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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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ors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. cuno has the number one cardiologist recommended form of coke uten kunal, the brand i trust >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn
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this, morning, the wife of >> russian critic alexey navalny vowing to find out how he was killed. his family says they still have not seen his body. what did russia do to alexey navalny? >> and an entire town in minnesota is grieving after two police officers and a firefighter are killed while responding to a domestic incident. how did the situation escalates? wait, what police are saying about the investigation this morning? >> nikki haley says she's amazed how weaken the knees donald trump is when it comes to vladimir putin she's hitting the trail in south carolina, live during our show today, i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner and fredricka whitfield. today this is cnn news central >> this morning alexei navalny's widow is vowing to continue his fight to bring change to russia. as she urged supporters of the late
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opposition leader call on the russian government to mediately release his body. yulia navalnaya met with eu foreign ministers this morning. she also posted a new video online promising to find out who carried out the alleged crime. a spokesperson says, navalny's mother and lawyer were denied access to this more where his body is allegedly being held health official state of one died friday after losing consciousness, after a walk, but his cause of death and exact location of his body remained a mystery. free at this hour, cnn's matthew chance is joining us now from moscow. matthew the kremlin has said that an investigation is underway. what are you seeing as a response and what do we know about where alexei navalny's body? the >> will that that's good question. >> i'll come to it in a minute, but first, let me show you the scenes that have been unfolding throughout the course of the past several days i'm here in
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moscow and in other towns and cities across the country. it's not, not massive crowds that we're seeing a steady stream of russians come to one of these makeshift memorials for alexey navalny to lay flowers to pay their respects. you can see some people putting the flowers down now to photograph there relaxin about of this lady is just lit that candle and all of these people that have laid one or two roses here, that's assigned that's a sign of just how much grief and anger there is in this country about the death of the country's most prominent opposition leader. remember? even making a protest like this or showing sympathy like this in this country is basically against the regulations and people run a risk and hundreds of people according to rights monitoring groups in this country, about 400 people in fact, have been detained for doing just this. there are pictures of people being right through these snowy parks and
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monuments up and down the country, trying to lay flowers and they've been taking away, taken away by the authorities. but you mentioned about the whereabouts of the body. it's still a big question mark hanging over this latest scandal to befall russia. and we just don't know where it is. blook, the mother of alexey navalny ludmilla. she's traveled to thousands of miles so the far north inside the arctic circle to the area of his penal colony where he died. to the local town to go to the morgue there to try and recover the remains of her the sun. but first of all, she was told that the body wasn't there. now she's been told that the authorities are going to keep the body for an indefinite period to carry out more tests, to do more postmortems, to try biden established what was the cause of death on friday at that penal colony of alexey navalny alexei navalny supporters his anti-corruption team saying that's just a ruse. that's an attempt by the
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kremlin to hide the body of alexey navalny and to hide the cause of what caused him to suddenly die in that way. and so there's a great deal of suspicion amongst everybody here, as well as grief and anger across the whole country has people mourn the death of electron valley, fair. >> and as you mentioned, matthew, you are in a place where you're seeing this thought flowers pile up and memorial, but people going there could be on the radar of the russian authorities. they put themselves in a bit of danger there. thank you for you and your crew being out there in the cold day here in moscow for us and we want to play for some of the messages that were shared by navalny's widow this morning. in the video, yulia navalnaya called on her husband supporters in russia and around the world to keep resisting vladimir putin yeah. >> i asked you to share your range, rage, anger, and hatred with me towards those would daring enough to kill our
