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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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wound, each the campus went on lockdown police issuing this terrifying tweet locked down, interior lock interior doors, turn out the lights move away from site, evade, defend the lockdown lasting about 90 minutes. one student describing the terrifying moments, take a listen >> i was shocked honestly, i'd woke up to an email from one of my teachers saying that there was a lockdown and be safe, lock the door now classes have been canceled since friday. they remain canceled today, but the campus is going to be open for students as a healing day where they can process the tragedy of what happened back to you. >> lucy. thank you so much for your reporting. and cnn this morning continues right now >> russia has made some significant gains on the southeastern front as the ukrainians are starved for ammunition waiting for congress
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to pass pobble further aid. >> yes, he will look back at this moment and ask, what did mike johnson do? >> tropics told the us not to move forward on aid to ukraine what is he doing during all of this? he's selling sneakers and pennsylvania monocracy is around the world are mourning navalny's death. >> as many as four hundreds detained for simply offering sympathy for this late opposition leader navalny's supporters are calling on the government to immediately release his body make no mistake. >> putin is responsible for navalny's dead >> the nba's brightest stars descending on indianapolis for all star week again the east would win the highest scoring all-star game ever. >> dame student from half as well. >> i've been here quite a few times, so we'll be able to decide what congressman his crescent >> good morning, everyone. i'm john berman with tv pro audie
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cornish here in new york. >> it's great >> to see you poppy and phil or off this morning, a key ukrainian city has fallen to russian forces, while the us house of representatives, it's on vacation for two weeks in desperately needed aid hangs in limbo. president biden blames congressional inaction after ukrainian troops were forced to withdraw from abdivka and he is warning that more towns would fall as russia presses the attack on multiple fronts, there is board of a huge russian troop buildup in the south. >> and congress is also under renewed pressure to act after the death of alexei navalny in a siberian prison. new this morning, navalny's wife has posted a defiant video message online hi, she's vowing to continue her husband's work and to find out how he was killed in the video, she says the russian government is hiding his body and she's suggesting he may have been poisoned with a nerve agent again, listen to
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sliver, and this is just in a cowardly way. they're hiding his body, not showing to his mother, not giving to his mother. they are lying they're waiting for the traces of another of putin navid shock to disappear, which is colour. >> each car >> cnn's fred plankton is live in berlin. give us a little more of the reaction so far hi there audie. well, there's been obviously massive reaction coming from around the world. of course, one of the things that this news really burst into over the weekend was the munich security conference, that big meeting with leaders from around the world, whether it was widespread condemnation. again, vladimir putin by a lot of those leaders being made responsible for the death of alexey navalny, even though many of them did not say that, they said that he was directly involved in all of this. however, they did say that in any case he's responsible for the circumstance of that alexei navalny was being kept under and therefore directly responsible for his death we have that side of things. and then we have what's going on right now, what we saw that
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clip from yulia navalnaya where she's saying that she believes that the russian authorities are hiding alexey navalny's body indirectly claiming that he was poisoned by the russians. of course, impossible to provide any evidence for that. the big thing that's been going on over the weekend is that his relative specifically his mother, has been trying to get access to the body up and down at the morgue near where that jail is in the very north of russia above the arctic circle. so far the authorities not allowing access to the body, not handing the body over. it was interesting because there was a call with journalists oh, with the kremlin earlier this morning and kremlin spokesman dimitri peskov said that they were not involved at all. the kremlin, he says of getting the body back to the relatives of alexey navalny. they did say there was an investigation going on into the death of alexey navalny, but that it was open-ended and that so far the outcome was also open as well. of course course, the family of alexei navalny, those close to alexey navalny and the folks from his
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anti-corruption foundation not buying that at all, holding vladimir putin responsible, as do many leaders around the world, including of course, the us president guys, yeah, it is peculiar, not turning the body over to say the least fred, you've been up and down the front lines in ukraine as ukrainian troops battle russia. now, we have word that i've defka that town which had been holding out for so long, has fallen to the russians. how significant do you think that is? >> well, i think it's quite significant because i think it does show several things. i think it shows that right now the russians certainly are on the offensive in many places for them, of the, you've got has been exceptionally important over the past couple of months. they've wanted to take it back because so close to one of the russian strongholds of maine, town of donetsk goal blush, which is also called donetsk as well. the russians have been throwing a lot of soldiers and a lot of armor at that town. the ukrainians had said that the russians were taking massive casualties, trying to take it. now the ukrainians pulling back and we did get some reaction from the ukrainians about that
