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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 19, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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at the pentagon. >> this cnn >> the death of navalny rings in urgent alarm bell that demands that house speaker johnson pass the bipartisan national security supplemental with the dire help that ukraine needs in it >> why would i give up when fisher? d 9% of americans say donald trump is too old and joe biden is too old >> who he are all hurting our families their staff or community, we are heartbroken. we are going to need time to be together >> live from london? >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster
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>> hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world and the us. i'm max foster. it is monday, february the 19th, 09:00 a.m. here in london. its 11:00 a.m. in ukraine where the russian flags now flying over the town of avdiivka. after ukrainian forces withdrew following a months long battle, kyiv is pleading for critical military aid to continue as backup with russia. but us lawmakers are on recess, leaving a key aid bill in limbo. and in russia. we're seeing more response to alexey navalny's death and pushed back against his supporters with police shoving amounts of face into the snow as they arrest him here. now, first to ukraine, where russian troops raised flags in several parts of defka. after ukrainian forces withdrew kyiv says it pulled its forces out of the town to keep them from being surrounded by russian troops. but it appears russia is building up pressure along all
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the front lines. >> ukraine >> says russian troops and massing zaporizhzhia in the south was some analysts saying there are as many as 50,000 russian soldiers there. meanwhile, ukraine waiting anxiously for us artillery has a key aide build remains stuck in the us congress. >> but the whole also the capital are quiet with us lawmakers on the two-week recess on friday, president biden called that break outrageous, saying with the death of navalny and the future ukraine at stake now is no time for a vacation. and on saturday, mr. biden told ukraine's president that the delay in aid for ukraine contributed to the fall after you've to go and senate majority leader chuck schumer says, the threats from russia is too potent knocked to act. now the death of navalny rings and urgent alarm bell that demands that house speaker johnson pass the bipartisan national security supplemental
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with the dire help that ukraine needs in the best price the us can make putin pay his to give ukraine the help they need to fend off putin's evil aggressions. >> meanwhile, a spokesperson for opposition leader alexey navalny says his mother and lawyers were denied access to the morgue in russia's far north today, where his body is allegedly being held. the spokesperson says they weren't allowed to go in and russia's investigative committee told them that the probe into and in the valleys death has been extended for an undisclosed duration. officials say navalny died on friday after losing consciousness. the tru circumstances of his death. and they location of his body remain a mystery. it comes as russian authorities are keeping a tight rein on public displays of mourning for the activists are rights group says, hundreds of people have been detained across the country for attending vigils and rallies for the late leader because see here, please, shoving amounts faced similar snow it was
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detained and navalny memorial on saturday, cnn's clare sebastian is here i wonder if the authorities in russia wanted this to go away pretty quickly if they thought that it's not the case? >> yeah. i mean, look, this is a smooth flash of bravery a spark of defiance that we're seeing in the wake of alexei navalny's death. if you compare it to what we saw, some almost nine years ago after the death of bodies himself, who was gunned down just on the approach to the kremlin. it's nowhere near this gale. there were, marches, there were rallies, thousands of people turned out. these are people literally trying to lay flowers at makeshift memorials and being carried off. and i think that really tells you a lot about russia at this moment, the level of repression, the clamp down on free speech on all independent media means that much fewer people are willing or able to come out and express themselves. so i think think striking that some are in this context, but it is still on a very small scale. and i think significant also what's happening with alexei navalny's body or are not
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happening as the case may be, the mother and lawyer turning up. we think now for the second time at this morgan, the regional center of that region, that polar region where he was being held, being told nothing essentially, the lawyer we're told by the spokesperson pushed out and now there's an indefinite timing on the investigation into the cause of his deaths. so perhaps the russian authorities in that region trying to essentially see how long the mother-in-law are willing to wait in that polar region to get any news there >> and this area in ukraine the has been fallen to the russians. that's significant, isn't it? even if it's just symbolically. but it appears pushing forward on other fronts as well. >> yeah, this is what the institute for the study of war according opportunistic offensive operations and really three different areas along the front line around avdiivka, that town that they now have hey, can up in the north near kupyansk, which is an area that ukraine liberated in september of 2022. and now the russians are trying to attack there again, and down in the south,
