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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. absolutely. free text. hello? >> to three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> i'm paula reid in
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washington and this is cnn >> what saying in the united states and around the world on a coren live from hong kong ahead on cnn and newsroom. >> person is watching >> stark warning from one us senator to fellow lawmakers as he urges congress to pass aid for ukraine we'll discuss how inaction from congress is impacting ukraine's frontlines >> and israel sets a deadline for the release of hostages before it expands military operations in rafah. plus some minnesota town is grieving the loss of three first responders. details on the domestic incidents that ended in tragedy we begin in a town in eastern ukraine. russian flags are now
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flying over of defka off to kyiv, withdrew its soldiers after several months of intense battles. ukraine is now waiting anxiously for us artillery as a key aid bill remains stuck in the us congress. >> but >> us house republicans are on a two-week recess instead of pushing along that bill, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says us president joe biden reiterated america's support for ukraine during a phone conversation. >> but missile zelenskyy says that >> aid is critical to stop the russian president's plans >> for small lots, but his dental biden them, boucher largely the action, the conversation with president biden, very important point, including about have give gun and the need for continued principled and sufficient support for ukraine. and each conversation clearly confirmed that keeps point. ukraine alone can stop putin and create
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conditions for him to be punished for all the evil he has done well, meantime, putin critic alexey navalny's sudden death in an arctic prison is further highlighting the dangers posed by russia us senate majority leader chuck schumer is demanding house lawmakers passed the bipartisan national security bill saying navalny's death is ringing an urgent alarm bell, and vladimir putin quote, is watching. a spokesperson for alexey navalny's said his mother and lawyers were denied access on monday to the morgue where his body is allegedly being held a russian human rights groups as the only 30,000 people have signed a petition demanding that authorities released his body. officials saying navalny died friday after losing consciousness. the exact location of his body still remains unclear well, meantime, people around the world are expressing their outrage over the activists unexplained death
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hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the center of berlin to pay tribute to navalny they blamed vladimir putin for his death well, in london, a temporary shrine outside the russian embassy has been growing by the hour. >> supporters >> have led hundreds of bouquets and condolence messages for navalny and his family for more. let's go to cnn's clare sebastian in london clare, those hundreds of people in russia laying flowers, holding vigils, dozens now in jail. >> this real act of defiance. >> they are coming out to despite knowing the country sequences of their actions update as pleas on the public opposition, perhaps growing within russia. and when navalny's body will return to his family yeah, so first of all, on the body and since we have had some updates this morning from his spokesperson, as you were saying, carry out image posting on >> x that the mother and lawyer
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who are now in that remote polar regions since saturday, they arrived at the morgue. we understand this to be the same more that they had already visited on saturday with no results. it's apparently they were literally that one of the lawyers was literally pushed out. they were told they weren't when they asked if alexei navalny's body was still there, no one said anything. and then now hearing according to carry out image from the investigative committee, we assume in that region they've been the ones communicating on this that the investigation of the death of normality has been extended. but they haven't said how long it will take in the cause of death is still unknown. is janowicz saying that they lie by time for themselves and do not even hide it. i think the question is, are the authorities there trying to test essentially how long alexei navalny's mother and his lawyers are willing to stay in that polar region or will they give up and go without his body? so that is the update on that in terms of the reaction to where they say navalny's death? yes. we have seen an unusual in this russia
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which has now seen a significant uptick in repression, certainly over the last two years since the start of the full-scale war in ukraine, that people coming out in flowers, they know the potential consequences. we have seen disproportionate reactions from police. people be forcibly removed 387 people detained. now, according to independent human rights group ovd info, a number of those have, been released, but that's still shows though i will say to put that in into context, this is a country of 140 million people. this is not a majority, this is not even close to what we saw in terms of reaction to the death of various nemtsov that other major opposition figure who was gunned down just near the kremlin in 2015. then we saw rallies, we saw much as thousands turned out. this is nothing like that. and this is a measure i think of the level of propaganda within russia and the level of repression which as i said, we have seen significant increase since the start of the war. >> yet let's talk more clear about that oppression because