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the ukrainian general staff saying that it was a decision save the lives of their soldiers to get out of there because they were under such immense pressure in that town. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy he also came out and said it was a logical decision to give that town up. of course, one of the things that's also happened is that there's been a change in the general staff of ukraine with a new commanding general. now making that decision, the ukrainian said they needed to move back to more fortified positions. but of course, into all this plays, the shortage of ammunition that the ukrainians have as well. of course, looking are hoping that the us will give for their military aid that very much in question as you guys know of course, look, you can't shoot if you don't have bullets, frederik pleitgen for us this morning, fred, great to see you at the white house this morning. president biden has made his position clear. he is blaming vladimir putin for navalny's death make no, mistake. putin is responsible for navalny's debt. putin is responsible what
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has happened in evolving is yet more proof approves, pretalks, it president also says the us is looking at a number of options to punish russia is also calling on republican lawmakers to do more to help ukraine. cnn's mj lee is at the white house, mj. what more details are you learning about the white house is talking about navalny's death and also ukraine's need for aid well, president biden certainly repeatedly making clear that there's no question in his mind that it is vladmir putin that is directly >> responsible for alexey navalny's death and that it is just one more sign of the putin regimes at brutality. and here in washington, the news of navalny's death has injected even more urgency to the debate that is ongoing over us support for ukraine as you know, for months and months, the biden administration has warned that if additional funding is not approved for ukraine, that the money that the pot of money
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that the us has currently to support ukraine is going to run out and us officials now say that that in fact has happened, that money has run out, and then we're already seeing some detrimental effects on the battlefield for ukrainian forces with them running out of ammunition and other important equipment. and over the weekend, the president made clear that he is worried that additional towns could fall in ukraine if additional money is not approved. this is a little more of what he had to say over the weekend >> the idea that now run out of ammunition, walk away i find it finding contrary to everything we are so i'm going to fight till we get get them ammunition. they need we are now less than a week away from the two-year mark of russia's invasion of ukraine. and we know that the president spoke again with ukrainian leader of a load him year zelenskyy over
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the weekend and interestingly, if you look at the readout of that call between the two leaders the president told his ukrainian counterpart that he does believe that there is strong bipartisan support in the us government for ukrainian sovereignty. but of course, we've heard the president sort of blaming that small faction of what he calls extreme as among house republicans for the inaction right now that may be the case. but the reality is that that funding that has some $60 billion for ukraine that remains stubbornly stalled on capitol hill right now, guys, mj lee. thanks. >> by donald trump rambling against the new york judge, the order to pay almost $355 million in penalties, actually more than 400 with interests it is civil fraud ruling on friday. trump has been campaigning in michigan trying to spin the ruling. cnn's kristen holmes is in washington. it's a good thing having to pay more than $400 million. that's not counting the $80 million videos in the
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defamation case good morning don. an audio. well, that's absolutely right. it's now roughly about $450 million that he owes. and donald trump's messaging has remained the same that he himself did nothing wrong that all of these various trials, these cases against him are linked. they are political persecution, election interference, despite the fact that they are not linked. just a reminder that you're talking about specifically in new york civil fraud case. the other one was a defamation case. we also have cases brought by the department of justice, a case by the state in georgia. so clearly, again, not all linked, but that has been his messaging and you continue that michigan take a listen our court system is a mess. what's happening in our country. they have to straighten it out. all you see is bitterness and revenge and hatred, judge, and gore and just find me $355 million for doing everything right. and these repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me,
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they're really the attack on you and all americans. it's a disgusting it's a disgusting thing >> one thing to note here is that he was saying this in michigan. michigan is going to be a key battleground state in a general election. this messaging has worked with his supporters, with republicans, but the big question is whether or not this kind of messaging is going to resonate any general election when you're trying to siphon off voters and independent voters in particular now, i do have to bring up one other things on this weekend when it comes to the former president and that is, you mentioned the $400 million that he owes. he might have come up with a way to start chipping away at that cost. here we go. let's pull it up right now. >> these are trump sneakers. he released them at sneaker con in philadelphia. they are $400 or 399 a pair, again, coming right after it turns out that he owes more than 355 million to the courts, donald trump, again, trying to make money off of his brand, but i will tell you the