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future. and i address you with alexei's words i believe it is not ashamed to do. it's not a shame to do little, but it's a shame not to do anything. it's a shame to make yourself intimidated. >> that cbs poll guy in the video, she also accuses russian authorities of hiding her husband's body to cover up evidence of poisoning to slaver and usages in a cowardly way. they're hiding his body, not showing to his mother, not giving to his mother. they are lying and they're waiting for the traces of another of putin's shock to disappear, which is color maybe now, she was unable to provide any evidence to substantiate that. remember, they don't have the body yet. that novichok was used in her husband's that but here's what we do know. the powerful nerve agent was used on navalny in august of 2020. >> and navalny's life work is, you know, sara opposing the authoritarian rule of the man who launched first the unprovoked invasion of ukraine. that's part of his life's work
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for russia just made its most significant advance in nearly a year russian soldiers raising their flag over a key town. in the eastern front. you see video of it right here. ukrainian troops forced to retreat from the town of a diouf, cut this weekend, a place that they've been fighting to hold from russia's grip for a decade now, president biden, blaming congressional inaction on this major setback for ukraine and also warning that this may not be the last cnn's nick paton walsh is in ukraine right now for us, nick talked to us about of defka i tell folks reminder, why is it key? why does it represent such a blow right now >> yeah, ultimately, i think it does potentially a symbol of a wider problem ukraine may face across its front lines because the fact they're still waiting for that $60 billion in congress has taken two weeks off, is unlikely to get to them anytime soon. and we've already seen an impact in terms of ammunition stocks and morale. and it may be that i've divka,
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strategically quite important as it is. it is part of a railway hub and that's always something the russians i get their hands on. and it's also been something that ukraine's held onto for a decade. as you said, since the first invasion back in 2014, really though, i think the pain being felt by ukrainians over having to withdraw or announced their withdrawal on saturday. is that it may herald a starker change in their fortunes on the battlefield. abdivka itself how heavily fought over, over the past months, russia quite clear, was willing to throw almost anything at it. and indeed about pertinent zelenskyy at the munich security conference at the weekends suggested that for every dead ukrainian, there were seven dead russians. we can understand it that ourselves, but it's a sign potentially the tactics russia have been using and may continue to use as well because the news is frankly bad at multiple points across the front line, not just avdiivka, which has already lost. there may be villages around that which potentially russia pushes towards. there's bad news from
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zaporizhzhia region, robatinia, which was one of the key villages taken in part of the counter offensive in the summer. that's under russian assault. it seems volodymyr zelenskyy himself traveled kupiansk in the kharkiv region. that's also under russian pressure. there are concerns around bakhmut, which was another key place the russian and fought tooth and nail for back in last year, the last major significant, again, they had was taking that town back in may and other concerns to the south so abdivka as well that the russians may push forward there too, because ukraine is running out of ammunition, they're struggling to replenish their ranks to. and i think there is a feeling as well that's wild lesson support was so solid for the first two years of this war as we enter into the third year coming up at the end of this week, we may be seeing the billions simply drying up and crane losing people and ground because of it, kate. >> yeah. nick paton whilst it's great that you're there thank you so much. neck and joining us now for more on this. a cnn military analyst
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retired army lieutenant general mark hertling. he's former commander of us army europe. and the seventh army. general. let's pick up right where what nick paton walsh was getting at the way it's being described is with the force retreat from dbgap, the frontline shifts substantially. want to put up for everyone if we can't a map, once again of where this town is strategically located and what this could mean. what does this mean for the frontline now? >> well, i'm glad you put the map up, kate, because there's some interesting points in this. everyone has been focused on our dka and nick's report is exactly right. when you look around that area, you also see the towns of marinka, kreminna, bakhmut, and a few others. there's also the town of robatinia, which is further to the south, but if you look at those for the first just for that i named they're all in that the nach region. and that is the place that ukraine has been fighting. as you said earlier, for over a decade, they need that area because it's critically important strategically. ruth draw from
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abdivka was a tactical withdrawal. but when you talk about what the russians are attempting to do, they now have understood after two years of fighting, that mass is important. they are forcing the ukrainians to defend in multiple areas and without logistics train that keeps moving without supplies coming in, without the kind of ammunition they need. they just can't fight there. that's why this $60 billion package is so critically important for artillery shells, air defense, and even small arms ammunition. kate, the truth is, with every day that delays in terms of getting this aid to ukraine, more people will die ukrainian soldiers who have been fighting so bravely will die. so this is a decision that though those in congress are making to say, we're not going to provide this aid. and 73% of the american people say they support ukraine. but there are few in congress who are saying we're not going to provide the aid in my view, it is criminal to do