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there is fear of a broader crackdown ahead of russia's elections. next month, elections that sudden even know why putin is holding them, but there will certainly give him a fifth, fifth term in power and tell us about these latest report from amnesty international that really speaks to those concerns. >> yeah. so how many incidents international putting out a report today on what it calls the abuse of vague anti-terrorism and anti-gay extremism legislation. we should note that one of the several convictions that were placed on alexei navalny were under those laws. they said that they have been significantly the us so them and significantly increased the number of convictions is up 50 fold in the last ten years and in the first six months of 2023, there were more convictions for planning or carrying out terrorism related crimes, and they were during any entire year over the past decades. so you can see that that but look, this ever-expanding toolkit, the russian state date is equipping itself with to stamp out any
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kind of dissent involves not only laws that existed before the war, but new offenses like the war censorship laws, discrediting the army, spreading fake information about the army. those have been added to that toolkit. and we've been taking a look how that has changed the landscape of life in russia. take a look >> woman being led away, not an opposition activist, but a 67 moscow pediatrician hello, stands helplessly by moment, talia and video provided to cnn adjustable yanukovych surveys the graphic aftermath of a visit by federal investigators to her apartment i asked them to be more careful and she says hi, this is one of his steady stream of lives turned upside down by russia's war time, censorship laws. her alleged crime spreading knowingly false information about the russian army. one of several new
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offenses created in the early turbulent days of russia's full-scale war on ukraine now, along with discrediting the army, they form a key pillar of the kremlin's effort to stamp out all dissent and independent media. >> they will imprison old people. they will imprison people who have disabilities. they will imprison people with children. women was children. they just want everyone to be sound >> who was two years in thousands of civil cases have been brought under these laws. and more than 400 criminal cases, according to human rights group ovd info resulting in long prison sentences the crackdown is getting evermore fierce. russia's parliament just passed legislation allowing the state to confiscate certain assets of those convicted. >> why do they >> feel the need? to >> expand the scope of these laws as time goes on. >> i think the regime works as
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an engine. they have to generate these displays of loyalty every day and they know that the only way to do it is actually to to strengthen repression, to continue clamping down harder and harder. >> the laws of tanno, social media into a minefield pensioner. you've gained my borodin jailed in january for five-and-a-half yes for two pro-ukrainian reposts maxime lip khan, 18 years old, when arrested last year for planning an anti-war protest currently being held in a psychiatric facility pending trial decision. but attention reminiscent of soviet practices social media is very, very thickly and intensely monitored by the fsb, russia's the secret police, and crash boom, buying these people find themselves in trouble >> but
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>> a dash double yana, the trouble started during an ordinary day at work. that's she was effectively announced by the mother of a patient purportedly, this woman who claims we can ever taught her a family member who had recently been killed in ukraine was a quote, legitimate target. tonight this i think the climate is fat by the mainstream media that everyone wants to destroy. russia is destroying your home. >> a climate of fear. russia's most powerful weapon to control all its people. increasingly feeling the strain of war it's interesting to note that in their report on these anti-terror and anti-extremism laws, amnesty international calls them vague in their wording an arbitrary in their >> application. the same thing i think applies to these wartime censorship laws. that is how that level of fear is maintained. the arbitrary application of those laws. and this is the context in which dana, we see this spark of defiance in the wake of the
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death of alexei navalny, which i think otherwise may have been a lot bigger >> clare sebastian, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. will join me now. is timothy mylovanov a president of cubes school of economics. he's also former minister of economic development, trade and agriculture of ukraine. great to have you with us. let's start with our defka. some security analysts believed that the fall of of dv is more important, more significant than the fall of bakhmut because it was in fact better defended and had more strategic value. would you agree with that assessment? >> well, sara live but i do think that it opens a way forward towards a kramatorsk and slovyansk. and those are strategic cities in ukraine. and i think we're already seeing some signs of attacks and kristen tax by julie and
