
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>> it's monday night. >> do you know where your governor is? that's what the citizens have. south carolina are wondering where in the world is our governor of mystery tonight in south carolina? the state's governor, mark sanford disappeared for days. >> governor alert. the search for mark sanford in june 2009, south carolina governor mark sanford became a missing person news began to go route in south carolina, getting the papers like no one knows where the governor is. >> the south carolina governor is missing. where is he? is he dead somewhere in a ditch? >> but each day that tick by, the mystery grew. >> many in south carolina, i don't know where he is, not even his wife, just so strange this well-known father of four young boys wasn't home for father's day.
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>> and more and more people started asking the head ana today is local paper says sanford awol who's in charge. it was please bear of duty. imagine if there was a mass shooting or hurricane or anything. i think all of us are concerned. we're worried about where he might be >> speculation was rampant. some people thought he was dead. a fringe view thought he'd been abducted by aliens it was only after he'd been gone for nearly a week and sanford staff finally offered an explanation of where he was >> his staff said he was hiking the appalachian trail >> tonight, we find out this email coming through just a few minutes ago, the governor's actually hiking the appalachian trail. the governor is said to be, quote, clear in his head, somewhere along the appalachian trail that stretches from georgia to the main, the governor is hiking the appalachian trail >> why would that >> be such a big secret >> reporter with the state newspaper had gotten a tip that mark sanford never went anywhere near at the appalachian trail that goes
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nowhere near argentina, which is actually where he had been. >> what could compel a sitting governor to up and lead his state all the way to argentina without any kind of notice at all? the answer could only come from mark sanford himself and the bottom line is this. i i've been unfaithful from ally. hi developed a relationship with a dear, dear friend. >> turned out he was a man in love >> is cover is now blown. mark sanford was not after all, hiking by himself on the appalachian trail. hiking the appalachian trail? which then instantly entered the lexicon as a euphemism for an affair was hiking on the appalachian trail, which is a trail that starts in maine and in an argentines woman's >> it was all over the late night shows. it was every monologue, what's that lipstick
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i was hiking the appalachian. >> it was just such a huge contribution to the english language >> so the guy had an affair when was really sloppy about covering it up. he's hardly the first politician to do that. >> but >> there was something about this man dropping off the grid to see his secret international lover truly shocked people. myself included full disclosure. i was friendly with mark and ginny sanford. i first met them more than 20 years ago when i was covering myself carolina primary my now wife and i watched the super bowl at the governor's mansion in 2000 for mark going awol, reading poetry in the bible while on a week long solo hike that frankly seemed totally believable. so when folks begins speculating about cd possibilities, i wrongly wrote it off as the worst kind of sensationalist journalists and when it was proven true, i felt don i felt duped for naive lee
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believing that i ever knew mark sanford, the person when i really only knew mark sanford the politician. >> and i wasn't the only >> one right there with me caught between image and reality. was sanford's closest aide, his former chief of staff, scott english thank you so much for sitting down with us. you worked for mark sanford from 96 to 2015, is that yes. i have my impression upon which was that he was a nice, affable guy. he issued a proclamation for our wedding, which i do not have hanging up in my house anymore. but i mean, my point is i knew him and i liked him and jenny and marshall and bohbot and blake, and landon what did you think of him? >> i love and respect this guy. i put in a lot of effort with this guy. okay. i missed a lot of mike children's life for this guy. wishes, by the way, is why i've never done an interview about this ever in my life. and until today, but i could just never imagine him he
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had no game. i mean, he just didn't and when someone threw out to me that maybe he had a mistress, i just laughed and said there's no way this guy has got a mistress. you and i both thinking that it was absolutely appalachian trail. what goes is good. i mean, it maybe feel better. >> i'm like, yeah, that makes sense. he's a weirdo >> maybe you think we're being dramatic or exaggerating. how could we be so shocked at a politician having an affair? but you got to understand mark sanford had one of the most convincing political persona's in the game. and this was the guy we thought we knew >> time magazine named you one of the five most boring governors in america that staying >> what you learn in politics is if you're going to be some folks that don't like us, some folks that love us. and the real key is are we staying true to what we believe in what, what, what we promised to voters in the first place and then you can live with that and sort of leave it alone with the other 49% because you're going to please everybody. >> you are incredibly boring i