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this kinds of things to people who are fighting for freedom on the battlefield and what you're getting at is what i was going to ask you, which is how do you make sure that this is not the first of many >> setbacks and what you're getting at is that is why us aid is so critical not just a political talking point, not just more money to be discussed or fought-over, or maybe it's just a rounding error in the us defense budget. some may believe this is real money that results in real advancement, real resupply resupply, or real setbacks. >> you're exactly right. it is. there's no debating that kate, if the money if well, if this supplies aren't delivered and if they aren't delivered quickly, there is no debating the fact that there will be continued withdrawals from the frontline. there will he continued losses? there will be continued ukrainian guest that is a given you can't debate
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that because that's what happens on the battlefield when you don't get supplied with ammunition. and russia is smelling this, they have learned much over the last two years and they are now starting to attack these locations to spread ukraine and to continue to conduct these air attacks against ukrainian cities to not just kill ukrainian soldiers, but to attack the ukrainian population. and remember, we're talking about hostages in israel right now. russia has thousands of hostages of ukraine, ukrainian hostages inside of russia that they've kidnapped so these kinds of war crimes that russia continues to produce are all based on the fact that ukraine has not been able to counter their punches recently for the last four months or so. why we've delayed on this this additional funding for ukrainian aid. and truthfully, it's not just ukraine as everyone has been saying it will affect more and more within nato, within the european alliance. and it will affect the security of the
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united states if this continues to be delayed at in the shocking death of alexei navalny. now, if putin is behind his death, is in what we see happen in the fact that it happened when it did. now this weekend do you read that as meaning vladimir putin thinks he has the wind at his back or something else? >> i know he has been emboldened. he has watched the united states and the western allies. did or a little bit over the last several months to provide support for ukraine. so he realized that we are starting to get i hate to use this phrase, but i'll use it worth a tie. we are not the ones fighting as the ukrainians that are fighting, but i think mr. putin sees that he has an advantage here. so he has been emboldened. i think certainly that contributed to alexey navalny's death. and it's also contributing to how he is conducting operations on the battlefield general mark hertling. thank you so much. it's good to see
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>> fred iranian backed houthi rebels are deploying a new weapon in the red sea over the weekend, the us military conducted a number of strikes against the militia. and one of the the strikes targeted an unmanned underwater vessel for months. now, the houthis have been ramping up their attacks on ships in the red sea. but this is the first known time i'm the group has used an underwater vessel cnn's katie bo lillis is following this for us from dc, katie bo, i mean, this is a new strategy. what's behind it? >> yeah. so for the us military confirming that it did conduct five strikes against targets in houthi held territory inside yemen. three anti-ship cruise missiles, one surface drone boat, and one underwater drones, something that the us military says, this is the first time they have seen the houthis use this kind of essentially really submarine drone since the groups started ramping up its attacks on commercial shipping and us
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naval vessels in the fall, that said, we haven't been given a lot of details about this system yet, so we don't, at this point have a great sense of how the us military identified at this target. how many of these systems, the houthi militants might have, how they acquired them, who might have provided them, whether this was something that iran provided or whether this is an indigenous technology. >> and >> what the specific threat could be to both commercial shipping and american naval vessels. certainly, one would presume that an underwater vessel would be more difficult to detect and destroy. so this could be a shift in strategy by the houthis because they haven't yet been successful in actually striking a us naval vessel, although they have had some near mrs. but overall, these strikes at the us military has carried out over on saturday and also on friday, part of a broader series of retaliatory strikes that us military has been conducting in response to these houthi attacks. the question is, does it have the impact that they are looking for in deterring
