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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. call 1803558999, or visit home served i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn
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tough questions two weeks ago and authority say she needs medication, american woman missing in spain, >> investigators are now looking at the last message sent from kherson, an operation to take down a gang of the world's biggest cybercrime criminals. the fbi is seizing a site on the dark web used to extort victims all over the world. >> that for you and much more, i'm kate >> baldwin with sara sidner and fredricka whitfield. this is cnn news central >> today, donald trump, heads of south carolina would just four days left until the primary race. >> there. >> trump is hoping for a dominant win in nikki haley's home state. and the polls are
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definitely in his favor, but if haley outperforms the polls, she could get a much needed boost heading into super tuesday. but if she does not, she will have to face a very tough question about the future of her campaign. cnn's kristen holmes is joining us now from washington, dc this morning. kristen, what do we know about donald trump's strategy heading into south carolina? obviously the poll numbers show that he doesn't have to do a whole lot >> yes, there that's actually exactly right now. donald trump and his team believed that south carolina is trump country and that saturday's primary is his to lose. and there is a reason for that. i actually want to pull up those poll numbers just so we can actually see what we're talking about here. this is the most recent cbs news poll that shows trump receiving 65% from likely gop voters. that is compared to 30% for nikki haley. that is setting up for quite the shellacking if those poll numbers hold for nikki haley in her home state. now, when it comes to donald trump's actual campaign strategy, it's been much less extensive than what we saw in new hampshire or
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iowa. one spin largely trying to create scenarios that embarrass nikki haley, bringing in south carolina lawmakers to speak out against nikki haley, people who she worked with in the past. but aside from that, it's been relatively low key. trump himself has only visited the state once since new hampshire. he does have events tonight as well as friday and saturday leading up to the primary, you've also seen know pensive ad buys in the state. now, i am told that they have extensive ground game there. grassroots movement, people going and knocking on doors, sending out mailers. but again, much less extensive than the kind of ramped up situation we saw in iowa and new hampshire. and part of this is why you're seeing donald trump's so visibly annoyed an angry at nikki haley for staying in the race that sara, its democratic process. she can stay as long as you can stay in. >> that is exactly right. and she plans to stay in at least through south carolina and maybe into super tuesday, depending on what those numbers say. kristen holmes. thank you so much for all your reporting, fred. >> all right. hot off the heels
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>> of a major campaign hall president biden is leaving the white house how soon to you guessed it? raise even more money in hours. he heads to california for a three-day fundraising blitz and he'll get there with a historic 130 kitty of cash. now on hand, his campaign says it raised more than $42 million last month alone. kate spoke with campaign co-chair here, mitch landrieu last hour, and he's excited about donor enthusiasm >> enthusiasm is always measured in how many contributions you get in how much money you're able to raise. and so by any measure, no matter who you compare it to, it's the best that we've seen in this quarter ever all right cnn white house correspondent arlette seinz, joining us right now, are let out what more as the white house saying ahead of this trip? >> well fred the biden campaign is building up a sizable campaign war chest as they expect to take on former president donald trump in november, those numbers that you ran through $42 in the
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month of january alone, along with ending the month with $130 million cash on hand. a really speaks to the fact that so far the donor class is firmly behind president biden, even as there are some anxieties about his reelection bid. but this all comes as so far biden has outpaced the former president and republican primary rivals throughout this fund contest over the last year, less than a year since the president's been in the race, but the president today we'll be heading out to california for a three-day fundraising swing. that'll take him to events in santa monica, also, los altos hills and silicone valley, as well as some events in san francisco, including one with house speaker, former house speaker, nancy pelosi. one source tells me they anticipate it could be quite a lucrative campaign swing with a source saying that they could raise as much as $10 million over the course of the next three days. but the campaign has also not just relying on these high-dollar donors, but also really trying to boost and tap into those
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grassroots small dollar contributions. they say that january was the most successful month they've seen when it comes to small dollar donations. and just to run you through for you, those numbers. they had 422,000 unique donors contributing in the month of january alone, 97% of the campaigns donations since the launch have been under $200 and they've also had these 158,000 donors commit to donating each month, giving the campaign the ability to tap into those small dollar are donors heading into novemberer and the campaign is really praising this moment, celebrating it with campaign spokesperson says, quote, this hall will go directly to reaching the voters who will decide this election. that's the reason number 355 million that we are confident president biden and vice president harris will win this november 355 million is a direct jack at former president trump, who will have to pay that amount in the wake of that new york civil fraud case. but really, trump has been an animating factor for small dollar and high