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was i was actually there when that was filled. it was like, yeah, you're boring, you are like manila envelope stapled to a brown wall. boring? >> yeah. >> that's >> completely accurate, which is again why we were just like completely shocked that it was just very passionate, emotional affair with this woman other side of the cotton, it was just completely out of character or for what we thought we knew about the gap here's the thing i can accept that politics is a bit like professional wrestling candidates play a part to make headlines and win elections but there's a fine line between marketing and outright deception. and mark sanford scandal made me question, is there any truth to a political persona? and what's the cost of keeping it up? >> so when you worked for him, you described him by saying he's willing to say what he believes act accordingly and live with the consequences. but
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more recently you have suggested that that's part of an image and a brand and not reality. >> so there's a duality to me mark one is the mark sanford that you meet in political life. >> that's the brand guy. that's the image that it's not unique to markets. all, all of these people have exactly the same thing. it is about them they are the brand so you always had to be cognizant of the fact that you weren't just working for an individual person, but you are working for this brand. what was his brand? >> his brand was focusing very much limiting the size of government and balancing the budget that was for him, that was his way of connecting what the audience congressman mark sanford, republican of south carolina, is the fresh face of this new breed. >> i've actually got the remnants of last night's dinner here this is the new wife >> this is nasty, hundred and $50 dinner where customed to if they did save the, crust i mean, i didn't want anything to go to waste. >> the fiscal conservative
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thing with mark sanford was not an act. >> he was painfully fiscally conservative. and for example, there's an infamous freak out. the congressional office about him finding a discarded paper club in the trash can and he dug around in there and grabbed it back out and you can reuse this >> is he really making a safe paperclips? >> of course i remember ginni san an interview complaining about he would not buy new suit jackets, that he would just wear >> the same clothes for years and years first, he didn't just talk a big game about being frugal. he really was a frugal man and >> while being frugal does not necessarily block a man from a little romance marked inhabited this penny pinching, sweetly curmudgeonly character so thoroughly, i just could not imagine there were other aspects of you know, he's mark sanford, family man is mark sanford father for boys? he's mark sanford, physical
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conservative, but that's the distinction between being the character actor and being the person there's method acting involved in politics and there's a character they build that's real to them, but it's not real it's not real. each one of these political figures, they're playing a character and sooner or later the fourth wall breaks >> to be a headliner was vegas that's what i want to do >> they had the biggest entertainers in america vegas's always marketed itself on its naughtiness. >> and the only way you find out what you can do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world >> vegas the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn >> choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting four hours furthermore, can be
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congressman sanford is halting the delivery of ice to his congressional office why do we need like can we just walk down three floors and get it of calf to yourself? if you can't just talk about it, i mean, you have to have actions in your own office that reflect that sanford when he got to live i can tell you exactly when i met him. we had a reception december 7, 1994. >> he had just been elected to just been >> elected to the house, and we had a good conversation. but one thing that he and i share was a common philosophy about the world. >> you were just they taken with heat. this could be a really good leader. you believed in him that i believed in the issues he believed it really disliked gets into my mind, like it really i really didn't think mark was capable of doing anything slimy, not mark. >> it's too afraid of jenni and he's, you know, all of these were like what they'd like college sweethearts they'd been together for 20 years. they had four beautiful kids. she was such an integral part of his professional and personal lines. they seemed great to me that 20 year journey together
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from congress to the governor's office when you're partnered with someone like that and your your food, yet relationships forged in steel under fire they're saw it as a rock. >> you know that when you find a good one, you got to help. you found a good one. and mark sanford. but more importantly, the mob, jenny sanford are the greatest what's your first lady of the state of south carolina >> jin-ho sample was invaluable to mark sanford's rise. she was a smart, skillful woman, a georgetown educated wall street vice president. i don't think that mark sanford would have had political career at all, if it were not for jenny sanford's help, it's not my love. i'm not driven to run campaigns, but but we worked well together jenny sanford had been a right-hand woman throughout all of mark sanford's political career. she managed his congressional
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campaigns, and she also managed his first campaign as governor, something that she has said and since she really tried to get out of doing because she had four sons, all of whom were still have school age. but she was free labor and it was somebody that he really wouldn't have to hire on on behalf of the people well, the state i wish you godspeed >> thank you. >> sure. mark and jenny made a great team, but it turned out there were some elements of the sanford union, very few people knew about or even suspected right before we were getting married. when he said, you know, there's your priest gives you a menu of different vowels and he says, well, you know, i, with all due respect, i'd rather not use a vow that uses the word faithful in it. and i said, well, you gotta be kidding me. and there's no question. i had my own doubts about mark, but fidelity was the last thing i was worried about >> but jenny brush the red flags syed been with her help marks political brand grew until it seemed unstoppable. he entered the governor's office
