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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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matter what happens, you can tell me. >> yeah. so help us through this. i mean, what does everyone who's watching this need to know that they have to do if they start going down a road like this. >> yeah, absolutely. so i think the first thing is that you can never really prepare for how you're going to react when someone threatens your family. >> so everyone >> thinks that there they would never fall for something like this. i thought that i would never fall for something like this. so the best way that you can prepare is to think of a couple of people who you can trust, who you would reach out to in a situation like this. and then think of the ways that you would get off the phone if he really had to live, make up a reason. say you have to go to the bathroom, say that you're losing cell phone service and just slow down. take a beat call someone, reach out to someone else. it's the best way to do a gut check and really get yourself out of a
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situation when you're in over your head thanks for doing this. >> i know a condemning >> thank you. >> i think it's really important what you've done here, and i hope people are paying attention. >> thank you >> all right. cnn this morning continues right now. >> the death of navalny rings and urgent alarm bell that demands that house speaker johnson passed the bipartisan national security supplemental with the dire help that ukraine needs. >> like where in the stage of denial? did not just died some murder and was very important for us to stress it. >> all right. good morning, everyone. the death of alexey navalny shakes the status quo in russia and beyond the family of navalny is demanding to know how he died is hundreds of people are detained. morning him while russia allegedly did one deval these mother visited the more of where his body is allegedly being held and navalny's death comes as a key
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city on the eastern front in ukraine falls to russia. we're live on the ground as ukraine looks were a path forward, as more us aid looks uncertain. and donald trump's former fixer, michael cohen joins us live. why he thinks trump is quote compromised after that three i don't know if $55 civil fine and of course, the sneakers that is former boss is selling this hour of cnn this morning starts now the death of alexey navalny is triggered protests and arrests across russia this morning. and widespread condemnation around the world of vladimir putin in a new video statement this morning, navalny's wife vowed to continue his work and promised to find out who carried out the alleged crime on quote my closest envelope, most beloved person. she also accused russia of hiding his
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body this morning of all these mother and his legal team claim. they have been thwarted in their attempts to see his body, even to see it. the kremlin insists the return of navalny's remains. it's not their responsibility. >> they say >> hundreds of mourners have shown up jeff memorials across russia, many of them have been taken into custody for protesting the dissidents death. and new this morning, the ukrainian military struggling to hold its position on the front lines against russia ammunition and supplies plies are now running critically low. meanwhile, the us is divided over new aid package. ukrainian troops have been forced to surrender the town of vika after a bloody year long struggle. cnn's nick paton walsh on the frontlines in eastern ukraine but first, we're gonna go to cnn's matthew chance live in let's go this morning. and matthew, we're showing images of those mourners being dragged away. can you talk more about what the reaction has been to
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navalny's death? >> it's been one of absolute shock across this country. you can see there are people here now, actually this is, i think there's another journalist, but there's people here have been laying these flowers throughout the course of the day, despite the restrictions, despite the laws against public displays of resistance and dissent in russia, people are still coming out to pay their respects to somebody >> right here. look, i'm just laying a couple of roses out of sympathy for alexey navalny, the late russian opposition figure who was announced dead at his penal colony in the far north of russia. late last week on friday. there are concerns also now about what's become of his body. you mentioned earlier that his mother, ludmilla navalnaya, has traveled the thousands of miles to that penal colony, which is beyond the arctic circle to try and recover the remains of her son.