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which was the epicenter of that failed spring counter offensive. and there's a parrhesia region. now, this is an emboldened russia, emboldened by the stalling of western aid, which many are now attributing to the fall of over d of code. they are trying their luck when ukraine is on the backfoot in ukraine we were told months ago is having to dig in along the frontline just simply does not have the capacity. now to attack. so this is now what we're seeing play out of dave grohl itself as you say, smaller, smaller, smaller? and then bakhmut. but perhaps strategically significant, opens up potential pause for russia to go further west. although the ukrainians are saying that they have moved in and are digging in even, even harder >> interesting to see in the us how exactly as you say politicians being blamed for the fall of this village. >> i mean, the us, by far, the biggest military backer of ukraine in this war. it is very hard to overstate that, yes, the eu is now stepping up. they've approved that that 50 billion euro aid package that was being blocked by angry, but
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you cannot overstate the impact of us aid and look, it's not just about weapons and ammunition. there is a manpower issue at play here as well. russia has been able to mobilize more men, bring them to the frontline. ukraine has this aging force that many of them have been on the front lines now for the best part of two years and they are struggling to find a way to bring more men in mobilization has been incredibly controversial and ukraine several things playing out. but, but the impact of usa's certainly if you talk to any expert, is now being seen very clearly on the front line. >> ok. clare. thank you >> china says >> it doesn't sell lethal weapons to countries at war and that includes russia is ally and close partner. that's what china's foreign minister told his ukrainian counterpart not at the munich security conference on saturday wang yi said beijing does not want to add, quote, fuel to the fire of russia's nearly two-year long war in ukraine. he says china has one goal, facilitating peace talks. ukraine's foreign minister said kyiv would be
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maintaining a close dialogue with beijing former us president donald trump is comparing himself to putin critic alexey navalny. he posted an opinion piece on his social media platform on sunday that that's entitled biden trump is to put navalny in the post, trump claims without evidence that there are quote some parallels between how the biden administration is targeting him and how president putin went after navalny is the first time trump has publicly weighed in on navalny's death former us gop representative liz cheney is criticizing donald trump's response to navalny's death. she told cnn's jake tapper the trump's post sounded like the emergence of a putin wing in the republican party >> when you think about donald trump, for example, pledging retribution. what vladimir putin did to navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law and
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i think that we have to take donald trump very seriously. we have to take seriously the extent to which you've now got a putin wing of the republican party that she hasn't decided whether she'll make a third party run for president, but did say she'd be quote, what do >> whatever is necessary to defeat donald trump? meanwhile, republican presidential candidate nikki haley is accusing donald trump of grievously downplaying the dangers posed by russian president vladimir putin. on sunday. haley, once again, slam trump's comments on nato saying inviting putin to quote, do whatever the hell they want to nato allies is bone chilling and she's calling on him to answer whether he thinks putin is responsible for the death of alexey navalny. haley says trump needs to remember putin is not a friend to the us it's actually pretty amazing that he, not only after making those
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comments that he would >> encourage putin to invade nato, but the fact that he won't acknowledge anything with navalny either. he sides with putin and thinks it's cool that putin killed one of his political opponents. or he just doesn't think it's that big of a deal, either one of those is concerning either one of those is a problem haley. also bring you up the question of age. and despite the odds, she's staying in the race why would i give up when 59% of americans say donald trump is too old and joe biden is too old. why would i give up when the majority of americans disapprove of joe biden and a majority of americans disapprove of donald trump israel is issuing a warning about when it could launch a potential ground offensive in gaza's southern most sitting >> refer the details in a live report just ahead, plus fighting for their loved ones, release the families of hostages held by hamas, speak
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with cnn about the agonizing using weight and why that not giving up still ahead. also, china, back in business after the lunar new year, it will break down the latest number it was on holiday spending there >> did you know most dish salts don't remove all the grease even with scrubbing. >> what i just clean them, tried on platinum, it removes 90 9% of greece and food residue. that's why don is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. don platinum cleans to introducing manno, the whole body deodorant that i created with all body odor in mind. i'm dr. shannon klaidman and i'm the inventor of whole body deodorant, like mondo mandel, actually stops odor at the source bacteria. you just apply mandel like a lotion and it stopped soder anywhere you have it, but wish you didn't buy it and try it for 60 days. and if you don't love it, you
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they talked to their dr. and starteted botox sooner. so ask your dr. if botox is right for you, learn how ads he could to help you save on botox >> israeli war cabinet minister benny gantz says forces will expand military operations in the southern gaza city of rafah. if hamas does not return the remaining hostages by ramadan the holy muslim month is expected to fall on the second week of march. his words come after israel's prime minister said the release of hostages can be achieved through tough negotiations and strong military action. meanwhile, video obtained by cnn shows people digging through rubble in central gaza, where a spokesperson for the al-aqsa martyrs hospital says at least 18 people were killed in an israeli airstrike on sunday palestinian health officials say, many of those killed and wounded with children. cnn can't independently verify the number of casualties. the