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further strikes on shipping so far, doesn't look like it. >> all right. katie bo lillis. thank you so much >> sara all right. thank you. fred, still to come. nikki haley, strategy in the final week before south carolina's votes scorched earth on donald trump, her latest attacks and what donald trump is focused on. also to people fatally shot but in the university of colorado dorm room, what investigators are saying about that case this morning and ahead, nearly the entire state of california is under flood alerts this morning. i look at the latest round of storms as officials urge people to stay off the roads, that's all coming vegas the >> story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn launch >> silver's you'll be hooked on our sixth so it's trump baskets, whether they're fraud to go to protection or sizzling on a grill and not get even more bank for your battery when you upgrade to jumbo shrimp,
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look at the fact he is yet to say anything about >> navalny's death, which putin murdered him. it's what he does to his political opponents i was nikki haley this morning not letting up on her demand for donald trump does say the words out loud and condemn the >> death of putin critic alexey navalny, who was in a russian prison when he died. so far, trump has not said those words out loud, but he is posting overnight. he posted this, sharing it online. he shared an opinion piece that compares president biden with putin. and then lichens navalny with donald trump. the piece essentially arguing that trump is america's version of navalny. and this morning, trump again mentioned navalny by name and a post, but only to say his death has made him more aware of what is happening in the united states with us now, cnn, senior political commentator, ana navarro and democratic strategist keith boykin. all right? keith, you're also the author of a book. why does everything have
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to be about race will get to that next time. but first on an navarro, donald trump in his social media posts, you just heard there, he reposted an opinion piece that compares himself to navalny and biden to putin what's going on here >> well, i guess it said it'll better than what he's been doing, which is comparing himself to christ but listen, i i really am embarrassed and mortified by how the republican party is reacting or lack there of reaction two navalny's death. it is embarrassing when you think about a party that was ronald reagan's party that there is such massive silence and inaction upon the assassination. political assassination of a dissident of a man of navalny, alexei navalny, who made it his life's work to reveal and
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uncover putin and his inner circles, corruption. it's embarrassing to me that the singer, the lead singer of u2, bano has had more to say about the death of alexey navalny than the leading presumptive republican nominee. and many of the republican elected officials it's embarrassing that one of the leading journalists of the right, tucker carlson has been in russia in recent weeks. kowtowing to vladimir putin, sucking up to him. and when asked last week before the death of alexey navalny why he had an asked vladimir putin about assassinations, why he had an asked about alexei navalny. what was tucker carlson's response? every leader kills people some kill more than others. leadership requires killing people know, leadership requires condemning
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the death of alexey navalny. courage requires condemning the death of alexey navalny it requires saying his name. it requires bringing up ukraine aid for a vote instead we've got republicans hanging out here in miami for their winter meetings. it is an embarrassment. >> keys i do want to talk to you about something that ana just brought up and it's not just about donald trump, it's about some in the republican party and i'd like to share with you, there are two people that are certainly republicans who are going after donald trump won, of course, is nikki haley, who is running against him and trying to get votes. the other is liz cheney, a long time conservative, no matter what people say about her. and republican, here's what she said this week to jake tapper >> when you think about donald trump, for example, pledging retribution what vladimir putin did to navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law, we
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have to take seriously the extent to which you've now got the putin wing of the republican party. i believe the issue this election michael is making sure that putin wing of the republican party does not take over the west wing of the white house >> and here's what she's talking about. here's a couple here, a couple of tweets, one from representative paul gosar of arizona. he tweeted in 2023, joe biden visiting ukraine is a slap in the face to every american, especially that people of east palestine, ohio now you remember there was a train wreck. their ukraine is not our friend, and russia is not our enemy. and then you of course have marjorie taylor greene, who's made no bones about saying all manner of things when it comes to russia, she said democrats have been calling republican president and then trump and his supporters nazi since 2015. but the dems have been funding actual nazis since the obama biden administration funding the neo-nazis in ukraine only stopped under president trump. these are just couple of people who have lots of negative things to say about you crane and lots of positive things to