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but she's not been successful. the authorities there first denied the body was in the morgue in the arctic town. now they're saying that more postmortem work has to be done for an indefinite period. to try and establish what the cause of death was suddenly on friday. now, navalny's supporters, his anti-corruption team, say that's just an excuse to prevent them getting their hands on the remains of alexey navalny so they can not just hide his body but hide the real reason that he dropped me, that he suddenly died last week. and so there's a lot of suspicion circulating amongst them and amongst people in russia as well as the story continues to unfold in nick paton walsh is with us as well. nic, what is yulia the wife of alexey navalny saying this morning >> yeah, she's given a statement essentially saying she will continue the work of
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her husband's and laying again clear blame directly towards the kremlin for this. i think we might have some of our own words. we can play. you hear which vehicle bill, like dealing out thank you. >> so here you're saying she's saying for our translate roughly for you that they're pushing the blame directly of vladimir putin. now i should point out the death of navalny has put the conflict here in ukraine in very stark focus. certainly the minds of the western leaders who are in the munich security conference over previous weekend. and to compound that, ukraine has had to accept over that weekend the loss of a key eastern town avdiivka, which has been fought over by them for months indeed. and now we've seen that withdrawal on saturday and concerns rippling across
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ukraine that this might be the first of a number of places potentially to see direct impact of the slow or if not not happening of western aid, $60 billion yet to be improved by dysfunctional republican-held congress. and so today we've also seen president volodymyr zelenskyy of ukraine visiting a town to the north of avdiivka near kupiansk, essentially to bolster morale there. but he does so there's a number of reports emerge from how some ukrainian wounded troops were indeed left behind in the evacuation from abdivka. not uncommon, i should say in warfare when situations get desperate, but their final messages, their final pleas, their final video indeed being circulated and lots amongst social media channels here. and i think adding to a sense of ukraine, realizing that it's situation is growing to some degree desperate. we know that or ammunition shortages here doesn't feel that way here in kherson where every minerals, so we here artillery in and outs and a continued exchanges. this place has been liberated, but still russia bombards it
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relentlessly. and i think there's a wider concern that that dysfunctionality, the political games, the vice president kamala harris referred to it when she was in munich, is already having a direct effect here. it's costing ukraine lives. certainly it's costing them land in terms of abdivka. and in fact, slightly further east from where i'm standing, one of the key towns that was gained in the counteroffensive over the summer town, i should say at a tiny village called reporting. there, there are persistent russian bids now to push back and try and recapture that multiple areas of ukrainian front line here. deep concerns there that we may start seeing further russian gains. we are now into the month before putin essentially gets his next presidential term rubber stamped by an election. in russia. and real concerns here that this may be the beginning of russia picking up again its military campaign here, and it's really those billions of us aid there were allowing this to happen because they haven't arrived. and that's directly impacting what ukraine can do our nick paton
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walsh in ukraine are thanks to matthew chance in moscow as well. >> with us now is >> former russian men are andriy cozy rare, but mr. minister, thank you so much for being with us. the wife of alexei navalny speaking out this morning, calling on people to take to the streets in russia do you think they will >> well, it's big question because putin's power, book, putin's regime is ruthless and it's in said the ball in its desire to q, invade, intimidate that is what the hell he wants to do. that is what the hell he wants to do not only in russia, but in ukraine and believe me father, on. so it's the
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question not only for russian, a position which is there will be, there available or whether on the streets or not that that is not important. but he will be there. i mean, navalny as a lead for historic time you know, the tyrant. when the tyrant dies, xi's rule ends when the martyr prophet dies. his r2 begins. that's a philosopher kicker guard dynasty, loss of said 2,200 years ago. and it's true so, but it's very important for the west and including the
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especially the united states, to understand that putin's regime is aggressive, not only inside, not only in ukraine he said, but it will go if as long as it is not stopped. so the problem is with the congress and of course the gop, reluctance to approve the funding for the military aid, which is it's crucial. but something could be done even today, even tomorrow, by their that is to stiffen the sanctions. they enhance enforcement of the sanctions. president biden why a once promised a crippling sanctions so that is good time to make
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those sanctions work seriously because they so far they are poros and you're the previous hour. very important reporting demonstrates that the well is still going from russia to india. but the problem also is where the spare parts especially the high-tech spare parts, which could be made only in the west and probably only even in america for the production of oil and for the military hardware, which putin reduced now all of those spare parts somehow come not from india because in the cannot do that and they will production