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international court of justice is open hearings on the legal consequences of israel's policies and practices and palestinian territories. while it comes as the war rages on in gaza, the case arrives more than a year after the un general assembly voted to ask the court for a non binding opinion on the long-running dispute palestinian representatives are expected to speak first two hearing, cnn's scott mclean, following developments and joins us now from istanbul. all eyes really on rafah at this moment because the israelis have said they want to minimize any civilian casualties, but there's about 1 million of them there and it's difficult to see how they can get out, particularly when they have been presented with a plan yet >> that's right. more than 1 million is what many of the estimates have in terms of people sheltering in rafah. max then we're talking about an area that is less than 20% of the actual land territory of the gaza strip. and while the ground offensive, is still pending, still yet to begin, the air campaign, there is
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happening regularly. we saw on saturday a series of strikes. one of them killed a family of six. the other one killed seven people who we're sheltering in an open area according to local hospital officials and we know from a un agency that many people in rafah have already seen the writing on the walls because of these intensifying airstrikes. and because of this looming threat of a ground invasion, they are moving north past areas where active fighting is taking place toward darrell bala, where those 18 people that you mentioned were killed than some of those 18 people according to witnesses it is on the ground neighbors of that building that was hit say that they had actually come from rafah seeking safety. clearly, they didn't they hadn't found it. and this is part of the reason why israel is getting so much criticism for its insistence that it will move into rafah. it was more than a week ago that the prime minister, netanyahu said that he wanted to have this rafah offensive wrapped up by ramadan. so that's less than three weeks he's from now, march the 10th. now, during a different message coming from
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benny gantz, a war cabinet minister who says that that's the deadline essentially for hamas to hand over the hostages or israel we'll move in to rafah. he said this quote to those saying the price is too high. i say this very clearly, hamas has a choice. they can surrender, release the hostages, and the citizens of gaza will be able to celebrate the holy month of ramadan madonna. now, he insists that this can be done in a coordinated way to get civilians out safely. working with the americans and the egyptians. but this is something that the white house has kept as serious doubt on whether it's even remotely possible to do this given the humanitarian challenges and the volume of people that we are talking about there in terms of the hostage negotiations, things are at a bit of an impasse. you have the israelis saying very clearly that the ball is in hamas's cord. it said that when it was in hi errol last week for talks, hamas didn't change substantially its position, but it needs to, in order for talks to move forward and it's hostage coordinator says that hamas needs to be closer to
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reality at last word, hamas is offer is to essentially have israel gradually withdrawal from from gaza over four-and-a-half month period. and in that time, hostages will be released in exchange for all palestinians in israeli jails who are women, children, or over the age of 50, something israelis have already said, clearly, no to israel's hostage coordinator says that look, his sayyed is willing to pay a hefty price to get these hostages back, but not the price of ending the war. and that seems to be contradictory with what benny gantz is saying, that they will not move into rafah because of course we know max, that is the israelis have said since the outset of this war that they will only consider a completed when hamas is wiped out. and as we know, they believe that hamas is using rafah as shelter right now, they are operating from that area. and so going into rafah some point would be a necessity in order for israel to complete its objectives,
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max. >> okay. scott mclean. thank you for joining us for that. families of israeli hostages still held by hamas say they'll keep fighting until they loved ones are released just days ago, a group of them travel to the hague to file a legal complaint against the militant groups. and as jared diamond traveled with them, cries of israeli hostage families rise over yet another city. this time, it's the hague. dutch city synonymous with international justice, where they've come to demand hamas is leaders be charged with war crimes? >> after 131 days of their loved ones being held captive, the hostage families have resorted to this, coming in front of the international criminal court to demand justice but they know this isn't the final stop in their pursuit of justice >> it's another another step in our fight to be families back home i'm and another step in our fight against hamas. >> today, that step begins at
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israel's international airport were about 100 hostage family members numbers arrived for yet another early morning flight to yet another country another day, fighting for their loved ones, release they arrive carrying signs and wearing shirts and hoodies bearing the faces of brothers and uncles daughters, and sisters, all captives in gaza >> with once a week shiny they caught me those were at an yerushalmi. his last words to her sister, shani before the phone line went dead on october 7. since then, shani has been fighting for her sister. >> we optimistic that's it's been more than four months when we worried about their own fate and that day and the world will forget about them. >> but a board this flight, at least they know they are not fighting alone. >> he said to say, but i'm