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drones how do. >> you feel about the fall of abdivka? >> i'm sad. i'm frustrated. this could have been avoided so many people died. nothing is left of octave. i think russia is sending a signal and that the us becomes embattled and in democrats, republicans and fighting that it is taking an advantage, with it costing lives >> the decision to withdraw was of course, one of the first orders from the new general alexander sirsky he obviously wanted to save lives and to move troops to quote, more favorable lines, but can ukraine secure these defensive lines considering the lack of weapons and ammunition that ukraine is facing. >> the good news is that it appears to be that the front line is not collapsing. so that's a good news. there's no rapid movement forward of
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russian troops but you absolutely correct. we don't have enough artillery. and of course we have to prioritize on from the directions like avdiivka. but in some other directions, we have nothing left >> so it's a >> very grim situation and >> to put it diplomatically it was being described as acute shell hunger which is what the troops in abdivka, we're facing. but as you just mentioned, it's not just isolated to abdivka. it's right along the eastern front. russia has scored its first battlefield success in nine months in does have this renewed momentum. i mean, what is going to happen if us congress does not pass that critical $60 billion aid package for ukraine yes. >> so russia is pushing along three directions. i've did is just one of them and that's that's the one in the news and that's what they have made progress you're absolutely
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correct. and in some areas which are less active, such as northeast, for example, we might not have an some points of villages, might not have any real left at all. because we have to prioritize what will happen. russia is likely to gain more curator and keep pushing and god knows where they will stop. they will take as much as they can the ukrainians that i speak to, they are very concerned. they're worried. they say that there is a gloom over the country. there's not panic yet but, but what sense do you get? >> yeah, it's a dark time in ukraine. it's it's it's a feel of determination. the indeed there is no panic. but it's a permeating sadness of how many people will die or have been dying and it's a sense of frustration with the allies and
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specifically with the promises to provide support >> timothy milavanof. we thank you for your time and we wish you and your country men well well, meanwhile, us republican presidential candidate donald trump is comparing himself to putin critic alexey navalny. he suggested on the social media platform that he's being targeted by the biden administration. the same way putin went after navalny well, he i spoke about that with thomas gift, director of the centre on us politics at university college london >> that's completely absurd analogy. but it's something that you would expect from donald trump. i mean, trump's playbook with the court cases is fairly predictable at this point. complain that it's election interference amidon, a left wing conspiracy show no contrition. then declare that an attack on him as an attack on all americans. every single piece of evidence that we've
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seen so far is that embracing that martyrdom complex works for trump. so he's going to keep on exploiting it. i think for any other politician, a case like the one that we just saw, we crash and burn their political group we're for trump. it's just business as usual. for republican voters, every guilty verdict just reinforces this narrative that they've come to adopt. it doesn't matter if trump's lying. they just think that the facts are rigged and so they're going to support him i mean, it shouldn't surprise us that trump has made navalny's death it about himself. but are you expecting him to say anything substantial about the death of russia's most prominent opposition leader. and as nikki haley said, really denouncing putin for what has happened well, i don't expect language like that from trump because we haven't heard it from him that before. i mean, if anything, donald trump has been cozying up to dictators, including putin for years. he's expressed his admiration for putin. he's talked about how much of a
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genius here is, how savvy he is for all of his political maneuverings in eastern europe thank donald trump. both respects fundamental level. putin, which is quite remarkable and concerning. but also he just doesn't want to disturb this very delicate relationship that he seems to have with russia. russia's leader. and i think that you, haley is absolutely correct that americans can afford half a precedent where that's the mentality >> thomas the white house has produced an advertisement about trump's recent comments that said that russia can do the hell that at once with nato countries that don't pay their bills, let's first have a listen to that ad trump wants to walk away from nato. he's even given putin and russia the green light to attack america's allies. >> i would encourage stem to do whatever the hell they know, president has ever said anything like it it's shameful. >> it's weak. it's dangerous. it's on oregon.