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dollar donors in this election. if you take a look at some of the campaigns, a small dollar online fundraising pushes in january, they were able to bring in quite a bit of money around events featuring the former president's, the campaign's says they brought in nearly $1 million a day in the three days after trump won the iowa caucuses, they brought in another $1.6 million after biden deliver that fiery speech painting, trump as a direct threat to democracy. when i've spoken to high-dollar donors, the people who are attending, people who are hosting these big events for the president, they truly do believe that the race will become more crystal clear for voters as they present this contrast between biden and trump. and that is part of what is driving this money push, especially with those high dollar donors. and it all comes as a campaign is preparing for quite an expensive race heading into november all right arlette saenz. thank you so much. >> kate >> nikki haley is still pounding the pavement and south carolina ahead of the very important primary, she's
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expected actually to give a big speech in just couple hours billed as a state of the race address will be listening closely to that no matter what nikki haley has made clear, she is in it for the long haul. all meaning least through super tuesday. listen >> i'll promise you this i am in this fight i will take the bruises. i will take the cuts. this is going to be messy. >> and i'll take the hurt because i believe nothing good comes easy sometimes we have to feel the pain to appreciate the blessing what does that message mean in south carolina ahead of this primary now, >> days away joining us right now is former republican congressman from new york, john katko. he's supporting nikki haley's campaign. it's good to see you, congressman, what do you think victory looks like in south carolina for nikki haley?
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>> well victory really is nikki haley winning the presidency. and this is just a stepping stone on that direction. so they've underestimated her in iowa, the underestimated her in new hampshire, and she keeps gaining steam and she's the only person left to oppose them and there is a market for that and there was a spot for that. and i think she has a good shot. >> one thing that nikki haley has been unyielding on, especially in the last couple of days, we have seen us or criticism of vladimir putin and russia especially in light of alexey navalny's death. and with that, she has gone hard at donald trump for his silence on this. she said specifically yesterday, i don't know why he keeps getting week the knees when it comes to russia. >> congressman, if donald >> trump is weaken the knees when it comes to russia, why do you think he is even now? >> listen, there's many people can truly understand donald trump and some of these inclinations, but i can tell
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you this much. it sends a very bad signal to those, to the free world when the respected opposition leader is imprisoned in russia and then murdered, and he says nothing. and that is something think that's what people should get need to take into consideration with respect to our policy. nikki haley's got our tremendous amount of experience, but that especially whether time at the un so that's something voters should really take into consideration if they view us as week, they'd be in the bad guys like russia and china, and north korea. that's not a good thing. and quite frankly, neither president right now it's going to strong with respect to foreign policy. and nikki haley could fill that void quite nicely >> congressman c90 also has some new reporting on just really the shocking level of house republicans who are retiring this cycle. i mean, people in some of the most powerful poem. >> and >> chairmanships. and you have a unique perspective on the decision to call on any decision anyone's decision to call it quits and congress to remind everyone you were one of the republicans to vote to impeach donald trump after
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january 6, one of only a handful, and you announced your retirement after that. why do you think there is such a race to the exits amongst house republicans? right now >> well, first of all, i can tell you this much. there is, it's to no one surprise. they're frustrated at people, especially people that want to work with the other side of my to actually get things done and just say and justice data about voting no. and it's not a news flash, but i've talked to several my colleagues and there's more tom and that's a certainty and i think there's there's a certain level of frustration that they are feeling in congress and they're, they're acting on it. and i felt the same way. i'd after january 6, i was a changed person. i was very first republican to announce it. i was going vote to him peach president trump, and i don't regret that for one second because it was the right vote and i think there's a lot of people in congress want to do the right thing. but the pressure from the trump side
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and the pressure to get in line is positively frightening. so i think a lot, a lot of good people are just saying, you know, i've had enough of this. this is nonsense. >> look in congress. i mean, has a poor rating amongst americans on a good day, not even talking about this cycle. >> a good day >> and is truly what does this mean for the republican party and congress come november, if, if members like you're talking walking around, you save, there's more to come announcing they were what does it mean if there hadn't to the exits >> while it's part of the equation, but i think what's really important as what's going to happen at the top of the ticket. if it's a donald trump, joe biden rematch, two-thirds of the folders that support biden are anti-trump and vice versa. so neither one of them have this overwhelming amount of support. and the white writers say, you got to wait till november because if someone like nikki haley buns and white house, it's a new day