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happy i'm glad that we are not alone in this, that adam is not the only kidnap their still concerns. gather us together we meet the lord mcduck a lot, but no amount count of camaraderie can assuage a mother's pain, 100 days and nights you know we cannot breathe anymore or dim the dreams of being reunited with her sonny tie a 20-year-old israeli soldier who is also a us citizen. >> i dream about the dialogues in my dreams, you know, is in the lead cos van waving to me, smiling because always see as a big smile on his face. and you're saying, i'm okay, why are you worried so much? i'm okay. >> but during the trip, it becomes clear that the negotiations that could free the hostages are at an impasse. frustrations with the government of israeli prime
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minister benjamin that's on yahoo growing days on >> it's not enough obviously they're not doing enough 50 is not after so many days. >> negotiations is like ned, the flies. okay. that's our negotiation. everybody are lying or laying part of the negotiations no one really can know what happened monday thought the top priority, as i said, in the meantime, the weight is agonized >> my trying to be optimistic, but the longer the days go, it's getting harder and other, the beebus families still holding out hope that shiri and her two red-headed boys our alive. despite hamas claiming they were killed in an israeli airstrike >> and for shubi on the boys way we act as if welcome i. said never happened. we believe and we have feted. they are still alive and we are still
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demanding them back for the hostage families. there is power in those demands. the raising their voices together >> we have more hope that things will change. we helped to change things for us for a do you feel the crowd were then the j the vibes >> jeremy diamond, cnn, the hague, netherlands >> the us says it struck it on unmanned underwater vessel deployed by yemen's houthi rebels for the first time doing a series of strikes on saturday, the red sea three anti-ship cruise missiles and an unmanned surface craft were also hit after us officials determined they were an imminent threat. it's the first time the houthis have used an underwater vessel in their attacks on commercial shipping. they've been targeting international shipping lanes since israeli mated gaza following the october 7, hamas attacks, new york's governor apologizing for what she said about israel and gaza just
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ahead the remarks she would later call a poor choice words chartered in minnesota, a town is in mourning after two officers than a firefighter were killed in the line of jew s >> candidate, john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers can we're here to get your side of the story. >> in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn
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welcome, back >> still a user, if you're just joining us here at our top stories today the russian flag flying over parts of vyska after ukrainian troops pulled out of the town, ukraine says the move is to keep its troops from being surrounded. this comes as a bill to give more aid to ukraine appears to be stalled in congress senate majority leader chuck schumer is calling on republicans in the house to pass that legislation. after russian opposition leader alexey navalny died in prison israel says, it will expand its operations in rafah if hamas doesn't return the remaining hostages a war cabinet minister said the deadline is the start of ramadan, the muslim holy month the governor of new york apologizing for comments she made about the israel hamas war she came under fire after speaking about israel's destruction of gaza. cnn's polo sandoval has more in her remarks at a jewish
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philanthropic events, new york state governor kathy hochul called out hamas saying that it is a terror >> organization that should be stopped. but it was her use of an analogy that essentially suggests that israel would be justified and destroying gaza. that has made or the subject of criticism in in hazard for issuing, an apology, i'll let you listen to some of these remarks in question. and as you do, keep in mind, is that these are words that the governor herself now calls them inappropriate. >> if canada someday ever attacked buffalo, i'm sorry, my friends, there would be no canada the next day, right? right >> i love >> canada, but we did have the war of 18, 12 and he did >> burn buffalo. so we're there might be a little conflict here, but think about that. that is a natural reaction. you have a right to defend yourself and to make sure it never happens again. >> in a statement to cnn, hochul calling her analogy inappropriate, also saying that it was, quote, a poor choice of words i'll read you more of the governor's statement in which she writes while i have
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been clear in my support of israel's right to self-defense. i have also repeatedly said and continue to believe the palestinian civilian casualties should be avoided and more humanitarian aid must go to the people of gaza. the analogy promptings of anger from some of the governor's own constituents, including the buffalo chapter of the jewish voice for peace, which is a progressive jewish organization that is also a prominent voice palestinian supporting demonstrations. we've seen here recently that group calling the governor's initial remarks, quote disgusting again to governor insisting that it was not her intention to hurt any members of her community with her words, but this incident certainly a reminder it words absolutely matter as the conflict in the middle east rages on. polo sandoval, cnn, new york, new details emerging about a deadly house explosion outside arlington, virginia on friday night, firefighters were trapped inside the home with a gas-leak inspection turned into a catastrophic explosion,