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in russia was set up by western companies, including american company so so that's where the sanctions could be much more strongly enforced. >> andrei, kozyrev. thanks so much for your time >> thank you >> now, donald trump is vowing to change the legal system. if he wins the presidential race after a judge fined him $355 million in the lawsuit against his business. well as trump's former attorney and fixer, michael cohen. how trump could pay the fine and why cohen says trump as quote, compromised. >> and new cnn reporting on the role of vice vice president kamala harris could play in president biden's reelection campaign why voters may see more over vegas, story of sin
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the daily daily show tonight, kevin love it company central nexium, 24 hour prevents heartburn, acid for twice as long as pepsin get all day and all night heartburn as it prevention with just one pill a day. as it prevention >> choose nxivm >> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn >> the judges and prosecutors that we're dealing with me are essentially all the same different wrappings, tone, manner, but always the same coordinated and overly nasty result. they are nasty that's donald trump. after a judge in new york ordered him to pay nearly $355 million in a civil fraud ruling that was at a campaign rally in michigan over the weekend. trump claimed without evidence that he is being politically targeted in these court cases and vowed to change the nation's legal system if re-elected with now donald trump's former personal
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lawyer, michael cohen, he's the author of the book revenge how donald trump weaponized the us department ofof justice against his critics. as well as the podcast mea culpa and political breakdown. michael cohen, great to see you this morning. thank you so much for being here. $400 million. donald trump has been told he needs to pay more than that total in these two cases combined, you knew them for a long time, pretty well. what do you think that number means to him? >> that's a total it's like the desk touch to donald. they don't have that available cash. i've read in several different articles that he has a substantial sum of cash. it's not true. i would highly doubt it. he's probably looking at rnc money he's probably looking at super pac money again as part of money that he would use. but no matter what happens, he does not have enough and there will have to be a liquidation of his assets in order to cover this
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amount because you're right, it's not 354. it's into the 550 million especially with the e jean carroll at $1.6 million civil fine as well. it's a lot of money anyway, you look at it and michael hughes say that you have concerns that somehow it compromises him how well think about it. if you're vladimir putin, i tell you how vladimir putin is probably looking at donald trump, right now, that trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a week man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man so as a kgb, former kgb expert, he's looking at donald and saying, what can we do in order to help to help him to get away from these various different things. but you, can't fix stupid. so that is what is you just take advantage of it as
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far as the writ or man and a rich man figure out how to put some money in his pocket, because that's all donald trump cares about. he doesn't care about america. he's out there hocking sneakers. he's out there hocking whatever he can grifting off the poorest of americans think about who is, who supporting donald trump and the use of his 750 plane, who's supporting donald with all of his legal fees? it's the poorest people in america. and that's what vladimir putin will be taking advantage of. >> so this was the civil fraud ruling against him. there's now a trial date in the new york a criminal case against donald trump, where we do expect that you will be a witness in the civil fraud ruling. john judge arthur engoron wrote of your testimony, he said, quote cohen's testimony was significantly compromised by seeming contradictions at what he said at trial what were
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those contradictions do you think >> i have i have no idea. show me where it says that the cause what i know that judging gorani said is that cohen told the truth i mean, that's that's just how he said he said he did say he look, he said two things. he said one, there were seeming contradictions that what you said at trial. he also said that there was animosity between the witness and the defendant, and he said that was palpable, providing you with an incentive, a little lie, but he did say he found your testimony credible? because it was corroborated by the evidence. >> all of my whole of mike john all of my testimony was corroborated by documentary evidence, as well as corroborating testimony. >> and thank you do you think you're the star witness to the criminal trial? >> you know i don't know if i am i even i don't care if i am or i'm not. i had been subpoenaed to testify and short of exigent circumstances, i will be there other than other than that i have now testified
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before seven congressional committees. i've testified before the molar team. i testified to the grand jury for the district attorney case. i testified as you know, on trial at this case, the manhattan the new york attorney general's case. and i will be testifying most probable flee at this upcoming march 25th manhattan da one was what was the last time with me where when was the land where my testimony well, as time has been inaccurate, when was the last time you met with manhattan prosecutors office? >> last week. >> how much have you been meeting with them >> i'd rather not get into discussion with that. but there's a lot of documentation. there's a lot of witness testimony, and they are putting their case together as prosecutors do. >> one of the things that could come into evidence is a recording of a discussion you