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and it's a new order. and that's what we're hoping for. i look back in the late '70s when i was a kid pete, the country was no malaise and even our president admitted that. and then along came some of whom everyone thought was to start world war three. and then up cutting a lot of deals with tip o'neill that being modeled reagan. we will have another great leader combined like a nikki haley, that will change the dynamic and that's what i'm hoping for, and that's what she's hoping for. and that's why i think she's staying in the race because she's not going to back down to but to the intimidation because she understands what's at stake here. >> and i was reminded in preparing for our conversation that you'd said you wrote in nikki haley on the presidential ballot in 2016, as you'd said, you would not vote for donald trump even when he was the republican nominee, then haley has dodged the question on it. if she will vote for donald trump, if he becomes the eventual nominee this time around, i want to play for you an example. she spoke with jake tapper about this >> if the unthinkable happens in your view and you do not
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when will it be difficult to support trump as the republican party's nominee, given what you think about him, quite obviously >> well, first, i think that you need to know that i am going to be president trump, but you should ask him if it'll be difficult for him to support me she's dodge this question when she's asked country, when is this is this a hard question for you? will you vote for trump if he's the republican nominee this time? >> no, i just can't do that. just me though and i can't speak for nikki haley, but i can tell you make it truly believes that she can win and that's the fire that we need. if you look at the polling trump is within the margin of error was one of the most flawed president's from a statistical standpoint. and our modern history that being president biden, nic kelly beats him by a mile and he was she would probably take a lot of house and senate races, weather, and i think she's in this because she realized that if republicans wake up in time,
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that she could really make a difference. and that's what i'm hoping for, and that's what paul home for congressman, it's good to see you. thanks for coming in. >> year to take care. thank you very much. again, to remind everyone that big a big moment. south carolina primary coming up this weekend. sir. >> all right. kate, an american woman stay in spain, has been missing for two weeks ahead now, police are hoping the final text from her phone could finally provide some clues in their search. also ahead, the us says it will not support a un vote, calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, but it has offered its own proposal details on that proposal coming >> king charles tomorrow it on cnn my hair is thinning all around my hairline. >> i dermatologist recommended neutrophil. it's 100%
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>> they talk about for a lifetime to >> crowned champion the us supreme court could weigh in on two key cases involving former president trump this week. one of them, the former president asked that the judges paused proceedings in his federal election interference case. our the dc court of appeals completely rejected his claim of presidential immunity. cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid is joining us now. paula, is there any indication this could happen today, right? they could have weighed in. is there any indication on if and when the court might weigh in on these cases? >> sara, i think this is how we're going to spend much of 2024 watching and waiting for the supreme court to make decisions that could have an enormous impact on the election in november. let's start with the first of these two cases. we're watching for this question of immunity today. we already saw some orders from the supreme court. now they can
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act on immunity anytime they want. one of the former president has asked the justices to intervene here, to pause a lower court decision that said that he does not have presidential immunity. that would protect him from the federal election subversion case brought by jack smith now sara, if you talk to sources in and around his legal team, legal experts, most of them agree that trump is unlikely to win on the merits of that issue, even if the supreme court took it up. but much of their strategy is actually just focused on delay, trying to push this entire case back far enough in the year so that the former president does not go to trial before the november election because if he's reelected, he can make that case go away. now we're also in this really interesting moment where they are juggling too massive of political questions. the other one is, of course, ballot eligibility about two weeks ago, they held oral arguments on that case out of colorado. the question is whether states can band former president trump from appearing on the ballot. and during that
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oral argument, things did appear to be going quite well for trump. and it looked like there were perhaps enough justices to rule in his favor. but a lot of questions about exactly what that ruling would look like. so it would be a little sun now to get a decision on that case for less than two weeks out from those oral arguments there is a lot of hope out there that they will get us a decision before super tuesday on march 5. but sara, i think it's going to take as long as chief justice john roberts need to build a coalition behind the scenes, tried to build something that has bipartisan support. because remember, the supreme court, while they're juggling all these hot button political issues, they're under an enormous amount of scrutiny. questions about ethics. and of course, a lot of concerns about partisanship. so i'll be here watching and waiting and bring you any news if we get it. >> i was just going to say you are going to be busier than ever and we appreciate it. thank you so much paula reid, fred. >> all right. thanks so much, sara. all right. joining me right now is elie honig a cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york are a great to see you, elie.