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website says that they already sold out john and audie. next time, you need to get on the preorder list so that you can get them. you don't have to wait and go to sneaker con i'm going to leave it to the hardcore sneaker heads to collect a collector's item. kristen holmes, thanks so much. now we also. have new cnn reporting this morning on vice president kamala harris stepping up her efforts in the reelection campaign. we're going to tell you what she's up to, and authorities in texas searching for a missing 11 year-old girl, the latest on the investigation vegas story of sin city, sunday at ten on cnn if you struggle with cfm, you should check out, inspire >> no mask, no >> hose, just sleep. inspire, learn more and you important safety information at inspire >> for over 25 years, loves sack has ben rewriting the rules of company. it's okay to
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call your dr. about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts, antidepressants be increased these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have >> increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusion, stiff, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life-threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects >> calculator can help you lead in the light. ask your dr. about capital glider fine savings and support a cap light on jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv and this is cnn >> 11-year-old audrii cunningham left home last thursday morning to catch the school bus like she did every morning, but police say she never made it to the bus stop the texas girl has been missing ever since in a man who was taken into custody on unrelated charge is now a person of interest to authorities. cnn's rosa flores, live from livingston, texas rosa, what's the latest here? >> well state police is calling this a criminal investigation.
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i'll get to that in just a moment. job because i'm in the neighborhood where this little girl was last seen. this is the neighborhood where she was supposed to take the boss, but she never made it to school. and then in the afternoon when she didn't get home, her father reported her missing now what you see behind me is lake livingston of this is an area that has been searched by authorities and just south of where i am on this lake, that is where lake livingston dam is. that's where authorities say that they found the bright red backpack that belonged to adri cunningham. now, we have a map to show you a better sense of this area will just downstream of that on the trinity river where the trinity river meets i59. that's where authorities or searching on sunday and adri cunningham, mother making a plea to anyone with information to call authorities ticketless she has so many opportunities ahead of her and she deserves every right to be able >> to reach those
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opportunities. >> state police has identified a person of interest, but this individual is arrested on an unrelated charge, a charge for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but they're not charging him yet with anything associated with audrey cunningham is disappearance. now state police say that this is a criminal investigation and that they suspect foul play, but they won't go into the details of what that means. take a listen our primary focus and hope that we bring audrey safely home but we also realized that foul play, maybe a factor >> now, multiple law enforcement agencies are involved in this search. multiple areas have been searched, and there's a $7,000 reward john audie back to you >> a rough week for that family. rosa, thank you so much for sharing this. now, former
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congresswoman liz cheney claiming there is a putin weighing in the gop more on her stark warning ahead. >> the urgent calls false for the us for usa to ukraine. they grow louder after alexei navalny's death. we're joined by republican member of congress ahead we're headliner was vegas that's what i want to do. >> unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> he mogul build a 5g network. so powerful, it goes beyond the expected. >> and now team 5g internet for homes and businesses is here. also here. here. here, here, even here, whatever shape you are holding for businesses, t-mobile is bringing high-speed internet to towns across america, only 15 minutes to set up and just pretty bucks a
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competence bad reset your smile, learn more at reset >> king charles wins, they get on cnn >> as the world mourns the death of kremlin critic alexey navalny. there are renewed calls for us lawmakers to pass new aid for ukraine senate majority leader chuck schumer called for house republicans to take up a senate pass foreign aid bill. he wrote in a statement, nothing, nothing would make putin happier right now. then to see congress waver in its support for ukraine, nothing would help him more on the battlefield. now, nearly 400 people have also been reportedly detained across russia for honoring navalny's since his death was announced on friday, the cause of his death remains unclear, but nearly 30,000 people have signed a petition to have navalny's body released to his family. and as of this morning, navalny's family says they are still being denied had access to the morgue where his body is