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had with donald trump in 2018 that seems to pertain to the payments that were made that are at issue here. let's listen correct. >> so i'm i'm all over that and i spoke to allen about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be less than well. i have to pay me getting old woman. i got >> two things. >> why were you recording your client >> okay. so i'm not going to get into the summon substance of any testimony or any information that may be used by the manhattan district attorney or other than to tell you this does not have this recording, did not have to do with stormy daniels. karen mcdougal. >> okay. so you don't think necessarily that this will come into evidence? >> i don't know. you are the ones saying it, not the manhattan da i'm not i was asking and again, but that you won't even discuss why you were recording donald trump in this case? no. do you think stormy good question comes out. if the question comes out at trial um, i'm certain like
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every other question asked of me, i will answer it truthfully, accurately, and i assure you one thing it will not ignore to the benefit of donald j. trump. >> do you think that stormy daniels will be a witness in this case? >> i don't know. >> they're not discussing with me who other witnesses are. i just want to get through this so that i can start my own life again. like i said, you've heard the amount of testimony that i've provided over the course of the last four years, i'd like to, at this stage of my life, i would like to get on with it and put all of this behind. it's it's about time other people started doing what they can do like bill barr let him come forward and let him talk about all the things he did while he was working for the president of the united states. >> the reason i was asking about stormy daniel specifically because i've heard you talk about this case and you make the this isn't about stormy daniels. exactly. it's
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about more than that. it's also about how the papers were filed and whatnot. so it was just wondering if you think what she has to say would be relevant. >> i don't i don't know. again, we'd have to leave up to the manhattan da, but i did say that this is not the stormy daniels case. this is business record fraud campaign finance violation. she may have been part of the reason for it, but she is not the case and there are a lot of people out there are new for them because you pay close attention to this and you've got to podcasts. who say the civil fraud ruling. this only helps trump to be fine more than $350 million. and the criminal case here in new york, they say this only helps him having this new york criminal case be the first one that comes up how comfortable or uncomfortable do you think this criminal trial will be for donald trump >> should take him very uncomfortable. first of all, any case that's against you where the result could mean
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loss of freedom, incarceration should concern any anybody. now, one of the other reasons it should be concerning is because this is not a difficult case to prove. this entire case will be predicated on documentary evidence and corroborating testimony from a handful plus of people this is a case that will probably start, and finish with a decision in 30 days. so if it starts march 25th by may 1st, you could already have a ruling that could jeopardize the freedom of a former president. i mean, the whole thing is absolutely astonishing that there is a former president of the united states that is now indicted on four criminal matters with 91 charges, 91 counts against him. it's astounding >> michael cohen. thank you so much for coming on this morning. always great talking to you. appreciate it. >> good to see a john and a
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domestic call ends with three first responders shot and killed at a home in minnesota. what police found after the shooting? >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? yes. >> how did you end up with a sex tape of john edwards and real hundred tabloid trash is full allies. >> donna was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail is still running for president. >> what did he think was good? and i happened because all based on a law, united states of scandal with jake tapper new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, the right age for neutrogena retina >> that's whenever you want it to be. >> it has germ proven retina that targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone and smooth fine lines with visible results just one week neutrogena, retinol with fast
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at eight on cnn new reporting this morning about vice president kamala harris and acquired effort to have her play a >> larger role in the biden reelection effort. >> so >> well-known biden supporters want to see more of her on the trail there's things that she could say that i feel like, you know, he and i mean, we all remember her in those senate hearings when she was pressing >> those people, when she was like really on the ducey was prosecuting these people. i want to see her product let's acute the case against donald trump in this country, i feel like she could go out there and really let the american people, you know what's going on. >> cnn's isaac dovere broke that story, joins us now, and isaac tell us a little more about the specifics, how she would play a role in the reelection campaign well what she's been doing, audie so far is a lot of meetings that have been behind the scenes. some have been on air force to err on the sidelines of the white