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as a sort of folk hero to south carolina voters. saltine cracker of a man on single-minded crusade to save taxpayers money >> when you have a $5 billion budget that's essentially $1 billion out of out of balance. change is needed but when he actually got to work at the statehouse, sanford found his passion for cutting budgets had also made him some enemies >> mark sanford. he's a republican. the legislature for years has been controlled by republicans and so they're all on the same party and extensively from the outside, you would think oh, okay. well, these guys are all going to get together and get a lot of things done. that's not really what happened when mark sanford was and the governor's mansion. >> instead, mark sanford, leena, further into character and started slashing his fellow republicans budgets with a vengeance. >> may 1 year he retired the entire budget i mean, just spent the entire budget that we never got to a budget. cycle where there weren't dozens of budget vetoes. >> there was no democrat versus
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republican. it was you know, us versus mark sanford. so he would send hundreds of veto was back and we would just get together and all override them because it was more during one particularly volatile session in 2004, sanford kept vetoing budgets and the legislature overrode 105 of those vetoes in 90 minutes. >> this is a republican lunch, just a republican legislature and that's i mean, that's how bad this was. >> and had that go over that morning, there's just like this epic freak out of the press office in everybody is franticly on the phone dialing and they look up, say, you don't phone in some pigs, i'm but what get all the phone, find pigs martin needs to pigs. he's going to take him upstairs
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>> turning their heads and craning their heads and looking toward the lobby. and then somebody said, oh my god, he has pigs >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers >> kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> good states of scandal with jake taylor. new episode next sunday night on cnn >> sore throat, mucinex, it's the suits or it broke medicated drops. you neatly formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts get mucinex instance it's comeback season if you try vaping the quit smoking, it might cubic progress. but with three times more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes, apes increased craig trapping you in it and i was craving loop new current reduces cravings until
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no. >> no, we didn't tell any in telling when you just walked up with the facts, no one's aware of what we're doing. and we just start telling everyone in the lobby that the governor has got pigs. so it just creates this mass of people and all the reporters just go in san set up voters across south carolina, tuned in. is there a manila envelope? governor seemed to reveal the one issue that could stir him to reckless passion protesting his fellow republicans bloated park filled budget with actual pork the gasoline she lost yesterday, and fourth one fourth one. and the taxpayers lost in a mark, had one under each arm and was maybe squeezing them a little too tight. and so there was a trail of a pig excrement as he went up dares, he gets it down his pants and on his shoes and on his coat or boy, which for a guy who owns one coat or the house majority whip is yelling at me that we have to clean this mess up. >> i went up there with what the spray and then the rags a little bit elbow grease and cleaned up pig duty that day. >> and then b, let the pigs go
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run free. and so the pigs ran free in the lobby and ran into the house annual room chamber and of course, all the lobbyists were around there. the press was there and sure enough, it was a lead story on all three local television stations. and it was a huge hit in the public. >> was it an effective punch in the face? >> it was good timing because we had a primary just coming up a week later and one of the republicans who ended up losing their seat was the house majority leader and he said point-blank, that his polling numbers flipped completely because of that pig episodes. so we had a number of incumbent republicans who ended up losing the challengers. they started taking him a lot more seriously about it worked. yeah. it was very effective. >> but at the same time, mark sanford was becoming a political rockstar for letting pigs loose on the capitol floor. >> a >> chance encounter was about to make a complete mess of his personal life in 2001, sanford
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had taken a guys trip to oregon and they're at an outdoor dance. he matt and instantly connected at first as friends with a woman who saw the man behind the brand. argentinian journalist maria berlin, chop >> she was a very likable person and for a guy like mark sanford who surrounded by people who were basically beating the out of him every day over on the senate. when you get this oasis of compassion, it can be appealing and she's an attractive woman. she's age-appropriate. this the whole nine and all of a sudden he's in love he's got this email exchange with this woman. he prints these letters out and puts him in a file cabinet in his office at the mansion. >> his letters to his mistress, and the ones from her. >> if they wanted to file this dumb, printed them out and put them in a folder and then file i just keep coming up to it