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allegedly being held, joining us now is congresswoman victoria spartz, a republican from indiana. she's also the first ukrainian born member of congress, congresswoman, welcome to the show you have always you have said that navalny's death looks suspicious, but not surprising what are you hearing about his death in munich? >> how definitely not. >> you can >> see now that russia is now ran by pretty much in criminals mafia and fsb, it's a bandwidth country and unfortunately they got away with a lot you, know it's kind of uniform to do and obviously that's happened. there by accident, but due to what he did when his wife was in munich was a lot of western readers that he doesn't care in the last week, who was him. and i think that's what for us to start thinking about it. what
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we're doing and not learn from history, and mistakes would have done and i'm kind of whooping the newburgh today and going to have some hearings and courtroom 600, about war crimes that are happening right now. but it's sad for us that we're repeating the history and millions of people are going to destroy again in europe and we as a west failed and again, congresswoman former representative liz cheney warned about what she called a putin wing of the republican party. if you kinda want you to listen to this when you speak about donald trump, for example, pledging retribution what vladimir putin did to navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law we have to take seriously the extent to which you've now got the putin wing of the republican party. i believe the issue this election cycle is making sure that putin wing of the republican party does not take over the west
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wing of the white house >> how do you speak to your colleagues who are supportive of russia? how do you speak to voters who don't see russia as a threat? >> i thank you. now, before i think you know, congressman, can you may talk about why both parties and presidents don't before even president trump did actually nothing to deter putin. he invaded crimea, eastern ukraine. obama biden ministration gave blank as i should trump was the first one who gave weapons and amar side of the party's first ride is less president biden or do invest domestic issues and not having strategy to deter aggression, not have never ending wars. and it's very interesting. i'll tell you something, you know, it seems to me that president biden the slovakian a warning to have a 20 year war, but we didn't actually increase manufacturing productions of weapons. so we didn't even align us to put
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industry in a warm mode. but russia so i think that's a fair question that my party is asking our strategy, our actions. we don't want never ended. of course as we have to have this conversations and a lot of people in on gluten, vice president cheney when they were in charge, they fall under putin when they were talking about ukraine join nato president portion in our vice president cheney did nothing about that and canceled and putin and he said strike of it. >> right now, you do have the opportunity to talk about aid to ukraine and the house is not taking it. republican leadership is not taking it. they are on recess. president biden has talked about this as well, but also president zelenskyy talked about this in munich on saturday >> dictators do not go on vacation, pays, raid knows,
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snow, pause, enemy artillery does not fall silent. >> do to procedural issue. as >> you said, these conversations need to be had. do you think speaker mike johnson should have it have it sooner than he's planning to already >> unfortunate. in this war. so i'm glad that no error talking about it i think we need actions more than conversations right now and i was very frustrated what was happening before the one president zelenskyy did nothing to prepare >> i think >> right now >> to unite in our strategy to deter further aggression which happened in right now in middle eastern africa. but i think you know, to absolute that is kind of disingenuous to say that, you know, that right now, you know that there's somehow where we i was actually because republicans were in charge, democrats and biden are in charge. of course, started and
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right now, hope more republicans will put pressure and democrats to do but on this wars. so we the senate didn't pass edison on the border security is a challenge that the money that they requested also have to rethink and realign how we can do better with lethal and most of you remember, i wish it was at the site. please not in president biden decided not to do it. and why? because that's a question we should ask. i think it would be more fair if we cannot have said this baton to actually give it as a loan, how bad oversight and increased manufacturing capabilities. we don't have them right now. so i think when we come back, but right now, we have in this discussion include in the mean visit speaker too congresswoman victoria spartz. thank you >> thank you for having me >> so court is getting expensive for donald trump. he owes more than $400 million. so this morning, how close is he to paying? and what's next in his multiple legal fights
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>> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer it's restricting wife had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? >> yes. how did you end >> up with a sex tape and john whenever words can reopened, tabloid trash has full alive. >> donner was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail. he still running for president. what >> did he think was going to happen? >> because all based on a law united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday a nine on cnn. >> i love shopping the real, real gucci, louis vuitton madyar, february name wrong, luxury brands up to 90% of freedom tell thousands of new arrivals daily >> the real, real shock now and get 20% off at the terms of high speed due to takeover, $39 off our original price on the complete set of stack master cookware, it's our best deal ever. don't ms it has your old set of pans lose their slick his everything.
