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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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means for parents seeking fertility treatments there. >> and this just in the us vetoed a resolution can add the united nations calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the alternative, the us is now proposing, i'm fredricka whitfield with sara sidner and kate baldwin. this is cnn news central >> i historic whole for the biden campaign president biden's reelection team is reporting new fundraising numbers. this morning and they say in january alone, they raised 42 million dollars, meaning he now has $130 million cash on hand perspective? yes, that's a lot of money for any of us. but no other democrat running for president it has ever posted that kind of number at this point in the election cycle. and biden today is leaving the white house and washington behind for a multiday fundraising swing out west, hoping for more money
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ahead. let's get over to the white house. cnn's arlette seinz is there are, let the campaign co-chair was just on with us and he says that one way you always measure enthusiasm is through contributions. we know they say that and hope that. but what does that all mean for this campaign right now? >> well, kate, the campaign is really hoping that they can continue this fundraising momentum heading into november as they've really seen, some sizable halls coming into their campaign war chest. it all comes as the campaign is bracing for quite an expensive campaign, which i guess who they expect to be the gop nominee, former president donald trump. but those numbers that you ran through for $42 million in january alone, along with $130,000,000. cash on hand, gives democrats a bit of advantage at this moment in time so far, they have outpaced the former president as well as other republican rivals in the gop primary. when it comes to fundraising. but what this a
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fundraising number also speaks to is the fact that these donors within the democratic party, those high dollar and small grassroots donors are still are standing firmly behind the president, even as they are anxieties about his reelection bid today, the president is set to depart for in just a few hours for california, where he will embark on a three-day funnel racing is weighing, taking him through los angeles also silicone valley, as well as san francisco at an event with former house speaker nancy pelosi, the campaign is expecting this could be quite a lucrative hall for them over these next three days. one source telling me they expect there could raise as much as $10 million in this three-day span. that speaks to something for the success that they're having among the high dollar donors. but the campaign has also been pushing and trying to boost their support among those grassroots small dollar donors. they note that january was their most successful month to date when it comes to those small dollar donations and just to run you through a few of those numbers they had 422,000 unique thank donors over the
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course of january 90, 7% of the campaigns donations since their launch have been under $200 and they've also found that 158,000 donors have committed to giving money to this campaign each month. that gives them a bit of hope when they're looking at those small dollar donations heading into november's election and on the campaign is really using this as a measure of the enthusiasm they feel they're receiving from voters. one campaign spokesperson said, quote, this hall will go directly to reaching the voters who will decide this election. that's reason number 355 million that we are confident president biden and vice president harris will win this november, that 355 i've million reference is a jab at former president trump who will have to pay that amount in the wake of that new york civil fraud case. but what what biden campaign donors in a campaign officials have consistently pointed to is that they also believe that trump is a fundraising advantage for them. they can point to him and they're small grassroots pushes online as well as in
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courting those high-dollar donors as they are bracing for what could be a very expensive race. some people think it, it could go up to about $2 billion in the end that number just blows your mind, but it could cost $2 billion, 2 billion could be spent to the president united states. but the other number to keep an eye on is you highlighted, is that the 97% number of donations that campaign reports has been under $200 since launch those are let's that means they can go back, they can ask those donors for more. they've got room to grow, to keep them coming back. it's good to see you. thank you, sir. >> all right. let's keep the 2024 conversation going now is cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona. and cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush, scott jennings. thank you both for being here. i'm going to start with you, scott, lots of donations usually equal enthusiasm as we were just listening to kate about these numbers. and this isn't doozy asm for a candidate. biden's
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latest hall. it's huge. should this rattle republicans? >> and i really, i mean, you're running against an incumbent president of the united states. this is one of the main things they can do is raise money. democrats have been doing a great job raising money in the last several cycles, really going back to 2016, it's been the democratic party that said the principal financial advantage in american elections. so not surprised he's got the money. the question is, is any got to is anybody going to be buying what they're selling with all that money? and right now, there's no evidence of that in the polling, but obviously in campaigns is better to have it that not have it. they have it, but i don't think it's unexpected for republicans who've always assumed the democrats level well-funded effort maria, what does this tell you when you look at those numbers, especially that 97% of them since the campaign began, or $200 or last of small donors that number that 97% of donors who are giving $200 or less goes exactly