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house congressional christmas party at her residence in the naval observatory. a lot of saturday sessions there, even at eva longoria is house and los angeles at one point in december she's been trying to get information. she says from on the ground, from talking to people who are out there in the battleground states dealing with communities and constituencies at the biden-harris campaign needs. but she is meeting with people who say that they feel like they are not being heard by the white house and the biden campaign. one person who attended one of the meeting said to me, the bedwetting complaints are running been with people that is from reflecting this idea that people feel like when they say that things aren't going great for the biden campaign the campaign and the inner circle, biden advisers tends to brush them off. but harris has been talking with them, meaning with them, listening to what they think they've been done differently and then trying to put herself in a position to bring some suggestions back to the campaign about different things that she needs to be doing and that the campaign needs to be doing overall and
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>> what are some of the things she sees as a potential solution? >> well what she says, two people in these meetings a lot is that she's not worried about biden losing to donald trump, but she's worried about him losing to the couches, the ways that she puts the people won't feel engaged enough to turn out for them in november and so, for example, in her meetings with black men, she's had at one meeting with a bunch of black entertainment celebrities, all men, another meeting with political and financial leaders, saying to them, what needs to be done to connect with the economic messaging the success of the record from the biden-harris years is not translate, is not connect with them. how do they make that feel more present for people? and it's things like not talking about it just being success or things like the acronyms like the arp has been great. but to really talk about the impact on people's lives. >> after wonder if the fruits of that support or hurt in that charlamagne, a god cut at the
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top there there was an interesting moment. edward isaac dovere thanks so much for this reporting. >> thank you >> now, a community in minnesota is in mourning after two police officers and a firefighter were killed while responding to a domestic incident on sunday, officials say they were called to a home where an armed man barricaded himself inside with family members, including seven and children. >> the suspect who has not been identified also has died. cms camila bernal is live in los angeles with the latest here, camila, what can you tell us about what happened? >> well, john, this morning these three victims, three men who are being remembered as heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice the two officers just 27 years old, the firefighter, paramedic, just 40 years old. all three of them giving their lives to save othersrs. now, ths all happened on sunday morning when 50 am, that first call came in and reported a domestic situation where a man who was armed was barricading with
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family members. you mentioned those seven children. they were ages two to 15 and negotiators were there for a while trying to solve this situation. but at some point, this suspect open fire authorities saying that that gunshots came from different locations. they said he had several guns, a large amount of ammunition, and they're still trying to piece together exactly what happened inside of that home. here's what authorities are saying. >> the exact timing. and cadence of what occurred will be part of our active investigation as we review video officer's body-cams, video that might be an area conduct interviews and all available evidence to really figure out exactly what occurred now, authorities say that the suspect is dead. they also say the seven children were able to exit the home later that morning safely. there was another officer who was injured, but his injuries are non-life-threatening. this is a community now coming
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together to mourn these three heroes the chief of police there in burnsville saying that they are heartbroken, saying that there truly hurting and asking for time and for prayers from everyone across the country guys. >> all right. camila bernal, keep us posted on this services at joel holsteins lakewood mega church in houston. they have resumed after the deadly shooting, eight days ago. ostian held a special service sunday morning with heightened security. some attendees war lakewood strong shirts while esteem prayed for the shooter on february 11th, a woman opened fire, wounding a man before she was killed by police. her seven-year-old son was also struck during the incident and remains hospitalized in critical condition. now, investigators are still trying to piece together what happened the next video you're about to see was created by artificial intelligence just by typing in a few words ahead the concerns behind the technology that can create this woolly mammoth
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>> it's unlike anywhere else in the world the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. for deep penetrating relief absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn openai's latest artificial intelligence tool could revolutionize content creation and make it much harder to tell what is actually real online. the new tool its called sora, it generates high-quality videos within seconds and respond to simple texts requests. this one was created after typing a prompt for a stylish woman walking down a street in tokyo naturally that's what you would type it was sore. i converted the prompt to golden retrievers podcasting on top of the mountain with a stylish woman walking down the street. and you can credibly realistic image of two pups in front of a mic. the prompt monkey playing chess in a park generated this image that appears to be a real life monkey playing chess on a wooden bench, while this less than cozy looking creature is a