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killing in one firefighter, an injuring 13 others. at the scene. 11 first responders in two civilians were hospitalized with injuries. according to the county's fire and rescue department, investigators have not formally determined the cause of the blast, but it's believed to have been caused by a leaking propane tank a minnesota town is in mourning after two police officers and firefighters were killed after they responded to a domestic incident on sunday, is actually association of firefighters chief said tragedies like this, quote, reminders that there are no routine calls for firefighters and emergency medical workers cnn's camila bernal has more heartbreaking day for the community in burnsville where they now say they are grieving the loss of three heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. i want to start by naming those victims officer paul elmstrand, 27 years old, and officer matthew
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rougi, also just 27 years old. and the paramedic firefighter, adam finseth, 40-years-old officials say that these three men were killed after they received a call at about 01:50 in the morning on sunday. this was a domestic dispute and they say that when they received the call, they knew that this was a man who was armed. this was a man who barricaded himself in the home with his family. seven children were in that home ages two to 15. those officers negotiated with that suspect for quite some time, according to authorities, but at some point, gunfire broke out. officials saying that they know at least one officer died inside of the home, but it's unclear exactly what happened. they say there's still we'll trying to piece all of this together, but they do say that that suspect had several guns. they also said he had a large amount of ammunition and he
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injured another officer as well. that officer has non-life-threatening injuries, so he is expected to recover. nonetheless, this community is in mourning printing and really honoring and remembering these three men. i want you to listen to the chief of police who was very emotional when speaking about what they're going through. here's what she said. >> she are all hurting our officers are fire department our families all of our staff or community. we're heartbroken we are heartbroken we are going to need time to be together. please. our families need time to grieve. they need time to be together we need you to pray for them. >> and this investigation is still ongoing, but officials saying that the suspect was reported dead at around eight in the morning. they say the family, the seven children were able to exit the house later on
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in the morning. they say there is no longer threat to that family or to the community. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles. >> urgent search underway in texas for an 11 year-old girl who authorities say, never made it to school bus stop i statement statewide amber alert was issued for orgy cunningham on thursday. she was last seen that morning close to our home near houston. authorities say she never made it to school. according to the sheriff's office, a man arrested friday on unrelated charges as a person of interest in her disappearance. authorities say a small backpack, likely belonging to a child was found near a local dam the electric vehicle revolution in the us may be losing steam sources. tell cnn, the white house is considering relaxing the stringent vehicle emissions rules president biden proposed last year. the rule would rapidly increase the number of electric vehicles sold to meet the strict admissions requirements. but with demand
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for electric vehicles falling, the environmental protection agency is considering delaying the requirements until after 2030. heavy rains, high winds, and mountain snowfall hitting communities in california. and it's all due to a weather phenomenon called an atmospheric river that's currently jkn to california. governor gavin newsom's office said is expecting a brief but intense storm with significant rainfall and snow throughout much of the state through wednesday newsome has directed the office of emergency services to ready swift water rescue teams and other personnel to respond to emergencies and activated a state operations center to help coordinate that response. now, live the entire population of california remains under flood advisories. cnn meteorologist karen mcginnis has more on that severe weather risk a variety of weather threats over the next 24 to 72 hours across the
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west coast and california's >> especially weather weary considering the atmospheric rivers have really impacted the west coast over the last couple of months. all right, here is that deep pacific moisture taking aim at the state. and so the variety of weather threats primarily we're expecting heavy rainfall, a lot of these areas that have already seen significant rainfall totals like san francisco about 11 inches of rain so far this year, there could be an additional 234 inches of rainfall expected there, but it isn't just the rainfall. it's also the wind and the snow. and with the long weekend, lot of people people probably trying to get to some of the ski resorts. that's going to be problematic to because and some of those rich tops we're looking at snowfall in feet and wind, 75, 80, maybe 90 mile per hour winds so be careful if you're traveling up in that direction, it's going to be rather treacherous also treacherous on the roads down into southern california, where