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>> do you believe that will resonate with an american audience or more importantly, trump's supporters >> no >> i guess that's the long and short of it. and i think that's the case because donald trump supporters are prostrate beforehand and they just listened to anything that donald trump tell. and if you look at public opinion polls toward russia, basically they tracked the kind of language that trump uses. so he has this incredible power over the base. and more so i think they're just a lot of voters that don't take trump seriously. i mean language like this is just completely on hand, sort of unbelievable that we can have a major nominee of one of the two parties using rhetoric like we've seen, basically, no one bats an eye, but i don't think that it's going to damage donald trump, i think is orders or just want to follow them? more of the same >> that was thomas gift speaking to me last hour, we'll
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israel is issuing a warning about when it could launch a potential ground offensive in gaza, southern most city those details i hit plus dreams of a life after war will hear from children in gaza as they share their hopes. amid the fight sorry, throat gutter, >> mucinex institutes or it broke medicated drop perhaps uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts get mucinex instance. it's come back 16 try vaping smoking. it might feel like progress, but with three times more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes, apes increased cravings, trapping you in it. and i was craving loop new corrupt reduces grid until they're gone for good would chase freedom on limits. you can catch back 3% on dining included takeout, cashback on flat jets, maybe backs with tacos at the takeaway jack >> now, i'm working on my six
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as your pharmacist or dr. about a brisbel today? >> israeli war cabinet minister benny gantz says forces will expand military operations in the southern at gaza city of rafah. if hamas does not return the remaining hostages by ramadan the holy muslim month is expected to fall on the second week of march. his words come after israel's prime minister said the release of hostages can be achieved through tough negotiations and strong military action. meantime, in central gaza, a spokesperson for al-aqsa martyrs hospital says at least 18 people were killed in an israeli airstrike sunday. although cnn cannot independently verify the number of casualties a nihon eunice, the who, and the hamas-controlled gaza health ministry say israeli forces have put the nasser medical complex, quote, completely out
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of service a ministry spokesperson says only about two dozen medical staff from maine, but i'm not able to handle critical cases. cnn has reached out to the israeli military for comment the national court of justice is expected to open hearings on the legal consequences of israel's policies and practices in palestinian territory soon while it comes as the war rages on in gaza, the case arrives more than a year after the un general assembly voted to ask the court for non binding opinion on the long running dispute. >> palestinian representatives are expected to speak first at today's hearing will the children of gaza have now been living with the harsh reality of war for more than four months. and even with no end in sight, they're still holding onto their hopes and dreams for life after the fighting. cnn's nada bashir has their story
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>> in this camp for the displaced indebted bella. little mohammad has only these biscuits to sell to for just under $0.30 is his price just the one for this younger. another child feeling the pain of gaza is deepening hunger crisis children across this camp, a part of the nearly 2 million people who have been displaced in gaza fleeing in search of safety by the israeli military of its forces encroaching operation >> for him >> but even as bombs continued to come crashing down around them children here like rafah, still have hope for life after war, crimes and hard metal. hello, i hope to go home and see my brother. >> she says i want to apologize to him and kiss his feet we left and couldn't take him and my grandparents with us. after
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the israeli military ordered gazans to move further south of the strip. many were left with nowhere else to turn. >> know what >> my mom just like namma and have five grandchildren whose parents were killed in an a strike. >> but but just hand them >> the more i don't know what to say. i don't know how it happened. she says, i suddenly found everyone had been killed nobody was left the memory is clearly still so raw and painful for her grandchildren alone. instead, she asked more suffer what he wants to do when the war comes to an end >> what holds the beach? he says, god willing, we will be able to take you to the beach and the amusement and park to but that joyful dream is short-lived. the punctured by the unavoidable reality surrounding them tell them my idea. tell them about how you lost your parents and how they saved you from under the rubble
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tell them tell them everything >> back at the camp. >> i hit paste his up and down checking his phone for news from his friends it's his dream. he says to see them alive one more time what i want to go back to my home safe and sound to see my friends, to go to school and learn. but as israel warns, the war could last for many more months the dreams of gaza's children are slowly fading as they tried to survive. just one more day neither bashir, cnn in london absolutely tragic >> us says it struck an unmanned underwater vessel deployed by yemen's houthi rebels for the first time during a series of strikes saturday in the red sea, three anti-ship cruise missiles and an unmanned surface craft we're
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also hit, not a us officials determined they were an imminent threat as the first time the houthis have used an underwater vessel in their attacks on commercial shipping. they've been targeting international shipping lanes since israel invaded gaza following the october 7 hamas the tax will tragedy in minnesota. a town is in mourning after two offices and a firefighter were killed in a line of duty plus the us west coast is on the receiving end of severe weather from another atmospheric river. the areas that face the biggest risk of potentially dangerous flooding to the brand >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story >> united states of scans on with jake tapper. new episode next sunday, night on seek las vegas grant.