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close-up of a futuristic cybernetic german shepherd. >> the tool is not yet available to the public and source says it will implement steps to monitor for misinformation, hateful content, and bias. >> with us. now cnn media analyst sara fischer, she's also a senior media reporter for axios. i can understand why the monkey playing chess on the park is a threat to national broadcaster. dogs are adorable, but that's right. the people with real podcast exactly >> what have real questions >> we've rob real question is exactly what seems to be the issue here is just the speed in the accuracy that these videos in which these videos are generated why is this such a stunning development? >> it's a huge problem if you think about it from a security perspective, john, imagine you're a parent and you get a video of your child asking for you to wire a random phone number, $50,000 because you've been kidnapped, right? that's the type of scam that some of these artificial intelligence
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video generation technologies could create if we're not regulating them properly, there's also a lot of concerns, obviously around misinformation and deep fakes up until this point, deep fake video technology hasn't been sophisticated enough and it hasn't been sort of widespread, wide, widely available enough that it would be a problem. but heading into 2020 24 election, if this were to become available to consumers, the folks at openai have to make sure that they have enough measures in place so that people can't make tons of deepfake videos of politicians are candidates running for office that could widely shift the nature of the election now, openai says that it's actually going to work with expert to not just test the model, but monitor for misinformation that they're trying to get to get all the >> companies together to pledge to create some kind of guardrails. but i mean, if you're a swiftie, you know, just a few weeks ago, there were deep fakes of that pop artist online before this
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technique so are they even positioned? are they actually inclined to bring their own guardrails >> oh, they're definitely inclined. i mean, they want to shape their own destiny when it comes to things like regulations. so if they're not going to be responsible at the gate, then they invite more scrutiny, more potential regulation that can slow them down. so yes, they definitely are motivated to make sure this the safe the problem with this type of technology is there so many unforeseen use cases and consequences that even if you think you have tested and sort of guardrails for everything possible, there's always something that's going to blindside you. now the obvious things that you know that they're going to put in place, right? when it gets rolled out widely to consumers, you're probably not going to be able to make dr. video goes a very well-known, famous people right now, if you were to go into meta's products like facebook and instagram, you can't necessarily make a video of donald trump or an image of donald trump, but my friends and i have tried to spell his name and correctly and say funneled from and you're able to actually make some things there. so there's ways to get
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around it the other issue is things like you just mentioned, taylor swift, like nudity, things like revenge porn. those are things that technology is pretty good at weeding out. if you can see a too much of skin exposed, the block the video. but the thing about it that's really going to be dangerous is misinformation. it's somebody saying something that they look like they're endorsing somebody or they look like they're endorsing a policy they're not really doing it. and that's where i think a lot of election researchers are very concerned heading into november and quickly, what about movie studios >> yes, so this is where those actors and writers strikes were really effective in putting in some protections around artificial intelligence. i think for now, a lot of folks who are in creative roles are looking at this its technology with a little bit of skepticism and concern because you don't want your roles to be displaced. but at the same time, there's a lot of opportunity for things that we were doing highly manually. think about it, especially in terms of animation ai is going to be able to expedite that process tenfold and then you're going to be able to use the time and money that you spent on manually heber to be doing
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more sophisticated things. so i think that there's a lot of opportunity for the studios, for the people themselves. obviously, they're concerned. but this is why having guardrails and for some of those labor contracts that were struck last year is absolutely critical. >> care. it's a fascinating story. thanks so much thank you. now, donald trump gets into the sneaker game as his legal battles start to cost him big bucks will break down his financial standing ahead in >> california's staring at a new powerful winter storm that could bring flooding up and down the coast images show the storm with lightning swirling in the pacific before hitting this morning 37 million people are under flood alerts. was santa barbara? facing the highest risk >> vegas story of sin city? sunday at ten on cnn >> you always got your mind on the green. not you >> you your business bank
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should we sell it? we hold our low mileage is paying off think we should already sold to carvana. >> go to carvana and track your car's value today >> five things brought to you by carvana. carvana? dale dr.. you happy >> right. happy. presidents day for those who observe here are five things to know this morning. a spokesperson says, late, alexey navalny's mother and lawyers were denied access to the morgue where the russian opposition leaders body is reportedly being held. the kremlin says, it is quote, not involved in returning navalny's body to his family. >> a member of israel's war cabinet says military operations in rafah will band if hostages are not released by ramadan, which starts in march, we're than 1.5 million gazans are in rafah that's where civilians were told to go when the war began, when the war