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cable can't be tried free at foucault >> eva mckend in washington. and this is cnn our court system is a mess. what's happening in our country? they
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have to straighten it out all you see is bitterness and revenge and hatred. and these repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me. they're really the attack on you and all americans. it's a disgusting, it's a disgusting thing >> you and all americans don't owe more than $400 million, right now, donald trump, does and that sounded like a guy who was angry over the ruling from a new york judge of the biggest financial penalty and aid facing donald trump, $355 million. that's on top of the $83 million for defamation. trump was found liable for fraud, conspiracy, and issuing false statements of business records. the ruling wrapped up and chaotic week for trump, who saw several of his legal battles collide over a 48 hour period. so where is it all headed next? here now, cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, elie, like i said, a big verdict, a big price tag. what happens next there? >> their job we didn't need a crystal ball to see that there was going to be a substantial
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verdict verdict, but boy, oh, boy, this one came down. if you total up donald trump got hit with a 350 million plus verdict plus smaller verdicts for his children. if you add interest on there, it gets over $400 million. we're talking about an enormous number, also important to note, the judge could have revoked the business certificates, which essentially would have been the corporate death penalty. but instead, the judge chose to essentially enter the company into corporate rehab of a sore. so first of all, there will be industry suspensions. donald trump cannot be an officer of any company in new york for three years. his sons for two years, and there will be internal controls and internal monitor keeping an eye on the finances. the goal here of the judges to try to clean up the trump organization. now, as to what happens next, first, donald trump will have to post a bond. he's not going to have to post 350 plus million dollars in cash if the parties can work out an agreement that should do it. if not, the judge will come in and say they're usually has to be some substantial cash component. but donald trump also can probably post the deeds, the rights to
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certain buildings in order to satisfy that bond. once he post the bond, then he will have the right to appeal. he automatically will have the right to one appeal to the mid-level new york appeals court. and then maybe he can try to the highest level new york state court, but he will have his right to appeal at the end though, whatever number comes out of that appeal, that's not negotiable. he will have to pay that amount >> elie in the meantime, down in georgia, fulton county, you had fani willis basically trying to overcome the threat to her being taken off the fake elector's case down there. can you tell us where things stand? >> yeah, so >> remarkable hearings last week, unforgettable hearings when the da herself took the stand, these hearings will continue today to determine whether the da has a financial conflict of interests that's really the key point there. there will be more hearings starting tomorrow now these we're not going to see on tv. these are going to be behind closed doors because the judge is going to have to get into some privilege issues that could impact the ultimate decision here. and then we may get a ruling later this week, the judge may want further briefing. he's really left
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that sort of open. the ultimate potential issue here is, will the da be disqualified? is there a concrete financial conflict of interests? in this case, if the da is disqualified, the entire da's offices off the case, the case will then go into a sort of purgatory from which it may not recover. i don't think bass my opinion from having seen this is idle, see the concrete conflict of interests just yet, but keep in mind there's things happening behind closed doors, but the judge that we're not privy to, so we'll have to see how that one comes out. >> measure of how much is going on. elie that you and i were on tv covering the first two things you're talking about right there live when this next piece of information broke, which is an actual trial date for the new york criminal case, march 25th. this things on this to me is perhaps the biggest single story to emerge from last week's hearings. the stormy daniels hush-money payment this is the first criminal case against donald trump. we now have a trial date. circle it in pen on your calendars, march 20. that is 35 days from today. this date is
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on it had been set for a long time ahead. a hearing last week, and the judge said, we are going we are starting to choose our jury on march 25th. that will be the first criminal trial right here in manhattan. and it seems like that is actually really happening. okay. so civil settlement criminal trial date, georgia case still running late is, you know, now but now highest court in the land supreme court. what's still sort of percolating as if this all wasn't enough. we have >> two huge issues that we're waiting hear from the supreme court. first of all, we will at some point get a ruling on the 14th amendment challenge to disqualify donald trump from the ballot in colorado, we don't know for sure, but the court has scheduled and opinions day for wednesday morning, so that could be we don't know. that could be one of the opinions they issue. and then perhaps even bigger will the court take up the presidential unity question? and this relates to jack smith's doj federal january 6 case. again, we don't know, but the court is going to issue orders and that's how they're going to tell us orders tomorrow, tuesday morning.