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back. >> a minnesota town is in mourning after two police officers and a firefighter were killed, or do they responded to a domestic incident on sunday. cnn's camila bernal has more on this tragic story a heartbreaking day for the community in burnsville, where they now say they are grieving the loss of >> three heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. i want to start by naming those victims officer paul elmstrand, 27 years old, and officer matthew rougi also just 27 years old, and the paramedic firefighter, adam finseth, 40-years-old officials say that these three men were killed after they received a call at about 01:50 in the morning on sunday. this was a domestic dispute and they say that when they received the call, they knew that this was a man who was armed. this was a man who barricaded himself in
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the home with his family. seven children were in that home ages two to 15. those officers negotiated with that suspect for quite some time, according to authorities, but at some point, gunfire broke out. officials saying that they know at least one officer died inside of the home, but it's unclear exactly what happened. they say they're still trying to piece all of this together, but they do say that that suspect had several guns. they also said he had a large amount of ammunition and he injured another officer as well. that officer has non-life-threatenin g injuries, so he is expected to recover nonetheless, this community is in mourning and really honoring and remembering these three men. i want you to listen to the chief of police, who was very emotional when speaking about what they're going through. here's what she said. >> she are all hurting our
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officers are fire department our families all of our staff our community we're heartbroken we are heartbroken we are going to need time to be together. please. our families need time to grieve. they need time to be together we need you to pray for them. >> and this investigation is still ongoing, but officials saying that the suspect was reported dead at around eight in the morning. they say the family, the seven children were able to exit the house later on in the morning. they say there is no longer threat to that family or to the community. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles >> meanwhile, in texas, joel osteen's mega-church is open again about a week after a shooting. there left two people injured. >> there >> was heightened security when services resumed on sunday at the pact lakewood church in
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houston, some worshippers war lakewood strong shirts while a tearful osteon express gratitude and prayed for the shooter. on february 11th, a woman opened fire in the house of worship, shooting one man before she was killed by police the woman's young son, who was with her was also struck during the incident and remains hospitalized in critical condition another atmospheric river has phoned along the us west coast and residents are facing more potential flooding this week. this has heavy rain, has already impacted communities from california to southern oregon. cnn meteorologist karen mcginnis has more on the severe weather risk a variety of weather threats over the next 24 to 72 hours across the west coast and california's >> especially weather weary considering the atmospheric rivers have really impacted the west coast over the last couple
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of months. all right, here's that deep pacific moisture taking aim at this date and so the variety of weather threats primarily were expecting heavy rainfall, a lot of these areas that have already seen significant rainfall totals like san francisco, about 11 inches of rain so far this year there. could be an additional 234 inches of rainfall expected there, but it isn't just the rainfall. it's also the wind and the snow. and with the long weekend, lot of people probably trying to get to some of the skew resorts. that's going to be problematic too, because and some of those rich tops we're looking at snowfall in feet and wind, 75, 80, maybe 90 mile per hour winds. so be careful if you're traveling up in that direction, it's gonna be rather treacherous also treacherous on the roads down into southern california, where the threat, once again prevails. we could see the potential for heavy rainfall, could see down tree he's down power lines mud
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flows, debris flows. there's a lot that could happen here over the next couple of days >> what? >> because this atmospheric river is moving so slowly. so the threat is multiplied over each day. all right, here we go. there you can see it where you see the pink that's the front range. that is the sierra nevada. there are santa barbara and the computer models have really suggested that this area is going to see a tremendous amount of rainfall. and already has this year two to four inches certainly likely, but extending all the way down towards the los angeles and also the orange county will be here in the cnn weather center to keep giving you updates regarding this latest atmospheric river. so keep it right here on cnn karen mcginnis thank you. as always, will the shanghai stock exchange just wrapped up its first day of trading since reopening from the lunar new year holiday, investors, so modest gains despite new government figures that showed travelers ramped up holiday