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>> the opposite of what scott is saying. they are literally buying. what joe biden, what president biden is selling, because that's why they give they're giving because they support this man, because they want him to get re-elected because they see him as the one who is going to continue to boost the economy for their families, for a brighter future for their children. and the one who's going to protect our rights and freedoms and the one who's going to protect our democracy and our constitution, and the guided states of america. so to meet this news today, sarah speaks volumes and speaks much louder than all of the polls that we've been seeing. then all of the anonymous chatter and quotes from other democrats who were so worried about joe biden's age and all of that will absolutely have a place in the discussion of this campaign that's not going to go away. but i think what we should focus on right now is the fact that democrats, and frankly, i think more than democrats,
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republicans and independents who understand what a as extensional threat donald trump will be to this country if he is allowed anywhere near the oval office again these are the people who are literally giving their money, they are buying what joe biden, selling because they want this country to be a better place and they see joe biden as the one to do that. >> marie, i want to get your thoughts on this because there is one person who has come out that everybody knows his name, senator joe manchin of west virginia. he was asked by kaitlan collins on monday he would endorse president biden. and he said this, i'm not endorsing anybody right now. could this hurt the biden campaign? what do you make of his words? >> i don't i'm really not surprised. i mean, it's joe manchin, right? he is always somebody who's going to march to his own tune. he's not going to let anybody pressure him into doing or saying anything that he is not ready to do. i think what we should focus on is what he has said about donald trump both publicly, as well as privately. he believes that donald trump
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is a threat to democracy, is a threat to this country so i am pretty confident that even though right now today, senator manchin is not ready to endorse a joe biden presidency. i believe that as we get closer to the general election when everyone understands the contrast that this is going to be that this general election is going to be again between a man who will continue to boost our economy and focus on the future, a better future for americans. and someone who is a fraudster, a sex offender, and whose only in it for themselves, i believe joe manchin as well as millions it's of other americans will endorse joe biden either through words, through their money or through their vote at the ballot box. >> scott jennings, you know what it's coming up fast. the primary there. nikki haley is trying to take a chunk out of donald trump with the words that she's been used i think she's really been on the attack. what do you make though of her not answering the question as to whether or not she would endorse a president
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trump or a nominee trump going forward, she sort of skirted around that yeah. >> it's a great question because most people had expected all the other republicans to fall in line. but in the last couple of weeks, haley has become much more strident in her criticisms of trump. i mean, she doesn't sound like someone who's going to be willing to hop up on a press conference a few days after whenever she decides to get out out and say, this is the right choice for president. so, you know, i used to think everybody was going to get in line. i just i don't know. she doesn't sound like somebody who wants to do that. and today, i'm reading that she's apparently going to say she's going to stay in the race well beyond south carolina and super tuesday, even if donald trump a mass as the delegates necessary to be the presumptive nominee. so i don't know what she's planning, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be an endorsement anytime soon. that's for sure. >> yeah. it's interesting and she's also got to war chest and behind her as well. she's she's been gathering lots more money so that she can do that, say so that she can stay in the
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race. we will wait and see maria cardona, scott jennings. thank you both so much. my truck coming on and having this conversation so much, sarah. appreciate it. all right, fred. all right. sara police in texas now have a person of interest as they search for missing 11 year-old girl. and it's someone the family knows well, we have new details about who police say saw the girl last. plus cnn follows up on that explosive testimony from the georgia district attorney prosecuting donald trump. what we've learned that corroborate some of what she said on the stand and are you looking for a new gig details on the nasa mission that's looking for volunteers king >> charles tomorrow on cnn >> congrats carroll, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need a smile. a matches the moment. so