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against hamas began the search continues for 11 year-old audrii cunningham outside houston. she vanished thursday while waiting to catch a school bus. police in the town of livingston, say a man is in custody. officers found a backpack. they believe belongs to the girl near a dam and please say two people shot on the campus of the university of colorado in colorado springs were homicide victims investigators say the victim's age 24.26 were found dead sunday inside a dorm. police said information about, quote, any potential suspect details would not be released at this time the grandson of jimmy carter says, the 39th president spirit is as strong as ever. the carter family says they are pleased his decision to enter hospice kara one year ago has sparked family discussions across the united states from the first lady, rosalynn carter, died in november. it just days after going into hospice care that's five things to know this morning more on these stories all day long ron cnn and and don't forget to download the five things podcast every morning. go to slash
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five things. you can also find it wherever you get your podcasts, like the terrific podcast. yes, the assignment exactly those to buy audi cornish. >> so a >> day after new york judge barred him from doing business in the state, donald trump has a new gig not podcast host but sneakers salesman, and he's apparently pretty good at it. >> trump released these gold quote, never surrender hightops. and selling every last pair of the 1,000 super limited shoes. so just how much would the kicks cost you senior data reporter harry enten joins us now all right, so harry, the shoes are going for it three-ninety-nine >> yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. i want to put this into some context audie, so let's take a look here. trump's never surrender. look at these beautiful goal colorings here. i feel like i'm in the qvc going for $399. your average nike's go for about $80 at major retailers. i will note, of course, i've we're in the same exact brown shoes for basically my entire existence as an adult. so i have no real interest in these sneakers
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either. the nike's northern never surrenders, though, perhaps my back is not necessarily a biggest fan of that trump selling. these never surrender shoes. this is part of a pattern for him because of course, remember, he became pretty famous for selling merchandise and i want to take a look at some of the other merchandise trump is either currently selling or previously selling. remember those trump's stakes? i remember those very well. i've raised the stakes he used to say we have those right there. there's trump cologne. he had his own bottle, the waterline, trump ice water trump actually was also in the match tris arena. he sought some stuff with serta and of course, if perhaps water isn't, you're quite tasty. maybe you needed something a little bit stronger. >> there >> was, of course, also trump vodka. so the fact that trump has sold a lot of things, this is not anything new for him, although i probably would prefer the stakes to the shoes myself tons of celebrities license things right to make a buck, but he's got this serious financial situation going on with these legal
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cases. so put it in that context for us. yeah. you know, what exactly is going on with trump's, you know, sort of balance sheet and what do we see here? well, this is trump's balance sheet. this is including interests, the recent legal judgments belt a forum is at least $500 million. when you take into account interests. now, that is still significantly less than his net worth, which rang in according to forbes at 2.6 billion. but still 500 million of 2.6 billion. you could see why perhaps he wants to make up some of that money because that's a significant chunk of change for basically no matter what no matter who you unless of course, maybe you're elon musk. and it's more than that. it's not just that trump is perhaps these recent legal judgments are taking a bite out of trump's worth. it's his net worth was going down even before these recent legal judgments. so take a look here. this is the list trump's place on the richest americans list. if you look where he was last year, he was at 347 3.2 billion. look away. it was now even before the legal judgments, he was at 455th, 2.6 million. so his network was
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even going down beforehand. so perhaps trump wanted to get back in the game anyway, in these recent legal judgments that just another reason for him to happen be hawking some shoes. yeah. $400,450 million. you put the bad financial news category. is there any good financial news for trump? yes. so very interesting and audie, in fact, was the one who pointed this out to me. trump's truth, social share worth. so back in 2022, was about 700 million last year, it was less than 100 million, but there's this idea the essentially that truth social will in fact be able to go public and how much would trump's shares be worth if it does in fact go public, it could be upwards of $4 billion. that's billion with a b not million with an m. now, of course, keep in mind that trump can sell the stocks for another six months. but the fact is, we've had all this bad news for trump. this could be good financial news. >> donald trump, harry enten, great to see you. >> nice to see >> you this early wrench. >> all right, it's been a pleasure on the tv with you. thank you. you're a real pro done this before, but so are you tv pro audie cornish? cnn news central starts after a quick break
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neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. cuno has the number one cardiologist recommended form of coke uten kunal, the brand i trust >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn


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