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say about putin. what's happened to the republican party here in this particular wing that you hear both on an navarro and liz cheney talking about yeah. >> i think that liz cheney is exactly right. we now have a vladimir putin wing of the public can party, and that's happened because of donald trump, because of his complicity with which vladimir putin, and also because republicans who are in positions of leadership have failed to exercise any sort whatever real courage in standing up to donald trump. i'm glad that nikki haley is belatedly starting to make her case, but she spent months really tiptoeing around donald trump as well. and that's been part of you have a group of people who are part of this right wing super right-wing maga base, who never really represented the republican value here's a ronald reagan even as eddin, a viral mentioned. >> i think what's happening >> ultimately sara, is that the embrace of trump reflects the collapse of i called on what used to be called the so called
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three-legged stool in the republican party used to be the national security conservatives who wanted a strong defense the social conservatives who wanted traditional family values and morality, and the economic conservatives who wanted fiscal responsibility. but trump is undermined all three of those, 33 of those things on your national security by supporting vladimir putin and defending the insurrections in this country, undermining the parties traditional family values, a serial liar and playboy billionaire who's been do to get in sexual assault. and undermine the idea of fiscal responsibility by coming in with six bankruptcies and adding $8 trillion of debt to the federal government. so the idea that donald trump represent traditional american, traditional family values, or even traditional republican values, is contradictory to even what the republican party had. once said that it believed in. it if brock obama or a democrat or a black candidate had the same record as donald trump. they would never be taken seriously. they'd be laughed out of any sort of national discourse, and they would never be able never be allowed to say inflammatory comments condemning the united
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states in praising a foreign dictator. that's how far the republican party has fallen. >> all right, i'm taking us to a little bit lighter, although long really think it's lighter we heard an announcement from former president trump. he was in pennsylvania talking about some new shoes that he's putting out there and you just mentioned all these things that he is facing. he's got almost a half 1 billion of money that the court say he now owes. that one will be up on appeal, of course. but ana, you see the shoes. do you think this is something of course, they've already said they're sold out. do you think this is something to try to help him with his bills or what's going on here. just another sort of are to the deal type of thing from donald trump >> love. this is donald trump being donald trump, right? he's always trying to figure out what he can paste his name on and sell two gullible people willing to fork out to their money. usually, gullible, hard-working people. so whether it's stakes are vodka, or you name it, most of which have
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gone bankrupt much, most of which have not had financial benefits, much financial benefits to donald trump. so listen, what can i tell you? if you want to buy some tacky gold shoes, i think you can get them for 1999 on amazon if you want to fork over 400 and maybe help him pay what? well, over half $1 billion in judgments that's up to you. i'd rather do something else with my $400 could buy a lot of margaritas or ketose being that you're in you and i are miami girls. so you know, a possibility for you, too. thank you. ana navarro. and keith boykin so much for coming on. sharing your thoughts okay. >> so we are heartbroken and we need time. that is the message from a minnesota police chief after two police officers and a firefighter were shot and killed early sunday in minnesota, we have new details on what led to this tragedy will be right back candidate
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john edwards cheated on his >> cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> we don't cause it >> i work hard and i want my money the work hard to. so i use my freedom and limited card or, you know, my favorite soup
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 7,604 visit >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday a nine on cnn this morning, authorities in the town of burnsville, minnesota are looking for answers after two police officers and firefighter were >> shot and killed and another officer injured they were responding to an early morning call for a domestic incident and after arriving at a home where a man was reported to be armed and barricaded inside with family members. the situation escalated into gunfire according to a release from the city, the fire chief calling it the toughest de the city has ever faced. cnn's