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the threat, once again prevails. we could see the potential for heavy rainfall, could see downed trees down power lines mud flows, debris flows. there's a lot that could happen here over the next couple of days. what? because this atmospheric river is moving so slowly. so the threat is multiplied over each day. all right, here we go. there you can see it where you see the pink that's the front range. that is the sierra nevada there, santa barbara. and the computer models have really suggested that this area is going to see a tremendous amount of rainfall and already has this year two to four inches certainly likely, but extending all the way down towards the los angeles and also into orange county will be here in the cnn weather center to keep giving you updates regarding this latest atmospheric river so keep it right here on cnn >> china travel revenues surge, and the shanghai stock market
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wraps up his first day of trading since the lunar the holiday we'll go live to beijing for the details on that >> we're headline her las vegas that's what i want to do >> is unlike anywhere else so in the world, vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn. >> introducing mandel whole body deodorant for pitts privates, and beyond. i'm dr. shannon klaidman, the inventor of hall body deodorant, like mondo. it's clinically proven to block odor all day controls owner for 72 hours first and before you say it, nando controls odor better than a shower with soap alone, mandir, based on the novel idea of preventing odor, keeping it from happening in the first place, men who use mandate smell as good as humanly possible. possible everywhere go to shop to learn more >> row sparks engineered for
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the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and see alice faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks >> so we decided to put in an in ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk to different contract jurists, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're
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meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful, we wanted something that our children would feel happy zooming in and we love it and still love it, connect with skilled professi i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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your one for a better us us markets >> closed monday for the presence they hold labor. trading is underway across euros, major exchanges. this is how they i'll doing so far, any moments were trying to build the tension here the footsie is up, but very marginally, germany and france, french shares are slightly down. suisse shares slightly up not a huge amount to respond to you about the shanghai stock exchange, just wrapping up its first day of trading since reopening from the lunar new year holiday, investors saw some modest gains there, which was very well-received despite new government figures that
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show travelers ramped up holiday spending compared to last year. now let's go to marc stewart, who's live in beijing. i mean, we're watching this so closely because the whole world has got an interest in china's staying steady absolutely. >> max. no question about that. in fact, over the last few months for that matter, the chinese stock market has had some really rough times. i remember before the lunar new year holiday, one observer alluded to it as a disaster. so the gains we saw today are certainly welcome. shanghai composite up by one-and-a-half percent in gen, up nearly 1%. that's the news we'd like to hear. and it's perhaps prompted by some data that shows that holiday travel over the lunar new year holiday here in china was strong, but looking ahead into the future, it's not enough to keep things going. in fact, in all my conversations with my sources today, there is this tremendous focus on
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china's property sector, which has been facing some very steep uphill climbs and it is really dragging down the economy with it as one person told me today, it's impacting not just construction, but it's impacting plumbers, it's impacting architect, so it really has a broad sweep. what investors really seem to want, what bankers really seem to want is some kind of plan of attack, some kind of bloop brenda from beijing for the future that could include stimulus, that could include some kind of focus on infrastructure, building, something to keep the economic engine moving because max, the momentum that we saw today is just being seen as a onetime occurrence, not necessarily a prescription or even an indicator patient of what we will see in the future will be crucial then as consumer spending, right? because that will very much define how the economy moves forwards. and there was some positive news, wasn't there on the recent holidays well, as far as
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consumer spending, people spent on the inexpensive things like movie theater tickets >> a record 1.1 billion or so, in sales, record number of movie attendance according to some of the figures. but if you look at other things, like the price of pork, for example well that's still remains a week, so it's this question of deflation, these lowering prices, which at first seem to be appealing, but broadly speaking, that can be very troublesome for the economy. so you are right in saying consumer prices are also going to be a big focus okay, marc in beijing. thank you so much farmers in india demanding higher prices for their crops of their protests that protest march relate to the capital until wednesday, that unions held another round of talks with officials where they were presented with the government proposal promising a guaranteed minimum price for growing specific crops. protests erupted last week after
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thousands of farmers marched towards new delhi, demanding the government set up a minimum price for their produce are to some farm laws were repealed the farmers say, they'll pause their march while they discussed the new proposals with experts. now, just ahead, we'll have more on the big winners of this year's bafta awards here in london last night >> over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today's identity, thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to ms by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening lungs, transferring home titles, even committing crime someone got myself security number made a driver's license and was used for criminal activity. >> you can do so much with a social security number that i