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just so weird to me >> because all these politicians who worked so hard, right? and they throw it away for sex. and it's just always so crazy to me as somebody who covers politics it's so common and it's so dumb. and i just, i never truly understand it. >> the thing about a political figure that you've got to keep in mind. number one is compartmentalization their ability to isolate each segment of their world as though it didn't exist. they have to be able to do that. >> if you >> meet jennie sanford and you meet berlin, their poor opposite peep, all of a sudden, berlin found the hole to get into the gap in his life and filled it but then he compartmentalizes and he says method act or so he goes back to being mark sanford, actor, governor without ever letting on these having an affair to
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maintain his office and reputation, sanford had to hide his love for maria and continue to pretend to only long before balanced budgets in 2090, top pork and barrel with a bigger stones that would catapult him from south carolina local legend to the national spotlight. south carolina's republican governor has become the nation's first to reject some of the economic stimulus money south carolina was still reeling from the 2008 recession when sanford was offered relief funds from president obama's economic stimulus plan. >> if we spend all this money, we end up $700 million in the whole 24 months from now the question is, and then what people started legitimately talking about him as a presidential contender to challenge obama in 2012, i was a white house reporter at the time. that's how it looked from where i was sitting. oh, sanford's emerging to challenge obama and it sounds like that's what you guys were thinking to write. >> next thing, you know, we've
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>> got the tea party and sanford is the man >> he had become a darling for fiscal conservatives. i met people who had moved to south carolina just kind of quietly to begin forming what was going to be potentially a national level bid for him >> if mark sanford is a stock like in spring of 2009, you're buy it, right? anybody who knows anything about politics or about republican politics, you're buying mark sanford stock in spring of 2009? then father's day weekend of 2000 ios when everything started to fall apart because the governor disappeared it was honestly one of the most bizarre things i have covered in 20 years of journalism he left he was gone from the state and didn't leave anybody else in charge. >> it seemed totally out of character, but his constituents would soon learn that they did
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not know the real mark sanford at all? >> you are not broken >> this is need a place to be heard >> people who may not have allowed voice nevertheless, have an important story there's a responsibility in telling their stories accurately >> there is hope >> their trust in me means everything we've never spoken, >> but you've told us many things that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in the studio. it began with you
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absolutely free text dra w. 2369369. today king charles wins. they had said on cnn was a thursday >> so i had a >> scheduled meeting with him in the morning, except he didn't show up for the meeting i. remember i was standing outside the state house and marisay for told me personally that he was going to be gone for a few days. i am i going to be able to reach on yourself and i'm probably not. all right.
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>> failing comes up, joel, handle it. okay >> but as the weekend came and went no one had heard from mark sanford, father's day weekend. so i'm with my children and my family and they get the work the next day on monday and there's sort of these rumblings of you know, we know we're marquez meanwhile i've been calling him trying to get a hold of them and i couldn't get them on the phone. all of a sudden this appalachian trail story comes up. where did it come from? >> the appalachian trail thing, >> he planted that with a member of our staff. but even an eccentric guy like mark sanford would spend father's day with his four sons whom he legitimately adult course. >> right. >> did you talk to jenny sanford? >> she didn't know where he was and he wasn't known for father's de and the last thing she said to me is he's your problem now >> from there, the day got worse for scott because one of stanford's enemies in the state senate was starting to
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ask questions. >> i get a call from someone with sled state law enforcement division, which is the governor security detail from center node's is asking questions about sanford's whereabouts >> jk knots he single-handedly blocked tattoos, becoming legal in south carolina because it god wanted you to have a tattoo, he to put it on your body himself. >> i mean, he he is that guy. >> jake nods ii was one of the top foils of governor mark sanford, they absolutely did not get along every day is another embarrassing we're something else is popping up. it started out that he just simply took a vehicle and was missing. >> jake was trying to stir up this idea that nobody had sled knows where he is. nobody knows where the governor is. he didn't tell him about where he's going. he's missing i know exactly where he is. he's hiking >> the state newspaper was tipped off by senator jake knots when we started calling
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and asking, where's the governor? first, they were like, well, why do you want to know? >> well because he's the governor. >> then of course, you're going to give me as attention right? when you don't answer where a governor is, there was a mystery this warnings rein in the whereabouts or south carolina governor mark sanford mystery is unfolding surrounding the whereabouts of south carolina's governor reportedly even his wife didn't know where he went and it wasn't even around for father's day. the various simple >> solution to this thing has governor sanford callback home, come back home to people or south carolina want to know where you add, communicate. >> dmz called all 170 members, i believe, of the state house. i'll never forget i got a message from tmz in the down the other end, he was just like, do you know where the governor is and i was like, i do not any hung up. and so then i was like something something's going on at this point.