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so the us supreme court could weigh in potentially on to trump campaign related cases. let's look at the 14th amendment colorado case in which the state supreme court ruled to take to take action against keeping trump's name off the ballot. so the justices heard the arguments. now, what are they considering? >> so fred, the next thing we're going to hear from the supreme court on this case will be their opinion, as paula said we don't know when that's going to come. it's important to understand though when we see this ruling, the us court is not going to make some grand pronouncement on whether donald trump did or did not engage in insurrection. that was very clear in the oral argument. there was only we one question about that in the entire time. instead, what they're looking at really is a procedural question here, which boils down to this. do the individual states have the right and the power to imply and enforce the 14th amendment on their own. and there seemed to be an awful lot of skepticism around that
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from justices on both sides. of the ideological spectrum. so i think it's clear i agree with paula. i think it's clear that donald trump will win this argument. colorado will lose the big question now is really will it be nine, nothing, or will we see more of an ideological split or something in the middle, right? >> and that decision could have a profound effect on other states. that have expressed considering 14th amendment application they want to consider whether or not 14th amendment applies in their cases. and the clock is moving very fast given the primary election season isn't it? >> yes. so colorado itself votes on march 5, which is super tuesday, i would assume the supreme court understands that the voters in colorado and elsewhere need to know before they cast their ballots whether the person they may be voting for is or is not disqualified. and fred, it's also important to keep in mind the broader national contexts it's tier colorado is one of several dozen challenges that have been made to trump's eligibility
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under the 14th amendment. know others have succeeded. the main secretary of state has ruled that trump should be barred from the ballot, and that's state, but that hasn't even gone into the courts yet, but there are various other states, illinois, maine california that have said we're going to wait and see what this supreme court does. so in all likelihood, their ruling on colorado probably will set the tone and set the precedent for the entire country, right? of those dozens, at least nine are looking about what happens here and may potentially follow suit. so the other consequential us supreme court case involves trump's efforts to block a lower court appellate decision saying and he does not have immunity. so what are the options the supreme court may take here >> well, fred, on one extreme, the court could just say, we're not taking the case and we're sending it back down to the trial court in which case the trial court would be back in business and they very likely, judge chutkan, there would set a trial date, i think for as soon as she possibly could, and certainly before the 2024 election, that's the best outcome for jack smith, the
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best outcome for donald trump is the supreme court says, we are taking this case. we're keeping the pause on in the trial court and we're going to schedule this on the normal schedule of briefing, which would take several months and quite possibly push it out until after the election. section. there's also a middle ground potentially where the supreme court says, we are going to take this case. what we're going to expedite, we're going to speed up the briefing here, which would still allow some chance for the case to be tried before the election. >> and if the supreme court were to block the appellate court ruling, does that undermine the process or even argument that no one is above the law? >> i don't think it undermines the process at the supreme court takes this first of all, i agree, donald trump is very likely to lose his immunity argument, but it's an unknown issue. it's an issue of massive constitutional and governmental import. two months ago, jack smith himself told the supreme court, only you can take this case we you can fully decide this. that's when he thought that would be the speedier route to trial. and i think it's important to
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understand any criminal defendant has a right to stand up for his rights to bring motions. i think any criminal defense lawyer would tell you they would bring this motion. you have the right to appeal in certain circumstances and you have the right to try to get the supreme court to take take the case. so i think that is actually part of our process. i don't think that subverts our process at all. >> elie honig, we'll leave it there for now. thanks so much all right, right now, police in spain are looking for a missing american woman who has not been seen or heard from in weeks what officials are now saying about her disappearance and lawyers for wikileaks founder julian assange are launching a last-ditch effort to prevent his extradition to the us. could he soon faced trial for leaking? us military secrets >> back room deals, cia secrets? >> a >> fair bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the