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again, we don't know, but keep an eye on maybe this one on tuesday and maybe the 14th amendment on wednesday there's everything, guys, that's a team >> that's why you need a whole wall for this >> you have to have the visuals you have so much going on, have elie running around the studio it's all right. overnight, us central command confirming strikes against an underwater houthi rebels vessel. we have the details next only unitedhealthcare, medicare advantage plans come with the eu card. one simple member car that opens doors where it matters for you what have we need to see a dr. waivable. >> you guard >> gets you in with medicare advantage is largest national provider network. >> how about using it at pharmacy yes. >> you're you >> card is all you need that's easy >> and it helped keep my smile looking good. >> yep. use your eukaryote. the dennis say jeez, get access to what matters with the eu card only from unitedhealthcare at fox discount furniture. we're
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outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> houthis are deploying a potential deadly new strategy for their attacks against ships in the red sea the us confirming it just conducted five strikes against the rebel group. one of them targeting an unmanned underwater vessel. for the first time. cnn's katie bo lillis is live from washington and kate, this sounds very unusual, right? this is a first underwater vessel attack is this a new full-on strategy? >> so audie, the us military carrying out five strikes against targets in houthi held territory on saturday, including three anti-ship cruise missiles, one drone boat, which they have seen before, and one underwater drone essentially, a submarine drone. now, the us saying that this is the first time that they have seeing the houthis employ one of these underwater drones since they, the group first started launching attacks against commercial shipping and
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us military ships in the region in october. but at this point, we don't have a whole lot of details that we don't know how the united states was able to identify this target. we don't know how many of these systems the houthis may have or where they are obtaining from, or also how significant of a risk they might pose to both us forces and commercial shipping in the region. presumably, an underwater drone would be more difficult to detect and destroy so this may be a shift in houthi strategy because they have yet to be successful in striking in a us navy vessel. now, the houthis, this iran-backed militant group that controls large sections of territory in yemen, has been carrying out. now dozens of attacks against commercial shipping and american vessels since the onset of hostilities in gaza in october, in what the group says is solidarity with the palestinian cause but they have yet to be successful in striking an american neva-b navy vessel, even though they've had some close calls,
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the question is, does this system get them any closer to that? >> and how are they now responding to this latest us action? >> so that is the sort of million dollar question john, is will the houthis be deterred from conducting further attacks right now, the answer to that appears to be at best unanswered. the group, the pace of attacks at this group is carried out has not slowed since the us began conducting retaliatory strikes, and they have now done a series of this kind of retaliatory strike what we saw on saturday is of a piece with other us strikes, including one just on friday against houthi assets at the group has said that it has no intention of stopping this these attacks on shipping until israel is out of gaza. >> all right katie bo lillis. thank you so much for that reporting. we'll check back in with you shortly. >> a senate bill that would provide billions in aid to ukraine is being held up in the republican controlled house and the white house is blaming that lack of funding for the fall of a key ukrainian city. meanwhile, russia is richer
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than ever before our nick paton walsh explains why >> blue tranquill, a world away from ukraine's front lines we headed out to where russia maybe filling its war chest to a record high crude oil tankers sometimes engaged in opaque, secretive transfers. these it's two under sanctions, busting suspicions in the past. the big one from russia's black sea coast transferring crude to the smaller one, which also came from russia. >> yeah, hey, you got a feeling of how hard it is to keep track of all of this. just transfers occurring out here in the fluid expands massive trade billions of dollars of oil, some of which ends up helping the kremlin fund its war. tens of millions of barrels of crude likely transferred like this