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spending compared to last year. >> well, >> let's go to cnn's marc stewart live in beijing and michael hello, they travel at lunar new year, always a huge boost to the chinese economy. but can these numbers be trusted >> hi there ana, it's always appropriate to raise questions when we get this data from the government. i think there's no question that people were moving and that we saw some increases is that that's what the data shows. that's what we have seen, how the ground i was at a train station just before the real russia, the holiday. it's certainly was packed. so travel was up domestically. international travel though, appears to be down. that includes visits to hong kong and macau but the real question is about holiday spending, about spending whether or not it was up by as much as 50% as the government is portrayed. we have done some data which shows differently suggesting that spending was actually down compared to pre-pandemic
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levels. this is because of one of many factors, including the fact that this holiday this year was eight days and in the past, it has been seven days. >> people >> though, were out in about spending. there's no question about that. in fact, movie theaters were very busy. but if you look at some of the key measures of the chinese economy, for example, the price of pork that still was very weak week during the holiday period. as far as the housing sector, the property sector it wasn't a rush to buy a home. in fact, there was also some declines there. so yes, people were traveling but spending ana still very much in question as to just how much people really did pay an event and go shopping. all those figures seem to be under a bit of scrutiny right now. >> and not china's stock market was saying some big losses before the lunar new year holiday, but some modest gains today tell us small so modest gains today, shanghai up about
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one-and-a-half percent. the shenzhen index also seen some gains of just about 1%. there's no question that the markets after this holiday break like to see some momentum once again while some of this data that we're getting from the government may be a little bit suspect in some people's eyes, investors seem to like it. but long term is there real question right now based off of the conversations i've had with analysts, what we are seeing in some of these public conversations. there really needs to be some kind of resolution to the the property crisis. there's very much a push for beijing to take charge to perhaps provide some kind of stimulus, some kind of investment in infrastructure that would perhaps eliminate some of the losses that have been leading up to this holiday period. ana marc stewart in beijing. >> good to see you. thank you. >> well, still ahead. >> london rolled out the red carpet for the bafta awards on sunday, we'll find out who won big i'm just a
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>> headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn sometimes it takes a different approach to see the difference you can make around you hello, universities, game changing, flux bath format. set your own deadlines and access coursework anytime. imagine your future differently with capella university with the freestyle libre three system. know your glucose levels. no finger sticks needed. >> all with the world's >> smallest and thinnest sensor. >> manager diabetes with more >> confidence and lawyering one try it for free at freestyle
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>> oppenheimer was a big winner of the 77th, a british academy film awards are baftas in london on sunday the biopic you about the man who helped usher in the nuclear age, got 13 at nominations and won seven awards. cnn's max foster has the details >> london rolling out the red carpet. welcome to the baftas, the biggest night of the year for the british movie industry. >> so much talent comes out of thing. so to be here and its citing, i'm having the best time kind of job, but also just in the best way. >> the british academy guild wards where sinema royalty le'ts uk royalty, but some glamour was missing this year. as the princess of wales continues to recover from surgery, prince william attended alone, signaling that kate is at least well enough for him to return two public
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duties the night a celebration of british culture seeing sophia cai aspects to perform her 2001 single murder on the dance floor, currently experiencing a social media explosion. after a appearance in sulfur. >> other songs have had beside gems like many decades after they're released never been 1 million years thought i would be able to experience that >> the ceremony also paid tribute to those impacted by the war in ukraine as 20 days in mariupol took home the prize for best documentary thank you for empowering our voice. let's just keep fighting. >> but alongside the impassion political statements, the ceremony found some lighter moments don't put it dong >> most of these >> films were frankly too long >> a national emergency despite
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taking some heat for his three-hour runtime, oppenheimer cleaned up bringing home seven baftas in total. >> i want to take my fellow nominees and my up and homies. >> that was >> the bafta goes to poor thing >> and imaginative feminist take on frankenstein, put evening poor things, also took home five awards, including leading actress. >> thank you for the line. i must go punch that baby. >> and did a baftas first, the award for the best bill, not an english language, which are british film, the zone of interests. >> i think the celebrate smaller films in a way which i think is really amazing, i think is really important. younger filmmakers or appreciate isn't that it's diverse set of filmmakers >> know not so it was interesting being behind the