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direct redefining insurance i'm more liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn is a strange and concerning story that's unfolding in >> spain right now, spanish police are searching for a missing american woman. her name is ana maria kinetic. now she was last seen more than two weeks ago, and there's some strange details that are coming out around the time she went missing. a friend of her said that they started receiving messages from her that read i met someone wonderful. and also right around her disappearance, someone's spray painted the lenses of to security cameras at her apartment building? so many questions as they urgently searched for her. al goodman is
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tracking this from madrid for us. he's joining me now. >> what are you hearing from police about this >> i well, what we know is that anna maria was renting an apartment down this street and she had been since january 5th for a month and then she was going to extend it and then as about the time that she went missing, as you just said someone had written it the cameras at the entrance to that building where you recognized to go in and so near the elevators, hated black, that's according to the building superintendent talking to cnn, know her brother told cnn that i'm maria was supposed to take a trip to boston alona on february 5th with a friend, but she never showed up with a major train station. so at missing persons report was filed later that day, and that gets to the details of police have been getting giving out about her that she stands for feet, eight inches tall, that she's slim, that she requires medication in her faces on that poster has now been on posters around town, cape the swedish girlfriend that you're referring to gut the friend of
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ana's. got this whatsapp message talking about this encounter that she had the day before where she said she met someone wonderful. she was gonna go to his country country home for near madrid for the weekend and she would call when she got back and she said this man had approached her the day before and it was an amazing connection. now, ana maria is brother in that same swedish friend both told cnn that he talked independently to on his husband, the couple, ana maria and her husband have a computer services business in south florida, according to the company's website. but they say that the husband told them that he's in serbia cnn, has tried to contact the husband and police, searched her apartment just down the street early last week so there are right now many more questions in this story. and there are answers >> that's exactly right. all thank you for putting it together for us. we've ever picture up right here for everyone to see a lot more to come in this urgent search for this woman thank you, sara. all
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right. right. now, julian assange, the founder of wikileaks, is making a last ditch attempt to avoid extradition to stand trial in the united states he faces charges in the us for leaking military secrets through his media organization. cnn's max foster is in london now where this battle is going on, max, what is assange's argument for not being extradited to the us there are several >> one of them, the >> most basic level is that he has some mental health issues and a concern that he may take his life if he's moved to the us to face trial. another is that this is politically motivated. he was just a journalist doing his job. so it would breach his human rights if he was transferred to the us quite extraordinary claim now, coming in just in the last hour or so, that is lawyers are presented to the court obviously, we need to investigate this further, but this has always all presented in open court. according to
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assange's lawyer, there is compelling evidence. now in existence that senior cia and us administration officials requested a detailed set of plans and drawings of the embassy. the ecuadorian embassy, you'll remember he was holed up in for all of that time. and they are suggesting that president trump at the time himself requested options and sketches were even drawn up. when we're talking about options the legal team is basically suggesting that there was evidence of a cia plot to kidnap or assassinate julian assange. these extraordinary claims. but they are all speaking to a suggestion that if the uk transfers assange to america, it will be a breach it is human rights, so they can throw the case out. in which case he is still on his way to the us or there could be more hearings as a result of this if they feel there's anything in these claims well, there are a
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lot of new details coming out. again, those those accusations have to be verified and look through. i know we will be looking at this case as it goes and continues on. max foster. thank you so much for that late-breaking information coming out of the courts now, appreciate it. still ahead. the us says it will not support a un vote, calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. and it has its own proposal instead. much more on what that's all about coming up. >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as it can campaign staffers kid, >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror maxxpro, with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy adjust to weeks. >> here. >> i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, one gram, sugar, 25 vitamins and