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legacy can go >> back room deals cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn so we have new cnn reporting about the case against donald trump in georgia and the messy fight also over the district attorney desert attorney fani >> willis is fighting efforts to have her thrown off the election subversion case over a personal relationship with the lead prosecutor. now at last week's very fiery hearing, willis testified that she never benefited financially from the relationship with nathan wade in her words, when she travels, she always paid cash. >> well, now >> the host and a napa valley winery is telling cnn what he saw when the two of them visited this reporting from cnn's zach cohen. let's bring back into learn more about it. you spoke with this host what did he tell you
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>> yeah. okay. when fani willis took the stand last week, she argued there was no financial benefit that she received from her relationship with nathan wade because at the end of the day, they effectively split the cost of these vacations that have come out in these allegations against her, and that includes a trip to napa valley in 2023, and that's where my interview with stan brody comes into play here. stan worked at the winery at the time and he hosted fani willis and nathan wade that day. and he said he recalls when the bill came, fani willis not only picked up the check, but she paid in cash almost $400 in cash, which struck him as odd, but take a listen to what he told me about that encounter with bonnie willis and nathan wade last year >> i ran up to saying and i showed her i was expecting a credit card, quite frankly and now she's i'll pay cash. so that was sad. so i just put the cash and may change for and she was very generous to me so stan
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was apparently an outer space when we did our interview, but his what he said, it actually does relate and is important to the cotton in the context of the >> case in georgia. because look, without when you pay cash, there's no paper trail and that is a sticking point for the judge who is weighing whether or not to disqualify fani willis over this issue of whether or not you've been and if it financially and sources i've talked to say that if fani willis is thrown off the case, it will effectively end any hope of prosecuting donald trump in georgia >> great reporting, zach, thank you so much. and we do all love a creative zoom background. you know, who loves a creative zoom background? >> sara sidner >> loves a creative zoom background. >> how did this happen? it's true we think of pulling from the archives the most creative, best, zoom background of all time. do you remember the cat lawyer? the cat lawyer. >> it >> was number one, i watched that for entertainment i used the golden gate bridge or something this was he's like, sir, i don't know how to turn
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it off hey, i go to reading. >> yes, please. okay. this isn't just reminder. this is a county courthouse in texas in 2021, and it was an online hearing, judge to attorney mr. panchen i believe have you have a filter turned down in the video settings after hilarious back-and-forth. ms ponzo charges ahead. i'm prepared to go ahead with it and then increasingly i'm here live. i am not a cat. >> that was my favorite line and i use it to this day. so it is perfect. and while we are joking and laughing, because we have some serious going to talk about we are tossing it right back over there to fred to talk about some real issues. but this was funny i have to say, right? >> and i have real people with real faces as we watch the us supreme court and where the justices have yet to weigh in on key filings from former president donald trump. trump once the supreme court to keep his federal election interference case on hold while he appeals a scathing ruling from a d.c.-based appellate court panel rejecting his claim
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that he has presidential immunity, joining me right now to discuss former assistant special watergate prosecutor, nick akerman, and carolyn polisi, a federal and white-collar criminal defense attorney. good to see both of you in person. we don't have to worry about any zoom mishaps >> all right. nic, to you first because let's talk about the trump team wanting to block this lower court decision. you, say it's likely a longshot for a variety of reasons. for one, it would undermine the supreme court would be undermining their decision which said no one is above the law. >> no question about it. i mean, first of all, you have to look at what the status of this is right now. what we have is an indictment. these are just allegations the supreme court is going to have another shot at this issue after trump is likely to be convicted in this election, interference case, at that point, a jury will may have made a finding based on evidence that goes before them and then they'll have a real record if they want to talk
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about this. the fact of the matter is the dc circuit issued a very detailed, well-thought-out, reasoned opinion that went on for 40, 57 pages covered every single issue that trump raised. and then on top of it, i don't think the supreme court wants to get involved in another election issue in 2020 for when they're already dealing with the 14th amendment issue, which i think they're going to be writing a more extensive opinion on. and is something that has never come up before. >> we'll get to that one at a moment because i wonder caroline, i mean, that was a very comprehensive detailed order that came from the appellate court what in particular with the supreme court be considering here? i mean, why are they taking so long number one, because they've already read through it. and if there seems to be some universal synopsis here that it really is about no one being above the law. >> what >> are they weighing in which to make? good decision? >> yeah. that's that's what the question everybody wants to know. right? i agree with nick.