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camila bernal is covering the story for us. so camila, what more do we know about the domestic call and the sequence of events overall? >> hey, fred? yes. just horrific authorities describing it as a horrible day for this community and this morning, the victims being remembered and honored as heroes and as people who made the ultimate sacrifice. the two officers, just 27 years old, the paramedic firefighter, who was part of the swat team, 40 years old. so we learned from authorities that this happened at around 150 in the morning. they received a call about a domestic situation and this was a man who had been barricaded in the home and there were seven children in there. there were ages to to 15, according to authorities negotiators were there for quite some time. i'm trying to resolve this situation, but at some point, this man open fire. he fired from multiple locations authorities saying he had several guns and also had a
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large amount of ammunition. they're trying to piece together exactly what happened, but we do know that that suspect is dead, that sometime after he was pronounced dead. those children were able to exit the home safely and there is no ongoing threat to the community. but as you mentioned, at so many in law enforcement there in burnsville, just heartbroken. and i want you to listen to what some of these authorities had to say this is really a terrible day for the city of burnsville all of the residents, the law enforcement and fire communities that are mourning the loss of these public servants that occurred earlier today >> and everyone we heard from on sunday, just extremely emotional. the police chief also saying that they're heartbroken, that they're truly hurting, and asking people for time. but most importantly, prayers, fred yeah, indeed, lots of prayers. camila bernal. >> thank you so much. kate
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>> there's also an urgent search for answers happening this morning in colorado police in colorado springs are investigating a double homicide two people found shot and dead in a dorm room at the university of colorado. the official cause of death still under investigation, seen as lucy kafanov has been covering this. she's in denver for us. lucy, there's so many questions rounding what happened here, what's the latest that you're picking up >> unfortunately, more questions and answers. kate, colorado springs police he say that they are intentionally withholding information at this early stage of the investigation, we know that they are investigating this as a double homicide, not a murder-suicide. we now also no the identities of the two young victims, a man and a woman. i'll get to those in one second. we also know though police have not arrested or named a suspect, they do believe that there is no threat to the community. and in a statement issued last night, police described this shooting as a quote, isolated incidents between parties that were known to one another and not odd, a
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random attack against a school where other students at this university. now let's get to those victims. the female identified as 26 year-old sealy rain much giuffre of pueblo, colorado. she was not a student at the school. that the school pardon me? the young man, 24 year-old sam knob of parker, colorado. now he was a student the school said that he was a senior who was studying music and a beloved member of the visual and performing arts department. he was also, we're learning on accomplished tar player and an extremely talented musician according to the school chancellor, she issued that statement last night. now, all of this terror unfolding in the early hours of friday morning at around around 06:00 a.m. university police received reports, calls about shots fired on a dorm. they arrived on scene about five minutes later, they discovered the two deceased victims. >> they a locked down the entire canvas for about 90 minutes. take a listen to some students describing those terrifying moments >> actually heard the gunshots
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like he was like four of them and i just heard the footsteps unlike them running down the hill. i didn't see anything really. i just heard it. i just woke up to it everything been canceled. and i asked him, i was like was gone and he's like i heard gunshots last night >> classes were canceled friday, the campus was closed over the weekend. classes continued to be canceled today, but the university is it's making counselors, grief counselors available onsite for students to be able to process this kate? >> yeah, lucy, thank you so much for the update. will get back to you a really appreciate it. sir. >> still ahead. donald trump continuing to target his anger at the multiple legal trials a. on the judges overseeing those cases. there are going it'd be appeals. we will walk you through them as his lawyers work on that part. >> that's ahead >> hi manu raju on capitol hill, and this is cnn
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>> stay ahead. if you're moderate to severe eczema and show off clear skin and it's with do pixels the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your dr. about new or worsening i problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection, don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your dr. ask your because i'm a specialist about depicts it. >> have you or anyone, you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base camp lejeune. camp lejeune, water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you had any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer? for our parkinson's disease, you may be entitled to compensation as a marine who was stationed at camp on june myself for four years. this cause hits close to home. so if you've been stationed or visited marine corps base camp lejeune, and have cancer or parkinson's visit camp lejeune, morgan and morgan for the veterans. >> hi, i'm sharon and i was 52