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compensation you deserve 800 to eight to 44, 44 all right. this just >> an a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza has just failed to pass. the united nations security council, the us was the only vote against the proposal. instead, the us has come up with its own resolution that would call for a temporary ceasefire. it would not be immediate but what happen as soon as practicable? this as israeli leaders warned, they plan to expand their ground offensive into rafah by ramadan next month. that's if the hostages are not returned at something the un warns could lead to a slaughter. and as cnn's jeremy diamond reports, for gaza's children, the situation is especially dire and we do want to warn you the images you're about to see are disturbing >> one after another, after another, after another. >> victims of the >> latest israeli airstrike
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flood into this hospital in central gaza. mostly children. some of them still clinging to life others bloodied and limb without a pulse. the life gone from their eyes here, children comfort children, even as they are still trembling from the shock i was on the rooftop and suddenly i heard an explosion. i flew away and fell down. my back hurts >> i saw smoke and stones forming. then i heard people screaming. >> a hospital spokesman said at least 18 people were killed and dozens of others injured sunday in an israeli airstrike on a home. and darrell bala, israeli military did not respond to a request for comment about the strike witnesses say many of the victims had just arrived from rafah gaza, southernmost city where fear and confusion have set in as israel threatens
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a coming military offensive. but central gaza is no haven reality revealed in the cruelest of ways >> but yeah, i can't speak. >> innocent children the kids, them all i didn't even try that. >> in the ruins of the al baraka family home, the target of sunday's airstrike, the desperate search for survivors is underway that's one man dives into the rubble another shouts, get out of there, will die down there >> we could only pulled to alive from under the rubble and the rest are all missing. we don't see safety and a loss or in an onerous school or in a hospital, would safety is not something that exists anymore. they evacuated us from place to place, claiming its safe. there is no way safe >> shouts, praising god rise as a girl is pulled from the rubble. but her body is lifeless. >> added to >> list of more than 12,000
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children killed in gaza standards, try and cover her body. but the man carrying her throws the blanket off and wants the world to see what this war has wrought jeremy diamond, cnn, tel-aviv >> all right, jeremy, thank you so much. all right >> major blow to the world's biggest gang of cybercriminals. straight ahead, details on how the fbi and allies sees a dark website used to extort victims via headliner was vegas that's what i when i do, it's unlike anywhere else in the world >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn the day you get your clear choice dental implants, changes, your struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy
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and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. take the hearing life 30-day risk-free challenge. >> the source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine >> the world's most prolific ransomware group, lockbit, took a big hit after the fbi and its
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allies seized one of their dark web sites that they used to extort victims the ransomware gang has been a menace to organizations all over the globe. dirty me now is cnn cybersecurity reporter sean lyngaas. sean, how is the fbi able to do this? this is an incredibly complex group and has done a lot of damage that's right, sara, it looks like the fbi and its law enforcement allies and the uk and australia and across europe had a long running >> access to the ransomware groups servers, to their systems. they infiltrated them deeply and were able to see a lot of data that the group was collecting on victims and they also the fbi and its allies also developed a decryption software where they're able to hopefully unlock the systems of hundreds of victims that have these hackers have targeted. so it's a big deal to big bust the big catch, however, is that some or many of these folks are based in russia. the alleged
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attackers so this is a multinational ransomware group, but two of the man indicted today are russian and as you know, cooperation between moscow and washington on cybercrime and other issues is pretty much nil right now. so the odds of them seeing the inside of the us courtroom are pretty thin. however, this is a big blow because they're able well to sort of cripple the trust that the hackers had an ecosystem of cybercrime. anyone who wants to buy the hacking tools from them. now, we'll have doubts about doing that because of the fbi's infiltration of the group, sara >> yeah. there's always that fear that you're going to get caught up in this. if you take part in whatever it is they're up to getting basically making more and more victims and you see europol all the different agencies that were involved in this. it's pretty extensive, sean, thank you so much for that reporting is really interesting. kate sure so they also invest more than 36 million people in california are under flood alerts today as the state is getting hit with another round of big rain