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the supreme court does not want to touch political issues with a ten-foot pole. however, they are considering the colorado ballot case, which i think in all likelihood they are going to rule in favor of former president trump. this could be an elegant solution if they take the case ruling against him to sort of look impartial, i don't think ultimately that is the reason to take or not take a case. but interestingly, fred the merits of this case could be less important than the time so what we have now is they're asking for a stay present, foreign president trump is asking for a stay pending their their filing of a pending the supreme court's decision on whether or not to take the certain motion. so there's a lot going on, but based on whether or not the court is going to continue that stay saying either the trial court can't proceed, we can't get it you know, get it to get a final answer on this while we while we hear it, there merits docket is full for for the season, so they could kick it if they take it on the merits, it i mean, we could be months before we get to this. right. it would really up end that as
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it pertains to the 14th amendment though case with colorado, they made their arguments as to why they believe former president doesn't need to be on the ballot. uh, you heard the inferences from the justices who were essentially giving a lot of hypotheticals about wait a minute. you mean from this point forward, states could determine who is deserving of being on a ballot or not. so is this one kind of a given because of the way we heard the questions from these justices that you think they will be citing. nick, i think it is. >> now as to how they're coming out on this. so why has it taken so long? >> because i just impatient >> oh, no. >> he's not rendered a decision by now. yeah, i'm sure they have and i'm sure they're going to write an opinion saying that congress has to implement some kind of standard fare. the fact of the matter is there a bunch of cowards they could have taken this issue, they could have decided whether or not donald trump engaged in an insurrection. all they had to do, they are the supervisors of the grand jury in washington dc. they could have reached into that grand jury, taken out
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the testimony of former vice president mike pence, taken out the testimony of the white house lawyers, taken out the testimony of mr. trump's chief counsel, mark meadows based on that, they could have made a finding. i mean, they've just run away from this. there's no question that this guy engaged in an insurrection and the supreme court should have looked at that evidence and so found caroline, there's so much unbelievable pressure on these justices, right? because they're working so hard not to look political, but you got these kinds of cases. it is bound to look but local, yeah. >> i mean, bush v. gore is looming large in the minds of all of these justices the supreme court is supposed to be immunize from political decisions in reality, they never have been. you know, there's clearly a split. we have a conservative super majority now that doesn't mean that so far hasn't held that they vote the ticket as it
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were, meaning trump pointes don't, you know, sometimes don't rule in favor of trump. but and that's why it's a pretty cynical idea that they would engage in horse trading on the issues of the colorado case versus the immunity case. we'll see what happens. all right caroline, neck. good to see you both. thank you so much. thank you, sara. >> thank you, fred, the alabama supreme court just made a decision that could make it nearly impossible for women in that state to do in vitro fertilization and the implications could ripple to other states will discuss plus, we're getting emotional firsthand accounts from the doctors inside a gaza hospital forced to evacuate its patients. as he is really military moves. and one is describing it as a horror movie what is the humidity? this is helping to be a headliner las vegas that's what i want to do
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us and take the hearing life 30-day risk-free challenge >> i'm evan perez in washington and this is cnn texas authorities have named a family friend as a person of interest in the disappearance of >> 11 audrii cunningham? no. audrey was last seen thursday when she was just on her way to her school bus stop. police say the 42 year-old man who lives in a trailer behind the family's home, was the last person known to have seen her cnn's rosa flores is in livingston, texas. rosa, i know you had an extensive conversation with the sheriff who walk with you and talk with you and talk to you through this case and talked about why this was a person of interest. what did he tell you?