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last year. and where it ends up often unclear which is the point that's probably above 60 million barrels that are being transferred in the middle of the ocean. purposefully. so you really needed to have a reason because it it's much easier not to do that >> these two have a messy past. so the shipping monitor that led us to them, the larger tanker that you guys saw is actually owned by a large company funding that bought a lot of these tankers when russian sanctions came out, right? and so they've been heavily associated with what we call the dark fleet, which is these tankers that are servicing russia iran, venezuela, and other sort of sanctions concerns. so the smaller one actually has an interesting history itself. it was once owned by a sanction person russia is richer than ever before. last year's budget was 320 billion. >> about a third >> of which spent one its invasion of ukraine sanctions
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we're meant to dent oil, paying for war. but instead, india has stepped in and is now buying 13 times more russian crude oil than before. worth 37 billion. last year says one estimate, exclusively given to cnn india buying russian crude isn't sanctioned, but he's buying so much. russia might need to dodge some sanctions to ship it all we asked an artificial intelligence firm, winwood, to analyze all global shipping last year for direct shipments between russia and india. and they found a huge 588 a separate analysis by pollster global for cnn revealed over 200 other ships that left russia last year and did a ship to ship transfer off the greek coast to another boat that then went on to india, ship-to-ship transfers are done legally, but they're also used as an illicit tactic. to evade sanctions, to sort of try and
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confuse the authorities as to where this oil is coming from. and who's buying it at the end of the day >> india says these shipments fuel its economy without raising global prices by competing with the west for middle eastern oil but there's a complication for the west here. is india refines the oil and sells those products on. the biggest buyer of products from russian crude last year. according to exclusive new data attained by cnn do united states over 1 billion worth from india way more? if you add what us allies also imposing sanctions on russia sure also import. >> so we've seen an increase in 2023 or 44% of oil products that are being made from russian crude oil flowing into those countries that impose sanctions on russia, such as the us, uk, and eu but russia's even on the make from the refining this indian port and refinery van dinar synthon estimated $50 million of
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>> refined products to the us last year. and guess, homes, nearly half of it rosneft, the russian state oil giant, enriching the kremlin putin earning money on the crude. probably the shipping, but also the refining and the resale >> really you're talking about something which is amazing, the lucrative and therefore the temptation to do that as a person or as a company is absolutely huge for the traders and they could just make 1020, 3,040 million within four or five months. i'm not sure if there's any other opportunity in the world to do that. and there is, please let me know what i pick. >> chain of billions risking moscow having unlimited funds for its wars. nick paton walsh, cnn, london >> alexei navalny's mother and lawyers say they were denied access to the morgue or his body is allegedly being held. cnn is live in moscow with the very latest on the international fallout plus how did a successful financial
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advice column this gets scammed at a $50,000 in cash. g is here to tell the store vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn. this is a >> tempur-pedic mattress and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way, no other mattress can for limited time save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado's got an order from dancer, colorado starting easy to build powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at >> i love shopping the real, real, the gucci, louis vuitton everything wrong. >> luxury brands it's up to 90% off retail. >> thousands of new arrivals daily >> the real, real shock now and get 20% off at the
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sack has been rewriting the rules of comfort. it's okay to change your style, >> get messy. >> yet immersed with love sack >> you make the rules >> this is cnn >> the world's news network >> i never thought i was the kind of person to fall for a scam. that's the words of a financial advice columnist that went viral last week for a piece titled the day i put $50,000 in a shoebox and handed it to a stranger new york magazine, sharla cows were accounts that one halloween she got a call from crook spinning this elaborate and fictional tale. and it worked. >> here's what happened. first of color, posing as an amazon employee told her she was victim of identity fraud. then another scammer impersonated the federal trade commission, who said 22 bank accounts, nine vehicles and four properties