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that's what i wanted. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn all right. >> this morning, donald trump is on the hook for nearly 355 million in his new york civil fraud case. and he's furious about it. the former president's legal team is preparing to appeal. judge arthur engoron ruling over the weweekend, trump look railed against the judge and new york attorney general, letitia james, and he insisted all the cases against him should be tossed out, joining me right now, cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york, elie honig great to see you allies okay. so trump lawyers are preparing to appeal a judge engoron's ruling for the $355 million plus interests blood in the meantime, does he have to cough up the money or at least
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a down payment bond, something? yes. so he asked to put up some of the money, not the whole 300 for 50 million plus dollar amount what donald trump has to do is put together a bond here ordinarily the parties will agree what's enough, what's sufficient, and it would be some combination of cash, not the full amount, but cash plus potentially the rights of property, the deed to one of his properties, just as a surety, just to make sure it's there. if the parties cannot agree then the judge will say, well, here's what i need, and again, it's not going to be the full amount, but it is gonna be a substantial amount. and yes, donald trump absolutely does have the right to appeal to the new york state appellate division. if he loses their he can try to get it up to the new york state. the highest court, which is called the court of appeals. but they don't much like the us supreme court. they don't have to take any case. so there's definitely going to be at least one layer of appellate review on this verdict. >> okay. >> i'm going into the penalty phase, we already knew that he was found liable for it, but along the way, a critical witness was his former attorney, michael cohen, and it's striking i think that the
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judge in this case is now said that because of cohen's relaxed demeanor, regardless of the acrimony and the history that cohen and trump had, that he became a credible witness. how striking to you is that that he would say that what was such an important test run really from michael cohen because we've seen him testifying congress. we've seen him speak publicly, but this is really the first time he's had his credibility assess by a judge in a setting like this. and what the judge said is overall, i credit i believe michael cohen's testimony. he but he gave a little bit of his reasoning by him that he said on the one hand, of course, michael cohen has his rap sheet. he's been convicted of perjury and other fraud crimes. and the judge said, and this would concern for me a bit. he said there were some seeming contradictions in michael cohen's testimony in this trial. however, the judge said, yes, look, i was the one who observed him. i saw him testify. he seemed at ease and also the judge said, most importantly, there was other independent evidence that corroborated key aspects of his testimony and so if i'm a
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prosecutor who's going to rely on michael cohen and there are some i would be taking note of that and i would take it as a more or less successful first run. >> so how does that set the stage for the upcoming march 25th set criminal trial? and this is the hush money case. michael cohen is going to be there for that to he will be a witness possibly a key witness, right? >> yes, absolutely. so in other words, well, the judge's words are not binding on the jury, but yes, in a couple of weeks march 25? exactly and i think it's a good sort of assessment of how you're going to have to handle michael cohen as a prosecutor, we have this case, criminal case. the first one happening here, march 25th, michael cohen is going to be the star witness for prosecutors, and i would take note this is exactly how i would argue michael cohen to a jury. i would say of course ladies and gentlemen, the jury, he has prior convictions. he told you about that. they're mostly based on things he did within for donald trump. but you need to look at the independent evidence that backs him up now you need to ask, where is he now and what's his incentive now? and look, people, prosecutors build cases on cooperating witnesses who've
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committed crimes all the time. i did it every day of my career as a problem prosecutor. so there's ways to handle this. it's not easy. and i think michael cohen has been through it now and he's at least survived in the judge's estimation, right next time we talked ross going to talk about the upcoming us supreme court possible activity this week and tomorrow, right. okay. tomorrow might be a critical day. all right. thank you. so thankfully, honig, appreciate it. thank you, kate. >> a standing ovation at the bafta awards. what brought people in the audience to tears that had nothing to do with the films nominated for awards. >> and >> there's a new drug that could be lifesaving for people with deadly food allergies with the latest move by the fda means for millions of people >> that night out on the ice, you saw something. >> someone in this town is hiding something >> you have to diego to get to the truth