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>> you know, sara, we learn new details about the search about the little girl's backpack, where that backpack was found, it was found near a dam in an area that is muddy and i asked him if if there was anything in that backpack or around the backpack of their sight signs of struggle are clues there and the sheriff said that there were not that there was no dna, there were no signs of struggle, no blood in and around the area. and of course, they continue to search. now, he also mentioned that the person of interests, don mcdougald on the day of the disappearance, he actually searched this area for this little girl according to the sheriff, he was knocking on doors, asking if anybody had seen this little girl in this area. now this is the area where i'm live right now. this is the area where she was supposed to take the boss to go to school in the sheriff says, of course, that she never made it to the bus stops. you never made it to school and he says,
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the sheriff says that he knows that don mcdougal, the person of interest, knows more than he's saying, take a listen the missing part of this year's. is that mr. mcdougal will not stand up and tell us let babies at that's the missing piece. i truly believe that he knows where she's at. >> how big of a responsibility does that weigh on you? to make sure that those charges stick once you do find the evidence to charge him or anybody, you know it is a weight that is unbelievable most folks would never ever feel the responsibility that a lot of that some of us have to bear be cried over this several nights, several days >> now, sara, he says that he
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is cried a lot of people in this community of cried a lot people in this community have volunteered to try to find this little girl. they've searched the wooded areas by water and near that dam where they found a backpack. and of course, those search efforts continue. i should mention that the sheriff says that they believe and that mcdougal admitted to being the last person who saw this little girl that they left the home because this man lives in the back of the house, aware audrey cutting holmes live lived that they left together and this little girl is nowhere to be found. and now i have to add this sara, we've tried to contact mcdougal's attorney and he has no attorney of record, and we have tried to contact his family. we have not been able to get comment on this and it's very three important for me to note that he is in custody right now, but on an unrelated case, he has not been charged in connection to this little girl's disappearance. sara, i know the >> family is just beside themselves looking for audrii
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xi's just 11 year-olds old and there are pictures that we've been showing of her on case anyone there in that community is watching and c's this little girl who continues to be missing with someone a person of interest that police are now talking with rosa flores. thank you for are you reporting it's great stuff. fred >> i'll take it alabama's highest court has ruled that frozen embryos are children and are protected under state law. it's a first of its kind decision and it stems from a wrongful death lawsuit filed by three couples after their frozen embryos were accidentally destroyed it also comes as we well know, states across the country are making moves and wrestling with the definition of when life begins. cnn's dianne gallagher has much more on this. she's joining us now. dianne, what are you learning? what do you hearing about this decision? >> okay. yeah. unprecedented. as you said, this is a seismic ruling that will undoubtably have major impact for families in alabama who are seeking to
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grow their families through assisted reproductive technology or in vitro fertilization. now, there was a lot of uncertainty at this zero point. people are unsure. there is fear after the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos that were created through ivf count as people and therefore are protected underneath alabama's wrongful death of a minor act. now, this overturned that lower court ruling that involve couples whose lawsuit states that a patient wandered into the cryopreservation freezer and accidentally dropped their embryos, thus destroying them the high court held that the person who dropped those embryos could be held liable in a wrongful death lawsuit. the chief justice in his concurring opinion with the majority, quoted the bible and basically said those three to five-day old frozen embryos are the same as any child carving out an exception for the people in this case, as small as they work would be unacceptable to the people of this state who've required us to treat every human being in accordance with the fear of a holy god who made
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them in his image. pitch >> that was an 8-1 ruling. the lone dissenting judge noted, quote, no court anywhere in the country has reached the conclusion. the main opinion reaches and the main opinions holding almost certainly ends the creation of frozen embryos through through in vitro fertilization in alabama. so why did he come to that conclusion? well, look, ivf is a costly procedure, emotionally, physically, and financially, and fertility advocacy groups say that they fear that at best, this will make an already cost prohibitive procedure, even more expensive, but they worry that at worst, it would make it completely inaccessible in alabama because at its core, ivf typically, the goal is to get as many embryos as possible to give these families better chance at having a live birth or births. again, these fertility advocacy groups say that this particular ruling undercuts that goal for ivf
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dianne. >> thank you so much for laying that out. let's see where this goes. for sure. thank you. >> fred. >> right. in the last hour, the us was the lone country to veto a un resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza details on the proposal the us is offering instead. plus, we have new video of patients being evacuated from one of the few remaining hospitals in gaza as the idf takes control >> the department if not and if you've got united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn. >> you've seen this he was the one you're telling me you can get directtv, not good stuff, and you don't need a satellite dish. i used to love doing business on those things. yeah, one sick pigeons. then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. we