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were allegedly registered in her name. and then finally, someone claiming to be a cia investigator convinced her to withdraw tens of thousands of dollars from her bank account and handed to them for safekeeping. >> financial columnist for new york magazine's the cut charlotte cows joins us now with more on her story. >> i mean, this is incredible. and i think it had to be really hard for you to come forward until this story. why do you decide to do it? >> it is deeply embarrassing. >> and >> i wanted to tell this story because there really is no stereotypical scam victim. and i know this from my own personal experience, obviously. >> but >> also the hundreds of emails that i've received from other people since the story came out. other financial professionals their doctors, their lawyers, their government employees, there are people of all walks of life who this happens too. and this is also backed up by data and research
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that's done on scan victims. there really is no one type of person who's vulnerable you wrote that several friends, phil, i felt strongly that if this cameras hadn't mentioned your son, right kind of talking about your family and the context of this that you would not have fallen for it in hindsight, is there a moment you think you would have changed? >> there are so many moments, but i think that these scammers are really good at what they do. that's the reason they keep doing it, is that it works. so you were kind of passed off in multiple phone calls? yeah. like you just got an email. know i'm back with a box of cash no. no. they didn't come out of the gate and asked for money >> it unfolded very gradually incrementally over, over five hours on the phone. and i think that what these people do is they're very good at targeting people, figuring out there one specific vulnerability everyone has one at least, and then exploiting that. and for me it was my family and they had very
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intimate details about me, about my family members. they knew where i lived, they knew the last four digits of my social security number they knew about my son and it was terrifying. it was just asked her >> i meant really is just the lowest of low. was anywhere where your radar went off? was there a moment where you're like this, this doesn't feel right. >> oh, absolutely. i mean, the whole time, none of it felt right. but the tiny chance that what they were saying was actually true was terrifying enough that i was willing to cooperate and the things that they were threatening were so terrifying that, you know, that tiny voice that says, what if there right that was enough to make me listed and stay on the phone with them. one of the things >> that struck me about this story is the isolation of it when it's happening to you. and also afterwards, we're during about like sextortion with teen boys were hearing about all kinds of other scams
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that really seem to point to people feeling like they had nowhere to turn. you're married, you had a family. can you talk about that instinct to not reach out for help >> absolutely. there's actually a name for this. it's called blocking the exits and it's a really effective manipulation tactic >> and they make it seem like you can't contact them and don't know. you're under surveillance, are being washed, your phone is tapped or computers been hacked. they really make it seem like you have nowhere to turn in this particular instance, i was so home by myself. i was working from home >> and >> so under any other circumstances, of course, i mean my best friend is the lawyer, like i i have i have incredible support system around me and they really made me feel like i couldn't talk to anyone that's the part that it makes me just so uncomfortable near your home alone, just how awful you must have felt the whole time after your story. i
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email by family and said, no matter what happens, you can tell me. >> yeah. so help us through this. i mean, what does everyone who's watching this need to know that they have to do if they start going down a road like this. >> yeah, absolutely. so i think the first thing is that you can never really prepare for how you're going to react when someone threatens your family. >> so everyone >> thinks that there they would never fall for something like this. i thought that i would never fall for something like this. so the best way that you can prepare is to think of a couple of people who you can trust, who you would reach out to in a situation like this. and then think of the ways that you would get off the phone if he really had to live, make up a reason. say you have to go to the bathroom, say that you're losing cell phone service and just slow down. take a beat call someone, reach out to someone else. it's the best way to do a gut check and really get yourself out of a


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