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gutters for good, call a33 lee filter or visit lee today, king >> charles, wednesday, it on cnn also on our radar this hour, nearly the entire state of california is under >> flood alerts this morning as it's getting hit with more storm forums. this week, some parts could face up to five inches of rain by wednesday, there's even a possibility of the sacramento valley could see tornadoes this afternoon, which is a rare event. in california. the timing here is also
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noteworthy and rough because the state is still recovering from the powerful storms we're talking about two weeks ago, which brought record rainfall more come on that the most prestigious race on the nascar calendar is about to get underway. the daytona 500 was pushed to today after rainforest nascar officials to postpone yesterday start. the 200 laps, 500 mile race is scheduled to begin at 04:00 p.m. eastern. the winning prize more than $28 million >> there you go. >> it was a beautiful tribute to actor michael j. fox at last night's british film awards. watch this you should jiggly traces. yeah. okay >> again, thank you very much. >> but i've nominated in this case that went on and on michael j. >> fox is a surprise presenter for the best film category in the audience gave him that long ovation, bringing people well to tears, entering the stage.
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first in a wheelchair and then he walked a few steps to the podium. you all know fox is bravely battled and live with parkinson's since 1991 one. and if you haven't seen it, his life, his journey is captured in an award-winning documentary, truly an amazing film called still. sara it's. >> just amazing to see him still able to perform. all right. this morning, new hope for people who are allergic to multiple foods like milk, eggs, and nuts. the fda has now approved a drug to help reduce the severity of an accidental allergic reaction. the medication is called xolair. it was initially approved back in 2003 to treat allergic alert people who are allergic to allergic asthma? i don't know that was the thing. allergic asthma. the fda now believes it can help reduce the risk of a severe allergic reaction two foods in certain adults and children. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is joining me now, allergic asthma had to get that in my head and i just it just wouldn't happen.
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jacqueline, how will these drugs be administered? and there are so many people that have nut allergies. in particular, we hear it on the planes were not giving you peanuts today that someone on the plane has a nut allergy, how would this be administered and how effective is it? >> that's right, sara. well, this is an injection. it's administered once every two weeks or once every four weeks, as you said, it is approved for ages one and older and the idea here is that with repeated injections, this will reduce your body's risk of having a severe reaction if you are accidentally exposed to the foods that you're allergic to. so this will not work as a treatment like the way that you give an epipen when someone's having a reaction. instead, this will reduce the risk of that happening. and what fda of official, she described it this way. she said quotes while it will not eliminate food allergies or allow patients to consume food allergens freely.
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its repeated use will help reduce the health impact if accidental exposure occurs. and in one clinical study, here's an example of how this works among patients who have a severe peanut allergy those who are taking xolair 68% of them did not have a moderate to severe reaction when they were exposed to a single dose of peanuts. in this study. that's in comparison with 6% of people taking a placebo. so there's an example of how this works. it gives that again that insurance policy that you will have a reduced risk of having anaphylaxis or a severe reaction. sarah, that is really good to know my best friend and my producer or walk around with those epipens and so but they'd still need to do that potentially, right? just just in case if they were to take this drug as a treatment, if you are having a severe reaction? yes. exactly. >> all right. jacqueline howard. thank you so much for bringing that to us, fred. >> all right. thanks, sara. a. still ahead. defiance from
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alexei navalny's widow, as she vows to find out exactly what happened to him in that russian prison >> candidate john i'm edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? yes. >> how did you end up with a sex tape of john edwards and reopened tabloid trash has full alive. >> donner was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail. he still running for president. what did he think was going to have them? because all based on a law, united states kansel with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on seeing. >> now at t professionally installs google nest products >> they're all set on the system. >> we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no he worries. brought to you by adt. >> we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours, as spoiling their dogs.
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