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states has just vetoed a draft resolution at the un calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the us was the only nation to vote against the proposal claiming it would have negatively impacted ongoing negotiations and the region. it is the third time the us has vetoed a resolution like this. instead, the us drafted its own proposal. it does not call for an immediate ceasefire, but for a temporary one as soon as practicable cnn's oren liebermann is with us right now from the pentagon. so oren walk us through why the us rejected this proposal and what they want to see happen. >> frederica, part of the question here is on the timing and the conditions around a ceasefire. and us ambassador to the un, linda thomas-greenfield made it clear that's one of the reasons the us veto this resolution, even though all of the other countries except the uk, voted for it, the uk abstained in this case on this vote, part of the u.s.'s issue, is that a ceasefire right now could disrupt sensitive
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negotiations that are ongoing to try to secure the release of the hostages. and that's another reason the us veto this resolution because it doesn't call for a release of the hostages as part of a call for a ceasefire. here's what linda thomas greenfield said in explaining the us is veto. here >> and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engaging on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. so that we can have a temporary ceasefire as soon as practicable >> now that's a big question here. when is as soon as practicable because the us resolution and it's unclear when exactly this will be put forward, does not call for an immediate ceasefire instead of calls for that ceasefire as soon as his practicable. now, according to linda thomas
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greenfield and the white house, this relates to not only the negotiations themselves that are ongoing, even if they don't appear to be on the verge of reaching an agreement here for a temporary ceasefire. but the us has also its draft resolution calling for more humanitarian aid, as well as calling calling on israel not to conduct a ground operation in rafah in southern gaza, where more than 1 million palestinians have taken refuge in essentially large tent cities that have sprung up to house so many palestinians here. so that's part of the issue here. again, should that ceasefire be now which the us opposes as these negotiations ongoing, that is what the us is pushing for her progress in negotiations. as well as trying to create pressure on israel not to carry out its ground operation in rafah fred, it's also worth pointing out that the us now it seems comfortable using the words temporary ceasefire, that's something that had avoided until now that is a distinction, all right, oren liebermann. thank you so much, sara. >> thank you. fred new video
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showing the situation at one of khan yunis's only functioning hospitals in gaza. it's worsening. patients are now being evacuated from nasser hospital it comes just one day after witnesses told cnn, the israeli military rounded up some of the medical staff there and forced them to strip and wait in the cold for hours. only five workers were allowed back inside to treat patients. one, dr. is describing what he saw my name is the force him default seem to talk off all his closest on front of >> all people and when they took him inside, i hear him he was screaming room that being used to beat him >> cnn's nic robertson is joining us now nic, what is the idf saying about these allegations from people inside of nasser hospital? you're that dr. saying they took his nurse and they forced him to the strip. what are you hearing
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>> the idf says the following. the international humanitarian laws of warfare, when they went into this hospital originally they said that they had leads that there could be hostages. there are hostages buried there, but the idf says that they've discovered medicine that addressed the hostages, but never delivered to them. and this appears to be part of an agreement that qatar helped broker, whereby israel would send medicine to elderly hostages, and sick hostages. so that didn't seem to get through, but i think from the ids perspective, and they haven't addressed the allegations of specifically on people, including doctors being left out in the cold, but they do say that they filtered the displaced people and the medical staff in the hospital and detained more than 100 people. they described as terror suspects suspects. we haven't seen the evidence that would indicate that they are terror suspects. israel
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typically takes people like this away for questioning and releases those that it deems safe to release so israel's reason for going in there seems to be a military one. and at this time, it remains it appears an idf military base where who the world health organization and others are saying that the hospital isn't really effective and that reconstructed plan let's take surgeon you heard from there at the beginning of this he also spoke about the conditions for him and his family while they were under siege at the hospital? >> during the decision over the hospital, the hospital was by three weeks. >> i couldn't >> offer anything to my children. we use read only in all my shape, the world's some some sweets i couldn't provide