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>> i'm being bombarded from everywhere. i've got news trucks all around the state house right now because where is the governor? i should know. i don't know. and so what did you do? i >> put the hiking the appalachian trail story out because i've got members of my staff confirming it the mystery is actually growing deeper south carolina governor mark sanford vanished last thursday. we'll yesterday, his office say he wasn't hiding. he was hiking. >> his office said the governor had gone hiking along the 2,200 mile long appalachian trail wouldn't specify where i can only assume he has been sustaining himself by boring wild game into collapsing at his speech >> and here's where i must make my confession. the sanford's story breaks and a white house correspondent for abc news. and i know mark, i've known him for a decade at this point. i completely buy the appalachian trail thing and then good morning, america asks
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me to we need to get the stanford interview. it's a mystery where he is and they send me copy of the story that nbc or msnbc had done in which he's like basically talking about how shady and weird it is that the governor's disappeared. i forwarded it to maybe to joel sawyer. i forgot who i sent it to, but i sent it to somebody and you and said something like pretty slimy stuff, like alluding to the fact that like don't give the interview to nbc or the today show, give it to abc news and good morning america, because nbc, whatever they're casting aspersions and then of course, way after the truth of sanford's escapades have come out my email was released and a freedom of information act request. i called the reporter and an executive at nbc and apologize. it was to be clear, inexcusable. and beyond that, i'd been wrong wrong about this guy who i thought had been a devoted dad and husband, wrong, wrong. wrong. >> lesson that was just embarrassing and i also felt
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dumb for >> just automatically believing the best possible scenario when it came to a politician, you, you've always been on the reporting side of things. welcome to the hell we all have by our 144 of mark sanford, disappearance pretty much everyone who knew mark sanford was starting to question how much we >> really knew him as the day goes on tuesday, little things, a little bits of information started coming out and maybe kinda say, we learned that his last cell phone pinging was in atlanta some googling. well, there's an appalachian trail trailhead just north of atlanta. we find out late the day tuesday, that his car is parked at the airport surely there's not something else at play here. >> you're saying he's over the appalachian trail. we at the state had some formation that led us to believe something
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different so about a year before mark sanford, mr.. disappeared from the state, we had gotten an email, the subjects that said, this is your governor, that appeared to be back-and-forth emails between in mark sanford and a woman in argentina but they could not be proven to be legitimate until the governor disappeared. >> and here is an actual excerpt from one of mark's many emails to baelyn >> i could digress and say you had the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses or that i love your tan lines, or that i love the curve of your hips. the erotic beauty of you holding yourself or to magnificent parts of yourself and the faded glow of the night, slide. >> but hey that would be going into sexual details. >> so do you know what i'm
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saying? it's sort of starts swirl lane at that point >> we didn't know but we hoped that we had put everything together correctly and he was going to be getting off of a flight from argentina there in the atlanta area? ford and there was only one flight coming in from argentina that morning >> remember >> being at the atlanta airport, it's 06:00 a.m. that morning. and one of the last people off the escalator is mark sanford and i i mean, i jump pick up my digital cameras this could not believe he was standing there that led air. >> so now the question was, would sanford actually come clean? candidate john edwards, cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate
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relationship with him begin that night? yes. how did you end up with sex tape of john edwards and reopened her tabloid trash is full allies. >> donna was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail. he still running for president. what did he >> think was going to have them? >> because all he's done a lot, united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode next sunday night on cnn >> you were always so dedicated we worked hard to build up the shop save for college and our retirement. but we got there thanks to our adviser and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for. it was always for you. >> seeing you carry on our legacy >> i'm so proud at vanguard, you're more than just an investor urine setting up the future for the ones you love that's the value of ownership >> only united medicare advantage plans come with a eu card. one simple member car that opens doors where it matters for you what do we need