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barbara airport, it reopened this morning after it was shut down yesterday because it flooded we want to show you what happened in northern california. you can see there are part of a roadway collapsed into a creek off obviously because of these relentless downpours, they've seen this month cnn's meteorologist derek van dam, he's got much more on this derek, you've been tracking this. i mean, california really has not gotten a break to dry out. what are you seeing? >> no, we're chasing actually the wettest february ever recorded in los angeles. i'll show you that in just one moment, but that's the concern about the state of california. what is normally very small creeks tributaries can become raging torrents of water in a matter of minutes especially when you get this type of water so quickly, look at this vehicle and all of the debris because of that raging river, which is normally just a creek unfortunately, just too much rain too quickly. and talking about los angeles, we got another two inches to go before
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we approach and exceed the previous wettest february, which a setback and night 1998. so i think that really puts it into context. what we're dealing with here across the entire state of california, including the central valley under a slight risk. but let's focus in on what's happening across southern california that shading of red southwestern bernardino county and los angeles county. this region under a moderate risk that's a level three of four of excessive flooding that could lead to local urbanized flooding. now that is because of this heavy batch of rain that's moving through on top of the very saturated environment. remember, it was only just under two weeks ago, we had our previous atmospheric river events, so the ground is wet adding more rainfall could just add more misery to the situation. and that's what we're seeing here unfortunately. so there's the over 30 million americans under these flood alerts from the bay area southward into los angeles. some of the rainfall totals have exceeded half a foot. look at the malibu hills area, just a very populated part of southern california approaching five inches equally
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as impressive as some of these snowfall totals over a foot and a half. this is very heavy wet snow, a term you might not be familiar with. it's called west coast cement because there's so much moisture content to that snowfall, it sticks to the ground, it sticks to the electrical poles, the wires, the tree limbs can be very dangerous, not to mention the ongoing landslides and rockslides we just saw actually a bit of a local storm report coming out of pasadena in los angeles county where a vehicle struck a rock from a landslide. so with an additional one to three inches of rain locally, especially in those foothills across the mountainous regions just outside of la it could cause some more localized landslides and mudslides with this ongoing atmospheric river. so when will it be done? well, more rain through the day today, overnight as well, but we start to finally clear things out by late wednesday and certainly into the de on thursday. so very active, kate, say least now, got a hold on for a little while longer. that's for sure. and then of course, it's going to be coming for the for the rest of february and into march. >> it's good to see derek.
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thank you so much for that. >> all right. coming up for us are frozen embryos, children alabama's highest court just weighed in on that. >> a >> first of its kind ruling will be back candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to >> pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? yes. how did you end up with a sex tape? i'm john edwards and reopened tabloid trash has full alive. >> donner was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail. he still running for president. >> what did he think was going to happen? >> because all based on united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on see you. hi, i'm sharon and i was >> 52 pounds angola on hello. diets. i could barely lose ten to 15 pounds. thanks. the goal i've lost 27% of my body weight and it was easy what is
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children. what this decision means for parents seeking fertility treatments there. >> and this just in the us vetoed a resolution can add the united nations calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the alternative, the us is now proposing, i'm fredricka whitfield with sara sidner and kate baldwin. this is cnn news central >> i historic whole for the biden campaign president biden's reelection team is reporting new fundraising numbers. this morning and they say in january alone, they raised 42 million dollars, meaning he now has $130 million cash on hand perspective? yes, that's a lot of money for any of us. but no other democrat running for president it has ever posted that kind of number at this point in the election cycle. and biden today is leaving the white house and washington behind for a multiday fundraising swing out west, hoping for mor


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