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scenes have to say, you know what these things are like. anna uveal sort of put in a pen and then you're presented with different celebrities. and we obviously get very interesting people because they come to see an end. but there was talk. i have to say about the relevance of all of these awards this season, because what's awesome female winners there? the number of female winners a nominees isn't particularly going up. i think it actually went down a bit this year. there's also a big question about barbie. obviously this is made by the same company as us, but the most popular film last year, by far of biggest box office earnings didn't win anything at all. an interesting speaking to people involved in these categories of best foreign language film. and how that's a bit of an anomaly. because what is a foreign language film we live in internet, a world. many of these actors move around the world. lot of people have several different languages questions about the relevance rarely and how just a select few of critics arguably choose
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what are the best films, but are the, are they the best films? and a few questions behind the scenes about that? >> yeah, well, i would show up in hotter on the weekend and that is truly three hours. there's no denying it. very good luck hanging out with celebrities max, that is all in a day's work for you. i want to know any gossip, drama highlights. >> come on i know you've got something. >> well, i think a lot of people were disappointed with the fashion. can i say that? i'm not putting out there as a fashion expert like you are people were saying there wasn't enough fashion and how the real a listers, the barbie cars some of the other really big names they're sort of bypass all the cameras and just went straight in. so a bit of frustration amongst the showbiz reporters. i'm not one of them, so i can't speak with great authority on that, but it was good fun and it is, it's an event certainly it's actually they must consult with you. i
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think max watson, as always lovely to see you. >> she is looking very smart. i'm >> still ahead from crisis to concert, will show you how abandoned migrant boats they're being turned into musical instruments in middle place >> next next >> stop >> we got it know going. >> next. >> if you pick one, you have time in my kid keeping you from your job and i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. dewey finally have it >> let's go back to the beginning. >> you or electric future customized, the fully electric audi q4 e-tron my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called teeny tardive >> dyskinesia td can be caused by something mental health meds and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like
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design us sales at up to 70% off soap today >> sunday marked exactly one year since former president jimmy carter entered hospice care. the 19 year-old was last seen in public in november following the death of rosalynn carter. he's wife of 70, 70 yes. god, his grandson, jason, gave an update about his grandfather's health >> after here in hospice on a daily basis, we have no expectations for his body but we know that his spirit is as strong as ever >> the god of family also released a statement saying, quote, president carter continues to be at home with his family. the family is pleased that his decision last year to enter hospice care has sparked so many family discussions across the country on a very important sub object. in milan, italy, prisoners are making musical instruments from migrant boats abandoned in scrap yards. they're also
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bringing migrant issues to the forefront while honing their woodworking skills and making instruments for musicians barbie latza nadeau has this report >> how does one take this and turn it into this inmates at milan's opera prison are putting your woodworking skill just to use taking scraps from abandoned migrant boats and turning them into beautiful classical instruments. the boats carrying migrants from around the world parting from north africa, seeking refuge across the mediterranean sea. one of the world's deadliest migration routes. once they landed in italy's lampedusa island, many of the goats are left to sit in a scrap yard. and italian foundation called house of the spirits and the arts, found a way to recycle that's a teaching local prisoners, a new trade. some prisoners say these projects aren't just another task, but it brings new meanings. everyday life >> micelle don't outrun eco,
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the color. >> feel like another nico compared to who i was yesterday. i feel reborn short. i feel rediscovered what i found myself. well, as he searches through what's left of the boats to find wood, it's a stark realization for people like andrea, who's serving a life sentence. he sees the work as a form of redemption >> theta presenting annoyed, rich of emily received the boat with everything stone side example, people don't. many times we realized that our personal problems are miseries can be much more solvable and however difficult. and many other problems >> while the prisoners work to bring new life with their skills, they're also bringing the migrant issue to the forefront. in 2023, more than 150,000 migrants cross the mediterranean sea into italy, according to the un called query deadly that evoke the world. >> but from boats that is taken them disposed of as special waste the migrants who had every moment are fleeing from every country from poverty and
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war and are treated like weights and the inmates who work here and who are often treated as people who do not have a second chance. >> once done with their hard work and drea and nikolai have a chance to watch their violins of the sea come to life. in a concert that was scholar user watching the debut of orchestra of the sea from the royal box. the reminded of their own journey. and the difference it's taken make despite hardships, you're not in prison for no reasons. >> i'm >> on this journey we take together barbie latza nadeau, cnn, rome thanks so much for your company. >> i'm anna coren in hong >> kong, that newsroom with the very stylish max foster. >> it's coming up we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday
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