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>> more at with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey's. i could be. so i hired body doubles, 30,000 followers, tina and a boutique hotel for 30,000 steps. gene at a mountain cabin >>, booking dot yeah capital ones the mat thank you. don't want can you. do. this one? yeah i see that one matches after being mia for days, the appalachian trail hiking governor finally turned up at the hartsfield-jackson international airport in atlanta. >> so i'm standing with my camera, my neck it pad. i want running up to them and like it, governor we thought you're hiking the appalachian trail
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doing getting all a plane from argentina. >> me suboy, you know? >> i was going to hike the appalachian trail, but i had a last-minute change in plans. would would you like to talk about it? >> yes, sir. yeah. yes, i would he told me the story about the pressures of public life and he just needed to get away, right? and he wanted to take this trip well, where did you say do you have friends there? we did you visit with he told me he was alone and i think it started dawning on him that i knew more than i was letting on and he he got up and left and then i'm grabbing for myself phone and calling my editor and yelling, oh, my god
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>> knowing it was only a matter of hours before jeanna filed her story. mark sanford race back to the capitol to get ahead of it. all with a now infamous press conference, i was there and i can't recall a time being more squished in in what is a very large atrium in the middle of the south carolina state house >> let me help me here. how are we going to i couldn't get i couldn't talk to the guy. i had no idea what a messy was proxy, which gina smith not here. okay. >> so i'm standing there and i'm off camera and i'm watching this fiasco so, the bottom line is this. i i've been unfaithful from allies i
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developed a relationship with a what started as a dear, dear friend from argentina. >> he walks through this experience and his relationship with this woman and how he feels about this woman. >> it began very >> innocently as i suspect many of these things do in just a casual email back-and-forth in advice on one's life there and advice here. but here recently over this last year had developed into something much more than that is an explanation of where he was was so deeply narcissistic so deeply about himself and his feelings. >> that is a suspected continual process all through life of good ones heart right? in light and so i would never stand before you as one who just says, i'm completely right, but regarding my heart on all things, but what i would say is i'm committed to try and get my heart right because i found love. i'm sorry. i'm
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sorry. i lit the entire building on fire but if you guys be happy for me >> yeah. i hurt my wife. i hurt my boys. i heard friends like tom davis i heard a lot of different folks and all i can say is that i apologize. >> what was your reaction? because he i mean, he's he spoke from the heart. you could say it's the best thing i can say about it. >> i started with him in 1996, were 13 years later, and i'm just watching my entire career, everything that i had built up for the last 13 years, just fall into a flaming pile of pig shed >> basically, yes. >> he effectuated the escape. but then he didn't do the cover of well at all. if mark would have had any friends see mark is kind of a loner mart would a loop them in. i mean, what would have happened? i think his only friend was probably
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ginni. >> it turned out you get discovered mark secrets ahead of the press and no, she would not be standing by her man for the photographers to ginni anybody who is observed her over the last asked 20 years, my life knows how closely she has stood by my side it was very surreal >> and >> for the part of a lot of the reporters who came in from out of town. they're like, is it always like this? isn't there always this kind of weird stuff that's happening. and i mean, the answer is yes. but this was definitely a different level and it took us awhile to figure out exactly what we had all just gone three but it all might have gone away quickly because mark sanford is news cycle was interrupted by >> perhaps an act of god, the la times is reporting the pop star michael jackson has died the entire >> national media apparatus turn their focus from mark
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sanford over to remembering michael jackson all the governor has to do now is keep his head down, not say anything, and the whole thing will blow but then mark held basically a almost two day interview with members of the associated >> press on the record in which he called. berlin has soulmate gave another interview? >> surely it couldn't be that bad, right? >> the whole lot more than simple affair to love story across lines that i shouldn't have crossed. very me. remember there was the older couples sitting to are they could see as far yeah. it was a lot. >> i think there was in mark the sense of trying as hard as he could to explain to people some very complex things that he was feeling when you compared it to add words or it was spitzer, somebody had gone
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to a crisis management expert and say, okay, this is the way you go about explaining things in a way where you can salvage your career or a way you can position yourself to come back mark didn't do any of that. >> and that might just be what saved him >> to be a headline. wars vegas. that's what i wanted to they had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas's always marketed itself on its naughtiness the only way you find out what you can't do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city thank sunday at ten on cnn >> t-mobile build a 5g network so powerful, it goes beyond the expected. and now t-mobile 5g internet for homes businesses is here. >> also. hear, >> here, here, here, even here