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some sweets for washington my little by little year, two years old choose to ask me many things, but i couldn't provide piloted so we use toy now he is now out of the nasser hospital in another hospital in the >> south of gaza um, but i think you can hear and its voice the emotion and the strain of that period of intense fear trying to provide for his family and failing to be able to do it adequately. >> it's been really difficult for anyone trying to provide any kind of help and some of the hospitals with all that is going on on their nic robertson. thank you so much for all your reporting and for your team there in tel aviv. appreciate it >> yeah. >> coming up for us. nasa is taking applications for people to take part in a year long simulated mission shin on mars. and also russia, just put alexey navalny's brother on a wanted list. >> why
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>> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid, >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scans with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn. >> this thing it's making to get an ice bath again, what do you mean? >> he straps are mind-blowing. they click hundreds of data points like hrv in rem sleep. so, you know, all you need for recovery and you are hey, my investor and invesco, qqq, upon that gives me access to nasdaq 100 innovations like wearable training optimization text all along hi done, become an agent of innovation, whether invesco qqq, before investing carefully reading, consider fund objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and more in prospectus at >> okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strike good energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete
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company like humana just might be the answer >> tempur-pedic design that ergo pro smart base to help you fall asleep more easily. it's gentle massage and relaxing sounds help calm your mind every this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs,
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union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> popped him attacks, relief news night with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn >> just in this morning, the white house will announce major sanctions against russia on friday, according to national security council's john kirby, the sanctions will hold russian president vladimir putin accountable for what happened to alexei navalny and for its actions involving the brutal two-year war in ukraine. meanwhile, alexey navalny's month they're releasing emotional video appealing directly to russian president putin standing in front of the penal colony where her son died. she pleaded for the release of his body also this morning, navalny's younger
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brother has been added to russia's wanted list for unspecified charges >> okay. are you a martian who want to be nasa is taking applications for a group of people to take part in a year long simulated mission on mars. cnn's tom foreman, also known as the first applicant is here now, can anyone apply? will they let you're kind of nonsense in there >> not not anyone can apply. look, you have to be a us citizen or a permanent resident, a non-smoker, 30 to 55 years of age, master's degree in stem, or two years of professional spirits and or another possibility is 1,000 hours of piloting and aircraft. >> what are they asking you to do here to be part of a >> four-person crew. if you get selected for this, you will live and work for a year inside this space of 1,700 square foot. it's a 3d printed space,
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1,700 square feet is not that big, but is not really that small either. >> and >> you'll, you'll just spend the time there with these people very little communication with people back on earth. and if you do, they'll do the delay like it would be on mars where, for example, at best, you would send a message in five minutes later if we get to earth and five minutes later, you get the response back. so pretty isolating challenging environment 1,700 square feet? yes, it may be larger than your average, you starter new york apartment, but you put people three other people in there with me. it's 17 hours graphy throb would be like there is not enough room in here other than other than pretending they're martians, what are they actually going to be doing? >> well, they're gonna go on simulated space walks which means are going to walk around and red dirt as if they're in space. they're going to do robotic operations, habitat maintenance, cleaning things up exercise, and crop growth that will be monitored when they go outside to do that, it's not
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like you're going to slip away to applebee's for lunch. >> they have to be there and to what they're doing. >> and i >> agree, the biggest challenge here and the reason they're doing this exactly what you said kate the question is psychologically, how do we all get along? we all got it a little experiment with this during covid really but the question is, can people get along in this environment? can they get along? well, look like if you and me and frederica and say evan perez would be fired. >> imagine >> if jake tapper were in there you jacob was talking about i'm talking about the electoral college and we bell jake, we've talked enough about that. we're in space now >> we can't even spent time in a room alone with himself >> the four of us the four of us together, what a great time we would be honest. >> i don't know. >> you don't could you spend a year stuck in one room with me? >> i could you guys you're lying face i mean, they padded
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walls >> and therefore, that's true. padded wall. how would you get a time-out like how would you tell us? i need some time. >> i need a minute. you just go into >> you >> when should i think we should do it? i think we should do it. and kate should be learning to play the bagpipes. i think >> that i'm going to bring my guitar. how about not employing? years >> ultramarathons like tom foreman, you could not survive in this thing. like you're going to actually run the entire year >> ultra athletes would be good people to put in there over fun. that's the person you want in there. >> i hope i know what i'm party love you guys joining us, is not aligned face by the way, inside politics watch, i will be right about this. it's up next a headline her las vegas
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