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go close captioning bronchi by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash he's in a sales at up to 70% of today >> he speaks west in an historic nba all-star showdown. it was the highest scoring nba all-star game ever on sunday, the eastern conference defeated the western conference 200 and 11 to 186. the east is now the highest score is squad in all star history. and the games kobe bryant mvp award went to milwaukee bucks guard, damian lillard. he dropped 39 points it made impressive 11 three-pointers and we are only hours away from the '60s, 66 daytona 500 in florida after rain delayed the race on sunday. this is the only only
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the third time they're great american race as being postponed in its history to time nascar cup series champion jury logano. i will start daytona. the head of the pack from that pole position. while last year's winner, ricky stenhouse junior, will start near the rear the fifth position for him stories in the spotlight this hour, an emotional ceremony for brittney griner, who's basketball team, honored her on sunday by retiring her number 42 jersey griner is bailey most decorated women's basketball player in the program's history, the celebration comes about 14 months after the wnba star was released from a russian prison where she spent nearly 300 days. the us state department says she was wrongfully detained a year into his hospice care. former president jimmy carter's spirit is as strong as ever about us, what his grandson said. in a video on sunday, the 199 year-old was last seen in public in november for the death of rosalynn
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carter, his wife and 77 years the carter family also released a statement saying that, please the president's decision to enter hospice care has quote, sparked so many family discussions across the country on an important subject also in the spotlight this hour, 77th annual british academy film awards or the baptists i was there as a saas gathered on the red carpet in london to celebrate the best movies of the season. oppenheimer was the big winner last night, the biopic about the man who helped usher in the nuclear age got 13 nominations and won seven. a war what's his more on the highlights >> london rolling out >> the red carpets welcome to the baftas, the biggest night of the year for the british movie industry. >> so much talent comes out. so to be here, citing i'm having the best time kind of you, but also just didn't the best way. >> the british academy film awards are where sinema,
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royalty meets uk royalty but some glamour was missing this year. as the princess of wales continues to recover from surgery, prince william attended alone, signaling that kate is at least well enough for him to return to public duties the night a celebration of british culture seeing sofia alice bets to perform her 2001 single murder on the dance floor, currently experiencing a social media explosion. after its appearance in salzburg >> other songs songs have had a resurgence like many decades of their released. never been 1 million years thought i would be able to experience that the ceremony also paid tribute to those impacted by the war in ukraine. as 20 days in mariupol took home the prize for best documentary. >> thank you for and powering our voice. >> let's just keep fighting, but alongside the impassion political statements, the
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ceremony found some lighter moments >> don't put it dong most of these films were frankly too long >> a national emergency >> despite taking some heat for his three-hour runtime oppenheimer cleaned up bringing home seven baftas in total. >> i want to take my fellow nominees and my up and homies. that was the bafta goes to poor thing. >> and imaginative feminist take on frankenstein. >> pretty evening. >> poor things also took home five awards, including leading actress. >> thank you for the line. i must go punch that baby >> and did a baftas first the award for the best fill, not in the english language, which are british film. the zone of interests >> i think the bafta celebrate
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smaller films and away, but i think is really amazing, i think is really potion that's younger filmmakers are appreciated and that it's diverse set of filmmakers >> some of the top from behind the scenes. but if concern that lots of talk about women getting more nominations, more wins, but actually not over time. they're still very small number them. so questioning some of the relevance there also barbie, which i should say is also made by our company, didn't win anything despite being the biggest box office hit of last year. so some question about the public like that film, the public rewarded it. so why isn't bafta? but i think this is a question for a lot of these award ceremonies. how a few people define really what the most, the best films are. the other big question was about foreign language films is that even a thing isn't a film just the film. and should that category, category be got rid of, particularly when you consider that? best film in a non-english language was won by
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british film. anyway, fear of my thoughts for gathered behind the scenes, they're also a lot of the other showbiz correspondents, not very impressed by the fashion, but i can't really speak to that. thanks for joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster. early start is up next here on cnn >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here >> you can't write this stuff. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper sunday a nylon cnn. >> why choose a sleep number smart bad. can it keep warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot.
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