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relief. absolutely free text l0, v0 to three 21321. >> today, i melanie zanona on capitol hill, and this is cnn >> in the wake of the scandal, jenny left mark south carolina's first lady, so she's filing for divorce. >> there's not run for three
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people in america >> and there were calls for his residence ignatius across the state >> mark sanford said no because he felt he could still effectively govern >> critics, then called for sanford's impeachment. they opened an ethics investigation in the hopes of finding that it's tripped argentina contained criminal use of taxpayer dollars i was on the judiciary committee, was 22, 23 years all at the time. and i've voted to impeach mark sanford and i shouldn't have when i think about it and look back at it. i don't think it rose to the level of impeachability the majority of the state senate at the time sought that way too, because nothing mark sanford spent on that trip crossed over into criminal territory >> after he paid a small fine and reimburse the state. the hearings were dropped. >> now, he just needed to >> win back the public. >> he embarked on what i remember turning in a story at one point and ology tour and he did that for months. >> i am compelled to say that i'm sorry, one more time for the situation that i created, the reality is none of us are
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perfect. >> now moving forward, i think the people south carolina raging mark sanford served out his full two terms as governor. the maximum allowed by south carolina law. in 2012, we got engaged to his soulmate, maria baelyn's chub. and then the following year, he ran again and won his old congressional seat back once left for dead and the political wilderness. mark sanford, blaze to come back trail that will take him all the way to washington >> i just want to acknowledge a oh god, not just a second cancers, but third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth chances. because that is the reality of our shared humanity. >> i think that we've learned that voters can be really forgiving. and we love to watch the fall. but man, we really love a good comeback, right? >> marx re-entry into politics wasn't stumble free in 2014, he broke up with maria via a 2,300 word post on facebook but after all that, it was in 2018
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that sanford finally faced if you he could not bounce back from when he denounced trumpism as bad for the republican party. and trump clapped back in a tweet. donald trump endorsed sanford's opponent in the gop primary race and for the first time in his entire political life sanford lost sanford lost his primary race because to a degree, he stood up to donald trump two degree. >> now, if you need that narrative, that's fine. i don't if you don't think it's true to tell me what i think it's he doesn't have a campaign manager. he doesn't have campaign staff he has a campaign account and doesn't spend it. the guy spent $300,000 on ads and the night he was declared the loser in a republican primary at one-and-a-half million dollars in his bank account he took a dive. why he needed the universe to make a decision for me was unhappy in congress. christ knows, i watched it be unhappy in congress, but he can't, he can't quit things. let's go back to 2009 for a second. okay. he couldn't quit
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his marriage. so what does he do? >> he gives her >> the clue by disappearing for five days. so that becomes an international scandal. >> from the outside, the mark sanford scandal was an absurd comedy but for insiders such as scott or me, if i'm being honest it was a really hard lesson. mark sanford seemed like the rare politician who is exactly what you saw on the podium? and that's because who he seemed to be was based on some real truths but the persona was just one facet of who he was packaged up and made clean and comprehensible for the american public the big surprise was that even after mark sanford is brand had dissolved, so spectacularly, the south carolina public embraced him even more authenticity trumping perfection. ironically, a lesson harnessed by his main detractor, the 45th president, who took an aggressive brand of filter free politics the way to the white house, i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue
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and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. okay. it's like incredible. >> i still occasionally talked to mark, who declined to participate in this documentary. i think because of how guilty he feels about what this all did to his four sons. he says he's working hard on those relationships and maybe i'm a fool >> but i believe them >> scandals >> the capitate people. scandals take people completely out the game and mark sanford that didn't happen to martin, a mark didn't get impeached, >> he finished his term >> and he actually won another race for the united states congress by being honest to himself, being honest to his conservative political values, and being honest with the public the real mark sanford was able to shake the perfection of the past and start building a new story. even if it took him, a long walk along the appalachian trail to get


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